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The Brussels Post, 1949-4-6, Page 5
THE BRUSSELS POST bride, :,(1ay, April 6114 11139 Specials In Coo iJscd Cars 1946 Dodge Sedan, Radio, Heater, like new 1946 Ford Sedan, small mileage 1947 Chevrolet Sedan, new car condition TRUCKS 1948 Ford, one ton truck with steel box and stock rack, small mileage. A real bargain. 1939 Ford, one tone panel. 1940 three -ton International. TRACTORS Don't Miss These Bargains In Used TRACTORS This Week's SPECIALS ! 2 Ford Ferguson Tractors with new 9" tires 2 Ford Tractors with 10 inch tires 1 Ford Ferguson Tractor with 8 inch tires 1 Used Ferguson Tractor, like new 10 and 12" Plows available and all Spring Equipment for Ford Ferguson Tractors, Ford Tractors and Ferguson Tractors. Jackson Kot rs Ltde Listowel, Ont. Phone 161 POULTRY — EGGS — FEED VS Storage Lockers Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 Brussels, Ont. er a Wingham, Ont. 1•, Wehave for immediate delivery a limited number of Ferguson Tractors and Imple- ments. Come in and see us or call 84 Wingharn, your Ferguson ,Sealer for this district. Mien's S ell Servile;. Brussels, Ont. Phone 77-r-6 Agent for Austin Cars and Trucks Always a car in stock. Expert repair service to all makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors, Shell Oil Products. Guta Percha Tires. Also Used Cars. Melville W.M.S. Tho of :lltivlle+ (l.urc•h h+ -id (genie 14.711 .'r John H. Short mew et,. un Feeley, April 1s1. The On March 9 th, nt his home, eeel meeting Was upenwt wild flu. slu,vt.r. Pape Ave., Toronto. .Toho H. Sheri of a llylOn The Scripture was rend Passed away. after SAVO1.01 yenta of by Miss Stewart after white dues t 111 !twilit). Tie leaves to mourn his Moses led iu prayer'. The officers I loss his widow, the former Borgne salmi hit thole reports. SPventten 1 Armstrong. and one brother, Tom valla; eel.. made during the menthe Short, of Gerrie, Ontario, to whom Maas Melemtl of Lat•hnow wits the uturh sympathy was extended. Mr. guest speaker and gave a n rr Short was a member of Riverton, ilt,opiring Easter message. The Ignited Church, Toronto and Morning meeting was closed with the Miepal Star Lodge, A.F. & AM., Cariaw, and Queen City Lodge, C.O.F. • Christina McArthur Nested away Friday, Mat•rb 25111. 1949 at the Toronto General Hospital, ('hrietinn McArthur, late of Athelma Apartments, Grosvenor St.. dearly beloved sister of Margaret E. me - Arthur of Toronto and Mrs. John 11re11betove (Mary) of i:eton. Rode. A brother Pater and a sister 'Elie predeceased her some yeare ago. The late ;Mee McArthur wee barn In Mertintown. Glengarry, in the year 1975 the daughter of the late R. J. and Mrs. aleArihnr, eonl!n With bee nrrents to the lith concession of Cray Township when very young where she lived for a number of years before going: to Toronto. A funeral service was held in Toronto from ,'the Turner and Porter funeral hone Sunday afternoon. after whirl) tip rennalns Were brought to Brussels, whore a public service was ,e 1d from the ('niter! Church, Mon day at 1:30, Interment in Brownie cemetery. 'The pallbearers were .Tames Turnbull. Wm. Snaith, Wilfred Tiny. Mock Shaw, Wm. Del tner "eel Dnnran Mrponalrl. Mrs. Eliza Alcock Airs. Eliza ,Tann eleor4 beleeed wife of Richard B. Alenck of Morrie t,.wnelin naesed away et the hon': of her son-in-law George Thornton on Friday, March 25th, 1949 in her 54th veer. Nies Alceek berg been in poor health for none time. She was beim iv Hullett township, daughter of the tate Mr, and Mrs. John Kirkconnell. Tn 1913 she married Richard B. Alcock and had since resided on tate 7th line of Morris. Mrs. Alcock Is. survived by her hilsband, 2 sons Beacham at lt•nlne, Eric of Stratford; 7 daughters (Teobelle) Mrs. John Alcock, (Ruth) Mrs. George Thorn- ton, (Mary) Mrs, Charlie Storey, NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Helen) Mrs. Clifford Cardiff, (Jean) In the Estate ALON20 LEWIS Mrs. Leonard Lamont, all of Grey - HEATH, deceased. All persons having claims againsttownship, (June and .Toon at home. the Estate of ALONZO LEWIS f Also surviving are 14 grandchildren. HEATH, late of the Townshtp of '3 brothers, 4 sisters, The funeral Obituary benediction, CRANBROOK Service in Knox Church on Snntlay morning was condnetea by 1)r, Turner. Ingersoll. The anthem was "I will 11hlg the 11'ondrous Story" by T)ilhorn. Ross Cameron spont. sr, 1,170 days Iasi. week In Conestoga with hist quill Mrs. Oscar Bustin. Sunday visitors with Win. and &les, ,Snlalldon were Mr. Alex :tleCnrrnl ELBA Jam. and Mrs. Keys and family, Sea1'orth, Hugh McCartney, 73 Dies In Vancouver Thigh McCartney, 73, or Tngaske. Sask., a native of Grey 'township fuel a resident of the homestead on the 49h of Grey tdr forty res, died suddenly while visiting in Vancouver. Mr, McCartney had been in Sate katcilewan far the past thirty years, hat had been beck on visits several limes. Mr. McCartney last visited this district about six years ago and it is rera.11ert flint he met Tntpector Neleon at that time and the two men discovered to their mutnel pleasure that Mr. Nelson hail taught school nt Tng•aslcr at Dar time and knew many of Mr. McCartney's friends there. A son of Mr. and Mrs, John McCartney, he was predeceased by ewe ilrothers, Robert and James of 4th of Grey: Mrs, George McCartney (Mary) of Tuckeralnith. ,Snrvivtiaig area brother, William of Milestone, Sask.; and two sisters, Mrs. Nelson Cardiff (Agnes) of Brussels and Mrs. William Turnbull (Aline) 4th nt Grey, Funeral services were held at Moose ,Taw, Sask., with interment there. Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 29th day of December, 1943, are hereby notified to send full particu- lars of their claims to the under- eitg'ned Solicitor for the Exeoutors on or before the 16th clay of April, 1949. after which date the Estate shall 6e distributed having regard only to the clahns of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Listowel this 17th day of March A.D. 1949, C. ,TOSEPII`BENSO,1 Listowel. Ontario. Solicitor for MARGARET RIDDLE FTEATH and JOHN BEVERLEY HEATH, Executors. Latest NOTICE Just equipment for Fluid Filling — Also .Repairing Tractor Tires all sizes Immediate Service Given installed Hyd l q SUNOCO GAS STATION Phone 8 Brussels, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tn the estate of JAMES. HENRY TTIUELL late of the Village 01 Brussels in the County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the fifth day of March, A.D. 1949. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased meat mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned exeentor or his solicitors on or before the sixteenth day of April, AD. 1949, upon which date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets with, regard only to those cleitna which gy1ie11 then have been received, 1)ATI1D at Brussels this 23rd day of March, AD. 1949, Fred Thuell, executor by his whetters CRAWFORT) & HETHERTNGTON, Brussels, Ontario. PASSENGERS WANTED— — Two cars leaving Brussels for Winnipeg about April 25th, Contact Riverside Motors. FARM FOR SALE— North half of lot 10, Concession 13, McKillop Twp,. 75 acres choice land. All is grass, 9 acres hardwood bush Brick house, 2 barns, I ' Mrs, I7thel Tlackwell, Phone 33 -rd R,R, 3, Brussels service was held from the home of her .eon -in-law George Thornton of 11)9 9111 of Grey on Tuesday, March 2911 at 2 p.m, Rev. J. H. Kerr of Brussels officiated, Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Pall- bearers were 2 sons Beacham and Eric Alenck, 2 brothers Tem 011(1 .lnrlrew TCirlcco hell, 2 nephews Lloyd' and Jim Airock, Flower - hearers were Billie Kenneth and neffv Alcock. Bobbie and Margaret 'M, ,9.011 and Doreen Kelly. [ Skinny men,women gain5,10,15lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrllh Bony 11mba e11 out; hgly h011,0 - 011 np1 nook no l0ngor ear pnyf body 10a0a all- starvad, Moldy "bean -polo' 100k. 1,04011t1a 0I girls, 50m00 mon, NIt0 00vor 0011k1 ealn War, oro now 9(0110 of 4Mpo12, h00118'-loakmg 00100. 21)09 thank tied 0900101 ed, nth ulldirnk, llavlt-bnitdlug 00ulo, itamin eta tooled, Btlmbl0nta Mood, improve Iron, vitamin 1), 05111110, 090011 blood, Improve app0ttto and dlgoetl0n as 1000 mrtews 900 mere DoeActoeitte nee gingnourlahmontl pup noa1, On baro 5,005, 1)011 tune gaging loo tat, atop 1vh0n 90u'v01101001 (110 5, 10 1(, or 20 4b0, Sou no0d Dor 11or001 grog lit, 00010 lltil0. New cop aoaltatOte slao 001! 000. Tr 1flanla 00(900 i2on10 TabIOta pot 00W vigor t 8141100061 pounds, tele vera day, At 011 tlrugglata' Flnnraohv n1 PT HOhl trims STEPHEN cT I.AIIREelT Pee., K.C. Prime Minister and Peevident of the Privy Council Louis -Stephen St. T.411190111 wee horn in Menton. Onehee, net Ti'ntl- ',elev. 1 1SCe. of F'renrh-Canadian and Tris-Conariian enrcnts, He was edirrntOIl nit St. Charles College. Sherbrooke, Ouebee. and et T,nvel University. Oneher City where he aradnated in bane, Tn fime, 1914, be oma nmm,1intod professor of 1a,r nt Tnvii, Tie 1100 been awarded LT.,T)'s by six llnivel'aitl'e 011 P011'0 TTniver"t^ 1930; University of Menitehn, 'I92e. P'nlveraity of Montreal. 1940: Bishop's College, 1941; Dn111neete University, 1947, .and the 'University of Ottawa, 1947. On .Tnnn0ry 1, 1940 hn was 1111(11 a member of the Tnnlerial Privy Council. Mr. ,St. Laurent has served ea balonnter of the local (limbo(' (Iry Tier, 1lntonnier-cease tn1 of 01011^r Provtltre Bar and nreei'71nt nt 11,e Can8ditill Bev Aa00clntinn, Tie ilea pleaded ninny imlportant Caere before the Supreme Court of. Canada and before tile Jnddcini Colnnlltt00 of 'd THE A YOUR DEALER Come in and meet Stan Stone. house, your Ford and Monarch dealer in Listowel, a man thoroughly experienced in ser- vicing Ford Products. Stan first became associated with Ford products in 1928 while working for the Ford Motor Com- pany as a motor mechanic. In 1930 he accepted a p'.sition with E. H. Matthews, Ford ,dealer in Forest and was there for ten years. In 1940 Stan accepted a posit- ion as Branch Manager for Web- ster Motors Limited, Windsor. which position he held until com- ing to Listowel as Ford dealer for this community. Listowel'. a�jtWltl(�''��jjj ryryA,AAc�r4�0�f!}'t'1l�Pt1£pT';'S'�rt.ynpwwv�.,.. Ford Engineered for Faster Farming Now Better than ever 22 New Features OFFICIAL TRACTOR TEST No. 393 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING DEPT. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, LINCOLN, Nebraska Drawbar Belt Actual Test Calculated ' To Sea -level Maximum Horsepower 22.76 26.42 OFFICIAL RATING 17.07 22.46 This is obtained by taking 75% of calculated maximum drawbar and 85 °o of calculated maximum belt. MOST POPULAR MAKES of TRACTORS have THIS ©F''aC AL NEBRASKA RATING We Have This lnfc�:rmaticn cn File CHECK BEFORE WI Phone 66 FORD - MONARCH DEALER FOR GREY, WALLACE ee ELMA TWPS. --`-`"`— Laurent's appointment was annolme- ed as Secretary of State for External Affairs. He continued to occupy the Ministry of Justice until December 10, 1946, when he re- lintinished this, post to devote himself entirely to the External Affairs Pontfolio. Mr. St. - Laurent was deputy Cll,airma.n of the Canadian Dele- gation to the United Nations Con- ference at San Francisco in 1945. and Chairman of the Canadian Dele- gation to the First Session of the TT. 91. General Assembly In London early in 194.6. During Prime Minister King's absentee in the United Kingdom In 194'5 Mr. St. Laurelit was Acting Secretary of State for External Affairs, and in the summer of 1946 when Mr'. King was ayay at confer- ences abroad he served as Acting Prime Minister. - Mr. St. Lnerent was chairman 0? the Canadian Del'gntion at the second part of the First Session of the 'United Nations Genernl Assembly in New York in October 1946, and et the Second Seselon of the Assembly in September, 1947. the British Privy Commit. Do setyn ae counsel on the Powell-Sirol4 Commission on T)nminion-Provinelnl 1;'le19111s' 1mnlydlntely prior to ter War, On December 19. 1941, Mr, Rt. Laurent succeeded the Into Rt. Don. 17rneat Lapointe as Minister of TuSt.ie° and Attorney General for Canada, tie Was elected to the Douse of COgn1nona in the Rueben Deaf constituency in a by-election. 1942, and In the general election in • 1945. ' 1 On September 4, 1946, Mr. SI A.t the national convention of the Liberal Party, summoned by the National Liberal F'edm•otindl, in August 1943. to select a slwioneor t0 the retiring Liberal Party Leader, the Riett Hon. W. T,. 3Tacicmlzie King. Mr. St. T.surent Was chosen "0 succeed Mr. King in that otflre. On September 10, 1648, Mr. St. Laurent again became Minister of Justice and Acting Prime Minister while Mr, King was at the Third Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations In Paris. When illness prevented Mr. Icing from attending the meetings of Conlmmn- weo.ith Prime Ministers, , which opened in London on October 11, eir, St. Laurent replaced him daring the latter pant of the conversations. On November 15, 1948, Mn St. Laurent became Prime Minister ,and President. of ,the Privy Councii. Mr. St. Laurent Is *married to the former Jeanne Renault. They have two sons' and three daughters, • ra It will pay to make us your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have all lines and our prices are right. We have the best in permanent pastures at the cheapest prices. Also handle Lundy Fence Products and all lines of feed. Ethel ° r L t `r. 'e Ethel, Ont. Phone 22-r-10 Brussels The Brussels Meat Markei QUALITY k,'1ENTS Wholesale and Retail d SPECIAL runs WEEK Swift's All -sweet Margarine 40c per ib. Smoked Hams for Easter. Phone 83x \Ve Deliver Anytime Coleman & Thompson, Props. > ohrok6 :Jc'>AgJs7i-Jc"lv wsS43J:>*:"51WS46",1 9.0