HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-4-6, Page 41T'ti gyp W a II'11' GO ASTfl IT IS BITE SIZE — YET THE FORMULA 5 THE SAME AS MASTER CHICK STARTER MASH. THE SAME HRUAICI INGREDIENTS THAT MAKE MASTER STARTER SO GOOD. ER BALANCED FES S ALL erasers or POULTRY MS UK 57001 f e4tgrp5 AI.5 &0085 t9 M ItA tri .; � u a:» ' 4`I',t laM E ss;.svr. mxw �n STEER FEEDER MIX 2 BAGS OILCAKE AND 2 BAGS MASTER SWEET LASS WITH A TON OF YOUR OWN GRAIN. YOUR FRIENDLY MASTER FEEDS DEALER. IS `48112 fLia, Phone 99-r-4 Sons Brussels THE BRUSSELS POST nt, _ gnu a ell d',.ereit a il!I s Ahe ,u' r ,so ,OR SALE— ! 3, quantity of hay. Phone 'II ria Wm, ilt,ll1111&` I. FOR SALE --- 1811 110cll - Sussex pullets. Phone Sox -r-2, FOR SALE ---- A quantity of hay. Phone 0!r Joe Wilton LOST - 1.h en:'e plate No, T2081. 'Kindly leave at The Brussels Post. -- FOR SALE— Galore Barley, power cleaned and treated. Phone 42•r-lC Mark Cardiff \_—. . FOR SALE— A11r Seed nets 81 on bushel 07 i $1.10 cleaned, 1 Phone 26-r'8 T, A. Armstrong HELP WANTED FEMALE' - I Lady wanted in Brussels for Avon . I Prndncte representative. Write Ilex 60 The Brussels Post, 1 LOST— license plate No. 83T96, Finder l Please notify Miller Richmond, Myth. i Pbone Myth 13-r-6. FnR SALE— ' House and 2 lots in Blyth. house 1 i is near the bus line. WILLIAM T. Estate, Conveyance, GENEP.AL 4 ^F" r" MAIN STREET — 7r-.737"•. r);•I'T. SPENCE BLUL'VALE The L'luevale women's institute 1 '.i:.;n,• art,,• being a patient from prize seed, Apply to Box 98. John Clark, Brussels. FOR SALE— flood duality Barhoff seed barley and a 13 disc Masesy-Harris grain drill in good condition, Phone 56-r-19 J. Blair McIntosh 11-d150 grain and fertilizer drill.m - McCnr'ck-Deering and 3 -section sarin; -tooth cultivator, Coekshntt. Phone 83-r-15 Ross Cunningham FOR SALE— A eitantity or Montcalm and Barbed* 1�10v11, Felker has re- P n•ley also Beacon Oats. all grown l FOR-SALE— sponsored a 'banquet an Thursday . . T ,unto General Hospital. Phone 65-r-14 Geo. Menzies dight in th:• ! O . ,,ci. 1,7-1'1. 1 1- r ether hall 0718 to Toronto. FO R SALE— tables with White t ncera and •lr•c,,t p< ae.o, end after attending a 12-20 Maseey-Barris tractor in ,,ted in Me bbie and yellow inst.ttute • • t , , ws, taken ill and had to good condition, was purchased new i3tY10rs were most at.ti•act:ve and t,,, lie-ntralized; Earl Mothers; Lu- by owner and has never done custom -seated 58. can. with relatives and attended work. 'The president, 'sirs. Carl Jahns- the funeral of his uncle, W. .T, Phone 23-r-4 Doug, Hemingway ton, introduced tire. -pecdal 7,'i0's, Johnston; Ni', and Mrs. Eldon Me- FOR SALE— Mr. Friday and 11r. Riley. 31r. Fri 'Kinney and sou Jin, London. at Double toilet at S.S. No, 6, Grey day welcomed all who had en9n; r i1 iii,: it home here for the weekend tip, Matched lumber about 18 x 11 in Fie bangnet and introduced hi- and observed the 20th anniversary good condition. Tenders received t snbiect, "Health Dic!eti0 Service," rf th,rr marriage. with Ili', and luntil April 25, 1949. In keeping with the home erniinm- 111•:. ,Rio Gurney and family 0 ' les branch of institute work. 'rhe Wingham as guests; Mrs, Donald Proceeds amounted to over $30. trent. Kitchener, with Miss Duff: Lt Knox Presbyterian Chervil here 31i'. and .lir.. Murray 1,Cilsnn and An Sunday Rev. Leland O. Jorgensen -.n (lr,,am•y, Listowel. and :blrs. 0eached on the text. "It is flu- Gulley, \Pineltar. with Mr. !shed:' 'The Sunday School will re., 1 -qrs. Roy Mann; Miss Eileen open next Sunday moruhig at 11:30 McKinney. Landon, with her norther. regular church Mrs. W, R McKinney. sa clock, following the mooth, abundant power! That's what the new '9 liver "97" delivers! Thorough soil pulverization! That's the result when you Buse the Oliver Plow Master and its exclusive Raydex bottoms with shares so low in coat you can throw them away when :they get dull. The new farm features of the Oliver 1177" make this itamous tractor more versatile and economical than ever to awn. Its steady 6 -cylinder engine and 6 -forward -speed trans- 'mission give you nearly any ground travel and drawbar pull combination you need. You have a choice of three engines: one for gasoline, one §or tractor fuel—and a diesel, a specially designed, farm - engineered engine that trill be available tater. Also, you 'have a choice of interchangeable cast iron or stamped steel wheels for Row Crop Models to suit your traction conditions. "What's more, every mounted tool is basically interchangeable with every other new Row Crop tractor. When you add the direct drive power take -off of the "77", metered oil system, battery ignition and the several other new improvements, you'll realize why the rr77" is truly a farmer's tractor. Mwr9tib '& I, . •.:;vnt Dealers , Telephone 4 and 93, Blyth. J. Carl Hemingway. Sec.-Treas. FOR SALE— Bray Chicks. Don't cut down your supply of growing Chicks to catch the fall markets. These chicks are noted for fast growth, high vigor, just the 01110115 to buy now. Pullets, dayold, started, prompt- shipment. Also chicks, cockerels. Agent— Wm. Glenn Bray, Ethel, _ FOR SALE - 2 real good houses for sale in ! village of Tlruseels, Tnvnediate pus. session, A nitmher of good 950015. 1 I have al -,n some good brininess Places for sale, J. 0, Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. 1 FOR SALE— Hygienic Supplies (Rubber (;scatted utailed postpaid in plain. envelope with price list. Six i sample 26e, 24 samples. $1,00. Mall Order Dept. M.33 Nov -Rubber 00„ illox 91. Hamilton, Ont. We're Saving for Garrity Security... Every dollar yon deposit in this Bank can be a step further toward security and greater happiness for the family. Out of savings will come important things in your family life ... good edu- cation for your children , . - travel ... as well as security for all. The manager of any branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will be glad to advise you about opening Savings Accounts for the entire family. Consult him today. "Commerce -- a family tradition" \'.-il,wlay-, April 11111, 1919 - ws raur orts ecr raxmur *em�suea+rm,sc CASH U USED CLOTHING i' WE WILL PAY CASH FOR MEN'S, WOMEN'S C!-IILIDI. P,!'..i r i++li 1.:'1 =.LS USED CLOTHING Sweaters, l�iMens andSkirts, Women'sc2piece Sults,Slacks WemenslSlack F and Men's ill Overcoats, (No winter coats please), 1`ri Odd Seit 199. and Cats, Neck Clot Ties, Odd Trousers, Shed,.. Purer, We pay from $3,00 to 510.00 for Men's Sults. WE PAY FAIR CASH PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED .... OR IRECTION CLOTHING RETURNED PREPAID Therefore, there cannot be any expense Involved to the sender. DIRECTIONS FOR SHIPPING 1. Wrap and tie securely in corrugated box, paper or sack. speed our cash remittance to you, 2, Make sure yuur return address Is rinclaly. the This will bel e p .3 PPhone the express company. willpick rr at your door. 1f your shipment is over 100 lbs., pleaseship by freight or transport. 4. Do not pay any money for shipping. Tell the driver you are 'shipping the parcel collect, and we will pay the shipping charges at thls end, Send parcels to THE CiEB TRADING CO. Dept. F-16 67 St. Nicholas St., Toronto, Ontario. lei Repair Your Tractor -- any ma a'-' Repair all kinds of Farm Equipment Pedlar Barra Equipment. Dominion tires ,taco Farm fmpiemenl E. Ethel 1 229.8B brusseis — W. W. loner, Manager. FARM FOR SALE— the Tenders will be received by undersigned up to the 90 day of April, A.D, 1949, for the Farm of the late John A. Mills, being the South Half of Lots numbers 4 and 5 hi the 14th Concession of the Township Tluliett in the County of TJuron, crntaining 160 acres more or leas. The said Farm is wood Clay Loftin -rand. well drained,' and no waste inn I 'd': t, r is supplied frnm an Artesian Well anti a spring creek. On the said faun is said to be erect- ed a Barn and Straw Shod. 40' x 00' and 30' x 00' on a stone foundation. I Also Driving Stied with Steel vont, 24' x 40'. Also a 7 roomed Brick Horse, Also on the Farm are 15 acres .of excellent hardwood hush, and 6 acres of young hush. ,Hydro avail- able. Lowest or any Tender not neces- I eerily accepted. F, Fingland, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. FOR SALE - 192.9 Model A Ford Coach, hi good condition. Phone 58 -r -1S James Hogg 1tItAD WHY LANA TURNER .,.. Dr. Herman N. Bundesen. pt'seirleitt of of the Chicago Board of Health, tells, in The Aanerican Weekly magazine, with this Sunday's (April 10) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, how pure chance robbed this llamas movie star of mother- hood. 135 sure to get Sunday's Detroit Times and read why Lana Turner lost her haby, ------- A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY OF BECOMING YOUR OWN BOSS 1 Retail 26n GTTARANTEFD %ouse. hnldnec er:itiea indndilil the full line of Insecticides. in a terrltorY of your choice, Part time agent considered. Hundreds of success- ful Familex agents started • with a $26, or $50. No risk — is Is worth a trial, Travelling equipment eesentta in rural districts, BUSINESS IS GOOD --Write to -day 900 details and mon catalogue 1600 Delorimer Mo,lltreal. PALMISTRY & TEACUP READING— Given by expert Vile d readier. Advice given on most all problems: Three questions answered with pialnl reacting. For appointment phone 894-23 or write to Mrs. I. M. Sellers, R.R. 2, Bluevale. • II BE ET -WISE . YOUR TREAD -WORN FOR BRAND NEW SIG -MILEAGE • Old, smooth tires are dangerous! Don't wait for trouble! Take full ad- vantage of our generous trade-in allowance plan. Here's how it works: we buy the unused mileage in your present tires . (and we're big-hearted) . when you equip with new, long-lasting trouble-free Goodyears. You can take a big load off your mind, perhaps save yourself needless emergency expense, by trading those old "smoothies" today. kip EAR TIRES WL ' MW TRAP-iN ELLIOTT ROS. PHONE: . 82 GENERAL GARAGE' SERVICE A COMPLETE LINE OP GOODYEAR TIRES, TUBES, LIFEGUARDS AND BATTERIES 939 Phone 86-r-5 After getting them off to a fast start with Roe Vita Food Chick Starter, switch at the seventh week to Roe Vita -Grow Growing Mash. Made fresh daily, these profit-making feeds are produced in Western Ontario especially for Western Ontario chicks and pullets. Both of these Roe Feeds have what it takes to build big frames, sound flesh, healthy internal organs ... this means bigger profits for you later. One season will prove that it pays to use Roe Feeds. See your Roe Feed dealer. PASTURE IN THE RAG Spring Grasses, rich In proteins and vitamins are harvested et their nutrition • peak, dehydrated in minutes, Ihen added to all Rao Vite- mized Feeds , . . a "green gold" diet bonus for poultry, livestock. RFB-9 ��;y� Iry .rf'- �ti� �t�-L,•a ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT. YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM : John Lamont, Ethel P. Harrison, Monerieff East Huron Produce, Brussels