HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-4-6, Page 1POS I" PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, April 6th, 1949 AJcccc'>Ja'�S`sS•JcAc'ai:Ju�..'q�:lc - Give HER NEILSON'S BOX CHOCS. FRESH You bef :;they are we just received them animals attain" Malt nntcr i t from the factory. SATURDAY SPECIAL Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies .. 35c lb. 1 Gal. Applesauce 49c GRE OCETERIA Phone 5 Brussels . Brussels Cadets Win Signal Prizes T1iroe Brussels cadets suceessfnlly completed their tests in signalling en Thursday afternoon and each woe $10. Those who obtained these awards were: Jim P.owmnu, .Tim Armstrong, and Joint Wilson, Corporal Guy gave the test. Dedication of New Organ At Knox Church, Cranbrook On Sunday, April 10, at 11 a.m. ORGAN & VOCAL RECITAL At 7:30 p.m. Organ selections by NIr. Louis Thompson Solos Quartet Anthems na Car Old Comranv Lehigh Coal Stove & Nut This is the very best coal mined in America . Alberta Coal in Stock. Get Your Coal Off Car Order At Once D. N. McDONALD Blessed are they ibhat hear the word of God and keep it. Melville Church Mlnlster Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a, in, Divine Service No evening service on aocount of Organ Recital tet Cranbrook, Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster, The --nited C urch OP CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh Wilson Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar 11 a. m. Morning Worship "The .Cup of Life." Mission Band 12 Church School and Bible Class The MoJ1on Ptehune "Western Hands Are Sure." This a Sound !Picture in Color Of Hosiptal Work in the Canadian West, Come and Worship, Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr .r- Rector. 6hIi Sunday In Lent April 10111, 1949 bt. David's Church, Henfryn. - 9,80 a. m. Sunday School 10.80 a., m. Morning•' Prayer St. John's Church Brussels -� 1 p. m. Sunday School 2 p. m. l.0vening Prayer Lent Service each Thursday evening at 7.80 p, tn. St.George's Church Walton - 8,45 p, m, Itivenili',g Prayer Sunday School CARD OF THANKS Mr. Richard Alcock and family thank the friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown during Mr 1liless and at the time or the death or a loving wife and mother. Special thanks to Dr, J. H. harper, Dr. J. Connell, Dr. R. W. Stephens and the util' ee in \'4ingham hospital: also to those who' sent flowers. to Rev. J. Kerr and Mr. Rano and all those who helped in any way. Richard Alcock and Family, REGENT THEATRE SeaYortb, Ont. NOW PLAYING Thurs., Frt., Sat. April 7.89 In Technicolor A Song Is Born with Danny Kaye and Virginia Mayo Musical talent is luxuriantly display- ed with Danny Kaye as he coverts through this comedy. Mon., Tues., Wed. April 11.1243 Naked City with Barry Fitzgerald Dorothy Hart and Sam Spade of Radio Fame the •Most exciting story of the world's most exciting city, terrifically told by Mark Hlllenger—the man who knows New York hest. Actually filmed on the sidewalks of New York. Next Thur., Fri., Sat. April 14.15.16 Three Godfathers in technicolor with John Wayne Pedro Armendarls Harry Carey Jr. John Ford's Legend of the Southwest COMING— I Love Trouble with Franchot Tone Janet Blair I Capitol Theatre LISTOWEL Wed: Thur. . April 9-7 (Adult Entertaimnetnt "Loves of Carmen" hs Technicolor with Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford also Barbara Ann Scott in "Dancing Blades" assommommaxemia .Fri. Sat. April. 8.9 Roy Rogers and "Trigger" in "Gay Ranchero" in Trucolor Cartoon and Shorts. Sat. Mat. 2:00 P. M. Mon. Tues. April 11-12 "The Exile" with Doug. Fairbanks, Jr. and Marie Montez. TUESDAY PHOTO NITF LIFER $100.00 Mon. Attendance Card. Night. Wed. Thur. April 13-14 Betty Grable, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. in "That Lady in Ermine." in Technicolor. Biography of RT. HON. LOUIS STEPHEN ST. LAURENT P.O., K.C. Prime Minister art: President (Si'' Story on Inside Page.) Dedi;ation And Recital At Knox Church, Cranbrook An electrir organ, purnhasrd by the congregation. will be dedicated at TCnox Church, Cranbrook, on Sunday at 11 a.m. The new instru- ment rtplacee the pedal organ acduired in 1997. Prior to 1997 the praise was led by a preecntor. lir. Wm. Rlc'hards, now residing in Hamilton, was the last precentor. The pedal organ was first played hy, Miss. Matilda Marilee. The cled•icetion service will he conducted by Rev, Dr. H. H. Tamer. At 7:90 p.m. there will be an oueaty and vocal recital. Mr. Louts D. 'Thompson will Play organ selections. and members o; the choir will contribute solos. Psychology Course The Majestic Women's Instituto „ponsnred u short eourse' nn PSy otology for the homemaker this week, on Tuesday, Wednesday -and Thursday afternoons, The topic for disnuasfon was "Living Together in tete Family," and was given by Miss Irene McBride of the Home Ecommmics Department, They clos- ed the eourse on Thursday with a tea and social hour. The United Church 'Phe Holy Communion was -admin- istered in the morning worship in the United Church, The following members were received hy certifi• gate, Mr. and Mrs. I-Tarvey Stephen- son, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. FTendercou. Mr. Ralph Pearson. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Bone, Kenneth Bone, Glen Bone and Charles Bone. The morning anthem was "Thee we adore" by Tra B. Wilson. The Friendship of .Tonatilan and Daviel was the suhjeet of the evening sermon, The choir sang "No este in the sky" by Smith.,, CARD OF THANKS 1 take this opportunity to thank my tunny friends for three gifts, r,u'ris and flowers. Your kindness wilt never be forgotten. It was nice to he remembered by old friends. Elsie Rutledge, Ripley. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends tine( neighbors for their loving acts of kindness, during our sad bereave• mire. it was very notch appreciated Special thanke to Rev. i4Tr, Wilson and Miss Hingston. Miss Margaret McArthur Brussels United Church SUNDAY, APRIL 10th EVENING SERVICE 7.30 P. M. The Motion Picture WESTERN HANDS ARE SURE A Sound Picture In Technicolor HOSPITAL WORK IN THE CANADIAN WEST. CONUNG UM P .,) rusc7e1 Town Ha9ln BOB MASON • "Radio's Tallest Singing Cowboy" and his WESTERN SWINGBILLIES STAGE SHOW and BARN DANCE Heard daily over C. F. P. L., London at 12 Noon Admission: Adults 75c, Children 35c Fe F. Homuth Optometrist will be n Brussels all day Thursday, April 21st Phone Miss M. Bryans 26x Brussels for appointni•ent. ' Brussels To Have Daylight Saving Time At the regular meeting Melville Church The Sacrament of the Lord' Supper was disprnsad at the morn- ing service on Sunday. Rev. Mr Milan preached on the subject "He lv our Father." The anthem was '0 Saviour of the world" by Goss. et the evening service Mr. :Wily,. preached on the ' subject "Ts God Unkind' 'end based the sermon of the trials and tribulations of Joh, Miss Margaret Cardiff rendered the solo "Bless this Home" by Bra11e. of the Brussels Council held 00 mammy my niglut it was decided to have day- light-saving time, Itwill conn melee on Sunday, April 24th, the same day as. other rotttmunilies ore commencing, CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to express my sinee,et. thanks to all, who remembered me with cards and gifts while T was 'In Listowel hospital, and since T earn., hone. Ti was all very much apes l'l sled. Marie Bennett. CARD OF THANKS S\'nhing to say sperlal thank. to Doctors Myers and Harper, ladies ni Rebekah Loden. neigbo's and -` other friends for beautiful floral t'ibutee also alt the w Moho so kindly aunt patiently helped mother in her 1 feeble health 111TV1011S to her VI 1 Library Notes The H,c'.P..:A. made its 1'r'gula' exchange- of hocks last Week. 11 yon are not already acquainted inte;1 with "Faces of Destiny" by Karst, be. sure to see 11 while it is availebie in the library. To say that Yousuf Harsh is the most fa -mugs portrait phnlograpi1 i' in the world is neither news nor exaenralion Karst portraits lure known far and wide and their fyinel qualities have made 1hr' plume grabber almost as rnuonwned n.. hie subjects. This volume contains seventy-five of his finest pictures, selected front the studies of outstanding pe'snne whir•h have established his repute: time Readers will find a short hingrnphi-al note on each of the notables included in this ;•bum while the intimate 'gin, eletel en;; nlents by Karan art, lrtel .ten., 10 Ihentsrtr0. as eelelt.,hte en the. It o"tonalities of tic snhierts. Melville Ladies" Aid 7Telv'lln Lollies' Aid soot evening at the home of Miss \Tai v Lamont. A prod turn 'nit of nu. ed,,es were present. Mrs,. lhrrnld h-••'. prt.gided. The onenine hymn w 4 ?ons. The ,treasurer's report was reed by Mrs. Allen and the tttry'c report by Mrs. 'Wili Speirs which were approved. Tunis of 1 n.:•nr::, were talked over and a very pleasant time was spent sn: lolly. Latch Win oleo seri ,.,1 n' ihr ,•"minittre 'n tonna^_n an'T /1'' reeding was ulnad with the 7Tizpah t:•nedietinn. illness. especially the young folk". t11e rhy hatpins- ng :n nn,rh thus• kindly, coultenus nets will neve lee fotgnttet, Mrs. P,eeele 11001e11 Mrs. Earl Somers Mrs. Ethel Williams NOTICE Th. f. flet.. Tt<,1tr.., which :•reg t:. he bold on April 11114 ling been rnm.,1.nr1 owing to mlforaeen eii'runiet•um es. The next dance will be May 2nd. BRUSSELS, ONTA.RI NOTICE To Users of the United Church Shed and to Those who Derive a Benefit from the shed es a convenience to their customers: Recently eee5.00 was -petr, our repairing and painting this shed. The fo]lowiny Is a lin! vb, nmlrit,ntad to Ode exeen<s. Vee believe there ere others who would like to contribute. Yon may an so by giving your donation to one of the following: Mr. D. A. Bann, Mr. N. Hoover or 1Mfx: A. McTaggart. Miss McNair $ 2.00 Miss Dickson 5.00 Rob', Michie 2.00 Jas. Nolan 5.00• 'Wee. Kerr 9.00 Jas. Moses 2,00' flarf. McDonald 11.01, arra;,, 41naee 1.00 telt:, Wheeler 10.00 Alex McDonald 2.00 Ed. Bryans 10.00 lirne:sele Creamery 25.00 i$rnnst Smith 2.01) Thos. Rills 2.1149 Howard Clark 2,o0 Cameron Adams 5.00 John Jordan 10.00 Herbert Manning 5.00 A•rtateur Night 1'}t i:ris.roti Lions Club will held their Amateur Night on ,wriday, April :_. ,11 S:15 p.m. Get your Entry Forms frim 1,'. G. !.each. AR 1 _,.:,•, :,' i n.tirds community service work. 550.00 worth nt cash prizes to hr given away. A good varied programme is expecte:1 all give this worthy cause your Ioya'• support. AN SELL ITV The married woman wants peace of mind and security for herself and her family—money for food—shelter—clothes--education. The business woman wants peace of mind and security at retirement. Ask for our pamphlet especially written for women entitled feI Want Insurance". It will interest you. J,o 8,7u Gonsu(te Confederation Life HEAD OPF1GE Association t O R 0 N 1 0 .fit .,sal#ki�tiw. T,?,rintr•'rt`>•"F .!-. n: ,r. td.mree.7' J. C. LONG, Representative, Brussels. v ' Proi4 c,L,iourice 0118 APPOINTMENT AS PURVEYO R S OF THE RENOWNED SHOES FOR MEN=! Their shoebuilding possesses a fineness of character that is found in no other .malts; we are showing their -newest -styles, in a range that meets any i iidget...and we tit with rare, Y u Uii iA a Y SELECTIUN Is I(Vvllhu Pearson's Shoe Store Phone 11 Brussels, Ont. (ai