HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-3-23, Page 6ES N THE 1LD RUSSIA The bakers' dozen of men who lime the live, and destinies or almost 200 million Russians arrive at the Kremlin late in the day. But they frequently make up for it by burn- ing the lights behind those yellow stuccoed walls far into the next morning; and often their most dra- matic decisions are sprung on the world at midnight or later. One such announcement was made at 11.45 p.m. Moscow time slightly less than ten years that For it was on May 3, 1 Molotov was made Russian Foreign Minister in place of Litvinov. Later that same year the infamous Molo- tov -Ribbentrop pact Aug made public long after midnight. .A sintilar pattern was followed in regard to the latest move of the Kremlin boys—a move that still has the rest of the world guescing. At 1.58 a.m. t Moscow time) an an- nouncer for the Russian radio read a terse 85 word communique over the air. Translated, it told of Molo- tov's having been "releas.td from the duties of Minister of Foreign Affairs," and of A. Y. Vishincky s appointlnent in his place. Just what does this shift mean? In trying to ans'l er this question, four great factors ntnst 'pe con- sidered. (1) Molotov and Stalin have been close friends ever since the "under- ground days" in Czarist...a,sia." For two deca_4lt stdlotov has been x6ltfl�Ril ac"the voice of Stalin." (2) On the other hand Molotov ant Vishinsky have always been "twins" in their conduct of foreign affairs. Although Molotov is cold at meetings with foreign ministers while Vishinsky is fierce, there is nothing to choose between them when it comes to toughness. (3) Some day—possibly soon— there must be. a successor to Stalin. Now 69, he has carried a heavy burden for years, and there have been recurrent speculations that he is gravely ill. (4) Russian foreign policy has not been working too well of late. The Berlin blockade failed to dislodge the Western powers. Attempts to wreck the Marshall Plan have got practically nowhere; and Soviet policy in Eastern Europe has brought about the Marshall Tito. ^ So, throughout the world there is aluch discussion as to whether the latest announcement means promo- tion for Mr. Molotov—or is it de- motion? As a .New York Times correspondent puts it. Factors 1, and 3 support the promotion theory. Factor No. 4, that of demotion, Only time ran tell—and, at this writing. it hasn't said anything yet. GREAT BRITAIN The Conservative party reams to be in more of a quandary than ever. In an effort to win the Hammer- smith bye -election the Tories "shot the works"; but even the personal campaigning of Winston Churchill failed to keep Labor from winning —by a reduced majority, it is true— hut still winning decisively. Now. in spite of reports of a "snap election" it seems unlikely that. the Labor Government will Ball a general election before some . time nest year, as it is confident Nor:an.Blaih that it can retain or even increase its popular support by plugging away at the advantages of socialist welfare schemes, such as universal health insurance. And the Conservatives are afraid to criticize such schemes too vigorously. Churchill called off his promised House of Commons at- tack on the tremendous expendi- tures for food subsidies, socialized medicine etc. for fear that it might be interpreted as an all-out assault on the highly popular principles of that same national health scheme. 'lite Laborites, quite naturally, have made tremendous capital of Churchill's retreat. More than that, as ane cotnmentator put it, "the Tories have so far been unable to devise any program to rival the 'something for nothing' Socialist appeal. This has proved particularly attractive to young working-class Britons, who have become used to the feeling that the state will take care of them, come what may. To thein, Churchill is a reactionary old hsc;;been" In their enthusiasm for social welfare, few Government support- ers have listened to the quiet Warn- ings that British productivity has ceased to rise, that exports may soon drop, and that the vast ex- penditures on social sservice may soon eat nif the entire national In- come. But thee,-optomistic prophets 'wee always far more popular than those whose forecasts have a pessi- mistic tinge. ' THE UNITED STATES The military mind still seems to he functioning in the same old style. In San Jose, Calif., during the course of tl lecture, a Reserve Of- ficer made the headline; with the announcement that both the United States and Russia are in possession of a secret Nazi death spray, called "Tabun." A drop the size of a dime of this almost odorless gas will, if left on the skin for ten minutes, be absorbed into the blood stream and cause death within twenty-four hours or less. But U.S. Regular Army authori- ties said that they weren't a bit alarmed, pointing out that gas masks and nonpermeable clothing, developed during World War Two, are effective against "Tabun." "We know all about that stuff— and we have done even better" said one Army spokesman somewhat ominously. Just what will happen to us poor civvies, who aren't equipped with gas masks and nonpermeable tog- gery, in case the nations get to spraying "Tabun" or "something even better" around, the Army spokesman failed to explain. Still, as 1 hinted before the military mind functions in a manner all its own; and so long as we don't lose the next war, It won't matter much if we all get killed in the process of winning. IRATE CITIZEN in Jersey City, one Thomas un- wisely reported the theft of his car to police, who discovered that it had been stolen once before—by Thomas. Will Answer Your Phone For You. -Pretty soon, supposing you want to call Joe Doakes on the phone you're. liable to hear • a click,: then a voice say, "ioc isn't at home. This is his ect Ica' telephone -answerer speaking. I'll take ttuy messages."he new gadget, t,lsowtl by George Ryan, president of the demon- strating firm, wilt atit11111l Really answer the phone and record tip in 60 to 11111(:11 lav s,l,1(s 1#11`t 11 (lfl eraslt1de wire tape, Cost? • hi;rdlt One Referee Who Packs A Punch.—The belligerent and portly - looking gentleman in the white shirt is none other than The Manassa Mauler in person. For although long retired from the fight game, Jack Dempsey still earns a comfortable living in the ring ---refereeing wrestling bouts. Jack looks as though he meant business as he fates the Golden Terror—but we doubt if there will be any real damage done. .A S1� B1TCal 0.177 starting this week's opus we are reminded of a couple of stories whose age, at least, should make them worthy of respect. The first is about Clancy, who lay on his death bed, and who had been told by Father O'Reilley that before pass- ing from the world, he must make peace with all his enemies, especial- ly Grogan. After considerable argu- ment Clancy consented, and Grogan. was led in. "Grogan," said Clancy feebly, "we've been enemies — and bitter enemies — for over forty years. But now the Reverend Father says that before T go to the place where the likes of you will never get, I must make my peace with you. And I do so, Grogan. I forgive ye for all fhe „mean things you did to one, and all the dirty things you said about me; T forgive you, full and free. So now, goodbye to you Grogan.'* Grogan, full of sorrow and re- morse, turned to leave, But just as he got to the bedroom door the voice hailed hit„ once again. "But remember, Grogan," said Clancy, "if by any miracle I should get better — TH1S DOhIMED NON- SENSE JS ALL OFF." * * Which will serve to introduce some exhaustive studies we have been making into the subject of just what it is that produces a winning hockey team — studies that took us a full five minutes. We must explain, however, that at the mo- ment of writing it looks as though New York and Chicago have been eliminated from the N.H.L. play- offs. But if — between now and the time you read this — by some miracle Rangers and Black Hawks slhould happen to squeeze in, well— THIS DOMMFD NONSENSE IS ALL OFF. x * * So now, just what is it that pro- duces a winning hockey team, fel- low students? Well, Lester Patrick is admitted — by Lester Patrick — to know more about the inside of hockey than any living human. So Lester once declared °that a good goaltender is at least 75 per cent of any winning team. So we turn to the N.}I.l,. records and what to we find? * * * Here we arel Montreal Canatliens have had only 119 goals tallied against them — 15 less than the next lowest. Ergo — Montreal Ca- nadicns must have the best goal tender, Double ergo — Montreal Canatliens nntst he leading the race by a large margin. But there must be something slightly haywire here. instead of Canadians name being — like Abou Ben Adhem's — well in front, the Frenchmen are only in second posi- tion, and by a bare shoot, at that. Whine topping them by 10 full points in the right hand column are the Detroit Red Wings: * * Well, maybe even• Lester Patrick might be wrong for once. (There's got to be a first time for tom - thing.) Perhaps, in modern hockey, stout defense is not as all -fired int - portant as swift, hard-hitting of- fense, Let's take it peek at matters front that angle. * * Ah, that's more like. it. Sure SCRATTIN! Relieve Itch inci JiIfyltin yt r . m ,. .rte dee 0. titsrt , Intl n { p "-' 0ie t litonrlm nor Oak fele it mad t6l10 n i p Pr a cavi( r. 00,1110aofd I t. m exile et nBrA) Gr , 0011 t loinl 1,.a A D6rteu a Intmntn. Scnnee on t ffAor , r Ims „ten tchinAec. .34 IrW1a/he t tiR �ti'105.O 508OilPilan rk 9oe druea.t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, t• I'N TS 00 t,T0i11 1I,I'0 7,0l to Ren illor us uoP250t (WO nrnu teed 0 ed hol04,01olti 11 ll14.4 Including thO full lino 111 luar,l I I I r ivory of )our choler 0001 time exelas ••••77eidiyed.Hundreds of sue 11,4u1 1'22 00. 11 ,a atnrtwl with t bonen iN led c:n -Rin[. lail. 5.7eant melt I exec:Mini worth t111011t' 711. 10 inns 1100010501. good. Write 10-717o ler def lie 07771 1,111411 catalogue.. EA NOLEN 1000 Delorioner.Montreal. • BABA' C111O1tS LOCK'S CHICKS Bs, iowiry lolrtbr•1'n ebbtl0 1t'om Ont' Dun dock o1' Government approved birde rnl0ert on our Poultry Farm. Barred Rocks, New Ramps and croasos, Mixed chieka 515.00 per 100. Pullet 0hhkn 528,00 and cockerels 87.0o• Started ehleka at reasonable rotes. LOCK'S POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY R.R.2'S0111t Ste. Merle, Ontario 11 WILL PAY yon to get barkto the full hen house and the full egg basket for 1040 and rememProdi . So don't theearlytanotherd day,Itgetlte the layers, not11l. 100 eooters. One 100 egg hen is worth three 100 egg bets and Pate*third as mach. Put real Top NOma pr•e beet: eo1 your effort—put your 11100110. n p ove Top Notch ellicktsbred l 000 into for livability, early feathering, large egg atm, higoldlstneed ehieka.Dn1'ullets eight y 0111, two week ssweek Turkey Nulls. Ton Notch Chick Sales. Guelph, Ont. MONRTON Poultry Penn Chicks—All we can say Is try them. Results tell the 01805. All Breeders pullorum-tested and government banded. Write tra cata- logue MunonPoulty Farm, 6f0nhton,Ont, A HATCHERY is only an good as the emit - deem you have In It Fancy words or fancy catalogues do not make gond friends or 101.81 customers. The tnm0110nce you place in what a hatehe'yman tells you count* more than the price ticket attached to the Chicks you buy. For 23 years the good poultrymen 1n Canada have been buying "Meddle quality chicks with ronfldenee and have been making money with them. You can rely on Twaddle Ch1ck0, Send for free catalogue, Day old, two and three week old chicks, pulletsight weeks to laying, turkey ponit*. Twaddle Ch1,11 Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario. OPPORTUNITY SPECIAL roe thin week. Barred Reeks non -sexed 130, Pullets 250. Cockerels 53.81 per 100. Order from this add today for delivery tomor- row. Started pullets available. Sutler's Chick Hnt,he'y, Fergus. Ont. enough Detroit Red Wings have twanged the twine more often than any of their contemporaries — and sure enough the speedy athletes from what we once laughingiy termed "The Motor City" are out there winging, which is just as it should be. ss But whoa, back up! What is this we see? Second in goal searing, with a 27 -tally advantage over the Ca- nadiens, we have nobody else but the Chicago Black Hawks. But Chuck Conacher's pets aren't sec- ond — they aren't third — they aren't even fourth, In fact if It wasn't for those New York Rangers, would be trailing the procession, a lovely last, 5 4 Somehow of other it just doesn't seem to add up. And it was while trying to break out of the quandary we found ourselves in at this point, that we thought of the other ancient tale, This was about the village dignitary whose ignorance of the law was only equalled by his good opinion of himself and who, some- how or other, secured an appoint- ment as Magistrate. * * * He was trying his first case, and the Prosecuting Attorney made a very felling opening speech. When he had finished, the new Magistrate spoke up. "That's enough," he said sharply. "Prosecution v./ins!" * a * The Attorney for the Defense quite naturally „lade a strong ob- jection, saying that the Magistrate had no business deciding a case without hearing the other side. "Go ahead then," said the Magistarte. "Do your stuff — but T. can tell you that it ain't going to do you a bit of good." * * * Whereupon the Defense Attorney proceeded to make a speech that was just about twice as eloquent and three tines as persuasive as that of his opponent, When lte was about half way through, the Magis- trate halted hien abruptly, "That's enough," he said, "This certainly does beat Aitch - - but now Defense wins." Y * * So, as we said before, aur hockey studies have put us in a somewhat similar prr;dicament to that of the beginning magistrate. First, we thought that in hockey the hest defense was bound to win. Then we thought that it must be the most effective offensive, Now, after look- ing things over, we just plain don't know. Maybe the secret of pro- ducing a winning hockey teaun is to own the one that gets into the most tie games. But we have delved into the records long enough for one session. You „night look up which team did that yourself — then go take a ticket on them for the play - downs. 1(011 SALE t 1711 '7:1 , 11 I , l7 010 o7tinit of a '.'K.1DDIE.1 ROME° CITAIR ❑I I., eD your child „mused bre bourn 01 n 1110 1"00 01 ,alt,[ tulip" utl jinx 28, 121- 1•.11, Stria , Nen Toronto 1947 New 11111 200 17,11 up 1111.1)11 brim tic, good enn717tion Inlnrr•tinn invited, Prier 712,01,77. Jtr 100 It. -t \1 I, a tutn a. 5:E11 1117--c1l 117'11 • Maury luny Tire ebania for farm trooters. hea,T Gawks. 11,01 gt tela. ate. Ali HiA N hills tor 1 N J0Clt Wardell. 704 .,d , 1" 1\ I. 10000 sound. Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every Inventor—Llat of inven- tions and full Information Bent tree, The Ramsay Co Registered Paten, 4itorneye, 170 Bank Street. Ottawa DYEING AND CLEANING 111.71.1 00 .151E11 111£s unt7 boys 7" b.uv u, beeoete a imilra,l '1'rlecraphe'. 'rnnght by home cone's,. (0n ollogetne` now ,m -thud, bonne clue 1v0011. 14(0010; So11n01 'l Tel,•1,ern pi•. 0/ax :001. 7'0,0 Arthur. Ont. It 11(i1S'r141114n 50 11014. Intere0led 111 010ntsting with treining et' prartleol nurars. We epeclaine. 7,1 Nand hart;Ido minting of the ohru1hpatient. !1301.,'„ per month, 5'0011 normo. forty-eight hour wo,11. 1'lcu0nnt 0ur- 00uOd'ng8 and exrollnit ,poort01101 ,for older nurse In interesting work. Apply Allan Watson, eup0rllnrilllent. \!. 1'&t,•0''7. 111(0 l'Iilary'. 01'1'0tee7- an0, Iinmilt0n,. out.• • HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean - Mg? Write to us for Information. we are glad to answer your questions. Department H, Parker's Dye Werke Limited. 791 70000 Street. Toronto, Ontario —Ty FAlt\J KELP—' -- 1)141511:111. __ GOOD ADVICE -7•(701' sufferer of 1110,1100110 Pains or Neuritis should Irl' 01x0„'0 Reme- dy. 110,11 's Drug Store, ass onctn 1110008, Postpaid 18.00. i /less 110Z1011/5: andefficacious1 ointment.f1t t BY Mail 600. Trappist Fathers. North -Rogersville, N.H. "HOW to five 0110 keep 0.001” "Home Reme- dies." for every dine:se— 84.60. Gree 010 collies. Levi llonager. Hoamaville, Ontario. IF YOU are a SUFFERER from SINUS, flay fever. Headenldr, Catarrhal Deafness, you ehmnd Ilse NAMELESS Cold Remedy. Com u0ing troll. Postpaid 81.0,1, Address 5014131 Produrta, I£seler. (1111, IT'8 1210011T.IN1'—Every sulrerer of Rhen- m'uie Patna 00 Nwu•It)e should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug. store, 306 Elgin, (R- tmre. Postpaid 11,00. __ _ _ _... NURSERY ST0C11 - HOLLAND Immigrant familea available, with one or more workers. Arriving during opting. Farmers here is 5000 opportunity to obtain reliable help. APply P.O. 234, Chat- ham, Ont. 110R SALE 0711211"4 A1.L 0111 0'111 N1'. 000 1 ,Bastin 10 11,ute wnrl4n 1 $1.10. 20 Newfoundland 2501 Toltenm emnp1cle 101., 011470 Ne\r Beale, 11 111000 lu N aeon:vale, 111. 10. Rugby., 1 i o+'„. Sash _ liIL1S 1 1011 SA710 111 a,blll 11it 00mnmentllopprovell poulte., Ode 11,0,1011.0. n to I,1n1a. Que. (11111 - 111'111,1a0 al' all hatched' from rnai0 r lir e 1 170:70 some of Ontario's moat prom - Inept rom-t n n t. l,• rde•e. They aro all Gov0t'nlnont A9'• I •11ornm tested Rorke, i±eco turkey 1,1,1.0, 'ensile [`hick Hatchefiee Llm1150o rt:717. lutnrlo.• 0 ANTED) l' Alt" 00.0,00.40) 'Ml )111X'1' withor wltllOdb ruulpment. ,llnrtroe, Weston. Phone 10001, BUTTONS i.11Jfnnhlmu•d/0111000 Alt's old postage etamne. 100 rvelrn .40,1100. 'rtn'0010. BUY DEPENDABLE Seeds for your garden, NOW Catalogue now ready. Welt* for Free Copy. Ontario Seed Company. lVaterlo0, Ont. PLANT a 1'Ie000-Reaal'v0 now for Spring de- livery—extremely hardy—quick growing Chi- nese Elm—will grow two feet the first year— enough plants (26) to plant 25 feet, Special price 26 plants for 12:08, 12 -Inch stool—or, 26 01a0t0 for 04.98, 2 -foot size. 1Vrlto for New Free Full Colour Garden Gu10e, 11000- dale-JCingeway Nurseries, 14owmanville, Ont. A505571NG VALUE1— 1 evergreens, 2 ehade trees, 2 ornamental shrubs, 2 chrysanthe- mum, 10 perennial*, 10 ptante, all different. 01.40, 5 apple trees trite to name, all differ- ent, 4/6 feet. 02.05. Complete nursery eata- logne free. llayfnrnt Nurseries, Galt. MASSEY-HARRIS 101 Junior Tractor. 80 Ford Truck, Reo buck -rake, quantity bay and straw. ,lack Laldlow, Hagersville, Ont. NEW FLEURY No, 21 plow complete with straight coulter or skimmer end two shares. Regular price 321.00—our price 519.76 here, G. G. Kent, 001101, Ont. DRUG Business 1n Galt for Sale. Owner re- tiring on account of health. For particular. apply Cant's Drug Store, Galt. Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE—If it 18 a dairy, chicken, tobacco. or ordinary farm we have it, A11 sizes. All types. Contact Morris B. PERCI- VAI., Reel estate, 226 Queen's Ave.. London. Ontario. Western Ontario's Forenost Farm Sales Agency. ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross -Crimped Corrugated and ribbed styles, e to 10 0. lengths. Immediate delivery from took. write for samples and estimates, Steel Distributor° Limited, 600 Cherry St.. Toronto. REGAL custom farm n'aetare; 8 plow size, powered by Chrysler Industrial engine, good territories available for dealer franchise. 010• tributod by Regal Motors Ltd„ Brampton, Ont. BALED FLAY, commercial bales, 518.00 ton at bark; 520,00 F.O.B. shipping point. Loads trucked. A. Hadley. Stirling. Ont. OILS, GREASES, TIRES 1n*eellddea, Electric Fence Controllers, 1001,00 and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, etc, Dealers are wanted. Write Wnrco Grease & 011 Limited, Toronto, GILDED Wire Name Pine, 00c-7 for 68.00, Eagle Mtg. Co., 4320 Fronde St., Van- couver, H.C. USED Intel'national clay Bider, almost nmv. rubber tires, Write or particulars to; Dun- dee Bros„ 261 RatlwoS Street, !rimming, Ont, WET be dlsappOinted, Order Your Maple Syron now from a reputable producer for miring delivery, 55,71 per gallon delivered, Discount an larger quantttiee. Mall Your neve or [Honey ,"der to ICayrock Farms. R.R. No, 1, Brocebridge, Ont. All orders Promptly acknowledged. NURSING °ENBUCONVALESCENT AS RISIAL EAI1UL ST. CATHANES A home away from home. Graduate nurses; male and female; night and day duty. Excel. lent meals, prices moderate. private -and semi- private rooms available, Our specialty is nervous, aged and convalescent. Our aim, eourtesY and service. for Information apply to superintendent or phone 6-8853. OPPORTUNITIES for I041EN and WOMEN EARN MONEY AT HOME Spare or Full-Tlmo money making. Learn to make candy at home, Free tool. supplied. Cot•reepondenee you learn. Na- tional orlmer P.O., e of H001 511 „fectionerMont cal, Que. d' Del. BE A HAIRDRESSER 20100 CANADA'S LEADING 00HOOL Great OPp0000001,0 Learn Halydresaing Pleasant din Hied proerasion, good wages thousands successful Marvel gradnatee, Amerlo'e ote)sIllustrated cats lguefree. w to or00.11 MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 868 Bloat St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Homllton 71 Rideau Street, Ottawa, POEMS set to music. Songs copyrighted, Free examination, Send poems, Harmonnit, Box 58, Weston. Ontario. FOLDING CHAIRS, new guaranteed, sturdy, fold fiat, No. 1 Maple, natural finish, 82.86 each, Paramount, 108 1(11,5 Gnat, 're•ont0. HAUCIC Flame Guns, Weed end brush burners of many loses. Immediate delivery. 1Vrito for 1luslrated catalogue. Canadian Co-operative wool Growers Limited. Lennoxvllie, Quebec. BLACK and Decker Electric Drills, brand new„ portable, 110 -volt, 80 (or 26) ,yule, 500l'anteed 14" 840,001 14" 821.00. Surplus 'vols, 108 'King Emi4, Toronto. WOOD LATHES, 11"580", heavy duty limkln bearing, reduced from 549 to 830. Ogllvy'e. Powe' 'Tool Shop, 147 Beaserer Street, Ottawa, 6-0009. ATTENTION Amateur Songwriters 1)0,1 -inn e'er try to o5I'Ile a song? Everybody can for yen may sella mode And title only or words and title and a tow notes In melody line; or words, 1110. and complete ale'nnkemcnt, 'There will be weekly winners nod a monthly rusk prize. Hear Toile mono mut cellposl- tieil ever the Mr! The winner's cent- resRt.n will be pr00eseloonlly „Pranged nod presented In reliable American publishers. Our publishers do not 0010 for moray. Send your mane mod ad- dress only to 6051501)7 LANE ENTER- PRISES, I511268L'1'0N, CANADA, for simple rules of this radio eo test, Please mention bus pabtfra lion. 575140 VOW. IT'S PUN IT'S FASCINATING IT'S PROFITABLE PAINTS F11EE1-1 0011e1 halm for beet letter contain - Ing helpful painting hints. Born Paints, while, gray, green, the red and Fence Paints 511 colors, 82.06 per gallon. New 1040, Enam- el, Semi -Glees, Flat, not a surplus paint, All colors, Inside and out 82.86 per gallon. Quality guaranteed or money refunded. H. L. Steiner, 21 Russell Street, Toronto. 61011 Orders ac- cepted. • ell TENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent So- lloitors. Established 1880. 860 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL AST1OLOGJCAL Rea01nze. Scientific. Ac- curate. Please write for Information, 5100 Winfield, 869 Tltol'low. No. 208 Vancouver, Canhda, I AM taking a oour00 to watch repairing and 1 need 0101 watohoo for practice. I would be very grateful to anyone who would send ins some.' Dollard V0utour, J. 07. Sanatorium, The Glades. N.B. • " STOP SMOKING without taking anything temally or using any will power;' -For in. formation send 4s addressed envelope to Pierre, 442T 'Birks Building, Edmonton, Alberta, REPAIR WORK WATCHES 0100108. Ronson and ThornsLightersrepaired. 0,0mpt guaranteed ael'v1OO. Malt orders 111100. 511100'0,- 401 Yonge, Toronto, NOT WHAT YOU WANT WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE -- Thu British people want tobacco. 51 Rued be they are willing to forego something else and pay high prices for it. They are permitted to do so only in a very limited way. The government has decided that the "real interests" of the people re= quire that the people *hnttld not smoke so touch, The economic and Moral ques- tions raised by a cigarette have be - conte portentous matters of state. Recently the government opened delicate diplomatic negotiations to "explore" t11e possibility of enlarg- ing the tobacco import quota so that by summer Briton; may in- dulge more freely in this whim. The Chancellor of the Exchequer does not approve of mord tobacco. A quiet, ascetic man with the gond of the people at heart, he thinks Britons ought to change their smoking habits, voluntarily if pos- sible, otherwise by judicious gov- ernment regulation. de holds it both immoral and uneconomic for people to burn up their wages when they are in need of other things. The political leaders of the gov- ernment are more sympathetic to some change. There is an election coming up and the Labor Party wants to remain in potter so that it can continue to look after the interests of the people. They want to allow a little more smoking. The government, even in Great Britain, cannot completely ignore the wishes of the people. But, at most, there will be only a small relaxation of the regulations. In this new socialism, which we are told is the wave of future freedom, benevolent government kindly in- sists people do what's best for them. sraakes FREE! Inte'eating .stamps given as premium to 000 oelleoter writing for either my illustrated cr1t,torfrwide dlastd oI0 ges, ,, ooyellendlsore mprovas, and all atl reasonable pe rime, purchase, at one cent end more, P, Dufresne. 2067 Fullom St.. Montreal, If a man reaches into a hat and pulls out a rabbit, it's magic. If a woman reaches into her handbag for door key and pulls out a door key, it's a miracle. • SAFES Hrotect your BOORS and CASH frO0, FIRE and THIEVES. We have a ease and type of Sofa, or Cabinet, for aby purpose. Visit 0a, or write for prices. ata.. to Dept, W. J.6&J.TAYLUR, LIMITER TORONTO SAFE WORKS 140 Frm,l 811. 15., 7000000 Established 1050 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco heather Goods dealer. The goods are right. and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col. lars, .Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by; SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St, E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITI' • By Margarita .0000- Pori 0 IZEGGLE ° LITTLE AND HERE 15 OUR NEXT CONTESTANT---- n YOUNG MAIN YOU MAY @ ( WIN o9•lE HUNDR'~ll DoLLAR•iiS IF YOU f ANSWER 9� ' ! Ir Sin' FIRST, TRY A FEW ouR WONDER SOeIP.C-�Pliw..Sl • .1'oU MUST SPOONFULS OF CEREAL, •.. 1 �, ." n l) r jt f1�( � h ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS!! HOW a , 4 MUCH 9 � 0 i L ,4r,l r'ti * ;WIN ?. " c1 l{ J ! 01 3 A S?�11 +s" N ifs NOT TO .. IF 3 HAVE. To t, "o EAT THAT ! STUFF . 1 0 n ,J I �th�I, •' / l Itl ,. 1 ONE tl ver) rl� f UEsTioNI V ? 0000-- 117'4,0, ' C -1. �I'•'7 it {tro.)y, .,?1 0. t ,r . `l �' A ,.: /1k 4 _ �bnoo o p .100,, ('i. 'If(1, r' x. e( 1; ,; ,;?•; 1 ) ,.o,,+ �' ,t,;l.•'�1 113 L bJ4 ' Hen � ¢ � t 0 d'1l(r1,t{"Al "7i L�l4• �' ., t"pl'�, r9"f) (k,. it , .v s'. $ �,fll}��,; r..rii t, ass + . . r 1,.t. 011. a t, �4�. �,d+t yk s ..a 4��� ,.•tae. :i t ' �" �). n 042 f;. : la.