HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-3-16, Page 5wi,:00c.remeopasear
Baby chicks leap ahead with vim
and vigor when fed Roe Vitafood
Chick Starter. It ensures healthier
birds, greater future profits.
Made daily, right here in Western
Ontario, it gives a diet per-
fectly balanced to meet Western
Ontario poultry needs. Veteran
poultrymen use and recommend
Roe Vitafood Chick Starter.
Spring Grasses, rich in
proteins and vitamins are
harvested at their nutrition
peak, dehydrated in minutes,
then added to all Roe Vita -
mixed Feeds . . . a "green
gold" diol bonus for poultry,
111E. 11,R()SSELS. PO,T ?Y., 1. 11.10.
viAcT, er: nr!,;.13'.'g.'1.''''', eV.1-,..-.0, - . -- ,t,,,,....•ir4... ,.11,. ..,,,,1 f,,,,v.,• ;.,,..,,,.,1 ,.
i v.lAte iludily men, women i ...,w,. ,.,,,.......„, f.,..,:„, „h. ewn . '
=3 T tr Pelle • i
..,, ilv.1,711.,74,,,:i4:1),,,,,,. ,,i,:j;;:' 11. ,,,, .,. .,1 dif, • p , .. y 5 *0 114.11ili,. ot the pavilion which suffered (
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..11.ai •,..,-1 C ,,i .,. I
( Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor
li lila 11 th(u. ts,,,y lifi.bn 1111 out. Ugly hollo, .._...._.. --
. . . .
41 le IT aiNIXTI,a) by ill ..1,ei,Ld
40.4 sopa so jw,ser
401MOW). be111111Vile. 1091t. 1 lt...,,,I0L1 o :1
(101,01(11, (Ar UP' (4illwre ,,f lieu ' '4.'3
lio,,as1,d,th,ntlrree1x. 0I1t0o t,o1n1e1a%, 1e1etivniulovnt1s14ginct1h4h,bre,1,i1hrrt...
nuiter nd by vrtue f 1ThythlMonroviavho,htlthhh441,11,
111.0 Municipal Aet, l$.1"" ('(4411 o' liratrilegli,,i4,,,tgIgilogrdttg,,,.,r1T;;':..
11',6 er the
11evh"1 81'1*11 to', of To:81,11tnzonrgwv,r,:1,T21',7,t1r„
Of Farm Stock and Implements
at Lot 15, Con, 13, MeKll Twp.
21/2 miles East of Leadbury
At 1 P,M,
1 mare 11 yr,. old
1 gelding 12 yrs. old
At St. John's Anglican Altar 1 cow milking, bred Feb, 25
1 heifer In eel!
St. John's Am:etc.:in Church altar
dem; 2 Yra. old
wee attractively arranged 011 set -
at heifere rising 2 yrs, old
n 0 chi y art ermine , Pelican ry 5,
three o'clock for the marriage Of 1 ea"' fi" months old
T.,a Vera Mari,' Bennett, elder
1 sow due Mareb 20th
detighter of Mr. enol 11re. Stanley
Bennett, Take Shore Road, and Ro-
bort Ford CamPron, Sernte. Fral
of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Cameron,
e'renbrook, Ont.
Tbe Rev„T. A. n. Blackwell
the oflieleHng clergyman.
The bride was attractive In a
two -niece grey satin dress with
roee and grey aecessories, with
white gardenia and pink roue eor-
Her only attendant was her Meter.
Merieee Bennett, Lake Shore Road,
who donned a pink Milt enheraine
dress with navy aecesssories. Tier
coreago was of white gardenias and
yellow rosebuds.
Moreen Of1111P1.011, Sarnia, the
bridegroom's youngest :mother, as.
eleteti es best man,
For her claughtelee wedding.
Bennett chose a black mei white
printed crepe dress with black ae-
cessories, and norsage of 1.(1(1 1nS07
end white headline.
A reception for. the immedete
family of 22 was at Viselier's
Hotel, where the bride's; tale was
centred with the three -tiered wed.
ding cake end mixed speing baguets,
The bride's gift to her attenlaet
was a golf! compact, and the blidee
groom gave his brother a leather
The couple left on a honeYnt 100
to London, Niagara Fells. and
Northern points, the bride travel-
ling hi a. rose gabardine eult, blue
tap coat. and grey accessories..
On returning they took up re-
sidence. on Kathleeu evenue. Mita.
town guests were present front Lon-
don, Meatford, Cranbrook, Petah and
Wel ton.
Prevjons to her marriage the
bride was entertained at several
social occasions, She was honored
at the home cif Mrs. Gordon Forbes
be her daughters, Mrs, D. Creenlees
end Weiss Aileen Forbes, as co.
hostesses, when the bride was pre-
sentee with a tie -light 1 11111 ti end
woollen blanket.
Mrs. R. Bagleson and Mr.e.
McLean held a kitchen shower et
the former's home where she le.
eeived many attractive gifts.
The staff of Carrutherea Clinic,
where the bride is empineee pre,
sented her with a silver entre dish
The Alpha Gamma Nu. Sorority
of the Women's Beuent Aeimeee
tion, and the Soroity Mother, Mrs,
Agnes McCort. presented 1 to 111 0e
with a gift.
Ontario, 1937, end amendlne acts le Wg ight,6:0P414/Tralgr.P2Mr.fg,
Try Menem °fare% Tonle Tableta tor 1100 vIgi
4Iows ; and added Rhode, 1)3)3411141' dial. At 013 410401311,1..
1. 133,1am No. 2 Men) and all
iirevions hy.la tys regulating and
Itemising the handling of fresh meet
Couple Spoke Nuptial Vows
”714i fish in the Village of Brussels
are hereby repealed.
2. No person shall peddle or Fell,
'eke orders fur and eabeeonently
deliver Or Offer 11.11.131. publiviy or
front door to door from any vehiele,
whether horse drawn or otherwise
push cart, basket or hamper whate-0.
evee, within the limite of the Village
of 'Brussels any fresh inept in (men
titles less Than one-quarter earfuls
tool' ario.e:sii 1134h.11 re.,11!,,1
3, Ail implications for eneh lieense
shall be in writing addressed 11 (41111
Clerk of this eleinleettlity, seen he
aecompanied by a certified Mime er
other remittance satIsfeetory te the
Clerk, payable at par 111 111'11114PN
for the 111111)11114 of the first Yemee
license fee as hereunder mentioued,
end Shall set forth (a) The fnll name,
address and occupation of the
epplieant, (b) the length of time in
'bleb the said applicant bee r11.
shied or carried on businees at such
Ai 1 licenses granted hereunder
Alien terminate en the alet day of
December in the year of the issue of
the saint>, Int may be rpnmved from
year to year thereafter by the Clerk
upon receipt of the 1 101411 la fee fee
the aneeeedine year in advance and
a certifieate by thp Medical Meer
of Health as hereafter met -dinned -
5. No license or renewal ellen he
issued until there first hes been filed
with The Clerk a fiertificatn by tin
. Medical Officer of Health for This
'Municipality that in his opinion the
vehicles and containers from whesh
meat and fish are intended to he sold
and also the PreMises in which the
applicant kites, prepares, stores or
otherwise handles the meat or fish
which lie proposes to sell, Are in a
sanitary and cleanly condition,
6. The Medical Officer of Health
for this Munielpallty le hnrehy
empowered to make such inspeetion
and enquiries of the a,pplicentes said
premises from time to time es he
may cleern advisable;
7, The fee for each and every
license and renown"! lemma here-
under to a bona title resident of the
Village of Brussels aesessed for
business Assessment shall be :mon
per atmum; the fee for each and
every lieense and renewal issued
hereunder to any other person 1)0
• Persons shall be $25.00 per annum.
8. Any license or renewal granted
hereunder shell be 4ermin:11)1e Itt 14117
time by the Council of (hie eTunieinel.
ity upon Just 'and stifficient ranee
!ming shown to its satisfaetion In
whieh event a proPortionuie Part of
the license fee for the unexpired
ehall be refunded to the licensee
without interest,:
41. Auy person or persons eommit-
• tine a french nf this Tly-lew nr e1)7 -
thing contained herein shell npon
• ‘
convietion be linble tn n fine of not VA1,TON
le" mien 815.3441 to he' 4'01°1 5nd The March meeting (ho 1,V.A1
victions Act I was held in The 0141)0014 basement on
'10110111011 under the Summary Con.
March eth, Mrs. John MeDonaid
1 reseed th open fenmeil this Otli day pretdeled. The meeting opened by
01' February A.D. 11130, at the hour singing Hymn 171, The toll cell was
of p.m. o'elock, 1 well responded to and several verse!:
lee. C. Reeve on "Theughts of Spring" were road
1 R. S. WARWICK, Clerk
Repair Your Tractor - any me
Repair alk kinds of Farm Equipment
Pedlar Barn Equipment
Dominion Tires
Otaco Farm !implements
Phone 86-r-5
1 A reading on Temperance wive given
I em.,...
The Stewardship report was rcacl.
1 --...
The 8411 of Morris group 'tinier The
leadership of Mrs. II. Johnston teolt
° ° 0 ° * 0 * *. 5 ; charge of the meeting 1455111141111.t1 17
•1 PEOPLE vf.i.p K1VOW Mrs. A. McCall and Mrs, O. Martin.
I i • e e e • e e e its * Mrs, ,Tolin had cherge of the
( I 1 closing worship. Prayers worn
itIrv; Jes. S. Armstrong iv \letting offered by Mre Bloodroot, Mrs. Me.
Mr, mei Mrs. M. lenyeock at Water, Cand ME
all and . Brystiese 'P119 meeting nuintitv "I' fruit jsrE4
dnw'n and t .
clotted with the singing of Benin
1 * 11 *
3R21, R01)&110/011 'WAS PrOaDMICP(1
9 Chunky welching 1e0 lbs,
12 Wes gee months old
4411 Pigs 2(4 months old
Cockshutt 7e treetor in A.-1 BUPA
Tnternatinnel 2 -furrow tractor Plow
7-11. double disc
644, cultivator with tractor hitch
7 -ft, ('111lee/nine hinder
6 -ft., cut Frost & Wood mower
Maxwell hay loader
Massey -Harris hay rake
54-004 k Wood eultivator
Single furrow riding plow
Three farrow gang plow
Walking plow
terestionl) 114.1(4 seed drill 14 'hoe
14 outtbrove disk harrow
Monne epreader
New Men rubber tire wagon
Set 21010110 with fiat rack
Tier rack with shift
4-entitle/I diamond harrows
Gravel box Viking. creaeri separator
2000 lbs. Renfrew Reales
Baggy Cutter Pump Sack
Interniefinnal 1(4), HT, ems engine
MO ft. snow fenee Harrow cart
SaP Pan anti buckets Ladder
Cyclone grass seeder Grain bags
Sugar kettle
Set breeching harness
Set back band harness
Single harness Horse collars
Cross out saw Whiffletrees
Neck yokes Chains Forks
Lumber 3 blanches shingles
400 lbs, coarse Balt flack house
Colony house 3 Shelters
Quantity of 11.137
175 bus. barley
me -
I 9
Priced at 117.50, 132.50, 144.50, 154.50
Johnson Gas Engine Equipped P39.50
"After we sell we serve."
Young People's Groups
Have Social
i Members of Melville Preebyteelan
t Church Young People's Societe and I
1 the Wroxeter Young People's rnion
met in the basement of 'he United
Church here on Monday eve(ling
as gueste of the Y.P.U. of that
1 01100013. Sohn Wilson presided for
an opening worship period, and
. Frances Dennis read scripture. 1
Following this, the young people
joined M singing and games, after
I which refreshments were served.
Jim Bowman of Melville Y.P.S. and
' Peter Dobson of Wroxeter Y,peee,
The United Church
The m NI It g. worship service In
the United Chervil had as its theme
Sin and Redemption "For God sent
not his Son into the world to con-
demn the world but that the world
through Hem might he saved." jam
TIT, 17. The solo part of the morn-
ing anthem 40140 141111011 by Mrs. R. B.
Cousins. Tim choir sang "0. worship
the King" by Heyeer. The selection
of Saul as king of Isrd
ael provide
the baoleground for the evening
sermon subject which was "Changed
by the Spirit."
Majestic Womert's Institute
thanked the host grunt).
The March ineetiug of the Majestic
Organ Moffatt range
Quebec beater Churn Bed BLUE VALE
Feather title Odd chairs Palls
Anticme spinning wheel swift S. reel
Cheese press
Clerk, E. P. CHESNEY
Auctioneer, HAROLD JACKSON ..
In The Village of Walton
Sale Commences at 1 P.M.
1 dining room table
3-nieer chesterfield snits
a dining room chairs
1 buffet
3 dressers
2 iron beds
2 bed epringe
1 kitchen range, white (menet (al-
most 1111171 1 -burner Perfection coal oil stove
1 ;Mellen ('011111041 wicker reeking chair
1 writing desk
1 kitchen table
e emelt tables
1 gasoline iron
1 electrie table 'lamp
1 cupboard
1 tool otipboard
1 17111111418)a number of pails
A quantity of linoleum
1 44,3, crock
1 1 -gal. crook
C 1 2 -gel. crock
oneratelittions 11 1 e
'0 extended 41) W. A. or wrotoo
Mies Olive 5501.1811 111 bavieg ebtaire 'lute
ea Fleet Claes Honetire 43 marks in Belled Church are bolding a ceolche
tirade HI Harmony, of the 1'00'011t ole soda' in the church besement on
theory examinations held byIt n
--'- March 1711h.
11(451(1 (Thn"l'vRtm'Y '°.1 Music °,11f guAT To A minor 0j)1110'1111'0 of mumps! in
...Me, Listowel.
the Walton neighborhood has so Mr
been directed only against the adult
populatiou, No casae have been
reported yet In the Walton school or
in the next echool to the east.
Among the grown people who are
11) ' with mumps are Mrs, Tames
Clerke, Mrs, Lawrence Merits And
eirs, Riles Johnston,
Phone 22-r-10
Ethel, Ont.
Agricultural Society
Community Night
The Bast Huron Agriettlearal Seel -
My will sponsor a Community Night
in the Brussels town bell on Friday,
March 25, There will be earile and
1 end table
1 pair mailting frames
1 clothes 'horse
.1 berrel oil Pultelis
eifferented grease pumps
1 differential grease drum cart
4 5 -gal. cans
A. number of nil drums
4 ear stands
A ember of logging chains
1 cream can
1 11144010 11114 Decker, heavy duty Mein.
electric drill
1 newlinn harden trantor
qtrtintily 11( 111411(1 lmnber
Toole and evrenchet
5111*1-e10. hoes, pots. pans, and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ireland of
Climax, Sask., were the guests of
honor at a dinner party on Tuesday
evening at the home of their niece,
Airs. Turvey and Rey, on the oceas-
ion of Mr. and Mrs. Ireland's 44th
wedding anniverseey.
They were married by tbe Rev.
Mr. Carswell of M0E:Mop. They
farmed for four years on the mill
rood. near Seaeorth, before moving
to Climax, Saskatchewan where he
has operated a dairy farm for Re
years. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland('1(1110
east in Nnvember 40 \lett Mrs. Ire-
land's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .T,
flovenlock at Seaforth.
On their return to Western Can-
ada they will take up residence in
Alberta where their four deughtere
Among the gueets present were
Mr. and MI'S. William Ireland,
Brussels; Mr, and Mrs. R. W.
whitfield. Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn
mlicer. Whet: Mr. and Mrs. Eel,
Miller, Seatorth, Mr. Whitfield pro.
posed a toast to the bride and
groom. They received gifts frren
their three nieces, Mrs, Turvey',
Mrs. Whitfield. and Mrs, Miller.
The evening 1700 0511114 PlaYlag
euchre, Following the party lidr.
and Mrs. Ireland returned home
with Mr. and Mrs. Miller,
other Articles too nnniorone to
.1 S. L. CUMMINGS-Proprietor
Walton, Ont.
Women's Institute was held in the
Public Library on Thursday, March
10111 with Mrs. Earl Cudmore pre-
siding. .kfter the mina] opening
exercises and secretary's reports the
roll call "Something Trieh" wee an
ewered by the forty Imilee present,
A letter re "The Supper Club," a
Sr. Homeineking Club project was
then read and discussed. It was
decided to sponsor this club and Mrs,
Wes, Kerr and Mrs. Sas. Bryans
were chosen as leaders to attend
training. school in Winghem. Any
girls wishing to take this course may
give their names to either of these
leaders. The short comim 111 557-
ehol0gy under the healing of "Living
Together in the Family' is to be giv-
en in Brussels Publle Library on
Merril es. 29, In, 31. Meetings are in
afternoons from 1:3n to 4 p.m, Miss
Irene McBride from the Home Econ-
omies Dept., Toronto will be in
charge. All the ladies of the com-
munity are invited to cotate to the
CDUNP, a fee of 2lie is chsrged to
defray local expenses, It was de-
rided eerve 1011011 at the dance Due
on by the Agrieultural Society on
1T. -1 11411 1"
donated 40 the Society. Mrs, Herb
Manning then gave a splendid hit/Mir-
o-us reading. After some discussion
it was decided to give the *cartons
Scout and guide organizations 150.00
to be divided evenly among them.
Mrs. Harold Speir and Isabel Speir
were chosen leaders of the Garden
Brigede. Mrs. Frank Nichol gave
Parer on Historical Reseerch, Mrs.
Nen. Shurrie conducted an interest-
ing contest after which a bounteous
11111011 was served.
4 Good Ford Ferguson Tractors, with new
10 or 12 inch plow.
New Ferguson Tractors Available - Order
1947 Ford 1, Ton Pick-up Truck, with small
1 Ton Chev. Truck Chasis available this
1947 Chev. Sedan in new car condition.
1946 De Luxe Ford Sedan, small
1947 Monarch Sedan, small rnlage.
Listowel, Ont,
otors Ltd.
Phone 161