HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-3-16, Page 1FOS F PUBLISHING HOUSE
Wednesday, March 16th, 1949
Any Size and Shape
made just for
your kitchen.
and a finish to suit your
color scheme.
AVOID a disrupted househo
built, ready to move in and set up,
Only the best material and
used throughout.
Come in to the Brussels Post
completed, you are welcome.
d by having yours sho 3
also painted if so desired.
unsurpassed workmanship
and see the one being
BRUSSELS, ONT. Clarence ori® MAKER
The Friendship Circle
is holding a •
Crokinole Party
In the United Church basement
Friday, March 18th
at 8:15 p.m.
Adults 35c Children 25c
Euchre and Dance
Walton Community Hall
on Friday, March 18th
Cardno's Hall, Seaforth on
Dancing 9 'till 1.
Featuring the "WestePri Swingbillics"
Admission Adults 750 -Students 50c
Sponsored by the Young Progressive
Conservative Association.
Pianos tuned and repaired.
J. C. Blackstone. Leave orders
at Phone 119; Blyth.
Euchre at 9 o'clock Friday, March 25 -Por Alonzo L.
Lunch Counter • Heath Estate, W% Let 22, con. 10,
Wilbee's Orchestra (lrey. Farm Stock, Implements,
Admission 35c Hay, Grain and Farm Property.
Moving Pictures
1. Huron County Film
2. "Shining Mountain"
Sound and Colour
Plus a Comedy
in Walton Community Hall
Wednesday, March 23 at 8 P.M.
For Benefit of
Walton Public Library
Admission -
Adults 25c Children 15c
Love worked na ill to his
neighbor love therefore is the
fulfilling of the law.
Melville Church
Minister Rev, G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. in. Sul -day School and
Bible Claes.
11 a. m. Guest Preacher: -
Rev. Samuel Marc, D. B,
Gia,ce Bay,
'1 p. in Divine Service.
Lads D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
Th 7nited Church
Minister Rev. Hugh Wilson
Organist Mr, Donald Dunbar
11 a, m. Morning Worship
The Church and
The Means of Grace.
12 Church School and
Bible Class
p. ni. Evening Praise
"Evil is SelfPunishing"
Come and Worship,
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr - Reotor.
Third Sunday in Lent
March Oath, 1949
t)t. David's Church, Henfryn-
9.80 & in. Sunday ,School
1010 0. in, Morning Prayer
$t. John's Church Brussels -
j p, m. Sunday School
2 p, nt. Evening Prayer
Lent Service each Thursday
evening at 7.80 p. m.
et. George's Church Walton -
9.46 p. m. Evening Prayer
Sunday School
Seaforth, Ont.
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Mar. 17-18-19
Tenth Avenue Angel
Margaret O'Brien & George Murphy
An angel who will wing her way Into
your heart. She believes in miracles
and makes them come true.
Mon. Tues. Wed, March 21.22-23
A Place Of One's Own
Margaret Lockwood & James Mason
You must see the season's most
Intriguirtg, -different ..and -unforget-
table picture of a haunted house and
weird happenings.
Next Thur. Fri. Sat, March 24-25.26
Coroner Creek -
In Clnecolor with
Margaret Chapman & Randolph Scott
This top -grade Western picture Is a
tale , of revenge, excitement and
thoroughly satisfying entertainment.
COMING In Teohnlcolor
The Easter Parade
Fred Astaire and Judy Garland
The happiest musical ever made.
Capitol Theatre I
Wed. ONLY March 23
Margaret Lockwood
Stewart Granger
in "Love Story"
Thur. Fri. Sat. Mar. 24-25-26
Marjorie Main
Percy Kilbride in •
"Feudin' Fussin' & Fightin' "
A film full of fun and
hilarious entertainment.
Sat. Mat. 2:00
Sat Eve. 7:30 P,M.
suretnavras, ..r...........r-reemrstereopenemarors
Another Business Place Opened Morris Couple Mark Obituary
We are very pleased to announce
that "Bob" Johnson has opened an
ell'elvical shill a few cloore earth of
the Bank. De plans to etock a
complete line of aepilanres, including
lamps of distinction. Among the
fannies names presently in stock are
Locomotive Washers with the circu-
lating electric water lieatees and
Maytag Waehing Machines with the
automatic wringer.
Now merchandise Is arriving daily
so see "Bob" now and maize your
requirements known.
Library Notes
Golden Anniversary
Mr. and TisInilo McAleer,
observed the Golden Anniversary id
their wedding on Tuesday, Marcel 5.
A supper was served to friends and
relatives ut their lime in Biomes
Tewnship. Later they Were guests
It a gathering of friends mule netgh.
hours held in their honour In
Brussels Town Hall where they were
presented with two beautiful chairs.
Among the many messages and !efts
of eoneraltilalion that the first one
Mee, Jacob Ziegler
The death Of Mrs. .10001) 'Ziegler
ocourred Seaforth imepital on
March 2nd, Funeral scrvives were
conducted from the home of 11(31' 500
In-law, Eimer Danby, on Saturcliv,
March 1th. O. A. Milne. 4,1
Melville Church, Brussels, officiated
Interment was made in BrusselsCeThet@ry, cemetery,
Pallbearers were els tophows.
I received was a card from Prime George Williamson, George Metz,
Minise r St. Lau rent. lee net k, James Clerk, Melvin
MI'. and Mrs. McArter hare snent Hamilton and Charles McKay.
pi ly all then tiles in I i.s
I'll (4 Int e Mrs. Jacob Ziegler. ,
We are pleased to state that the "mummify except for four years in ,
1048 circulation of books and Manitoba where they went efter (laughter of the late ..eorge end
Mrs. Clark of the 17th eozicoss:on of
Grey Township, was born in Grey
township of .litly 1 1tb, 1q81 and
reehled There her entire Wet imp.
She was a member of Pritubrook
Presbyterian rhureh.
tier death was the (4(11. or a
stroke suffered a short time before
She leaves tn mourn her death,
one son Villitam, at home, a dattzli
ler. Mrs. Elmer Danhy. Grey town-
ehip; three brothere, Seeepa of
Spalding, Sask.. John and Robert,
Brussels and a sister, Airs. John
Williamson, Walton,
magazines et the library showed a
SUbstantial increase of 708 over chat
of 1947. This was evident in the
adult classed and juvenile as well as
in adult fiction.
Mary Wakefield by Mazo de la
Roche -the delightful ,Talna novel
for which you have been waiting, is
now in the library. Tt follows "The
Building of Jaime' and preeedes
"Young Ronny." In it, Mary Wake-
flele, too youpg and Inc pretty by
far, earne to Seine as governess to an
unruly, high-spirited little •boy called
iRenny, and a determined, placid
little girl that was Meg. They were
the motherless children of Phillip
Whileosk contented master of
iJalus. When Gran arrived on the
Mon. Tues. March 28-29
Tyronne Power Linda Darnell
in the Re-release of
"Mark of Zorre
1st Offer $200.00
2n1 Offer $80,00
COMING . . . for 4 Days
Wed. Thur, Fri. Sat.
March 30-31, April 1.2
"Abbott & Costello
Meet Frankenstein"
Fun for Everyone with
Bud and Lou in their
Best Comedy to date.
CKNX,Mon. -to Sat, 630 p.m.
! their marriage. Mr, McArter WaR
two years old when his parents
j moved here 77 years ago. Mrs,
McArter was bore here. a daughter
of the late MP. and Mrs. Thos. Miller
of the fith line of Morris. Mr.
ATeArter is the last survivor of his
family of seven. Mrs. McArter is the
last of a family of twelve,
They warn married at Myth on
March 5th, 1809, They have two sons •
Iran on the Miller homestead and
Miller at home. A daughter, LIMOS,
paSsi,(1 asray it wenty-two years ago at
I um age of twon0,,two, They have
three grandchildren. Donald. Billy
and Jean MeArter.
Robert Currie
This community lost one of its 11f6. -
I long residents in the 1141 40)0 Of .
Robert Currie who died athis home.
lot 28, concession 4, Morris townehip.
an Friday. March 4th. ire had been
confined to his bed for the past
three yeare.
'elle deceased was born on the
Currie homestead on May nth, I 81TI,
the son of pioneer residents. the late
Donald Currie and his u•ife Eliza-
beth Blackburn.
A farmer. the tato Mr. Cnrrie, wan
widely known throughout this
district where he had spent his
entire life.
His wife, the former Miss E.
Ilryans, predeceased him fifty-one
yea rs ago. He is surrvived by two
50118, lot. in, eon. 4 Marris
and fiat -Ad of ITamilton. Two
brothers and four s'sters predeceased
.11so surviving are three
grandchildren, Donald. Mrs. Allan
McCall (Betty C,urriel and Warren
and two great grandehildren, Barrie
and •John,
Bev. A. IliluS, of Melville Pres-
byterian Church officiated at the
services, Interment took place in
Brussels cemetery.
Pallbearers Ware, Harvey Bryon,
Frank Duncan. George Bone, William
Renderson, Duncan Brewer and
Frank Garter.
John Lowe, Roes T)nllOsai, B>s, 1
TiralVer and Nos, Smith were dower-,
scene from England with her
daughter Augusta and son -Inlay Sir
Edwin, Philip, her favourite son,
hod already lost his heart to the
lovely Miss 'Wakefield. 'Phis is the
charming story of their courtship,
set in the quiet and lovely Ontario
nomitryside, which Mary was seeing
for the first time -a courtship
watched and quarrelled over by that
affectionate, jealous, outspoken
family Ghat has endeared itself to
mininne of devoted .Talna readers.
Gigantic lc Shoe Sale
7Tundreds of pairs of eocul shoes
available in alt sites and styles. Don't
MIRE; this outstanding opportunity.
Buy one pair et regular price end an
extrn rent eels you another pair of
equal value. Visit the Arcade Store.
lernsesis new before it is too late to
take aci.vantage orthis amazing offer.
Cambridge ,Made -to -Measure
Clothes For Easter
Our Cembriclge Clothes repreeenta-
tive. will be at the Arcade Store,
Brussels, on Tuesday, March 22nd
to take measurements for Snits and
Coats Inc both ladies and men,
Orders taken on that date will be
delivered in time'for Easter. Wide
variety of .matertals-latest styles.
If you would he well dressed for
Basler SPO our representative on
Tuesday. March 22nd and place your
order for made -to -measure clothes by
7 wish to thank all who sent Inc
cards and gifts while in the hospital
and since coming home, 11 is
greatly appreciated.
Nellie McArter.
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott wishes
to announce the engagement of their
only daughter Lily Lightfoot to Chas,
Henry Next, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hart of Brussels. The
wedding to take place in Victoria
Street United Church, on March
.26th at 'three P,1VI.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Cunningham
announce the birth o4 a daughter,
Karen Irene. at Dr, Myer's Nursing
Horne, Brussels on March 7th, 1048.
a as
Mr. and Mrs, T. 1 Mcleacizea,n N./nth
to announce the birth of a daugh-
, ter Ellen Jane, at Toronto General
Hospital, Private Patients' P0111 -
ton, March 8th. 1949.
Sarah Jane Henry
This conimunity has lost its oldest
resident with the passing of Sarah
Jane Henry, wife of the late 1, M.
Henry who predeceased her eight
years ago,
The deceesed was horn on Feb.
15th, 1051. The only remaining one
of a family of 15 Is Mrs. Nancy Gill,
1861, Bruce ,St.. London. Ont.. who
eelebreted her 100th birthday rn
Feb. 15th,
11rs. Henry came ranada with
her parents et the age of 1S months
and lived her entire life in this. rem-
it -amity. She loaves to moern 1,er
loss besides her sister, one son
Arthur and one (laughter (Luella)
Mrs. D. Wardlaw, both of Ethel, four
grandchildren Foul four great grand-
Funeral service was eonducted
Ttev. Wilson from the residence of
her son Arthur. where she has made
her home for the last 11 Tears. ,
The pallbearers were: R.. Ws.
worth, C. Lake, C. Eckinter,
Sleightludm, C. Hansuld and G
Interment was in Mount Pleasant
Department of Lands and Forests Mrs. Nelson Nicholson
Preservation News
Muskrats may be trapped in the
Counties of Huron, Bruce and Grey
from the 20th .of March until the 21st
of April, inclusive with the authority ,
of El trapper's license.
The 1942-40 resident hunting
license ran out on February the 28th
except. in Bruce aud Grey Counties
where the hunting license bas been
made,yalid until June 150, 1940.
01 * 18
Those persons wishing to hunt
groundhogs, crews and starlings may
in April procure a vermin license
front your local license issuer or
from the Conservation Officer for
your district.
* *
Fer hunting (leer out. of season in
a lumber camp, in the district of
Clifford, Mr. Giant Riley of Eden
Grove was fined 080.00 and costa in
Magistrate McClevis' court in Welk-
erton on Thursday, March 10th.
Charges wore laid by Provincial
Conservation Officer W. H. Cantelon
of Wnghtian,
The funeral of the tate Martha
Storey, beloved wife of the late
Nelson Nicholson, was 'held from the
home of her son, Charles Nicholson,
lot 12, concession G. Morris Town -
%hip, on Friday, March 1111) at 2
pm. Servitcee were conducted by
Rev. W. J. Rogers of the 'United
Church. Myth.
Pallbearers were Frank Bell,
Albert .Skelton, Xriserfit McCaughey,
James Phelan, John McNichol and
11. J. 'Kelley.
Tnterment tok place In Brussels
; The late Mrs. Nicholson, died in
Clinton hospital on Wean esd ay,
, March Oh, in her 71st year, following
, several months' illness. The de
ceased was born in McKillop town
Rhin on Feb. 7111, 1879, the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. ,Toa, Storey.
She was married on May 23rd, 12001
to Nelson Nicholson, who pre-
deceased. her In 1985.
She leaves to mourn their loss.
tour sons, Charles, 6th concession of
Morris and Leslie, Norman end
Wallace, lit home. One daughter died
in infancy. Also surviving ere two
brothers. Joseph of Preston and
'Thomas in Sentorth, two sisters,
Mary Nicholson. McKillop and
Rebecca (Mrs. Broome) Seaforth,
!and three grandchildren.
Onr sincere thanks is extended to.
our friends El TO neighbours who
expressed their sympathy in eo
!runny ways at the time of our be-
reavement and for the beautiful
flowers. Special thanks to Mrs.
Settles Bryans, Mrs. Chas. Davis, Mrs,
Wes. Kerr, and Rev. G. A. 'Milne.
Your kindness will never be for-
The Currie Family.
East Huron Agricultural Society
In Brussels Town Hall on
AT 8 P. M.
Cards and Dancing
Refreshments - Admission 60c
(Please brine your Cards and Tables)
; We thank our neighlunirs and
friends for elm many deeds of kind -
netts that expressed their sympathy
'at the time of our recent bereave-
ment, They were all deeply
William Ziegler, ,
Kathleen and Elmer Denby.
We sincerely thank all nelghboure
and Mende who attended theft
seennethy in so many kindly acts at
the time of Mrs. Martha Nicholson's
death, Special thanks to Rev,
Rogers of Blyth, Mr. D, Rant,
Brussels and to those who loaned
The Nicholson Plamily,
John Crerar
I Tie,,. passed away uIcl"ll,' 131
Brussels, on Saturday. Mgirt'll 11 11
1 410. a Most Iilrbly esteemed lest-
' dent in the person of John Crerar, in
1314 7:lth year.
lie wee a !,10 of 1.10, late .1.1,11
:0 -Ire Cretn., horn im the fell con-
cession of Grey Tewnship. Ire homed
for a good many years. His wife was
the former Mary McDonald. n
ter Of the hute Thirteen and Mrs.
McDonald, -nd con. of \Alien
he Bold his farm they to
Brussels where lie was Interested in
limber and coal business for
some time. Mrs. Crerar passed away
several years ago,
The funeral serviee, held fr.'((
lala residence. ATill orete:, tat
Meietty. was contioweil G. ,
A. Milne.
He was a faithful 10rontier or
Melville Presbyterian Church and
was a regular attendant until failing
health overtook him
'elle pa Rhea rers wer, . qtua rt
"NleNnir. 'Ross firmly. Orly Shaw.
Guy MoNonald, Edgar McDonald and
.Tohn McDonald.
The deceased is survived by a
sister. Mrs, Jos McNair, Grey and
IMO brother. Samuel Crerar of Tn.
rout() and a sister-in-law. Afiss IlelIa
McDonaldwith whom he resided.
The funeral was largely attended.
Interment took place In Brnssels
Silver Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Callaghan
at home to their frisi,,ls on
sead•tr ,111 the oreasion iif their
silvtu• wedding anii•iversary.
The tea -table. attractive with its
lace idoth, and centre of ros19. ',vas
presided Over by Mrs. J. A. Wi.t.,11
We.r.,' served
•datigliters. Misses Alice
and Kathleen, assisted by islisses
'or( -11 Callaghan. Joan McIntyre
and Mary McMahon.
(111314from out-of-town were --
Mrs. W. A. Birtles, Toronto; Mr, and
Mrs. S. S. Wilton, Brussels: Mr, and
Mrs. Percy P.enson. and Mr. A. L.
Kalmert, Toronte.-13eliville Paper,
Melville Church
, A pnblie address sytem, gifted by
Mr. Louis 'Thompson in memorit of
his MO the late Mr. "tribal.
Frederick Thompson, was ded.tcated
at the morning service on Stioditry,
The suhject of Rev. Mr. Milnes
sermon was "Meriting God's Re
ward" and was based on the Parable
of the talents. The anthem was “But
the Lord is mindful" by Mendels-
solm. Prior to the evening servile
Mr. Louis Thompson gave aa organ
selerVen which included "4 rmo tion"
of Ilorowski: the Chmous "I will give
thanks" from Mozart's '1','1 (11) •
Mass; "Trumpet Tune one Air" by
Purcell; Schuberts' "Ave Marta
Two films, "My Name is Han" and
"We Too Revolve," were known ut
the evening serviee. 'Roth fetus paid ,
tribute to the Work clone by IntsSinli-
eries in China and the Seen'
Placid°. Tho choir rendered the
anthem "Sun of my Soul" by Turner,
Miss Margaret Cardiff taking the
the solo part. Mr. Mietek Skowron•
ski ceritulbuted the solo "0 Divine
Redeemer" by Gounod.
Sy (Roost ri Spwrit)
Taking 170,4 51 145.1.(1.t 51I10n.0 Rangel%
0'1 ; : the Lions
Trophy in ,110.• 1.eate„ Monday it iglit,
in lie !Ire, .kithough they
had a poor 1.,0-01101 dm saloriitile,
mod1 rip for Mot in
the tinabs defeating De'ruit 0 wire,
and polishing off the highly tented
Boston team. So congra tulo Liman
I hippy !tape aud ItungorA.
11113..• 3 1, 411. i( defense:,
G. retteins. F. Campbell: centre. •
Cardiff: wings. IC. Grewar, A. Cam-
eron; alternates, T. Bridge, K. Stenh-
,nson, 1> 8e1ian. S. Smith. 14s.5/...,
Meentcheon, C. MeCutcheon, 1.
reee,.3.. 1-!„1. 10-0 '''1: detense,
J. Hoover. G. Bove: nentre,
1110114or13 wings. 11. Dennis, B. Alerting
nit.•,•,,,t,••,. D. A1,,3333, !3•3•11, .;•••; IP -
ban. T. Elliott. D. Rutledge, 11. White,
B. Riley.
Fir't Period
Penalties. D. Dennis.
Ser.ond Period
_--- K. Grew ar (`;,m..roq)
, 4-1). Dennis
;•".. •.:1•,-•••
11 -11 Cousins
No penalties.
Third Period
7-J. Cardiff (A. Cameron)
8 P. Soinert,
Pelialttei,-.P. Campbell, K. tirewar
• 4
111 the doubleheader, home .mti
home series played in the Brussels -
Arena he! We --11 lionr'ers and Denali.,
Boston and Citi' -ago, resulted in wins
for Rangers and Boston. Rengerre
-winning l'rata Detroit 8-3 on the
round and Boston • winning trona.
01(701 1,1.7
The first care, 3113- 5131 un Sof: ice
beet ho ti•o, J,* -,q1 down a bit, but
for the second ,rA'onle the 'tie was
11111,31, 11, 1.1.r a good game.
111101310'l',- Bo -ton in 1, 2
ton of 1111," eios for Ana troph11
displayed in Lien Leach's window.
Seoriee s01 01,171 ”(4:,.' 114 firgt
First Period
1-5, Cardiff
No penalties.
seeend Period
8-5, Cardiff
- 4-J. Kerr
Penalties -41. (iardiff
Third Period
5-1", Willis
6-G, Cousins
No penalties.
Scoring sonon:,ry of second game.
First Period
1-P. Somers
No eemilres.
Second Period
3---D. Dennis
4 Miller
5 -Somers
Penalties -R Thule. L. Fischer.
Third Period
No penalties.
lltferei,-,D. Willis
18 *
Scoring 4 goals in the third period.
Rangers wen the first of three game
series against Boston, Saturday
night. The game was fast and
fixating all the way and the ice in
perfect condition.
• Referee -0. Riley.
We want to thank all -who con.
tributeci to our happiness with cards,
letters, Sowers, cake and other
messages of congratulations nn our
Golden 'Wedding anniversary, March
81.1) also the beautiful (emirs that
were presented tn us. Thanks to the
Rev. Mr. Mores for his ldndly words
and help and all others who helped
111 ney way. Tt was all deeply
My, and Mrs. Sue, McArter
Church Notes
Rev, Semite, Kerr of Glace Bay,
Nova ,Sootia, who is interested. in
yonng people's work will be in
Toronto this week and will be in
Brussels over the week end and
Meets to occupy Meyllle pulpit next
LAT -an -rho funeral of the rate
.Ihmes G, Laird who passed away
in Nesbville, Miell., on March 8
was held on the arrival of the
1 12:44 train on ThursclaY, March 10.
Bev. Geo. Milne officiating, Inter-
ment, was in 13russols Cemetery.
First Period
1-D, Dennis
2-D. Dennis
3-K. Grewar
Penalties -G, Cousins
Second Period
4-A. Cameron
6-31), Somers
Penalties -J. Cardiff
Third Period
7-A. Cameron
5-A. Cameron
9-11'. Grewar
10-71'. Grower
Penalties -P. Somers
Melville Church W.M.S.
The Women's Missionary Societe
of Melville Presbyterian Church held
!their meeting on Friday, Feb, llth
,with Miss G. Stewart in the chair.
; The meeting VMS opened with the
singing of Hymn 627. The Scrip-
tune rending 011 Vila 'MIAbeautltuda
was given by Mrs. J. Work. Prayer
by the president. The officers sub-
, mitted their reports, The ladies of.
the congregation are invited to mw
expense tea at the home of Mrs. 1,.
Thomson on Tuesday, March 29th.
A committee was named to arranger
; for the Presbyterial to be held in the
, alum& on May 17th. Mrs, Sehultar
I gave a most instrudive talk est
"Taiwan our Pioneer Wield," Mrs. C.
llaeker react e, later from Rev. attn.
Dickson of Tehran. Mrs. Waiter
Herr favored the ladies with re
; beautiful piano solo. The mseting
wait tosed with prayer.