HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-3-9, Page 5I" ri3
We will pay for old, disabled or dead
COWS $4.O@ ea. — li'Ilr;EWES $4.00
HOGS $ LOO per cwt.
All according to size and condition
Phorte, COLLECT, for prompt, courteous sorvio,s
russei.s 72 — Ingersoll 21
Due to the increase of our equipment we
are now able t.c Llr ode dllivwre work
If you have a.,r;-:::: ^• !;. nf17 saw— Phone
Atwood 45-r-14
Prices oLradiy given free.
all; 6i, ,ttiektij altar
9hA.:'i�rY'.F/i 1a�,•
anti easy ice rar rc, at izome
Appr.dzing, satisfying, inoriay-savings Make up this
Purity Flour Swaef Bun dough and in quirk time you can havo hot
hens, fruit bung, spiced buns or ked buns,,.oven fresh.
t cake ...Pressed yoosf
2 Nko-milk (scolded and cooled to 1'TP:ft'
Yr cup granulated gager enough f
WI cup shortening kneed un
1 egg Ilhrir-gre
1 foaspaon soil surface of
s'S•5 cups sifted PURITY FLOUR (novo ,has
u09? If
and she
Recipe from 1ho
Purity Flour Kitchens
,sip yeast and
enf flour fo
be convenie
k mlzlaro.
ougho ft
a ubied In hulk. Punch tduwn
Soden baklne h all doff, P50 °n a art of
Cream Yeast coke In luko.wnrm m)Ik. unrR double fn bulk Yr end Ie
sugar and shortening and add welt- (A0°..{y5o B ko in a
Ilpht brown Yield ob So minutoshor un,t
FRUIT BUNB..-Add i I out 3%Z dozen rail,.
FRUIT w 0 �z cups currants f arraigns, igns, dredged flour,
ns. lust before baking,gad Wiln
with mixture, of I vee whitbefore d°Pfno the
QNNAfgaN BUNS—Roil dough out to 2 lablo-
CINN bailer. Mrs: 1 cup brown sugar wan long norrow sheet
dough. U dewed %z cup pf `n may ho wee
h Inch thick. Brush With
milk rend sp00?, sa owlf6 u a� C° cut nl amoo3Vn in Well Roll
rtasfed roll 50 ttnan a u,5, foe over
g and cin n mi3dure, muffin fins. Brush fops edge.
Grand lo.
What a taste thrill ..what a thrill to get a recipe that
means so much won,derful food for so little money.
And this recipe calls for Purity Flour... your favourite,
the flour that's specially milled from fine hard wheat,
the flour that means successful cakes, pies, cookies
or buns, every time, all the time.
with itss875 recipes developed
ou the famous in (he BOOy
Flour Kitchens, Send to your nearest Purity
Flour Mille office—St, John, N.B., Montreal,
Que., Ottawa, Ont., Toronto, Ont., W innlpog, 1
Man., Calgary, Al?.., Vancouver, B.C.
LCDy Prov
HONEY FOR SALE has the si'n`e ion• s. value as c over
We still have choice Amber tna honey but at a very reasonable price,
granulated Honey which is a blend of 8 lb. pails $1.35; 4 Ib pails 70c.
clover, golden rod and buckwbest.It Lloyd Wheeler Phone 21-r-8
Yes, the true teat of a laying mach Is "what
extra profit remains after cost of feed and
management is figured."
rita'ueeeey 18 a scientifically balanced bag
of raw materials to be fed to egg -laying
machines , . , it keeps the "machines" in good
running order and supplies the materials tenths'
manufacture of eggs, You can always count on
Vitcelay for maintenance and profitable • produc•
Spring Grasses, rich in pro-
teins and vitamins are har-
vested at their nutrition peak,
dehydrated in minutes, then
added to all Roe Vffamized
Feeds..."0 green -gold' diet
bonus for poultry, livestock.
Fi'4s'ndshp ardu
l((i t', Ito .t•„ • I.
Fri, -1111..11,1, ,II 1 ,'
IMMO of Jit .1. 1h I-u:y..i1'i 'Pit/
rl ald,•n, i11 . .11(711 t art -il ,i And
opened the meeting with 11Ymn 1.f,
(15'?er wlurh Nen t 'Bl, Ur;t`
r.. 1,1 iry 4540'?ol tnemh`•t . Mrs,
Bridge rend the Scripture wilioll WIlO
feliew,'d by t:ineint: of "Conn,., linty
Spirit." The seer ntary, Mrs. Ryan,
read the the minutee of the Fobru•
ary meeting then th6 Moll Call was
answered by 18 m0nrhere and some
enoyl houeeeleaning hints,
Mrs. Rev. Wilson gave nu intrv,•a.
ing talk on hospital work in China.
During the business period, it wan
drMded to hold a nroktnol,' party In
the ehnrch basement some evening
in Marnh, so we hope yon will al,
he watching for n later annoonre•
meet and join us for, a full evening's
fun end enjoyment.
By the way, we lust know a
certain little boy over In England is
going to be very happy indeed when
he opens that nice birthday gift box
sent from "The Friend -ship Circle",
Brussels. Canada. When yeti lariies
begin your housecleaning won't you
please pot aside all those articles
you no longer use, and give them to
the "Circle" for their "Spring Sale"?
They plan to use this method of
raising money fpr more missionary
The business period was followed
by a. reading from Mrs. R. Cousins.
The offering was taken and meeting
conolerl.ed with Hymn 441 and
Mrzpals Benediction.
An Trish Contest was enjoyed
while conntitttee in cha.rgo prepared
a delicious lunoll. A vote of thanks
was given to the hoses for her
lotrely hospitality and we alrall look
forward to our April meeting at the
home of Mrs. Ti„ Crarniss.
Dr. Turner, Ingersoll, conducted
the service in Knox Church here 011
Sunday morning. A duet "Beneath
the Crass -of Jesus" by Maker was
sung by Mrs. Clara Omstead and
Lylle Gordon. 'Rev. A. Preston of
Avonton win be the minister -on
March 13 and a good attendance is
stoped for.
Mrs. Robt. Campbell left Satnrdel
to visit with h.er sister Mrs, Dur-
wood Bialckburn, Windsor.
The W.M.S. met In the chnrMt on
Friday attenneol, March 4 at 2
o'clock for their regular monthly
meeting. Mrs, John Schnook was
leader and led, in the opening exer-
01805, Scripture portions were rears
by Mrs. Alex Steiss. Mrs Calvin
Cameron and Miss Alien J. Ferrero,
Mrs, Schnook led in prayer and Mrs.
D. Hnehhnr presided for the business
session. The minutes were read
and approved, ten members respend-
0d 'to roil call with a verge contain.
ing "prayer.!"Otte supply allocation
was read from n letter from Mrs. M.
l Internee, by supply sec. Mrs. Robt.
Campbell. Other bmslncsw letters
W090 diem -ism/ and offering rreelverl.
The topic by Mrs. C. Omstead was
em "Toiwan, Ger Pioneer Meld." The
worsilin service was based on the
1 Beatitude "Blessed Are They That
114Tourn." A Hymn Was emltg and
th closing prayer given be hLe
I Lender.
Quite a tmutber of men of the ren
gregation under the leadership of
Martin 11?acDonald have been busily
engaged ,putting n new ceiling in the
church basement and other necessary
LJ Deny Ti,k13101r0
Litht 1,q
Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor
10,01 n 51,111 1(0y I(min, ((0 1,91 111415 1 ll
111 IID; 511,14k a 1 ) r , ) 14.00 1 . I f
fnr80,1 WON)" I t i
nrI 501111, If , \ ,1 ,N y f I ,i j 1 1 1r r„
:de 009 proud 1 et tl -tl '•1 I I .�.
(4500',(1 (res. Re tanks, xn11110tfle0 1 OW. 1DIVID•g.1 1 I l I'
en, VIto,lsla 1f``, Menne. enrtrirl(ni S ,..11 .1,1,
rmn tH( nod n,' rklsn°min tt Fit Item, `ol ,101
I I , 4,
imu't Nur gert401 No tat. Clop wher y011. 4.I �i
be L, 10. 10 or 2to?ha. yea two] (,,r( rn Ir •i I„
coax Ilftle New ti get ae uo ed' Xtr 1„'
'1'00 hU ,a OArno Tonto'('08840 tor I
and added Ueuuda, Gila very day. At ell 1(1 (..t
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Wilton spent tate
week end in Belleville Ittend:no ;119
".5th wadding anniversary of Mr. ail
Mrs. Teen Callaghan. NUN. Callaghan
was the former Kathleen Wilinn of
Miss Janette Gemmell returned
home on Saturday after site nding
five drays in Seaforth hn9nital •ilio`
undergoing an appendix operation.
;firs. Chas, McKay arri^poi home
on Saturday from Bnff.110, N.Y..
where she spent the last three
months. Her grand -daughters Helen
end Shirley MclCay who metered uP
with her retm•ned to Ruifalo on
Mrs. ie e
1 TTa. Step 1 nfi0n w110 fn Ores her
home n"ith ter `laughter Mrs( Andrew
Jecklin, Turnberry St, N., eelehrated
her OOfh birthday on Sunday, starch
6th. Congratulations.
Mrs, W. Browne is risitlr1T at t110
Monne of Mr. and Mrs. C. fhterhlen as
Mrs. Bnsehlen ,just returned on T1100-
dnn from ,Senfnrth hospit:el and is
now reruperetdng from sn operation.
Miss Glary Lott, who spent the
winter at the home of her nephew
lTr. ELl. Panner of Salem returned
in time to celebrate her eightyninth
birthday last Thursday, .March ^rod.
itTr. Myers. who has spent the
whiter at the home of his son, Dr,
Myers returned to his home on
Sunday to attend the funeral of his
(0r11 0th, '1340
Phone 22 -r -1O
Ethel, Ont.
'?IAne .Rs
7-77 Pelhetzr 9m+ry; l'oro90 (Member food Manufacturers Assveiafion)
Melville Church
At the morning s, rri(r u ' .t, •
Bev. 11r Allele per"it l(0 d 1,il the,
❑Meet' The Ito HO' of let,i:41 log I
God" and based the subleel "u tie'
-tory of .I a,• ;h':: ,early Ale until his I
encounter with the angel, rhe an-
them was "Seep thee the:
Foster. The soloists were Mro.1
Wait,'r Porter and 119. Wm. King.
At the evening service Mr. 31h!,•
preached en the Beatitude "ill . -snarl I
are they whirl' are persecutes for
1 righteousness' sake." R•,ferenee
I was made to the pnrse.ution o5
( Church leaders in Communist `tont-
ina.ted countries. Miss Margaret
, Cardiff rendered the solo "Open the
gates of the Temple" by Knapp. The
anthem was -Some blessed 'l,ty" by
Nevin. 11Tr. Gerald Gibson was the
The Mateh meeting of the Walton
C.G.hT. was held on March 6511 et
the home of Tone Watson. The meet
Mg was opened with the Call to
Worship by Helen Johnston and the
singing of hymn No. 605. This was
followed by the Scripture reading
by Doris Stevens. Helen Armstrong
then led in 'prayer. Ruth and Beth
Boyd then favoured with a duet
"Nearer My God to Thee' accompan-
ied on She piano by lone Watson,
The minutes of the last meeting
were read seconded by Leona Johns-
ton. Moved by Helen Johnston,
seconded by Muriel Sohade that we
send for a blue communion table
runner, Carried. The next meet•
ing is to be held at the home of Mrs.
R. Kirkby, Mrs. Hazelwood read a
letter from the nos-h'on of the Indian
school where the o-ganieatinn sent
Christmas presents. T•t was decitled
to give the 0,G.1,T. girls first rhnatee
to buy the autographed quilt, T1P
remainder of the meeting W0 Ft 9110115
in working at the blocks of the auto-
graphed trent. The meeting ended
with a deb`t`ors h711ch.
At 3 o'clock the Wold Day of
Prayer service was nbserved with
the president of the Senior Aux. airs.
Dan H»ether nreslding for the first
halt and Mrs. Cliff 1Calmachen,
Young Women's Aux. president in
the chair for the second half. A deet
"Beautiful Hou' of Prayer," Was Seng
by Miss, Muriel MacDonald and Mrs,
C. Otnstead. Shot prayers were
given by several nu -Millers of the
Young Women's Aux.
of Farm Stock, Implements
and Household Effects
at Lot 12, Con. 13, Hullett Twp.
1%2 miles west of Harlock on
at 12.30 P.M.
Horses 3. Cattle "", head, Dnple-
ments—full line of Farm Machinery
including a Threshing Machine,
All -steel 'White' grain separtor 25-56,
cutter, roller hearings, a good
modern machine.
E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk
The W.M.S. and W,A. of Walton
TTnfled Church joined the Angiican
W.A. in their `Mardi for Weal Day
of Prayer. The meeting opened 119'
`engin,'. Called to prayer by Mrs. -C.
Brown the Angdtoan leafier. The
theme wns The Lord is Thy Pe0per,"
1Trs. Nelson Reid then fat'onrel with
n solo. A prayer From China, was
offered by Mrs, A. Cnutts. Several
Hymns were sung. During the meet.
ing an address GU "Vrilat. Tong Money
Does" was given by Mrs, P. TTnlman.
She also read two poems entitled
"Prnyer" and "God's Dr'ani." While
the offering n'ns being receiver, Mrs,
Ti, Tra.viss sang "Sweet Holm of
Prayer." Prayers of itlterrossion
• were offered by Mrs, Bolger, Mrs. S.
Humphries, Mrs, Hazlewood, Mrs.
MoMiclhsol, Mrs, John McDonald,
Hymn 560 was sung, Benediction was
pronounced and the meeting ad
inlproventonte. journed.
0. J. Peg&ow
Will do Shoes and Harness Repairs
'-- Promptly --
and give you a full stock of New Harness
to choose from.
Come in and Look Em Over.
See our prices.
Of Fat+m Stock and Implements.
at Lot 15, Con. 13, McKllIep Twp.
2%2 miles East of Leadbury
'At 1 P.M.
1 mare 11 yrs. old
1 gelding 12 yrs. old
1 cow milking, bred Feb. 25
1 heifer In calf
9 steers, rising 2 yrs. old
G heifers rising 2 yrs. old
1 calf, five months old
1 sow rine March 20th
9 chunks weighing 186 lbs.
12 pigs Rif months old
26 plgs 214 months old
Cockshott 70 tractor in A-1 shape_
International 2 -furrow tractor plow
T -fl, 1;10,4911 double disc
615. cultivator with tractor hitch
7 -ft. cut Deering binder
8 -ft. cut Frost & Woorl mower
Maxwell hay loader
Maesey-Harris hay rake
Frust & Wood cultivator
gte-+e farrow '•'ding plow
'Three furrow gang plow
Wnllring plow
hm:11 dish 90001 drill 14 hoe
14 nntethrow dick harrow
M51111re spreader
New Men rubber tire wagon
Pet sleighs with flat rack
iT:+'r rack with shift
4-srsctton diamond harrows
Gravel box Viking cream separator
Faulting mill
2000 Ins, !Renfrew settles
Buggy Cutter Pump Jack
internal tonal 11 i. IT P. a•as engine
300 ft. snow fence Harrow cart
Sep pen and buckets Ladder
Cyclone grass seeder drain hags
Sugar kettle
Sett breaching harness
Set back hand harness
.Slntfie liarness Horse oeilnrs
Crosse cut sal Whl1Cletrwes
Neck yokes Chains Forks
Lumber 3 hunches shingles
400 lbs, coarse salt Desk hoose
Colony Bons, R Shelters
Onnntity of hay �.
175 bus, barley
Organ Moffatt range
Quebec heater ()hero. Tied
Feather tick odd chairs Palls
Anttgne spinning wheel swift & ''eel
Cheese 5rees I
Prop. ED. DAVIDSON ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,
Clerk, E. P. CHESNEY
Auctioneer, HAROLD JACICSC)N „
wm aaap.1y.
4 Good Ford Ferguson Tractors, with new
10 or 12 inch pT, .w,
New Ferguson Tractors Available — Order
1947 Ford ' = Ton Pick-up Truck, with small
1 Ton Chev. Truck Chasis available this
1947 Chev. Sedan in new car condition.
1946 De Luxe Ford Sedan, small milage,
1947 Monarch Sedan, small milage.
L t :VV0 Jacks Jackson Motors Lade
Listowel, Ont. ' Phone 161
Now as always parts and services are avail•
able for all Oliver tractors in Ontario
including those said by the Cbckshutt
Plow Company.
All Goodison.Oliver dealers are equipped
to serve you. Why not drop in at the
nearest Goodison-Oliver dealer toga; and
see how they are ready to help you.
in ttkst,ru Provinces, COMIC; stay (Ace Sragtb,
Blyth, Ont.