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The Brussels Post, 1949-3-9, Page 2
AUSTRIA There is still probably a lot of hard bargaining ahead; but it looks as, if the conclusion of a Peace Treaty between the Big Four na- sions on one side, and Austria on the other, is much nearer realiza- tion than it was just a month or s0 ago. Ylere are some of the signs that point to this: (1) The four deputy foreign ministers have agreed to hear a representative of Yugoslavia if he will come forward and state that country's claims against Austria. It was on the issue of these claims that the talks broke down Last May. (2) The Yugoslav Deputy For- eign Minister, while in London, in- dicated that he is willing to put forward compromise proposals and that he is in a mood to bargain. He is expected to water down Yugoslavia's previous claim to a slice of Austrian Carinthia, in addi- tion to $150,000 millions worth of reparations. (3) The Soviet delegate has said that Russia still insists on $150 millions, in convertible currency, as lump -sum price of relinquishing its claim to German assets in Aus- tria. But it is definfiitely believed that Russia is prepared to bargain on this point—that is, if the West- ern Allies will make the first offer• There are other developmnts, too lengthy to mention here, but altogether the atmosphere is much more favorable of a settlement of some kind soon. Russia is believed to be ready to quit Austria, be- cause the longer it stays the more unpopular it becomes there. But the Kremlin boys want to extract as big a sum as possible as the price for leave taking, Hence the Russian claim for $150 millions, in lieu of German assets, to be paid by Austria within five years. It is obvious that the Russians know that Austria cannot scrape up any such sum. But it is just as obvious that the Russians expect that the United States is to pay the bill, if only to get the Stalinites' out of Austria. And the chances seen, to be that they are right — although the price will probably be scaled down a bit when the final settlement comes, HUNGARY Once he got clear of that coun- try, the United States Minister to Hungary didn't mince words about conditions there. On his way home to report to Washington regarding the Cardinal Mindszenty case, Sel- den Chapin told newspapermen that it was "a wonderful feeling to breathe the free air of France." "As far as conditions in Hungary are concerned," 11e said, "I would like to say this much: That 110 one today, except the blind and twisted, can fail to see that the Hungarian people are under the complete, to- tal domination of Moscow -trained Communists whose sole allegiance is to the Kremlin. "I can say this," Chapin added, "that unless a person has actually lived in Hungary or any of the "curtain" countries and learned • from personal observation the facts of life, he or she cannot possibly conceive what that life i$ like." Somebody asked Chapin what he thought •would be the result if Look Climbing int? a uniform at. Yankee Stadium 1 to look into his t crystal baseballStengel Casey appears startled at seeing what's in store for the Bomb- ers, The future is bright, said the new manager of the New York Americana. Norman Blair free elections could be held in Hun- gary tomorrow. "I think anti-Com- munist majority woula be over- whelming. The percentage of Communist votes would probably be less than in many Western Eu- ropean countries." It will be recalled, no doubt, that the Hungarian Government asked for Chapin's recall. 1Vith hint hold- ing these sort of views, this can hardly he nondtred at! GREAT BRITAIN Whale oil— and whale meat have come to play a big part in British economy— the oil, tape- cialy, being a very considerable factor in maintaining the United Kingdom's soap and fat rations. So it was really good news when the Whale Meat Advisory Bureau reported recently that the latest British expedition to the Antarctic had enjoyed the best whaling sea- son, in oil yield, since the war. The expedition of 22 ships was led by the factory ship Balaena, which has just returned to Britain. Whale oil is priced at about 90 pounds ($360) per ton. in London, Prince Philip recently did a bit of kidding at the expense of the tailoring profession. At a banquet of the Master_ Tailors' Be- nevolent Association at Grosvenor House, the Prince heard himself described as "the perfect example of how a Britisher should be dressed on all occasions." The Prince good-humoredly chided the tailors. "Every man would probably like to start a fash- ion," he said, "but most men have a tailor, and the greatest enemy of starting a fashion is a man's tailor. Imagine if I were to go in and order a coat of many colors or stripes. Would any of you gentle- men make it for me?" The Prince, we think, should really pay a visit to Canada, if that's the way he feels. From the looks of many of the more youthful males, as they walk down the streets, it would appear as though tailors on this side of the water would be willing to make a coat or suit out of red, white and blue bunting, or any other material whatsoever. TALL TALES Since Taluka, .. young man, 8 ft. 3 in. tall, arrived recently in the village of Pegu, 40 miles from Ran- goon, crowds have flocked to see him. A native of Karenni State, he belongs to the Padeung race, whose womenfolk have developed "giraffe" necks by wearing high metal collars. Taluka is unperturbed by the sensa- tion his great height is causing. He ie used to It — he was over 7 ft. tall before he was •17. He has two brother "giants", both over 7 ft. Who holds the world's record for tallness today? Probably "Lofty" Jan Van Albert, a 9 ft. 33/ in. Dutchmna, who, when he arrived in London in 1924, visited 10 Down- ing Street and was photographed with Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, Jan weighed 420 lbs, before hte war, but lost about 200 lbs, during the Nazi occupation of Holland, Up to 1939 he would eat a breakfast con- sisting of three bowls of porridge, four kippers, 1 Ib, of fried bacon, 12 bread rolls, and 8 cups of coffee. It was the habit of 8 ft, 7 in. tall Patrick Cotter to get up very early in the morning and exercise his great limbs walking round the streets. On these walks he was sometimes seen to light his pipe at street lamps. Many stories of lofty men are merely "tall tales," but there is no doubt that a Russian named Nisch- now, who was exhibited in London In 1905, was actually 9 ft, 3 in, tall in his socks. Ott his visits to Berlin he used to promenade the streets with a short, bearded friend while Berliners gaped et the contrast. Machnow, now dead, used to sleep in two beds placed end to end. Tall men are not usually propor- tionately strong and broad, but Walter Parsons. who became gatt- porter to James 1. was. Ile was 7 ft. 6 in, high, and when he worked es a blacksmith in his early days a hole had to be -dog in the smithy near the anvil so that Ile could work on a level with the other teen. tI A little elan once insulted 'i'areons in a London street. The giant smil- ingly picked hint up and hung hint by his breechee belt on a high hook 1n118ide a butcher's shop, New Mechanical Hand With Joints—This is an" experimental },nolle, of a new mechanical hand being tested at 'the Emergency Limb Center in London. It is Seen picking up a ball bearing between finger and thumb. It has also successfully picked up pins, cigarettes and other small objects. Now it plight seem, to most folks, that if there is one commodity re- garding which there exists no short- age or scarcity, it is these Annual Award things. We have yearly Awards for the best dressed male, the hest undressed --we mean the most attractively undressed female, the champion spuds grower, the kid with the greatest crop of reticles, the least ungentlemanly hockey player, and so on, and so on, Award without end, Amen! * * * Still, in spite of this plethora— (we hope that means what we think it does)—of Annual Awards, we personally feel that there should be still another. It would be for the "Most Sympathetic Man of the Year" or maybe "The Man Whose Heart Bleeds Most Readily for Down Trodden* Humanity" would be choicer phrasing. And if any reader of this column would like to chip in with a few dabs to finance a suitable Trophy—then the readers of this column are nuttier than even we suspect. * * * Anyway, we are not only willing to suggest such an award; we are also champing at the bit to put on the ballot the first nominees. And not to make too long a story of it, they would bw the six gentlemen who carry the heavy burden of sponsoring the six teams which con- stitute a benevolent organization, of which you may have heard rumors, entitled The National Hockey League, * m * In our innocence„ we had long thought that the steady lengthening - out of Big League hockey schedules' at both ends, to say nothing of a spot or two of padding in the mid- dle, was occasioned by nothing oth- er than desire for a little extra pelf, or as the Indian aborigines used to phrase it, "Meewant hunknlore wampum." * g * Which is understandable enough, human nature being what it is— mostly in need of airwicks, (We learn on dubious authority, that even in the choicest black-market circles, back of the Iron Curtain) they have a saying which roughly goes—very roughly— CHARGSKI TRAFFI- KOFF ALL WILL BEARSKI). But now it seems we had the poor hockey moguls all wrong, Every- body knew that they were flirting with the idea of adding still further games to their schedule. (Every- body, that is, except Dumb Davey, whose last lucid memory is of the 12th of July when Debby Doyle NO REAL INCREASE OF HEART DISEASE There has been :10 real rise in heart disease among Americans be- yond what is to be expected from the increased proportion of older persons in the population, according to Dr. Louis I. Dublin, statistician of the Metropolital Life Insurance Company, To him the increasing proportion of deaths from heart dis- ease reflects mainly the large in- crease in the number of older per- sons and the reduction in mortality from acute infections among them, He even goes so far at to say that "when due allowance is made for the various factors affecting the statistics, it is found that there has been an actual decrease in the death rates from heart disease at every age. The number of premature deaths from heart disease is being constantly reduced, and the averag( age at death from the disea a 1* steadily increasing," SAD "Why 80 down in tit i,,othmouth's" "Lost my new car," "Why don't you report it to the police -r" "The tt police? Why, they're flit: tams that took ity" i8 jumped through the bass drum in protest against the Orange Young Briton's Band playing "Kick the Pope" when passing St. Mary's Church -and that's a many long years ago.) And all thought, as we have hint- ed, that it was a matter of money. But now we learn that we were all wrong -even more wrong than Jack Dempsey when he thought he could not only flatten Firpo with one punch—(he could, and did!)—but ,Take him stay flattened. * * For just a few evenings ago a spokesman for the National Hockey League arose, tossed a few verbal bouquets around the sports scene in general, and spokesmanned. He is, a very gallant character whose phy- sical courage, doggedness, determin- ation and business ability we have admired for—as they used to say down Bermondsey way—donkey's years. * * But when Conn Smyth intimated that the reason the upper brass of the league felt impelled to length- en still further the schedule was this—their knowledge that so many felt frustrated by pot getting into the regular 60 games, because of lack of seating or standing accotn- adation, our reaction was something like this, * * * "Gee, we've heard , everything now!" They'll add extra games, beyond a doubt, But they'll do it, not for extra gates, but because they love the public. Did we say we needed another Annual Award? Heck, there should be six of them! 7=undaoumer 81IRIR Finest Hour Winston S Churchill BOOK' LOVERS IT'S HERE! Now Is the ihne to order this 0000ati0n- al New Book—"Their Finest Hour"— The War Memoirs el Wlnoton S. Churchill, a book written especially for You by one of the world's out,t0nding atatesmen and authors, We have been fortnlnte in nbtalning an agency for thio much -talked -about book, end it Is now offered to you for the emote price you will nay 1n any leading book shop. AVail'yourself of this offer NOW, no It 1s expected that this edition will be sold out promptly by the moforlty of ((alert. Send a Postal note or money Order for only 011 dollars (80.00) to; THE BENNETT DISTRIBUTING CD. Bey 254 — Terminal A — Toronto CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1 1 ti5.VCS 75.02'1'011 Ill: 11.,1 lz OWN 00001 Dlotribne, o1, Part 'I ,.e or Pull Time basis, our 260 Peoduet*: X,1, 08,0. tlmnrh7+ I.xtrnete, Spices. Baking I'mw,L t. rakes Dou,thnnts, Glues, env., 1''u re]titre nn0 Shoe Polishes, eta Sash Individual a 01,01001(11' CXea110nt OPl'arl0t111Y In rent your nosiness abilities Wr')te fol free letalla nn,:1 entnloguo—h'AMILEX, 1000 I,elOrimle•, llmnreal 1(:011V ('111(150 GOVEI N111:N'I' approved cblck0 from blond tested broed,•L'n. Two' great breeds. 1.101,1 Serowe. tenet feathering burred roses; 111X111) 512.301 Pn11els 021.401 Cox 85.00 per hundred. 3lrinto*ll (:'181,•1, Hatchery, Berwick, ,800et,1. 0,101 (01(115 INVI05'rlt8ATio bofore you 0,151 if you have experimented with "bargain" eineks yon found to your regret that your profit was for lees than It would have been had you nm,1e the right start by buying ounllty chlcka that e01ne to you from bred-in•profit otrnIn. More than 10.000 l'weddie ru0tomers hove learned from experience that every Twaddle Chick Is born With n bred -In -profit record, born of proved layers on both sides. They honestly expert and get extra eggs and extra profits. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. 500,101 broiler ;Mirka. Canadian Approved turkey punts. Send for entaloguo and price list. Twaddle Chin; Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 0A7eADIAN Approved 1801,07 nouns 01110he0 from 0520 received from some of the out - ,tending breeders In Canada, Send for de- tails. 'Pweddlo Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario, MANE MORE 00O11E8 from ohlrka )n 1940. Bean' wise poultry raisers depend on Top Nnlob chicks year after year. And the wiser they are, the earlier they get their order 1n. Top Notch chicks are from Pullorom tested Government Approved sleek of all the best breeds—and 0om0 flue erose breeds. We have enev1nn breeds for egg Production, special. breeds for meat and broiler,, Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Turkey 0outt0. Free catalogue. Top Notch (20I01c Sales, Guelph, onm,ao. 008111058 01.1.01-sTUNITIE8 AN OFFER to every Inventor—List o1 invest. Cons and toil Information sent free. The Ramsay Co. Registered Potent Attorneys, 973 Bent( Street, Ottawa DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dYoing or clean - Mal Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your retention... Department H, Parker'', bye Works Limited. 701 Ynnge Street., Toronto, Ontario. FOIL SALE $2,500.00 100 ACRE FARM About 12 miles from Peterborough - 7 heron house. Good barn 0nd 01100s. JACK TOWNSEND ileal testae Broker '2'OUNI1'S POINT, GOODYEAR endless rubber belt 0 inches wide 23 feet long, perfect condition. Ideal for mill or farm. write Box 517, liospeler. HI -POWERED SPORTING RIFLES Various models. Write for new. descriptive folders and prloes. SCOPE SALES CO. 820 Queen St., Ottawa. Ont, ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross•Crimped Corrugated and ribbed style., e to 10 ft, lengths. Immediate delivery from stook. Write for samples and estimates. Steel Distributors Limited, 000 Cherry St., Toronto. REGAL custom farm tractors, 3 plow Mee, powered by Chryeter indu0triat engine. good territories available for dealer franchise, DM, tribute,, by Regal Motors Ltd., Brampton, Ont. BALED HAY, commercial bales, $13.00 ton at barn; $20.00 8.0,B. 00lpping point, Loads trucked. A. Hadley, Stirling, Ont. OILS, GREASES, TI12ES l eeetici0eo, Eleetrlo Fence Controllers, Hoose and Bon Paint, Root Coatings, etc. Dealers are wanted, write Wareo Grease R 011 Limited. Toronto, You take no chance when 180u ounha00 a "KIDDIE-KROME" CHAIR It mines a one sent• guarantee n0ainat de- fect,. You get ten 00.70 free trial with youe money back if not aatie000, For Illustrated folder write Box 28, 123 -10th St, New Toren lo. FARM, 160 acre.. -86 under eultivotlon. Good buildings with Hydro, 28 oiliest east of Sault Ste Marie. Soldlera eon 1,0(118. Nelson Galbraith, Desbo'0ta, Ont, ONE OLIVER Wire Baler, toted two seasons Auger feeder extra, ndde0. Blnelc riding mare, len years old, spirited. LeRoy Coleman, R.R, No, 4, Blenheim, Ont. GILDED wire Name Pins, 000-7 far 88.00. Engle Mfg. Co,, 4320 Francs, St., Van- couver, B.C. THRESHING MACHINE, Ernst Bros. New Favorite, 22-80 in gond condition. New Ebersol Straw Shredder and Grain Blower, 1048 season. Terms cash, E. W Shaver, Rosewood Farms, Anc0ster, Ont. USED Internntlonal Hay Baler, ahnn,t new, rubber tires. Write or partlest,ors la; Dun- dee Bros., 251 Railway 51,001, Timmins, Ont, GUNS, new, used, Scopes, ammunition, Write Per list, Ted 1NANORE12 88001185800 Goods, 220 Ottawa North, Hamilton, Ont. RUBBER -CANDY -MOLDS For making Candy of all hinds. Anyone can snake candies fast and easily at home or for resale at a nice profit with our imported Voorhees rubber candy molds. Ask for free ilmstrntcd Catalogue with directions. ALSO: 1 ALUMINUM CAKE MOLDS You can bake Novelty Caltex that will bo the talk of your friends for Easter Asa other occasions like ,he Big Egg, Rabbit, Heart, Chicken. Shamrock, Br' go -sot and others, Easily baked with free calla recipes, and decorated In original wage for year-round celebrations. Also for .Tully -Meat, Alio, any- thing for casting. Ask for fee folder of our imported Renalde Aluminum cake molds. Chas, D. LePage, Distributor, 72-74 Zee - Cartier Ave„ Quebec City, P 0. STENN one matt power yaw, used only six weeks,. excellent for Logs, wood or Ice, standard arose cut blade nosy to sharpen, Write Bos 817, Hespelcr, How COLDS affect Your KIDNEYS The kidneys are very delicate organs, easily affected—especially by ■ cold. Their duty is to filter impurities and excess acids from the blood. When you have a cold extra work is thrown upon your kidneys. Dedd's Kidney Pills help your kidneys clear your ayatem of excess acids and poisons caused by colds. and give you a chance 'lo shake infection sooner—feel better faster. 0 you have cold get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. 159 Dodds Kidney Pills FOR SATE 11'111' be dittroolidcdl Llldtl' Tom. Alulnn, Mgvrtill 1 1 11 nn n rOMltable PrOdircel' for spring ]rune t4 .S pal 10,,0,1 0t1100ree. Dln,amo Wi lane r '1„,1,1171 its. 81011 (10111' 01111181,' or 111011,-,' ,•11,1' to 1<08,•0rk Puente, It.11. No. 1, 010,,. ,dn'1.11,e, Ont. .111 erdtr0 promptly nolatowled'u11. IN'rpntNA'CION41, 0 0*', Robber ,1,,,017 nett; rebuilt motor, stnndnrd eronksla1PL helm'. roan, 0Ie,•ven, plulnlin. Tile,',,, nllld,•n 0,110...01/10. ss,••.1 nue 09000,1, 21,8 :;i. 123-1011, 0,., .\en• Tnrou'o. BASEBALL, Softball tee„ mlumgero, lona Pelves, good service. ((('01e rue prints, 'led el4NO11131( 81'11R't'ING (Rends, 290 Di 01 pa North, Hamilton, Ont. OUNI7LU, the gunan,ith's tootled, 01,0,18 kit now available to give (10111' 0111 gun a 010am• Il10 new finish at home, 51.ite with init'ue- Ilone. Timberline 1'rna,cta. 1101 14.11, North Rend. 13,C. PATCHES for patchwork oullta, strips for rugs: cotton, flannelette, wool, 8 lbs. 51. Wiltshire Wool Steels, 9 Shorbourno Street. Toronto. RIDING Empire 'erectors. 6 h.p, reverse, 9 speedo, $660; 4 h.p. forward and revorso, 5400. Order before 00r1ng rush. Factory, 1160 Albert Rend, Windsor,, Ontario, 10011 BALE SI:MNEIt SAVORY Seed® tatted tirade 1. by Dept. of Agriculture. $7,110 Ib, $2.00 1,, lb, C.O.D Leonard Wlllinmeon, Herb Gardener, Westfield Ring's Co., New lirmlawt'lc, CLEAN your dirty hands creel Special get- aenualnt0d effort Plash powdered Band Cleaner! Rush name! free tart 0nmptet Repeat Soles. P.O. Box 464. 'Hamilton. Ili L. 81EAL'rII tortes sale of old eslobllehed Bakery Business hl Niagara Peninsula. AI'Irk Sime, 10,00 npal'lmelit 0(161', 110001.0 ,ars and mvalue 10'0 1047 Deli00,•7 10,108, csLlitlf Ai value at $10,000. hall oast., T9tn'1) a1 JACOUES, Reaitm'O, 80 James St„ St. Celhno111cs. HELI' WANTED MEN and boys to learn to become 11, railroad Telegrapher. Taught by home 0ouree, an altogether new method, anyone can learn, Write: S'hoof of Telegraphy, Box 204, Port Arthur, Ont, EXPERIENCED girl or young women to help with the house work on fruit farm In Nia- gara Dlatrict, No outside work, but moat be able to do plain cooking and batting. Up to date kitchen with every convenience. 560,00 per month for the winter menthe and. 570,00 for the summer month: Box 29, 128 -18th Street, New '10000,00, Ont. MEDICAL DIXON'S BSMEDY—For Neuritis and Rheu- matic Paine, Thousands eatletled. Munroe D.10 Store, 806 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, ATTENT(0Nt Stomach. Pile and Conetlpatton euffore•e. You'll be delighted with Hello Laxative tablets, A special laxative which makes Passage easy and uleaeant, 16.00.7 treatment, 51; 60 -day rea100011t, $3. I0(10,1 1 Industries, P.O. Rex 901, Winnipeg. es, FOR ECZEMA; "Menaced", the new oiateh- lees and etncacloae ointment, By Matt 500, Tr0pplet Fathers, North -Rogersville, N,B, "HOW to live and keep 0011" "Honk; Reme- dies.” for every disease -5$4.60, Free eir- (Mere, Levi Housser, BeamavIlle. Ontario. READ THIS—Every sufferer of Rheu10at10 Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon', Reme- dy. Munro's Drug Store, 936 Elgin, Ottawa. P0000010 21.00• IF YOU are a SUFFERER from 800105, BAY - fever, Headeolds, Catarrhal Deafness, you should nee NAMELESS Cold Remedy. Con- vincing trial, Postpaid 51.00. Address Purity Products, Exeter, Ont. NURSERY 87201111 GLADIOLUS Bulbs, Catalogue free upon re- aueet. Ralph A, Wright, Harrow, Ontario. BI/Y DEPENDABLE Seeds for your garden, Nett/ Catalogue now ready, Write for Free Copy. Ontario seed Company, Waterloo, Ont, CALLING ALL gardeners, There aro no prlgrltles et plant materials for Ulla smdng except what your early order and our supply imposes, Send for deearinlive 00100 list• on shrubs, roses, ate, Special offer to early buyers, so send at once. Ile Free. watt's Nurserlee, Penwlok, P.O., Ont, PLANT a Hedge—Reserve now for Spring 0e- Iivery—ext•e,nely hardy—quick growing Ch1 - nese Elm—will grow 1100 feet the fleet year— enough plants (26) to plant 26 feet, Simla! price 20 plants for 82.08, 12 -inch sir,•—or, 25 plants ter $4,08, 2 -foot size• Write for New Free Full Colour Garden Guide,' Brook- dale-)Clingnw0y Nueseriee, Bovmo villa, Ont, NIUK181Na 111 471,131' IRO CO 11 11 1:SCEN'I` H0%N&IAL IN 048(001121. 01. CA'r KAILINEfl. A home 1111'112 1,'0,11 hinny. Grndnate rigorism; mato and female; night and dal duty, 'E3(O' lent meals, prices moderate, private end uomt• Petrel° room available. Our speelalty 10 nervoes, Hued end cOnenle0Oe0t, Our aim; courtesY and ;melee. fur information apple to elper,ntend0at or ntmmn 6.0303 OPl'OI('1.17\1'1'1105 for MEN nod w0505018 BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Greet Opportunity Learn Llrttrdl'Ooeine PI011oant 01001500 Profeeelon, good w0000. thousand.. seecessful Marvel graduates,. Amerlea's greatest eyatem, tllustrnted tetive mem free, Write or Cali 1,0 A AWOL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 110 Bloo0 St. w., 'Toronto Branches, 44 King St., Hamilton ,e 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa, EARN MONEY AT HOME Spare or lrutl•Time money making. Learn to make candy nt home, earn as you 10010. Fre (0018 supplied. C:ol'respon,10nee mune. penal Inotituto of Confectionery Redid. oriole', P.O., Box 162, Montreal, Que. PLAY PIANO by Itar, A "SOUND" unease. 13ooklet free. Joe Boucher, Box 12, Otlavn, (Old Popular *,beet musk; for sale. 01d donee wanted, TIn to 51 paid. Loot free.) AUCTION SCHOOL LEARN auclinsoe,'htg. World's largest memo), Free catalog, terms soon. Relseh Amalie/II School, Mason City, Iowa, D.S,A,• FREEI Three months' trial subscription, 8s,y0 000 for mailing, to American Rurally!, 300 N, Oakland, Indianapolis 1, Ind. PATENTS 1E IHERSTONAUGH & Company Paten 110" lielters. Established 1800, 880 Bay Street, 00001t0. Booklet of information on rery,0bt. PERSONAL AS'1ROLOGICAL Readings. 8:1007100. AA - innate. -curate. Please write for infozootton, rav', wlnfleld, 669 'rhurlow', No, 208 Vancouver. Canada. IMPAIR 1{01111 WATCHES, Clocks, 110n00n and Thorens Lighters reprllydl. prompt guaranteed evicts, Mail orders) luted. Kling's, 401 'Lenge, Toronto, "I AM tatting a course In watch ronalring and I need old Watches for practice, r would bo very grateful to anyone who would send roe some. Dollard Voutour, J. M. Sanatorium. The Glades, 70,0. STAMPS ALL DIFFERENT. 600 worldwide 00e: 1,000 worldwide, $1.501 20 Newfoundland 260; T01,010u complete 10c; 1090 New Zealand Heallhs 10e. Nice approvals. H. F. Hughey, Shannavon, Sask. FEEE 1 Interesting mtemos-021800 ea premium to 0317 oollacto' writing for either my illustrated pamphlet showing world wide bargains eon - cuffing seta, etc„ m• for my. 0plendtd assorted approvals, and making a pm'ohaee, mote, ale mail at reasonable prlces, singles at one Sent and more, P. Dufresne, 2667 I'nllum 50., Mo008 00 . TORREYS FOR SALE TURBT 'S BROAD BREASTED Bronze Poulin available Match. April end .Tune. Eight weeks old started melts available 0107 to September. Irvin 0. Fromm, Clearview Farm, Pre,ton, A NUMBER or Broad Breasted Bronze turkey hens or sale. Cameron Bros.. Tiverton, Ontario, 5IONKTON Poultry Farm Chicks—All we can 007 Is tiv them. Results tell the story, All Breeders pullorum-tested and government banded, write for 1940 price list and cata- logue, htankton Poultry Farms. 210nktnn, Ont. BROAD BREASTED Bronze, day old, and started. Government approved pointe, Leo Paeufn, St, Rose de Lima, Que. WANTED BUTTONS Otdfoshloned buttons. Also old p00tuge et0ntpe. 180 208017,1 Avenue, Toronto. SHEEP wanted; ewes In lamb, state floe, breed, price. Box 30, 123 -18th St., NOW Toronto, Ont. • ROQ.I. Y; UR ©MI ETTER CIGARETTES WA7'/1 flit:'.. .yMiS CIGARETTE 81' TOBACCO DO YOUR OWN MACHINE -SHOP WELDING "ON THE SPOT" WITH THESE TABLE WELDERS UNIVERSAL P2 200 ARIL' Built for long servlet on heavy dap welding 200 amp DC. Continuous duty bell cooling generator will not heat under all normal welding condi- tions, maximum 300 auto for short poried0 Operates from yOOr (realm' or gas engine, Carries a one year 11ne0n0l(100nt 0001'001(.0. 1 gg Comlele ns ;lamh•ntntl.9.•••••••••••••• l loon 0011,•71 001,51 ON 111 1)41 .1102 t.S1%Mn0Ah 01> 100 4Ilii. Designed of Low 111,31 to emer0te from your treater or gas engine of k II.P, or more. STURDY o0n0truc- lien !Iglu weight. Not a war 0(1011100 11001• Bulli eepeolulty for long 001" 8000 011 heavy duty welding. Simple to "perste, 101)1101 the Ia01rt1c1I0n0 • in the free welding book. t year Lunrnntee. As illus- stet V'Ir.71 d 1, 3e".ftifA 1-,11e0 . (1000 1101101 01 1x1(111 ft PARA N't'38(1 UNIVERSAL DISTIBUTORS int 11812110X; Y'1', 0, 1P 2.0201'111;, .11:IN, ,7 LITTLE RE IE By MarUartk FICb YOUR — ITS UP TOH YOU 100 SEE, THAT MS at9 KEPT CLEtAN! 9 �Cy�(3 i 0' �tz' i + 11-i '�:r. Il ` "d (,` ,;::f, r 1'f :r :_— 11.h.. :: tit.. QWCN-CLEAN - EFFICIENT 00 --'--- \ el WASH d f� — Y Y 1. `, 5. fat. �;' !—`. i ...6.*o `-..._--, !' �+-.....s} td �ti; a dr 1 ,� /^),E b 1M.,�n r= , lii1 �5 ret`