HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-3-2, Page 61 "fieGODS ON 151 THE WOULD GIVormanBlrnr GREAT BRITAIN Sidney Stanley is the 11a/11e ea. the "'contact man" who recently- brought about the downfall of two Labor government officials by tempting then( with lavish entertainment and gifts. Bnt now that the iittinit'y is finished, and the, two officals have departed the political scene, Mr. Stanley is still something of a prob- lem. To put it briefly, Mr. Atlee and his a<sociates just don't know what to do with Stanley. One proposal was to deport Mr. S. to his native Poland whence he came, he says, as a boy back in 1913. But Stanley says, "If 1 were sent to Poland, they would shoot me, also my wife and daughter. 1 mm an anti-Communist, you see." Poland's reaction to the sugges- tion was that it didn't want any part of Stanley, and wouldn't take him at a gift. One London newspaper wrote, "What about Israel? The draft constitution of That new state lays it down that every Jew has A right to settle there," At the time this is written, there leas been no word of how Israel views the suggestion. The Opposition is having a quiet laugh -which might later turn into political capital -over a recent )pamphlet put out by the Labor Party. "The prams of Britain", it eiroclaimed, "are filled with the bonniest babies in. livte,g ^^ RrItain 1a41o3: gives mothers and children a better chance than arty country in the world." Which sounds very well, and possibly comes close to being the truth. The trouble was, however, that to illustrate the pamphlet they used a picture of one of the "bonny babies"; and this turned out to be a picture of the Duke of Kent, who is nc,w thirteen years old. When the .error was called to their attention, the Laborites apologized and, somewhat :heep5511y, u-itt:drew the I,annphlet. HUNGARY For ti- past several weeks the attention et' a large part of the civilized world has been centered On 1' onuw nilist-dominated 1lungary, and the trial of Cardinal \Iindszenty, Thr latter's sentence to life imprison- ment - it is said that he is the first prelate to he tried and punished, -while a Cardinal, in all the 1000 -year history of the Roman Catholic Church- came as a terrific shock. Theoretically, the persecution of religion by the Reds should not be in any way snrprismg. One need only remember the words of Premier Stalin who once wrote -"The (Communist) . party . cannot ,.be neutral toward religioin and it does conduct .anti religious ,propaganda against all and every religious prej- udice (as) the best way of under- mining the influence of the reac- tionary clergy who support the ex- ploiting classes." Dirt actually 1115 Communists have pulled what might almost be railed- if the Matter were not so serious -- a "terrific boner": and The chances are that before long they will regret bringing the Cardi- nal to trial. For nothing they could possibly have done would have had the effect of knitting together the widely scattered but still terrifically p2werful forces of Reimau Cath- olicism in Europe. Just how- strong those powers are - or could he-. can be seen by a glance at the table below: Country 'Total Popular, Catholics Austria 7,057,000 5,938,000 Belgium 8,453,000 8,238,000 Czeclloslocale 12,338,000 8,500,000 France 41,500,000 31,000,000 E. Germany 18,503,000 2,700,000 W. Germany 47,408,000 17,300,000 :Hungary 0,383,000 7,017,000 Italy 45,833,000 45,470,000 Netherlands 0,793,000 .1,100,000 Poland 23,781,000 21,712,000 Portugal 8,402,000 7,882,271 Spain 27,761,000 27,500,000 Yugoslavia 15,752,000 6,031,156 But while Hungary has been the focus, there have been other recent aeoves by communism against clergy -.Protestant as Well as Catholic - in other Eastern European coun- tries, In Rumania the Red regime decreed tight governmental regula- tions over all church groups. In ltnlgaria fifteen Protestant minis- ters were indicted on charges of espionage. These moves are viewed in West- ern capitals against the background of the general Russian drive for the consolidation and integratint: of Eastern Europe under communist control. On the economic side the ooneofdation takes the form of the i �Molnt�y Plaetl" - e a' iu terlocl(ing iei'WW1( 6f trade treaties. 6n the political side there is the effort to gain complete dolllination of gov- •enter: is by the Conununist party. Now tux e latest moves seem to show that a new phase has been fully launched a dirket asaanit on the last great rallying pont of oppo- sition -Christianity, Radio Minded The little girl went to church for the first Stile. Afterward, the .sinister s'l;e'd her how she enjoyed the aervire, '"Well," she said, "I thought the lunatic was Very "fee, hilt your eommerciel lees 100 long." ,Agreeing To Settle A Much. Disputed Question -A historic document for the fishing industry Is the agreement these men are examining. It is signed by Canada, the United States and alight other maritime nations, Its purpose is to establish an international advisory and informa. lion. commission on the Northwest Atlantic fishing grounds. Left to right -A. T. A. Dobson, "United Kingdom; B. Df e en, De"mark • Stewart Bates, Canada; {laws Sullnanaa, Norway; and Wilbert M. Chapman, United States.' When Danny tiardella brought emit for $300,000 against organized, baseball on the grounds of "having been deprived of his livelihood", most baseball men - to say noth- ing of all sports writers --took it as snore or less of a joke. "Danny must of found hisself s good, trust- ing lawyer, who doesn't care if he ever gets paid or not" Was rte sort of comment one heard, , • e * But right now there xreti 1 se many smiles seen or snickers heard. Just a short time ago the Court of .Appeals gave the ex -Giant outfielder the right to take his ease to the U.S. Supreme Court. And if it ever gets before that august body, there is a chance that it might bust the whole structure of baseball Loose from its foundations. * For the word has been getting around that Baseball is something more than "a great American insti- tution"- something more than "the most wonderful sport which God ever permitted man to invent" - to quote only a few of the lush phrases commonly scattered around at basebtll banquets. * + 5 Yes, folks in every walk of life are beginning to get the idea that baseball moguls have something else in their hearts outside of pro- viding healthful exercise and relaxa- tion for the youth of the land, People are beginning to suspect that those sante moguls might be just the teeniest mite interested in red ink and black. --in dollars and cents as well. And rumors to that effect may even have reached the inner elreles of the U.S, Supreme Court. * * 5 In other words, those Supreme Court Justices might just possibly take the view that baseball is basi- cally business --and big business at that -- and treat Danny's suit as a plain platter of employer and em- ployee. 1f they do, look for plenty of pinwheels, Roman candles and as- sorted fireworks. For in what other 11ne of endeavour can an employer -if he so desires -retain full con- trol over an employee's services after the contract between them has expired or been broken, * * 5 The oily exception which comes readily to mind Is Organized Hockey Nave -- which copied, in large measure, Baseball's peculiar form of contract? But, of course, Hockey is different. it's a great CANADIAN institution --me inspiration to every CANA- DIAN youth with red blood in his veins and- 011, ell in the rest of it yourself. e. e Getting bark so Danny Gardella -he atter was much of a star. He joined the Giants about mid-season in 1944. getting into 47 games, mostly as a pinch hitter. In 1945 he took part in 121 gauzes, hitting .272 and clouting 18 homers. The next Spring he reported to the Giants' training camp, but failing to get even an interview with Man- ager lvfel Ott, jumped to Meyico. When he caste back, after two seasons down Mexico way, he was promptly banished from organized ball for a term of five years which, for a player of Danny's cal- ibre; might ss well have been life. * A'ow, it is rsalb 110 b1111.055' off Really Started Something - Danny Gardella, ex -New York Giant outiitltler, got another chance 10 press his $300,000 lawsuit against the. Giants and the Big leagues, which barred him from organized ball after he jumped to the Mexican League in 1946, Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a lower - Court S 'dismissal of the suit. • Mexico Comes To Florida. -To 1talc Li, frit'l,rla', ti„ N1, - kali ahiehnalnlas feel mora al home. bilk 1;1:1'5 11 1.15 1Ii 111,ns ;1 sltp(i' eonll,re.rc. 'I lie title dor;- ;lel ,; "1 551 t •1t ,,11, ihn'PI 11..812('1 iDI' 111( : ra' our vest how Danny's -snit comes out. We are the sort who can take our baseball, or leave it alone, either with or without Gardena, It is rather the possibilities of the case which intrigue us personallf. In nor humble opinion Organized Baseball has been getting away with something akin to --well, if not murder, at least mayhem- for many a long year. And we're won- dering if it will he able to d0 so much longer, * 5. * You can b' all 1 coffee It the Ot1eC IIt Brazil --to "tint a bran -Dew phrase - that the present eituatioz would never have cropped up if old judge Landis had still been in the driver's seat. Th, judge was an eminent jurist long before Ile was a baseball Czar and probably understood, as well as anybody else, just how shaky are the underpinnings that prop up that mighty structure. * * " Time after time the Judge advised club owners to settle cases such as Gardella's out of court rather than risk having their one-sided con- tracts come under the unbiased scrutiny of The Law -and de- clared unconstitutional. But Judge Landis is gone -and in his place they have "Happy" Chandler, wlto can tie knots in Landis's record as a gladhander and after-dinner speaker but who isn't fit to carry his brief case foe shrewdness and ability, * * * just think of whet will happen should the Supreme Court declare baseball contracts null and void, and make all the payers free agents. Try and visualize the picture should star players on poor -paying clubs be at liberty to clicker with teams like the New York Yankees or Cleve- land Indians, It's too painful to even think about -and as we've almost conte to the end of our space, we shan't do so any more, * * 5 Except for this one parting thought. Through the years we have been in a position to see much which intrigue us personally, In the form' of "Publicity" - on be- ' half of Baseball, as well as what gets printed in the papers. Vlore and more such stuff tends toward publicizing - eat what a guy does - but how much he gets. Think, yourself, of all the pictures you've seen recently about DiMaggio sign- ing for a hundred grand - Lou Boudreau sigiting for $75,000, and so on and 50 on. * 5, * So, should the Supreme Court judges conte to the conclusion that Baseball is a business, who will be to blame?' Not the magnates, of course, who foster such publicity. It, will all be Danny Gardella's fault - Danny, who wouldn't be a good boy and stay put when they told hint to go and stand in a corner for going where he could get more tnoney for working at the only trade he knew, 5 * * Hockey, of course, is quite differ- ent ---although We seen( to recall, faintly, aunts like a hundred teeter sand dollars and the name of Mau- rice Richard being bandied about in the sports columns not so long ago. Cooper's DRIwICIIa HANE, elrl'11Ne Winter 1ndeOneh)r, Rills tains lice, sheep Ilrks and rennet, nee, AI 5nordealer's m' ir sure - CA I1)1.IN rill -01:1-15 .A't'a4 i wear, rilLOW ICs I,1311T1410 217 nay S1roS(.... T;orepte CLASSIFIED A I @' E R I S „R. N G A(I\l5 5CAN'II;I) 114 l 05 OWN ROSS1 Dtatrlbete, on Part '.tree or Pell Time pasta, our 5,50 preductal Tc11„utes, Vitamins, Entracte, SPiecs. 5011100 Powd-r, Cakes. Dellahnets, Gleaa, Silver, Font are 011,1 Shoo P015511e0, eto. 1:1!0(1 individual s '18100101'. Excellent opportunity to teat Your baolnee* abilities. Wr1te fnr free dem110 an') eotnloeue-FAMILEx, 1600 Dclorimler, dlontreat. AGENTS: Sen direct 10 huuoewivea the 4. say •'Wond„r" Griddle -Grill. Write: For. quire Se lea t'ompaoy, *101)on 15, Toronto, (lute rot. GOVIIIIN111274'r APpeut-iirhait bevy e usll h l for 16 bears legate 801110 0310 In your 110a1l,t l 1,t Luke Orders fnr baby hirko, Liberal 1-0(1,- rnieslee pall, Poultry buyers. nur0e'rmrn. Watkins and 8aw'b'igh agents and farmelw make excellent agents. Write fel' full inform- ation. Bos No. 1«n 123 lain Sr.. New Toronto. moon 111tOF1'1$ In Uevalerulaaia Name Pules. Sales unlimited. livery Store, Re- noir Shop, 5lamfaetnrer a telemeter, eloet outstanding line of Name Pena In 1550 (115211 toy. 51)51,001 csnlmluslon puna bonus. Write for Free Sales Kit. Ked,o l'rodnr,0, Box 34, Brockville. Ontario. • BABY l'111PliS S'reeve N055' - START 111GI1'1' Decide now t0 own u better flock. Begin with good Quality chicks Mtn a Quality hatchery. 1. A Canada Accredited Hatchery. 2. 308 atiMe01VO Year 1O0 per Cent buleruel clean, a. Established 22 years. 4. operating ender Hatchery Approval. and Ontario Approved Hatcheries Aasnrlatlon. Write for aur 1949 pries list and 001016gu0, and Dee view of our New Modern Hatchery, one or the country's finest. Onlnforth's Hat- chery. Trental, Ontario. producers of 0000 50114Y CHICKS since 192;. POULTRY auvJs ts-sueeess In raising baby chicks f10' meat and egg production meant+ eeltisfaotlan from your investment. To receive dividends on your investment, you must be certain where roue money 1s invested. Wo offer ran baby chlek0 from .n. poultry Carla with every breeder Pullormn tested and gov- ernment -banded.- write for our 1949 cata- logue and prices, ke advantege of our early order Recount. 5inukt011 Poultry Farms Monktou, Ontario, TOA NOti1L'I'11.YTIAI1er fot'nlel', 01100 00sre qua as .much en annual 10011 as wheat or oats. if b'Ol1 ni'C '.1.2Tels. 012fele P., .' w t x00111 be rx`refuli wbou 11 the kind of ehtoks yo0 0eleet. '17150570 1s only one reel rea000 why you should stock your pens with Tweddla chicks. That 10. that they can make money for 3011. You will not only mate extra money with 'rweddle rhlvke, 1101 you will slave money If you tape delivery In Febl'unry and early March. Send for free eu01011)10 and epeehq dioronnt for February and early hatch- ed March chicks. Also pullets eight weeks in laying. Stoller .hicks. turkey puulte 1'rns, Canadian Approved PlIIlo null tested breeder's, Twaddle ('1,bO, Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, COCIIRANE'S go111001 r Approved ohlcka. Barred Roe' 0, Vermonter's Rhoda I01a50 Reds. Danish Brown Leghorns. Write for 11rleee. ]ur),ono's Poultry Farm. Rldgetown, Ontario. Ontario (lnver,lrsrnt Approved hatch• cry. GOVl11)N3l,.\-1r „ nmov„d 1-111118 from blood ' tested breodcrs. Two great breeds. bight Susaco. Pent feathering )gtrred .0550; MIXED 112.6: Pullets 023,40: cox 53.00 per hundred, 51eI esti Phb•I1 llat,herv, Re'wi010, Ontario. LIGII'r Su00ex Pullets 113.00. Light Su05ex are famous for both egg and meat produc- tlol. They gree feet grmving 11001111y 15080 that develop Into splendid market fowl, Ottr Stiesry rhl,'ks are usunliy Auld far 50 advanre so meaty glare your made' early'. Big Hoch Farm. Mille Ilo1-heo_Ont. Box w. 100522 TEA IA Top '101,1, Imo Levi, 1upnl1ing rel,lis to hundreds of cualonlers who have found Them a steady 00urce of prn5t, To do that we have had to produce ohlrke with the 0btllty to give nol)o1aelory nortormanee. 'Iron Noteh chicks to -d031 are making good In the toughest kind of competition. 'PO start right. start early with Toe Not011 chicks. Alen eight week to laying pullets end turkey nouns. Ton Notch Cheat Sales. Guelph, Ontario.. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER tovery Inventor -List of 'mien - (Ions and full Information sent tree. The Ramsay Co. Regletered Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa. ' DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or cleat- ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer )'her questions. Department H, Parker's Dye Worsts unman. 791 Tense Street. Toronto, Ontario. 1'011 BALE GOODYEAR eudlese rubber belt 0 When wide mil23 feet long, perfect rondittcun idea) for l 00 farm, Write Box 017, Ploapeler, HI -POWERED SPORTING RIFLES Vat -lone models. white for new. descriptive rollers and priceu. SCOPE SALES CO. 1213 Queen 5t., Ottawe, Ont. 511((5151)-13REASTmu Bronze, day old, and Mlarled. Government approved pout(., Leo Pagufn, Ht. Rose de Minn, Que. BEES, 100 hives, and ell equipment. Apply Alv's. T, .4, neoohs. R.R, 2, Port Credit, Ont. FISHING NETS. stet our preen, on emelt and 0111 nets. Minnow seihee and 11)9 nets for setters and mdnnow0. Dept, 27, Hallam Sporting Goods, Toronto, Ont. PI'Ieet, low to mutt the average Imola,. "KIDDIE-KROME" CHAIRS -"L0011 LAKE A 511LL10N"- Buitt of neterol-nniohed plywood with chrome legend 111)1000, they 50o11 well 10 any se0 tug. For 1lluttoated 'folder write 130x 20, 123-181.h Street, New Toronto, - REGAL custom 1a'nl tractors. 8 plow slut, powered by Chrysler Induoh'lal engine, good terrttorlea available for dealer fra,ohlne. Dln- lrinuted by Regal Motors Ltd., Brampton, Ont, BALED HAY, commercial hetes, $18.00 ton at barn; 120,00 10.0.51, shipping 501nt. T,ondo trotted. A, Hadley, St4'ling, Ont. MASSEY' HARRIS TRACTOR,202 model, lights, starter wheel tvelght0, loaded Good- year !lyes. Ernest. Bunt, Gon'mley, Ontario. GUNS, new, used. Slopes, ommunitionTW rite for Oat. Ted 61155016151: SPORTING Goode, 120 Ottawa North, Hamilton, Ont. LEATHERETTES C0.1(PED 10AUR105 Por revering furniture, ehahre, Oheolet'delde, card tables, 010. IVholeoalo and retail. COOPER TEXTILES INC. 1690 St, Lawrence Boulevard moraesa.l 1.8, STIDNN One man power eats, need only six weeks, excellent for loge, ,vood Or lee, WLOnd0rd cross rut 61011, 00070 to 0ltnrpen. rite 1303, 017, 1leepeler. RUBBER -CANDY -MOLDS For mttking Candy' of all hinds, Anyone can make candles fest ,1,d easily at home or for resale at a nlre profit with Our imported Voorhees rubber moldy molds. Ask for free 1100) at08 Catalogue w11h Oh-octlons. ALSO: ALUMINUM CAKE MOLDS you 008 bake Novelty Cnkos that will be the 40150 oe your f terms for Easter and other occasions Illre the Big 1100, Rabbit, Heat, 0111010e0, Shentroch, Be! 00.001 and othel'a. Baldly baked with free matte recipes, and decorated In original wage for year-round celebrations. Also for Jelly -Meat, de11o, anv- thing for casting, Ask fee fee_ folder of our Imported Ramekin A htminem cake molds. Chits. E. T,el'itoo. Dtot1'lhnl my -,'0--.4 dee- Cartier Ave, Ouebe ''Ila, s1ES War Surplus Many Like New 000 0 10 00.20 0011 y 20 56,60 0 0 10 25 iso 0.011 a4 x 7 gg1. 60 l o x IO. 6 6.60 92 x 11 10.60 7 0 s ANS 9,60 000 x 10 16,09 7 0 x 1(1-17 10.6,11 000 x 10 1,00 700 x 11 14, 611 Ono s 20 30.69 New Goodyear 900 x 13 Tiros and Tubes - $30,00 De,ositrrnnh'rd or send MI naming 05111 lime ('0,30, charger, Queen City Tire Co, 259 Broadview Ave. Dept. D2 Toronto leat7E 9 1449 Iun, style w'1R be 1 eeint 1 Order Your Maple Sylnp 0(11 001101 It r, 1 ural ie pOldur,r for eprltg dtlltr 04 f per gallon ,lol11'ntwd. Disoonin no.tuiq 21011 1000 1110 nor 00 10 11'. • 1.114.0 le i.011140k 1'a rule, 32 Il. No. 1, 11,,...elohiOe, 111,1, All orders ereeway SEE THE NIIW '49 MODEL USTRAC CRAWLER TRACTOR F„ Wilt or I„doot Ciel one. 1.1tn i,al 000.)1, n, 111111 1160' 55,0,0eo 1.4 pious in II1 Uuser plod woe 0. at-., HOUGH & COLLINS 18 Leli n Avenue 1151 llnnlorlh) TORONTO BASEBALL. 5001,011 team 0011110.0. 1010 Ind000, good 00.0100. write fur 011000: Ted a0AN01EEK SPORTING uoodo, 220 Ottawa North, Hamilton, out. PAINTS New 1048, Enamel, Semi -(',loss, Plat, not it surplus palet. A11 Colors, Weide and ut,t, 12.5$ Per gallon, Quality guaranteed or money ufunded. 1-I, L, Stealer, 21 Russell street, Toronto. Mon Order', accepted. 001N13L11, the gunsmith's method. Handy lot now available l0 1100 your old tom a gleam- ing new 1lnieh 0t home. 81.60 with in0true- tions. Tlmberliuo Products, Box 14-B, North Rend, 13,C, PATCHES for patchwork mints, strips for Alga; rotten, flannelette, wool, 8 lbs, 11, Wiltshire 11'nol Stock, 3 Shorbourno Street '001'0110, 81015113 Emeirs et:aet010, d h.p. 1'ev0000, speeds, 5660; 4 h.p, forward and reverse, 5460. Order before spring ,rush. Paxton,. 1100 Albert Road, Windsor, Ontario, HELP OAN'PED 511616 end boys to learn to become a railroad 'relegrnpher: .Taught by hon10 course, all alL0gether new method, 01110ine - en.n learn, Write: Sehnol of '1'ntoe,'aphy, Box 304, Pott Arthur, Ont, E\PI'RLENChtD 511311 ur 310500 woman to holy with the house work on fruit farm 18 Nia- gara. District. No outside worst. but mast be able In do Main ueolting and halting, Up t0 date 111101 en will, every ennlen1Cnce. 860.00 Per 1000151 for the winter menthe and $76.00 for the 011 1(005' m0n111r Box 29, 123-13111 Street. Nett' Toronto, Ont, NURSE General rimy, TAve il. Apply Fred Adams TM/tenni (10olntlun). Windsor, Ont. ' 5)1EDICA7, 130013 101051JL1'R-Prvery o11a00es' front Men - ma le 1'0ina or Neuritis shoulti try 01%x1'0 Remedy. Munro's Drug Sloe, 336 Elgin, 01 awn, Inst pa Id 51. oil. ACIAN7 ION. Stomach, Pile 004 Conatilation sufferers. You'll be delighted with Kerte Lnxnlive (01528 e, A special laxative which leaked 0a0s000 easy and pleasant, 15 -day Irealnlent, 81; (5.11031 1te0(0100 , 13, Imperial Industries, P.O. Box 001, Winnipeg, TRY 1101 Every waterer of Rheumatic Pains or NO1101LIR 011001,1 ivy U)xon's Renwlp, Wpm's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid E7.00. F(111 11.7163115: ' Alu"ocud"-1110 n n• match. ,.lees and e0)cn1-1om ointment. 1)00 11011 20e 'rrnppl$t Fathers, North -Rogersville, N.R. FREE MEDICINE COlnpaty Interested in obtutn1ng opinions as to the value of their new medicine foe the ..- 'lief or t9,eumal les, 0810(1ic and arthritic pall), bacltocle, kidney disorder., upset stomach and eonatin5lmu We will provide medleine with- out Omega 1010 2 peeks' tent. Write the 51511241531 COMPANY, 225 Mutual street, Termite. staling your empleint. "HOW to live and keen well," "Hems Rane- 01ea," for every diaea0c-154.611. Free fr- Oulara, Levl Iiouaeer, Beanarille, Ontario, NURSERY STOCii • GLADIOLI'S Bulbs, Catalogue free ups, te- 0ue0t. Ralph A, Wright, narrow, Ontario, CALLING ALL gardeners. 'There are no priorities et plant mnlerialo for thio spring except what your early order and our supine imposes. Sand for descriptive price list on shrubs, roses, etc. Special offer to enrly buyers, so send at one.. 110 Free. Walt's .Nurseries, Fenwick, P.O., Ont. PLANT it Hedge -Reserve now for Spring 11e- 1lvery-exOwmely ]lardy --Quirk growls Chi- nese Elm -will grew two feet u the nest 30 " r - enough 1110nt0 (25) to Plant 26 feet, Seerinl Price 2$ plants for 82.88, 12.15,0.11 01ar:--05', 26 plants for 54.98, 2•f0at mike, write for New Tree Full colour Garden Guide, Broolt- dole-Rogswoy NO17e11e8, Botv,nanv)0e, Onf, NUIISINO BELLEVUE CONVALESCENT 1IOS1'l'l'AL tN BEAUTIFUL Sl'. CA'1'EARINEs, A home away from home. Graduate nurses: male end female: night 500 day duty. Excel- lent meets, prlce0 moderate. private and semi. private ,'oome available, Our specially 1s nervous, aged and eonvaie0ceet. Our aim: courtesy and service. for:Information apply t0 superintendent et' phone 6-636,3, OP1'018TIIN1'I'l1';S for 21EN nal 18051E16 BE A HAIRDRESSER JOM CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Oppm'tunity Lnnrn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified proreoslon, 0000 wages. thousand. aucees0001 Marvel graduuleo, Amerleu'a greatest BMW. Inaetreted enta logue free. Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Moor St, w , Toronto Branches: 44 14 lug SI.. Hamilton A 72 Rideau SO•eet, Ottawa. EARN MONEY AT n0.11115 Spare 00 Pull -Thar mnnev 00011(8, (.cal -0 in "rake teuttly 1,t hone, earn 00 you Innen. Free tools- snpulfed. (lo'1•eopondance enlu0e, 'ra- tional Inetltule of t•nnfeetione'y 11048, De1- °rimer P.O., Box 152, Mentre01, Que. _ GET 1n swing for spring. 5011 T02000 Neckties, 2 x,10,5)00 5Lan. Wino- .210 Beehive, M- tn we. e gprulrrt New to, 11 Es, and )vqur• PLAY PIANO hY Ear. A. HOUND" system. 11e,1:1,1 lice. deo L'uu,-hu, lbs 12. Ottawa 107d l"pnlal 011 h 00x10 fur 0010. 014 001105 w11111 011, l p 111 1.' (1aid, 1,102 free.) HOUSE 11'1511.$ 011 Shut -inn, a few hours t,Jrplmu, ug'"" Prink you (15,00 10 119.01 Pyr ,101. '11,1'o y1.110 spilt" 111,19 III10 Cush tale Pleuouul end l.)'011101de w'at-. Ne eo,os'Iam'a nectwwry. Weil dhow you how, 13000.00 rnnunissllnn. w00e1 Subserhlielt Ag'ary, 421 Ivellulgtan 1Vr"I, Tn1•onho. ARE YOU A JOKER • Parte gage. tricks and magic, "34 Ama0m0 Cant :Ft -Alai" book will bu sent to you with our ralnlogwr. Mod fine (0709 in stomps of coin l0 1'1,14,00 Julio ,R Monte Clm,p, 3I'$ Sn111e11101 Pt. 15.. Imola,,. .AOC'1'(0N NC11001, L79ARN auctirmee0Ing, w'orld's largest school, 10000 ealang, terms own. Itela'h Meilen Srho(d, ll axon Clty, town, 11.5.15. PRE e:: Y'hree noon iia (1.1111ullhnrl'lpncn. Sell,) 100 100 mulling, to American 100et1101. 606 N. onl,hmd, hNLmnpolle 1. Ind, F'ETHE116TONAUGn N Company, Patent So- licitors 17atoblieheo 1500. 14 Mine Preet, Toronto. 300(17) 01 Information on r006051. -_-- 001513,5 to woiffi WATCHES, Clueke, Remain and Thorn. Lighters repaired. prompt Onnrante00 :,.wire. Mall orders fired. Kli11g's, 401 Ynnge, Toronto, P10R5oNAt ENG1,151l 5O11AN will Introduce you to re - tined Indies and gentlemen 10 Groot 35,1(0ln, Treloud, .1101e0l,'0, ele. l'nnlident lul. (lrnulne. Per00na mn'orhu'tlnn0. Slate nee, Helen Lny- therpe, Boo 1190. (1.1x1, Onlifornie• STA511'S ALL UIFFe1RIONT. 600 w0l'ldwida 0'00; 1.000 -worldwide, 51,60. 20 Newfoundland 26e; Tokelau complete 10,15 1040 New 'Zealand Reulth0 100, Nies approvals. H. P. llughos, Shaunnvoo, Hunk, FOR results join the Kiwi ITxchau,go ch1EF .lunt"r r d mentor membership°. T. H. Graham, 19 Anter Ave., Toronto 17, IVANTED TURKEY GROWER 7(0 wilt boy your turkey wing feathers. For further information write; TIllmark Archery, Ink 20111• St., ,Lang Branch. PROPERTY OWNERS' ATTENTION WANTED Farms. 'Tourist Cabins, Summers Cultogee, Suburban and 011e Bones of all tfeserilltia0e. I have Hieing interested with capital to Imre rinse for homes 01. lnveat for buslnees our - Pones, Send Ile your listings describing 300r prnplfp' now so I can ooeaozre for early nm'ing sole or exchange. 101101 have you? H. Prue -- nett Really, 1663 Danforth. eer0n10. BUTTONS 01lt:,chioued buttons. Alen old nastage Stamps. 150 Lv,a,vl Avenue, Toronto. SA LISS511':N to handle 1110 sew I.,ghu,Ing Add - 5110 2L',, -hind fel' 01,11 810.50. A seek model porta hlr. ) 41r1.idlon bull. falls guava meed every Waal 11 )11,0101.10 Madl11r. Remy to one, ale -easy 111 ,:ell: big ronteneelneo. write 1". dtte Li0hhti051 1lnllibutms of caned., 249 2rentreal Rend. Gl10lvn. (ni DEAR RUSSIA In Paris the talk was ',bunt e British bulldog and a Freuclt poodle who were joined by a lankly wolf- hound a+ they strolled along the Rue de la Pais. "Well," said the latter in a itrong Russian at'rcnt, "how are things with you? Have >on been getting enough to eat.:" "Olt, things are picking up a bit in England," .:aitl the bulldog, "hilt 1Vt're had rather arbad time of it y'Inow, Retinas anti 50 forth." "Oh, yes," said the poodle, "and here we're not notch better off, \\'hy, during Ilte "crupatiol I gat 11117051 uolhing td eat hut- b0ilrd turnips and chopped garlic.. Now T get a little meat but things arc still had. !low are they in R*<.ia "Oh, the government see., that We get plenty to eat in Russia," said the stranger. "just look at ate. Fat steaks and juicy hones every day." "'Then," fried the otters in unison, 'why in the world did you leave'" "Confidentially," tante the tellisp- ered reply, "I :ranted to bar!:." DOES YOUR BACK CHE? Sitting in a draft -working in a damp place -wet feet -there are dozens of things which may cause a backache! But there's one way thousands of Canadians have found to help relieve this condition -Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills. This effective remedy tones up both Ille_kiclnrys and the liver- and brings welcome relief from pains in the small of the back caused by "cold" in the kidneys. So insist on this reliable remedy --proven by over half - a -century's use -Dr. Chase's kidney. Liver Pills. At all drug counters. '0 -CHILLEXINE Reduces swellings, fevers and inflammation, Dose as quickly as possible after trouble is noticed and again four hours afterwards if necessary. Chillexine works quickly, 12 oz. bottle (6 dreriches) $1,25 UDDER CERATE .A non sticky and absorbent udder ointment which will nut taint the milk. Udder 1::erate makes hard udders as soft as silk and heals sore tents, 1 Ib. tin $1.25 5 Ib, tin $5.75 Sold at' 011 gond Dreg Stares and Frei Deule0. If nimble 4o ebinhl welly 00l Bell & Sons (Canada) Ltd., Verdun, Que. "Dept. Wr." a.' threaded S� arts Coupled ��py S T 0e6�'_ • 1/f ���'ee ���pa �, IY �', �'i t l d,e Meer/ /.11'.71/41;;;f i Q 4 [ fl II I /rhPE /c •til' emeiwi,./et O H -AMIl.TOI4 2fi6 RAR ON &T. E. HAMILTON, ONT, Phone 9.1161 v 0.01.100 =0.err 0000im,,,d ' v„ammanwemsemmo