The Brussels Post, 1949-2-23, Page 6You Caret See With l4A\ Glass Eye The following les a trot a tory. lsrlth only the names changed. as tO d by a well known safety g(wecia)iat. _.V. VVhere are yon going 2:. work thio morning, Tim?" "I'11 be in the shop for a couple: of hours. 'Then I'm going so grind aonie feed," was '1'fm's at swtr to Helen's usual morning question. When they were first married. Tint had tried to evade the morning' quiz by saying, "Oh, 111 be around," or "Ont in the field." But Helen had insisted on en answer ---even after he promised not to run away. She often caste out to see what he was doing, too. At first, 'Tim had resented this thought slit didn't have confidence fn him. But now he looked fornard to her visits. And on those rare days when she didn't show se once or twice. he missed her, rim nits thinking of these Clings as he busied himself about the shop. For an hour, he worked iede stri- ol4sly on the cultivator. Then, ae he Went te- take o1)- one of the shovels, the bolt wouldn't budge. He got a cold chisel to cut off the head. lie noticed the chieel's mushroomed head and remembered bow the high sellool elm!. `.nittrilC- tor had warned oi bad eye necirl.ents when using incl( tools. tier he t,:'1.•k the 0'11111` the Windt -I• -I•1(' ,ig'tten up ehead. Tian he retmseheced a+lrt'2,- safety 011'can eat n,,., f ',e '� y'e,1 cart Lca'. (•' a .2.2(1(0 ;2,g. Ln' (ta Can't St,"., 1:-1 d gra-1 eye_." Pim loc'.esi it salts for 2..- g glrs, Q-1. •,tif, ire tiIO2T1 :;. - n'bn adoptitlg one safety practice today by -emoving the nleshrcoraed lead of a chisel 1'olaorrr.ls .. runt Ott .)1e gcffc'e - ile star;,,' grinder ..r1'11 pit 21,e 11(12 of the chisel lead 'against h. There A ag e plass of s(,:;1'',.• and a se.tr;i1f.f. pain ie his right ea e. He t(,tld reel a .t cf Llood -n-ming down his face. rho fel: weak: rte he weuid faint. With an effort. he found the v t'': tur(id off the motor, then :au'.-- :n a painful ;leap on rile @oor, 'u, face in "11 Ifelen Would onl9 r -;r- (lown' he thought it 2eeloeel loteg t uu'. but he knew it was only a few short min- utes until he beard 51eps o'tlside ar_d, Helens cal:: `1'inl, err mars still 1+0151" Yes. Tim lived: the (tori 13 even saved his eye-, Dm he will carry a lifetime scar --'and it 221.5 more than two months before he coetld ase the eye. 'We all try 1e, do the sate tiring, 3021 as 'Pint did 2Ile 0 he decided to grind the chisel. But it's the fol- k'w-thru that counts. It doesn't make sense just to remove the first hazard and then use se. unsafe practice. To make you farm safe. you 2h112t: 1. Develop the ability to_ recognize hazards, 2. Eliminate the hazards which tan be removed -as Tim was doing by repairing the chisel. Z. Conduct youraelf so you eau Sive safely with the hazards you (isn't remove -such as wearing goggles at the grinder. Captures Peiping -At the head of a guard of honor t:•omnitlt- ist General Yeh Chien-Yiug marched into Peiping to accept that city's surrender from the Nationalists, The Red forces sole in trucks and jeeps and carried rifles, machine-guns and tentlyy been captured front the 'bazookas that had ail appar- Natinualisis. • Comparative America's entire annual budget for medical research is less than five million dollars, Yet Beauty X+ashions repots that in one year' 44 million dollars was expended on perfume alone. A half million dol. cause of cancer, while 25 million tarp was spent to help discover the dollars were spelt for shampoos and other hair preparations and 25 trlilliens for band lotions, lie Gets Big Money, And Certainly Earned It. -Putting his "John Henry" on the dotted line is Lou Boudreau, playing manager of the world champion Cleveland Indians baseball team. Although exact terms of the two-year contract were not revealed, it is believed that Lou will make about 565,000 a season, which put him up among the game's top money-makers. That's President Bill Veeek of the Indians looking on. 1.14 Great Britain 'Ti,e ,,2 emirs of the failed King- dom are stili a long way from being out of the economic "wools" but tliey have travelled, during the past ye.3 or so, a long distance (21221(1 that objective, !n the first hall of 1947, Britain's balance -of -payments deficit against the storld as a elude was running at a rale of over 82.1100,000,000 12111111- aily. When the :Marshall plan 1100 first put into operation, the C.S. State Debal'tieent estimated :hat this deficit -during the 12 months beginning Jttly t, 1048 -might pes- silily he reduced by around 4U per Celt. But by Mt end of last year Britain was beating that estimate at the rate of A BILLION DOLLARS OR 11 OR LL per annum, it 9595 hitting the Cripps export target of 50 per cent above 1038. The excess of ex- ports over imports was the highest' in all history. 11311ain leas again earning its own way, or was vert' close to it, Such sensational gains re dert2. iu large part, what one American writer calls "self denials more stringent than any other democratic country has ever imposed on itself in times of peace," They also reflect in part, the reduction Ito Britain's overseas military expenditures. At all events, although Britain is stili running a deficit against the Western Hemisphere -and although she will continue to need some aid from the Marshall plan for a ulne -the all-over picture is decidedly encouraging. Those pessimists who were "selldng Britain short" and ',eying that the Old Country was worn out and done for are beginning to eat their words, If some of the other Western European beneticiar- iee of the Marshall plan would use the same sort of strenuous efforts to put their houses in ordet; the gen- eral state of affairs on the other side of the Atlantis would be a whole lot more hopeful than they actually are at present. Also front Britain collies net's of a' "blindfold margarine teat," Dr. Edith Sumnlersleill is the Parlia- mentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food. She is also a lady of de- cidedly definite opinions, and is well known for her positive views about what people should, and shouldn't eat. Not lohg ago she announced that nobody could tell the difference be- tween margarine and butter, and challenged all present to conte to the Ministry's kitchen and take a blindfolded test. An Oriel College undergraduate, Colin Prestige, im- mediately accepted. At latest advice Prestige hadn't got round to calling on Dr. Summerekill1 but both the London Daily Mail and The Daily Express had him tried out. They reported that Prestige had distin- guished between butler and its sub- stitutr exactly six times out of six, And when the Daily Chronicle 1e111 a' girl reporter around London, armed with supplies, she found that most of the housew'ivet could al: o tell the difference IIithnut ton much_ tremble, Modest College 91(1111111 attending a dinner in Raleigh, N.('., were asked i0 name their proie55iols. One shy young undertaker. fearing the de- rision of the crowd when ire told his calling, answered smoothly, "1'm 5 5rintl1(10 Punter." Norman Blair The United States Thr}'91 11172 '1212201 a flit of food 1esti1g op 111)..81, of the Atlantic as well. Taking part in these tests were: 23'1 number, of 2i4 urban P 291021lania families, all in appar- ent good health. .1nel the findings may have farther reaching and lon- ger-la'tine results than a lot of the new• which sols,- the front page headlines. Por the se ,11)1 i,y no means "Boar privilepcli" f:ouitic<, Two thirds of thee: 1::-d incomes of 12e- 10ell'1 82506 :all 51`000 per year. Thr other third had o'er $5000 yearly, All limed we•il and ate well -or at least ate 92 hat flier thought was proper food. Yet 1111111 ihej Here tested Ly repre''r 1113(111/1 of the cern--long nutrition 1111212 voneli 'ted by \\'rNt- Mg:house Eleelie and Penn>yhania State 2',fit gc, 1he.-c 5ttpposedly healthy and hitrlligttt people never eel n lusptrt(•d that they, were rating tilt it way into poor health. Vet mile 2i per rent 01 the families con xmnud Enough foal to meet propel' calorie requirements; and few had enough protein., min- erals and vitamins. (fere are sodic of the findings. Adult motile -It made the poorest showing. At least 5N per cent Were underweight and more than hail of then( had less 151,11 three-fotlrtils of the highly toce',iry calcium, Adult Azalea bored higher than females on everything hut Vitamin "C" -this being a reflection of gen- eral dislike for the foods seen as salads, 'Peen ale girls copied their mothers in faulty eating habits. Fifty per rent were un dere eight, Teen age boys showed Letter eating 11811112 than their iixle35, Children under 12 made relatively good showing,, but close investiga- tion revealed that many were un- derweight and lacking in bone developmeu. And the (2(1(21 of the pudding REALLY WAS in the eating. '1'o insure accurate results, the families included in the tests began eating under a controlled plank Definite quantities of foods were prescribed according to individual needs, Housewives \sere taught holy to market, how to rook food to retain the greatest amounts of minerals and vitamins, all,' how to store food properly. in spite of the Mere -rise in pleat, milk, eggs, and fats, food costs under the nen' plan rote only around 51.35 pet 11eek for each family, .And in the enol proper foods propel) cool. el brought 3(nnl'ing results. A11 family nte1tlbrr1 reported that they felt (letter, looked better, dirt not get irritated so easily, 110112ed less fatigue and had fester colds, Individual medical ratings 1'01.5 a- 112(1111 as 14 per ('ens, :\dull women were still in lowest place 1Aiien the 80122(y finished ---a stubborn 14 per cent of their were still eating less than three-fourths of the required calories, 1'11111(5 their -mothers, 75 per rent of the teen age gills reached standard Height. Alen and boyeello,veel inlpr01221nent in nearly all parts of the' rating.- Children tinder 12 impruveri safisfarun'il(1, and by the end of the tear none was ,eriolsly nudrt'W(ight. "An apple h 11212" may not be a gnat mime of "keeping the doctor awes". liar it mould seen; as 111011g11 (110par eating, 511 along elle litre• would Blake nadir el, etientiull far }e • ( (112 (''•1401•, 12( 12 s there i, out ph,xr of the gala, 40 hockey about 11(3.1,- Wt alba 1, be 5tnutthing or a 41:01- (21(1(1 litllglldg1! -i( I (lv' art 212 goal tending. Thele r( tie 1(2- Cid/ It t11t10 for this. Pali: in the :Met. 1/121, when 1122 used to play 501'111 , tit` were x1(1315 ehogen b1' rhe lluaIIittlJt1S vide of our (111,0. nirltes-Iu tend goal, only mt t-Illled it "goo!". This r )iDiCe, wren 511ahitaill, hits because of our superior agility, keen eye and coolness; although there are some of our contempor- aries who basely claim that it (vas 011 account of a habit we shared with a one-time N1LL. referee, whose name we will kindly suppress ---said habit being that of doing our skating principally on our ankles. a n R Performing on one's ankles, 11 done in its proper sphere, can win a elan both applause and wealth. As The Scarecrow in "The Wizard of Oz' the great Fred Stone used to do an eccentric dance on his ankles which wowed then( frau toast to coast- But as a forward in hockey -or even as a defencenlan -the ankle stuff has its drawback. And so we became a goaltender, on one memorable occasion coal- ing within a bare ten goals of scor- ing a shutant against ler( it opposi- tion. Hence, we have always taken a very special interest hi the actions of the stout fellows who guard the twine. Fate has forced us to do a lot of our sport -watching from Press Boxes and similar spots; but from choice, we would sooner sit at the end of the rink "•here-espee- ially fu the days of stick -handling and colnbimalion-you could really see what is going on, (And if we've told you all this before, think no- thing of it. Stick around long enough and in all probability 11'e'11 do it again and again.) + \\'e have watched pretty nearly y all the really oulstalldil)g.goalies in action, and with deep appreciation, our memories dating baric to the days of i'ercy LeSen2r, Clint Bene- dict, George 1lainsWorth and others too 01une1-01131 10 12122 tial. ( Clint Benedict %VHS called, 1111paragingly, "Praying Benny" 'oceans() of his custom of dropping to his knees to suit tiler shots, m hick wasn't considered exactly "rrirkei in those day., -and we 2onder what he thinks when he sees those mod- ern hoelteriders Who seem to be standing on their ears more often 2111211 on their skates.) \Vc have also been 'louvred 11y the lit rsoual friendship of several of the top hands in goal tending; and lime heard then) discuss con- fidentially the intricacies of their profession. It was from them that WC learned that, technically, a "left (landed goalie' is 100t, as you might thiole, one 1V110 holds his stick in the sinister paw. A right hamlet' is one who uses that lid to do- the catching, grasping' his war,lub with the left. e 4 ,t lust 1110 of all that crew leas the greatest of all time, we don't in- tend to go into here. les all a mat- ter of 11piuial, and something like trying t0 epmpare John L. Sullivan with jack enlpsey--Ihere's, no de- finite line to go by. But as we stated previously, we think we know enough to appreciate really, high •class rage -guarding --and we are here to say that the display staged by Mr. Chuck Rayner, of the New York Rangers, in Toronto recently, ranked with the very best, * * .2 • ' lis taken us over a long and tortuous course to arrive at what we started out t0 say -but shucks space has to be tilled, somehow or other, But Rayner leas really worth going a long, long way to watch. At times it looked as though the Maple 1_eafs couldn't have scored him with a handful of buckshot. .And if Frankie Boucher's Nesv Yorkers fail to land in the playoffs, one 117011 they won't be able to blame for their plight is blr. Rayner. r 1 * * Possibly i1 isn't any of our busi- ness to trey and wedge ourselves into what looks like a private battle; but in the rumpus taking place be- tween the Toronto dale School Teachers an(l the Queen City edu- cational 'authorities, me find our sympathies, for once, of the side of the teachers. (Truly, age must be softening us up greatly, to say a thine 13)122 11141.) CLASSIFIED D A VER .� I S' I \ <JI' nre-re WANTED 111. 11 1 14. 4111'N 111. ti DI211,bnre, 1411 fart I1 , ) 11 11410 (mole, our 250 orednetel 1.1. t , Vitamin, 6vireoo, Spleen, Baking 1kow ,It 1. 001:1 f10'Ia101,its, (11050, SI1Vet, 0014,1,1ore Pod d 11 Polishes, elk/ 1:305 it '11111 1' ulitlemtr t1'lnelt p1Po101nity i x2 101114 615111 Ms *1111(1," write fnr tree Bernd* nor eaalogte-1'A\I11.81X, 1000 In 1,14011' IN Montreal n114:1Ta. 11 diroi to hausenit.x 1)414 4 o ON • •I'Voodre-01'1,3,311' 571'111 Write: (0 1 SalN/ 4`mnpotly. Station 131, Ill'" l0 14,0 141:1 11 AIs 0 1.110131 lever I , —1/11 Take orders to, otir toad, -1 ,;x2211 ,lutea In van 444,0ont111 I I tooll411414•*21,11110 kit supplied. , 1 .n ,Irl utoIN to 11011 y wn• own bll*111e(2 1.014 140d 1224 e laWished Wall. ran1110440. Writ*: Fr041141111 Pori: 141m/44o lee., 3 2A St, t"nlln•.tie ere" 1,e:,al 3102211 1 4G11440444. - 11.2 121. (211C1114 T1120 .,110/4•1• s:fe I Lula•: en 2211 Banes2. elm start with e11.0s from high erode. lion 01oe11. When you Int5 Top Noleh 1•hleks 0211 buy 1,1811 egg (3510. that's ,1113 our elisionr2'0 15(0,1 run' hen hone,. mortality. Thousands or 0110(010,08 have learned front txpel•ienee that 'rep Nonri1 eel, lea are horn wills R bred-h.P,'olnt record nal 110,11 of emee1 1 ors on both /41,15*. Allot 5 10 24 week old 11111110. '('1.1153 (12,1110 from Goverpalol l Approved slime ,'tee Catalpa.,. 'cop Notch ('551: S,,t.0. Omnph, Onto M.' s' ier \U11'- 141110712' 11111111`—' Deelle maw to men a better ,lurk. Begin will/ hood Quality I:hie11M 0,0,0 a 441tit11111 hotel/ow. 1, A Canada. Accredited Hatchery. 2 3,0 urre00150 102214 1110 per cent (,,Morale 03,12, 3, Established 21 years. 4. 100011leg under Hatchery Approval. and Ontario Approved Hatcheries 0M0oeiatiof, Write for our 1040 price list and rank/gee. and see* 9(5,0' of oar Nev Modern Hat,1e:e, era or the country's finest. Gatnf0rth's 1431 - hem, Trenton. Outan0. producers of (1001) BABY CIIJC7(S Mince 1 02 7, BA101(160 ROCK 1'bi,ka 113,00, Barred rock (•12,2'1 .s, the cml,lner0inl poull Lvman'a favnur- Ite, noted for 30" r r0nnd production of big eggs. vig1u l• nodlarge holy 31x0, they will out profit Into salt• Paull,, enterprise. Prome1 shipment, Cox 25,00, pullets $23,00. M ixed 113,00. 17111 Ito'k Perm, Lillie li0rbex, (lot. Box 11'. Y01•10 194:1 poultry pl'a its depend on the quality of dileks 3011 buy. 1'0., know 17.31 100 glmtl,ylay1•,'0 will (11.01111s0 1x 11100,11 00(11 a. 1101 Poor layers. 11'lly feed those extra 511 hens, 'rw4etdle ,Maks are famous for living and h„lne 25 Years experiel,oe keens quality high. large c1,1,k capacity keeps our c0s1. low, 12 pure breeds and 13 .'lesobreed, to choose from. '01,0 aurA M l w u t 1 '1 t li e e 0 shred they aro so tufi 155 an F mule. pistils, pullets eight roan weeks v, laAppr O,I Invade., e.ulle, ell tram 1(1001 anent. l,lIe 1ved br2101 1 . Free ,a10- (11,10 ' siterile 1•hirk [ 1']01, hordes Lirnited E, rgux, ulitarm. r'OI:r;1'llY B11rERS-0uceosa In rnioing baby 'hili,, roe meat 01121 egg ptoduction meand satisfaction from Yhor Investment. 're receive dividends on 101114 1(100810111,21, you moot he certain w'her'e .your money ie Invested. We 0ff10 yam baby e1112ks from 0 poultry farm with every breeder Polka/int tested and tav- ernmelLL.bended. Write for our 1040 calm. tepee and prides. ke odvanlage of our early order discount. NonlOun 00011,5 Forme. Noniron, Ontario. Col 'HRA NE'S coverall. ,lnptoved 4111(112, Bolted noel 0. Perineaer's Rhode Island Reds. 0022)01, Hrown I,eshorn0 11'1115 for prices. Cochrane's P0u2n•y Parol, 11100010mi. Cattalo. Ontario Government Approved Bach• \rt 002 l'12<N1112,21approved chicles fro," -blood tested breeders. Two gree breeds, Light. S220Nex, Past fealhe4mg barred 005210; MIXED 012,05: Pollee 813.401 Cox 13.00 per hundred. McIntosh Chick Hatch 1-1014Orlelf. Ontario. --fll �I\ESS 01 l•Illt'I'LINI'll l(5 AN 08(1101) 70 every Inventor -List of Inven- tions and full Information sent free, The Ramsay Co Registered Pnlenl 411000eys, 272 Rank Street, Ottawa 0511.1 N(( AN I) • CLEAN ING RAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean• ing7 write to us for Information, we are glad to answer. your 0101/Bons Department H. Parker's Dye works 1.1mued 791 range Street, 'rnrontn,_Ontnrlo 10.11 PL01'.11RN'l' WANTED HOLLAND 1bs:I1GI:AN'l' Un„ Ills (0105 One or thorn worker:a ArrIvma early spring, Apply NETHERLANDS RLANDS 11\1211- 3RATIDN Co1n.,itte`e 0 1'5 14, Chatham. - 65 12111119(1 5111 loom, 1 •'1 bullar 1012,1,0, 2202 0, soybean lend in Essex County. Rnillings ol41m441 be 1u111 for the price 1011,0 0011011, Douse large 02.,1,11 for two families. Ropole,•d, (-0120 14,e041, $0,000 cash ,*ill 0,1(8,0 the Ileal, 000a,•01i1 l 01 0114.0, ,haat h0 Fold I0 (.lose the ,lack 011,-, 1(0(010'200 Miner, or 1,4101111 P. 111nrr, twos. Third tNpietioston. l4inr.state. low 12011- SA1,10 GC10D1'1hA R winless -planer hell 0 Inches wide 23 (001 loon, p,: rivet ronlltolm Ideal fn' mill or faro. Write ling 617, l}espoler. 1 HI -POWERED SPORTING • RXFLES 'Various n.od, Is Write fur Ile((' d,.a,'rlptive folders and pekes. SCOPE SALES CO, 11211 ,paten 9,., alnico. Ont. GI 110. 0812'„201'11, sro„,, anmgn)lion. Write for list, Ted \IA NOR NIB SPORTING 00000, 220 Ottawa North. lmn,1110n, ant, CANA1)LAN APP'109101.) PODIA'S for tole -- Broad breasted bran',, turkey paella from government approved and accredited stack, Pallia (Tomggs "at,er0d on 0122 Own farms, We getout (m' Vigor and meal t1,00. 51* 201NLA9 a 1I*COI,L, Lonlblun Talley Hatch. err, R.R. 1, Vorest, Ont. LEATHERETTES COATED FABRICS For (0001.00 rul•nnnee, chairs, chesterfield/, Card tables. etc. 1Yhol,aolo and retail. (1002.11L 'l'E\'I'1'LRl INC. - 1693 sr. lm wren, Boulevard M100120al 1%, STENS ono man Down x011, lined Only 012 111,01.0,0 tor o Mag. wood r Ire, 011,00,20,1 000 1m III' Ile ,220.1 b, 0harpon. 19,110 1105 917. Ttespele', PAINTS New 1040, Eua1,e1, ;:earl-(1loss, Plat, ma n surplus paint. All 'OIOI's, i,101do and 00,. 12,05 per gallon, Quoin)) guaranteed or mene0 refunded, H, I,. Smiler, 21 Iluatrll Hort, Toronto. Mail Orders secesled. B1210A021 E1) whim floor and sugar hags. Stile ply any Moonily 'Plum 12,75 per 0040111 mica 112,00 per dul.'n. 1104 7, "aNd,l Stnllun 0, Tol'OOIo. BIICICEYE umnbillul, eon, II0 1,, cheap. 0110 tn11(10 pen mn,hi„ and Iwa1 hon egg mnrnlnpR, 121(10 for fell details. 'n'weddle Chien lialeheies kindled, Irrrols. 1101111 10 94011E 151011E money from ,03,'2;1 in 10405 SAFEST I'rllteet 1001 1100119 11.1.1 CASH 210,,, 2'11),30 sad 'l'IIER1'ES. We have n else and typo of Safe. or Cabinet;. Inc any 011141101404 201)11. 110. Or w'rW, fnr pelves Ate.. le 15aa1 11' J.64J,TAYLL FI LIMI7t.[l 7f1RONTO SAFE WORKS nos 1-rnnl 81. 14., repent°. Natnhlixholl 1055 ISSUE 8 - 1949 1'016 SA1.92\t'll '1111 9'1'0013 1.05 11' 2\ 1115 , I d 91111' 01,304 when sou 00 nn0(01 til510 Nnustemen Each year we vl0i1, l , 1 u t.1 nu' 1rinlls r ;lit 1 , 11 Ilnl , sly' of ulallnne(O no x1114 `I, Melt 'I ha1,r earn: ram, I I' a 1' ea a 1-14141111OntlHOgu” 'KIDDIE•-KROME" CHAIRS jnrn,iter ural -heal ma a on farm Maeda of (111' IUIt1.11H L' Mu '1„ r,lld> 11 2 nog .'nd 1''I ,n on, 11'ensIn 12,, •I I' l i i n 0 1 •,. i 2 I (22:2120 11,t. r• the 1 a1' .1.111,04-41.110(I"V(lle, bnudlc 14,14 pall, Ir seal,: stored gun.. when 1 I 1,, n Ior aloe, 1. 1 fold, ,- 11 11.. GS, 1 ,dill 1. Neu trov, 241012111,22 11 11' t'ssot 111-x2,e 1 111111,12(21111 oat l 11,11181 1 1 4011o, 1 ' 1 1.8 0 }, I d• 0 444,0041010 poll., 11 117 10 milt 33 I I 1L //ell. to fit 11 1 11 11 11 11.:'11 1 ,n ' 11 i r 0)411110o1 1.' sol I um A t, 8401, 11o4,, 1 e i 1,001•141. 1 111 1,04, NN(11141'I lN2 1, ll 11 I', 004 1 11 1 n , P.A1 Ile 110e1 1 n, , all Soon very Ifast tool eee,,,, al 17011 IOPP. ',ISO $k, ,s nh order 10.1a nce 01,011 nen vets Write to P. l', earl d•, 1I 111,;11 10 1341,. U11NAI,1' thn OIon'nl(le'1 methodd 11221111' Itis now available to ,ave your old gun n glean• Mg nen' linlah al loom, 01,2,0 ,vllh iuofruc. lions 'rlmhfrlinr• 2'04,,1. 1e, 1:10. 14-n, 7.01, Aloud, 11.(', TWO -12/0,1.Y J6oh(r kludele 1231.-1'1-10,0..4„ 116 tolls, allude phase, 10 rya]. A.O. fan, uomnelk 1(01211,,,: Thur, '. 3f regent l lag I,vpe '01001011. Ism 0nt:It;e Inn/, 11110 only Kohler 11,0, A., 111 cony, 0,1(01, 11850', 00 ,.Sol, A.r, 0114Y anlo10:l i1• 1121,111,0 n1nn1, 0. If. ',wanton, typo ,404,111r11.. I00R 0(0(14\ tattle, 'rhe A. It, willinns Ma,lli2ery t'1,. 1d01., C4 1''1.0111 Salm,( 91',01, •I'ur.00, 414(1)x5 fur lett, hers, 1e141:erx loud canny µd517 tnal,er:l, :1,• 1.1,15 6 no1en left. 11.x Sell.. 15 Nl'h01, a, lilt, wit. 10001 SALE 1)512 ~,10,1'-0.000-_,iltntsll•ag Elmtr1, Incubator Ir tuts n tv, equipped foe hatching ehl,k Pita, t „1'1103'1, also Antler v 1'lrnm(er0. .\Ilan ,441,0 4N. 'I'llnrnbm'y,pnt, BASE0AI f Sin/Mill lent (1i1116ge1a,— Imv aloes. goo.( .v \\'lite for oleo. Ted 114\1111 EMC 1f 211t'IINC r,nuAM. -''n oto 1220 N ,. IMinato, urn. RUBBER -CAN DX -M OLDS --y Fur ,u,1,ieg t';mdy of alt kions. Anyone 0nn, 0,060 51100)0s fiat and 000113. 0t hums or for ✓ esale at a oleo profit w'llh' Our Imported ('am kers rubber eyuply molds. Ask fel' fret Iluel rated t'tllnlug,c with 111,444u1410. • ALUMINUM CAKE MOLDS You van bake Novelty Cakes that will be the 10111 of 3'nnr friends 110 I4aster and alder 01l'1,102s 11k0 ,110 nig Egg. Rabbit, Hoar, Chicken, Sh , n nwitk, free (.-tet 1111d 1lhcra, Endee0l11 onkel 101111 f tl. .11.0 140 4.11/01, all0 solo ,till In logon' 1's vol veerJelin. any, thing for c .410N for Jelly -Meat. ,' der, ,uU'- lhl0 1 02,• e40/10W .4 err for flee redder of aur Ches tel 140/10 WO . Dialrl nm rake molds. 1.50(2 S. LePage, Ui'Ii', 10 ,.•:1 11144 - (tart Ave., QnehrO CII3•, P.ry, TANKS, 500. Loon, 4.4110, 0,000, 10,0110, 16,000, Also oth r 10,0 ,,N haul Nene- d11t* delivery. It St. Germain. 0511S .et. Law - (once, ;11 (1. One LA DIES'TCARDIGANS-$2.98 en wool. Potty 0badee or btu,. Mark, oreV, 55135. Orlon. white. From 1110 13,00 of 111(01115 In cattalo's 'Metropolis. 11pf11I1,1 9105,0,1100. Sybil's, 4:127 \Vrllh,ktn, \I„nlrenl 19, PAT11110N lar patchwork 002110, strips for lc vs, rnt101). nannelette, 1,001, 3• I110. 11, 51'1111111 0 Wool Stork, 3 Sheri/mime Street, Toronto. 1111:51N13 1h„111.5 Tomw'M• 6 /NO. roVNIOP, 3 speeds, $650; 4 2.p. forward and IOVO•ree, 5410. Order before 21m•lug lush, 1•'aolory, 1 100 Alpert Rand, Windsor; Ontario, RP:Gis'P1.1ti 17— ncl'RT+`Dlrl:ii8,,,(01,3 0011* 0 lo 11 months, 16 heifers 0 to 15 months: 20 Oxford ewes, udvaneed registry Yorkshire. open and bred cowl- svonnling to serv2005140 boors Gardiner , e e n Mount Purest, Ontario. —.T .. 1110110( 11 .. - .-- pox o 'WA171 .100ry .1721'„1 of Rllenmxl2* Pails or Neurits should try 01902'0 name - d3' \llluria 11111g Store. 394 (610:2 lllt„5x. Postpaid 11.00. A7"I'l:N'I'ION: alonm,h. 1'110 and Court pal 01111001, 5011'11 he d(llohled 50,11, lier(o 22,551110-0 Iahlo(o. A suer ail laxative which 11e01s-0 000001.0 084e5• 1,111 1110001,11. 1 501a lrrntuelt, 01: 00.dn,v 8000(0en, 03. lotp,r)nI Illdest His, P.O. 1105 310, Winnipeg. 141,;111,1' 11101O\t\1ENiED-P:Vory soffere, nl Mouton ie Tams or Neuritis shoeld 7440 Dixon's Remedy. Mom Ws Drug Slee, 1,40 101 elm Ottawa. Post/mil 01.011 ._..._ ._ N E IED I,l,wiht I: N EEU121,0WOR E UUL1.E'I'IN--Gond Idn1a-- 1:11ted by 1"ho,enre 250hb. Mailed direct to 3'00 each month I,'1,:h Bulletin eantamo one ,resign complete with IOOtr'nelIOi19, needle, work Meta, catalogue 0f Patterns and stamped designs Yearly subscription (12 Issues) 100.1 Seed In Flore2re Webb, Deni, B, Post Of5re, Drawer 489 41larch street l'oeonlo. NURSERY STOCTI 11 ACT -'.1 (ledge This 9pl 'In --extremely hardy -quick growing Chinese 111,0-WIll grow two feel the III at yen •-enough plant. (261 In Want 21 feet Special price 19 nlante for 72 05, 12.1005 010:8-022, 21 0(0.3114 for 0.4,08. 2 -font 0100 Write for New Erre Fall (00,1' Gard\u Gnlde, aruollln le-- RingswaY Nul'nerles, Itnw•nl1,v100, Onla in HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Lonsult your nearest 11oriess Shop ahem Staco Harness Supplies We sell our goods only- through 20111 local Staco Leather Goods dealer The goods are right, and so arae our prices \Ve man1fnciere In our fac curies •_ 11aruess, horse Col tars. Sweat . Pads, Horse Blom ke15, and I,eathee Travelling Goods • Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction Made only hy• SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE t. (13,21111 0 XS Il,ue t•to ,, lei to. free ago re - I0, .J. 1� lob A. 1\ i t• Darrow. t 1.)nla' Arty 111 I ... tl' are no p1“111 1 loll. 110 11110 011ing l 5221 100 ,1 en IIY order inlet ell• supply 1 n , d lel las 1111110 1101„•' 11.1 On 1 ` I MI 0720;• 10 031.10 1 1 1 0 1 , 140 1,1r. 11011'. 15(1)22(N0 111':1,1,1;\ L1: co11 471 S( (: I 1)11h11.1'r11. IN 019.1 111_11,1,1. hl (A'1UAlt.I\I8,. A Inane anny from 1,01110. Grad nate nurses; 1111la 1114 fe,..lf`: 1„11111 01.1 4100 d11tY, 000Ol• lent n1,:ll”, 1'l1.o* Madero 1,04 22(100(0 end semi. Prlro to , omt nr:dl.hle. 00r 000rially la nervous, (0(11 1041 ,-1' 12aes..lt. on atm: tcollo otiy ni111 Nl'l Vi,n er 2100 msec s, seets xnpe',n 1„nn•.11 nr phone 0-21:,3. OP1'mlll'NITIES for 1110N null 11'0L1110N BE A (iAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 14011001. Great opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant digitated o•o1'eaalun, sour) waste. thousands sa"eeas(ul 51012201 gradeateo, Anerlen'A greatest aratem, Illustrated rain town\ free, Wenn or Call NI A R1'P:L HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 315 moor St 0 P1101/10 Branches 44 Bing Sl, Hamilton 41 72 1 Ileus Street, Olin, a AM.4'e1111)0 RADIO, wireless, leloyriph yr rnllroad Code, self•tought-qulokly, *nalty- in yam' 011.0 Mune. Low rental rates, 1, 3 or 6 months, for xrdr-Ioneher Machine and Tapes for all speeds Radio College of ('.nntida, 14 nln0r St, 19„ 'Toronto 1 .ARE YOU A JOKEI" 11101.>' segs. l'•lrka and 1„0(00, "Si Alln,Zn',g t .1rd 'r,-lrl.s” boort will he Bent to /on with sur llaloglle. 31„51 603 today In Manna Or con n Collins .Joke k 5100:,' 21102. 275 Somerset 1t. 1v„ Ill111,,,, Au('l'lON SC1(001. 1-10-4Riv anr.ttonerring, World's largest 0,18,1,1, Free catalog, Rums soon Relmh ,48,-111(11 School. Allison t ht, town. 1',S.A. I11,91! PI AN V I - Ha,, A' Sul'\D'system. Booklet flee. ,100 l 0nh,0, Ines, 13, 01.14114n, told Popular sheet .orale for sale, old song/ ' 1, :intra, 14 10 12 Ps id. .2,1 tree.) FREE: Thorp otonlho' 10sal 0,11,0, riot ion. Send IOo for 'nailing, to American Itera3is,. 500 N. (1014101 441, Indi1m,po1l8 1, /lid. .. - -PA'1 PATENTS -_.. - EE'1'HERS•I'VNAl7Ol1If rnn,oan3 l'ulent 50 !feltnrn lOatnbllohen (890, 14 (ting west 10100,0 Booklet n1 Inlol•matmn nn moues) WORE WATCHES, castes, noes.. flea trier'see memo.. fee: mete 01'00,01 6 i Ilt'el son I ,• 91:.'1 m'd„t'a a1'ed Kling•s, 401 Tongs.'Doom.r (5 911E0 \(1(9 IS 1'1110 T12110 e1' you Wont F-1401,04,'hotter and 10101' , Mlle for 114,0 til ,rayl,,, NO (BEI(, V(•lIrN. Gree, lends l'Vrn,a,e•nl 10010,,. 4,, le Allelic*. 154 Eagle Ave., Brantford. Ont. _- ... TURKEY GROWER we en loly 7001' 11111'1' 1c,nO tent(. 1't ('er farther u1,051,i len alit•' '1•'11,,,r(1 Areiery, 1113 221,11,2',, Lear Brand, PROPERTY OWNERS' ATTENTION WANTED E,, :, 'remix( 1'lbh s 'i mn -Y Clot l vl lute1: n and 1.lIv 1nanleo of 011 00x8 u ntlo0s ' 1 Ill" ,11x,10 101,1,4le1 11(11, .131C:11m0 it:11 to 1- ..baso fur ho, 8 ' 11100,M0 for I,Iloiu OAS 1,014- 0044440,9t, nd 0200 our listings loserihiug 1'2210 Prol'e"3'l w s0 1 ea3 Prepare for eddy 010)00, sale 1' e5rhlu8.•.' 11'5151 hove son" D. Ih aO' ell Reals., 1553 11an(o'tll, '1'00.10. Henling,Soalhiog and Ant septic. Dr. Chase' Ointment brings quick relief. Regular Siz 6922, Econ Omy Size, 6 times as much (2,23 A healer for over 50 years. ,sear A may, PA B 8 T W Q T N Y ,le heal and rub in MINARO',&, and note the quick relief you get. Gress' 000, fnel•drying, no strong or unpleasant odor. Get n bottle today; Peep it handy, 13.46 refer,; 11200E r CONOMICAI size 65c is+:ivy t1d yagen 39 ROLL YOisR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES W/TI.' CIGARETTE T"4/' ACCO r'ilRINIE SAID YOU,000LD BE 'RU6TGD Tb DBLIVER THESE CAK&s $AFELY,.•, x HAVE MY DOUBTS 1 By Arthur Pointer J I TRUSTED YOU AND THEN YOU ATE ALL BUY ONE ,YOU'LL HAVE 00120:1/. ANp WATER F011 SUPPER/ ......1 \ rs 4 QO,