The Brussels Post, 1949-2-23, Page 4. ' 'itiqsiSE1-64,12FtliT . t'':. s%*,...,:a.......,.. ,.., ...i.:,..,..;.,_.........., 1 1;144 inad:q..1 1.0alp omea.s AnrEve rt, ''fe.il 1711 al It') 4.4 for sound healthy chicks that will live and giuw feed them a sonncl clean Chick Starter. Master Chick Starter is ?,ranular ground - not too coarse not too fine - and it is appetizing too. Remember it is the results that corn t : — Order Your Chicks Now! tmitaMtal ER MANCE) SEDS AU. etasscs OF rZeuvlarrYsToo OGS x pi FOR [SEARING a, I .k.1. -.........,-.---- -,.. M M M 144 M IIMIVIMM M We carry a full line of Master Feeds and Concentrates - Mill Feeds salt, shell, grit and MI. MONCRIEFV sliatie,. tho atter 143114.1 t, A :10.1 01Ore Aorved to all b‘ the la,li,, sf 1 lir ,•11trelt. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mann spant a t• s r,ith Cr Viels in Brantford. 11,• 11,,M. of Mr. Frank Harrison wero Mr, and Gill and Jimmy, and Mr end Mrs. Louis iisrrlAou of cluelph. Miss Muriel Mann of Brantford .;pent the week end at her home here. The weekly Farm Forum was hold nt the ItInvs. of Mr. and Mrs. W, Stevenson with a geed crowd present. Mr, awl Nlvs, Marl: 11ay sited ,,,•ea the weekend in Brat,tford with Mr. and Mrs. W. Flood. The ladies of line:: rnit,-d Church met at the home of Mrs. Orval TIarri- n ,u? Wednesday for their W.M.S. meeting with an attendance of 15. Mrs. Leonard Machan presided over the meeting and opened with the "Thy R'ing.dem (0.1 Th,,,igh th, Work of the Chlreli" The scrim •ure lesson was read from. Psalm 145 by Mrs. Blighten Peri, and Mrs. F. F. flormatia '''''',PliabsiNsrEz Ore:Kr-m.o. got; li-Ploitem Eye 6treserS' ns, r.,q7,1t.td tine r, ::131.red. Expert workman,ship. Moder ate pric.?s. New motors In stock. .. Settsur inthIstrisa, 649 Ontario, Street, Stratford, Ont. THE BRUSSELS POST MNV akaell Se vice Phone 77-r-6 Brussels, Ont. Agent for Austin Cars and Trucks Always a car in stack. Expert repair service to all makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Shell 011 Products. Guta Percha Tires. Also Used Cars. BUSINFSS CA DS Mark Battik, had elvap• ll 1111, 1 cull was taken. bolng allsw‘. red by th. tam, of a prophet. Prayer 1.11, offered by Mrs. Ken Ludington. MN. Mr. Taggart had charge of th" took which was takenfrona chapter flv of the study book, "Mission Press in chengtn, West Clhina." The Women's Assoriation also bold a short meeting, 13usines4 was discus. sod and the meeting cies (twin the benediction. This week's farm forum 1101 Ft 1101d at •the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mac McIntosh with an attendance or IR. "Food takes a ride,"—a discussion 011 WEIS the topic. ..on of ..09t. the transportation The group decided that facilities for the and transportation of food products could be improv. rd. Cattle could be deborned. with better loading facilities at the farm and certain fools such as apples, milk., could be carefully Packed and stored. The next farm form will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bremner on Feb, 28, Cle..s0TFed Ads ')R SALE- -4-01ms pigs. Ph nue 42-1,S _. ..-_ 'A'ANTED- .\ Gander. Phone 24-1.12 ' FOR SALE— ,\ barn 22x52, also building lot. Mrs. D. Denman FOR SALE - A quantity of aluminum and 8(5,1 e..................),...,, i ,..._,..__ ,,-___L..d,,,,,.:.;;,,,,.......,...,.,....._....... Wm. Blake Dan McKinnon Phan, i8 -r-2 'V 'Id .1 •••• NVeditestbly. F1ic . 1, 1', AP Youth On Horseback Catches Fish On Farm When a horse he was riding broke through the ice covering a ditch running through his tather's farm in North hicKillop, Laverne Hoegv noticed something moving In tbe water. As he watched, a sevendnch sucker 'lb -Plied itself out of the water onto the ice. He carried the ash home and plat- ed it in the water trough, where it is still swimming about. ULTRY "014' HOGS it)Ao?z',/ Ethel Produce Phone 22-r-,10 Ethel, Ont. telf et*skui,;-, eikeitie ) f(,t'IrC;03 `,6 •11. uMembor Food MrlocrfoOtt•nrs Assyckif ion) 7,71SPEW717 The social welfare meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute was hold at the' home of Mrs. Altdor. son with a large attendance. The president, Mrs. Ster art Prot ter, opened the moet 1118. t rear.11 rer's report show, d a 1)8181109 ‘,1' :00111` $43, Mrs. .Tolin Coulter was elected to the distrirt nominating committee: and a, motion was carried to pay the district fees. Mrs. W. J. Moores, sect., I 11)11 fart conveu .r. gave a health talk. ('11 118 of the n, w herlth ProY' all) t hat will cost the federal Goverianent sno,ann,ono, Mrs. Edgar NVI;.hi. In 00 AS M.C. presented a radio program called "What's You Boor" end women. were introduced 00d ip,,,entod th-ir commaints. One O n ed the C.D.C. to present good music each morning; another roofling,". ,Toe Hamilton arilm 410.111,01•1601. Cr A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Williarn St. 'Phone 4. Brussels, Ont. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge lor Use of Funeral Home, B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer, R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSEI Tr.ssday and Saturday all day - Offict open every Phone 20-z Successor to E. D. Bell Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KIN,101 Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. none Office 96 Brussel, Ont. Harold Jackson ECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALO For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson PHONE 18-r-661 SEAFORTH, ONT. Make arrangements at THE Brussels Poat or R. 3. Hetheringto, K. C., Barrister Office, Brussels. D. A. Rann & Co. M•••••11.11.R.1.1414:•••-,1.0ft. - FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer aNYVIS PHONE 38 or 85 — BRUSSELS, ONT, Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) 3A111SFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Pose and trav vrffl be looked after Immediately For 'simulation etc., write or phone Lew. Rowland Or write to R. R. 3 Walton. FOR SALE - Phone 71x -r-2 A Poll-Augus Bull, serviceable' age, •, also 2 -wheel trailer. Sam Ovington phone 01118 FOR SALE - 10 sucking pigs, (3 chunks. Doug. Fraser Phone 28-r-8 ; .._ - ------ \ Con. 16. Grey FOR SALE - 2 Durham cows, springing and 2 Durham. cows fresh. Phone 24-r42 Dan McKinnon FOR SALE - General purpose work horse, work single or double. Morley Travis Phone 20-1,4 Lot 12, Con. 2, Grey FOR SALE - Dwelling house and lot in village of Brussels. good location and recently remodelled. Immediate pos- session. Apply to Crawford & Hetherington Brussels, Ont. FARM FOR- SALE - North half of lot 10, Concession 13, McKillop Twp.; 75 acres cholas land. All in gra.ss. 2 acres hardwood bush. Brick house. 2 barns. Mrs. Ethel Hackwell, Phone 213-r-3 R.A. 2, Brussels FOR SALE - Get off to a good start with Bray Chicks. Early -In -the -year chicks get I the bkter priced markets. P011810, cockerels, mixed. started. Ask for price list, and list of Daily specials. Agent—Wm. 'Glen Bray, Ethel. HONEY FOR SALE - We still have choice Amber line granulated Honey which is a blend or clover, golden rod and buckwheat. Tt has the same food value at clover honey but at a very reasonable price, 8 lb. pails $1.35; 4 lb pails 70c. Lloyd Wheeler Phone 21-1,8 FOR SALE - Hygienic Supplies (Rubber Goods) mailed postpa,ld in Main, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25s, 24 samples, ;1.00. Mall Order Dept. M-33 Nov -Rubber Co Box 01, Hamilton, Ont. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Distribute, on Part 'rime or Full Time basis, our 250 products; ries, Vitamins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powder, Cakes, Doughnuts, Glass, Silver, Furniture and Shoe Polishes, etc. Each Individual a customer. Excellent opportunity to test your business abilitleu, Write for FRAM details and catalogue-- FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Mont- real. FOR SALE --- • 2 real good houses for sale In village of Muss( Is. Immediate pos- session, A number of good Panne. I have also some gond businests places for sale. ,f, a Long, Real Bstate Broker, russels, Ont. ca, emitted more sacred music on Sun 'lays. Misses Marilyn Moores IMF: romia ,111,1,,rson playod a piano duet. Mrs. NV. Moores revic.,wed 0111 Mcelung's books. "Clear .ing in the West," Hefts shments were served by the hoMess, assisted by Mrs. C. H. Wade, Mrs. C. R. Coultes, and Mrs. H. Wheeler, Puzzles, Games and Surprises For Boys and Girls! Kids, see TM) Code- Weekly Cerner rt' FUN: See it in PCCK, The Coolie NN''(-, kly. big color tmini' magazine with this Sunday's Detroit Times, You also will End details 011 how to become S. inemlwr of The Comic Weekly Club and get a PRIZE PACKAGE), Get Sunday's Detroit 1.1111, • 3>NMEMSSSZE=M,,Tig VS= 0 SUMS SSIMGF.110g=', Walton Players Visit Atwood ATwooD, rehl 1'I.....11.? United Church here was 1111,11 on Thurs- day 01'011 ill 2, lo 110111' 110 Vey ,icted by the Walton wameifs Missionary Soeiety, sponsored by the Young Woolen's Evening aux- Mary of the Atwood church, The play, a three -act coined drama, "Tempest and Sunshimte," was well played by a cost of 10. Mrs. Hol- man of 'Walton introduced the play and the players. Personals: David Hood, father of Lorne Hood and Mrs. Charles flail, is a patlint in the Listowel hospital; Mrs. Russell McMane Is also a patient in the Listowel hos- pital; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hood and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shnpson attended the Canadian Jersey Club annual meeting in Tor Joie, and while there wire interviewed in tbe bby of a hotel on a "Hotel Beat" bradvast. Notice ''egarding the Li Red Suspension of Lighting 11. guiations a !oiliday to Friday 7:00 peha to 7: I1:1 Fry t 7. Regulations 4, 5 and 6 (under the heading "Part III Lighting") of the Regulations Respecting the Use of Electricity in Ontario Put Into Effect September 14, 1948, and Amended October 13, 1948, Are Suspended Between the Above Hours. Continued improvement in water conditions, coupled with unusually mild weather, now enables the Commission to meet normal demands during night hours and on weekends. In view of this, the lighting restrictions set out in regulations 4, 5 and 6 (under the heading "Part III Lighting") of the Regulations made by the Commission under the Power Commission Act, are suspended each night from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Monday to Friday inclusive, and from 7:00 p.m. Friday to 7:00- a.m. Monday. However, during the daytime 'from 7:00 a.in. to 7:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, resources are still inadequate to meet power demands fully. The Commission therefore requests that the Regu- lations be strictly observed during these hours and that voluntary conservation be continued. The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Muni- cipal Systems wish to express their sincere appreciation to all Hydro users who were affected by these Regulations. Your splen- did co-operation provided invaluable aid during the critical period of the power emergency. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO ,..011111MOSIY;11117,165RIV? 1