HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-2-23, Page 3FALL SECURITY Presi(!e 111 1 1tr alt (.111 • let is f oing to fu,'rra81 social ttettrily, By this he means that 8 sun(ewbat huger aluuuut will be withheld from a worker's pay check each week and that the eMplOyep will be asked to match the amount says The New Yorker, \lark. Sullivan, in the 'Tri- bune, point- out that with -the value "sof money dropping the way it is, an increase in social security ie only 811 apparent illrre851, 1101 a realin- s:tease. Nil.. Sullivan argue,, that elm fifty rens that was withheld I1om your liay check in, say 1937, would hare bought you a square srteal at that time, but that when you are sixty-five years old and get Rhe fifty cents back, it may buy you only a small box of dried raisins. ,Ile says the way to increase social ne8nrity is to see that the dollar doesn't shrink, The argument is Hound enough, Perhaps the way to manage social security is to forget about dollars and withhold meat in- stead. Every employer could be s'equired to maintain a deep freeze emit and withhold one square meal each week for each employee. 'Then when an employee reaches sixty- five and starts digging around like et squirrel 011 a winter morning, he will dig up some frozen meat instead of a shrivelled dollar.. . • If security itself were ever to be- come the highest national goal, the citizen would shed his self-reliance Ail a buck sheds his horns, and the citizens of the republic would be like privates in the army—each with. a dog tag, and a dull sense of having abandoned something irreplaceable. Although the above refers to United States conditions, thoughtful Canadians might very well read, ponder, and digest! a.-.nhttV C/4 e_Qts/4 ')scan, doilies for that dreatu house of yonrsl They add a gay feminine touch to any room, with their ruffles and starry shapes! timid doily, 12 -inches in No. 30 cotton; oval. 10% x 16 l.; inches. Patient 961; crochet directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 11.3 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ontario. l'rint plainly PATTERN I(\TTTMBER; your NAME and AD. DRESS, Ilse a new inner tube to make a safely -circle for Baby while he's at the bohhly stage of learning to sit alone. Wash the talc from the tube; inflate 19 "soft -firm"; lay in around Baby on the bed or in the play -pen, 'Tell %eve hint maty a beep. Double Decker Qnenibus 1Vlakeis Five Room Ilung .•--- ! II, , I.:, huusi10 l.r•blenis in I.,11 l ud 1 „r,, raid 1/111 old tlr ul,1t ,1,'t 1,, .• 11, IA C11 turned nun it living t„ret, hil'he(1, 1 00/1111 11, t ro 141111.a/11 1, dill a llallt, •1In drive -r rale is now a tollsied. (h1 11te };rotted Ilitor eller(- are the lii-ing room tint bitrheu, \\hrle sleeping (traders :ltd lath tare "ftp tot,.” 'I be main rump is equipped whit all the r-.lefor1'; uI home, including tele 1 is1111. Gwomdottry2, P. Clazke Actually 1 am right lure el Gi11- ger Farm but in memory 1 am back a good many years, in a board- ing house in the city of Moose Jew. 1 was staying there alone . , , w'a3t- in Partner !tad brought 111 } 5 -There; stayed a couple of days and then had to return to our teulperr- toy home fifty miles Nest cif the , city. 1 can see the hoarding hnu>1 now piano crosswise in the living - room; big square window 1(11/1 a lovely window stat and lots Of magazines, An archway led to the dining -room and a hall -way to 1118 kitchen; behind the curial» "was what, I believe, is known as a con- tinental heti—one that could be tipped up sidelcays and fastened 10 the wall for daytime convenience. Funny things one remembers. forget the 1(1(1(18 of the land -lady, and the other guests who were there and yet .T remember these little de- tails in connection with the hemsc— I suppose because they were differ- ent from anything 1 had seta ht home. I also remember standing' around in the hall about twelve o'clock one night waiting for a taxi to tape Ile to the hospital. 1t (11(1 - not cone , .. anti it didn't come! Finally my landladly phoned again yes, a tali 18011131 he there in a few minutes, they had sent one be- fore but it had got into heavy FnOW on a side -street and lost a wheel. Was I glad I was not in the taxi when the wheel carne off! I finally rearhe(1 the hospital without Mishap. it 152.5 a small private hospital owned and Operated by two sisters, one a' nurse and the other a fully q)alilicd dietitian. Everything was very nice, very ef- ficient and the steals and service just grand, i was able to be around the next day•and soon discovered there watt only a few other patients, sone with babies; some waiting, i felt rather friendless and alone —as indeed I was, a stranger in a strange land. just µix months out from England and Partner fifty utiles away. Bill what probably eottributed most to my lonesome- ness, was the fact that among the ladies-in-waiting was a girl who why By Tom GREGORY 4U ItN A SLEEPING DUG er11)15 YOU ONLY TO LET HIM 1.10 114 PEACE, 1T'5 A PRETTY GOOD SIGN THAT HE Ib COMFORTABLE -BOTH 1145111 AND OUT. OWES ARE THAT HE'S HAD A GOOD MEAL AND IS COMPLETELY CONTENT, IF YOUR DOG EATS PRE- PARED F000100 FAST FOR HIS OWN 0000, HERE IS ONE THING YOU CAN D0 TO HELP HIM OUT AND MAKE HIM A MORE CONT. ENTED CANINE: PUT HIS 8000 IN A FAIRLY 00E9 PAN AND PLACE A SMOOTH ROCK 014 TOP OF IT AS SHOWN IN THE ILLUSTRATION ON THE RIGHT, THIS MAKES IT NECESSARY FOR THE 00G TO TAKE HIS FOOD IN SMALL AMOUNTS AND Al THE SAME TIME PREVENTS TI -10 PAN FROM 8E1148 UPSET, evidently very popular and with plenty of this world's goods. 1 re- member she had beautiful reddish hair, 4)1(1 w'o'e a blue satin bed- jac hot to match her blue satin etc c1 1 ( rl v1(. From her hospital bed— who h didn't look like a hospital bed 81 u11 het a couch among a bower of dowers—anyway, from it she held court. There were many visit- or, and peals of laughter drifted in- fo my little back room. She was de- linit(ly the glamour girl of the hospital, teen to the nurses. Per- haps*1 envied her a little ... i don't know. if I did it wasn't for long. TM next day a baby w'as born to each of us. Daughter was just ;Mein; perfect—just as any normal baby is to its mother. But I.ady Blue Satin . her baby leas born deal. That 35 a terrible thing to happen in any language but this girl lea8 aP1,118811t18 11 spoilt darling and re- acted arcorlingly. Before the baby was horn there had been kidney complication.;. Slit had been put mu etrict diet and yet had per- suaded her friends to bring her in 50812 of the very things she wasn't .supposed to eat, Nature plays no fat ourites but has a way of catch- ing up 'vilh spoilt darlings, But , for all that 1 felt awfully sorry for T.aly Blue Satin. When I was going out of the hospital she called me in and asked to see the baby. She looked at her and said nothing. •Aly lady was still wearing blue sa- tin, her roost still bedecked with flowers—but the glamour was gone. I never did know who she 1.1(5. The hospital, as l said before, was ;Mat abort tops for efficiency and confort, and yet, a mond) after I left it was closed by order of the Health auth08118 , Several mothers had died from blood poisoning, others were seriously !11 --- and all through infection getting into the hospital - from an unsuspected source, \\'hv do I think of all this just noir? Because this is the eve of Daughter's birthday. 11 is only natural to look back and Mink how much we have to be thankful for.' .And I wonder what happened 10 Lady Blue Satin! And I wonder, is there x "pull" I towards the district ,where one was born? Roth our babies were born out West: when we cam" East it was largely on (heir account --to give theme, as we thought, a better chance in life. Now Daug'hler is in Fort willian1 and when Bab was in the army he thought B.C. was as good a place to live as any he had struck, WILLIE WEATHER Says: Jack Frost has been painting the window Panes again. I often wonder how he earl get around so fast -no (nat- ter where you go, he's leen. He must ride around on a high - powered --FROSTY icf(=l15 1tL14:IJ4reriJlvJ�aetrV�t,`^W.etjl v�W THERE IS SOMETHING ALMOST HYPNOTIC ABOUT THE STEADY TICK- ING OFA CLOCK, IF YOU HAVE A YOUNG P1)991 00 KITTEN THAT IS RESTLESS AND WHINES AND CRIES THE FIRST FEW NIGHTS YOU HAVE HIM AT HOME, PUT A SMALL 010(0 114 1-11$ AOX, Ti40 Tlern8G WILL SOOTHE HIM AND MAIL u';4 FEEL HE 19 NOT AL0'.I Worth A Trial Horace Greeley once received a letter front a woman stating that her church was in distressing Geane!a! etrails, 'l'1(ey had Tried all sorts of device's --- fairs, festivals, suppers, noel: marriages, and socials. Would he suggest eonlething new to keep tier-n'nlrs-ling church from dishaui fnp'r "\\" y r•,': Icy reliei,nl" the editor- V, ^1.'11 r talc TLE : clam. Andvews. Ali through the school year their are many thousands of boys and girls who find it impossible to get home during the daily luncheon period; and I imagine that around now, what with the condition of the roads, this number is greater than 'ever. And for 111111135)15 long year the problem of school hutches has bothered countless mothers. So today I thought you might wekonte a fele suggestions along this lint—most of which have the endorsement of the Saskatchewan Depart ne tt of Public l i e alth obis/ 1 made a special s lal .lute of th(5 h• - t u tett, So here goes. The Lunch Pail 1\ hat kind? Metal is best because it must be washed—and scalded -- regularly. There should be air holes for ventilation and, of course. a handle for easy carrying. How To Pack Line. pail tell 1528 paper or paper napkin. Wrap each food separately. Put the heavier foods on the bot- tom ---the easily crushed sort on top, What's a Good Lunch? One that contains enough food —end the right kind of fond. MILT( --for boles and teeth. A VEGE- TABLE or a FRUIT, pet (reality both. BREAD — whole grain or Canada Approved, PROTEIN — such as meat, fish, cheese. eggs or peanut butter, 1I0'C FOOD— such as 5011p5, cocoa or scalloped dish&.;. Now, just a wont about these hot foods. Every school should hart facilities for reheating food, and these are easy to make. Just a large kettle of hot water—a canner serves the purpose very well. It is neces- sary to have a rack in the bottom to keep the jars off the direct heat. This may be made of wire, or may be just a piece of board. Bout 31 of an inch thiel(, whin holes bored lh it to allow the water, to come 1(p around the jars. leach (edict carries a jar of food in its 11111(.11 kit. If pet on the stove to heat during morning recess, the food will he piping hot by noon. Jars should be tauten 11on1e to he washed, and refilled for the follow- ing day. What Foods for the Jar? rivet. are plenty that are suitable. Baled bran., mill: pudding, slop - herd's pie, vegetable stew, ere:mud chicken, vegetable chow di spaghetti and meat with tonl,,toe1, 11111carnn! and cheese, creamed car- rots or other vegetables, scalloped potatoes, liver or salmon loaf, creamed eggs, soup, ('nc0)1 with - 1111111. Answer to Thls Week's Puzzle ORR7Ol2E_ B L P O /7- E E R/ R N R S T E R'i E T R O VERT /1 R N ? S /DES ES 'ETON LET TNI P,6 POST {r STEADY / N / ': D/ R E C TR E T R R L Zr-7271- /CE $YNE NO1'''7DRRNTrt RN/ '?ERTER',•Rno INCEP: W E R N E N f'CARTEi'�STTEV ", .5 WHAT'S THAT REGGIE ? Luscious and Nourishing Lunch Suggestions I. Vegetable milk soup, crackers, peanut butter cru whole wheat, oat- meal cookie, apple. Reuss smirk— bran puffin. 2. Meat loaf sm olt%kit, carrot strips, rice and raisin pudding, bran muffin, milk. Recess snack ---apple 08 orange. 3. Macaroni and cher se, brown bread and butter, turnip strips, 1111' sin biscuit, ba715118, milk. Recess snack --cookie, 4. T,iu [ alU a0iI. ! cheese 011 11.11016le wheat bread, cabbage salad, cup cake, orange. Recess snack—tient- mon bun or muffin. Interesting Sandwich Suggestions Peanut butter and crisp bacon. Minced mesa and grated carrot. Ground liver and pickle. Cheese and chopped nuts. Peanut butter and celery. Scrambled cgges and bacon. Cottage cheese and marmalade. Flaked fish and salad dressing. orated cheese, rate carrots and -PNIad dressing. • « + a Seems as though I've used up pretty nearly all my space. How- ever, the nest time you're having Pork Chops for dinner, perhaps you'd 11ke to try doing 1110111 a dif- ferent why, 'Here's one method they use over in Norw ay—and very tasty too! Norwegian Pork Chops 6 pork chops, 1 toll: holies thick 2 1eitslumi(a prepay, (1 mustard Salt and pepper 1 tablespoon fat 1 medium-sized onion, minced 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup canted ch!rhe(t Cans(4nnne 34 cup light erten) Te cup chopped cucumber pick], Method Spread cions with the mustard and season with salt and pepper. Brown well nn both sides in hot fat in the pan. Add onion and cook for 10 11135111 1O. Remove lamps, pour off excess fat and stir in the flour, Add consomme and light Bream, stirring 1111111 sauce is thickened and ,Wroath. Return chops to skillet and cover with' pieklc. Simmer for 50 to 60 minute-, or until well done. Yield, 6 portion,, .4nd here's /drat may he, to some of yell, a 111.11 way or 1ring 51(115age meat. Ginger Sausage Combine 1 pound sausage meat, 2 tablespoons minced parsley, 2 tablespoons minced onjo1, t. cup chopped pickle, ?•i cup bread crumbs, 2 teaspoons gr0ntd ginger, and 2 egg yolks, Whip the 2 egg whiles until stiff and fold into mix- ture. Season well with salt and pepper, and form into small halls. Brown in hot fat, then cool; over low heal till well done. oPSCR ?',TCHItElea, Relieve Itch in a Miry� 111 ,r Itching clue to roma ,nm Ira nlhlorr, toot (1,) m inti troulms. kik cooling wiles/,,)mD. 0. 0, PronarIpt(on `mdin,ry or Mtn rl gth) nreo,8,00 loin( 1 A 004(51,to I S ,h1( 1 Wee Moor or mon'im hock. /hock.. t opr,lruegkl RA. 15.1).D.d.D, Prasanon. MY .5 LIST OF NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS &WO Rims For Homemakers •/. L 1s ,,, -.(1 (t e tin , ,sate th u, a. tree for (nemg ter; t to a !'qt ear li foua in a svpalnt nuG1(, up, avd t 1,1, will 1,e' 1(0 d1:.0 til -iidr, , 5111811 glaes of milk (.r 1',111 i:(j a lila}' al -0 be 5e1 ie Make biomes lunoy4Llc fr„111 a 91,rott1,1 io h„ ,leaned or tc:, 1ted, by concreting them into sttuls. Sew mall pearl hencen on the back( of vae11- !-earl• 4 short loop between fie large and 5111111 button (unless the fancy button has a shank). An - rime each momenta/ button in a small buttonhole, worked on the e nlerlap 00 the garment to coincide wish the regular buttonholes of the overlap. Removable button; are now in plan'-, • Baby's old bahinette is useful on washday. Sprinkle clothes on its waterproof top, fold and store in- side 1vlure they won't rlry, out. s r Two-unli velvet ribbon wound round the lower handle of the mop, keeps it from marking furniture you are ducting under. , x "jangle i ((glc,” for t t0,tame patty br program nay 14- 14101e in- expensively from bottle caps. Flatten cap,, remove cork, and pueelt a hole in each cap for sew- ing on, faint elurnintun or a Bright color. - - insert a funnel into loam befnrc baking it, and fill the funnel with pine -apple juice. The juice gives 2 delirious, new flavor. \4•hrn making aw•0et roll, work 001118 dough into a thin rope and wrap it wound sterilized. well -grea- sed wooden clothespins. Be ,ere the end; suck out enough so the pins will be easy to remove after the rolls are baked. When cool. fill holes with jelly, spread, or thin- ly sliced wieners. They can Le ser- ved hot c.r frosted, too, Do11't burn '2:11 upl 'Cut out the clever little pictures s loom old greet. i' Ing cards—holiday, i vand getwe>!--- 1(10 rate lhtnt 10 decer- at) 3'la v paper napkins, nut Sups, plat,• 18rds. You'll receive 'mole compliment for this speefal ,,,.)1 1:. Mese cutouts glee :1;1 1('r ;c, 11 10 F14ti011ery, too. r 12 0 blmiun plasters 1,21)i5 1 the 30wer corners of large pictures: Wilt plaster behind small pictures. '11iese bold the frames away from the Bail and prevent that Hard -lo' remote dark streak from forming along 111e bottom. l'sr two knitting. nec(118s when casting on the required number of stitches. 'Then remove one needle --•you'll find the cast -oft stitches loose enough for easy knitting of your first row. FOR 0gcKM1 45!!! YOU CAN'T BEAT JUCKJEY'J hen Yo r BACK. eg s toAche REACH FOR 4 BECAUSE— ' Backache is often due le an upset kidney condi- tion; and for over half a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have helped bring relief from backache bytreating r the kid • nes. t S os Dodd'st KidneyPills counter. Look or the blue box with the ed band. 1'ou can depend on Dodd's-. 155 \4117/ES P �. And the Relief is LASTING There's one thing for the head- ache . , , the muscular aches and pains that often accompany a cold , INSrANrINE. INStAN'rINE brings really fast relief from pain and the relief is prolonged! So get INSTANIINE and get quick comfort. INSrANrINE is compounded like a doctor's pre- acription of three proven medical' ingredients. You can depend on its fast action in getting relief from every day aches and pains, head- ache, rheumatic pain, for neuritic or neuralgic pain. Get Inslantme today and always heee11 handy :l'1( TIN 2Stf=ECoNoM1C 8> TIIATS FINE DEAR- BUT- -- IkT EARBUT--- IS'NT THAT FLY -PAPER YOU'RE USING? CAUSE THEN ILL STICK TO EM 11 r1