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POS f PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, February 2nd, 1949
e W' 'j- A ,(..' j�+ cy--i Harry Combs of Brussels
fp l In 94th Year
John Combs canto a111 the way trent
i Deloraine, Man., to Brussels to be
with his father. hurry (;o13bs, on the
I occooion of the batter's 03rd birthday,
which he celebrated last Wednes-
day. Jan. 26.
Harry Combs was_bornIn Go6Prieh
township in 1856, 12 years defter itis
farther and mother, immigrants from
Devonshire, England, had terse settled
in Stanley Townehhtp, The number of
settlers in Stanley 'tailing from
Devonshire -was responsiirle for
Iclxeter's being given that name, Mr,
Combs later moved to Blyth with Itis
parents and farmed In that district
until 1882, when he went West to
work on the c:nnstrn:xlon of the
C.P,R, in Manitoba. !knowing the
completion of the railroad be home-
steaded in Deloralue until 1010, ,viten
he returned to the Blyth district. In
1888 he married Catherine MacKay,
a native of Sutherland, Scotland, win)
dried in October, 1929,
1tr, ('.curbs 131 an hono:ary mem-
ber of the- Blyth Gring;l Lodge.
No, 963, which he Joined at the
age of 17 in 1878. Despite his age.
Mr. Combs is able to read the
daily newspapers without the aid
of spectacles. Three sons, William,
John and Ira, are engager' in
Miss Vesta. Cambs, lives in Brussels,
Miss Besta Combs, lives in Bilis
Any Two of the Following .Articles —
20 oz. Tin Plums—Corn Starch—.Pork Beans
Country Kist Peas—Pumpkin— Fells Naptha
Soap—Camp. Veg. Soup—Royal Manor Pan -
Cake ](~lour — La France -- Corn Flakes,
• Phone 5 -' B:rcassels
Melville Church Services
"Receptive Hearing" was the sub-
ject of Rev, Mr. M•ilne's sermon at
the morning service on Sunday.
The sermon was based on the text
"Take heed therefore how ye 'hear"
from St. Luke 8:18, The morning
anthem was "Saviour of tt-e World"
by Goss. At the evening service
Mr. Milne preached on the subject of
"Grace" and explained the import of
the instruction contained In the
Second Epistle of Peter, Chan. ;, v
18. The solo "Guard while T sleep'
was rendered by Miss Joyce Porter,
My sincere thanks is here given
to everyone for their deeds of help-
fulness and sympathy expressed 111
so many ways cluing the extended
illness and at the time of the death
of my wife. Such understanding
kindness was deeply appreciated.
William G4110501,2
Draw nigh unto God end Ho
will draw nigh unto' you.
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School end
Bible Class.
11 a. m. "availing the
7 p. m. "Unfurling the Plag."
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Chordlnmater.
Th! -cited Church
Minister Rev. Heigh Wilson
Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar
11 a. m. Morning Worship
A Obriotie,n's Credentials
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Class.
7 p. an. Evening Worship
Gid,eon's Revival
Come and Worship.
------- gym.—,. ----_..r =• .
Church of England
Parish or Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr. Drussalet,
rah Sunday After The
Epiphany, Feb. 6th, 1949
$t. David's Churon, Nenfryn-
0.80 a. m. Sunday School
10.80 a. m, Holy Comtniindon
I wish to thank all tilos:. who sent
cards and gifts to me during my
time in 'heel with a broken leg.
Special thanks to Mr. G. Willis and
Grades 3, 4, and 5, ,Mr, Itaan and
the Majestic Women's lnstitnte 13
was all very 21111011 appreciated. •
Arnold Davison
e.:1.1.:orth, Ont.
Thurs., Fri., Sat, Feb. 3-4-5
Always Together
Robert Hutton and Joyce Reynolds
It's that Janie Team with more
zany Joy.
Mon., Tues., Wed. Feb. 7.8.9
B.F's. Daughter
with •
Van Heflin Barbara Stanwyck
Charles Coburn
This is the story of a head -strong
young heiress who Impulsively
marries- a struggling young econom-
ist. ....He achieves the , pinnacle of
success when he becomes an ad-
visor to the president with an office
in the White House.
Next Thur., Fri., Sat. Feb. 10-11.12
Key Largo
Humphrey Bogart Lauren Bacall _
Edward G. Robinson
Lionel Barrymore Claire Trevor
Maxwell Anderson's play snakes a
good film, full of ideas a'rd Intensely
Thank You
Thioles of the publisher are
txtended to the many subscribers
who have already renewed their
subscriptions for •1949. Our mailing
list was corrected' last week and
'there were more than 100 changes,
mainly neck ss'teted by !.hese renew.
cels, There were also quite a largTe
number of naw subscribers added.
Subeeribers who have sent renew
a1s are asked to check with the date
on the address label. and if proper
credit has not been given to notify
this office promptly.
:Subscribers whose labels show a
date previous to 1949 will kindly send
renewal at their earliest convenience.
. with
Elizabeth Taylor and George Murphy
5L Johns Chetah Brussels--
1 p. m. Sunday School
• 2 p. m. Holy Communion
St. Oeorge'e Church Welton --
8,4i5 p. m, Holy Communion
Sunday School
Capitol Theatre
Wel. Thur. Fri. Feb. 2-3-4
starring Clark Gable
Lana Turner John Hodiak
Saturday — Only — Feb. 5
Double Feature
"Carson City Raiders"
with Alan Lane—plus
"Main Street Kid"
Sat. Mat. starts 2;00 P.M.
Sat. Eve. Starts 7:00 P.M.
Mon. Tues. Feb. 7-8
William Powell Ann Blyth
in "Mr. Peabody and
The Mermaid"
1st Offer $200.00
2nd Offer $ 80.00
Mon. Attendance Card Night,
Wednesday -- Only --• Feb. 9
Paulette Goddard --in
"An Ideal Husband"
3 Days ' COMING 3 Days
Thur. Fri. Sat. Feb. 104142
"Hills of Home" in
Technicolor — a wonderful I
Picture for the whole family.
Agricultural Group
Elects Committees
East Huron Society To
Sponsor Field coats Com-
petition; To Repair Pavilion
At a meeting of the Rant iluroa
A.grlcultural Society held Friday
110unnit11es were appointed for tite
They ai'e as 'felillws• 'Motive,
3. Wheeler, George Menzies, Wil-
liam Tuenbnll; groonee, Wilfred
Shortreed, .7. Bowman, L. Wheeler,.
A. 13. Cousins; publicity, G. Mllnc,
A. B. Cousins; attractions, R,
Knight, J. S. Armstrong, L. Wheel-
er, K. Ashton; entertainment, J. S
Armstrong, William Turnbull, 1V.
,Shortreed, J. Wheeler; children's
sports, K. Ashton. 11, Lawless. D.
Dunbar, W. Spivey; horse name.
T. L. MoDollald, R. J. McLauclrlin,
A. Anderson, Clsire Long, George
1 Galbraith; 50h0o1 competitions, K.
Ashton, G. 'Willis, Miss J. Little.
Sirs, Tyle Gordon. 11, Dunbar, W,
I The sectional committees ap-
I pointed were; Tiorseq, J Bowman,
, ,T Yuill, H Bolger, T3 Hemming
way, S Wheeler; pony elass, Wit-
: Liam. Turnbull, J Bryans. W3111am
Spear, 13 Johnston; purebred
cattle, George ;Menzies. •Harvey
Johnston, J. Turnbull; dobe cattle,
W. Shortreed. (1. Rintonl, J. Michie;
swine, L. Wheeler, N. Hoover, W
Turnbull; grain, I.1, Johnston,
George Menzies; poultry, Carl Hem
mingway, ,, Syn0tt, 0. T-tarriston;
fruit, L. Wheeler, G. Knight, roots,
and vegetables, J. Bowman, Wesley
Kerr. William Smith; police, T
Work, William King, D. Mere
0. Work; em,cessions, 'l
reed, .8. Wheeler; ps.vhH
A. 73. Cousins.
It was decid
invited in a
competition t
society. Pla
repair Of
feted 3101
Ex -Wardens Form Group
c OD11RIt ii Jan :11.—A new
ergA1110.311'111 came in", being, 011
Friday when ex -wardens of tau'
county formed the 18x-W'5rdefl of
lturuu Comity Aeetieiut1n11 Ten of
t11e 23 mon eligible in th,cronnt.y
were present at the meeting. Mehl
In the eour1 house here,
George' 13'0a5an, Goderich town -
36111), Was oleeted pl'eeident; 1'"11•
lion Swpitzer, Exet:'r, vice-presi-
dent; A. Alexander, secretary
treasurer; directors, R. .1. Cow-
man of Brussels, 13. W. 'rnckey of
Exeter, Louis Rader of Dashwood.
The annual meeting will be le 1d
in GOderich 1n .Tune each year.
The United Church
At the Morning w feeble ?,o th,.,
United Church the minister's subject
was "t'asttes in Spain.- Every .can
has to cope with unreelizeil dr: ;m
The measure of the man le team le
the way he faces dlsappoinment.
Mrs. 'R, 13, ('misfits and Mise Eli .a•
beth Cousins sant as a in. t •SOnge
of Joy" by Meredith,
The evening meditation was a
study of "Choice." "C11oul:e yon tidy
day whom ye will serve." The
evening anthem was "We shell shine
as the stars," by Deventer.
Library Notes
Mrs. Cl. Milne will tell trite story et
the Story Hoar next .131urday, pee,
5 at 3 p.m. It's goiue t.
so don't ani
The Rae; lemon Agricultural
Stedefy invites imtrb Et in a treed
crop competition arranged by the
Satiety. Rath field "utered must
hare an area of not lest than three
l3'o s. 131 aver oats registered seed
is to he used. Applivatlon 1, stating
the amount of seed required. are to
be sent lo +the Secretary. ibn• 13 A.
ielilne. not later than K. b. 2(1. Prizes
anrounttng to $75,nn are being
Prizes Are As Follows -
1st Prize $ 13,50
2nd Prize 12.00
3rd Prize 1 Loo
lth Prize tom)
lth Prize 9.00
'-rich Prize _ seen
gilt Prize 7.00
0Ul Prize. r.vo
Ct,nipetll tare a1"' r"till heti to
exhib1t one lel s11el 8r011 ,th: it crop
et the 1999 P'ql Fair. Prizee ranging
(rem $55.00 to $1.00 will b: award d
the winning exhibits at the Pair.
Wish to take this opportunity of
expressing my appreciation to my
neighbors and friends also Ww11en's
institute and committee of Ladies'
:auxiliary and Rev, and Mrs. Wilson
for the many lovely cards. letters
a11)1 boxes that wt re sett ole during
,v es -in K ,e v'.(' a'nen i 1
Cinderella Two Nights
Fri., Feb 4, Tues., Feb. 8
"1111l' 11 '' 1 111 flighttll, mnrsict'.9
fentaey rs 31rcvicented ill 1111•+ a pante
prologue, play acid epilogue.
The prologue IF a Mother Grn)sa
flag11111 eller! ed by a large roastof
chillren anti weber =mese .attired la
appropriate costume.
The piny is the enchanting story ,taf.
Cinderellatold in rite err -in -340W1 -
and dein,- by an adult east. 'l'1te
ddalogut, is skilfully ablest by et
falen1rd group. The 4ingin0 anc
dancing in clone by a young Iadfes'
chorus in costume and 3 01,1n/114W
flower girls' 1.1101114 also suitaliT9'
dressed. The lords and ladies will
dance for you with charm and gru¢
1Plrn1gin_ to au:1iher ,•c'.i 'rile little
f.drirs will d' sight yen.
The epilogue 131 +t graal) finalist
which ends in thorn. sniping.
The. Johnston sisters. dlughtere off
11r, ant Mrs. Harvey Johnston for
Morris township 0111 I. f• t-u3FO eaten
lathers on the prorrallun .
The Milted (;hutch arnllestra vr;n
Don't miss di. r',;5 will enjoy
revery minute of it.
The above is t0 be given antler the
auxll:c-cs of the Brussel:: Bowling
have 1341 n1y ledge: at the oftTee
of Messrs. Crawford & Ietherington,
Brussels, Ont., 511(1 T request that a7,t
accounts 'cawing to me 11e paid '157
them within the next two weeks 5u
Giiand Do
for th
" 9.
Most 0..
Best Clo
Best Anim
Best Dress(
Costume Us
Person on S
Largest Numbe
and will be
No others allowe
Races immediately aft
Boys 10 years and under
Girls 10 years and under.
Boys 10 to 15 years.
Girls over 10 years.
Boys free-for-all.
Prizes for races — 75c an
General Admissionat Adults 50c
High School Children
Public School Faree.
All Proceeds In Aid Of Lions' Service Work