The Brussels Post, 1949-1-26, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST Wear :Airy, Jaunary .20th, 1949 FOR INCREASED POULTRY PROFITS FEED MAS R LAYING MASH : 20 OR RE' HEAD EGG MASH 17"5% WITH A NOON FEED OF MASTER LAYING PELLETS AVOID DISSAPPOINTMENT THIS SPRING PLACE YOUR CHICK ORDER WITH YOUR LOCAL HATCHERY NOW. p�Eh49+�IIt9 1M A� FAQ 4110ED FEEDS fur ALL CLAIMS OF ecutrcv 37taE7 &rIE STOCK FOR BEADING ;geese s A DOGS THEY ARE GOOD CHICKS WELT HATCHED. WE CARRY — OYSTER SHELL GRI F - MILL FEEDS. SALT. OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST, YOUR MASTER FEEDS DEALER IS a ms Phone 99-r-'4 >.sttaslee55e B uss:As 3LEVA.LE,e Al,.a - and lwy4 of ,he t•ontntnil tl• 1 have shown a great deal of inter it ant worked haul toward convertin I the Presbyterian Chute It -hod int u L { t eke -tins rink, PII A well has been du^. Reich i:: p,,- iing quite satisfactory in supplying ` wat,-r to flood the ire. All - that is I required null• iscold w".cher to make a unti Job, { P •1 114[• Mrs. J. A. Geddes. Wing - ham. visited her sister, Nies. '%lary Robertson. x. egieered Oph>Y3' s?tr79? ,2.icetern Eye F 0;r -.. a_ _ t e— .,_. err 5 al _ :: r iters, Adding Machines, ,Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold & Repaired. Safes, opened, com- J{natfons changed, used sefrs borcht. 3. W L•oeking 369 - 24th St. W., I'hc auuuat nteetlnr, of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the i Sunday School room on 'Chiu ll ty aft.•rnoun with most of rao families in the congregation represented. Rev. h. C. Jorgensen opened the meet. ing with sertipure reading and prayer. Reports were heard from: the ses- sion, showing four members re- moved by certificate; the managing hoard, telling of extensive repairs done at the manse, and that mis- sions contributions exree•.led the allocation: the W,iti,S, which ltd a successful year, with 3130 for- warded to the presbyterial treas- erer; the Sunday Schor,l, which functioned for eight months with a heavier enrolment than the prev- ious year and closed its books with e balance Kn1 019.50; the Ladies' Aid Society. reporting that • the Morris group raised 360,85 and the triple [;roup $73.27, and that the society financed the painting of the Sun- day. unday. School room, kitchen. and yes - t'•}'. at a coot of $273. The election of officers resulted in a few changes. Burne Moffatt, R. T, McMurray, and Bill Mundell, the retiring managers, were re- placed by Lloyd Felker, Harold Elliott, and Arnold Lillow; Billy Robertson. Gordon Mundell, Eldon Kirton, J. 3'. Elliott, Burns Moffatt, .1, D. Smith, and Frank Shaw were appointed to collect the offering; Frank Shaw, Alex Shaw, Stanley Moffatt, Billy Robertson, and Har- old Elliott were named ushers: Gordon Grey was named to re- place 3', K. McTavish as auditor. The question of donating the sited for use as a skating rink came up for discussion, and J. C. Higgins, Burns Moffatt, and J. J. Elliott were appointed a committee to learn full particulars and report to the congre- gation at a later date. The sum of $10 was voted toward the financing of the Presbyterian broadcast. Mr. Jorgensen announced that the budget allocation for 1943 has been set at $350. Mr. Jorgensen (lased the meeting with prayer, n ' tel oraz 118. dof ;ist 66 Phone 2096wr Owen Sound Repair Your Tractor — any make Repair ail kinds of Farm Equipment Pedlar Earn Equipment Dominion Tires °taco Farm Implements E. Richards 3 San Phone 86-r-5 — Ethel. ��•.eC..�.-�.a- �en,r--•-, , �•�..-urs:a,wr_;.,.r,.w=,u7.+n c�,g tvpagy',���� �A• :tu „yay ,53�.J/• ,/gulp{ HEALTHY B RDS pod lIO `'OF TS \D -B. gilAztv EGG WASH --COUllt ea, o" O V flkaD "ltd producer"'. liana to irtoetis lacritilk arid eke* err reef ten Ia7Ia aeellece aa4 Weld enetstiain 3e wake mita twilit !rad alheiie sent remtatuse EiKalSi7, not ram= MILLING 069: AkWOOD. 011T. Oa VW!, ? gad KNOW. --that a bird 112480 50 aper per year toils ?ltd lbs. teed ae 11/ LRS. PER DOZ. EGOS. —A bird laying 240 eggs pot year eats 971 Lha. teed of 41 LOSPER DOZ. EGGS, 1 The Triple gromP of the Ladies' Airl of Knox Presbytertan Church noel et the home of Mr:. Remand 1Tenning Tuesday nit moon with members responding for Mrs. Leslie Orcenaway's side and the light 101' Mrs• Alex McTavi it's side; ,•everal visitors wore also present 'rhe president, Mrs. Gordon Mun• '1e11. presided, and 'lire. Harry El- liott gave the report of the sec - r, Lary -treasurer. :titer suggestions bad been h'ear,l en ways of raising money, it was ••negested that the executive try tri locate a play to be prescnl:ed, Mrs. J. C. Biggins read the par- able of tine talents, and following tide it was decided to give etch member talent money. An award will be given to the person bring- ing in the grenteet amount. A spelling match, using the names of the books of the Bible es a test, proved interesting; Ill's, Burns Moffatt "spelled down" ,all the other contestants, Mrs. Stan- ley Moffatt and Mrs. Amble Mes- ser assisted the hostess with re- fershments; and Mrs. W. 111. Mc- Kinney and Mrs, William Mandell expressed a 'vote of thanks. A progressive euchre party soon. timed by the local Women's Tnsti- htte, wee held in the Clemmunity hall on Friday night when 16 tables were at play. The ladies' prize was awarded to Mrs, Harvey' Robertson, and Allan Breckenridge won the greatest number of points for the, men. Lnncht was served by the ladies and a social time was enjoyed. More than $17 was received at the door and will be used to reduce the debt on the hall. "Mac" Scott who bas been a Patient in the Winghnnn General' Hospital for the past seven weeks, following an accident when. he was slruelf by car, went to Victoria TTospital, London, nn Sunday to consult a bone specialist, kris sister, :Hiss Olive Scott, accompanied him to London. NURSERY SALESMAN Vet' over 11) year* wt ]Live tt;,en s. Ming nursery grow re In the Niagara district with complete Yitisfeelion and are now enlarging •11 gale,: force. We ltav„ an ,S- L th nt position open in the Brussels district and territory for the right man. No pt. t lolls ea - he rlence to noressa'y. T1 you Are a worker. interested in ,ettlog clown, this can be a lifetime posit. inn with high earnings and a happy future with its. W•11 train you carefully, is this will ie a position with security and op- portunity over the'yo}ars for She right men. Car Is an ascot but nota necessity. Reply to -- J. H. McComb Nursery Co. FONTHILL — ONTARIO OSearantrinOnaarr i LOST A blur' tans with a dark blue tassel tinder please phone 69x-9 FOR SALE— Hardwood limbs or body wood, 'hone 62-r-14 Clifford Aloork REL,GR AVE 1 FO0 SALE— ` 2 I)urhant Cows, 6 year old, spring - i ng, appy to George Galbraith, Brussels, WANTED — A few tons of good hay, either 1100 ' or baled, Lester Regxan, 8th line of Morris 1 The A.Y.P,A. met at the 'dome of Mr, and Mrs. C. II, Wade with Audrey Bradburn in charge and offering the opening prayer. The scripture passage was read by Ruth Bradburn. On interesting paper on the St, John Amintlattee Brigade was given by Mary Nesbi°, a member of the Toronto branch of the asso- ela.tion. The log book was read by Muriel Budges; a piano solo was played by Laura May Letter• land; end the meeting closed with praer by Rev, J. L. IT, Henderson. Lunch was served by the hostess. Young People Hold Social On Friday night a social evening for the Belgrave Young People was held in the Belgrave United Church, .Miss 'Elaine Walsh led in a lively Mug -song. Games were played. and interesting cent( sts were conducted by Doris Melt and Ross Anrierson, Lunch was served. Expands Business The Ray Hanna Construction Co. have added a new line to their business, Last week they tom - Pitted their first dosen utility cup- boards, made of birch_ Veneer. Plans are being made to enlarge tine working quarters and ataff and to make wardrobes and chests of drawers, BLYTH Phone 17-r-11 FOR SALE— Omit Dane Pups, black and tan, $25. Sol Shannon, Saafortb, Ont:, R.R. 1. FOR SALE— -._ • --McClary cool[ stove. coal or wood, nearly new.- - Phone 77-r-9 Andrew Jaciclin FOR SALE— 'Bray cockerels—started chicks — pullets --available now. Or book for future delivery. Remember good markets are caught with early chicks. Save time through agent -- Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel, 90.0 SALE— 2 Tires 6.00 x 16, 6 ely, in good shape; also Peter -Hamilton Reed Drill. Jim Davis Phone 51-r-23, FOR SALE— Day-old chickens at the right prices, last discount date March lst. Order yours now ,through 'your local dealer. John Wheeler, Phone 58-r-13, FOR SALE - 1039 Chevrolet coupe. This oar is in first class condition. ATew front n11 and motor job, six tires, good heater and defroster fen. Bode good, Art Sinclair, Brussels. FOR SALE - 1 pair boy's tube skates and boots size 4 in good condition; 1 R.C,A. 'Victor Battery Radio in A-1 con- dition. Walnut wood ease, Changing to hydro, reason for disposing Of same. Apply—M, Gaynor, FOR SALE— Hygienie Supplies (Rubber Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25s, 24 samples, $1,00, Mail Order Dept, M-83 Nov -Rubber Cc Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. • The amateur contest sponsored by f NOTICE— If you are interested, a 24 page booklet will be sent to you with no obligation whatsoever, giving the declaration of policy of the Progrees• ire Conservative party as adopted at the 1048 National Convention at Ottawa, Write to CLARE WEST. COTT, Box 69, Seaforte. —_ the local -Lions Club in Memorial hall Friday evening was a decided success. Entrants came from Gerrie. Wroxeter, Walton. Aubm'n, Londes• koro, and Blyth. ,Fifty dollars was given In prizes. and the program consisted of novel and variety num- bers, The winners were; first, a quer- tette from Wroxeter, Jean Ainffat. Cilheet Howse, Margaret Waring. and Thelma Denny, with Mrs. P,rotlnere as , aeoompanist• second, Joan Johnston, Walton, Ove -year-old daughter of Hersey Johnston, vocal solo. accompanied by Doris Johns• ton; third. Harry Lear, L.ondesborc., vocal solo, accompanied by Mrs, S. H, Brenton; fourth, Bob Cunningham, Wroxeter, vocal solo, Mrs. Brothers acenmpanist; fifth, Maa•lrnrie Walt, Blyth. cornet solo. accompanier] by 'Marjorie Doherty; • sixth Marjorie Moffat. Wroxeter, dance, the Mete land Fling, accoinpanie 1 by .lean Mnflat; seventh. Yvonne Rrarlite. Gerrie, ducal solo, accompanied by Mrs, Clarence Sparhl ng. Other nlunhers on the program were; quartette from Auburn, O. Patterson. S. Toll, D. Yotnnghbnt, 3: Ladd, accompanied by Zeta. Munro, cornet duet, Alice McKenzie and Tema Wallace, Blyth; vocal solo Ronald Philp, Blyth, • accompanied by Marjorie Doherty; readings, Mrs. Melba Finnigan and Airs. Donald Teowl•er, Auburn; piano solo, Donna ,Jean Sibbdtorpe, Blyth; duet, Nancy Campbell, Blyth, and Rene Myers Brussels; tap dancing, TLelen and Leona Johnston, Walton; sa.xaphone solo, Stuart Toll, Auburn, with Zeta Munro tis accompanist; harmonica solo, Mrs, Saidie Curring, Blyth, accompanied by Mrs. R. D. Philp: vocal solo and cornet solo, Phyllis McCool, Londesboro, with Mrs Brenton as accompanist; cornet solo, Jaek Tyremon, fl;v'h, with Marjorie Doherty as accompanist, Following the eenceet a donee was held in the basement of the ball to musk supplied by 3aokson's orchestra. --- • WANTED TO BUY -- A used water pression system must be in good condition. State pried, Apply to Box 3, Seafortlt, Ontario ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS --- We have Broadhreastecl Bronze Ponits available from F?bruary to Jane, from Government Approved and pullornm-clean breeding stock, and hatched in nen• new modern hotchery under the Canada. Approved Hatchery policy, , Order early to avoid dissappointment. 11eCutrheon Turkey Farm and Hatohery, Schomberg, Ont„ Phone 65.20' BE YOUR OWN BOSS Distribute, on Part Time or Full Time base, our 250' prndnets: Toilet- ries, Vitamins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powder, Calces, Doughnuts, Glass, Silver, Furniture and Shoe Polishes, etc, Each Individual a customer, Excellent opportunity to teat your business abilities. Write for FREE details and catalogue-•- FAMILES, 1600 Delonimier, Mont. real, FOR SALE - 100 acre farm near city, good buildings, also near village; 100 acre farm, hydro, good buildings, good location; 100 acre farm, good buildings . near school; 100 acre farm good buildings near village; A good house in village of Brussels, immediate possession. - J. U. Long, Real Estate Broker, • Brussels, Oct. TENDERS WANTED— Grey Township School Board will received tenders until Jan, 26th for supplyingof all .or nn Portion o y n t f 14 -tach body wood to the following schools : S,S, No, 1, 10 cords; S.S. No. 3, 10 cords; S.S. No. 4, 16 cords; EA. No, 6, 90 cords. S,S. No; 6, 16 cords; .0. No. 7, 3.6 cods; 5,9, No, 8, 12 cords; SS. No. 6, 12 cordal S.S., No. 10, 19 cords; 0,0. NO. 11, 15 cords; TJ,S.S, No. 4, 1.2 cords; E. S. S. No. 19, 10 Cords, Carl I'tornihgway, Sec . -Tress, • 11.R, 3, Tlrussels ftiP -eve �® ?Pei �("-° al9y EOB��t Everyone wan NJlUbt: to tI'y the SEENIIMVITAL /"CELEBRATIPli 0 Wp �p�p Y � i R9 A great new name for a beautiful new cake. For high days, holidays,. Sunday or any day this new Purity • Flour triumph is bonny to look at, royally good to eat and lucky, lucky it's homespun in cost. Clip the recipe right now. Better still skip out to the kitchen and start baking. » PRINCE CHAi7LE5 CAKE eu hutccr,, shoceuing, O° greAske in modcrnte mc" � other soft anti fa[ �51') y0 -3U. ntinums. Let d 5 -LO inmates before 133 0111 6cown S,` 51t=xtract re15:e::::::oivid131::d6.::eignell5s g from nuns. 2 eggs strtcd ru5 ULOiin trns • • •A°it sy cu , lowlenncups Bysoft jy:dl m coldunnl!.ttcasnoou salt,owderstentwineof one egFt" cb'. 2 ateam°onshak[ar ' cinadd bot sSw th sru[ury��{cupswell[Hulk bgconunouslyVz euP chOPPg q•alnu1 meatsbe.Add salt,and, continuaA [ew hnlE.walnt t meats t°bunitl lentss th,ckenouttbdecorate. to shale then sreiad °n cold �ual1Y ked Dec"rate' melt 2 tbs. oug Cream butter en shorteniu a° Geam F1ltin add vanilla. Aland wdL Gra 3dr a until [ froth IlReniove!fromadd s kora Ata[ until mixture light cPsug•,r,i,.,tsp.aadBuua Aeateggswl[ cadaallyheat. Add a lk nlittle ntbeateruntilCoa xLe oddggall,,thcl 1 culf lTd Id �•°Ukit fat,sugarmayb, ane. Beat i d c.,[ nine, blendy°�ugntil+hhick•VLOTJ • Saltandbakina RtITl Duce boilia't;pi: t Ca 4 Pnnr hotAdd dt ingedientsniternetelycaonciSe stirringAdddry or 4aSdI=tnlxtnre slowlover egg,withnyAdmking 3 continuottslY•ork 3ur4 5 'doss,Add alnut �ntlls�bat. d ,,lure,srring 4 vnntty, eptly and quickb• when tool odd vanilla. d tx. SPrend les ilea id. Do not ovecm w,�l Cove. �.; Tato two 8" layer cake Hans. ibas «ud sofd: Inrrtry other wa:darfnl recipes call for Pnrit? Plonr, It's the reliable favourite for cakes, pies, cooF.ies, brtusarbread. tilhereoeryptishoppmr'IlftilthisfueJtonr nulled front Canada s finest hard wheat, tSO OM E31 cm mi NO MI "la OO Ira WO N0314 01 buys r�nu the famous PURITY 1 ill GOOK isooK with its 375 rtcihen. O developed in the Purity Pt°ur Kitchin, Solcd to Purity i. ..u.ox 1 Orrie—St. John, N.B.,Montreal Qu 1 Ottawa, Out., Toronto, Ont., 1'I ge4, Man., Calgary, Alta, Vaaco,lver, Name a Stcem City Province 6 866-r-8 NA .............................,..........—.L.en no �R an m ®Heti, tell Mre7E�` 0.76 YOU NEED ONLY ONE FLOUR .•LINTY OATS-- GRnNDron 6RFAKFAST t t` +'A.fq to F Q�1 ggid^ m FOR ONE RESULT -PERFECTION 1 WILLIAM T. SPENCE Estatelsce sued CommissCaniveyaioner GENE9,IL IINSUARANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET -- - - ETHEL, OPT. SNAPSOT GUWD An informal close-up of .this type nicely complements formal wedding pictures. You'll want to try such shots at friends' waddings. WEDDING (BELLS "j WAS cleaning today,"- my wife .L greeted me, "and look what I came across, The pictures Bill took of our wedding. I hope you're Prop - only ashamed," She handed ane one of a dozen prints—the one that showed her groom carefully planting a kiss on a young and pretty neighbor during the wedding reception. "Let me have those," I said. "At least I don't look like the eat who swallowed the canary." And I held out a .picture showing her leaving the church on any arm. 'What a smug', satisfied Smile you wore," "Maybe I thought you a good catch," she countered. Betoro 1 could answer she ducked into the kitchen. Z sat down and thumbed through the prints recalling• the day on which we wore anarried. There were a number of informal pictures taken at the church and the recep- tion. With the formal, studio por- trait of my wife in her bridal gown they make a fine collection, One any couple might like. But shots like this require plan- ning, So it you're going to "Shoot" some friend's wedding, decide in ad• va tee on your pictures, ICnow what you intend to shoot before you set out for the oereinony. Remember, too, that for church or home weddings indoors you will need to use flash. With garden wed- dings flash won't be needed,' And the Same holds true for receptions ...indoors use Sash; outside, rely on the natural sunlight. As for what to shoot—well, you'll want to make several pictures of the ceremony. The bride and her father walking down the aisle. The bridal couple at the altar—and bet- ter cheek wibh the clergyman 'Brat, on this. And the bride and groom, of course, as they leave the church. Then, once you've reached the wedding reception, you'll want to make still more pictures. You'llcer- tainly want a shot of the bridal party in the receiving line. Another of the bride and her bridesmaids or flower girls. "Candid shots" of the guests talking with the bridal couple, Certainly one of the cake cutting. As a final shot for your wedding-, day collection you might try to get a really --good snap of the brides- maids as the bride throws them her bouquet. It should .be a lot of tun. Certainly all the bridesmaids will want that snapshot for themselves, As for the bride and groom, they will want prints of every shot you make. 217 --Jelin van Guilder.