HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-12-22, Page 7THE Calvert SPORTS COIHMiI 4 34t :11 7evad4ite • Scleotion of Christmas cards may glee telephone book and scouring d ressethrough h n y pre.. duce headaches, but whatever the trouble, these activities are important. They herald the day „hen the entire christlanworld joins in celebrating, t'Pt4ace on earth, good will to all men.'; One may be inclined to leek backward at. Christmas time, If ane looks far enough, one finds that early Christmas ob- servances on the continent took place in a crude chapel, ThishwasethenMissionQSte. Maried e: ears the of the tip of Georgian Say. To that wild land of forests and roaring waters, Jean de IBhad come as a Jesuit man noble and Anf the re lendof er the ncon- togethereto of tort ehtu e rn winter, be Breton 1"UnetJeunedPu- cells," a Mimes carol he had written for them in their own language, i'hat s something worth thinking about as one str'ugg:es through mailing lists, with its late omissions and Christmas shopping, and dressing the tree, and providing the turkey, We don't have any idea of the words of the Brebeuf carol, though no doubt it was a simple and reverent piece of versification."As simple as the days before premature tinsel and baubles, store -windows of electric .trains, black lace and ties which once .were considered too gaudy to wear. So let us forget the crowded stores, the weeks and weeks of "The Red Nosed Reindeer" and the other tunes with which Tinpan Alley cuts in on the Christmas dollar, and say with Thackeray; I wish you health, and love and mirth, As fits the Solemn Christmas -tide. As lie h (be -holy Christmas birth, s, good friends, our carol still . , Be peace on earth, be peace on earth, . To men of gentle will. Yourcemmenh and suggestions For this column will be welcomed 'by Elmer Ferguson, -c/o Calued House, 431 Yong. Si., Toronfe. CainTit• DISTILLERS LIMITED otneete Couldn't Talk Till' He Pell In Love - Angeline, son of Signor and Signora Paoli, of "Marcia, a vil- lage near Pisa, was from the early days of his childhood un- able to talk to anybody but his mother. His parents thought this was a mere phase in his development, and that in time. it would disappear. But that is where they were wrong. The affliction appeared to be a 'permanent one. An- geline could not talk to anybody else, in spite of the special trouble his father used to take with him. No doctor could give a satisfactory explanation. So Angeline grew to manhood. When news about hila began to get about, a radio reporter arrived at the Paoli home. With him he brought a microphone, and, strangely encu?h, Angel- ino.had tie difficulty in speaking afew words into It, In` this way his dfiction be- tame known to the world. Hun- dreds of letters poured in, among them one from a young Dutch girl named Cokke Verwer, who showed such sympathy with 'the" young rnafeelizat. a regiiarrcdre - respondence sprang up between them. "' Then recently Cokky came to see-AAngelino. They ,fell in love with each other ate -first sight, and than the miracle happened. Suddenly Angeline began talk- ing to Cokliy. He chattered so fast he could hardly be made to atop. In a few months' time they will marry. Cokky has returned home, but Angeline keeps en talking. REAL LOG SHS:.. Ever tried to find a needle' in a haystack? In other words, have you ever attempted to .find something which' appeared Irretrievably Iost? That's what some people did in . South-West Africa. They tried to find a gem smaller than a match -head, lost in sixty exiles of scrub desert. And now comes news that they have succeeded. The gem was one of a dozen or more which encircled 'a ring worn by Mrs. Priscilla Whyman. She visited the desert, which is a vast diamond mine, and some- where amid those sixty miles of scrub she accidentally dropped the gem. She only missed it when she chanced to glance at her ring fitter returning to Johannesburg, 800 miles from the mine. Diamond "'company facials instituted whet appeared to be a hopeless Search' for the gem. Mat Was last' February. And now !im'egine the amazement of a worker in that desert mine the otllee day ellen he suddenly saw amidet heap .ok'lanteelesaipebbles the polished glitter of ti`snrooth- ly cut diamond. The Taw of chance, operating at odds of 150,000,000,000,000 to one against the woman getting her jewel back, had 'enabled him to find the missing stone. Says Mrs. Whyman: "The diamond could have fallen any- where, for I covered much ground during my visit tothe mine. It was a fantastic" chance which brought it bank to me!" longest Telegram—Pretty Gerry Brown (right) of CJAD Jn Man - treat reads off names to Wanda Jekel of Canadian National Telegraphs, More than 20,000 persona signed a "Cheer Up Chuck" telegram to be sent to Alouotfe Halfback Chuck Hun- Singer in Harrisburg, III. The radio station sponsored the message Which measured more than Soo feet long --the longest telegram ever sent between the two countries. Scientific Notions About Criminals , Cesare .Lolnbreeee a. surgeon, gave the World his theory that the beret crhnithtl bears certain peculiarities and abnormalities which stigmatiye'him with, the marls of Cain, -F3ut he was at - Melted for hl;,: idea as hotly as if he had'anaerted that there is no dlifereree at all between criminals aid honest men, " Perhaps :lilat is exactly whet he •did mean; for when a com- mittee tested his ,theories on selected groups from prisons on the one hdnd,' and the gilded youth bf -Universities on the other, they couldn't find any difference worth talking about, It must, be admitted that Lam- broso did rather ask for trouble in asserting that the thief' may be recognized by the mobility of his hands and features, his yel- low complexion and his inability to blush, while the, inurdeeer could be spotted by his cold and glassy eye and spasmodic' con- tractions of the Hp which ex- posed the canine teeth, The forger was alleged to have a kind of clerical appearance, while an air of good nature only too often masked the poisoner. One can imagine that this sort of thing. bit home on various pillars of respectability and virtue. Although Lombroso may have pushed his theories too far, there certainly have been some o d d i t i,e s among criminals. Tropprnann, the Alsatian who murdered eight people, was slight and youthful but his hands were gigantic, with enor- mous thumbs out of all propor- tion, Incidentally, the late -Adolf Hitler had abnormally long thumbs. D},unollard, the French assas- sin had a hare lip, and De Mel- ker, the South African poisoner. had a cleft palate, '"tacit the Something To "Brood" About -. Mama's looking woeful about the sad, situation, but this biddy on the M. O. Olsen farm has cheerfully _gone to the dogs. She mothers the pups constantly, and rules the roost completely when Mama goes out for a walk. Ripper was supposed, to have long arms and the agility of an ape, while a young man who committed manslaughter at the tender age of twelve was adorn- • ed with webbed feet. Hilaire Belloe relates the story of the Skull of Charlotte Corday, who was regarded as a heroine because at the height of the French Revolution she stab- bed one of the revolutionary leaders in his bath" Someone sent her skull to Lombroso who used the peculiarities he dis- covered in it to illustrate a work on Pol tical Criminal Women," The joke was that the skull had been sold to a dealer by an impecunious medical student and was no more Charlotte Cor - day's than it was Queen Anne's! It's A. Possibility -- Dr. Wallet R. Dornberger, in Wile expert, told the institute of Aeronautical Sciences that in 10 or 15 years rocket -propelled airliners traveling 13,000 mph are a possibility. This is an artist's conception of what such a rocket airliner might look like. Dornberger is a former general in the German army. nM�>iyI Jolt slid Their �.., A member of the cast of a Broadway play was recently fired for playing pranks. The part of a prankster' called for her to mix a drink for one of the actors. At one perforillance she added a liquid distilled from herbs which' had the- effect of puckering his mouth, as a result of which he could hardly speak his .lines. Tough luck on the culprit, tough luck on the victim; but this measure of reprisal Certain- ly won't deter other practical jokers. They've been with us through the ages, and are a pretty hardy race. The Hudson River is, for the most part, very wide, even more so than the group of loaf- ing "wide" boys who were throwing stones into it. Stop- ping to watch their antics was a big raw-boned Yankee wee had made his way from the back- woods into New York State, A little etime elapsed before the stone -throwers began ribbing the newcomer. In ',reply to their taunts, he explained that .he wasn't too bad at throwing, himself, Only recently he had heaved a man clear across a river back home and et he could even heave a men right across the Hudson, Otte of the New Yorkers promptly laid down ten dollars. The feat was impossible, he said. Grasping the challenger by the slack of his trousers, the Yankee promptly flung him straight into the river, Crawl. Ing out, the shiverer asked for him winnings. Nothing doing; for, steed the big man, "I didn't wager to do it the 'first time; Just said I could do it, and: S tell you I can." With that. the dripping vic- tim was again Bung into the river. "Third time..never fails," muttered the thrower as the soaked man struggled gasping to the shore. But by this time the victim was through. The joke had gone far enough; ten dollars changed hands, and the giant went on his way. Setting the seal on a hilarious subject is H, Alien Smith's book "The Compleat Practical Joker." It's one long laugh from begin- ning to end, and as loopy as the antic spirit that saves those who figure in it. Motoring ' in this juggernaut age was a great adventure, driver and passengers waiting for the explosion that might hurl them to kingdom come. It was in those good old days, re- cords the author`, that Roy Fur- ber - brother of the famous humorist James Thurber - thought up a lively prank to Ay on his father. Roy collected together a great many articles from the kitchen, bundled them up in canvas and fixed them beneath the family ear in suclr a mariner that a tug on an extending string would release the whole collection. Fater, contentedly enjoying a drive, was suddenly shaken to the core by a clatter of knives, forks, tin-openers, pie dishes, pat lids, ladles and egg beaters failing'noially on to the road. "Stop the car!" he yelled, "I can't," replied Boy. "The ergine fell out." His father's remarks when the joke was.ex- plained to him are not recorded. Well up on the list of funsters is Jim Moran, an American who hit upon a hair-raising means of relieving the tedium of driving endless miles alone in his cal', He bought a rubber mask de- picting the face of an idiotic character. This he fitted to the back of his head, his vision for the road ahead rtnnaining un- obscured. Bowling along at a fair' speed he would wait until he spotted another motorist pull- ' ing out to pass him, then lean out of the window with the idiotic, goon -like face looking back. She effect on the overtaking motorist must have been shock- ing, writes Mr. Smith. He would see the leering goon at the wheel of a speeding car, looking back with no apparent regard for the highway ahead or the safety of other road -users! There are quite a number of surnames in existence which leave their owners wide open to ready-made shafts of wit. Mr. Pierce Bottom became weary of jokes about his names. He de- cided to redirect the fun; dish it out instead of always being the victim. Wading throut,'h telephone directories he seught out people with "bottom" in their names! Bottom, Bottomley, Winterbot- tom, Throttleboteem, Greenhot- tom, Sidebottom, Higginbottom. To these and manyothers he sent engraved invitations to a dinner to be served in the sub- basement of a London building. The majority of the "bottoms" turned up; but not Pierce Bot- tom, The result was that the guests had to pay their own bills. Among other items on the menu was, of course, rump roast. H. Allen Smith relates an amusing incident which con- cerns two famous writers, great friends, who were setting off for a lecture tour in the. United States. When they had -taken their seats 10 ibe train it appeared. that only one ticket could be 'found by the writer to whotre the job of getting tickets had been delegated" The collector could 'be heard making his way along the compartments, and the man without a ticket became panicky. "Drop clown there," said his '; friend, indicating the boor, "and '. Al lay this suitcase aoross.you he won't notice you." His friend dropped to the floor, crouching as low as pos- sible. The heavy suitcase -was placed across his back. In came the collector with his punch, and was handed two tickets by the other writer" Who's the other one for?" asked the official. "It's for my friend down there," came the reply, accom- panied by a handwave to indi- cat the hunched figure beneath the suitcase. "What's he dein' down there?" demanded the railwayman, "Oh, he always travels that way!" In the days when the tele- phone was of the stand -up - receiver -on -the -hook variety, a practical joker ,telephoned six of his friends. Disguising his voice he explained that he was a telephone engineer and that the Iines were to be cleaned out. He strongly advised them to cover their phones -tie a sheet over them, or a pillow -case, even a large paper bag would do because "we're going to blow out the lines, and if you don't have your instrument Covered, there'll be dirt and grease all over your house," The prankster then visited his six friends in turn and was high- ly delighted to notice. that in each case his instructions had been Obeyed! ISSUE 52 -- 1954 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING tMIsr Culoge , nLnA 11 ween old heavybreed started Coshon en while they . last 180.00 per hundred, shipped 0.0•D. TWEDDr E oif1CI4 )TATI;ImI';R,IES TAM. SKEWS .. ONTARIO TWO Of the tkwst Bread Breasted white breeds today. A, 0. Smith for medium Ace and EmpJre Whites for largo stgo. Write today for literature, Tingea'e Tarkoy Ranch & nalch,ry, Harrow. on - torte, Tho Unto to buy ltttl'o Piga la when' She price of pork is low, The same thing applies to chickens. DSO and Poultry meat are low now, but we look for luuc, higher price, next aummel' tied Ira,. There won't bo as many chicks hatched this year and thuae that do buy will cash In. ac, aura and buy the right breed. for the lob you want the chicks to de. We Lure three 'Medal egg m'oeds, of TheyMy per amen lesson ! thanebeavy breeds, We have three special broiler breeds, arse dual pareses breeds', turkey p0ulta, carted chicks, 'eying pullets. Catalogue, 'i'wEDDLE CHICK nATCRErtb000 LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO COINS WANTED old and recent 005,0. Can. adnn, Newfoundland and united States. Good premiums. Send 20, for 5 Moot buying -lista, 3030, Marley. 58 Darton Ave., Toronto. FOR SALE SNOW0X30ES: All sizes and sty)ea, Butes Humane" Snowshoe harness, Pat,) No more blfatered Local Polder, Bnowahoeing fn Comfort;' Bate,' Snow. shoes, Dept, W. Metegabla, Ont, FINELY STYLED CANADIAN MAPLE LEAF CLOCK EXERT Lwu world famous cka Week These cloche chain movement and deborative design of MAPLE LEAF and 10 ProVlncJal COat beautify_of Arms. Any Fully in patented. dtotlnetive Canadian Maple Leaf Clerk, Postpaid 72,90 or 0.0,0. You won't be dlcap- Pointedl Something special," O. 1600 11401I0P $r,, MONTREAL Trap For Rabbits Caught A Lion Kruger National Park in South Africa is the one place in the British Commonwealth 8f 'Nations where Adventure with a capital A abounds. On the -roads one meets lions -and not zoo -tame lions either -ele- phants, a score of other animals. With its 8,000 square miles of rolling veld and hills, bord- ering on Mozambique and Southern Rhodesia, the Nation- al Park was the "baby" of Pres- ident Paul Kruger of the old Transvaal square Republic, who set aside 1,800 miles, known as the Sabie Game Reserve, fifty- six years ago. In 1905 four other areas were added. Severe penalties ranging up to five years' imprisonment are imposed for poaching or trapw ping in the park, and natives from across the Portuguese border are out trapping there almost every night. Recently two natives " set traps for rabbits or small buck in the dead of night. At dawn they were back and hurried to the trap in the dark. They were right on. it before they realized that it was no rabbit but a lion that had been caught. Both were severely mauled be- fore they were rescued—and then thrown into jail, At Letaba, the elephants' paradise, trouble sometimes brews, for some visitors can- not seem to understand that they are not immune from an elephant Meta car. Last season, for instance, three Americans - two men and a woman -were jaunting through the park in a 4,000 -Ib. Ameriean car when they spotted elephants. They stopped and the woman got out, walked up to a monster and offered hien a peanut! Quick as a flash (elephants do move that fast) the elephant turned on her and chased her to the car which he neatly tip- ped over on its side. There are fourteen rest camps ' id the park and lucky .. visitors can go to see the real pride 01 the park, the thirty- six lions, nearly all cubs, who have been reared to treat their visitors with some reepegt. Lion cubs can be lovely lit- tle things, just like kittens, and the game warden has to watch out that a few aren't "lifted" by visitors. A few weeks ago a prominent English society woe man and her husband roamed through the park. She was' wearing a fur coat in spite of the fact that the thermometer stood at eighty-five degrees. They reached their car, and as it was pulling away the na- tive sentry heard a faint growl from under the fur. Quickly he called a junior game warden and the lady Was asked to hand over whatever it was that growled. It tuned out t� be a tWo•week-old lion cub. FLOUR Sago 100 ;tie, glee; I0p maps; Sugar 13olro 270 each Minimum 11. hock. Free 000 ft, Ribbon with order of 05 MRs, nlb0oh,' Aa0ortcd colours 1'1ricb wide, 000 foot per roll, T rolls for 73 0.0.5,, Montreal, Print full address 0500,12'. 5. 8820 glrouardwA ev�, 13 MoiEeal 08, glut. dCOTCR. ern Rum and Llgocu'• savors, 00110 01 for 8 bottles Peatpold. Flavor Products, 59 Albolf, Street. WlaniPeg, Man, DIXON'S REMEDY - FOR NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. THOUSANDS $AT15FIED, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgtn, Ottawa. $1:25 Express Prepaid IT'S NEW -- relief of artleritio, neuritic,, rheumatic, pain, try 1,1AL0.5, - Large economy bottle 00 Write today. I'ialta Produoto Ltd., BOX S7, Pootnl "I" Tor. onto, Ontario. UNWANTED HAIR BIeDceaywith a 000130,.0OaPn Is cot edtnu c0thohtetufaeofthe remove butpenerats through the pone and rotarde the growth of the hair. Lor -Acer Lab, Ltd ate. 5. 079 Granville St., Vanacaver 13 C. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment or dry eczema rashes and '0055, skin troubles poet's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, sealing, and burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and toot ermine will rapped readily to the stainless. odorless 0101,00,,, regardlee of hen stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRICE 52.80 PER .145 , POST'S REMEDIES - Sent, Post Pres' en Receipt. of Brice 888 Goren Rt. E., Career of Logan TOnMIN5'0 OPP'OR'TUNITIES POR HEN ANI) WOMEN BE an expert under ire Muskrat trapper. My lnethad M. No better method from the Arctic to Mexico C. F. Harebell. Severn Park, Ontario, MYSTIFY, surprise and entertain you: friends by tearing up cigarette paper then pr0dueing paper in original form For Instruction,, send one 57.0, Della) with your name and address printed to Leek 110,, 26, Faetoryville, Pa, YOU ran he a n11111onelrei Newes 08'anitim tinders. Wain. eompa0t, sena! tire, olmpllded. Lowest prices, highest emdeney Details. Unmated. Bo: 28176, Los Angeles 88, California. BE A HAIRDRESSER 1014 CANADA'S LEADING SCI*UUL Great Opportunity Learn aairdroeang P i Oa i a n t, Mt -acted nrofeesion, Com Wage.. Thadeende er aceeeafal Merv, graduates .. America's Greatest Srmom Illustrated Catalogue. Tree rite or Call MARVEL RAIRD0ESBING SCHOOLS 258 Blonr StW. Toronto. Branches 44 King St. Hamilton 71 Rideau et. Ottawa PATENTS SETri0iSTONHA Rita R Comps o Patent Attorneys'. Establlebed 1090 63 Unlveretty Ave Termite Petonte a Countries. AN OFFER to every lnventer-1423 of 11 vent;,,,, and full information sent fres The Ramsey Cm. Roglale,ed Patens A, tnrneys, 273 Rank Street. Ottawa PERSONA! SURE, you can breve money, health happiness, stop habits. pay debts any thing eine 505 41ek, no .any. an Wimple Sosltive thinking. Wrlte: Box 487, De. Maines, rowo, 31.00 TRIAL Otter. Twenty.rive Mahn perennal requirement. Loteat Careless included. The Medico A2enri, Ras 11 Terminal A Toronto, Ontario BE ANALYZED by noted Astrologist Send Blrth0nte and dime tar amartn- reading. A liermanaen, 210 Fitt Avenue. Suite 1IO2. Now Bork 10. N Y. .0 S.A. T MAY BE YOUR LIVER ff life's not worth Living it may be your tiverl lib 0 moll It taken up to two plots of Uve, bac, a day to keep your digestive tract in top chapel It your liver bile 30 not Rowing freely your food may not digest , .. gas bloat, 05 your stomach , .. you fed constipated and all the fun ood sparkle go out of Life. That's when you need mild soothe Carter's Littl, Liver Pills. Throe lemons vegetable pills heir stimulate the bow of aver bila Soon yeas digestion 'Marta functioning properly and you fesse oci that happy days aro hers.againl Don't hen. Mettles75011rrn You canto) EL On // If you Fee! ALt' 1 These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less This strain on body and brain, makes physical fitness easier to lose -harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered realatance, everwork, worry --any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get cut of order, racoon arida and wastes remain in the system. Then hedtacllo, disturbed rest, that `tired -out" bea-py- heeded feeling often follow. That's the time to at nmlateakthel l ney i toal action, o normpn Then goofed better -sloop butter -.work better. Ask .for Dodds Kidney Pills at any drug counter, di ROLL YOUR OWN DITTO GIGARKTEs MTH CIGARS TOBAc O