HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-12-22, Page 5bee want eat on truer twice rods large paint• ;tori I with well teeest taloa $3,600, 9.6466, itINS Asiti twit Supreme vacation enjoyment In Florida's most complete resort. Mud. dem guest rooms(air-condttiohing optional) to please and pamper wide ocean front beach for sunning and swimming, . , cozy lounge fW intimate rendezvous and genuine hospitality to flavor your entire day, JACK MULLIKIN. GENERAL MANAGER £ MI BEACH 67t1, Street ou tate O cFrAlet Acclaimed DETR ,rr'S One of the sountry's most popular Hotel ... featuring maven'ence, comfort, ,quality I A coaaopolitan atmosphere in itotne.like setting. In the center of all downtown acboi ca. Newly decorated. Ultra modern, comfortable guest rooms excellent food at moderate prices in our modern coffee chop and cafeteria. Radia and Tafe.tawn in room. Air CondWUaned room: In seaman. FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK DEM pip Y3 , MICH iGAN Barry E. Paulsen, General Mcneger ns� s`{,•-,�.y ".-..-:LA•:' �4`-...vat".:-L: FAMILY RATES No Charge for Children 14 and under meatmentiteeRSIIII BOO ROO,; WITH BATF. from 53'a GARAGE and PARKING LOT e pAj�OeCC I;er.xdoo ce °nQcsaae _•G *as/llu] Fra rr AN EXPERIENCE IN TROPICAL, LIVING Rich in design .. . ultra modern guest rooms and studio bedrooms, luxurious- ly furnished Complete in pleasure .. . private pool and cabana club, cocktail lounge, round- the-clock entertainment Modest in price ... Lowest rates in effect Lincoln Road at James Avenue THZ SRTJSSELS POST Wettue,.1ay S+1f81 Dee llil, ADI CRANBROOK The Ladies AM :of CtaU l 'aoit Cluurch held their annual meeting and (*iction of ottleers at tate polite Of Mrs; Emerson Mitoliell. The •prey Aden. Mrs, Earl Dune, opened the meeting with a pceril from King Geo. rge VI, The hymn "Hark the Herald. Angelo Sing" was sung followed by the Lord's' Prayer rr+peeted to uul• sola Mns. Kea McDonald read the lesson front L'elte 2;20. Mrs. Stuart McNair led lu prayer, A Frtsry "Street:int Christmas" Was given by Mrs. 'Pari Dunni 18 ladies were pre- sent, 171ection of officers) wore ae follows. Pres; — Mrs. Maarice Cameron Vice Pres. — Mrs Murray eluether .S'erretae•y. — Mrs, Alex Steles Treas. — Mrs. Emerson Mitchell organitot — Mrs. Ken. MoDoneld Auditors — Mrs, S, McNair, Mrs, Ross' Knight Quilt Comm1ttee — Mrs. H. Jaekltn, Mina Baiter and Mrs. S. 'Fischer Next meeting to he at Mrs. Stuart MoNrair's. The 'meeting closed with the Mlspah benediction. A very calm ty lunch was served lbs 4he hosbees m s tnejetln;; in theCwmrnutttl'y and her assistants. 'etre • ou Tuesday evening. Dee' 14. Following tate oda, the collect, and 'the Lord's Prayer. Mrs, Allan NliTsggart read the Treas. report which showed a balani a of $71.54. A eard of tbauks from Robert Cam- pbell was read. The Sec, also read a couple of pieces from the Feder. aced news. The club girls are to look after tate booth fon the formal dance .on Dee. 211, and Mrs, Murray Hualher, 141rs. Donald McTaggart. Mrs. Russell Knight and Mr-.. Cor - Oen Knight the one In January. Mrs. J. Bremner, Mrs. M. Iiuether. Mrs. Stuart Me\air were appointed a com- mittee to arrange the topic for the essay conteet.in February. The motto "Happiness is a perfume you can- not pour en others without Petting a few droops yourself", was+ present- ed by Mrs. 'Maurice Cameron, The roll tall was an exchange of Christ- mas gifts. Mrs Leslie Lake and Mre, Ken, MacDonald led in the sing- ing of carols. Mrs, Stuart McNair read the topic which was prepared by her tether, Rev. Williams of'Brue- hels. It dealt with the subJect of Christmas, and traced the story from the .time it was purely spiritual celebratlou until now when dm holly and the try play e, part in it. Mrs, Maurice Gammen thanked Mrs, Mo Nair for the meso g*e. The Sunshine collection was taken, and the meeting closed with the singing of tine National. Anthem. Lunch was served in the basement by Mrs. Charles Lake, Kitts. Harvey Smith, Mrs. William Bremner and Mrs. Mae The tiex'iplure reading was road in uai;ton. Roll call a Christman poem wee answered by 14 members and a .visitors Di'slseart. Iiynin Was suns followed with itile topie try Betty Knight,. '"Phe Ohristntae, Miracle". The Mtnetteis Were read and aPPeor• ed. Seveifal it:etns of liusineie were discusse4 iolusting the mplrrov31l 0f •raulalllytng candy for the Sunday School bags. The collection Wee talcen. Mary Huether offered her haeme foe the Jan. meeting. Ilyntn was sung followed by the Mtzpali lTenedttlon. The election of offtc- ers followed; President Doris MacDonald VicePres. Betty Knight Secretary Ethel Campbell Treasurer babel Huether Sunsbine Fund ,,,.. Mildred Perrte Literary :Secretary Jean Dunn Auditors, Phyllis WO:W itell and Prfsoilla Bray A dainty lunch wee served, those assisting the hoetesn were, Kay Plieifev and Prsicilia Bray. Cranbrook Women's Institute Mrs. Stuart McNair presided, when The .Cranbrook W. I. held its Qhrivt- Rev. W. A. Williams conducted the regular morning serwlee in Knox Presbyterian church- on Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth MacDonald contributed a pleasing solo: The Sunday School met tot' the last time until April, as 1 :has been the, custom in former years. Christmas carols were sung with Maxine Smalldon et the organ. i• -Mies Emyleal0 Steles. is a patient in St. Mary's HoSPital, eKitehener, where she underwent an operation I last week. Word was received of the path of ( Richard Cardiff. in Milestone , Sask. Mr. Cardiff visited here for several months in 1952, Mark Cardiff, Grey Township is a brother. 1 . The third meeting of the Cran- t brook C. G..f. T. was held at the 1 home of Marion Michel, on Wed. evening, Dee, 15. Seven girls were t present and began with a contest "Sctiamtbled Cllristmars Words." The president, Beverly Evans, opened the meeting with the singing of the C. G. I I. T. lrynin played by Linda Dunn. 1 Each girl took part le reading the Christmas story as found in Matt.2 and the meditation was given by Mrs. Engel. Following a prayer by Beverly Evans, Mrs. Stanley Camp- bell read the story "Why the Christ- mas Tree wears tinsel." Maxine '.Smalldon read the 'Mentes. of the last meeting, and the roll was can, ed with each girl repeating Luke 2; 52 The atfering was taken by Rose Campbell, treasurer, A. potrluck ` In: i supper was pianned for Wed. Oct„ 1 29. at tdre home of the leader, Maxine ISmalldon was pianist for tate sin ging of several Christmas carols. Linda 1 ,k Dunn is having the next meeting, 't with Barbara Evans pianist, and Faye 1 Engel bringing sandwiches. efts. i Campbell told Of the "Requirements . T toeh. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Spence, De- radt, Miele, and Mr. Ivan Young, Bad Ase, Mich., are here because of the Ramis of Robert Yount;; George aylor has returned from a success' 1 of C. C. I. T„and the "purpose,” was 1 f I repeated by . i sage for the older members in the WHY NOT? ntnttr Couity. The meeting closest A clever young lad, just out of Patterson, Mrs, Mark Perg, Mrs. E. I by joining trends and singing "Talcs." ( I1*ppentoth and Mrs. Eldon Manor Delicious refreshments were served f High Schaal, was Invited into .a tsar 'ire Orval Harrison conducted an fruity to have'a drink. He declined by Minden Michel and Isabel Engel. ! pleasantly, "Why Not?"That isn't Cbriatntas quiz. Gifts were ex The girls also practiced their' die' i the picture I have of myself". Re changed by the members. The Jan. 1 elle for the Christmas concert on was a star athlete. He was keen on meeting' will he held at the home of i Dec. 22 I b :modern science. After a University Mrs. Alex Mann. 1 and post graduate studies t1'1. Each girl made a oor- 1 ill bunting trip. i3ELGRAVE The 13eigrsv'e Women's InutltWte met in the 'eonimutliby centre wet, atte•!'nonn. Mrs. Jaclt Ander- F10n Was oonvener. Tae x011 call was answered with a "Olulstmas Cus- tom in your home," Carols were snug, eceorneelated by Mrs. J. M. Chutes. Mi+s, James Michie gave se Christnitte reading. A demonstration ox 1140.1Y to make Christmas orna- ments was given by Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. Rev. C. D. Cox gave the(Mamas,addas, in keeping with Christmas. At the bultiness Period it was a- greed to donate 925.00 to the Wing - ham General HicZlpital and several flower corutaieere are to be sent $5,00 to the Calla/CC National In- etitute for the 1311nd, and $5.00 to the Children's War 'tentorial Hospit- al et London. The members decided to buy a lwt Plate. It was reported that a new tea kettle had been purchased and that the new curtain for the Ferree ters' hall bad been made and ineballed, `Atte annual concert to be held in the new year was discussed. Mrs. Harold Procter was to seend cards t0 all the sick and .shut -Ins in the community, Mrs,. Earl Anderson conducted e Christmas contest and lunch was served by Mrs. W. Armstrong. Mrs. G. Michie, and Mrs. Earl Ander- son,, Mrs. Ken. Smith wee. bostess for the Christmas meeting .of the Mon- rrieff W. I., with a large number of ladies present. on Wednesday afternoon, Dee, 151111. The home was attractively decorated with Christ- mas decorations and a large Christi mas tree. The president Mrs. Ken. McLean presided for the bu,sines0 - Part oe the meeting, the opening ode was snug. and the Mary Stuart Collect and Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The minutes Were read by the secretary Mre. Charles Hai, risen. A euchre and dance will be held In Moncrieff Community Hall cn Friday evening, Jan, 7th, span- hored ley the W. I. Mrs, Grayson , Richmond and Mrs. Joe Smith were appointed Tempera.Ce represenat- ives. Obristmas gifts will be given to shut ins in the community. A don1110n of 95.00 will be sent to the War Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Orval Harrison then tock charge of the meeting whose theme was on Home s' Economics. The roll call was on wered by each member displaying a home-made Christmas gift. some articles made were teddy bears. ens - hien tepee crocheted doilies. etc. The motto given by Mrs. Joe Smith, was "If you feel like complaining take a good look at your blessings" and completed the motto, by giving an in term -tine article no "18 1 had my life to live over." Community slinging was enjoyed and a number' of Christ i ma's carols were sung. Mrs. Everett 1 Robinson gave an instructive demon.- stration on making fancy sandwiches.; Lunch was served by Mrs.. Roy MQOERN HEATING COMPLETE FORDED Alla HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVE•ROOM HOME 0925.00 Write Dept. B P or vleit' our ehowrooma. Open Wednesday true lertday evenings and all day • naturday. J. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETBVILLE, ONTARIO NO'pI E Work•wanted soon. J. H. Cameron, Clinton, Ont,. i Evening Auxiliary i COnrses . ..,r, r r, 1x,7 vttfnYX7 ' ' The December meeting of the he went pubo an airplane factory. f' Cranbeook Evening Auxiliary was 1 Whey war broke out the government held at the home of Mee. Evans, on 1 requisitioned his services. He did Mrs. Robert North and son Tommy Tuesday evening, Dec. 7th. Phyllis research work en wing strains, ice of Toronto spent the week end with Mitchell was leader and opened the fomati0ns, moisture donsittes, Con'- her mother, Mrs'. G. McDowell. meeting with a 011r',151100as poem.. fain it is that he was one workman Miss C. Hingston is home from Hymn was sung and Grace Walla 1 who did not let our flying men Wingham Hospital and is living at rave a rending "Christmas Stories' down. — Advt. the New American Hotel. s +tail SUPERIOR PRQPANE LTA, 19 Market Place STRATFOR4r ONT. The Versatile Dependable FUEL POR HOME AND INDUSTRY RANGES, HOT WATER TAMA REFRIGERATORS, WA WALT. MADDESS Representative PHONE STRATFORD -* BUS. 4174 REL =NI F,, SiN SSC DS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. NI. C. C PHYSICIi,MN nod SURGEON Wrdiame 54, Pismo 4. Restoott, Gott. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Garadatate IJnivensity of Toronto PliViNCIAN T 45 Brerind SURGEONesaehs. Oat. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR MiEMUS p arlmmatbile amid Fire 1tesewase m atioNdmikvt. sand Artectituses Etat frar Groat Wont Life Eratiterzio CA. avoases Oce Se -- JOHN E. LONGSTAFF9 )'Pi tometr • Ey Exea timed, aliassits EWA. 1°'Sant 791 3e fortRt Amin mak. Hold lt.. t B - 6, Wed. 5-2236i, 3x.L 19 twee, t.ta 9 twits. O. A. Ran & Co - FII AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Lketnesel 2itenterei Director' and Esenescatee MOINE 1$ or a —T•� — 502e-2, : S. Hetherington, I. C. WINGMAK anal 1614.11336.11.6 Fautstweleyall cessy --- 0epee armee atm. Maoist =at 0eseseessee to IL. tb. (.3;,. ALAN WILLIAMS, ytr.(.)�ppl� reme Patrickk �Jt.e WTPIGHAP1 Oat Elincorolbsor.*,..gm Emmy ift maaKii. Meal Velingitsar 770 A Ib, EsmTmdii Evenings by App©' Hervey W. Stephenson titcpriaassltmrtdYO fix' Sens Uhl dartswnesas Co Carmria.fiers1 t east Moo 43x L.e. its Walker Funeral Home Day or Ibligiat Carls,.Tartapkrewse No Extra bra+ for Use o Emmet time Licensed Frsaero1 Eire aas0 Izt:ai" .e�..ss, 1 vireiy'to-or 02o'sr Aarob totem m'a'ce Dates' Flowers i cy Lewis R3W a 4./sr Foram to 01, it s Wa: —rte LW,t_.......,.r g.s throes) ,..,sat curs:tae.er fee w ©tnsa+a•r ' _e i e.SFAr.:1 Nbiso GF.IdY5.10F I — i RruCGo. razidasWALli vee sasNr7tomm a Mama 39 •° iso S'awd' iass.l,l& J. A. Monagahan, R. 0. Optometria., LISTOWIEL. GOT. 9F ahng in Jaye Examination anti we rittitex et OWLS., office ie Liebman! Celtic Hommel e eefd mama. is COG p.ses. el l'a Ctolod E W � *e Opens every Ttaeaiuty end Sorman e+g Wro t evmmlelgc kY aprpoicargoot Maoist WA. EA 'oN'$ 6Re r s105 `bb ALL C UFSI 13 P vm YOUR Roe FEED PALER 22 9.51 •t erre el �� If'11Ji "';111111 1 ' "fi."*t ‘Caft. (rrrar, �hr �N1uAoyi titin ' u • ' , 2.r` px - ✓ � . _s.-- % ,c1=033'2 --z - J ., a! \ , «.fin"' �. i erre el �� If'11Ji "';111111 1 ' "fi."*t ‘Caft. (rrrar, �hr �N1uAoyi titin