HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-12-22, Page 1yr 1
December 22nd, 1954 ` $2.00 per year - $2.50 r a
Post Publishing House
A,uShorizol as aecoAd
lxae Ataw, neat Office Department, Ottawa Wednesday,
rc-- -1
Thomas Turnbull Knox
Themes Turztlbull Ienex, parsed is
waY suddenly from a Heade aetack at
his ,nestdenee I?at 9, Con. 16 Grey
township, on Monday, Dec, 13th, sn
his 74/.01, Year.
A, sl;etive of klbwiek towllshtp, ha
Was the soilof the late Adam Knox
and Agne& Turnbull. He was a
resident of Gray towfl hip for itemise
O,t1 entire life, He wee an adherent
of the United Church. His only ;sun
Owing relative is a brother, Wm.
Knox of Grey. Three sisters pr -e,
deceased nine
The funeral ser'vioe was held from
the D. A. Ratan (funeral home, Bras•
mels, at '2 p, m, on Thursday, Dec.
1601, wlith Rev. M. Thomas of Duff's
Vnited Church, Waitron, officiating.
Pallheat'ens were Leslie,. Oliver
Bert Johnston, Everett Perdue, Jas.
Smith, and William and Andrew
Floral tribune`, were canted by
Wm. Brc 1tthbgen, and Alvin Mc.
McDonald. Interment was in Brus•
eels cemetery,
Sinews) thanks to all for the cards,
visite, and other kindness shown
us after my recent accident. 'They
were all much eppretated.
Harvey Dennis.
"Down Through The Ages Christ. 1
inns Shines Out" was the theme of
the Carol elervice in the United Chute
ch on Sunday, Deo. 1b. The history of
the develapentent of the Christmas
Festival woe traced and illustrated
1„j' the singing of carols, that were I
ithe product of the ver'loue centuries ,
of the Olirletian era. Christmas in• the'
early church, in old Etu'ope; in the
Middle Ages; in the early Prote&taunt
church; in the last century and the
presenit , were the periods considered.
It wee pointed out thee amidst tilie
• variety of custom ,of the several
centuries of time, yet the dominant
'tlteme presented throughout - Unto
us Is born a S'toviour - the lowly
manger - the •shepherds vision - the
angelic hooter- the wise men bear
' ung gifts to the Babe of Bethlehem,
Jesus Lord et His birth •
During the service the rtte of bap-
tism was administered to Deborah
Anne, intent daughter of Mt'. and
. Mrs. WilRiam Spear,
The Christmas anthem, "The First
Christmas Song" by Blanche Byles.
, The offertory Rlhe Shepherds and the
Angle, was rendered with Marton
Hemingway at the piano and Mrs.
Edwin Martin at the organ.
To our friends and neighbours we ,
would •like 10 say thank you for
Una lovely gifts, Dards and good
wJ&hes on onr 50th wedding anniver-
Austin and Basle Baynard.
My Heartfelt thanks is glues to
the neighbours end friends who
extended their sympathy in so many
kindly ants at the time of the death
of my brother. Your help was sin
oerely appreciated.
Wm. Knox. • •
BABi{ER - George and June (nee
Work) are proun;d to anneunce the •
arrival of their son, Gregcsy
Gem'ge, at Victoria Hoslaital, Lon•
don, on Tuesday, Dec: 14th, 1954.
Modern and Old-Tyme Musle
The Noll Sisters with
' 'The Kansas Farmer"
:Brussels Town Hall on•
Wednesday, Dec. 29th.
Under auspices 1. O.'0. F.
Ad„nsgslen .0c
lesise een have a good timet
Melville Presbyterian
3:0.00 a. m. Sunday School
111.00 a. m. Morning Warship
"Christ Firet"
Solo by Greet= MaDonatd.
Male Ohorlte.
Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D.
Organist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T.
• • •
The United Church
Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane
Divine Worship - -11 o'eleek
A Catmiatmal& Oaeol Service
in Scripture, ,Poetry and Song.
Church Schoa9 - 13 o'clock.
oome let us adore nun,
cadet IOho Lord"
• • •
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. A. Norman Ellis M. A.
St. John's Church, Brussels
Christ Eve -- 11,30 P. m. Holy
Obristnlbls Day 11.00 a, .m. Fatally
Eerviee, Holy Commllnion
Sunday after Christmas '26 Dec. -�
• as In, Morning Prayer
Sundae School,'
'.80 p, In. Carol Service
"The Festival of he Nino Le1ison9"
A recelat discussionawith the local
Chamber of Ckmtmerce about clos-
ing time cat Saturday brought forth
the propostaa Bleat the merchants close
Meer place of business on Sathurday
.nights 9 o':clook, for the months of
Jan., Feb. and March.
Everyone is, aslced to co-operalte.
The Reeve and Council of the
Township of Morris with 1.o ertend
to the ratepayers the corMliments
rot the season and may good health
and prosperity be with you through
out 1955.
Bailie Barratt, R:eteve.
Wm. Elston, Councillor
Stewart Procter, Oonntcillor '
Walter Sborb'eed, Councillor
'Rees Duncan, Councillor.
Ethel Township Hall on
Admission 508
Everyone please bring lunch
Auspices Ethel W. 1.
.2 shows nightly 7.80 - 9.30 F m.
Matinee Saturday 2 p. m.
Last showing Thursday, Dec. 23rd
starring Robert Ryan, Jan Starling'
Action and adventure - The story
of men Who fish the barren Ocean
off the Alaskan Coast.
(.11(11111122113' me ieleges and musk
marked the services at Melville
Church last $1wklay. At the morning
bea'viCe, Rev. I'1t1'd a C01Y111 took AS
his sermon subject, '" PbOughts on
the C9trletneaa (seresm," 76 sewed
in Genesis cine. 3, verse 16 that a
Mledsia9s and dieliVere2 would be
iretilt to Iara;el, They - were told in..
prophecy that a virgin' should bring
forth n son and hie name aba11 be
Emmanuel, or 'Goad with us. He was
to be milled wonderful, counsellor the
mighty God, the Everlasting Path*.
These names do not apply to an
ordinnty person. Bettors Ohrist11
time there were many people lookkig
foo' the Meseialt, suoh as Simeon ami
Anna. There are people in JJeruse•tem
to -day who are looking for an earth.
ly King and Meesiath, • When people
Inert alt Betheeeem, in that day (o be
taxed, they were not thinking of, or
atwlare of Christ's coming, if Mary
had told 'anyone about the birth of
her .111111, who would nave believed
her, or understood At. This child
was hurtfan, and just ae,-we are, yet
we know He was also the San 0z
Clod and tihe Saviour of the world,
in the recanting service the eihola
sang the =them, Christian. Awake,
,salute ROIs be{ppy morn, sola parte
being eunbtby Mery Lou McFarlane
and 'Gerald 'Glb)som. The male
chorus tang a number, Ohs Gadding
In the evening the aunlual Candle
light Carol Service was held, when
the choir and male chorus egaAr
.rendered Christmas carols and an-
thems which, together with Serie,
,tura readings, bold the Ohristtmas
•story. A short .orgtan recital by Mr,
L. D. Thompson, preceded the even-
ing service. A •social. hour was
spent nit the close of the eventing
service, when the Ladies' Aid ser-
ved refreshmtent$ to the choir.
OMMWM Deo. 22 • 25 -
Frt. • Sat.
With George Montgomery, Ted
Ranter. A rip roaring Western with
plenty of action. •
In -a spectacular blaze that could be
/.seen for miles the -two FI kluts
connected to the Winghamt High
Sethool were destroyed Monday night
The annex, Which is joined to the
main building by a central coraidcr
and -heated by its own furnace,
contained an English room, a Rome
Economics room with fives ;,awing
an'aohdnes, one refrigerhtor, two
stoves, a dintatte and various kitchen
Also in the 'H-H'uts were books
on loam from die Huron County Libr-
ary, a; recreation room'that was divid
ed Into two classrooms, and setvera.i
new desks stored for the new school
The H Hula could accomodate 609
pupils. Total enrolment for the school
is 4125
The fire broke out •shertly atter
10.00 p.m. tad spread meekly, attralet-
ing epentators from ranee away,
Two trucks from the Wingham• Fire
Deatitlneet were called and firemen
found dense smoke pouring Won the
buildings. Two had to beehelped
from the interior after being over
Oain0 with smoke.
Firemen were • hampered by zero
temperatures which caused the water
to Creeae after &attire the sides and
roof orate to building, but poured water
eon&,o the stain structure in an effort
to prevent thanes from breaking out
. in it
The lire is believed -to have origi-
mated to a hot ate furnace in the
Men. • Tues. Deo. 27 .28
Climb aboard this stagecoach• of hit
tines and fun .with Doris Day and
HoWard Keel In l
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
December 29. 30 - 31
The picture you haVe been waiting
for •
In O1NEM,ASCO:PE With De Lucie
Color. A Star Studed cast at your
favorite players. Hear the hit tune
that Is sweeping the: continent. We
recommend this picture for the entire
'• ee •,.,
The Management and Staff of the
Morris Council
• Nierrjs Council met 132 210' Town -
511.13) he'll �on•tlbo above data with all i
the anonibera present.
The minuttee of the last regular
meobing and the Court of Itevisloa
on the I,amrnit brainwere read and
ac olhted on meteor' sof Wm. Elston 1
Member':, of Brussels Council, with
their wives ware entertained on Wed,
nesday night last iii' tate club rooms
of the i aides Auxiliary to the Oren
aefen Legion py the firemen of the
(town. About 40 guests 8351 down to
a fine turkey dinner on tal)let dee•
and Bosh Duateanr, mated with Cbrfstmas centre pieces.
Moved( by Stewart Procter, beconrl•
ed by Walter Shortreed that 0. R
CmtLtes be realppointed as represents• 1
tivel oti Mile Wfa,gbank'District High 1
School Board, Mervin Richmond on '
the 011nton Di's'trict Board 'sand Clap. i
eine Martin on the Seatertay High'
School, District Board, - Carried. 1
Moved: by Stewart Praetor, 040000d'
ed by Welter Shortreed Clue the
Court of Ret'1&ilon on the Lamont
Dwain be adjourned until San, lOtb,
1955. - Carried.
Moved by Ross Dunlean, seconded 1
by Stewart Procter that the rose ac.
counts les presented by the Road
Sepertntendlent be paid, - Carried.
Moved by Welber Shortreed see-
ded -by Ross Duncan that Thomas
Bletieli receive a rebate of $13:1.3) on
this taxes/. - Carried.
Moved by Wnr. 'Elston, Seconded
by Stewarrt Procter that the'iteeve
and Road Superin=tendent apply for
the statutory grant on the roll
r•xpend0tures, - Carried.
Moved by Waiter Shortreed 2ec-
ondetd by Ross Duncan that the
meet'in'g adjo`urn to meet again on
Jan! 10th at 10 a. m. - Carried.
The following eccounts were paid:
CO. of Huron, levy $24,965.08
Bruseele 'Telephone . 8,2,11.911
Bly*h. Telepbon'e 1,567.11
MCKillep Telelpbane 118.00
Ivan MoA•rtcr, caretaking 15.00
Bailie Pareott, selary 2OO.011
Wen. Inston, salary 140,00
Stewart Procter, salawy 140.00
Walter Sitortreed, salary 140.00
Roos Duncan, eatery 140.01
Geo, liaottn, .salary, postage ,and
fees and hydro for hall - 675.57
Nelson Higgins, 551087, postage
and fees 454.00
'Gordon Greig,' Fed. of Agri. 916.79
Sea9arth D, H. S. • 1,508.94
Wingffsam I). H. S. 10,615.83
Clinton D. H. S. 5$9.45
Brussels, Post. contract. 160.00
Mrs. Harold Sellers, rent of
dumping ground 22.50
Wtultan Street
W. H!aclswell,
Bights, 9.33
Tib s. Miller, livestock valuator 1.36
John Brown, TeSoArthur Drain 2.26
Twlp. of Hallett, tile,
ldoArt her Drain
!Thos. . Whillier and Sons,
R. Branson, wrelatli far
Remembrance Day
Prov, Treats., Insulian
Village of Blyth, Division
Court Rent
CounRy ,of Hugon Indigent
Mea, McCutcheou.
,Clayton ,MacGregor, Pullets
killed - 63.00
Heigh 'Winn, ,tut0teys killed 25.60
A. H. Erskine, collecting taxes 1171.50
Standard Drug Co„ Mrs,
Wllheitn 10,25
Jany Marlins, relief for
Nor. and Dec, 60.00
Roes Anderson replaceeanehtts
on Belggratve St. Lights 19.20
Advance-11meg, Advt. 2.t6
Hydra, Belgrave and
Walt0n.•ateeot lights 156.75
Twp. of East Waw1mosh,
'W 367 70
bettield Drain
Blyth Standard, Advt. and
Envelopes 8.55
Root, Michie, weed inspector 6.26
0. Noble, refund on spraying 3.60
Wm. Elston, telephone calls 5.00
Thos. Pie(5134 rotund on 'taxes 13.10
Co. of Huron, Indigent Peas
Miss Mary Jahelstoa 11,25
MmS, Agnes Ferguson 42.00
Reeve, 13ai11e Ferrate
Clerk, 'Geo. C. Martin.
After the meeting Reeve Bailie
Parrott entereemed the Connell end
Townebdp em:ployeal to a turkey
d Tlrs.
Seaforth, Ont.
II A truly wonderful picture, a story of
'the ups and downs of the boyh'In
training In the Army.
There will be a MATIN5E ON
R 0
Donald O'Connor Yvette D•ugay
and Frances the talking mule with
tots of laughs for all the family.
a • e
CAPITOL THEATRE wihh everyone Thursday, Friday and Saturday
a very Merry Christmas and the Hap- "GAMSLSR PROM MATCHE2"
ptest of New Years. Dale Roberstan Debra Paget
dinner at 9119 1tonto of Mr. an
Ivan McArter. . There 'were oleo
Iwo special guests, who were form-
er Reeves 1Tlneve7 Selmet'on and
Cecil WOreeter of the Blyth Cosincll,
who 'wait rel..tresentinq Wm. Merritt,
Reeve at Biyih, dy-making and Mrs. Kenneth Shattele
BORN made icing and decorated a Gilman -
7 iu% •-- To Mr. one 10111'. Lmiia Ebel. 1 Diana fruit slake. Candy and cake
on Tncsdny, Dec. 2151, 1954, fe t were •served for luneb by the host- -
eseee. 'hire. 'Sherrie, Mrs Clare Long, t
T51,. Nursing Home, a dodna.Mrs. Wesley ltrmr, Mrs. Robert Gam
ter, KKathryn l.ytin (Kathyi'. mel and Mrs, IOrleet Malri.t29.'
A decorseted Cbrieetmah tree seed
other Christmas decottatlona gees
the rooms a holiday atmosphere, At '
the close of the dem& Hartley Fis- •
°her, speaking for the firemen,
welcomed ;tine guests and Reeve Roy
B. Cousins thanked the firemen for
their Ince table gesture. Other short
speedliea, wane made by Herbert
Steelton and Russel Hall who
tIboalkel the oommittee of Legion
ladies who -served the dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Baynard cale-
rated the 1100h amniversaty of their
wedding at the borne of their son-
in-law and daughter, lir. and Mrs,
Walter McFarlane, A fowl dinner
was •served to the family.
Mr, and Mrs. Maynard were mar-
ried on Dec, 14, 1904, at the. home
of Abe bride's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Jahn Hoffman, by Rev, 0. P. Wells •
The bride was formerly Essie T.
Hoffman. Mr. liaynard's •parents
were Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Reynold. t
They all resided in Grey townhlhfp.
The ample farmed In the thea
:cance5sion of Grey until 1913, then
moved to (he Reynerd homestead
where they lived until 1951, when
Mr, Ratynard's health failed and they
moved to Ethel.
The have a faulty of three sons
end three daughters, Sylvester, John
and Cecil, all of Grey townhip 1
Mrs, Clarence (Hazel) Clarke, snail
cence+sion of Grey; Mrs. Walter
(Doris) MacFarlane, third concession
a`f Grey. and Mrs. Munyo (Laura)
'MacFarlane, near Bluevale, There
are 15 grandchildren and two greet
A.reception was held in bonor o9 `
Mr. and Mrs. Raynard on Tuesday
afternoon. Pouring tea In the after.
noon were Mrs. Cecil Maynard and I
Mre. Arthie Lonnebury, end Mrs.
Sylvester Rayuard served. Tit the
evening, Mrs: Mange MacFarlane
poured tea and Mrs. Sanies Pearsen
and Mrs, Clarence Ceske served.
Many beautiful gift:, and cards
were received by (the relebramts.
The Christmas meeting of the Ma-
jeatic Women's Insttuute Was held in
the library basement, with the
Precedenit MDs. W. H. Beit in
charge of the ,grogram. A baking
sate planned for December, wee
postponed to January: Roll caf1 'was
answered with a donation for
Cbnistmla/.s boxes for Shut-ins and
included bonne -made cookies, 'ca1217,
jams anal money for supplies, Doane
,tons of 310 each were voted to the
War Memorial Children's Hospital,
London, and the Huron County
Children's ,Aid, and a donuetien
will be forwarded to Winghem Gen-
eral Hospital as soon as funds are
An offer of Mrs. Roy Kennedy to
train a cost for a play, s' 011501ed
by the Institute was accepted and
work will commence in January. An
amalteur concert was also suggested
as an interesting project, and plans
are ender Wary.
Mms. Andrew Dene presented the
Meath, 'Sleet Ohristmas happen to
Yoe." stressing the value of person-
al gifte, such 'tee letters, and home
made articles. The speaker suggest-
ed that "we do not :.mend, do not
observe but let es 'keep' Christmas."
Mrs. R. W. Stephens, repenting on
the linror Connor reetetute rally ie
Blyth, asked the Institute to 0031•
seder ways' of trtsaistiaug the county to
obtain hdsteri0a1 slretelret4 of ar
tieles in the Goderich Museum, t0
170 catwpiled in book forms.
Christmas CaaraLs were meg
with Mrs. W. C. Kerr at the
piano and lua'Opy birthday greet
inlp were extended to •seven reeve
bers. Mrs. 'elberiee, Davit and lira.
Carl Hemiese are demonstrated can iii,
Christmas 1~ orpna1 Dance
In Cranbrook-Community Centre
Music by Wilbee's Orchestra
Admission $,1.00
Sponsored by Craubrook Hall Board
k -'RSI eAte' sill 'J�Ao •1a'eso,� k' AU
To fall In line with other Municipalities, I have been requested
by the Brussels Chamber of Commerce to decide •
Boxing Day
Monday, Dec. 27th • 1954
A Public Civic, Holiday
and respectfully request all citizens to observe It is such..
QTR(.. B,, �Cousins, Reeve.
�, (
A Merry Christmas
Preparing ser 1955 we pause to greet and thank our friends,
old and new. During 1954 we tried to serve you well . We hope
that we did, also that you will overlook any shsrtcominge. and
accept our thanks for your kindness and co-operation.
Best wishes for 1955. We hope you have a Happy Holiday and
a New Year full of Good Health and Prosperity.
Max Oldfield Jack McWhirter
To Milk Customers
There will NOT be a Milk Delivery on Saturday, December 25
or Sunday, December 26th.
December 27th.
There will be a Delivery on Monday,
Best Wishes for 1955, We Hope You Have A Happy Holiday
and a New Year Full of Good Health and Prosperity
Phone 22 Brussels, Ont.
kv'0F2»ACAs Ria i,'0./.•
Tire Special
(For Limited Time Only.)
Brand New 670 x 15 - 4 Ply lst Live Tires
Reg' Price $27.20
Sale Price $19.95
Riverside Motors
- Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
• Supertest Gas and Oil
Phone 56
hone56 Brussels, Ong
Cemmencing January 13, 1955, the branch In Brussels
will be closed each Saturday, to glue the staff the benefits of the
five-day week.
For the convenience of customers, the bank Wlll opeif
extra hours each FRIDAY, from 4.30 to 0 p.
We seek the co-operation of customers in ltccomodatinp
themselves to this change in banking hours,
F. W. Todd,
Manager. '