HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-12-15, Page 4• THEY'RE, HeRe WITH esueremusvirr eexersoleo ,,,,SM4:1000004.12r. APTSOW 0:00TO rins0,70 eurnoe.came;,,,,nue,,,WAYMMY,WOMPone ee.meeesetrr4tPTIMIII;,. '',4,440,tiereeriesee , 4 ...... , • .70,1r.setieere., ON DISPLAY TODAY WITH THAT NEW d'-t:7;0.47,4eaeL 0 0 K ! ..... , .... SUPER A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE P .Never so new as now . ; , never so far ahead! With a bold, massive new front.end design • . . handsome new hooded headlights . . • a dramatic new flair at the sides! It's Oldsmobile's daring new "Go -Ahead" look! New power, too, with the "Rocket" 202! This means 202 horsepower in the mightiest "Rocket" yet! New color, with the widest selection ever in brilliant new "flying color" patterns! New interiors „ . a superb new "Rocket" ride .. . all the newest new ideas on wheels! See us and see the car that's out ahead . .. OLDSMOBILE FOR '55! . cp Lc) e NA c) BILE Ft C) K I NI 7-c) WW1 POWER FAD UV./ THIE NEW "ROCKET" 202 eNel NE 4 X.'"Xecrs, ALL-AROUND•NEWI iverside • CLASSIC A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Newness is everywhere from road to roof! And when you swing wide a door you open a wonderland of rich fabrics and leather, deep carpets, delightful trim. Performance reaches new heights, too! The new "Rocket" 202 Engine is up in compression to 8.5 to 1. .. and horsepower zooms to 2021 Of course, all power features arc available, *Oldsmobile for '55 is in our showroom now . .. come in and see it! "Oldsmobile Oft,. slew exciting, oli•oroundmew modelsbe three new celiac for '55—Ninety•Fight, Super "88", "We otors - Brussels, Ont. \,(e The Irma). services : were held le , Hutet PrethYtertialt anurelb. on. Slue StaY Morning with tho liar. W, Williams, Bruezets, in the pulpit. . lVbr. and Mrs, dim Cameron and dartighter Oared were week -end visit. MIS With friendle ehul relatives bee, de • ,eee .. Lee, W. eset„S, dueetin,g of Putt's elturch wae held en Deo End, in the ehureh bardeMent with him L John- ston indliartge. The meeting ePened with limn 'followed by the ecripb, use and ,preYor, secretary and trealfillTer reports were read and approved, It wartrt deolded to give a Life Membership agate Ghia year. MoMielteel gave the last at her cogent at Mime Mane, The Dta. :Niel:els had charge of the star book program wilth Mrs, Cuthill and, ivirst Waltens taking Dant, The meete ing elosed with hymn 64, The elate 'or offloore were presented by the nominating eoremiteee and the following: are the officers for 1055, Here president •,,. Mrs, EB, 13ryans Padt President ,... Mrs. H. Trohnerton Presddent Mrs. McMichael lst, Vice President ...... Airs. End, Viecr Pres. .... hins. Ratehie ard. Vice, Pres. ,.,, Mrs.. A. Turnbull Pres% $ee. Mrs, D. HaeltVell Supply Sec. .„„ .. . , . 7 Mrs. C, Martin v,s. Com. Friendslirip .13rortaroot Christian Fellawriblp ..... Mrs, D, Wetton Missioney hionthly.Mre. F. Walters Mirdston Bated Super. Stowe:Me:hip Mrs. if, wriCmirleyA. , McCall, Mrs. T. Dundee Belly Band Mrs. G. frieGatin C.C.I.T. Mrs. T. McCreath Miss M. Stevens, Mrs F. Kirkby Auditoria Mrs. 1. McDonald Mrs, Nelson Marks Assistant Helpers Sec. .... Mrs. Me. Creath Cranbreek W. M. 13.. annual meeting, of the WO. mews Missionary BonietY Was held on Dee, 1, at the home or Urn Alex. Steiss, Tire Christmas Story from Luke, 2, 1- 10 was read by lies, Sehnock and The Glad Tidings, perky- ier Wee given by hips. Jacklin. Meet members responded to the roll call with mime interesting' information en the work of Miss Muriel Suda, 'llopie in %arm or a trip around the world When London, Africa, and Latin Artnerloa were vieited, was given in pants. Mies Forrest, lead-. er, questioned Mrs. Alex Melee, Mrs, Lynn Evans, and Mrs. M. )Pngel, one representing each country. The rrtee. rebary read the mirettes and gave the =nil report at the year's :work. The treasurer also gave her re. pont- Hyrens IMESTO ST/ng.^ The Hoe. diction was eron.oanced by Miss For- rest. Mrs. Harold Jaeklin wee see. retery and Mrs. Engel Presided for the election or officers. The follow- ing were •elected: Presid reit Miss Alice J. Forrest ides. John Seiniock Vies, M. Engel Mrs, IT. Jaelciin Mrs. Alex Steiss Vile Pres Secretary Treaseirer Pianist Med Tidings 'Sec. Airs. Fred Smalidon Card Sec. and B. Mrs, Lynn Bran Supply Sec. ,, Mrs. J. Schnocq Lit. and Library Seo..... Mrs. Pings Audttere ....... Miss A. I. FOTrG5 MTS, M. Einge by the hostel s t ti s Lint& was served and committee. C. G. I. T. The second meeting of the C.G.I.T was held at the home of Beverley and Barbara Evans on Wednesday Dec. let at 7.20, with nine girls present Questionaire tea s given each girl to answer, Papers were ex. changed and the 'writer's name guessed. Beverley Evans, presddeat, was in the chair and the meeting opened by repealing the purpose, and singing the 0.G:11% hymn with Marion Michel acting as pianist,. Two interesting stories), one on C.G.I.T, and a Christmas story, were read by the assistant leader, Mrs. Stanley Campbell. Singing from the song sheets was enjoyed. The worship period Was led by the leader, Mrs. Mac Engel, and several Bible pass- -ages were read in unison, and the Lord's Prayer repeated. After sing - lag Wrens, the roll was =severed by eaoh girl paying her joining reeeThe minutes of the first meeting were read by the secretary, Maxine Small - don. A ecamibtee consisting ot Faye Eingel, Those Campbell and Linda Dunn, was appointed to bring seggestion.to the next meeting for a name for our group. Plans were trade for the next meeting which will be, held on Dec. 16th, The meet- ing closed with all joining bands and singing 'Daps. Characters were thenen for e dialogue to be pre- sented tut the Christmas Concert on Deo. 22nd. Delicious refreshments were served by the hoetesses. WINGHAM DIST. HIGH SCHOOL, SPECIAL COMMERCIAL NEWS Telt iniey he „wondering why the Special '00Emmerciai obudente of D, H. S. have been bustling a- bout gathering armlet:de of news- papers. The fact is that we are scanning the papers for items of interest in tsar econontic wo.rld. Eat pupil has eat up a file of the clipia- tasgs she bas gatherred. Looking over theAel tiles you would rind divisions headed 1»' Banking, Per. eonality. Production, etc. We found the repent concerning two or Canada's) banks, the Dom- inion Bank and the Bank of Toren. to, very interesting 'Bus our Banidng Section., and the announcement of the new Bonds also termed an the Portant part of our investment Sects ion. Our Personality File is very In- teresting and the "Mermere 'Makes Prientist' netieles you read in the payers daily are or use to us here, as well as articles on good grooming, clothing, etc. In oar recent examination in Econ. elutes, we had to answer such (Med- ics= as "'What is an investment Bank? Whet is a Stock Excange? Explain lambs, bull, and bears, in reference to the Stock 'Market, Who recently resigned front being head of the Bank. of Canada? Whet two .chartered batiks have arranged to Join to make a larger and more powerful book." At the present time, Allen Nichol, of XTB Is =pecking a new typeWrit. er which we all anticipate using. All in all, our °lasso has n verY busy schedule and we all believe that we should know much more b, the end 4-.4 the: year. Joan Thomas. SEWAGE DiSPOSAL — Rave your Septic unto sad cow Peels cleaned the sanitary Wri now to avoid trouble. Irvine Ooxton, Phone St idliverton, Oat carag a la 9© Bkg,fiy DOC, TELL ME WHAT FRANK, ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU WATCH. FOR IN YOIA THAT WORD PREVENr- FLOCKS TO PREVENT PREVENTION SYOUR KEY TO CANNIBALISM. HANDLING CANNIBALISM 1/4— IN ANY FLOCK . J ELI M I NATE THE CAUSES OF CANNIBALISM, SUCH AS lelif!"" "El!fati4E.Erlir M'Auti PRRA9ar. 2. CROWDING TOO MANY BIRDS PER PEN a INADEQUATE EAT iN6 AND DRINKING SPACE. 4. !DIENES'S - KEEP BIRDS BUSY. 5. PIM LAYING- LEADING TO' PICK -OUTS". 6. NEsrs POORLY CONSTRUCTED. THERE ARE WAYS TO HELP STOP IT BUT PREVENTION IS YOUR FIRST STEP. HERE'S HOW TO CONTROL PICKING: FIRST- REMOVE ANY BIRDS THAT SHOW SIGNS of U RY OP. wEAKNeSS, SECOND - DARKEN PEN SO FLOCK CAN BARELY SU FEED HOPPERS AND WATER FOUNTAiNS. THIRD - AOD 1 TABLESPOON OF coMMoN SALT TO EACH GALLON OF OleINKING WATER FOR ONE MORNING ON LY. REPEATTNREE DAYS LATER. FOURTH- USE SPECKS OR DE -BEAK YOUR, BIROS, YOU HANDLE MY BIROS LIKE CHILDREN, EH, DOC? By Roe Farms Service Dept,.,, THAT'S RIGHT,FRANK- JUST LIKE FOR RO&75T1/E4LTHS4ND KIDS YOU MUST KEEPTHEM BUSY TO STOP MISCHIEF.- YOU FEED THEM VITA -LAY $0 THEY ARE NOT CRANKY - YOU TAKE AWAY SMALL ONES SD OTHERS DON'T PICK ON THEM- YOU MAKE IT EASY TO FEED, DRINK AND LAY, 50 THEY DON'T BECOME IMPATIENT. eXTRA E66 PROFITS OE WirE ut4.4y EGG MASH tcist Huron Prooude BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT F. HARRISON moNcIBEER