HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-12-15, Page 1THE BRUSSELS
Post Pnblis ling House.
d.tlthortze,i as second oleo melt root ()Mos Depar went, Ottawa....
Wednesday, December 15th, 1954
$2.00 per year - $2.50 U
On Sunday mottling last a special
aervte° of Dedication was held at
Melville Cleurob. The occasion was
the dedication ata Ges+tetuor dupla
eating -n chino, With which the wee-
kly Bulletin le being 'niineograp8i!ede
This Machine was the gift of Mr. and
Matt • H. Specie and family, in loving
memory .of ;their son 'and brother
Mac.. The blest Teat •o the service
wary in memoriam, The male dhorue
sang :e, :number entitled "Some day
He'll make it eaaln," The choir also
rendered a' fitting anthem, : "From
Egypitfs Bondage Come." The old
hymn "There la a halapi'fiand•...tbr,
tar away, wars sung as a request -The
minlater Rev. 'Harold Coivin in dedi-
cating tthe Gestetner machine stet -
ed, It 'gives me great grieasuee *to
accept Sibs gift en behalf of �bhe 1
Session, Board of Managers, and
Congregation, of Melville Church.
Will you accept our thanks, anei the
eiasis Lance Ohat your gilt will find an
Important, plane in the future life
and work of Ulla cogregation. Rev.
Mr. Colina. preached from the text,
Lay not up tor yourselves treasure
upon earth, for wbere your treasure
1s, there will your heart be also.
' The Cranbrook
- will be held 9n the
Cranbrook Community Centre ..on
' at 8.15 p. m.
Admission 35centa Children Free
ill be held In.
At 8 P. M.
Silver Collection
S. S. No. 1 Grey
In Cranbrook Hall on
TU ES., DEC. 21st,
at 8.16 pr m.
Admission 35c arjd 25c
Walton School
In Walton Hall on
MONDAY, DEC. 20th at 8.30 p. m.
Dance following to
Wllbee's Orchestra
Admission: Adults 50c, Children 25o
Ladies Please Bring Lunch.'
Everyone Welcome.
Come One! Come *ill
Ta •
St. Ambrose!s Church Annual
to be held at
Cranbrook- Community Centro
•x en
to start at 8.30
Melville Presbyterian
10.00 a. m. Sunday School
11.00 a. m. Morning Worship
"The •Ohi11 turas Story"
Anthem, "Chttistiana awake, ialiute
the •leaippy morn.'
Male -Monne '1The Seeding Star"
7.10 p. m. Organ Recital.
7.80 p. m. Annual Candlelight Beer-
eraloe with Special 'Christmas Music.
Minister: -Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D.
Organist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T.
• • e'
The United Church
Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane
Divine Wonehip — 11 o'clock
A Meal Service -- Theme,
Down Through the Ages
CHrielttmmaa Shines Out,
Church School — 12 o'clock.
Come, enjoy y:ottrsetf alleging
'(7hristnmas Carols and praising- God
for Jesus Christ, our Saviour end
• *• •
Church of England
• • Parish of"Brussels
Rev. A. Norman Ellis M. A.
Advent ZSR Sunday19 December
St. John's Church, Brussels —
8.89 n. iii, Holy .Communion
T1 a. Th. Morning %',oyer
Sunday School
St. David's, Honfryn —
2.30 p, m, Carol Service,
St. George's Walton eo
8.p, re, Evening Prayer,
Santa Claus, with his reindeer
Paid his annual visit to Bauseels on
Saturday afternoon when he was
eta, yo .tequrnu Beam u Act peeee,rs+
children of the village and the Burr-
ouneling district.
With the Legion Pipe Band, and the
Lions Boys and Girls Band in attend-
ance, Santa'+s parade along the basin
ass section was .:aoeompanied by
finals calaTying .oastutned story book
• characters including, •Golditoclar and
'the three beams; Snow White and the
seven dwarfs/; Old Mother Hubbard;
—The—three little pigs; Mother Goose,
^antd•a number of Ater favourite people.
Indless and cartoon friends were also
there, Donald Duck; Mickey Mouse
endPleto among others. Comedy was
added with etrtange figures in over-
size'lreads and grotesque costumes,
Santa disaributed a bag of goodies
to each child at the Town Hall, His
visit on Saturday wag,, sponsored by,
'The 'Lions Club, The Legion, The
Business 'liken and The Chamber oe
•Ot course Santa will be back ag
sin +Chi1atmaa On to visit'all good
girls, and boys.
Division No.
For Reeve -
3 31e
7 To
John McNabb 94 35 ` • 12 2 14 a8 1'0 is . 108
Clifford Rowland 53 62 28 41 91 , '767 101 67 606
For Counoiliors —
'W411eam Bie+bole 54 50 19 31 ' 54 '153 31 49 471
.OThtfot8 Dunbar 41 71 81 30 62 162 64 75 536
George Hutchinson 51 61 21 16 t'+2 .1883 8S 62 1524
Kenneth M+ditarlalbe 24 52 24 10 fa3 38 23 5a 286
Hugh •Smit•. 38 55 27 3d 54 99 90 40 441
It:dythe M. Cardiff,
Returning Offleer.
"rhe sermon next on Sunday morn-
ing in the United Church was, oto• 1
Grans 1+3:78 ''Owe no man anything
sans to love one another" — and the
sermon theme was, "Debt." The min-
ister called dobe abbention of his
bearers to Paula teaching in re,
gard to incurring debt. He +spoke of '
three types of depot — money debt,
moral debts, and time euPreme debt
of love. In the last category, we all ,
owe a debt which con never be paid,
— a debt to the great succession of
p'hilosophens and eelenttsts wird have
made our inheritance rioh and en-
; viable — a debt partloularly tto
Zetaue Clintslb for pioneering the
1 way of life amd truth — a debt which i
cant never he paid but which we
sbould always be paying in benefit
-.School seotiona No. 7 and No.12
of MoKtllop combined to hold ,their
Christmas concert in Walton Comm-
unity Hell, Rev. H. E. Livingston, .
Winthrop, was •chairman for tike eve-
lag which commenced with a miscall-
aaeous program . of recitations, a drill '
the Nativity scene and caroms.
An operetta, "The Maid and the
Gehlen Slipper," was given by the
combined ;schools under the direct
ion of r t'lreir teachers, Miss Jeersie
Little and Gibson Willis, both of
Brassels The setting was a woodland
scene, peopled by fairies in gossamer
.gowns, elves in forest attire and ani- '
mal of the woods, frogs, rabbits and
butterflies, The scene changed to a
ball room with lords and ladies in •
authentic ooetumes in pastel sbo-dea.
The fine ligddbing effects were achie-
ved by Lawrie Cousins, The part of
Cinderella. was taken by Jane Som -
(r vilis; the prince, Kenneth Ryan;,
81e godmother, Barbara Driscoll;
Cupid, Jean Pabriok; thetwo step
Meters", Belinda by Marlene Pepper
and Henrietta by Elaine Beatty; step•
mo'tker by Margaret Alexander and
the duke by Alex Glanville. A solo
duly Mervin Pepper to the tune "Pin,
iandia" •brought the program to a
elo50. A lunch and a dance followed.
The Melville Church Sunday School
Christmas Concert will he held on
Friday, Dee. 17th
2 shows nightly 7.80 — 3.80 p. in.
Matinee Saturday 2 p. in.
Wednesday - Thursday - Friday
December 15 - 16 - 17
In Clnemascope and Technicolor
An exciting adventure story of 29
men and a beautiful girl who set
out In a submarine on the most
dangerous mission the world has
with Richard Wldmark, Bella Daevi
Saturday Only December 18
starring John Wayne, Anne Dvorak
Danger, Adventure and' Intrigue
makes this a picture of thrilling
,Monday , Tuesday Dec. 20 - 21
Loretta Young end John Forsythe
In a mirthful picture With time
for a tug at your heart strings.-
for a tug at your heart strings.
Wednesday -Thursday Dec, 22 .23
starring Robert Ryan, Jan Starling
Action and adventure— The story
of men who, fish the barren Ocean.
Off the Alaskan Const,
ternei lire through Him.
1.9ebe m'orndng anthem was 'We
Colne," in the evening a Pageant,
"The Glory of the Lord" was pre -
se ,
re•seated, a report of which to Yonne. A
elsewhere 10 this issue.
The 131us5ele Lions Club held its
regular meeting on Monday at 7 p.m.
in the Library. Rev. H. T. Colvin,
guest speaker of the evening, was in-
troduced by Lion Dan McTavish. Mr.
Colvin exprese+ed his pleasure in at-
tending his first Lions Club meeting
and in; enjoying their fellowsbip• His '
well given teddress was based on "in-
terest in Selirituai Well -Being." Sev-
eral ideas brought out were, We're in
a period of great change, Make relig-
ion something that will meet the
needs of the people, and Have a relig-
eligion that we can teach our children.
On behalf of the Leone, Club, Lion
Bit Newton thanked the guest ap•
.eater far his interesting pad helpful
MUD Mary Dennis entertained with
two :lovely ecoordia•a solos,. t
-The memilen.. of St, Ambrose Chur-
ch catered in their regular: efficient
The next meeting of the chub will
be field on the second Monday In
Urinary 1965.
Spe8ial Ithamles to Mr. Hugib Pear-
eareon for donation of the prize for our
guessing •oantest whdoh was wean by
Lion. 7lanmer Walton Todd.
Modern and Old-Tyme Music
The Noll Sisters with
"The Kansas Farmer"
Brussels Town Hall on
Wednesday, Dec. 29th.
Under auspices 1. 0.10. F.
Admission 50c
Come and have a good timet
Seaforth, Ont.
t '
'Thursday, Friday and Saturday
3hakesperlan Festival '
Gloria Grahame` Vittorio Gosselan
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Jana PoWelO Gordon MacRae
Warners have dohe It allele with
a Wonderful musical
• • •
,Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Richard Wldmark Karl Malden
* *
Corning Soon --
Toronito — Ontario motor vericie
licence plates for 1955, which go on
sale Jan. 3, will have no letters
only numbers.
The plater., will sl"art at 1001,
and the first four thousand will
go to Dominion and Provinciei
Government vehieles.
Mary Johnston
There passed away in Wiughan:
Hospital on Dec. 4th, 1954 Miss Maty
Johnson, eldest . daughter of the
late George and Mrs. Johnston of
'bhe and of Grey. Many was beloved Wayne Davison. Mary was played
by all who knew her, and spent by Karen •Coleman and Zahn by
/her- life helping others. When the Ralph Watson. We heard from the 1
lips of dire Christmas Spirit the 1
ancient prophecies concerning God's
remembrance of Judah. especially
Bethlehem. 'Po introduce the shep-
heads taken by Arnold and Murray i
Sunday evenbig adnmier; a Betting
of .li th' ed evergreen trees, lihast.ere
Star; candies and aneientt stone walls,
a delightful Pageant "The L'lft of the
Lord" was presented by the Sunday
School supported by the choir and
congregation with carols and c,onee,
Mrs, Edwin Martin, presiding at
tlra organ played ,the prelude music.
'Po open the service, Miss 'Agnes.
Lane at the piano, accompanied
the organist in a traditional Christ-
mas duet of in Excelsis Deo,
Rev, Andrew Laneread the syno-
pses. Mr, Norman Hoover as the
Reader, and Mrs, Kenneth Tyumen
as the Christmas Spririt proclaim-
ed the Christmas story.
When the story opened we were
bask in ameient days, watching the
road that leads to Be:tbleh.em. Along
it peeved the travelisrs, old and
young, going for registration to the
city of their birth. Mary and Jo,eplm
were among thrmt. The old gentle-
man was played by John Hoover;
dile young woman by Pranees Myers
and the young man by Ronald
Lane; and the two young men were i
Pred Stephenson and John Cousins. r
The family group was composed of
the father Neil 'Turnbull, the moth-
er Pamela Porter, the yaungesrt
child John Watson, the little girl
Audrey Wheeler, and the little boy
brothers or sister:, needed help Mary
wigs always ready and willing to help.
.As a young woman at Roe's Church
she sang in the choir; taught a class
ie the Sunday Sdhoot, and hod been
many time& a delegate to Epworth Davison, David Hemingway, Keith
League convention. She loved her Bone and David Wheeler. a double ;
Bible and her church and when she; dwelt, "The •Shepherds Were Sing -1,
was able never moaned a Sunday ser. • ing" was giyen by Misses Marion
vice. Was a member yf Roe's Church and Rutb Hemingway. Lena and 1i1
and in latter yea's Kinoardine Unit-; Joyce Miller. Anter .the anthem,
ed Church Relatives. and friends! "There were Shepherds abiding in
came from Toronto, London, Kin.. a field" a bealtiful angel taken be
cardiae, Wingham, Crarrie, Lueaa j Gwrardolyne Martin spoke words of ;
1Tick"oni and all the old neighbors'*•co ort.. to_ the very friahiened,
and school melee fram the 2nd of, shepherds and gave them'r.'lrine in-;
Grey and S. S. No. 4. elevation's concerning rhe heal. r" ;
Saviour. A pleasing duet oh. Star 1
The funeral was held from + Mine On" was rendered* by Misses
the D. A. R.ann funeral borne, Brus-; Joan and .payee Thomas. To furth
,Gels on Der. 7. Six nephews carried i ex guide the shepherds on their war .
the Baskett. Ken, Simmons, Allister I "The Guiding; Star" was sung by eta
Simmons. Cameron Simmons, Solin i male quartette composed by Me=srs t
Jahneto04 Charlie Shaw. and Robt. 1 Thomas Pierce, Stanley Wheeler, t,
Johnston. The flower -bearers were Thomas Strachen and Lloyd Wheel -
Garden Stephenson, Art Simmons, ler-, in Part TT the Wise Men or 1
Wm. Bremner, Harold Wright, C. J. Kings, from across the world saw
'Irwin. She weer laid to rest in God's glory in throe shinning star, and
Wraxetclr cenmetery, hesides het came seeking. While the choir
'Parente and a. beloved sister Mar- sang "We Tbree Ring of Orient are' 1
the who predeceased her two and a
half years ago.
* • •
Mrs. Tiros, B. Strachan returned
home lstet week after a visit to tee
west including Saskatoon.
Mr. and Mals. L. Aldwonth, Kitcb
eater spent the week -end with Mr. ant
Mrs Leslie Barnes,
Mrs. C. J. Northcott and Mrs. C.
Aldworttb, of Stratford, spent the
week -end Frith Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Mess Barbara Allen nurse -in -train -
dug at St. Joseph's hospital, London.
agent the weekeend with her parents.
lin•, and Mrs% H. B. Allen.
ion for this kind gesture was given
Mrs. Heath, who is emending the by Mrs. Edwin Martin and eeoonded
winter in Toronto walls a weelt-end by ]Lev, Andew ?.ane,
visitor tat the home of Mrs. Hairy '
Keys and other friende, th town.
the three kings played by Murray l
Hoover, Donlyn Hemingway and
Keith Turnbull. presented gifts to
Oho n'ee' barn child. When the angel
again appeared to guard the sleep-
ing babe a duet "Sleep. 0 Child
Divine" wee Bung by Miers Agnes
Lame and lira, Melville Dennis, After
'cords spoken by the Christmas
Spirit praclaiming thee "Jesus, the
Bethlehem chlild, ;01011 reign" the
choir rendered the antthem "Gladly
to the Ring of Kings." The climax
came when the wise hien and the
humble kneeled together beside 'the
manger, 'Phe reader closed the nag'
eant wttih the words of hope and Joe
after whideh carol "Joy to the World'
was. sing by all. The ladtee of the
W. A. servered a bannteons lunch
1., she choir. the psge'anit charlact:err',
and Clime neaisting In the production
of the pageant. A vote of appreciat-
Mr, Jas. Rhodes had the mistime
tune to elle, and fall on the main str-
eet on 'Tueday, He wale taken to the
hospital where it was found Mat he
metered a broken hip in the fall
Roy Rogers, idol of millions of
youngsters, "Ming of the Covebays",
te+ao why he and Dale Evans, 3tts
wife don't drink. "11 I were asked,
"Roy, why don't you drink?" 7 think
NOTIGE the missal honest answer I could give
The Brussels United Ohurch Christ, would be "7 d:on1t thine it is neves.
maxi Concert will be held on Mon., wary", And T don't. My wife, Dale
Dee. 20th, Evans, stud 1 feel we ]lave found
We specialize In styling, cutting,
and cold waving. Open Monday to
Saturday inelnsive.
Mrs. Velms Stephenson
'Phone 102ttt'4
aboutt as happy .a life as we can hope
for, and ere leve not, fount] imapp•
Mom in eecktsil bars, but rather
In, our evervdety activities." Neva
Imngloy, Miss Americo, 1559, gees
along with Roy and Dale. "It geem3
en unneeteasnry fi firmly believe
the norma] healthy life I have lived
Is responsible for my good fortnnes,'
Christmas and New Year's
Turkeys For Sale
Sam Workman
Phone 15x Brussels, Ont.
Kind care For elderly ladies. Com-
fortable home; spacious lawns; tray seir-
vice; every convenience; best of 'food -
Box 10 Blyth • • Phone 150
Forrester's Hall, Belgrave on
Thursday, December 16th
Dancing 10 to 1 — Lunch Counter
Admission at Popular Prices — Everyone Welcome
Draw for Chrome Kitchen suite will be made at Dance
Sponsored by North Huron Jr. Farmers
Tire Special
Limited Time Only,)
Brand New 670 x 15 — 4 Ply 1st Live Tires
Reg' Price $27.20
Sale Price $19.95
Riverside Motors
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
Superte-st Gas and Oil
Phone 56 Brussels, Ont.
Cemmencing January 8, 1955, the branch in Brussels
wilt be closed each Saturday, to give the staff the benefits of the
five-day week.
For the convenience of customers, the bank will open
extra hours each FRIDAY, from 4.30 to 6 p. m.
We seek the co-operation of customers In accomodating
themselves to this change in banking hours.
F. W. Todd,
Wayne: and truster find humor a
serious business. And seriously,
what's 50 funny about 1955? Thoreer
a gag hero a'omoMiere -and in the
din of New Year's Roe eelebratian:s.
Canada's itum comedy Lanni aro try-
ing hard to find it. Butany minnt.e
their pear of Profundity is Ening tee
disintegrate into an old. fa:alie ed
wboopre as the clecmr strikes twee.
ve. Wayne end Shuster star in their
own ,show• on the 0130 Trans -Canada
net:worlr every T1iurtsay night, anr1
nn teiovision every fmtrtlm weole,