HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-12-08, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST Post Publishing House Authortxe4 ax woad eines mall. Pott OCUoe Depu3ment, Ottawa Wednesday, December :8th, 1954 $2.00 per yea CHRIBTMAS4CONCEFT Will be held et S. S. No. 4 Morris on Thursday evening, Dec, gbh, begin- ning at 5,00 p• m. Admission, Adults Sic, Children 150. Everybody Wel. come. S. S. No. 4 Grey School CHRISTMAS CONCERT in the school on TUESDAY, DEC. 14th Variety Program Admission 85c BRUSSELS UNITEU CHURCH CAROL SERVICE and PAGEANT "The Glory of the Lord" SUN.., DEC. 12 at 7.30 P. M. Come One! Come AII! To St, Ambrose's Church Annual CHRISTMAS CONCERT to be held at Cranbrook Community Centre on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17th to start at 8.30 NOTICE • The Melville Church Sunday School Christmas Concert will be held on Friday, Dec. 17th, CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE 2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Dec. 9 - 10 - 11 Hold everything: That pair of fun sters the likes of which has never been seen are back at the Capitol Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis in an uproarious comedy ' .. "LIVING IT UP" Mon, - Tues, Dec. 13 - 14 "IT GROWS ON TREES" starring lovable Irene Dunne, Dean Jagger. A wonderful story of a wish that came true. Wednesday - Thursday - Friday December 15 - 16 - 17 In Cinemascope and Technicolor ' An exciting adventure story of 29 imen and a beautiful girl who Bet out In a submarine on the most dangerous mission the world has known. "HELL AND HIGH WATER" with Richard Willmark, Bella Dared MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH — BRUSSELS 10.00 a. in. Sunday School 11.00 a. m, Morning Worehtp "Tule Lidding Light" Anthea, From Egyplt& Bondagt Come by Arthur Page. Minister : Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D. Organist : 1. D. Thompson R. M. T. United C hitt eh OP CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine WorShtp-11 o'clock "Debt." Cruroh School—•12 o'clock. Evening Worship — 7.30 p.m. Carol Service and Christme'e Pageant it Churchof England Parish of !mania Rev. A. Norman Ellis, M. A. Advent III Sunday 12 Dec, tit. John's Chtlroh, Brussels 11 a. m. Holy Communion Sunday School St. David's, Hentryn — 9,30 Pan, Evening Prayer Sunday School St. George's Walton — 3 p. m. 37vening Service -re DANIEL GLASSIER MELVILLE CHURCH Daniel Glassier passed away quie- I On Sunday morning the ulinister, 1 tly at his home on John street, Bruss• ( Rev. Harold Colvin, toots for itis ter -1 ole, Ontallo, Sunday evening, Nov ember 28th, 1954, after a lengthy i11. i nest, in itis 14th. year. He was the son of .tile late John Glassier and Matilda Glassier, He was born in Grey Township sphere he lived all his life until coming to Brussels it, 1942. Ho ie survived by this wife, the former Mabel McNichol and two sons: Fred, of New Ltnkeard ,Ontario and Stuart :of Midland, Ontario, also three grandchildren. Peter, Danny, and Charles. He was a member of the United Church of Brussels and also the last surviving member of the Knights of the Maccabees, Tent No.24. Funeral services were conduotef by Rev, Andrew Lane of the United Church from the D. A. Rann Funeral Home, Brussels, Dee.1st. et 2 Pim Pallbearers were nephews, Andrew McNichol, Ross McNichol, ltalpa McNio'hol, Glen McNichol, Aubrey McNiehol and Charles T. Davidson, Flowerbearers were George David- son, Scot Davidson, Frank Thome). son and Oliver Riley. Burial was in Brussels cemetery. UNITED CHURCH W. M. 8. Guests of the Auxiliary of the W. M. 3, In the school room of -the United Churdh, on Wed, evening, Dec. 1, were members of ,the Friend. ship Circle. The president, Mrs. A. Lane, was in charge and opened the meeting by repeating the Lord's prayer is unison. The Sec. report by Miss M. Robinson and the Treas. report by Mrs. R.J. McLauchlin were received and adopted. It was an- nounced that the church Wenders were on hand and would sell at 50c each, The offering teas taken and .the tthangfui boxes were brought in at this meeting. Mrs, W. Bell read the names of the officials for 1955, as prepared by the nominating committee after which the Friend- ship Circle took charge of program. Officers of the W. M. S. for 1955: Past President Mrs. A. Lane Mrs. H. Thomas Mrs, L. Nichol Mrs. A. Brown Presidenit 1st Vice Pres. 2nd Vice Pres. 3rd Vice Pres..... Miss C. Hingston Trews. Mrs. R. J. McLauohlln Rec. Sec. ....... Miss F. Buchanan Christian, Stewardship Sec. ......,.... Mrs• R, Cousins Chrishian Citizenship Sec...,. Mrs. H. ent Literature Sec. Mrs D. N. Supply Sec. Associate Helpers i airy Monthly mon subject, What Foundation?, He asked the ciueetlon. "What lnovis- l ion have we made for our children? , and reforest to the picture on he cover of the weekly bulletin show- 1 ing a home built upon the sound foundation of the Holy Bible, also a i'ttle boy and girl reading 1111e Bible Stories, We need homes found. 1 , I ed upon Ole Word of God. At one The me nbers of the W, M. S. and ! time it was a familiarthingto have Friendship Circle met on Wednesday bible reading and damily altar in ' 'evening, Dec. let in tate church base - the home. But to -day we think we meat for their annual joint Christmas must be ,scientific and abreast of the -mooting with a. good attendance pre - times, and yet we see many typea of Sent. The Fniendship Circle met for crime and 'wrongdoing by young a short business melting prior to People, Let us look beck 50 yelvre the regular meeting and the slate and see how this condition. of thing: 0f officers for the coming y -ear was came to pass. When we stopped our presented by the nont0nating nom - bible reading and family worhiO, we mittee. were building our hones upon blue President Mrs. A. Watson sand and this, laid the foundation let Vice Pres. ,Mrs,. IVr, Tyerman The Rev. for crime and wrongdoing, Parents end Vice Bres. .... Miss L. Mitchell M. V. Putnam officiating, Interment are partly to blame for We. They Secretary Mrs. H. Wheeler In Fairview cemetery Lt2toweL thought they Could get along with Asst. Jame. Mrs. G. Kellington The pallbearers were her neigh• mit the bible. We see children going Treasurer Mrs, D. McAiiter boors, Messrs, Earl Mills, John Con- te all kinds of wordly affairs and Asst. Treats. Mrs. 3. Evans ley, John Purvis, Russell Menet, places but not to Sunday School and Sunshine Treas.. ,,,, Mrs. H. Hend- Sam Helenas.) and Carl McDonald. The church. I arson, Asst. Mrs. H. Bray flowerbearers were former neigh - It is tome, as c'hrietian people, Press Reporter Mrs. A. Smith tours, Messrs. Alex McDonald, Gore'. that we should do all we can to Asst Mrs,. E. Pearson' on Holt, Robert McDonald, Lawrence change the trend of the times. If we The members of the Frienshin Willis, Ceoil Payne and Sohn build our house upon the rock ,w1lich ' Circle then took charge of the pro- McDonald. is Christ Jesus, we shall be wise. It, gramme which gad ae its theme takes time to read the bible to coir "Let's put Christ back- into Christ- : ohildren and to have fancily worship. mss" 1 There are many aids to Bible read - The meeting opened with a (hymn.St. John's Anglian Churrdt, ing and family worship published Mrs. J, Bridge read the Scripture and Brussels, decorated .with, baskets of today. Rev. left-. Colvin spoke of the Mrs. E. Miler led in prayer. An bronze andyelloy Chrysanthemums daily reading of "Every Day" issued article 'The Magic of Christutas' was against a raund of green ferns by the Peesb➢lterian Church. He also presented by Mrs. M. Tyerman. 1 was the setting for the wedding spoke of the difficulty of prayer in Tihis was followed .by a lovely solo , on Saturday. Dec. 461, of Mary family worship. The prayers need not by Mrs,. P. Cousins "Oh Doty Night." Elizabeth Smith and Climford Alex be long and if sincere, God will ace Mrs. L. Turnbull gave a reading on ander Morrow. The bride is the only ept them,. "Lela Keep Chrlstma5" and Mrs. L daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ernest The choir's contribution to the Evans recited a stirring poem "The Smith, Brussels, and the bridegroom service were the anthem's, "Come to tenchof the Master's band." Mrs• is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- our,hearts and abide," by Macy, and E. Hemingway then gave a read - ward Morrow, also of Brusselsv . Re "I will magnify Thee 0 God" by Wm. Mg on the origin of many of our A. Norman Ellis rector of the . ter. Spence, Mary Lou McFarlane taking to a R Hueth tlatter. BRUSSELS STORES ANNOUNCE HOURS 1 Announcement bas been made by the Bru'seele, Chamber of Commerce that stores will remain open on Wednesday e111010oane during Dec- ember, Commencing December 22113.1 stores will remain open each Even Ing until Christmas. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE AND W.M.S. MRS. WILLIAM CLOSE There passed away early Thurs- day morning, Nov, 25th. in the Lief. owel Memorial Hospital, Mia,, Will- fam Close in her 00131. year. She was formerly, Elizabeth Jane Brecken- ridge, eldest daughter of Mee. David Breekenrisge and the late Mr. Precis- midge.p Mrs.Close was horn and educated to Morris Township, She married Will. inn Close 8n 19.25, anld was a Presby tertan by faith, Since her marriage she has always resided in Grey Township near Ethel Surviving besides her huband, is her mother, Mrs. Breckenridge, a o1 ter (Mary) Mrs. Cameron Edgar, of Gorrie, and a brother, Selalt Brecken- ridge of Grey Township. She was pre- deceased byher father, and two Met.ers a number of years ago. Funereal services were held from the Ross E. Harrison Funeral Horne in Listowel on Saturday. er then rendered a lovely solo "Star Morrow - Smith ristmas customs. Mrs. r-. was assisted by Rev. George Morrow, he solo part in bh:e uncle of .the bridegroom as he Per. UNITED CHURCH Y. P. S. of the EaJt." The meeting closed formed the ceremony and alias The young people met in the Parlour of the tlnited Church on Dec. 6 with 20 members Present. The scripture was read by Catherine • th "Angels from a realms of glory' Perris Presided at the and the benediction was recited in organ and acemoanled the •solotelt ono served The hovel of the W.M.S. Mr. Brian Prescott, ea he sang then a . Watson hutch. Mrs,. ea •"fie Lord's Prayer" and "Be - Lane and Mrs. Wapoured tea Given in marriage by her Leach. The business' was discussed at a table most fittingly decorated • and the minutes of the last meeting, for Christmas. father, the bride wore a floor -length , gown of white nylon net with double were read was JoyceneansTbowered by oTur ; Skirt mounted on satin with irides roll call was answered by your• MELVILLE W. M. S. cent sequin trim The bodice was favourite Christmas Carol. Officers .,,,The December meeting o2 the Pres. Lor the year 1955 were elected: byterian W. M. S. was held in the of chantilly lace with long sleeved 11 President Joan Thema r w s', church parlour a splendid atten- bolero with points over the hand.i Her• head -350581 was a tiny crown, Vice Pres. DoltHemingva7 dance. The president Miss Bessie � held n three- MDstl rHoaveSmith' Moses opened the mooting by the, Sequin brimmed, wed Secretary •••••.•••••••,.•veil. She carried a singing of C'lwlatmae carols Lollow quarter length McDonald Preasurer Marfan Hoover i a white 'satin prayer book which Mrs. W. Todd • Pianist + ed by the Cordis Prayer. The scene- , had been carried by her ga•and- Mrs. A. Asst. Pianists .,.. Marion HemingwaY ; tary's minute's were read and the I Jane liana I treasurer gave a most gratifying re- , mother art her wedding• It was Armstrong crested with a boquet oR whits baby Mils on Sec. Mrs- Convenors I, pont of the years 'work. Report of the WEbse , Recreation Convenor Joyce; nominating committee on the follow -I ohrysanithemums. centred with deep Thomas red roses and tied with white salt Mrs. R. Walker , I intg officers for i965 was then read � Sress Sec. by Maes. Harvey Dennis,•,,, streamers. The attendants were Mals. M. Missions and World Outreach ' Miss Marton Morrow, sister of the Supt. MzaeTon Band Dennis John Hoover : Hon. President .•.. Ma's. N. H. Cardiff � Mrs. W. Faitt9t and Evangelism Keith President Miss Bessie Moses', bridegroom and Miss Helen Moffatt. Supt. Baby Band Mrs Stewardship and Tra[n4ng Turnbull zit Vice Pros. Mrs. H, T. Colvin; London. They were attired in ident.- Kellington ... 1 ."' eta dresses, of nd Vice Pres. Mrs. Geo. Elliott icai floor -length 1 ta2R with 1 CommunGty Friendship See. Mallow Iiemingwa9 3rd Vice Pres, ,.,. Mrs. J. C. Backer 1. peao°ek red 'shat with blue, A. Lane 1 Lull shirts and boleros. 'IUteir head- 1 Citizenship and Community I Secretiary Mrs. H. - 1 Lane' c, Mrs. W. W. Smith i dres5ey were of the same material I ,..,.•.. of white MathesonM Service Agnes ! Asst. Se carried nosegays CARD OF THANKS Reporter Linda Todd i Treas. Mrs. Jahn Yuili and they tied Press Repo tthemums and yellow ohTYs We wish to Mans our friends and neighboums Tor the help and many I Lt was, then decided that Lha time I Asst. Treas. of V• P. meeting's would be the first Pianidt kind SAW of sympathy during our • and third Monday of each mo with the races Phi all will nth l I9 Mrs. Wm, Martin! Mr, Mrs. HaUrold Cardiff 'I with yellow satin streamers. i Asst, pianist Mrs. Walter Kerr I Stewart Smite', brother of the bride I Glad Tidings Sec, M. Daniel wets groomsman) and the ushers t sad bereavement. The meeting was' closed w Huether, Mns. Wm. Little I were Mr. Russell Fear and Mr. 1 The. kindness of Dr. Stephens and 1 singing of tails. i both of Birt was vary much appreciated and ! Welcome Welfatre See. Mrs.. tam Young, II PF�r, ,, 4Jj ��,{r/lT!! H. B. Allo* I re''ceptton which took Place In the 1 always be raynembered. Irina church PaRlowre, the brides mermen Mit. Dam Glassier and Family 1E GENT Se for Literature & Library Sec, navy blue crepe ; Gib l Wm.M Gi nls wore a`cestume of THEATRE their pia d Jordon I grooms Mother was th, Ont' Cradle Rall Mrs• Wes, Kerr blue with ncceJorias of lighter * * I The many it that site had Ohs d Lenders Mrs. blue an,d a corsage of redcanna carnations,. in S•ou'iih• aliases Margaret and Lillis, I c n son, Toronto, visited at the home of Press Reporter Mrs. Geo. Evans with A doles and ae corsage• ewe sue. and hire, Gibson Asst. Press Reporter ........ MTs. Jno. of pink dressed to navy d over the week -en , Mende of Miss Janet a Friday and Saturday Robertson regret Mission Band "THE RAID" misfonbuns to have her arm caught j Gerald Gthson, Mrs. A Higgins; For n motor trill) to points in an electric 1 ,... Sonnere ern Ontario, the bride wore a dress Van Hellen Anne 8aricroft very eyciting story of the Civli Mise Grace Stewart,who has been { Mrs. Frank Nichol, Mrs. Geo• of charcoal sane, War between States of the U.S.A. visiting to the vicinity with relatives ; Bone, Mrs.W Hired Shontr0ed coat of cceaeood wool with winter friends for the last two months I - SuRptB Commit efra e Mrs. H. whoa rosewood a wood`s' * * *andTor• Mrs. Inc.,Work, Mrs. I rod rases. Theon their return, they t Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Dennis' silver Canoes. C Davis ( will live good 1 A piano solo (Sweety an Maitland Was held recon y Countries In a ritodern setting f The Brussels United Church Christ- * *•now, A diner was served 11 ri.90 85 j variatinl1s 311.1 henuttfallly given fid {' 1110 evening• James B°wards was ( Mrs. Nelson Cardiff. Several calls ani nae, Concert will be held on Mon., Thursdays Friday and Saturday "THE STRATFOSD STORY" sliest d ptes,fdent of the society, Ho; M i it nail 4 t -fns were reported Dec. 20th. d tot Melt ll a taken follow 5hakesperlan Festival 1s a p , a as Thought." 1 Thursday, ironer. Home Helpers Mra. Wm. i toppedwon with e V A returned home after vetting In * onto, She now lives with her brother A Coming to Brussels on SATURDAY, DEC. 11th He will arrive in Brussels at 2 o'clock - parade of floats and costumed characters will be accompanied by The Lions Club Boys and Girls Band and the Brussels Legion Pip Band. Santa will distribute candies to all the boys and girls on the main street. (In the Town Hall if the weather is bad.) COME TO BRUSSELS TO MEET SANTA Sponsored by The Business Men The Chamber of Commerce The Canadian Legion The Lions Club DANCE Forrester's Hall, Belgrave on Thursday, December 16th MUSIC BY WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Dancing 10 to 1 — Lunch Counter Admission at Popular Prices — Everyone Welcome Draw for Chrome Kitchen Suite will be made at Dance Sponsored by North Huron Jr. Farmers "EAST OF SUNATRA" ivirs Tncob Fischer Jeff Chandler .... Marilyn Maxwell Harry in North Battle, Seek,Mho Young :People's 'Rally of Huron A very story of the Eastern tl in I1101 B d BAIN NOTICE Auditors • Mr». Harold Spelr e 1. s,C t le Y. P. S. ed by also Desi en The offering wa.also I the roll call, A C11r1. tm VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 111r Chria'inas rnraaag0 was. given We specialize in styling, cutting, I • "THE GLASS WALL" BORN Open Monday to Gloria Grahame Vittorio Gossmen TTODttTos — To Mr, and Mrs. Jack by Mrs,. Metbirson fealowed by a . and cold waving. Christmas, relent. The president offer. ; Saturday cld * * * Ilodglns (nee Joyce Sardine) in Coming Soon — Chatham General Hospital, a son, "THREE SAILORS AND A GIRL" David Arthur. inclusive. ed prayer. The alerting rloeed with', M. Velma Stephenson tie Vern bendi1Hnte Turkey Bingo For the third of Three Turkey Bingos Sponsored by Canadian Legion Brussels Branch 218 In Brussels Town Hall on Friday, December 10th Watch for Posters "Phone 1023(1'4 i EUCHRE and DANCE In Cranbrook Community Centre Friday, December 10th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Dancing from 10 to 2 Admission at Popular Prices Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Board LUNCH BOOTH EVERYBODY WELCOME i11„.iiIiIUIuIUIIIumllR1111111w1111111®®wnu1r>n► What's the scare?? 11'ocinr Tiewitt 113 hi: sen Till aro taking nut from broadra>ting hockey games over CRC to do 0111981' Christinee sisnllping.