HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-12-01, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST Post Publishing House Authorized as second el&U mall, Posit Office Departs:met, Ottawa Wednesday, December lst, 1954 $2.00 per year - $2.50 J. Z; CHRISTMAS CONCERT will be held at S. S. No, 4 Morris on` Teturs,day evening, Dec, 90, begin Hing at 8.00 p. m, Admission, Adults 35r, Children 10c. Bverybody Wel• come. BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH CAROL SERVICE and PAGEANT "The Glory of the Lord" SUN.., DEO. 12 at 7.30 P. M. S. S. No. 7 and No. 12 McKillop are having their CHRISTMAS CONCERT Operetta, "Cin'derella" In Walton Community Hall on TUES., DEC. 7th, at 8.30 P. M. DANCE Music by Wllbee's Orchestra. Lunch will be served. BAKE SALE AND TEA For the C. G. I. T. in 'the Pubiio Library, Sat., Dec. 4th, at 3 p. m. There will be fruit cake, short bread, candy, baking, Christman puddings, table centres and rag dolts Please help the girls in this worthy Project. NOTICE line Melville Church Sunday School Christmas Concert will be held on Friday, Dec, 17th, CAPITOL 1ISTOWEL THEATRE 2 shows nightly 7.80 - 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Thur. - Frl. Dec. 2 • 3 In CINEMASCOPE - In TECHNICOLOR An exciting adventure story of the sponge fishers off the Florida coast. See the fight with the giant octupus. 'BENEATH THE TWELVE MILE REEF" Saturday Only December "BLACK HORSE CANYON" starring Joel McCrea, Marl Blanc' hard. A thundering story of an outlaw stallion that refused to be tamed. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Deo. 6 - 7 • B You'll roar with delight and laught. er as Danny Kaye outwits a huge spy ring and wins the girl of his choice lit '4.411 "KNOCK ON WOOD" with Danny Kaye, Mal Zettering A picture recommended for the entire family. MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - BRUSSELS -10.00 a. m. Sunday School 11.00 a. m. Morning Worship What Leenda'tion? Anthem, "I will magnify Tliee O God", SlaenCO, Minister : Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D. Organist : L. D. Thompson R. M. T. United Chan ch OF CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Wors'hep-11 o'clock "Canvass Yourself" Cruroh School -,12 o'clock, "Prepare ye the way of the Lodd." Church of England Parish of ■ruswN Rev. A. Norman Ellis, M. A. Advent II Sunday 6 Deo, 8tt, John's Church, Brussels 11 a, te. Holy Communion Sunday School 7.80 eiem. 'Sanaa' Church. Ser- vice. Penedo of 2nd Brugsels Scout and Cubt. Parents and friends invited. St. Davld'e, Henfryn -- 2.30 p• in, I]vening Brayer Sunday School •GRER TWP. RESIDENT ENTERS 87th YEAR Mrs, Margaret Cardiff celebrated her 86th binthd'ay at the hoes of Mr. ,and Mrs, Douglas Hemingway, Grey Township, Members of her family were join- ed by soveral nieces and nephews from Paris, Drumbo and Brudsels at a chicken dinner with a birthday calve occupying the centre of the talitle, Mrs, Cardiff's immediate family conslste of Mus. Hemingway, Mra Harvey Dennis, and Harold Cardiff, all of Grey Township. Although ,confined to a wheel- - chair for many years, Mrs. Car- diff remains • cheerful and friend• ly and enjoyed visiting with her guests during the afternoon and evening. HANNAS VACATIONING IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hanna left last week, when they flew from Toronto to Milami, Floricta, where they expect to spend the next few weeks, 'Tbeli address there will be the Alcazar Hotel, Biscayne,Blvd., Miami City, Fiorlda. NOTICE The Brussels 'United Church Christ - maty Concert will be held on Mon., Dec. 20th, DANCE HERE DEC. 29 The I, 0. 0, F. lodge are spon- soring dance in Brussels Town Hall on Wed. Dec. 29. Muse° supplied by Jack Thynne and his entertainers. Watch for further announcement. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for the cards and boxes of fruit while I was shut-in, also for the sympathy cards In the Iost of my loving Meter. Christen McDowell. VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE We specialize in styling, cutting, and cold waving. Open Monday to Saturday incluelve. - Mrs. Velma Stephenson 'Phone 10Ezr4 TO THE ELECTORS OF GREY TOWNSHIP After serving five years on the council board, I am again a eandid- ate for councillor. If elected on Dec. 13th, my motto will be to serve in the iteresit of our ratepayers as 1 hare in the pals't. Thanking you for your past support. Wm. B. Bishop. ELECTION TO SE HELD iN GREY TOWNSHIP Grey Townttsip Nomination meet- ing was held ip the Twp. Hall, littlei, on Monday afternoon, Nov. 29th, with a large attendance, Reeve - Clifford B. Rowland (Q), John McNabb (Q), Hugh Smith. Councillorls - John Conley, Geo. Hutohinson(Q), Arable Mann, Wm. B Bishop (Q), Clifford R. Dunbar (Q), Kenneth McFarlane (Q), Howard McNaught, Hugh Smith (Q), Thomas Strachan, ' School Trustees, John Conley (Q), Walter McFarlane(Q), Watson Bro- wn (Q), Lloyd Wheeler, David Hardy. John Paaryon was appointed, chair- man. Those nominated for Reeve and Council were called to platform. Clifford Rowland spoke first, and thanked his mower and seconder, He also thanked the Clerk anct Council for their co-operation. He toldthe people he had tried to do a geed job and would still try to do go. He read part of the County financial* statement, and gave the cost of the County Home and Court House. Ile mentioned building several brid'ge's in the Twp, this year. He read a letter from tine. Two. Auditors, included in the ACCLAMATION ACCORDECf 1 ACCLAMATION IN IN BRUSSELS I MORRIS TOWNSHIP R. B. Couains will serve again as ` Morris Township Nomination meet - reeve of the Village of Brussels I ing was held on Friday afternoon 1n having beon, returned by accluniat- I the TOwnebip Hall, Those nominat- ion. et the nomination meeting on , cd were: Friday night, Two of old Reeve arrotby Wm. council•lore, ,T.. H, Stretton she and C, Brydges an- AddiBailiesionPFraser.t- L. Workman qualified and ewe new, Council - Stewart Procter, by 1. members will tette office, they are Wickstead and Bari Weitz, Wm. r Gordon Kreuter, and George Me -Elston, by Nelson Higgins and J, Cutoheon. Adrian McTaggart who Weekstead. Roes, Duncan, by Nel- 1ha;s been a councillor for the past i son Higgins and A. Fraser, Walter number of year refused to ',gene : Shortreed, by Silas Johnston and R, B. Bennett and R. W, Kennedy 1 Wilmer Cuthill, also failed to utility.School Board Bernard Thomas, by T. Dundas ` Reeve - R. B. Cousins. and Geo. Michie, Roht. McMurray by Coucillors - C. L. Workman, J. Geo Michie and Torrance Dundas. H. Strebton, Gordon Kreuter and The meeting opened by appointing George McCutcheon. Harvey Johnston, chairman. Hydro Commissioner - W. R. The first speaker was Chas. Coult- Little. es, representative on the Winghem High Board, hated they 'School Board - Grereld Gibson,. Trope to have the new school con - :quart Lowe, Gordon Stephenson, Hugh Pearson, Frank Mitchell and Robert Walker. G. :1. Campbell' was appointed chairman for the proceedings and spoke watt regret of the absence of ,the late R. J. Bowman, who bad performed that duty for marry years. Plated by 1st of February. The mill . rate wee down this, year but will like- ly be up some for next year. The " transportation is down a little by get- ting some of ,the buses to go farther on some salary. Morris has, 58 Mill r attending Wsngham High School at the present time. Nelson Higgins. treasurer, weett Auditors Report for 1963. •Raere Cousins thanked them for over the treasurer's report of the Hugh Smith thanked his mover their confidence in. him having Township. and seconder. He gave a financial served his 90 term as reeve el the Ivan McA,rter, Road Superintend - picture of the Twp. regarding, the i village. He discussed County tin- ent, went over the road aecouets colIeotion of taxes for 'tate County ance's saying the new court house and answered any questions which Public Schools, High Schools; etc, will be built at an estimated Bost of came wp. He menifLoned 4he Twp. carrying $640,000. The new bridge at Auburn Bailie Parrott, Reeve, thanked his the 'Maitland. R3rver aeoottnt. He is costing $21,000. As, chairman of the mover and seconder and proceeded spoke of the bridges, •gravel tilsed County Home, he gave a report on the to review County affairs. Auburn on the roads and weed cutting. affairs of that institution, Mr bridge to cost a little under $215. John McNabb, thanked his mow- er and seconder. He thought the Cousins., reviewed the Brussels fin- , oast of bridges was high and said,' andel statement. He stated he was in his opinion, it would be cheap' fully aware of the need for police er to bus a mixer and the Tyne. i protection in Brussels but felt that build the bridges with daylal,or.1 of the taxpayer;, could afford. I the cast would be. more than frame There war, considerable discussion on the 14th. Concession Drain wad! Adrian McTaggart reported en Mr. McNabb asked the Reeve why , the water -works dtating ,there had it had ndt been proceeded with. He - been very little trouble. There are thought the council should try to! 231 water users. He said that the get the Gov. Grant on the repair Of fire department had been completely all drains. He said Grey's share i reorganized and there had been new the present time, some of whom are in the Meer Authority is 590,000. equipment purob.ased. in the Home for the blind. 00. Wm. ea Bishop thanked bit mor R. A, Bennett, chairman of the s Wm. Elston, Councillor, thank - §tree's end roads committee, gave a ed his mover and seconder, a.iso er and seconder. He stated the come"; t bre ;,n report on the work that had been those who supported him at the lied bad a sneg year. He said ; done,ow remora.], grass and weed Polls last year. Spoke on the Wing - the tender@ on the bridge were res• paving, work on ham Hosipital, for everyone in Morris sonable. and thought the Council cutting, gravel, basins and drains. Township it will be 51.50 theater should continue petting in culverts.' oatchthan for those In the Municipalities He couldn't see how it would be any 1 C. L. Workman thanked his stupor- that do not contribuhe, He also better if the Twp. had it's own mach, i tens and said he would carry on. suggested that a bridge be built ar inery to build bridges. He said the I J. H. Stretton also spoke at some bout every other year as there are Twee hadn't lost any giants• some anthem that are certainly not Clifford /Dunbar stated there had length on the need for local police 1n good repair. bean plenty of work done by Council I Protection saying that it would cow Stewart Procter, Councillor, thank - in pas% year. He said a surpluis 'was at least 6 meals or more. in. ed bus supporters of a year ago and not sesenttal, it was getting theI Gordon Kreuter signified his season for diesOne the 14th Con. hhdw is t i George McCutcheon slut R. w. Ken explained why we didn't sanction the SANTA CLAUS PARADE-- SATURDAY DECEMBER 11 The annual Brussels Santa Claus Parade will be held this year on Saturday, Dec. 11th, A giant parade is being planned with costumed fairy, tale' characters aeoompanying St. Nicholas, Of course there will be ons olalvne and two bands will be in. aft- I Jelin Conley was asked by the entlance. There will .also be floats. obeirman to speak, but said his This parade Is sponsored by the I 1ooa1 branchth es of the Lions Club, the name would not be on e ballot. for Legion and the `Chamber of ConeConnell. He thanked hie nominators. Kenneth McFarlane spoke on the (Continued on Bacic Page) 000 and to be ,complete in side of three weeks. 'Phe Court House is being built now and is, a 4 storey building, to be completed by 1956 will base living quarters for the janitor. Estimated price around $641,000 but may be $700,000 when furnished. Finished the addition to County Home and there are 74 inmat- es, cast around 5640,000 which in - eludes furnishing. There are 51 blind people from the County of Huron at tendon of qualifying for coo Wmghl.m High also the acclamation of this year. He work done. He said It Vas a poor School. spoke He e Dradn. He was asked why the Matt• Hedy spoke brteflY• on spraying cattle, He also thanked, land River witnedses, were not paid. Gerald Gibson spoke for Ole schoolhes mover end seconder. Howard McNaught thanked his board reviewing receipts and expend- mover and seconder. He stated his' iturels and explaining that the plan name would mot be on the ballot this for a kindergarten had to be dropped there would not be enough childrenyear. He said it wa;sn't always' the i attending, best for council to bake the lowest I Stewart Lowe, who replaced Rev. itatender on a ccm build He brithodges but W H. T. Fulton on the school board cl a good idea eato d be .07 ells but ( said he would continue as a memb- er with day labour than contract a pleasure to sewe on the school board and theft be would remain for another term. Wm. Newton, a member of the board, resigned to become its Sec: Trees., a position made vacant by the death of Mr. Bowman. Hugh Pearson was nominated, and qualified, as re member of the school board, to fill the vacancy lett by the res4gnation of Wm. Neoviton. W. R. Little spoke for the Wydro Commission. lie said there be an increa's'e in hydro rates owing to the damage caused by tate ice storm last emring. There has been no in- crease since 1945. Increased voltage means additional costs for trans- formers and new wiring. P, W. Tadd, reported On Wiughatn Diehrtet High School Area affairs.1 He told Chet there are 22 rooms in the Wingbeen School with 421 pupil;. 1 attending; 26 pupils from Brussels. Mr. Todd staid the new scllo0l wee I being completed well ahead of its; contract.. He expected there would I STIOPIHENSON - -•'Po Mr. and Mrsbe an increase 111 the las rate of 1 Gordon Stepbeneon, on Wedues mill Yettng clnrad what God Save day, Nov. 24th, at Dr, •Myer's nursing home, a daughter, Jean the Queen. Elizabeth. merce REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Humphrey Bogart Ripe Ferrer ' 'THE CAINE MUTINY" From a prize winning book to a spectacular motion picture long to be remembered aa,all time great. * * * Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 'THE KIDNAPPERS" Vincent Winters Jon Whitley A picture for the whole family. A Wonderful heart warming story of °arty backwoods Canada s s Thursday, Friday and Saturday "CITY OF BAD MEN" (Adult) Jeanne Gratin Dale Robertson • e, e Conning Soon - "EAST OF SUNATRA" Daniel Glassier Daniel Glmgster, 73, who died at 1 this home here on Saturday night, farmed on concession 12, Grey TWP., until coming to Brussels 12 years ago.. Surviving besides his wife, ,the former Mabel. McNichol, are two sons, Fred, Now Liskeard; Stewart, Midland; and three grandchildren. Service was conducted on Wed• nesday at 2 p. m„ by the Rev. A. Lane of Brussels 'United Church from the D. A. elan funeral home. Interment in Brussel' Cemetery, BORN Walter shortreed, Coumctllor, mentioned the High School and it was up to a Municipality to =poly High Schools. There crave been a lot of optics for poultry and there is an agitation to do something about the foxes. Every person raising poultry should protect Men. poultry tate same as anyone would protect livestook. He thanked all those who supported him last year and hie, mover and seconder for this and hit, mover end seconder for thls year. He would like suggestions etc. for holding a centennial for Morris Township in 1956. Ross Duncan, Councillor, thanked his erupporters last year in the election end also his supporters of this year. He didn't feel that be (Continued on Back Page) CHRISTMAS MAILING DATES United States before Deo. 8. British Columbia and Newfound• laud before Dee. 11. Alta., Sask., Mane and Maritime Provinces before Dec. 13, Onteria std Quebec before Dec. 15. Loral matting,, before Dec. 17. Do all your mailing before the above dates in order to avoid din sappointment end please tie your letters (5e) and cards (2e) in bun•, Mee, separating the bundlee of 2c and the 50, this will assist the Post Office to here your mailings dens Patched early. Mail Early. To The Electors of Grey Township - Your vote and influence is respectively solicited in tho coming election. After serving as your Reeve for the past three years I ask for an expression of confidence by returning me to that office where I will serve to the best interest of all, Clifford Rowland Turkey Bingo The first of Three Turkey Bingos Sponsored by Canadian Legion Brussels Branch 218 In Brussels Town Hall on Friday, December 3rd Watch for Posters EUCHRE and DANCE In Cranbrook Community Centre Friday, Dec'amber 10th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Dancing from 10 to 2 Admission at Popular Prices Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Board LUNCH BOOTH EVERYBODY WELCOME Ideal Christmas Gifts AVON COSMETICS AND TOILETRIES - finest msney can buy - Gifts for everyone on your list : Chose them in your home - from your Avon representative Mrs. Doris Thompson Phone Brussels 20r11 Annual Firemen's Ball In Brussels Town Hall on Wednesday, Dec. 8th MUSIC BY WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Dancing from 10 P. M. to 1 A. M. Dress Optional LUCKY DRAW FOR MOTOROLA T. V. Tickets - $1.00 Each Admits You to Dance and Chance on T. V. Set PEARSON'S SHOE STORE and MEN'S WEAR FREE 1955 MARCONI TV SET ' and 1955 MARCONI AUTOMATIC ()LOCK RADIO One Free 'Draw Ticket with every item purchased of $1.00 or over,. Draw to be made Dec. 24th at 10 P. M., Fri. Christmas Eve. LADIES' Snowboots and Overshoes $3.95 and Up Slippers $1.50 and Up Skates (White) $8,95 Figure $10.95 Nylons 16 Denier and 51 Gauge $1.00 MEN'S Snowboots and Overboats $4.95 and Up Slippers $1.95 and Up Skates $8.96 and Up Just Arrived a large assortment Christmas Stock Ties Hats (Stetson) Shirts (Forsyth) Sweaters (Tony Ski Gaps Jewellery Gloves Socks Phone 11 Brussels, Ont. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION • "Where Better Bulls Are Used" - Promotional Educational meetings will be held for those in Huron County interested, or who May become interested in artificial breeding. Tuesday, December, 7th, 1954 In the FORRESTER'S HALL, BELGRAVE AT 1.89 P. M. and the TOWN HALL, EXETER AT 8.30 P. M. The program will consist of Slides and talks with queetton and answer period,