HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-11-17, Page 1THE B " USSELS POST i :.Prost Publishing House antimrized ss second clue mall, t OCIoe Department, °t4"" Wednesday, November 17th, 1954 $2.00 per year ., $2.50 13Pt IOWE'S GROCERY Cooked and Lured Meats .PHONE 12 BRUSSELS, ONT. ,Special for Thurs., Fri: and Sat. Nov. 18-20 Seedless Raisins .19.c lb. Marra's Bread - Kraft Pinner - r ° 2 for 25c !'Mother Parker's Tea Bags Pkg- (60'a • 77o Margarine 31c 4 for 30c 15c 'Camay Hand Soap lc Sale fAlurninur'n Foil, 25 ft. Roll 'Mother Jackson's Pie Crust, 'Save 10c 26c 2 for 610 Javex 16 oz. 15c -22 'oz. 25c - 64 oz. 490 'Bulk'Prunes 25c lb. 'Heinz's Baby Food (full line) 3 for 29c s Features in our Frozen Food Dept. 'Organe Juice, Lemon Juice, Strawberries, Peas, Raspberries and 'Fish. 'For 'that Christmas Cake, Nuts, Peels, 'Currants and etc. Lucky Draw Don't forget - Lucky Draw for 100 lb. bag. 'Red Path Sugar on !December 1. WE 'DELIVER MORNING AND AFTERNOON ANYWHERE. CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN The Christmas •Seals for the an - reel caan aign'foe the Huron Count/ Tuberculosis association are in the meal for this district. The funds rale. ed are used for the purchase of X-ray equipment, referred x-ray elintoal educaklonel services and rehabilit ahem cd discharged Patients from sanitariums. This cause is sponsored by your local Lions Club and is woe thy of the wholehearted support of the community. BRUSSELS C. G. 1.7. The second meeting of the O,G.I.T, was held at the home of Mrs. Calvin Kreuter on Nov, 13, Thirteen girls attended. The usual opening exer- cles and devotional part of the meeting took place. The girls made plans for their bake sale to be held In the library on Dec. 4, Any lad- ies of the congregation interesed in the girls work ore asked to help in this project and It will be greatly Elea' predated. The girls uniforms will be sent for right away in order •to have them here for their Chrtstmas set- , vice. The rag dots are in the mak- ing and the girls are quite interested in th6s. Mrs. 0. Kreuter and Mrs, D. Hemingway served the girls a lunch. MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - BRUSSELS 10.00 a. m. Sunday School 11.00 a. n . Morning Wbrsblp "Will God Provide Away of Fseca5e?t' Minister : Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D. Organist : 1.. D. Thompson R. M. T. United Chm ch OP CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worsb8p-11 o'clock Crutch School --(S2 o'clock, ter-- ' Churchof England Parish of /ruts': Rev. A. Norman Ellis, M. A. Sunday Before Advent Sunday, 21 November •t. John's Churoh, Brussels 8.80 a. m; Holy Communion 11„00 a.m. Holy Oommun.lon Sunday School St. David's, Henfryn -- 2.80 pan, Holy Oomrnmtlon Sunday Soheol at, George's Walton 8 p. in. Evening Prayer CARD OF THANKS i would like to express my sincere thai&s to ail my friends, neighbors, and relatives for the cards, visits and kindness ;shown me during my stay in. Wingham Hospital. Mrs,. Wm. J. McMurray, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbors for all the kindness and expressions of 'sym- pathy shown us during our recent , bereavement. The Bing Family, CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who visit- ed me in the hospital and since re- turning bonne to Stanley's, for the treats, cards and other kindness, A special thanks' to Mrs. Ken Mac Donald and Dr. Myers, These kind- ness will long be remembered by Robert 0. Campbell.' CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbours who re. membered us in any way during our recent 'sad bereavement - it was very mudh a`pprecia'ted and will long be remembered, - Mr. and Mae. Harold Spetr end Family I CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity to thank all our friends, neighbours and relatives for floral tributes,to . who sent cards of sympathy, or help- ed in any way, during our recent bereavement. It was much apprec- iated. Rim, Was. J.'Patterson and family. CARD OF THANKS We wtah to thank our neighbour and friendly 'for the many kind Acte of sympathy and help during our recent clad bereavement. The kind - TMs of all was very much appreci- ated, and will always be remem- bered. ' Mrs. Augustus R. Wheeler and family. REGENT THEATRE Seaf Orth, Ont. • • • Thursday, Friday and Saturday GUNSMOKE" Audle Murphy Susan Cabot A thrilling story of the opening of the Montana Territories s • • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "SAADIA" Cornel Wilde Mel Ferrer For the first time. A great picture filmed entirely In authentic scenes of wild, hot-blooded Morocco • * • Thursday, Friday and Saturday "CALAMITY JANE" - Doris Day Howard Keel * * * Coming Soon - "SAILOR OF THE KING" MUNICIPAL NOTICE REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE HERE hereby give notice that NominatioS of a 'Reeve 'Four Councillors, Three School 'Trustees and One Hydro Oornmissloner to serve the Village of 'brussels during the year 1955, + will be held at BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY From 7 P.M. to 8 P. M, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1954 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1954 !Polling Bub -Division No. 1 in the Brnesels. C'oumcil Chamber at the Town Hall; D. R, 0., J. W. Fischer; P. C. Mento Jackson, Polling SuleDLgl8ion No. 2 in the basement of the Brussels Lib- rary; D. R. 0., W. A. Bell; P. C„ Ben. Whittard, Polls to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. G. R. Campbell, Returning Officer. MUNICIPAL NOT'IC'E I hereby give notice that Nomination of a Reeve Four Councillors, Three School Trustees to serve the Township of Grey during the year 1955. , will be held at TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1954 If demanded a Poll wilt be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 1954 Polling S ub-Division No. 1 at School House S. S. No. 4. -Polling Sub -Division No. 2 al School House S. S. No.1. Polling Sub -Division 170. 3 at Everett Perdue, Lob 8 Con 16, Grey. PoHinlg Sub-Divisfen No, 3'A ah Community Hall, Walton. Polling ' Sub-Dtvision No. 4 at Community Hall, Moncrieff. Polling Sub -Division. No. 5 at Towndblp Office, Ethel. Polling Sub -Division No. 6 at School House S. S. No. 5. Polling Sub -Division No. 7 at Community Hall. Cranbrook. Polis to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Edythe M. Cardiff, Reurning Officer. MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that Nomination of a Reeve Four Councillors, Two School Trustees to serve the Township of Morris during the year 1955. will be held at ' MORRIS TOWNSHIP HALL From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. "FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1954 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1954 Polling 5 ub-Division No. 1 at School House S. S. No. 1; D. R. 0, Glen Gibson; P. C., J. 0, Haines. Polling Sub -Division No. 2 at School House S. a. No. 9; D. R. 0., Wm. Somers; P. 0. Geo, McArthur. 1,eiling 'Sub -Division No. 3 at School Haase S. S. No. 5; D. R. 0., Harry McGuire; P. C., Harry Goll. Polling Sub -Division No. 4 at Morris Township Hall; D. R. 0.. Gordon Wilkinson; P. C., Douglas Smith. Polling Sub -Division No. 6 at School House S. S. No. 7; D. R. 0., Melvin Craig; P, 0., Harvey Edgar. Polling Sub -Division No. 6 at School House S. S. No. 10; D. R, 0., Ralph Shaw; P. C., Wilfred War- wick. Polis to be opened from 9 A, M. to 5 P. M. Gen. Merlin, Returning Offioet CARD OF THANKS I take this opportunity to thank my many friends who called to see me while 1 was.+ sick also on.ee who sent cards and for the box of fruit from the Ladies' Aid and Young People of the Presbyterian Churoh for flowers. Ben. Walker, VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE We specialise In styling, cutting, and cold waving. Open Monday to Saturday inclusive. sirs. Velma Stephenson 'Phone 102x`4 R.emernbrauee Day was observed in Brussels i er e f o - °iJni s :otos vp u#lt t ed church, with Rev, Andrew Lane meets/ler of the church asslsted by iter. A. Norman Min of Se John's Anglican Church and Rev, Harold T. Colvin of Melville Presbyterian Oltureih, Mr.Colvin preached tato sermon 'urging his listeners to join a crutsade to put down Cin in the world as the sole way to assure a world free from war. Special music for the ,servi'ce wan In charge of Mrs. Edwin Martin, organist of the church. It conlafsted of a piano and pipe organ duet by Marlon Hemingway and Mrs. Martin, an anthem lay the their, a men's quar- tette number by Stanley and Lloyd Wheeler, Thomas Pierce and Thom- as Strachan, and a solo by Joan Thomas. Brusslells Legion 218, the Ladies Auxiliary and a section of the 100th. Battery R. 0. A. under Capt. William Newton, filled the centre of the chu'rdh. Their parade was led by, the Bruesele Legion Pipe Band. At the service at the cenotaph which followed, ,T. Calvin Kreuter was in charge and wreaths were placed for the Province of Ontario by W. H. Bell; village of Brussels, Reeve R. B. Cousins; Township of Morris, Reeve Mailley Parroltq; Township of Grey, Reeve Clifford Rowland; St. Ambrose Roman Oath- ol:ic Church, Mas, Florence Russell; St. John's Anglican. Ohurcdt, Mrs. Ben. Wltiliitard; Melville Presby- terian Churoh. Mrs. Robert Wilson; Brussels United Church, Thomas Pierce; Cltaanber of Commerce Harold Thomas; L.O.L., Fnamk Car- diff; A.F. and A. M., Edwin Martin; I. 0. 0. F., Allan McCall; Lions Club, Max Oldfield; Cranbrook Women's ' Inetttute, Miss Lena Noble; Brute vele Women's Institute, Mrs. John Spear; 100th. Battery R. C. A„ Ar- chie Willis; Ladies' Auxiliary, Mrs. David frostings; Brussels Legion Band, Tom McFarlane; Lsl$ton branch ea, Russell Hall. Mrs. J.oseph Baker placed a wreath in memory of her son Peter. A prayer• by Rev. Mr. Ellis follow- ed the placing of the wreaths and the Brussels, Legion Pipe Band played a Lament during which flags were dipped. Flag hearers were Mrs. John Lowe, Elmer Sellers and Jack Brewer. The two minute silence was followed by a :election by. the pipe band, the singing of the national an- them and the Benediction by Rel., Harold T. Colvin. , MELVILLE CHURCH The minister, Rev. Harold Colvin on Sunday morning last, preached on the subject "The Folly of Indecis- ion". In the gospels we are told of three men who offered to follow Christ, one of whom thought he ough to have a home and temporal secur- ity. Another [said, let me first go and bury my father, but Jesus answered Reim, Let the dead bury their dead, but go thou and preach the gospel. We have all heard excuses made. These men knew they should follow Christ, but they did not Indecision. Is folly, and indecision is sin, We have met people who alwaes agree with everyone they meet, an'd 'always. go with the crowd Our Lord said. No man can serve II two masters. Ye cannot serve God` and mammon, if It is said of you, I that you are all things to all men, you cannot belong to Christ. Lot's, wile Was e. woman who want- ed to escape destruotion, but she looked back, because she tonged for her friends ,and the old life. If we are to be God'a children, and followers or Christ we harve to make decisions. Felix is nn example of in- ' decision. It 'las a terrible thing which Felix said to Paul, when I have a. more convenient time I will send for thee, and he went into a Christlese grave, It is not good en- ough to put our band ,to bite plougb, and then look back. The choir sang the anthem, "0 for a closer walk with God." with Bill king as tenor solotat, Organist Louis D. Thompson, played a Bach "Chorale" during the offertory. BORN SANTA CLAUS PARADE SATURDAY DECEMBER 11. The annual Brussels Santa Claus Parade a e will be bald this year 00 Saturday, Dec, llth. A glent parade is being planned with costumed fairy tale Characters accompanying St, Nioholas, Of course there will be olowme and two bands will be in alt endanoe, There will .also be floats. 'Phis parade is sponsored by the local brandues of the Lions Club, the Legion and the Chamber of Cone merce RIVERSIDE MOTORS BROKEN INTO Riverside Motors was again bro- ken into, sometime during the early bouts of Wednesday morning, The thief, or thieves, smashed the plate glass of the office door in an attempt to reach in and release the lock. This door can not be opened without. a key sw entry was gained by breaking the plate glass in a second door where they succeeded in releasing the lock. Mr. Geo. eic.Cutcheon, proprietor, said am unknown quantity of eig- arettes and chocolate bars are miss, Ing Provincial police investigated. This is the third time this year that this garage Stas been broken into. CELEBRATE FIFTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stevenson of the 10th. concession of Grey, cele- brated their 50th- anniversary os Ftdday evening in the Cranbrook Community Centre, with a capacity . crowd. The hall was chosen for the "Home" for :this event. Mrs. Stevenson, the forme, Maggie Mande Adams and William Curtis Stevenson were united in mar- I riage at the manse Cranbrook, on Nov. 9th. 1904 by the Rev. D. B. Me • Rae and have lived on the same farm on the 10th. eon. ever since. Their family consists of 2 daugh- ters, Margaret, "Mrs. Stanley Spei- j ran" Ethel; Kay "Mrs. Kay Mathews" Toronto and one son 'Murray who, died in infancy.There are two grand sons, Maurice D, Speiran, Brantford and Bruce E. Speiran, Listowel and one great grandattghter, Beverly Ann Speiran, Listowel, The hall was decorated with a thr-I ee tier wedding rake. baskets of mums and roses and wedding bells. After meeting old friends and new friends, a splendid programme was enjoyed with Mr. Jas. Bremner a5 master of ceremonies. At the Close of time programme Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson were called tl the plattbrm and presented with a gift of money, Mr. J. A. Wilson read tbe addresls and Mrs. Leslie Lake made the presentation. Mr. Staple enson made a suitable reply thank- ing everyone for the gift and also anyone taking Part in any way to- ward oward making the evening eo enjoy- able. The ladies of Ethel, W, 1. served the luncb to a very capable manner. Roots McTaggart, Stewart McNair Mr. and Mrs. Orville Harrison, Mr. and Mos. George Evans supplied the :mute for the dancing for the remainder of Lhe evening. At the close everyone wished the happy couple many more years of health and hruppineSs. Friends and relatives were pres- ent from Calgatly, Toronto, HSmtil. ton, Brantford, Waterdown and Strat- ford. Ethel and Listowel. They also received ntrany cards, gifts and telegrams. Mr and Mas. Stevenson plan on purchasing a TV set with thts gift of money, and will often think of their friends and netghbons while enjoying Tv. WORK -- Tn Mr. and Mrs. Graham Work, en Saturday, Nov. 18th, in Winghem Grnernl hospital, a.. daughter, Mary Kathryn, a atster for Ben, anti Judy, ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mae. Ernest Smith of Morris Township, wish to announce the engagemeltt of their only daugh- ter, Mary Elizabeth of London, to Oliffoed Alexander Morrow, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morrow of Grey Township. Wedding to take pface early part of December. Bl0RN Wlfil'rTARD - To Mr. and Mrs, Forrest Wbiltard on. Friday, Nov. lenh, at Dr. flyer',, Nursing Home n son, Kenneth Richard, • Bake Sale ' and Tea The Ladies' Aid of Melville Presbyterian Church are holding a Bake Sale,t5ewrngt and Tea in the Library on Saturday, Not& 27, at 2.30 p. m. Turkey Bingo The first of Three Turkey Bingos. - Sponsored by Canadian Legion Brussels Branch 218 In Brussels Town Hall on Friday, November 26th'' Watch for Posters ...s••••••w DANCE In Cranbrook Community Centre Friday, November 19th Music by The Noll Sisters Dancing from 10 to 1 Admission at Popular Prices Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Bawd LUNCH BOOTH EVERYBODY WELCOME-" 711111111R■RRRRRRRRRiRRRRRRRRRiRrRRRiR111ff ATA LISTOWEL. 2 Shows Nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2'p. roe„ Thursday, Friday, and Saturday November 18 - 19 - 2E' IN CINEMASCOPE - In TECHNICOLOR on our giant new twettte- four foot screen. Lloyd C. Douglas' Magnifica t Novel of the Birth of Christianity "THE ROBE" Special Prices - Nights Adults 60c - Students 40c - Children 25e Saturday Matinee - Adults 50c - -Students 25c - Children 'los NOTE - First showing at nights 7 - second 9.30. Please see the picture from the beginning if possible. Monday - Tuesday Nvomber 22 - 1a Lana Turner - Ricardo Montalban in a romantic Musical full Sr singable tunes and humour "LATIN LOVERS" Tuesday - Foto Nite - Monday, Attendance Card Night Offer thls week - let $200.00, 2nd. 5120.00 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday November 24 - 24 : Effi Our second "CiNEMASCOPE" attraction Regular prices MARILYN MONROE BETTY GRABLE LAUREN BACALL liow MARRY 111 T[CHNiCOLOR NF44SCOpF u.ua IIRRRRRRRRRRRR$IR■RRARRii hI.I PEARSON'S SHOE STORE and MEN'S WEAR FREE ..--1.;.,.. 1955 MARCONI TV, SET and 1955 MARCONI AUTOMATIC CLOCK. RADIO You may be the winner of this beautiful TV Set or Gloc' 2 Radio. One Free draw ticket with every Item purchase of 51,. or over. Draw to be made Dec. 24th at 10 P. M., Friday night. Rubber Boole ioy's Boots 4. r $3.50 Men's Heavy Knee $5.50 Men's Light Knee e4.96 Men's Short 14.95 Ladles' Boots 53.50 Children's 52.50 insoles included Ladies Nylons let Grade„ 15 Denier, Si Gauge $14; Phone 11 Brussels, Ont, iRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR1f11IRRRRIIRRRRIMINSIRR „I'>