The Brussels Post, 1954-11-10, Page 57 - r oa of SOO. lent 4 of 'eat - Asa to )ant. he r ab (tion oboe of of hap naive estop , and Grey allure Han, 0 p.m. rill be Baker, Ims of tnctng trains Yoe faro= :salty '.arta SAL -- Pump. I equip gots. to. Is, Ont. r Rao foal S butt f dont ed oft Alsrseat onth, u u4 10ON t our day day BINS ,RiO LTD, its 1D ANNA ro, 325M cry CRA1t 4BROOK. P iipv, . A. Wiliianui, Brussels, conduoted O01nanunlonServtee lu Icuvx Pros'., Churoh on Sunday, Nov. W nit 11. a, tn, The W M. S. bold their Alovember melting in Searorth at the home of Mrs, W. Is, MoKelvle. Miss Forrest ,opened it01e all with the call to Worlp sand Mrs. Harold Jelin Save the sav'ipture reading, Mrs. Johan Schnook led Ln prayer, It was iam moved d seconded that each mem- ber Contribute toward the expense of the 0, G. I, T, The secretary is to order new study book "Face to face with India" along with a map of India. Miss Forrest took the part seated her'report. Interesting items about Miss Beatrice Scott and her work was riead by the members in response to the roll pall, The topic presented by four members was in the form of an airplane strip to three overseas countries, Japan, China and India. Messs Forret tdok the part of Mr. Moffatt and questioned Mrs, . Alex Steins, representing Japan t T ._srrer..wvr��� ,ner�ni Alva'. Lynn Evans front India, and Med. Nagel from China. A coloured . map was used to 111ustrwte a most Interesting topic. Mrs, Alex Steles offered her home for tits December meeting and Miss Muriel'Judd was wlo missionary elbow). ,for roll call, hunch was served ab the Close of the meeting and a Social time enjoyed.by all, Mr. Robert 0. Campbell,, who ul.• derwont a major operation in Kit- olre4ler la at the home of his BOO Stanley and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Smandon, Toledo, are spending a few dayls with relate ives In this district, having At- tended the funeral of a brother, Roy :tura )don, 'London, 'Pito Ladies' Aid of Knox Pres, -I Church are holding their bazaar in the Conintuuity Centre on Thurs., day evening! Nov. 85. .Mr. Harold , Baker, Asst, Agri, Rep., will show Slims of his trip to Europe and .11 is hoped that a good crowd will be in attendance. Lunch will be served. i► TM AU 4 POW' 'w'e esday, Nary+otlsber 20th, Di MELVILLE CHURCH Un Sunday last in Melville Chiurah' gev. 0-lasold GoLrin preached from Mark Ohaut. 5 up00 the toeidoutt of the 'mites or the d'emontao dwolling amongst 'Me tetnbs, Jesus and 1415 d-isciplee, bad crossed over the Sea of Galilee into the country of the Gar. armies, 'when a madman met Jesun. The speaker did not go deeply into demon possession, but stated that those who ledowithe Lord and are His chaldron, need have no fear of evir spirits, Tile bible tells as that the angelor the Lord watches over all Iiia children.. 011e spirit of evil can- not dwell where the spirit of God is, in Nis incident the evil spirits spoke to our Lord, and as1ced to be sent in• to a herd oe swiate feeding gn the hitt, 1 Jesus gave consent and the herd ran violently down the hill into the sea and were drowned.. The herdmem and awnors of ,tile Swine instead .of. rejoioing and being thankful, at :roe. t ing the Poor lunatic clothed and In his right mind besought Jesus to de., port hire out of their oountry, The man who was healed asked Jesus, if >Ise migbro be with Htm but JOSue ,Aid no, and told him to go hack home, and tell those who had laughed at him, and despised him, what great things the. Mord had dope for him, and what great love God has for us all The choir sang the anthem, "Be still anti know." MET-VIL LE CHURCH W, M, 8, The November meeting of the W. M. S. and fall missionary tea was held Nov, 6th, In tote church parlor. The missionary boxes were brought in realizing over $S0, with many boxes yet to come The meeting ,p. enact with the singing of psalm. 19 and the Lord's prayer in unison. Choice remarks by the president) Miss Bessie Moses. wereextended to all especially to those 7010 do not ata end the meetings regularly, Miss. Aniline read the scripture lesson taken from 11 Chapt. of Acts, folow ed In prayer by Mrs. W. A. Williams, III Minuted s an Treas. report were • As the desert camel -rider once said, "There's always a bump ahead." Yes — even the folks who claim life is a merry-go-round have their ups and downs. 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Off the 4,779,000 horsepower of dependable peakcapacitypaell• abe to Hydro In December 1953, 3,874,800 horsepower, or 81% was derived from water- power sources, adopted as read. The members were pleased to hear a newsy letter from Mrs. W. H. T. Fulton now of Kiti- mat, 8. 0. Informing the meeting while she could not be with them in person she certainly would be with them in thoughts. She sent hest nviwhes ,to Melville Church in , general and expressed a desire to be remembered by all in their isolated r' and new field of work. A nominat- ing committee was appointed to bring in the new slate of officers for 1551. The 3rd of Dec, will be the Christmas meeting when Airs. Math- eson will be 1n eharge of the mess- age. Mrs. C. Kreuter leader for the newly organized C. (1. I. T. spoke briefly of the proposed work for that group, at present annotating of IS girls. Financial help was ask for in order to over come the expense es of getting started, uniforms, etc. A Collection amounting to $18. was taken Dor that purpose, Mrs. Kreuter would also be very grateful for any volunteer help who would be will- ing to assist in leadership. Mrs. Boggs. Molesworth who gave the ad- dress spoke of the warm welcome they received both at the manse and Melville church on their early arrival in Canada from Ireland. she spoke alt length and took as her theme the many gaulities required to be a good missionary. Mrs. Wm. Spear on behalf of the ladies present express- ed sincere thanks to Mrs. Boggs for her splendid talk. The ladies quar- tette consisting of Messers. Cardiff. Hemingway, Evans and Kerr render- ed n musical number, The beautiful garden of prayer. The president closed the meeting with hymn 583, prayer and benediction. A delicious tat was served by the following com- mittee, Mei stirs. Evans, McFarlane Armstrong- Smith and Davis. WHY SHOUT, MR. DRUNK? Wiry shout, Mr, Drunk? You don't need to. We can hear you easily. But after all you cannot help it. When' drung your eyes are dulled and you cannot hear yourself or the voices of others clearly. Naturally you shout or yell, just as deaf 0ol1s ere inclined to do. Some day you mal walk right into the middle of the street in thick traffic. unheeding because even the screech, of brtle es will sound far away. Many thousands of drunks have done just that. Your walk too is not just that. Your walk too is not natural. 1t is a •,tagger, aimless and uncertain. Your lege ere out of control — but that stagger is first in your brain, where alcohol hos pwt the sensory --motor system out of •order. You w'on't shout or stag- ger if you leave liquor alone, Advt. c. G. I. T. OFFICERS ELECTED The first meeting of tiie'1' G. I. T. was held at Mrs, Calvin Krauter's home on Saturday Nov.6. • ' Mrs. Kreuter as leader explained the opening exercises :and rr peated the C. G. T. T. purpose and hymn, these are to be tnamorized by the group. The girls enjoyed A c,art:.-.t eall,rd "IVhto am I". This created mach fun and daughter. Mrs. Doug. Hemingway took the chair for the election of officers which was as follows. President Betty Alcock Vice President Joan Wilson moronhowneomeatraingaleati Secretary Helen 'WU on ;. TLeTreaulean Qard f! niss�1rer ]atizabetll Pipe Press Reporter SW&TOn Hemingway The group discussed ways at01' . 'su•ns1= "5 raising 5,50100 money for their uniforms. A bake sale and ten was decided upon to be held In the '- library Dec. 4 The Women's Miasionarp Soolety at their tea kindly throated their Coll. r'-tiost 505 $a5 to the C. G. I. T. fund 1', is in their worthy projeob. The alas are starting on the mak- ing + .' rag doth, right away so titter :113 t,o sent in a bale or given to needy families for Christmas. The meeting closed with taps. Mrs. Krauter and 'Mrs. Hemingway •,erred a Lunch to bring the dee to a (dose: Frust not to OPEN A A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT CHA NRE. Make sure of your pia*. through regular sa wilraIDVARUMSINCISTEIlt I y Roc Farms Service Dept Dee -141 FOR 13I66ER HATCHES OF STRONG CHICKS THAT LIVE - DON'T PUT A}aj„ THE BLAME OH ME WHE-E-W I AM 1 GLAD TO SEE YOU, DOC. FOR POOR HATCHES, BO5h . YOU KNOW YOU'VE SAVED MY N Cij. PLEASE T18LLTHO THAT FLOCKS LAYING 64 FOR HATCHING BOSS ABOUT YOUR 601.091'F.ddBREE0fRSMASH` NEED A SPECIAL FIi6iD. WORRIED ABOUT LOW HATCHES, EH, SILL' IT ISN'T ALWAYS THE ROOSTER'S FAULT. A FERTILIZED EGG MUSTCONTAIN STORED UP VITAMINS, EIXTRA ANIMAL PROTEIN AND THE LATESTGROW I`H FACTORS TO HATCH A BIG HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GROWING. LOOK AT THIS P RT1Le. EGGS, BILL. IT 18 MADE UP OF THE SH8L."ALBUMEN AND YOLK. SCIENCE PROVES THAT THE HEN CONVERTS THE EXTRA VITAMINS, PROTEIN AND GROWTH FACTORS INTO THE ES6 BEFORE SHE SEALS IT IN THE SHELL, IN 21 DAYS THE STORED up FOOD MUST 6ROW A 610 HEALTHY CHICK AND KgEET IT 601 NG r N R ,e1.40 DAYS AFTER HATCtil Ne,. 7h' 7Gs R AND IT NBED5 A SAMA .ASH. A COME AND GET 17, GIRL* i ROE tiffd0EN EG6 FOR (*OLDEN E668. THERE'S SURE SENSE 04 WHAM' 'iVU SAY, 000. ROE GOLDEN EM MASH PUTS EXTRA MONEY IN MY ET -AND IT'S ONLYA FEW CENTS is EDERSFORTHIS SPECIALLY MADE 2 iW IRA IT RMYOU tad Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F, HARRISON AM ')NCRIFFF