HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-10-13, Page 3HOTEL AND CABANA CLUB ; • . . p Supreme vacation enjoyment in Florida's most complete resort. Mod. dem guest rooms jair-conditiontng optional) fo please and pamper v wide ocean front beach for sunning and swimming ... cozy lounge fOt intimate rendezvous and genuine hospitality to floor your entire ;fey. JACK MULLIKIN, GENERAL MANAGER MIAMI BEACH 67tI Street on tke ,001r444, Ara' '';:-•••• • 'The World's finest cheddar aST cheese is made right here in Canada. And, our Canadian cheese is one of the best and cheapest sources of good food value. It's an excellent source of protein, which everybody needs for building and repairing healthy tissues. Enjoy the many varieties of Canadian cheese! New cheese recipes! Write to Marie Fraser, Dairy Foods Service Bureau. • DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU A division of Dairy Farmers of Canada 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO • THE ORMSF,44 e0ST WedneSday, Ootobar 211,1 104 CRAINKROOK. 1 gr, Howard 'Neable, Lisstowel, eons ducted the services In XneX 1're0b7^ terian °here% on Sunday, Oct. 10.. Uhp W, M. EL met for tts Otstiaber ineetng in the home or 11iro. in Schnook. The Thanksgiving sery vice in rho September Mad Tidings was followed, With a sPeolai topic 17aned on Lev. 03, verse 40, and .pre. pared by MLse Format, being read' by Mrs. Lynn Eva,ns. The minutes were read end alSo s, list of clothing included in aur bale. Several sica oases were Deported, The 0. G. I. T. wor'In was discussed and Mrs. Mao Angel was appointed As leader and the W. M. S. iied3 4o bay the, ne4- essary books. An invitation from the •Evening A.urniary to their villauk-ofiering meeting in the Murata on Tuesday evening, ,Oct. 19, was read and accepted. Eight members responded ho the roll call by telling something of the work of Miss Bessie McMurchie, Mrs. Lorne -bieKelvie Mended an favillition to meet In her home in See.torth in November, with Mrs. Alex Steiss coffering her home If weather con- ditions prevented us going to Sea- ETI-IEL 'ite 14, S. of Knox Preia sbytern Oburcb, EIShel, met at the henteot Mrs, LetittabtrrY en Tuesday, OCt. 5, Mrs. Chintringibam took the etux- ent events, Km, Richards gave A brief reVort of the executive meet, log Just held in Lucknow, Plana were made tor the Thank, offering meeting 'Which will be held On SundaY evening Oet.2e, at 8.30, Mats, Ran Hildebrand, a miss, lonary on leave from Nigeria will give an illustrated leoture with slides AU are welcome te attend, I Refreshments were Served by the besteSs. Mrs, John Kreuter and Mrs, 0. R. Dunbar. On Saturday afternoon Oct, 9, Oho Mission Bands ot Ethel and Oran. brook Joined with the Mission Pand of Whitechurch In meeting and scs dal gathering in Cranbrook Church. WANTED -- Two lady Old Age Pensioners, able to be AD and around. All convenieri- cos on first floor, bedroom and beth 1 on MIA floor. Main Street, near &Lurch. Box 185, Blyth, Ont. .1 HYDRO flier -Riau Zwp(craer Work in Your Interest One of Ontario Hydro's major contributions to safe electrical Uving is through its staff of Electrical Inspectors. They protect Hydro customers by checking and inspecting electrical installations for Ore and shock hazard. Throughout the province 155 inspectors are on the job, to assure that wiring meets the requirements and standards as laid down in the publication, "Ontario Hydro Regulations." Please make sure all YAW/ and rewired installation are inspected by an authorized Ontario ydro Inspector, • r. •yr , r 0, \ • , • —4 41 ONTARIO HYDRO ... AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS Information concerning Ontario Hydro can he obtained by writing to your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. DO YOU KNOW7 During 1953 Hydro Ingwetajs made _585690 elertritaL7nspec. Goss in lams, tamer and indus- tries In Ontario. forth. M The dose or the meet- WWEWNEM•••••wr ing Mrs. Lorne McIfelvie was pre- sented wtth a cup and saucer by Mie. Wm, Cameron and Mrs., Vac Engel reading the address. Mrs. Meltelvie replied in a few well- chosen words,- and lomoh was ser- ved by the hostess, 'Miss Forrest and Mrs. Alex Steiss, • On Wed. evenlog members of the senior W. M. S. and the Evening Aux. were guests of the Union W. M. S. ln the United Ohuroh at Union, • Saturday afternoon the Mission Bands of Oranbrook and Ethel enter- tained melmbens of the WhAtechuroh Band, with nearly fifty in attend. anoe, in 'the basement of the church at Orantrook. Miers Forrest, Mission Band Leader, presided for Idle pro- gram consisting of a solo and organ election by twin girls from White- churen, a Thanksgivlig reading by Linda Dunn, flannelgraph and story of children! in Africa by Patsy Richards and Irene Noble of the Ethel Band. Several choruses were sung under -bhe direction of Mrs. Dichawdis, Leader of the Ethel Band, accompanied on the organ by Miss Olive Richards. Refreshments were served by several members of the Evening Auxiliary and W. M. S. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knight, ac- companied by Mr. Alfred and Wal- ter Knight, spent several days in Picton. with MT. and MX'S, Hector Knight, and family. Mr. Kenneth Knight, Toronto, was home for Thanksgiving. Man. W. Forrest, Brussels, ivisiting with her acice, Miss A. J. Forrest. Thanksgiving visitors at the home or Mr. John McNabb included Miss Kate McNabb, Terniskaning, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barkkvell, Galt, and Miss Mary MacDonald, Toronto. There passed away in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday, Oct. 8. Mrs, J. D. Hinchley, the former Seam McDougall, in, her 89th year. Mrs. Hintabley suffered a stroke Sept. 8, and has been confined to the hospital since then'. She is sur- vived by two sons, Jack, a teaches' in Owen Sound Colltgiate, and Harry, Renfrew. Mrs, Mac Engel and Fred Smalldon are niece and malahow. Fun- eral service was held in seatorth Tuesday afternoon. Stewart Steiss spent the holiday week -end at the home of hit sister Mrs. Charles Mann, Listowtl. Miss Cheryl Mann spent the holi- day week -end with her grand -parents Mr, and Mrs. Alex et As the desert camel -rider once said, "There's always a bump ahead." Yes — even the folks who claim life is a merry-go-round have their ups and dawns. Regardless of who you are, along life's road you'll find unforeseen problems, emergencies or opportunities times iihen lurked away reserves are a mighty handy thing to have. To build such cash reserves — easily and safely — more than a million Canadians each year invest in Canada Savings Bonds. Canada Savings Bonds are available now — for cash, or in weekly or monthly instalments— at your bank, investment dealer or through your company's Payroll Savings Plan. And what's important— your Canada Savings Bonds are always immediately cashable at full face value plus earned interest .. a tucked -away reserve of cash for any time that you may wont or need it. Be ready for future ups and downs. Save safely pile up your savings — with Canada Savings Bonds The Ninth Series pay 31/4% per year— ore cashable any time at any honk at full face value plus earned interest. Available, starting October l Bth., in denominations of 150, 1100, 0500, 01,000 and 05,000 at banks and investment dealers for cosh or on instalments, Put your Oilier in today for this outstanding investment. r- CS -51 avn 1 'Tit® Ca@@ C4 fig REISU@@CI cAg' Egi By Roe Farms Service Dept YLP•1 1 rgo. YOU MEAN WHEN I WANT TO (,ET MY BIRDS TO- EAT MORE MASH I SHOULD USE VITA -LAY -PELLETS? v ..., / _ --'FRED. ROE TELL ME AN EASY WAYTO FEED ROE PELLETS,DOC. Priaw exrRA Ali4SH OCACTLY, t I'M Plig.4LEP,-) DOG. $IIENNIE QN PEEP ,r7 CAHYOU ELIO N6 t i ..- , IT'S simpt.a,., Cr, ORAIN-EgrIN6 ckArti NI? MASH IN ant k. 1* Just LIKE bA/kIN TO THeM, arHAT's kl, EAT PELTS 60 pi ' r -:---T.3-0, .'(• '''.4-10 IQ 0. ,,,, ' 0 / v io. .11 YOU MEAN PELLETS SERVE THE SAME ',5 PURPOSE ASWET MASH AND SAN/EINE 0 / EXTRA HANDLING? 0 -'` VITA -LAY EGG PELLETS ARE A COMPRESSED FORM OF VITA -LAY MASH MADE TO ATTRACT A SIRp'6 EYE AND PLEASE HER ALWAYS FEED ACCORDI N6 TO EGG PRODUCTION, FRED, YOU CAN FIGURE QUICKLY AT 5 LB, OF PELLETS PER 100 BIROS FOR EACH 10 % EGG PRODUCTION. CONSailirP770 /5 &EOM 1'4 . _ r' ig e w.„..-;..:.# / !SO °II 1'74' 144.• , . i.. 0. RIGHT, RIED-youlL FIND ROE PELLETS WONDERFUL IN THESE WAY51— i TOBOosT WEIGHT, PRODUCTION AND CONDMON . OF FLOCK THAT IS NOT EATING EttOliCcH AT PRESENT. 9 TO PROVIDE EXTRA MASH CONSUMPTION I 0 COW 10. WINTER DAYS. . ' ." • • • a To BRIIAG LATE -HATCHED PULLETS INTO LAY FASTER. 4 TD BOOST EGG PRODUCTION AT END OF LAYING YEAR. k mos ARE FORCED TO EAT ENTIRE MASH INCLUDING ...., ALL FINE CONCENTRATE MATERIAL, ,,,,,,,— v-- APPETITE. AT NOON, YOU CAN FEED WHAT BIRDS WILLCLEAN UP IN 10 OR 15 MINUTV, THEN .-. , ail, .1illy a, et t: iv, r ' / YOU CAN HOLD BALANCE OF PELLETS , V F 1111A\ _,...-., 4,k, I UNTIL AFTER EVENING it* fie' E66 ' '511 %Sr, '',, „ ( k 1 I1v GRAIN FEEDING. vc EG6 PELLETS „5,,, IF.— fry . .---- ,;; , a Fa/1:.141I.11 U9 'it/6 ly !. • . ' 4, _,.) ,...•••, =,. , .. .,It k 0 '-'%,',.'/' -`*^"- •) "' -- i 1 \ --.-7,t..7, ‘...,,,, „, "' tfiairBuron Prothice MUSSELS JOHN LAMONT r -->-S` .... • ,e--- - . ' EG6PattIS .4" , a, i, 66 1.01r , •-e, -1, , - ft , r` . :4 .. 1, • 4 ETHEL