HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-9-15, Page 2TABLE TALKS The United States Depart - Mont of Agriculture has been paying a good deal of attention lei those who have home freez- ers, especially along the line of freezing main dishes fOr a meal, and having them all ready ler serving when needed, The fellowin,l are some hints and recipes which 1 am sure will be helpful to any of yon', They were written by Elsie H. Dawson, Food Specialist of the Meme Nutrition Branch. * w a Freezing potatoes in cos, seroles has always been risky up to now. 'Feu never could be sure they'd look and taste quite ° right after freezing, And the acme : thing has been true of .dishes made with gelatin and mayonnaise. After experimenting in our USDA kitchens, though, we've come up with some answers. We found that if you add sour careens to a casserole like our Pork Savory recipe, the pota- toes taste just as good after freezing es before, * * * Here are some of the other :rales our experiments have taught us: * * * Prepare food for freezing as bou would for immediate ,use, ut do not overcook. If you took foods well-done before . freezing, some vegetables, and foods such as macaroni, may be soft when reheated. Cool food quickly, immediate- lg after cooking. That's very important. Set the pan of food on ice, or In Iced or very cold running water. * * * As soon as food is cool, pack Into freezer containers, leaving head space for expansion. Choose a container that holds just enough for one meal for your family. Quarts hold 4 to 0 servings; pints, 2 to 3. Use containers with wide top open- ings, so that food does not have to be thawed completely before you remote it from the con- tainer. e e * Freeze prepared foods at 0' or below, as soon as they are packed. Use pre-cooked main dlahes within 6 months. To thaw food completely be - lore reheating, let it stand in the refrigerator. After food 1* thawed, use it at once. * * a Jellied Bata Loaf ° (25 portions, 4x4x1-lath) 5 tblsp, unflavored gelatin 1 c. cold water 1% qt. coarsely ground lean cooked ham 8 a, chopped celery 1%c tsp. onion juice 94 tsp. powdered horseradish or 1 tblsp. prepared horse- radish c, mayonnaise 1 e. cooked salad dreasing 1 tblsp. lemon juice 9 tap. prepared mustard s4 o. sliced stuffed olives Soak gelatin In water for 6 minutes, Place over hot water until c81sso1ved, Combine all ingredients, Mix well, To Serve Immediately Garnish bottom of loaf pan with sliced hard -cooked eggs, Piece mixture in pan. Chill until firm; slice, and carve on crisp salad greens, * * To Freeze Place in loaf pans or freezer "ontainers. Chill until firm. Cover with lid, or wrap in eezer packaging material. 'cal and freeze. TO Prepare Frozen -Food for Serving Thaw, without unwrapping, at room temperature for 3 or 4 hours, Garnish with sliced hard - cooked eggs; slice, and serve en crisp salad greens. * * * Cooked Salad Dressing ',For Jellied Ham Loaf) 94 o. sugar 2 tsp. flour • tsp. salt % tsp. powdered dry mustard Few grains cayenne 1/e tsp. pepper 1% tsp. butter, melted 2 eggs, alightly beaten • c. milk 0 this. vinegar Mix sugar, flour, and season- ings. Stir butter and eggs into dry ingredients gradually. Slowly blend in the milk, then the vinegar. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens, stirring occa- sionally. Makes 1'h cups salad dressing. a Pork Savory (25 Portions, 94Cup Each) 3 lb. lean pork, cut In 1 -inch pieces 134 tsp. salt ri5 tsp. pepper 1 tblsp. cooking fat or oil 1 0. water 2% e. sliced carrots 1. e. sifted all-purpose flour 3 c. sour cream 3% o. diced potatoes ' MORE THAN HE BARGAINED FOR—Tom Elliott, 10, has a rough time trying to calm his hog for judges at the Market Hog Show. 1 tblsp, finely chopped onion 1% 0. green lima beans 1 tblsp. salt Sprinkle pork with salt and pepper. Brown in fat or oil, Add water, cover and simmer until meat is tender. Cook car- rots in a little water until al- most tender. Combine flour and sour cream. Beat until! smooth, SMUGGLER'S REWARD—"Sas;,' baby elephant from India;' tried to smuggle her trunk through customs when she arrived in New York aboard the steamer Oluf Maersk. The attempt of the four-year-old to break her stall was thwarted. Girl's Pet Dog Wins attle With Death Little Nicole, eight - year - old daughter at the Foussat farm, Montceaux-sur-Dordogne, France, had a lively face framed by a brunette bob, and lit by eyes as blue as the water of the river Dordogne which flowed past her house. One recent and eventful Sun- day she p u t on h e r prettiest frock and coat and went out to play with her sister, Leone, and Fifa, But Leone no longer want- ed to play the childish games of her younger sister. "I'm not go- ing to play hopscotch," she said. "Why don't you want to play with me any more?" asked Ni- cole. But Leone only shrugged her shoulders and walked away. There was still Fifi, though, Nicole's mongrel pet dog. She lolled him dearly. "As Leone doesn't want to play with me," Nicole told him, "I shall have a game alone with you." But there were no Sundays for Fifi. During the afternoon he had to help drive the- cows to pas- POLLY WANTS NO CRACKER—And no birthday cake, either. Mike, the 34 -year-old parrot -mascot of an Anti -Cruelty Society gives the bird to the cake marking his 14 years of residence with The Society, He'd much rather hove his favorite meal: Bacon and eggs, topped off:with a cola drink and sunflower seeds, ture. All days were alike to him, So Nicole was left alone. It wasn't much fun playing by her- self in the farmyard. She pre- ferred the little bridge over the stream. After frolicking through the fieids, its clear waters joined the dark flood of the Dordogne. She walked towards the bridge — but where was the thin silver thread that usually rippled be- tween flowered hanks? It had rained the day before, snow had been melting for some days in the mountains, and the stream had become a mud d y torrent whose grey waves spattered rocks and jostled branches of trees and tufts of grass. It looked both exciting and fearful. Nicole was drawn nearer and nearer to the edge. Each wave seemed to be a little hand beckoning her on; the torrent seemed to be asking her to join it in play. She didn't notice she was tread- ing on a slab slippery with mud. Too late, she lost her balance , slid, felt the water lap against her legs, drawing her in. She was in up to her waist, up to her shoulders, and the next thing she realized, with horror, was that the waves were racing her towards the bridge's arch which seemed like a huge mouth ready to gobble her up. "Mummy! Mummy!" she cried, frantically beating the water with her small arms, It was then that a dark form bounded off the top of the bridge. Fifi had heard the little girl's cries as he was bringing the cows home, He seized her coat between his teeth and drew her towards the bank with all his strength. At last Nicole's fingers seized a tuft of grass, Fifi jumped on to firm ground and drew her out, shivering with cold and fear. Then, turning to Nicole's mother and sister who ran panic- stricken towards them, the lit- tle dog barked joyfully and wag- ged his tail. He had joined Nicole in her game — a game in which Death also so nearly played a part, A PUZZLE Mike visited a cemetery the other day and happened to pass a atone with this inscription: "A Lawyer and an Honest Man." And he is still wondering how they both got in the same grave. Used A Grindstone On Their Hands Supplying women w i t h nail polish and other finger-tip beauty aids' is a multi-million dollar business which did not even exist 40 years ago. But manicuring itself is one of the oldest of the cosmetic arts, Recently an excavation in south- ern Babylonia turned up a 'solid gold manicure set which was in use in 3200 B.G. Found with the set was a good quantity of green and black substance used in an- cient times to color the lips, eyes and fingernails, In those days, however, these beauty aids be- longed not to women but to men! Later in history it seems that Cleopatra, the glamor -girl of the Nile, preferred the juice of the herna plant for her color -job. She achieved a smoky rust or robin red with overtones of 'geld or suntan. But Cleo saw to it that the color of nails was gov- erned by the strictest social code: The Queen's nails were Of the most brilliant hue and the color faded down the social scale to the slaves whose fingernails had' no tint whatsoever. In ancient China, rn k was measured by the length of the fingernails. The longer the nails, the more obvious it was that their owner had never soiled his or her hands with manual labor .— ten inches was considered a pret- ty fair beginning. Sheaths were worn to protect these elegant nails and even today Oriental women of position sometimes wear a little -finger sheath, often beautifully designed and carved in gold. The western world had its own ideas. At the court of Marie An- toinette, hands could not be wash ed for a week after a manicure lest it be spoiled. The Puritans in England and colonial North America, on the other hand, as late as 1770 enforced a law that any women who coerced a man into marriage through the use of paint, powder or similar arti- fices could be tried as a witch. No wonder manicures went out of fashion for centuries! In 1875, however, an Ameri- can lady re -introduced the sub- ject with a treatise called the "Ugly Girl Papers, or Hints for the Toilet" in which she stressed the importance of hand care, To soften their hands, ladies were told to wear overnight large cloth mittens filled with wet oatmeal; to remove callouses, the papers suggested holding the hand on a rapidly turning grindstone for a moment or two. A tpuch of color was recommended by this seer, whose nail paste recipe — to be concocted in the kitchen — produced a batch large enough to tint the nails of,an army. The :irst manicure preparation sold commercially came on the market in 1911 — a chemical to dissolve nail cuticle. Five years later women who had been using powder or paste or buffing their nails were able to buy liquid, nail polish — colo>;less, of course. No woman dreamed of using color until a young beauty -salon operator named Peggy Sage made a tinted polish for a friend of , hers who was appearing as Car- men at New York's Metropoli- tan Opera. The feminine half of the audience war enchanted end the result was the U.S, vogue for colored nails. The first nail polishes were transparent with various shades of red obtained through the use of dyes. A radical change took place in the early 40's when cream -type polishes were intro- duced through the use of white and colored pigments t0 produce an opaque finish instead of the elcar or dye -colored transparent finishes, Handy Hints For In Doors And Out Keep the edges of your card- board quilt patterns from "fray-, ing" by coating them with shel- lac Or nail pollen before you mark around them, * * * Protect year husband's pocket watch when he's: doing dusty jobs. Cover the entire we,toh with a square Of ,cel]Ophane, twist the ends together, and tightly wrap with a rubber band, He can see the time and still keep the watch clean. * * * Slit a 6 -inch length Of garden hose to hold your . croquet wickets during the winter. Bose Piece fits over trip of wickets to keep them together. M * * Draw a Wisp of your farm on a roller -type window shade; Re- cord the crop in each field, fer- tilizer used, etc, Install the shade on a wall in the barn. Makes a handy crap reference. * * * Make cream puffs all the same size by baking them in muffin tins, * a * Pick -up -time can be a game for youngsters who have an in- expensive, simple -to -make toy basket on wheels, Reinforce a bushel -size wash basket by put- ting in a , plywood bottom. Mount the basket on casters — then a child can easily push it around, indoors and outside. You mi4ht decorate the basket with animal stencils, * * * Applique pieces will stay in place until they are stitched down, if you: spread - a thin e coating of warm starch on the back of each piece, pat into po- sition on your material, cover with a dry cloth, and press with a warm iron until pieces are perfectly dry. The starch will wash out in first laundering, * a * Strips of sandpaper glued on the step of a step ladder make steps slip -proof. * * Make bumper guards for the back wall of your garage, Cut an old rubber tire across' the middle. Fasten the two halves, with cut ends in, across the wall at the same beight as the car bumpers. • * To join new ' material when. crocheting or braiding rag rugs, cut a "buttonhole" in the end of the strip being used, and an- other in the end ofthestrip to be joined, Pull the attached strip through the buttonhole in the new -strip. Then pull the op- posite end of the new strip through the buttonhole in the attached strip, Pull tightly to form a knot. Saves sewing the pieces together and holds better, • * * For a small paint job, mix your paint in a waxed card- board cream or milk carton . — just cut off top part of con- tainer. Easy to throw out when you're through. * * * Cut "figure eight" yeast rolls with a doughnut cutter. Pick up the ring, stretch it, then twist. No ends to tuck under. .. PLAIN HORSE SENSE �. By F, MOB) VOi' PILLS Truro, N,S. At s recent meeting of the Nova -Scotia Fruit Growers As- sociation it was reported that negotiations are continuing be- tween the Canadian and British governments for sale of apples from Canada's 1954 crop on the United KingdOm markets and that a decision will probably be made within the next few days. It was disclosed that at a meeting of the Canada Apple Committee, held in Ottawa, reports were given on the Bri- tish situation by Deputy Minis- ter of 'Agriculture Taggart and Deputy Minister of. Trade and Commerce Bull, just returned from a conference with British government departmental ofii- eiais in London, No Open Market Mr, Sutton, Secretary of the Fruit Growers Association, said that It appeared very definite that there . would be no oppor- • tunity of an open market for Canadian apples in Britain this year, although the British apple trade was very anxious to re- sume business with Canada. Ile also said that since last year the dollar situation had gradually improved, but with apples being in a low priority group, there was practically no possibility of any big amounts being allocated for Canadian apples. There are other com- modities in the same category which would have to be alio- cated dollars, if dollars were to be spent on apples, Sterling Instead of Dollars From these reports it is quite clear that the stumbling block for the export of Canadian apples to Britain is not lack of demand, but lack of dollars. Why then, in the name of the old apple tree, do we insist on getting dollars for our apples? Why do we not accept pay- inent in Sterling? It is only a few months since wewere sitting in the Mee of Cooperative Wholesale So- cieties in London and were told. that British., housewives were eager to buy Canadian apples' that the C,W.S, would buy our apples but didnot have the dollars we were demanding, - Is it possible that the econc- nomists of our farm organiza- tions, not to speak df those of the ,government,de not realize that money Is only a means to facilitate trade and not an end in itself? The apple growers of Cana - .da have 50 sell their apples in order to be able to buy their supplies. If they cannot get the money needed to buy their sup- plies, in the United States, it would be better to accept the money that could be used to buy supplies in the United Kingdom. Or do they prefer'to let their apples rot in storage and not get anything? The Farmer's Business Canada's farmers havebeen brainwashed with propaganda that the government should do every little job for them, that they seem to have lost the eapa- city of doing the job themselves. ,At the same time they have been impregnated with the Idea that government (in every day language; called polities) is a very mysterious business and should be left to the experts. Who will save us from the ex- perts, but we ourselves? Time and time again we have - called for cooperative action and we do it again. What is needed are men with vision and guts who will not submit to government dictates. * • This column welcomes criti- cism, constructive or destruc- tive, and suggestions, wise or otherwise. It will endeavour to answer all questions. Address mail to Bob Von Pilis, Whitby, Ont. CLOSING THE RING—These kittens seem a, trifle apprehensive as they close in on this tiny skunk, es it was fully equipped. However, moments later, the kittens proved hospitable and welcomed their new friend to the Fletcher Tigner Ranch. LATEST WORD OF FASHION "GOOD-BYE, SWEATER LOOK" NEA Women's Editor By GALE DUGAS New York — (NEA) Now that the shouting has died down and pictures have arrived from Paris it's time to stand back and take an appraisal of Christian Dior's "Ligne 11" or "the lost bosom." There actually nothing of the flattened -out flapper look in the new Dior silhouette, The sweater girl bulge is out and in its place there's a pretty, gentle, lifted and only slightly flattened line. The edict says that the buil is now about eight inches from the shoulders. Our women, accustom- ed to shoving their hips around and moving their waistlines any- where from shoulder to knees, should be able t0 achieve this without trouble, What happens when "Ligne H" hits these shores like a tidal wave is that our own designers will take the French silhouette, modi- fy it for Canadian and American women and present it in highly wearable form, Thus, the sweat- er look, popular in certain circles since before World War II, will disappear never (in some circles) to come back, As for the rest, the waist is still with us and the long torso line.is not the slouched and sloppy line of the 1920's. What d0 designers think of the new Dior look? Following an old American custom, they express highly individual and conflicting opinions, The box score on some Of the top designers goes like this: Mollie rands: "I don't think American women will give up what they fought so hard (0 gain —a neat waistline, a pretty torso and a long-legged look."- Lily ook."Lily Dache: "It is time for a change and the more startling it is, the better." Ben Zuckerman: "Dior is a great designer and always con- tributes something, But we all have our own ideas and I have expressed myself in my own way." Cell Chapman: "I always seem to find myself in an argument with Dior but in this one, I am sure all the women in America will join -me. We want romantic curves — for evening especially." Claire MaCardell: "I am not in favor of any silhouette that com- presses the figure, either in the waistline, hipline or the bosom. I think real fashion is always a design that lets the natural figure show to best advantage." Evelyn Dawson of Suzy Perette: 'Dior was 'misquoted.' His new silhouette is simply a step beyond the American idea shown in June, 1954. It doesn't flatten the bosom but lifts it very high. It is a becoming line, already ac copted fundamentally in Ameri- ca." Jack Horwitz, Jr.: "I think the Dior silhouette will be popular - with young people who are bor- ed with the cinch waist and vett full skirts. Yung fashions are apt to he even more exaggerated than the clotheswornby older women." Charles James: "The furor that Dior's new collection has caused is a perfect example of the hu- mor present in every public re- action 50 forward-looking erect- ive design. First, indignant re- sistance, then stunned resigna- tion and finally enihurin*•tir' ac- ceptance." There actually are :orno other Restrained, rather than flatten- ed, is the word for this Dior short evening gown of nylon and rayon velvet, embellished with all over jet embroidery, designers in Paris, strange though the idea may seem in the midst of the Dior excitement, And some of them have eosins up with pretty highly wearable clothes. In fact, 1 rci is 1::s pracluerd a variety of f(,rhirus this sra:;nn.