HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-9-15, Page 1BRUSSELS POST $2.00 per year $2.50 1.10 THE „Post Publishing House t seized as mond °laza l'eat Office DePartMent. Otistsflii MITCHELL "GBNTS3INIAL" FALL. FAIR TUES. and WED., SEPT. 28 and 28 a46:S0.0b in Triage Tuesday Evening. 'Sept, 28 — Krounds open to Public t r ("SHIPS AND THE SEA I Grey Twp. Council Pew People in ths lama proalacs Grey Toweiship Council .Moettng j -ea of Canada realize or agpreciate aess add on Statember sktia I 'the great Part that ships ,and (0,14 Moved by Wm. 1113islasP, seconded ae5 play in our daily llasa WAS by 'Sward that the minutes be adpo- know that iseia has contributed • ted as read. --- Carried. mush to aur upbuilding al, a nation Moved hy Hugh Snails flews -484 by but we are inclined to forget, .M the Roward F, McNaught Haat appliest- Proaragl I 'bigness of Me inland (areas et our ton by Wm. Robertson far drain - in 'Arena. 1 ieountry that all western ciallisatton, . age loan be accepted. — Ovrie& weoesaay, September 29th — including our own. is based upon -our Moved by Howard P. MoNaught, seaborne commerce. °Metal Openlag aeconded 117 Wm. B, Bisdrop that we Premier L. Trost Nine out of every ten ships authorize the Reeve and Treasurer Monster Parade, Antique and ) world today are NATO ships,ef 'the to make apidleation to DePt. of Filth - Modern Machinery great Atlantic Alliance of WM& we ways far Interim Subsidy. — Carried. 4 ars membersw. These ships vtlIkli Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded b7 Floats, School -Parade I 'are the standard bearers of our Wee.. Wm, B. Bishop that the Clerk be in Horse power threshing machines 1 ern civilization for without our sea- strutted to Put on the Colleetor's operation I 'born commerce we could not exist Roll all drainage accounts wthieb. are ' as a neition. We hire by trade and dub' Carried. Two Banda these ships and the men Who serve Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Horse Races (them are the carriers, of our trade. 'Howard P. McNaught that the Stanger Show alltlIV/IelwaY We have a great heritage of the Clerk he instructed to aalc judge Dance In the Crystal palace 1 sea and we awe much to the seamen Costello to set a date to adjust the Wednesday Night — Mitohell's own 'who serve us, in our navy and in our "al'e levy b*lWeen the Township of ' BIII. Stuart and his 10 piece band. merchant navy, This Saturday, Sept. Grey wad Ethel Pollee Village. 9.30 till 12:30.— Carried. 18. we will havesan opportunity to re- ' 'cognize that debt and do something Moved by Wm. la 13ishoP, secand- A. Kemp, Pres, .r . 2 1 "`"•• .1 about it for it is the annual Tag Day ed by 'Coward P. McNaught that we s R. J. BeaneY. Ses:Tre"- of the Navy League of Canada c.on- notify Morris Council that IIPe malimmoutuisidimisai LLASH.MAR DR1VE.IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO •vened by Mrs. Jack Lowe, of the willows on ditch bank on the Snritb , Ladles' Auxiliary Canadian ',aeon 'Drain have not been separated from 13russels the dirt on Lot 1, Con. 13 and Lot 2, "The Nam League of Canada serves Con. 12. — Carried. - our seamen, ashore and afloat. Its IVIeved bY Wan. E. BishoP, second clean and comfortable clubs and ell by Howard P-MeNaught that 'boatels in our marine ports are fra all approved accounts be paid. ' entity meeting Places for our seamen. 1! — Carried. 'Their famous Ditty Bags have glad.; Moved by Howard P. MaNaught, dened the hearts of many of our sieconded by Wm. E. Bishop that we sailor lads with gifts from name. ; now adjourn to meet again Oct. 2 Two Shows Nightly Through the Navy League our sea or at the call of the -Reeve. Rain or clear — first show at dusk veterans are visited regularly to our — Carried. im••=141•141 . hospitals and supplied with comforts. ;The following accounts were Paid 28.18,3'.C., Clerk's Office and 11 Our sea heritage is not forgotten. show.810.12 Note: News and Cartoon at each By meits grans. ot eat yeutt,trabting Tarp. Hall 1 program througbeut Canada, the ' Grail:ism Reid and Association Ltd., Navy League maintains; that heritage inspection Meehan Drain 67.00 Thur. - Fri. Sept.16 - 17 in thousands of our teenage you& N. S. Dainliman, tile Bruce . "SLAVES OF SALON" ; in its Royal -Canadian Sea Cadet 1 Virintabmion Drain 339.38 (Color) Corp from coast to caeca. Give gener- ( Raul Thomson, tilei, Bruce - Linda Christian Richard Conti trusty on this Tag Day tor this is a , wfillanlson Dm -in 215.00 worthy 051155, one aid= ayes I Cecil Bateman, cleaning McKce us all, Dra5.20 in eat - Man. - Sept. 18 - 20 1 Neil MeGavin, cutting weeds, AARON SLICK FROM I . 1 Lumber Mill, Walton 11.25. reoetved ffever2a1 suggestions for PUNKIN1 Geo. Radford, Contract changes in radio and television Pre- cmoKa ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT ' 1,548.75 grams,, which will later be sent to (Color) ; ' The engagement le announced of i Madan Drain Allan Young Dinah Shore Edna 'Cathleen daughterDraining Debentures of Mrs..1 671.14 the radio commit of the C. B. C. StemPe far Asseasior 30.00 Some of them !,were' more organ 1.11.11111141.411111.1/11..1.111114.1.11,1 111.1. Wednesday, September /5th, 1964 mA,meTic WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ATWOOD WOMAN DIES TN 001.-LITS113N HERe The Madeatic Women's; Institute met on ThursarlY aft-a:mean in the Mi. Alex alatbesozi, 50 f H. R. 4 /..insacers, with the president, Miss W. : Sited early Sunday maiming IL "Bell, fat eharge. Mrs. Earl Cad- ,iu Wingtsam General Hospital from more, wile was acting tor aim, Joon ' injuries received in a collision one (Speir (who bas accepted a posation and a gianter nalea north of Brass - ova telaaher), was %site% to ; ela Sunday evening. Sim received the Year aa terecretarYareasurer, ; alcull arid chest inJuries when 'The Toll elan response was "a the ear In wbiedi sbe was a paaa 'suggestiori on displaying articles , erager, firlYen by her son -ill -law, it tbe Pan Pair." Among the sag- lam, Shamicalt.B. 4 Atwoad, eallided Anderson, fftoer Of the Crystal Palace, quilts wBr3ullseetIllse TCetWre;inf aprir,m1I.anles ne:tiloovra:rdwieirvell(tianIgl b aoknin goalie d esr egeol ands s folded and clipped through a coat Mre. leathesonar daughter, Mr$. hanger 9or easter disiplay, colors SI:ousted in Pleasing ,00mbinicalons. Wm. Shannon is in Listowel Mem- exbiliit in the Brusells Pall Fair , broken conaraone. Dr. Am:le:son and oriel Hospital suffering tram a The branch decided to enter an ..,, n grans: &splay containing a decorat. Mr. Shannon both escaped serious ed gia ptaael and four gifts for a injurly. family fret to exceed $2,00 elaciaL1 Mra W. H. 1301 offered to arrange Tbe accident oacurred when the the alsplay, A committee was named Shannon car, northbound on the 4tra. trim (twat the Pair. concession of Morris township, cella to serve luoctheon to the directors an agriculture and Canadian industry , Wm' naus convener o1I th tied with Dr. Andersen's car traaell- ng nor on the ma*n road Both introduced the guest speaker, 'Mrs. vehicles, were wrecked. D. S. Nicalanghton of Bluevale, who I was one of three chaperones accoam panying two bus loads of delegates ; to tbe Associated Country Women of the World convention an a trin from Toronto to Ottawa a,bout s Year oho. The 90 women were from 'Pakistan, South Africa, Astatiralit, Egret, licaland, Norway, ."Sweden, England Ireland, geottand, the Unit.; ed States, and Canada. Most of ) •them ware native dreas. Mrs. Mc- Naughton's description of their trip was, .most interesting. At the close the pasted around a.number of pc- turOs she had taken and some letters she received from delegates atter ; they reached their homes,. ISSrs. Perg. Connelly presented the Weaker with a gift and a alleaf of gladioli. Mrs. R. B. Cousins led the group in community singing, with Mrs, W. C. Kerr at the piano. Mrs. 1Vielvil1e Dennis discussed the raotto, emphasizing courtesy', kindness, and conaideration for immediate family members as an aid to pleasanter In a discussion on a radio evalua- tion program, Mrs. R. W. Stephens Tues. - Wed. Sept. 21 • 22 "BIG HEAT" (Adult Entertainment) Glen Ford Gloria Graham Thur. - Sept. 28 - 24 "THE BYTEM" .1 Frank Lovejoy Joan Weldon . I Sat. z Mon. Sept 24 - 27 "PLUNDED OF THE SUN" 1) Glenn Ford Dianna Lynn ) a pet, whom:Ill give this dog a g . , ; home. 'Phone 81, Brussels rarlane, Mrs. Pratat Nichol, Mrs, and a contest ushag adver ca THE utgrrED CHURCH William Turnbull. slogans. Mrs. William Speir, Miss . Margaret Guy of Wingham and Use as • Leonard Mecham, repair mimic, more Canadian opera singers, I J doe Guy ' I roll lolls programa ate Or McNaught Drain 10.00 Sunday evening g Liellau at Brussels son of Mr. and R. R. 2 it- Lloyd Rock, load and haul tile , to be reinetated in their former 4.13 (places, a complete change in stand- w,o d marriage to take place Ilreoe'Vlierannal Drain late In September. HOME WANTED Arthur Rook, loa,d and haul tile ; ren'o progranns 'with less gunplay • Bruce-WilltaMisan Daatai 4.91.5 and bad lIngliah. Another souggestiot Dalai Hall, cutting weeds, I was that a 'realm at Sunday School Ethel Villa e 5.25 lessons might replace the reading st E. M. Cardiff, Clerk's fees, many comic pages. While advert -a For a abandoned sky tesaler, This Agreement Drain 1,60 trig is essential tio financing grog cute little dog 'MOS left harmless aria Theme 8,101.09 TAMS, it was telt it was, receiving en its owner moved away and left t (------ too much prominence. behind. Lia't there someone 'wanting ! $11.015.86 Hostesses tor the afternoon were ood Edythe M Cardiff Clerk. Mrs. Albert Ottraiff, Mile Mane c - Provincial Constable Robert Lewis of Wingham conducted the investi- gation. ATTENTION VETERANS Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer A. M. Picabes -will - visit Banta No. 218 Brussels on Sept 22nd trona 1.30 p. m. to 2,30 p. to. Anyone wishing information advice or assistance regarding war dis- ability pensions, treatment, anew - antes etc., is requested to contact the Service Office& or Secretary of local Branch or meet liar. Forbes at Legicm Hall. C. L. Workman. Service Oteicer. MELVILLE LADIES' MD The Ladiee Aid of Melville Chureb met last Tuesday night at the home at Mrs. J, C. Beaker, with Mass George Evans) in chorge, Mrs. Robert Bennett reported for the Sunshine committee. Mrs. Charles Davis and Mas. W. C. Kerr offered to supply flowers for church ser- vices diaries the month. _- Plexus for raising funds were dis- cussed ad a suggeation that re- ceived supPort was that each mem- ber invite three it four members of the congregation, preferably those who do not attend the meetings, to her time far an afternoon. or evening aeras tea, and charge a small fee. Further monesa-raising will %elude a sale of home-made baiting, candy and vegettiblee 0311 Sept. 56. The program included piano selections by M. Walter Kerr, • • CHURCH IN CANADA THE PRReirv-ritRIAN MOWN) Chunks limeade 10 a. in, Sunday School 11 a. m, Morning Worship United Church DP CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Church School — 10 a. m. Divine Worship — 11.16 a. "Mountain and Plain" Haien Bible Society Service p. m, Mr! Turnbull rep- reseutative of the 11111)307 Canada Bible Seolety Will be the guest slmalter, vasmissausa-....... .•1.. •11=r1.1,..1 Churcliof England Ptrish el Rev. A. Norman Ellis, M. A. Trinity XIV Sunday 19 Sept. St, John's Church, °Nisei 8.86 a, ro. Holy Cemarainfoni 11 a. an Morning Prayer Sunday School Ven, Archdeacon Townthend. St David'a, Henfryn 2.90 m. Holy Conuriunion Sunday School Ven..arcadeacon Tewaishend. 1- ! "The Sign Of a Disciple," was the Bessie Moses and Mrs. Clarice hi at the 'United Church on Sunday Sept. 12, based on ROMIU.S.! 8:9 "If any man tett. not the Spirit a Christ, he is none of His." The sermon declared tbat 'the Spirt of Christ was the Spirit at love — and love Is always gentle, sarong, humble, sympathetic and zealous. The life of love is the real evidence of the genIlineness Pi Christian profession. "Some Day He'll Make it Plain' by Leech and Geibal was the anthem for the day. CARD OF THANKS theme of a ors p My since/re thanks is here esPreSS ed to allthoze who remembered me with letters, cards, treats, and visits while I was in the hospital and since my retarn 'home. Your kindness was much auareolat ed and will not be forgotten. 24, Wineberg • CAPITOL THE1 1STOWla ATRF ' RE , .........______ i 2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p.m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. M. 1 se......"...t!*...0...... ..,..................1 Thur. - Fri. Sept. 16 - 17 What would you do with a million Dollarh77 See what Gregory Peck i does in "MAN WITH A MILLION" Saturday Only September 18th "DAKOTA" 1 I 1 It's a0t100 — suspense and excite - matt all the way when Wayne has the trail to get his malt i, ................. ,...............—......1 I , Monday, Tuesday and WednesdaY September 20 - 21 - 22 '. The gayegt, v./Ingest, stagiest il Musloal of the year 'i "WALKING MY BABY BACK HOME" with ' Donald 0 -Connor, Janet Leigh. and I Star Cast t . • •, , )1 - . i TUESDAY FOTO-NITE ' OFFER THIS WEEK 3190,00 OFFER THIS WEEK 3200.00 m1444444104444044.1:fflawame...44444411 REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. * • * Fiday and Saturday "RAINBOW -Round MY SHOULDER" Frankle Lane Billy Daniels Up in the Clouds fun in this out ' . of the World Musical. 0 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "BLOWING WILD" Gary Cooper Barbara Staawyck The Gringo Giant was mad. The whole black gotd.border knew he was on a rampage, only the lady with the lyinf green eyes knew why. 11( Thursday, Friday and Saturday "THE GREAT SIOUX UPRISING," Jeff Chandler Faith Donerque Corning Soon — are torra that he le kin wag s W I liam Garniss The funeral service for Winitall GOT1110% 89, who died in Wingham General Hospital, VMS COSIdttOted Tuesday afternoon by Rev. 91. A. Brook, in the D. A. Rana funeral borne. Brussels, and burial made in the Brendan cemetery, at Bel - grave. Pallbearers were sia hews, Bert, Bert, Edward, Prank and Harry Garniss, George Brewer and Walter Sellers. He farmed. for many years in Morris township SurviVing are two brothers, Martin, Wingbam; Gharles, Seaforthl and two sisters, Mrs. J. J. Seelers, Mor tie township, and Miss Lillian Garniss, Lacknear. Matheson assisted Mrs. Beaker in serving lunch.. Anniversary Services Knox Presbyterian'Church« Ethel. at., • Sunday, September, • 26th At 11 m. and. 7.30 p.m.' , Rev. Chester M. LetvisM. .. • Of Atwood Presbyterian Church: will be. the' • guest'speaker.' special Music by the Ch'otr arrdaMale Cheats. ria UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The W. M. S. of the rani d Clarrch met in the eharal: parlour OU Tues. Sept. 7th, under the leadership of I Mrs. L. Nisital. Ma ling opened with ; worship servies. the thomo being. A Nation Before Gad. Readings were ; given by Miss F. Buchaaan, 3,1ra. W. ) Rose and Mrs. P. McArthur. Hyatt: ) 410 was sung followed by prayer by I Mrs Nichol. Mrs. Lane presided aver the businessi period. Ths offering was received and tbe secretary j. and treasurer's reports given. A 1 s letter from Mrs. G. Matisse was 110411L la regard to sectional meeting held 1 in Ethel on Oct, 14. Mrg, W. Bell mei 1 Mise Glenna SteptenS. who is talce charge. of devotional exercises 1 at that meeting. An invitation from 1 attending Westervelt Business 0011-1 John's Guild to attend a special age In London, vette horcie over the t St. weeit ind, ,.>.,... meeting on Sept. 21, was read. Also PEOPLE WE KNOW misg c• iIinge.ton were aunothtefi to a letter from Miss Netherall of India. millorda QtruneettL,a6netrinewiterirydeity 4 calla were Departed by the visiting Where he bas earalled in the recut- 1 C°111nlitlea. The roll °all of next Miss lachel Stephens), Public Heal -1 pleasing este "Bc,me 1 Day T Shall ls th lqurse in llamiltot flew from prig' Trederathex. b.rr rt. 11. CauslflS, I d Seience r meeting to be answered by a verse containing the 'word "thankful". A to Dorval air -port elfin vlsitinit for it was ealoyed. The teak "A New taro months ibraegh ,011 ratintries in India", from the hew study book, Enrote. It was given by Mrs. IL S. Fairallten, Robert In Bryans. Detroit, la s ; Mrs W. IVilliarnson caul Mrs. A, visitor with tbe Bryans fandlla Armstrong. Also some tarts atout I many friends of Dav/' TT,1011101 , India by 14Tra E. Mounting. ITrrin 0101 6611 10•5D- ung and the meeting closed "LION iS IN THE STRESTS" Rai and hope for hie recoVerY Won.' with prayer. BANQUETSJ :THANKSGIVING DINNERS ! ANNIVERSARIES' ! SPECIAL OCCASIONS TREAT YoURiGLISSTS(T'0 A DINSER "Fit For A- King" , SERVE THEMA / The John L. Wheeler — Turkey EllistSSELS, ONT. PHONE f21111V BRUSSELS — 1GROWN TURKEY' FROM • ' Seaforth Fall 3 Days 3 Thurs. Fri., a 1 .44 s Sept. 23-24-25 Outstanding Exhibits Leading Cattle Shows Races — School Exhibits Grandstand Program Wel/ see you at Seaforth Fair. ° A• OPEN A SAVINGS 41, ACCOUNT A:T' Mahe sure qf through regu Canadiarl omm 2 7 4 1 1 11