HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-9-8, Page 5GLITTERING HORSE SHOW Tuesday to Saturday, at 7:30 p,m, Saturday Matinee at 1130 p.m. Special Attraction Drostago High School Horses Tickets $1.00 EXCITING 'HARNESS RACING Wednesday to Saturday Afternoons 16, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30, Class Paces, 2 and 3 -year old Futurity Paces and Trots, Grandstand i! FAMOUS DANCING WATERS This world attraction is featured an this year's Midway. Over 1,500,000 people viewed this un- usual show at Radio City Music Hall. New tidos, new shows! J<,`'to Y*- IRISH HORAN'S DAREDEVILS Monday and Tuesday Afternoons Only—in front of the grandstand, America's outstanding Thrill Show presents a display of daredevil driving, which will leave you gasping. GRANDSTAND PERFORMANCES Each afternoon and evening, eight lop vaudeville acts entertain. In addition, each evening, George Hamid presents the "Grandstand Follies", featuring the Disappearing Water Rollet. CHAMPIONSHIP CATTLE SHOWS (Hoftein and Jersey) No liner cattle shows exist than the champion Holstein and Jersey Shows conducted at the Western Fair. See Canada's finest cattle en display. SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION Each evening, square dance com- petitions far sets from Canada and U.S.A. will be held. On Satur- day evening, the Grand Champions will be declared, Watch your favourites. 1 'tea -kti-Le [ e HANDICRAFT DISPLAYS Greater emphasis has been pieced on handicrafts and art displays. Many new and amazing crafts and hobbies will be seen. CHILDREN'S MIDWAY Ever a favourite, the kiddies' mid- way with its many miniature rides will be back to thrill the youngsters and amuse the adults. EXHIBITS AND COMMERCIAL DISPLAYS One day at the Fair won't be &u Relent to see Canada on display — an outstanding showing of Canadian products and services. ADVANCE SAI,E Each ticket adtnbs dnaadult twp, Children.. 'JO td ..I 1.J SEPT; 13 to 18 I LONDON, ONTARIO W. D. JACKSON, then9.454 NOTIf3E --- . - Tor artificial hatessIssalon at iib best for all breeds, slut firs Water. Loa Cattle Breeding fassoelatiOn M tween 7.56 and 10.00 s. in. on r►sek • days and 7,90 and 9.80 a. m. on Saw days. Phone collect Patmerstoe- ri sir A ntol_1 lis. »:. Q. 0 'r411.1tVION CLASSIFIED ADS, WANTED .-,. Harvest Work, J. T3. Cameron Clinton, Opt, FOR SALE .- 1 usesd Meelary Refrigerator„ apply at ,Gregg's Hardware, FOR SALE Sprayed Cooking Apples. Phone 42r3' • Blake Bros FOR SALE Dry Poplar Wood, ready for stove Norman Stephenson Phone 34r5 FOR SALE —, 1 square piano, 4 pair despes 1 MrLary Coal and Wood Range, ,Ta11a1 Work Phone 83 FOR SALE — 1 Pure Bred Tamworth Boar, 13 months old, apply to Ray Bennett Phone 82x4 WANTED — Sawt, to Sharpen, alt kinds. apply to Bernard Ten Pas. carpenter. R. ii 3.. Brussels FOR SALE — Renfrew Cook -rite Cook -stove. with warming oven, steel top, reservoir and good baker. R. R. Dilworth, Brussels, phone 50x FOR SALE — :1 eamfertable home and good care fee eIslerly people and convalescents at the Maplecrost rest home. Vellanee Inglis. Prop. Atwood, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED — Immediately, men capable' of fill- ing positions in our Manufacturing plant, Apply in person to Robert Bell Industries, Seaforth, HONEY FOR SALE — Now pouring Clover Honey 22c: Sept. Honey 15e, with your own con- tainer. This September Honey is re- eontruended for hayfever. Honey is in short supply thlis season. Ord ers accepted. Wallace Ross Apiarist, Seaforth Pltone 135J Seaforth. ATTENTION FARML'R0 — DEADSTOCK removed from your barn promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect : Brusiels 86r1! or Elmira 664. GORDON YOUNG LiMITED NOTICE — ',lore farmers are switching to the •Zurge Milker because: it's safe, it's fast. it's durable, itis quickly aid ereSlly scrubbed clean, Contact' Lovell McGuire, Phone Winghsm 193 — Your Surge Dealer. THE BRUSSELS POST Belgrave 1ia11' 25.00 Sirs. J111. Joiltttsi.on, grant tO Alaeyale Library 15.00 W. R. Shortreed, grant to . Walton Library 15.00 Geo. Johnston, gralit to Belgrave Librenp' 15.00 0. Bamford, Middle Matiland Coacervation Authority 228.42 W. Peace. Pease Drain 25:00 G. Martin, Clerk's. Ree Pease Drain 100.00 L. Pease, damages and allowances, Pease Drain 225.00 L. Kelly, damages and allowances, Pease Drain 366.00 W. 13. Cenig, damages and allowances, Pease Drain 391.00 ' .7. M. Craig,' daniegets and allatvancess, Pease Drain 331.00 J, Shoeman, damages and allowances, Pease Drain 338,00 FI, McCubeheon, damages to allowances, Pease Drain 7$4.00 A, Pierce. damages and allowenee's, Pelase Drain 277.00 E. Pease Estate, damages end allowances, Pease Drain 300.00 E. Kelly, damages and `h allowances, Pease Drain 126.00 i C. Sonoh, damages and - allowances, Pease Drain 26,00 T. Granby, damages and allowances, Pease Drain 35.00 i Jas. Pintlail and Son, damages and I allowances Pease Drain 10.00 Herbert Garnisa, Valuator feels 7.50 Mre, Jack Pipe, pullets killed 19.20 Clare VlanCamp, Poultry killed 32,60 e John McArtev, poultry killed 26.00 Thos. Miller, valuator fees 4.75 Bailie Parrott, telephone calls 5.30 Blyth Standard, advt.. 2.41 Nelson Higgins, stamps 25.00 - Bailie Parrott, court of revision 5.00 WnL Elston, court of revision 5.00 Stewart Procter, court of revision 5.00 Roes Duncan, court of rebision 5.00 Walter Shortreed, court of revision 6.00 Roads Court of Revision The Court al Revision on the 1965 Assessment Roll was field on Sept. 1 at 10 a. m. with all the members of the Council present, Moved by Stewart Procter, esec- onded by Walter Sborbreed that the Court or Revision on the 1055 Ass- essment Roll be opened. — Carried The appeal of Keith Webhter was dealt with and It was decided by the court to reduot his assessment 3200 for bush exemption providing the buaih is properly fenced. Thelre was no change made on the .appeals of Norman Higgins and J. Wesley Kerr. 7760,62 • The assessment on the property of Mrs. Mary Craig was reduced $950. as the house has, been gold. Maned' by Wm. Elston', seconded by Rose Duncan that the Court of Re- vision be closed. — Carried, Bailie Parrott, Reeve. (leo, C. Martin, Clerk. Morr:s Council \Terris Township Council Meeting Sept. 1, 1954. The minutes of the meeting were Hull on the above date with all the members present. Tithe minutes of the meeting were read and ades:fed on motion of Ross Duncan and Stewart -Procter, A delegation from Belgrave were present in regard to getting some new sidewalk, Moved by Win. Easton, seconded by Stewart Procter that the Road Superintendent be instructed to build approximately 340 feet of three font eddewalk in the Hamlet of Belg- rave: - Carried Moved by Stewart Procter, second- ed by Walter Slicrtreed that Wm. Brydges be re-engaged as Max Coll- ector at the same salaray: - Carried. Moved by Stewart Procter, second- ed by Ross Duncan that the Reeve and Rosin Superintendent apply for the 'Steltutay grant on the road expenditures': - Carried. Moved by Walter Stortreed, gee - ended by Wm. Elston that the road bills as pre anted by the Road Superintendent be paid. — Carried. Moved by Walter Shartreed, sec - ended by Wm. Elston that the meeting adjourn to meet again on Oef ober. 4 at 1 p, nt. or at the call of the Reeve. -- Carried, The following eeronute were Paid: ,Advance -Time's $10.00 Dept, of Health, Tnaulin 1.64 Geo. Martin, hydro for hall 8.07 'Municipal World, supplies 5.35 airs. Bertm0t, giant tO Myth Fair 76.00 (Too, Wesesbnrg, grant to Brussels Fair 250.00 Stewart Prneter, graftt to DIED SPEER — At Calvin, Sask, Sept 1st, Alexander Allan Spelt, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Allan Speir, formerly of l4'orris Twp., Age 65 Years. SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Have your Septic tanks end ems - pools cleaned the sanitary wary now to avoid trouble. Irvine Colton, Phone 254. Milverton, Oat. HELP WANTEtl MALE — Are you satisfied with your Dreamt income and chances for sdvanose meets? If not, investigate the money making possibilities and ,secure future offered by a *ictal Watkins•DealershdP. Sell nationally ,avertlsed products — necessities, for both dame and farm. No lnveetalmt. Tree tratnfag. If you are between 55 and 95 and have 01' can abiosis s car. write immediately tor tern Air tails without obligation to Dapt. O -B-4. The J. R. Watkins Company 350 St. Rooh Street, Montreal. 3'ednatsday, Felitaib ..Fera•�+n,»vtMM400.+-•-+a-+n,-- A Banff is useful in so many ways At a bank, you can keep important papers and other valuables in a private safety deposit box. Y�L Travellers Cheques and Letters of Credit provide a safe, handy source of funds when you travel. A bank helps you do business ata distance; sells exchange, transfers funds, makes collections. A bank is much more than just a place to cash a cheque or deposit your savings. The many services it provides are designed to help you handle money matters more simply, . safely, easily. You will find bank people ' courteous and efficient in handling routine banking matters and helpful, too, when unusual problems arise. Don't hesitate to "see the bank about it," THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects ,at Lot 42, Con. 9, East Wawanosh Twp„ farm adjoining the Village of Belgrave on TUESDAY, SEPT. 21st at 12.30 p.m. Horses Aged mare 14 yrs. old. General purpose mare 10 yrs. old. Cattle 3 Shorthorn Cows due In Nov. 2 Shorthorn Cows due in April. AUCTION SALE Oliver — Household Furnishings and Real Es- tate to close the Estate of the late Mrs. Ella M. Baeker, in the Village' of Brussels, will be offered for sale 1 SATURDAY, SEPT. 26, 1944 I commencing at one o'clock Included will be such articles as 1 living room. dining room and bed- room furniture, rugs, washing mach- . ins and Nordheimer piano. Many small articles too numerous to ment- ion. Helcer Lansing, Mich, — Donnie Jean -Helcer chase touches of blue in her bridal bouquet 'and blue gowns far her attendants when she was unitea In marriage Saturday evening, August East. to Jantes. Leroy (Hirer Jr. Their vows were solemnized by Rev. W. Tennant of the Methodist Church in "Holt Michigan", in a candlelight ceremony at s p. m. .The bride is the only daguhter of Mrs. Gladys Helcer of Holt, and 2 grade Cows with 4 calves - Real estate which will be offered the bridegroom's parents are Mr - 2 Spring Calveo, 3 Steers rising 2 subject to a reserve bid, consists of and Mrs. James Oliver Sr-, 1507 2 years old, lot and two storey red brick rest- Clifton St-, Laneedng. 2 Steers rising 1 yr. old. deuce on Turnberty Street; also two Pigs stores on the east side of Main Street 1 Sow with 9 pigs presently occupied by W,.L. Backer Hans and Son. Meat market, and the 40 white Leghorn hens 1 yr. old. former White Star Bakery, with Hay and Grain .... apartment above. 35 ton Mixed Hay Terms of Sales : Cash 1200 bus. Ajax Oats, grown from Real Estate 10 per cent day of Reg. Seed. - sale — balance In thirty days. Machinery - Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. Cockshntt' Binder (like new) Robert Johnson. Clerk. ' M H side delivery rake (like new) - FOR SALE --- 200 acre farm, on County Road, close to Highway, , school, gond house, hydro, new furnace, 2 bank barns, priced at $11,600, half doers. 200 acre farm, brick house, bank barn, hydro, pressure system, prix- od at $10,500. 109 acre tarn, brick house, hydro. bank barn, good bush, priced with crop at $6000.00. Grocery store, in good village, priced for stock and equipment $3,800.00, Rent 28.00 per month. A number of good houses and farms at ail times. Ptt no 8 Long, Realtor, 4 Brussels SL H. seed drill, McCormick mower, Frost and Wood bay Ioader, ford Tractor, with plow, Ford Cultivator Tandem disc harrow, Sleigh with rack, 2000 ib. Scales, Massey- Harris, asseyBarris rubber wed wagon (like new) Roller ,hay rack, Fanninp mill, Scuffler, plow, - Wdoo Electric grafi grioder (like new), 5 section harrows, wheel barrow, Colony house 10 x 12, Set double harness, 4 horse - ooflaaxt forks, shovels, chains. Other articles too numer ous to mention. Furniture 2 beds; springs and mattresses 4 dreseleks, 3 wash stands, ohetet of drawers, 4 bedx'oosn ohafjrs, 5 rocking chairs, small tables, arm eller, floor lawns, kitchen chairs, writing desk, Renfrew kitchen stove, Thor white enamel washing machine. Terms Cash Harry McCtenaghan, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. AUCTION SALE at R. Patrick's, Mill Street on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th at 1 P. M, 4 piece ohusterfieid suite, China cabinet, 3 buffets 2 oak tables, sewing table 2 sewing machines Beds and springs, trunks Writing deelas, dining room chains Kitchen Chairs, small tables Sideboard, couches, day bed Floor covering, 2 dressers Flower stands, mirrors, Box stave, heaters, crib r Cook stave, lawn mower, Sleep ladder, Electric Ironer - Electric Washing Machine , Some dishes,, wash stands, sealers, Space heater and many other articles to numerous too mention. Terms Cash Harold Jackabn, Auctioneer. ATTENTION LADIES A telephone call brings your British Knit representative rlgltt to your home. Quick and courteous service at all times plus quality goods. Mrs. Pearl Stevenson, Brun els Telephone 43r14. MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVE•ROOM HOME $626.00 Write Dept. B 'P or visit our showrooms, Open Wednesday and Friday evenings and all dies Saturday. J. V. JOH6ISON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSViLLE, ONTARIO G 10E Painting, Paperhanging, Interior and Exterior Decorating. Sips Our 1964 Walipeaper Desigaa. Wanes Pratt, R. R. 1 Walton, Phone M,4 Seaforth; Phone 45r9 Brussel& W. G. LEACH -- JEWELLER Your gift selection is no problem if you shop with as. A large stock to choose from and nipely wrapped too. Something unusual we have It also, and at a price you won't mend Paying, The store for beautititl gifts, FOR SALE Choice cementing gravel, building eland, Lane gravel, fill and top coil at reasonable prides, We will try to till alt Orders within 24 hours, Collect calls accepted. Arthur Ruttan Bfinevale, Phone Bratsels 44=6, The church was decoraded with baskets of white gladioli and branch candelabra. The bride's gown- was of white tuule over satin. styled with a wide standup collar. sleeves ending in points aver the wrists and a bouffant skirt with in=serted bands of lace. A satin halo held her finger-tip veil in place. Blue carnations carried out the color scheme in her bouquet of white rases and carnations. The attendants were all gowned in frocks of blue, styled alike. They were fashioned in organdy aver ta- rot:: with full skirts and strapless bodice with stoles of tulle. They carried star-shaped bouquets of pink roses and wore halos of blue organdy to match their dresses. Mrs. Eugenie Every, cousin or the bride was matron of 'honor, Mrs. Lyle Philo, and Barbara Howard, were bridesmaids. Mary Alice Hamlin and Leafie Farrand also wore blue dresses for their duties of, filter girls. Arthur Farrand of Ohio was beat 4. man. Richard Hewitt and Richard 1 Zimmerman of Lansing served as groo1110nten and also helped Donald • Rowa+rsox and Lyle Phlo, usher the guests to their IfeWs. .... 13111 Banrhant of Holt sang "Be. .eanse" and the L'ord's Prayer" be. fore the ceremony. He was accom panted by Mrs. Wilda: 'Pennant, who also played traditional wedddnig nis,rchee, and other nuptial selections. A reception was held in the church parlor's follolwin'g the ceremony. Wlhite ,and pink gladioli served al decorations. Mrs Helcer received in a gray For Professional PiANO TUNING and Repairs Consul CLARE F. ITONE Phone; E. Martin, 87x Brussels WANTED — Housekeeper for': one adult -' or would rent to married couple and board with tenant — 7 room furnisdY ed house, furnace and babbrc n, garage and large building irritable to keep chickens. S, H. Fear, Ethel, Phone Brussestls 22r14. DISTRICT FALL FAIR DATES ANNOUNCED Dates for Fall Fairs in. the district have been announced by 'thetl- cutural Societies' Branch aS the Ontario Department of Agritmitare as follows: • Ayton, Sept, 29 26 Blyth, Sept. 21, 22. Brussels, Sept. 20, Oct. 1. Chatsworth, Sept. '30, Oot. 1. Chesley, Sept. 10, Ill. - Clifford, OOL 8, 9. Des'boro, Sept. 23, 24. Drayton, Sept 18 and 20. - -Dungannon, Sept- 21. Durham, Sept. 7, 8, Exeter, Sept. 22, 28. Fergus, Sept. 10, 11. Feversham, :Sept. 15, 16. Fordwicsh, Oct, Hanover, Sept, 16, 16 • ltarriston, Sept. 22, 28. Holstein, Sopt, 23, 24. Kincardine, Sept.' 16. 17. Listowel, Sept. 27, 28. London (Wdstern Fa=ir) Sable 134.$ Lucknow, Sept. 28, 29. `Iarkdale, Sept. 13, 14. tdldmay, Sept 13, 14. litcihell, Sept. 28, 29. It. Forest. Sept. 11 - 13. .)wen Sauad, Sept, 27 - 29. - Paisley, Sept. 90, 21. Palmerston, Oct. 4, 6. a. Port Elgin, Sept, 9, 19. Ripley, kept. 04, 34 Sealbrth, Sept. 23, 24. Teee'water, Oat. 5, 6. Tiverton, Sept. 18, 14. Toronto (Canadian National 19a.) Aug. 27 Sept. 11. (Royal Winter Fair) Noy. 12240, Walkerton, letor, 3, 4. sued pink pointed crepe dress With gray accese,aotes, a corsage of pink roses eon:plated her ensemble. The bridegroom's mother chose a rose beige kers dress' with brown noeess 07004, end more •a eorsa,ge'of yellow reseg. For a, honeymoon spent in Nemeth - ern Michigan the bride Note ti light weight 'ac(ttu snit with 'white access• cries, her e0rilege 'fans of Bink end albite rases. The bridegroom 'le a g"an'dsgn Of the late Mr. and Mt'a, 3dhn Oliver Of Rreetrels, Ont, OPPORTUNITY DOMINION AUTOMOBJLIA ASSOCIATION "CANADA'S MOST PIR'OGR!B EIv 1 ,• (' MOTOkt- QtJOf" requirgi Sales:; reprove native in Wm Qts tridt. Gro mpiw-sickns0n', btikilth 1*4 hice)<denit beetONO, Delt'tatolq plan and other aeottrity and lieteritO ltst the censetenttens tlalegtifitt. 12005h, to work more im'portattit thlIN YISa' expOrteiisIe. n.�.siws :+t9f Write in atrlet conftdetilin 'tib p• ,O Box 60. Brtt441071,