HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-9-1, Page 1s ?ort Publishing Horse . =x, BRUSSEmi. Wednesday, Septexnnber l st'1954 Antherized "Le bepoad ol.am pati" t Office PeDturimmet ()Rase 'BRUSSELS DEFEATS 'CLIFFORD SWING SKIRTS 4-:2 On 1V1•onday night Verde b'at'on pitched •ane, of her better ball garnets SS Site bead Clifford to •'tivo rums and also hit n home run;in the sixth Phe 13rnssels girls aiL•played ex.- ooDtionaily '!void `end shouldmake it a great Series yet. 'Clifford 'lead tie 'series 3 games 2 with the 'last irwo games 111 Clifford as they won the doss. R. `St D. Brussels 002 001 Olx 4 9 2 Clifford 000 100 001 2 6 • 2 For Clifford 3, Kruspe SS; J. McPhail 2; M, Pennlin 3; B, 'Bin -icier Be V. Penman LT; 'W. -Weiner CF; M. Loos eV; A, Duboeker, 1; 10. Bukrow RV, A For Brussels — S. Black 3; i- Wat- sOn C; L Spelr Ras; D. Pearson CF; A.15711118 1; V. Watson P; N. Steph- enson SS; S, Machan 2; Mary Willis LF; Mabel Witty RP; Freida Sawyer P; and Agnes LaneLP. _ Umpires — Foster and Murray, Wingham, Ont ? ELV1LLE CHURCH In Melville Presbyterian Church on Sunuday, Aug22, the Rev, Mr. 'Max of I:lensall, conducted the ser- vice. His text was taken from Heb. 6, verse 18, an e,.Orortation to be eteadfast in the faith. God is most sure in His promise and to lay hold upon the hope that is set 'before ns. Jes'ns Ohriat is our hope and faith both sure and steadfast. A solo was bong by Graham McDonald and Miss Barbara Allen presided at the organ. THE UNITED CHURCH The theme of the worsbip in the United Church on Sunday, Aug. 29 was based on Philippians 4:8 and 9 ',Whatsoever things, are true, honest, Just, pure ,lovely and of good re port -keep thinking on these things` Men are responsible for the cons tent of their minds. "As a man think eth in his heart so i:, Ire." It alma keeps thinking of hatred, revenge, retaliation, malice, envy, jealousy, lust and obscenity his soul becomes a perfect hell, but if he keepts think- of hinkof bhe true, the honest, the Just,• the pure, the lovely, life will be a heaven' snob was the burden of the'reeseage, '!gee anthem "Jesus is All the 'World to Me" by W. L. Thompson, eras sung by the choir. 1141 PRISRVYBRIAN CNUNCN iN CANADA iM.1vwie C! Brussels No Sunday School 11 a. in. Morning Worship United c'hur'ch OF CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship - 11,16 o. m. God's Requirements No Church .School during Artg, Come let us worehip, Cburchef England Parish of Brussels Rev. A. Norman Ellis, M. A. •Sunday 6 Sept., Trinity XII st. Johne" Churoh, Brussels 11 a. m. holy Communion Sunday School St. David's!, Henley]." . - 2.30 p.m Evening Prayer Sunday Soliool St, George's. Walton - 9.80 e, m, Morning Prayer BAND CONCERT Brussels Legion Pipit. Band will present a concert on the main street .on Saturday night, of this, week. .A .hover collection wiil be taken.'. Garfield E. Hendersen 'Garfield Edward Henderson, 36 'lied at his home Imre on Saturday morning, August 14th, following a lerigthy Illnase of four months, Ile twee born in. Morrie township but moved as a child to. Brussels with his pae'ents. Edward and Eva James: on -13en'derson. Ile attended `Brus• 'Brussels ec0ools, and of late years was an •employee of the Brussels Creamery, Fifteen years ago ne was married to Miss Helen Groves df Wingbam,. who survives with two •small daughters, ',Linda end Sharon. 'Besides Tris parents two sisters also •survive: Mrs, Thomas (Marguerite) 'Tbornton, and Mrs. Clarence (Stella) Stedss; both of London, Ont. Funeral service was conducted at tote D. A. Reim Mum] 'home on Monday afternoon by Rev, Andrew 'Lane of Brueeels United Church. Pallbearers were all members of the .staff of the'Br11seels 'Creamery, George Cousins,, rase Cudmrore, Ale, Clarice" Ivan Campbell, Scott Paw son and Clarke Matheson. •Flbral tributes were hoarse by 'Bert Hicks and Join Sullivan, both of Landon, J, ,eS, ,Thiliideam, Listowel, and Ronald Huether. Burial wee made in Brussels Cense LQOAL GIRL SHOWERED - To ironer Miss dean Ste. Maxie, a !bride to be of this week, Miss. Mary Lou McFarlane held a Shear- er et her home. About 40 .Denude and neighbors joined to wish ;nor Suture betininees. A. small deters ated watering can was suspended over the chair where Vie 'bride elect sat, in streamers of the same colours, white, bite and pipit, which decorated the. room, Mrs, Iran Ca:Obeli . read the address . and girt' •condoling of a niatctted sett of •n:ceesiaories for n bath -room and • miscellaneous gifts• were brought In, in a large decorated basket by Miessee 'Joyce Thomas, Aileen Diet nes Jean Stetss and Mrs. Allison Weeks. 'Joan sincerely thanked her friends and hostess. Miss Jean Steles conducted a contest ' which everyone enjoyed. Luneb was ser- ved by 'thy" hostess, those assisting her were, Mrs. Iran Campbell. Mrs, A, Weeks and girls of the bank staff. Miss Ste. Marie has: been on the staff of the Canadian Bank of Oonruerce here for the past tour year's. s, Her new home will 'be in Petersburg, Ont. Mrs. S. Z. Eccleshall' jNccle-shall—At Wetaskiwin, Alta., on Monday, August 9th, 1964. (Gladys. Olive 'Bolger) wife ,of J. S. Hcelesbal'I, in her 63rd year. Surviving are 'two sans Kene'bh and Allan, also talo sisters and one brother, (Esther) Mrs. Earl Witt. son, D17bh, Ont., (Marguerite) Mrs. tory, Jim Sanderson, Wroxeter, Ont, Mr, ' Harold Bolger, Walton, Ont. FALL MUSIC' TERM Mr. and Mrs, Louis D. 'Thompson will re -open their classes in piano playing, singing, organ and •theory,. Tuesday Sept. 7th. Pupils, please ' come at their usual time. Phony 79x Brussels. ENGAGEMENT. ANNOUNCEMENT The engagement is announced of Mary Ellen Doreen Lamont. Water-; loo, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs- Hugh Lamont, Brussels, to Mr. George Jacob Setp, son of Mrs.; Jobnl Seip, R. R. 4, Clifford, and the Late Mr, Setp, The wedding will take place Sept, 18 at 2.80 o'clock , at Union United Church, R. R. 3; Brussels. II For Professional • PIANO TUNING and Repairs Consult CLARE F. STONE Phone: E. Martin, 87x Brussels 1 VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE School Girl Special for August — Cold wave, complete with cutting and styling, $6.00. Mrs, Velma Stephenson, Phone 102xr4, CAPITOL ' ISTOWEL TIEATRF CRANBROOK Rev. T. E. Kennedy, a former minister, conducted the service in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sun- day, Aug. 2881. Mr, Brian Prescott was guest soloist.. Miss _ellce J. Forrest returned to her Home here on Saturday from a monbh'b holiday spent in New Lisle. eard. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Forrest and son Robert accompanied her and visited over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hertz, Chicago also visi- ted with Miss Forrest this Week Mr, Allen Cameron celebrated hie eighty fifth birthday on Saturday, Aug,23, with members ef the family and otter friends in attendanoe. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Geisier and slaughter, Betty, Fraser, Mich., are holidaying here. Jim Knight and Alex Cameron left this week on a trip to Western Canada. 1 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Garfield E, Hewlenson, -MIA bo express their r appreciation and sincere thanf06 to Itheir many relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness 'anti sympathy, shown in their recent sad bereavement, for the many tarda, personal messages and floral PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * Glen A. Wheeler and family, Lon. dondon, smelt Sunday at the borne of Lteysl Wheeler, * * Mrs P. Bates anti Miss Doris were guesteat the home of Mies leaseie Moses last week. ,r. * * * Mi s Shirley Lamont was visit- 'Ing the Orome of her aunt Mise Mary'Lamont ower tate week -end. * , * JOHN 0, HANNA, M: P. P.'S SON Dias. IN CRASH A tunei'ul service was held on Tuesday at 2.00 p. m, for John C. Hanna, twient3'-ane, 'w'ho was killed last Saturday in an auto- mobile rareident near Gravenburth. The body srested at the S. 3. Walker —funeral—shame in Wingham traetl1 10.80 a, in., Tuesday, 'when it was removed to St. Andrew's Pres:byte*lan ,Ohuroh in Winsl am for a service. Interment wasemade in the Wiuglrarn. cemetery. The eas- ,ket remained closed, Mr. Hanna 'was the only son of Miss Rebecca Shurrio had true Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hanna. sMr, misfortune to tail in her home and Hanna is the Progressive-Conserva- break her ankle. Her niece, Ides. M tive member of the Ontario Legis- Sburrie is nursing her in. her tome tutors; for Huron -Bruce. The youth 'here, . was Billed when his convt'rtible t e * * collided with an nil trued; five miles i. George Behorrill of Iron Bridge, soutb of Gravenhursit. Algoma, was, n visitor at the home Also injured was Stewart Nimmo, , of I,. Frain and called on friends in 20 -year-old Fon of the Rev. Alex the community. Nimmo, Wingbam Presbfterian 1 * * °Churc�. He is in eritcal condition Mrs, R. lfeleatt of Bnurlemnque with brain injuries at the hospital f Quebec was a welcome visitor in here. He has not regained con- f town a week ago. She was, the former soieusness, Berea' Bryan', ' The youths' car had been pulled * * * I out of a ditch where it was stuck Mr. and Mrs. S. Hertz, Chicago, ' a few minutes before the accident, were guests at the home of Miss % A passing tractor helped them. Alto* Forrest, Cranbrook, and Mrs. l Dun to a shortage of nurses at W."Forrest and Wm. Moses, Brass -, the Northern Ontario hospital. a .els. s Winging= radio station Saturday * * ,,t asked ' local, nurses to volunteer Miss Barbara Allen, daughter of • their services. Nurses Mary Craw - Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Allen, entered St. , ford, Wingham, close friend of the Josephs Hospital, London, as a nurse- Nimmo family, and Kilda Pleteh, in -training, an Wednesdy of this London, Saturday left by car. week. We wly1 Barbara every sues- Mr. Nfpnmo, who was on vaca- ess in Ler chosen career, , tion In Eastern 'Canada, flew * * * home. Mr, and Mrs W. H. TIbbo, Windsor, John Hanna was about to enter Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Joyce, Toronto, his third year at the University of 'Mrs,. A, Wearing, Wroxeter, and Mr. Western Ontario, where he planned and airs- G. S'i. Lnycook and family to take a business administration Waterdown, were visitors with :lir. ' degree. He was a good student and and Mrs, Jas. Armstrong and etten- was well Liked by his fellow stu- ded the Armstrong-Sohnstan wedding dents and professors. en Saturday. In 1949 he was awarded the A. D. * * . * MacWiliiam Trophy as the best Mr. and Mrs ,Ed. Pollard arrived I athlete in Wingham High school. ]wine Prom ai most enjoyalble motor ; He was an enthusiastic football and trip through the States by way of basketball player and sang in the Chicago and Yellowstone National glee club. He was also a member of Park Thep visited at Seattle and The Landon Free Press "Leaders came honer by train after visiting Club" in 1962. with their daughter in Vancouver, stopping at New Westminster, Calgary, Olds, Medicine Hat, Moose t John Shiels Jaw and Portage is Prairie. CARD OF. THANKS i wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me by sending me cards during my recent illness. Your'thoughtfnlness was very much appreciated. Lawrie Cousins, IUIIIn11111IlIingni11 LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO i tributes. Two Shows Nightly 2 shows nightly 7.30 920 p. m. ,- Matinee Saturday. 2 p. m. Last showing Thursday, Sept. t. 2 Jet packed thrills Jet packed "BREAKINB THE SOUND BARRIER" Fri. - Sat. Sept. 2 - 4 Maureen O'Hara Jeff Chandler In an action packed story of front - ler days Mid•nite, Monday, 7- Sunday Tuesday September 5 - 6 - 7 For Your Leber Day Holiday — Ail ..- New All Different — You'll laugh ht h Francis the talk•' Special thanks to the nurses and doctors of Victoria Hospital and Dr Myers of Brussels and the Rev. An drew Lane, also the Odd Fellows end Rebecca Lodges. And to those who kindly loaned cars and to the D. A. Rana Funeral Home.Hom. witir laug er when p Mule and Donald O'Connor start) 1 out:. in 1 "FRANCIS COVERS THE BAG TOWN" \ I • A picture for the family. 11 TUESDAY FOTONITE OFFER THIS WEAK $18.00 (f Monday Attendance Card Night. in „' Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I September 8 - 9 - 10 II "HOBSON'S CHOICE'" 1 The riotous comedy that has broken all attendance records In Canada, 1 26 weeks in Toronto, ' 1 starring Charles Laughton. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Rain or clear — first show at dusk Funeral service for John Shiels of the 1410h concession of Grey Town- • elrel was held from the Walker Fun. _ eral Hohre, Brussels on Tuesday. August 10th. Deceasd, 86 years of age was the last surviving member of the family of the late John Sihiels and Xenia McNair, pioneer residents of Grey • Township. Mr, Shiels apent his whole life 'on on the 14th con. of Grely. Ile had been in poor health for some years. the last three of which were spent in WtngOrlam Hospital, Surviving are two nephews and a niece in West. era Canada. Interment was made in Cran.brook Cemetery.. ` NOTICE — 4 The entertainment at the Palace ° Garden, Formosa, Ont„ Sunday Note: News and Cartoon at each ; Sept fitly Till be given by T -Bone show. ° 1 ,and hies Texans from Niagara Falls -- � 2.50 to 5 is m. Thursday • Friday August 26 - 27 "WHEN WORLDS COLLIDES" Richard Darr BarbaraRush Sat. - Mon.Aup, 28 - 30 I "RHUBARB" 4,* e Ray Milland Jan Sterling 1 Thursday, Friday and Saturday s .----- "PARATROOPER" Tues. - Wed. Aug. 31, Sept. 1 Alan Ladd Leo Glenn "ANYTHING CAN HAPBEN" Alan Ladd Is a paratropper In this Jose Ferrer Kim Hunter great_actlon picture of World War 11. " • • ' Thur'. - Frl. Sept 22 — 9 l' IP N 4 I "SAILOR BEWARE" Monday, Tuesday, and Woltnesday Dean Martin Jerry Uewis "SO THIS IS LOVE" Kathryn Grayson Mew Griffin b 4th The marvellous. story of Grate S Moore Broderick Crawford Barbara Hale Thursday, ▪ 'Friday and Saturday ` "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO" Sunday Midnight September b William Holden Eleanor Parker "THE BLUE GARDENIA" (Adult) Ann Baxter Richard Conti • 2.00 pe x' year .. ,DANCE At the Crystal Palace Ballroom in Britisser FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th For your Lancing Pleasure, Hear "The Sandowners" "Best Dance Band in the Land" Under the Auspices of. the East Huron Agricultural Sociaky — Lunch Counter A Admission 50c Everybody Welcome. GODERKKH BUSINESS COLLEDGE OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th, 1954 SPECIALIZED BUSINESS T -RAINING Practical instruction in all Commercial Subjects Modern equipment — Friendly experienced teachers; High standards — Placement service. ' 'TUITION: Our Tuition Rate Is STILL only $17 per month PROMPT REGISTRATION ADVISABLE In order to (obtain best results, we urge all students' to commence' on the opening date. Call 428W or 1272 for appointment. Ask for the Bulletin of Courses approved by the Canadian Business School Association. I 1 MOWY ON • 1 daily 24 p.m: CFPL ADIO. t_'.� , BIG TOP BONUS FREE! TCA TRIP FOR TW HEAR DETAILS DAILY ON THE SHOW TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOB TAXES COUNTY OF HURON 13y virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Wardell and seal of the Corporation of the County of Huron, bearing the date the 14th day. July 24811 and to mo directed, commanding n1.0 to ames ereon, together With on the incurred, hereinafter y give ed for notice thatears ef unlestthe said arrears ty due andtcosts are homer, with all costs i'o eed 1 I hereby p Si paid, I will Proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or as much as �y be nieeestaary for fibs sate Payment of arrears and costs thereon, on Tuesday, November Otlh, 1964 at two o'clock in the afternoon, in the temporary Court Ho158, Britannia Road, in the Town e2 Goderich, b ea1IPllatxe with the provisions of the A;e,sessment Act. The adjourned sale, if •neceessary, e held one week later at the same time and place. TOWNSHIP OF GREY To Wit ; Saturday September Lot and Collo, Years "LAST OF THE QOMANCHES" Name and Decrr!Pldou 61-2.3 F. P. Byte, Mill Block, Walton, Conc. 18 19,12' 3 Crawford Strachan Est„ R Pt. 1, Com, 4 19, r The nbave lands are patented, Pet•d al Goderich, Ontario, July 19th, 1954. Published in the Ontario Gazette, AMguat 7, 1964. * * Comidg Sean .. "FROM HERS TO ETERNITY" Taxes 184.06 49.$2 Costs 0.60 8.25 A. Il, Erskine, Treasurer, County of Buren. •Total 190.06 62,57