The Brussels Post, 1954-8-11, Page 7'tying Eggs Goo Stoles Gas In a Bent Acts case a landlord eomplained that his downstairs Want filled the narrow hallway With barrels of beer, "Re keeps 'eying he's planning a party, Ike landlord explained, "but he's been planning that party now for twelve months)" In another case a landlady was arguingwith her woman tenant Over chimney -sweeping trouble when the tenant suddenly picked up the stove and threw it at her. Claiming damages, the landlady asserted that red-hot coals fell Out of the stove, scorched the floor and burned her leg. In a third affair an eighty-year- old landlord testified that in or- der to avoid his ground -floor ten. sults he could not use the stair- case, Instead, he always left his forst-floor flat by a ladder into the garden and climbed home the same way. Atter weighing the balance of hardship, the magistrates gave him an order for possession. But when an irate landlord hit his tenant On the head with a hammer, magistrates decided this was going too far and sent the house -owner to jail for malicious esault, A landlady who slipped into her tenant's rooms to fry eggs was similarly charged with (stealing gas; but a landlady who admitted biting her tenant's fin- ger was cleared of a charge of aasaul, She explained that the lady tenant had pulled her hair, spat in her face and grabbed her throast first. These are just a few sideline conflicts in the world's most wide - Spread cold war, the never-end- ing feud :between landlord and tenant, One well-meaning land- lord, gave his rural tenants piped roans water so that they would not have to use a well. Then he added a bathroom, electric light And an automatic heater, but found he still couldn't raise the rent, unless his tenants agreed to the improvements. They didn't Agree — and refused to payl So it would seem that Can - Ada is not the only place where andlord and tenant clash. They • save their troubles in Britain, -loo. Wouldn't it be nice to be a bird? Or a fish! Patty -Cake — Yankee catcher Yogi Berra, left, and First Base - Ottani Bill Skowron try to violate ,,rule that 'two objects can't gftcupy the same space, as they foul both go `after a high pop f a cluci .9 a Yanks -Tiger game In NeW Yorii,+$erra"" made the catch despite all the help. Underwater Mint4 Going underwater goggljt g the Red Sea presents a remark- ably abrupt change in scenery,. I recall! particularly a place seine thirty miles south Of Chardaga called Sharks' Bay where this change impressed me the most. At one moment I stood On the hot sands Of the barren desert; the next moment I found my- self in one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen—a re- freshingly cool place, a submar- ine coral garden of brilliant col- ours and teeming with life, In Sharks' Bay the desert ter- rain drops suddenly beneath the sea and is transformed into a short fringing reef. My first look at this unusually gorgeous reef is still a vivid picture in my mind. The edge of the first shelf of the reef dropped down at a sharp angle to a ledge about twenty feet wide some twenty- five feet below me. This ledge in turn sloped off into a deep, richly blue water, toward a bot- tom I could not see. Almost every spot on the reef was over- grown with corals of the most graceful, delicate and unsual forms, Some grew like clusters of pink and lavender flowers, others were round and solid with winding channels on their sur- faces making them look like the denuded, convoluted brains of mammals—small ones like- the ;• brains of marmosets, monstrous` ones that seemed to come from the heads of Goliaths. Some of the coral grew like branches of a tree or antlers of a deer, some had straight surfaces like table tops standing on a single centre leg. One type of coral sat in little sandy patches on the ledge below looking exactly like the heads of yellow mushrooms. . And you could see a thousand fishes at a glance. There were dozens of varieties of small fish- es, glittering sea gems that Lived in close association with the cor- als; a school of hundreds of little emeralds, another of rubies, and another like a. band of escaped convicts with black and white stripes on their bodies and pel- vic fins edged in sapphire. These • three types of damsel fishes all headed into branched corals when 1 approached them. Here they could be captured by mere- ly breaking off a branch of the coral and shaking it over a small. meshed net. But tiny topaz and opal blennies crept into deeper crevices where enemies ' could not reach them,` The heads of larger fishes peered out from alcoves in the reef: yellow -and -brown -speckled sea basses, coppery squirrel fish, black and green moray eels. Schools of whiskered, yellow and pink goatfishes went by on the ledge below, their delicate chin barbels feeling in the sand. Stur- geon, butterfly, balloons, and box fishes swam all about me. Big green parrot fish, keeping a good distance away, went by eye- ing me suspiciously while stop- ping periodically to chew off chtmks of coral with their strong "beaks" that made an audible (ruching sound. — From "Lady With a Spear," by Eugenie Clark. DISAGREEMENT A woman was writing to her son, congratulating him on his engagement. "Your father and 1 rejoice in your happiness, my. darling boy," she wrote. "It has long been our dearest wish that you should Marry some good' woman. A good woman is. heaven's 'most precious gift to .,man She brings out all that is good in him, and helps to sup pt'ess the' evil." • Then there was a short post- script in a differel`t handwriting:. "Your mother has gone for a stamp. Stay single, you dam • fool," First Of Three -• New York Giant outfielder Dusty Rhodes greeted by the batboy as he crosses home plate in the second nning after hitting the first of three home runs. At right Is the next batter, Hank Thompson, Rhodes hit his other homers In the sixth and eight innings, Spends 24 Hours in Davy Jones, Locket Wearing a skinrtight rubber suit, Ed Fisher kept the ftwh company en the filar of the Atlantic Ocean near Key Largo, Fla„ for 24 hours, St record for underwater _endurance. Thefa 6- a r -old diver retain his bodywarmth on his record-breaking rubber suit helped the 2 y p feat, Only food Fisher had was:soup, and raw fish he caught while performing his stunt. Fisher'ieaches for anchor,` left, lowered•in Case the current gets rough, and at right, u: -s a. spear gun to hunt game on ocean floor, Wearing a skin -light rubber suit, Fisher takes time out to eat, left, and then chisels his inii•als into a big coral formation. Gobi Locked In - With Deady Snakes One sunny afternoon Iast March, the gay citizens of Bail - lett) were celebrating the riotous festival of Mardi Gras. Surging through the streets, a procession of dancing figures' in, masks. and fancy dress twirled and capered rotmd the giant effigy of King Carnival.' Suddenly shrieks 'of 'terror rose from where the booths of travel- ling salesmen were. grouped, But the revellers round Xing Carni- val's effigy drowned t e ;fright- • ed cries with their laughter. One of -tie travelling booths was' a si1hI le. caltVas tent,, fram- ed by painted posters. announc- ing. . , Miss . Monica, snake charmer .Inside it, illuminated by a. powerful spotlight, was a glass 'case enclosing a lovely' girl in a 'bathing ebstunie.' Spectators were crowding round the ease when suddenly they recoiled in horror ... hush- ed. For two snakes a huge huge black python and an In- dian viper—were seen sliding towards the girl. Calmly, she began to caress the python, which suddenly awoke from its torpor and lung- ed at the viper nearby. As the viper struck back, the specta- tors stood petrified, Without hesitating, the young girl tried to separate the hiss- ing, swaying snakes. She seized the python in her bare hands, It wriggled convulsively ... and turned on her, Before she had time to ward off the attack the python had darted a lightning blow at her face. Miss Monica managed to pro- tect her head. But the serpent continued to attack her relent- lessly,,,and the Indian viper, ally- ing itself with Its former enemy, joined in and planted its veno- mous fangs in the thigh Of .the young girl. A doctor, called in haste, ad- ministered an antitoxin, saving the girl's life, though her un- protected body bore the marks of nO fewer than 52 snake bites, Next day the travelling booths had moved on to another town. And among them was that of Miss Monica, the matte charm- Concealing her wounds be- neath a layer Of pink grease- paint, she lay in her glass case, still wearing her wax -doll smile while she stroked and caressed a black python and an Indian viper... . Contests Wise ---- Md Otherwise Even if you never find a needle in a haystack, you can, at. any rate, have a lot of fun.look- ing. A hundred excited women searched frantically for a two- inch gold needle in a two -ton haystack in New Zealand re- cently,, At••:tbe, end pf three hectic minutes andtwenty-six-'sedbsids, the winner screamed in trittniph, held the- needle aloft and won a sewing -machine. ' It- was just the latest taa'ist in publicity's progress, an amusing sporting event that drew thou- sands of spectators. In Amsterdam a cash prize is given every year to the man who can make a pipeful of tobacco last the longest,'Recent- ly, eighty veteran smokers took part. The winner kept his. pipe alight for ninety and a half minutes. A Frenchman won a prize the other day for barrel - rolling. He beat other contest- ants by rolling a forty -gallon Will Help—External Affairs Min- ister Lester Pearson, of Canada, ,says his nation Is ready•to•join India and Poland.in supervising the cease-fire in Indo-China. He says the acceptance of this role will not change Canada's policy of favouring a southeast Asia security pact. wine barrel — filled with water —ten miles in seven and a half hours. Some of the biggest money prizes, however, involve brain- work. Can you solve the theo- rem of Fermat? Most of the world's present-day atom scien- tists have tried for a $150,000 prize offered by the Academy of Science in Vienna to anyone who can settle this abstruse mathematical problem. A thou: sand solutions a year have been rolling in. All have been wrong, An American salesman recent- ly bequeathed $35,000 to the per- son who best answered a riddle, "Why does the -four-lettered word yoke' cddfine'and answer all the sociological meaning of man and earth?" Unable to see the joke, his son has begun a lawsuit, claiming that the will is incapable of performance. Several American museums, .too, are offering $25,000 td any- one who discovers the well-pre- served carcase of a mastodon, or prehistoric elephant frozen solid in ice. Most provocative of all, the French Academy of Science has' $15,000- ready for the first person to send a signal to any of the planets and receive a re- ply. The prize was left to the Academy as a legacy by a wealthy widow sixty years ago and now the possibility of a re- ply by radar -echo has sharpened the keenness of scientists. Meanwhile, interest accruing on the sum is allowed to accu- mulate for five years, and is then given to the scientist who has added most to our know- ledge of the solar system. SIDAIPATRETIC The poor poet was complaining to his friend. "Burglars broke into my room last night," he said. "What happened?" "They searched through every room," the :poet said, "and then left five dollars on the bureau," TIS Try 1DUREN, guarantee hone] trent Mont for arthritic Paine. Pleaapatt sere effective Stonth'n aueety 55. Money back tlerantatA•.:. Write for pertieuiarn P10.5WO01/ PnAR81ACAI. CO. LTD. Milton Ontario. ISSUE 33 -- 1954 CLASSIFIES ADv RTISING OMR OWVsS ASK en 100 real bargain mia.smnnler Prices on BrnY Ohtuku — mixed pul- lets dayald and started, Still 00007 varieties and erosion. ()Diet' early fall Naiorre now. ,stns' 515075077, '150 Juhn CHICKS every wools in the. Year. SPeolal breeds for layers (we have elk of than) Dual purpose breed0, (aur one best fOr broilers — Niahola New I0Wnnshiree non - 600.101, pullets or Cockerels), Turkey poglt0, Broad nreaste5 Bronze, Bette - vine Whiten, sremnt delivery, Catalogue.. 'rWfi1DULE CHICK HATCHERIES Ltd. rearms ONTARIO I S1t0ILEt Growers: - When Yen 1111 your: bo0508 give your 5104 Ii Square feet bird. - You will havo less renalt'a4019 ,31 ease. greater unlfarmity Lr. the Hoek. Y er vises auoh 50 feather nulling, and 3,u will make mora money. Our bop! for. b. Oilers — Nichols New Hampshire( .-- n Orynne guaranteed from let generation a o0k,' Place Your ordure well in advance d ask for spec)el prIeoe for quantity d yearly contr0010. Free Nichols Yplder. TwEDD0E t•If:015 HATCIIERIE$ Ltd. SWAMIS - ONTAR10 DOMESTIC HELP WANTED EXPER110NCSD housekeeper between AO -40. Plain cooking, partleularly` clean. for 8 adults, good wages, reference re- • mired. 050330. Quo, F. McKee, 11,R. 1. Aylmer FOR SALE NEW 1554 Evinrudes and Elms. leas 502 Bargain Sporting Oatalog 05050 AunlebO arothera, Athabasca, Alberta. FORA001 BLOWER HOODS Save time — Save labour Spread bay evenly In mow by atteahmg a Henget! Flexible Hood on eud,,,.e( Blower Pipe Leanne danger of beat - ins and 0500000 combustion. 'Skiver Hones are made ii an eines for any type of Forage Blower. HP•,RncO'r7' THRESHER CO St. Clemente, Ontario. tVaterloo County. Write or Phone Linwood 00-11-21 WOOLLEN Remnants MK to 83.00 per -yd Blankets, Pant Cloth, Mackinaw Cloth, Coatings, Wool Socks. 3. A. Hum Phrny A San Limbed P. 0 Bon 307. Mnnatun, N.B Isa100iuTT THRESHING MACHINES NOW and used- HOrrcott Threshers. Full width Straw Shredders installed on any make of thresher Cute and shreds the strew finer titan any other shredder, ailing no extra newer The easiest shredder to Install Midget sapper Gram Thraware. Grain Throwers for installation on any • make of threllher.. Rpeditidking wagons, Drive belts, '645166elits. Repairs for GoodIsan threshers and Bart Feeders, Order order now In be euro of delivery when needed. .. nF.RRQ(ITT. THRESHER CO. LTD,. St. Clemente. Ontarla Waterloo County. Write nt. Phone Linwood 58-1.21. TO ALL TV OWNERS Service your TV set yourself, nava hun- dreds of dollars! No professional re- pairmen need call, no high service fees. ACTUAL PHOTOS SHOW YOU This brand new booklet with 111uetrated section contains actual photographs of imperfect TV pictures. Your TV eat trouble easily, quickly identified: ad- foetment or repair Is immediate. T'EL-10-1?\ 810 It Money Order. or C.O.D. chargee extra. Refunds guaranteed. Tel -E -Fix 8254 Prince of Wales, Montreal 59. One Way To Get Cheap "Eats" When a Washington man open- ed a new restaurant in one 01 the capital's busiest streets a. few weeks ago, he thought of a novel idea for attracting pat- rons quickly. A notice in his window an- nounced that diners would be charged according to their weight, "You will be carefully weigh- ed when you enter the restaur- ant and again when you leave," said the notice. "Then you will be asked to pay the difference. For instance, if you weigh one pound more after the excellent meal we give you, you must pay five dollars for it. If you gain only half a pound, you must pay two and a half dollars, and so on." On the first day malty custom- ers were attracted and every- body, including the restaurateur seemed satisfied. On the second day in walked a burly stranger and he was duly weighed He weighed near- ly 200 pounds, But after an en- ormous meal, he was found to weigh only 150 pounds, which puzzled and annoyed the restaur- ateur. Although the stranger had had a free meal, he insisted on being paid several dollars be- cause he had lost weight. Rather than risk a scene, the restaura"t owner paid up. After the stranger had left, the restaurateur, discovered he had dumped some heavy weights under Iris table before: stepping on to the weighing machine af- ter his meal. SUGGESTION "Waiter!" called the irate cus- tomer. "Yes, sir?" "Waiter, have } ou ever been to the zoo?" "No iii„gar: afraid I haven't." "You ooht 10 visit it," the customer' said, "You'd get a kick out of watching the Turtles zip— by." ip 'hp." 'M10I 0VAa. RCM) THIS -- EVERY SUFFERER OF IHEIIMATIO PAINS OR NRURtTis SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG smug. 355 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 EXPRESS PREPAID .. w.,. PE011NE8 • "15085110799"9 to holetlaiev0nte Pain 010- Doge and nervoda tonelnn osaoeinted with monthly periods, 05.00 Pordnald tit el050 Wrallber POST'S OrfEM7fIAl,R , 08U QUEEN ST. HAAT 7'111N1NTO XEMUL (A guaranteed remedy). for-atitieto'e 0000, nelson ivy, sunburn. eczema, root Munn ii Pastpn hi nos 150 Brighten On. tarlo POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISB the torment - ill 070 0300ma rasher, and weeping skin 00515100 Po66t4 eczema Salve will not dlaappoint 7013. tubing, 00al)ng, and burning OPP0na a0na rinrworm plmnles nn0 font sextons w111 re0n0nd readily to the etn.Inlese odor. Ices ointment regardlee0 nt hew Millibar* ,r hopeless tiler seem PRICE 02.00 PlIft 4010 POST'S -REMEDIES Sofa Post Fane nn aet•elnt of Pelee 880 Queen Rt, E,. Corner of Leona TO8115 751 Ol'L'0ItTON1r1Ed F4IR URN 4 N WO3IISN ENGINEERING drattnmen are In great .demand, Train at home In snare time 10, these well-paid secure jobs. L0w fees Dew in effect. Free folder, Primary School 07 Drafting, 183 Vaughan Road, Toronto. • RE ready for Sunday School opening, Write for free illustrated caln:ogue Of King James and Revised Standard Ver- sion Bibles. ' 1,01na0 Nelson 3: Sona, 91 Wellington St, West, Toronto. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAD! NG SOHINIL areal Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Piea0an6. dignified profession. good wages Thouam1de nr aueeesoPoI Marvel gra d. oaten.. Amerim'a Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write a flail , .MARVEL aA2RDRESSIN0'. SCHOOLS. 358 Moor St, W,: Taranto Branches, 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rides it Ste. 001155, MAKE money from used Greeting Cnrde. • Payrticulars 81.00. 00o stamp. Box 100. , Huntsville. I..; ..,,,, VANCOUVER help wanted columna air- mailed 71.00 Shore A0re0, Dept. 0-3, Box -1075, Ladysmith, H.O. PATENTS AN OFFER to (vary Inventor—List at m- ventlono and full Information mint free, The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent, At• thrum, 1170 Bank Street Ottawa F1ITHERSTONHA UGH 4 0 0 m pony Patent Attorneys. Established 0000• 800 University Ave., Toronto Po tent. e11 countries l'ERSONAl. HAVE r0D A PRIQBLEM? WRITE for free Information. Dr. 'Lawrance W. Renner, Human Relation. Counsellor, P. 0. Box 962, Canton Ohio. 11.00 TRIAL offer TwmtyNve deluxe Personal requirements, Latest Catalogue Included. The Medico Agency Reg 124 Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario. YEA CHESS WANTED • PROTESTANT teacher for 0.8,8, No. 4, Radcliffe, .Renfrew County Duties, to begin with Foo term. Apply to the eecre- tary, stating gaaltficationo and salary expected. Verner Guts.. Secy. Palmer Rapids, Ontario. • ATTENTION DOOR TO DOOR SALESMEN OF HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES If you ere interested in adding a high 0ua]ity • Toilet sonar ltnd Soap Flakes to your other linos, write for further par- tioulare to DOMINLON SOAP CO. LTD. LONDON ONTARIO WOMEN WA7T57n1 Per part time work at home, See:l05,, Taping, card addr00- eing. etc. Home work Directory, 81.00. Erbs Enterprises.' 2.015 0. Bridge. (Dante Puss, Oregon, Drive With Care filW BE MIR VE 0 life's not worth living '..:: it may be your liver! Ws a testi 1t takes up to ma pinto. -Of. aver boo a day to keep your digestive tract in top shape! If your aver bile In not Sowing freely your food war not digcat ... gas' bloats up your stomach... you feel o0natipatcd and o11 the fun and sparkle go out of hiio,, That's when you need mild gentle, Carter's Little Liver Pills. Those famous vegetable pills help stimulate the How of livor • bile. Sohn your digestion starts functioningproperly and you led that happy days arohornagain] Don't ever stay sunk Atmnpa keep'-Carter'o Little Liver Pills on hand 872 nt VOW dnnRaidt• S 'k '4 Protect 0001 at1111i5 and .05013 from FIRE nes ruttivE0. ws -havoa slag and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any bon pose, Visit no'nr writs for wire. oto. to Dant:, 0 LIMITED TORONTO S3 F U],,ORK5' 1-15Front d4 `i1;r�iWflote tittnhl)stert3 1 f5.fq