The Brussels Post, 1954-8-11, Page 4'DIE BRUSSELS POST rlRAN13KOO1C DISTRICT C'AI-4 FAIR in Kua7< 1'ipsb5`tgr' ANNOUNCED for the The service Stanley rearming, of the W. M, S, and ban 'Chitral on R. pantos for Fall Fairs in the a�A�l August Ames was ae hostess with Aug. 8, was conducted by have al announced. by ` T. E, 'Kennedy, a former piiul5ter. optimal Department Bol of the it;WAembe shpt United ire, t, present. hire, George , �Ils+•t Margaret Ptri•1e presided. at Ontario Uepartmoltt of Agriculture c• song ¢large oY the devotional th the organ Ma in r the absence of ided a MgEL to hymn 234, followed by prayer and a New Liskeard Tor three wile Rev, rammentarY c,11 different passage of text Supday, Aug. 15, „criittore, 'Hymn 410 was sung. The D. E. RaYlner, (genera Secretnrf of theme of the study period was, "Am ocou9ly the pulpit. Allan Dnnu had an enjoyable 1 my brothers keeper." Mrs. James Psorcon read an article on "Tern- holt/jay 1n Goderich recently h7r1 • his uncle and aunt, Mr. and peranTe." This was followed by a Whitfield, discustaion, Mrs. Geo, Pearson gave Douglas a reading on "Overcoming TemOtnt Recent visitors at tile loins of ion." The President took charge of 21i'- and Mrs. Peter Baker were Mrs. the business period. Minutes of Fred Martin and.dauil1tet• Brenda, last tneetin, read and approved. Roll Thameev111e, and Mr, and Mrs. Wins- ii van. offering. Three thank You tcoi lyiereachern and children, Remit- • road It was reported ton, DIt3 DATES as follow:': Ayton, Sept. 29, 25 Blyth, Sept. 21, 32. Brussels, Sept. 30, Oct. 1. Chatsworth, Sept. 30, Oct. Chesley, Sept. 10, 11. Clifford, Oct,3,3. 23. 24. Desboro, Sept. Drayton, Sept 18 and 20. Dungannon, Sept. 21. Durham, Sept. 1, 8. Exeter, Sept. 32, 23. Fergus, Sept. 10, 11. Feversamm, Sept. 15, 16, Fordwich, Oct. 1, 2. Hanover, Sept. 15, 16 Harriston, Sept. 22, 23. Holst,in, Sept. 23, 24, Kincardine, Sept. 16, 11. Listowel, Sept, 27, 28. London (1Vestern Fair) Sept. 13-18 Lucknow, Sept. 28, 29. 'Tarkdale, Sept. 13, 14. lildmaY, Sept, 13, 14. iitchell, Sept. 28, 29, It. Forest. Sept. 11 - 13. Ewen Sound, Sept. 27 - 29. Pals,leY. Sept. 20, 21. Palmerston, Oet. 4, 6. Port Elgin, Sept 9, 10. Ripley, Sept. 24, 25 Seafortlt, Sept. 23, 24. Teeswater, Oct- 5, 6. Tiverton. St:pt. 13, 14. Toronto (Canadian National Ex.) Aug. 27 - Sept. 11. (Royal Winter Fair) Nov. 12-20. Walkerton, Nov, 1. Period and opened tette meeting wi J. Forrest, who IS Hetes were that the bale had been cent was. vale- Mrs, 3. D, HinohleY, Seaforbh, 30 ed cut 365.00 and another guilt had spending a week with her niece been went for a hospital. There is M1,21, MAC EnSei, still smile used clothing left and Mr. Alex Dark, London, his dauga i Mrs. Leslie Earl, Mrs. Joe Pearson, ter, and Mrs. Jeack Clark, and grand- ; 'Vire Antes and Mrs, Maynard were children, Susan and Stephen Clark, L ! named acommittee to look ober it visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, 1 I! and decide what best to do with it Mao Engel and Mrs, and Mrs. Law 1 and plan for another bale. 'Pb -i* Sept• reuse Qoerengesser. meeting is to be held at Mrs, Mc- 1 Taggart. The mesting was closed by 1 singing Hymn 280 and the Benedtit- inn. Lunch was serhed by the hostess I assisted by Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. t The monthly W. M. S. meals* of I D ff Church was held in Alex Pearson, basement 1 ; 'T r1;;; n e . churcht on August 5th, 1 'lilts fourth meeting of the "Ethel H with ym3'54 followed by the i` n :from Romans 1 Green Thumbs" was held at Mrs, i' Scripture reading ra erg Stanley Alexander's home on Sat- , 1¢: 15, 19.22 Followed by p y I urdday afternoon. August 7th. The The secretary and treasurer reports 1 presi, Beatrice Alexander; opened were read and approed. theTTemp' I the meeting by repeating the 4-H ton group had charge8 Bennett IAN TRiBE ' Pledge The roll call, showing two cranes program, Mrs, k g Part The 1 ALBERTA'S IND I GETS RICH vegetables of any one variety, was and Mrs. F. Kirkby taking 410. ' New-found wealth from land and{ resonded to by five members. Jean. meeting ThAugust meeting of the W. A 1 oil leases has enabled the Indian 1 Rook read the minutes of the third tribes of Alberta to shake oft the i meeting. The businelis included the of Walton United Church met n 4o bonds of poverty- Now thug can in - 'i reading of Miss Jean Steak's. Thursday e8ternloon at 2 p. m. he It vest in a host of modern services and recent letter. Discussion period In- ding basement a rs, Love pre- meeting with 1 btcome prosperous ranchers. eluded garden records up-to-date, and Star Weekly'; feature writer, Elm,the distribution of leaflets on con- the, W. A. Theme Song. Scripture 1 Id Hilliard, went west to visit their din1 ;traction and operatron of a home rr aMathew 5th chapter, verses ofoltcrned by the Mary Stewart 1 communitiAs and see the effect of the nil wealth. His interesting re- port is pube Btoodals Find week's t Wekly: The Pros- perity." ;'tarage for fruits and vegetables. tread and approved, i tables for further knowledge on Mrs The girls judged •and eritized vege• Collect. Hymn 649 was then sung. Sec. repor was Treas. report was given by Coutts. A vote of thanks to the ;' C. G. I. T. leaders and girls, Dor their , work in the kitchen. The meeting closed with prayer. , finality in vegetables. The assistant leader read common storage of veg- etables. fresh or frozen. Our leaders NOTICE tion Bare us, a short review of garden gor artificial insemination Wxt� cultures. Plan were continued for beat tor all ®reeds, the Achievement Day to he held in tion be. I Loi crottle Brom $snt. on Cranbrook Community '`entre on days and 7.30 an tween 9.80 and 10.00 z • m. r I Friday. Aug. 20th. Jean Root gave al 9.30 a. m. on oral reason on a class of hosts and 243. n IIect P$tmerormm 0® -, the leader r., -ad about containers and arrangement, of flowers. Each girl answered the garden quiz. The m':etinr w11-, adjourned by the sing- ing of The Queen." Lunch was ser- ved by the hostess. assisted by 11 TT, -lo.. Dobson and Wilma Conley, { WI GRAM MEMORIAL SHOP ilernorial Craftsmen Fee 'q`t111 '-FYPe Years, Always 'ing •plig BEST GRANITES Ara With EneN j Cuig11I IS ora • wor&oitnflehIP 1eed 'leo FottOoaahis L $41Y :Gtltt 4 Specialty EA As SPOrrOrl1a rta44 on, Ygtf,gnarn, Ontario ,aiDAE Mlaffl-Losgv.1iRo 6A gr 1111, Mealek Harriston 8 Rant fer at Harriston 12 Hanover at Paisley 14 $ir$$seln at Hanover Marey ar Harriston j hit. Forest at Paisley ( 6 ltfford at Oinkerton iB Ws -risme at Mt. Forest 1r'8 Clifford at Hanover• 10 Brim -els at Mt. Forest 20 Harriston et Palsies 23 IIarrt:aon at Brussels 23 Hanover at Clifford 23 Paisley at mit. Forest 26 Pinkerton at Harriston I 27 Mt. Forest at Pinkerton I 29 Clifford et Harriston No one kways alto actually was thr. rir-' person to stele ashore from '11-' Mayflluw-t In 1020. Skinny men, o en gain 5,10,15tbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrslr omy limbs fill out: ugly hollows 5ll up; neck no longer scrawny; bY aSfiera Thousands ogirls, gen, men vibe never could gain before, are now prow( el shapely, healthy -looking odi .T y t toastthe 0 cial vigor -building, rem its tonics, stimulants, irvs orators, iron, vita- min al, calcium, enrich blood, improve appe- tite and digestion so fond g. Mesh on more strength and nourishment; p bones. Dont fear getting too fat. Stop when you've gained the 5 10 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal wetst. Costs little. brew "get ,acquainted size only 60e. Try famOtIsd Osdtrreesd Tonic Tableits for new pep, go Pounds, this very day. At all druggists. ,r (t@ (Jog ©f e@ .O© 11 WHAT'S -THE. MATTER WITH MY BIRDS,DOC- 1NEY`RE ALI-THIN AND STARVED LOOKING. HARRY, YOU ellEG6 P RIGHT, FIRST TIME. THEY ARE STARVED, BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHERETO FIND THE F ED AND WATER. Filo pp A fi=x" ATr?' Ti, W. M. S. and W. A. of Knox' United Church here met in the , church basement last Wednesday afternoon. The Theme of the W, A. meeting was "Measure of a Woman." The president, Mrs. George Michie. read a verse dealing with the theme Scripture was read by Mrs. Stewart Proetrr, followed by a meditation by Mrs. George Michie, A committee . comprising Mrs. George Michie. Mrs. George Johnston, Mrs. Ross Ander- =on. Rev. Charles D. Cox and Roy Mundy WilF, appoinated to look into the possibilities of 'putting on. a r-nneert fallowing the anuiversarr service?. It was also decided to kitty two tern stands for the church. The W. M. S. session opened with e study on temperance. Papers were r' ad by Mrs. Williard Arm - Kt gone. rm•strone. Mrs. George Michie, and Mrs. Edgar Wig+htman. Mrs. Earl Anderson was in charge of the worship service and discussed the theme, "My hrnther's keeper," Th're is to be a special service for Wednesday, ltllg*u2't i11t11,, ION HOOD...under the the ,41u44i S'pl..wa� ..,r1"f.. f3 .Yt%i Alf9'+. ,,• .es" ore POWER and STRENGTH where it really counts ! ij*14811i ijflfl'#T148i1u! • CHOICE OF 5 FAMOUS ENGINES • . Chevrolet enables you to choose the engine which exactly fits your power requirements. • UNBEATABLE VALVE -IN -HEAD ECONOMY • valve -in -head operation combined with high compression ratios gives more power per gallon. • EFFICIENT FULL PRESSURE LUBRICATION . Chevrolet engines operate mcs "Niagara Falls" of oil, greatly increas- ing engine life. • MOST DEPENDABLE TRANSMISSIONS Chevrolet offers a wide choice of specially engineered transmissions — including famous automatic transmis- sions. * WIDE CHOICE OF AXLES Engineered for the road and the load, Chevrolet axles feature amazing durability and strength. • NEW, GREATER CARRYING CAPACITIES More carrying strength, means bigger payloads than ever with Chev-, rolet. v River CA Mrs. B. Williamson, all of Toro- , nto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Mc- Crea; Mr. and Mrs. Wiltiard Arm- strong and Joyce with Mr. and Mrs. E. McGinnis. Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith , Mrs. Ralph McCrea and Miss Irene Smith. in Stratford; Mrs. James Miihie and Mrs. Lorne Nichol home after visit- ing relatives iu Saginaw and North Branch, Mich.; Miss Joan Brydges, Miss^ Irene Smith, Miss Donna An- derson, and Miss Edna Moffatt at Port. Stanley. . VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED For the best in. cleaning efrielorhey see the New Filter Queen Bagleets Cleaning and Health Unit. For ' complete demonstration Phone Brno in Knox United Church on the even- sell 17r19 Evenings. Also complete • ins of Sept. 1, when Miss Marione repair service for - all mace or itilliamson a returned missionary; Vacuum Cleaners. All wort guar' I ?rom India 31111 speak. anteed. Reasonable Rates. Phone 177 Personals: onals: Air. and Mrs. Milton 19 Eavenin.gs or write Don' Fraise_ and Gary, and Mr. and R. R. 2 BIyth. WHAT DO YOU MEAN, DoC? LOOK,THERE'S VITA -LAY !NINE HOPPERS-THERES WATER IN THE AUTOMATIC FOUNTAIN THAT MAYBE, HARRY, BUT THESE BIRDS ARE LOST INTNIS PEN. ON THE? RANGE THEIR FEED AND WATER WERE ONTNE GROUND, AND WITH NEWLY NOUSED PULLETS THE HAVE TO RANGE HABITS• A195 ig WE El INNISEININEW tr .• c . .7 Cr -10540 A General Motors Value russets, Ont. EIRIIMMIIIIINI5 NEN tc,0ti116E bllRli>IIHAIIBls91BR811111A01AMi1 92 rys,sLz�nusQ,e��n,ra„—"�'�'••'•,•-•�oess�mneeaaa r i i When you have a new crop of �r To Sell BE SURE AND CONTACT SEAFORTH FAST, NEW t1144sss)sslllasss$IHSIR s Phone 15 or 376 UNLOADING FACILITIES JUST INSTALLED, [A1 9I�IEITI ssiatssssssmassos®ssssssal® n SHOULD 1 00 THEN, DOC, WHENPULLet, ARE PUT INTO PUT EXTRA WATER PANS 01,1* LAYING PENS, THE FLOOR, HARRY, AND LOW HARRY, FEED HOPPERS AROUND PEN REMEMBER AND SCATTER 0YS ftR 5HEU. AND TO :- GRIT ON THE MASH 100. UNTIL THEY ARE ACCUSTOMED 10 THEIR PEN. By Roe Farms Service Dept.. YOUR B/RDs GO FoR EGG MASH IN MASH OP.. PELLET FORM. MCisi' - uron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON MomemEFP