HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-8-4, Page 41 4 DISTRICT FALL FAIR I GATES ANNOUNCED ` Dates for bail Faille itn the 'district leave been announced by the Agri, outural Societies' 'Branch el the 1, *Ontario Department of Agriculture ag fellows+: ,Ayton Wt. 21 25 Blyth, Sept. 21, 22. Brussels, Sept. 30 Ort.. 1. 'Chatsworth, Seat 30, Oct. 1. Cttesley, Sept- 10, 11. Clitrord, cot 8, 9. 9 eabwm, Stapt• 23, 24, Drayton, Sept 18 and :0. Dungannon, Sept, 21. 13tiritam, Sept 7, 8. Keeter, Sept, 22 ::1 Fergus, Sept. 11) 11. Fever=ham, Sept. 15 18. Fordscieb, Oet, 1, 2. Hanover, Sept, 1:5, 16 Hamilton, Sept. 22, 23. Hl'olst: lo, Sept. 23, 24. Kincardine, Sept. 16. 17, , Listowel, SePt. 27, 28. 'London iiT'•^`c.rn Fair) Sept. 13.18 Lucknow, Sept. 28, 29. Markdale, Sept, 13, 14. Mildmay, Sept. 13, 14. Mitchell, Sept. 28, 19. Mt. For, st. Sept. 11 - 13. Owen Sound, Sept. 27 • 29. P. Sial ey, Sept. 20, 21. Palmerston, Oet. 4, 5. Port Elgin, Sept. 9, 10. Ripley, Sept. 24, 25 Beaforth, Sept. 23, 24. Teeswater, Oct. 5, 6. 'Tiverton. Sept. 13, 14. Toronto (Canadian Natienal Ex.) Aug. 27 - Sept. 11. (Royal Winter Fair) Nov. 12.20, Walkerton, Nov, 3, 4. ALBERTA'S INDIAN TRIBE GETS RICH New-found wealth from land and oil leases has enabled the Indian tribes of Alberta to shake off the bonds of poverty- Now they can ite vest in a host of modern services and btcome prosperous ranchers. Star Weekly's feature writer, Har. old Hilliard, went west to vistt their eommuniti•+s and see the effect of the oil wealth. His interesting re' port ie published in this weeks Star 'Weekly: "The Bloods Find Prose ewity" E BRUSSWL gOST WudnesrlaY NO. 1 IN A SERIES YOUR HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS The Gifts of Nature - for Two Great Countries The dream of power from the St. Lawrence was born somewhere in the last century. Halfway through this one it is about to become a reality. The turning of the first sod for this importantower devellopom�e nt is a high point in your Hydro's 48 years progress' ess that has been the bedrock • of Ontario's economic development and prosperity. Ontario Hydro thanks the Statesmen, public -minded citizen and all others who helped bring to a. successful conclusion years of protracted negotiations. The result is proof once again of the beneficial outcome of co-operation between Province and Dominion and between the Governments. of Canada and the United States. The objective of Ontario Hydro and 2,200,000 he New Yorhoork State Authority, is to complete this great, in 5 years with the generation and sale of power in 4years. The straining tractors and bulldozers, chugging drills, labouring trucks and corps of hard -hatted construction crews will be visible evidence to all in the area of ... ONTARIO HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS NOTICE - For artiaciat tnaembeetton at lin beat tor nit breeds, call the Water- Cattle a er- Cattle Breeding association Tee- tween 7.80 and 10.00 ¢. m. o® week days and 7.30 and 9.10 a. m. on Slaw Ashige eofl00 Palmerston sa 44 ^. " •"�*MiNGHAM Mr-VAUAL SHOP WS Ire Craftsmen Icor 1 4j3 7.dSt's, Always trains Tjig WI GRANITES =teeWith "'_a and 7:741.4 rokokS I.peclalie ty qty 45,, rgitt�jrn i, Ontario YtiiY l iT.., TE 'OMDUSiN. A. 71;• 31 1 __Atf. Teo at Harrlston 7 7 most at Harrlston r 1f 16V'et at Paisley D" Y4 Bi:•tele at Hanoeer II Wk. at Harrlston 14 lit, Ti`ni`est at Paisley 15 =ford at Pinkerton itNiatristrre at Mt. Forest 19 Clifford at Hanover 19 Orussels at Mt. Forest 20 Harrlston et Palsies, 23 Harrtaton at Brussels .23 Hanover et Clifford "23 Paisley at Mt. Forest 26 Pinkerton at Rarrlston 27 Mt. Forest at Pinkerton `29 Clifford at Harrlston ANNUAL HURON COUNTY 4-1-1 BUS TOUR Seven hundred 4-H Club members visited the Ontario Agricuitural College, Guelph on Tuesday, July 27th. Upon arrival at the College the boys and girls were divided up into different groups with the Home- making and Garden 4.11 Club Mem- bers visiting the Horticultural De- partment during the forenoon at which time the girls were given de- monstrations in the art of preparing and freezing home grown produce. In a like manner the calf and swine club members Needled the Animal Husbandry Department, the Grain Gladiolus and sweet peas made and forage club members to the Bio- an attractive setting for the wedd- logy Department and the tractor ing of Miss Dorothy 'Elizabeth Stiles, club members to the Agricultural daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. H. - Engineatring Department. At each Stiles. Brusseie to Mr. George Mo- on the Dwpartments demonstrations Midhen Son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack and items of interests were explain- McMichen, Barrie at the home of ed to the club members. Following the bride's aunt and uuele, Mr. and dinner £t which time the young Mrs. F. N. Thue11, Guelph. Il people ware guests of the Ontario Agricultural College the Rev. W. A. • Young. College Chaplain welcomed the group to the Ontario Agricult- ural College ou behalf of Dr. J. D, Motaachlan, President was unfort- unately could not be present. 'The group then moved to the Livestock Paddock walsere Prof. George ItaithbY, Associate Head Of the Animal Hus• henry Department presided and ex- plained t he Livestock Parade at which time representatives of the diff+'rent breeds maintained at the College were paraded before the group. Mr. Keith Clark, Agricultur• el Engineering Fieldman, Ontario Department of Agriculture then took charge of the program while mem- hers of thy. Agricultural Engineering Staff demonstrated some of the danger; and unsafe operational methods in the handling of farm machinery. Following this program the 4-11 club boyo were divided into three groups for afternoon tours to the �•� 1, tip :• \ ,- //, / 7. LISTEN TO THE SPECIAL CEREMONIES--TUES.. AUG.10 12.30 (Noon) 1.00 p.m. EDS'. 9.00 p.m. -- 9.30 p.m. EDS'''. Dial Your Local Trans Canada Station Field Husbandry Department Plots.asecesborfes. Rev, Kennedy, D. D. t Dairy and Beef Berne and the Hydr- I officiated at the ceremony. 1 nlogy Stntian. The 4-H club Git9e ' For. a wedding trip to Niagara were taken on a tour during the Falls, the bride chose a dress ,of afternoon to Macdonald Institute and navy blue linen with wtltte acoeaor a tour of the College Campus• roll owing supper in the 0. A. C. Dina i les. • itvg•ball the group returned looms On' their return they will reside feeling somewhat tired but everyone in Guelph. was of the opininu that it had beer. Guests attended from Windsor,' Se an excellent educational and in- Toronto, Barr and Brussels teresting day spent at the 0. A. 0. CARDIFF ,DEUNION CROP REPORT By G. W. Montgomery Saly 31st, 1904 Seven hundred 441 club members visited the 0. A. 0. on the Annual Huron County 4-11 bus tour. Army - Worms have almost disappeared from the grain fields in the County. Prac- tically all of the wheat is now cut MoMichen . Stiles A8®agi DON'T PUT 6,11., THE BLAME OH ME FOR -POOR HATCHES, BOSS. YOU KNOW THAT FLOCKS LAYIN6 5..666 FOR HATCHI% NEED A -SPECIAL FeE0. The bride given in marriage by her father, was gowned in white 1 chantilly lace and tulle, styled with a form fitting bodice topped by a ' jacket of chantilly lace which butt` oned to a Peter Pan collar. The 1 sleeves were Illy pointed; The full skirt was bouffant, with circular panels:, of lace. .A. Coronet .held her veil of embroidered nylon net and her flowers were a cascade of pink gladiolus. Miss Dorothy Speers of Windsior. was her niece's maid ; of honor wearing . a waltz length gown of light blue organza with matching jacket and carried a cascade of yel- low gladiolus. Mr. George Walker of Windsor was btst man. At e reception at the home of the bride'& aunt and uncle, the bride's, mother received in a navy blue dress with /link accessories. The groom's mother received in navy and white crepe with navy and combining and thre.Qsing is gem eral throughout the County, Many fields of early grain ,have also been Gut and the remainder of tie crop is ripening rapidly. Dry 'Weather stir prevails and unites rain cornea with - nice next week or two there will be a heavy crop loss particularly in the cultivated crops such as white beans, soybeans. sugar beets, corn, etc. 6f SEPTIC TANKS FOR SALE - Steel reinforced , cement sepUUC tanks, 64 it by 3% 1t, 6 ft 6e40, capacity of 450. lasperial g fibs design and construct:1m d those tanks has boat app'bv gt thee Huron and Sruce County nem Units. -074 deliver any d1sta*ae - apply to 1.*44 Albert Porter's Welding Santee Lucknogr, Ont. 1 • ;