HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-8-4, Page 1r._ .98 ° 1.95 5,95 1.9.1 suss .;A9 .98 rmetlt •ment a1 $1.98 51.58 S nay 1l in r5 :kat e.� ardent sen sale*. been ws dlf Com- rs, Post publishing House THE UNITED CHURCH "Reclining old Wells" was the theme of the sermon in the service of'worlthip in the United Ohuroh.0n Sunday, Aug, lst. It was based on Genesis 2G;18, "And Isaac Jigged again, the wills of water whish ' they had diggdd in :the days of Ab- raham, his father; for the P1111is• . tines hadstopped them after the death of Abraham." Some wells of the spirit that steed vedigging, ..and deepening the minister declared were Faith In a reel God; Faith in pilay er Ithe act of getting in touch with this real God; 'Faith in the com- ing of .God's Kingdom; Coavensiion, personal influence, sacrifice and coporate 'worship. Mist Margaret Perrie sang the Colo, "Just Por T'o1ay." ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Arlie Fraser, Blyth announce the engageanent of their daughter Iva Clare to Frank Russell son of Mrs. Luella Marshall, Walton The wedding to •take plata the 21st August. 4H HOME GARDEN CLUBS IN HURON COUNTY One hundred and eighty seven garden club members in Huron County have +had peir club garden inspected recently by G. W. Mont- gomery, Aigriou5tural Representat- ive for Huron County, and Jean Steckle Home Economist. The gardens on the whole were found so bet very good in spate of the dry weaitdler. To complete the 4-H Home Garden Club, membens will exhibit tiheir record book and produce at Aobieve- ment bay. They will also partici- pate in judging vegetables, all answer a garden quiz on.vegetable ,growing and canning, freezing ant storing vegetables which has been a special 'feature of the porgram this year. • Clubs taking part in the project THE BR �. _LIS POST $2.00 per year Authorized as 50000 Plass mail, root Otflce DePirtUlent, ottava Wednesday, August :4th, 1954 ° Stanley Rutledge I WiNGHAM SCHOOL Stanley Rutledge in his 62nd year BRUSSELS BANOS-Al CARDIFF REUNION WINGHAM 76th ANNIVERSARY Descendants of Mark and Maa Bruaise"ls bands were in Wingham on Sudsy for their pada annivers- ary celebration. Tire Legion Pipe Band took part in the Drum Head Servide in the afternoon and the Lions Boys( and Girls' Band under the direction of bandmaster A, C. Robinson in the Parade and concert in elle evening, These two bands are to be congratulated .on, Breit smart appearance, end are a credit to any community, ST. JOHN'S EVENING AUXIUTARY The monthly meeting of the Even- ing Auxiliary was 51e1d on Wednesday evening, July 14th In the clhureh basement with 15 mcanbers present, The meeting opened with hymn 37, followed by the family Prayer by Rev, Ellis. Rev. Ellis extended an invitation 'to. our Evening Auxi- ary from the; W. A. to meet with them at a special meeting in Sept - amber to see a film and to bear a ;speaker from London on missionary work. During the business period after some diecuslsian a motion was made that we pay the .travelling al lowance for the year. Plans Were completed for the -tea end bake sale on July 24511. It was deeided to held S. S. picnic on Went., July 28th at Sea forth. Rev. Ellis closed Vat mleet- ing with. prayer and a tagty lunch was served by Mary Bird, Joanne Watson and Ruth Thornton. this year in this, district are as fol- Brussels, Club Leader an`d assist ant, Miss Thelma Maier, Brussels, Miss Jean Smith, Ethel. 11 members, Cranbrook, Leader and assistant, 1 Mrs. G, Corlett, Walton, ATfss _Anne Steffler, Brussels, 10 members. Ethel, Leader and assistant; Mr:i. S. Alexander, Ethel, Miss Grace Lamont, Ethel, 6 members. �ff BAND CONCERT At Victoria Park, Brussel& on SUNDAY, AUGUST Sth At 8 P. M. trussels Lions Club Boys' and Girls' Band Everybody Welcome • Silver Collection. lows: BOYS — Id: has been brought to our notice i townh We( D'"els. race and behind Pennington, Gary 'Elston. Out, He is survived by five broth- ' municipalities and wi1L have a cnp- Penning on, Barry Cumming. Dakota; George, Morris Township, ; The ceremony was held in con• Alex, Brussels; , natation w g'r diel (Vonnie) niv sarY oolebratit) A. D. Mac•; 10 and under, Nana A d Alvin, Ripley; Mrs, Da IL Grant Wolfe, Victor Cardiff, McKay, Guelph; Mrs.. Edward William, chairman of the special 12 and under girls, GwemytAl Wolfe' (Hullo) Garton, Ripley; Mrs. ( building committees spoke, as did Jo Anne Baillie, Mersa Baillie. „ James (Annie) McTntosh. - Chats- J. H. Kinkead, 'Goderich, represent- 1 12 and under boys, Lewis Cardiff, worth; Mrs. John (Edna) McCreath, , ing the Ontario Department of Giant Wolfe, Edwin 1.3aillie• „ Toronto. I Education, Architect, J. D. Kyles, 1, 14 and under girls, Dale Cardiff, The funeral service was held from 1 the Hamilton, centnaftor, Mr. Han -1 Rosemary Borger, Gwyneth Wolfe, the D. A. Rum funeral home on Sat- na, and Mr. Sias. S. Armstrong of I 1't and under boys, Edwin Baillie, urday afternoon. Rev. Alex Nimmo Brussels, board cbairman, Lewis Oardiff, Grant Wolfe. of St. Andew's Presbyterian March, , otter present were James G.. Single girls, Dale Cardiff, AudreY- Wingham, officiated. The funeral I Workman, Toronto, second min - Baillie, Rosenfary Bolger. was under the direction of the Brus- atrial to •ttlaoh at Wingluam High ,,Single men,' Bob Baillle. Fred sets Branch of the Oanadian Legion, Sohoel; former teacher, G. L. Bnaelc Loddington, Ken. Baillie. - Poet 213, and the Western ,Star ', enburT, fort Hope; Present prinnip Married men;' Don. _Cumming, 5.0.O.F. Lodge No.' 149, of which he l al' W. S. Hall and Rev. Alexander Archie Riley, Wallace BMWs. was a member. Nimmo, -..r �., Married women, Mrs. Russel Shi• pallbearers -were W1llAam Bend- ne, Mrs. Pat Pickard, Maw. Wallace enson•, R. J. Bowman, Jack Logan, Baillie. W. H. Bell, W. E. Willi*, and R0Tpii I. ®1[!I,uIaluIstlIaIIuu11Ut1/t$ li11��i1111PIRM INNIMINII®®®®®®1 Kicking slipper, Audrey Baillie, Shaw. 1 Notre Anderson, Rosemary Bolger. . ; Flower''- bearers, Jack Lowe, Hugh l Bursting the ballet, Isobel i Pearson, Elmer Young, Russell Hall, And- erson. CORNERSTONE LAID par- died on qlrursday, July 29-01, in , Several `hundred people Sunday a..ainna et (Duffield) OardtU, who ca'rno to Wft s81aln General Hospital, f0110w- I witnessed the laying of a e Canada from Northern Ireland over ing a, slro'kie Are„ suffered 00 W1- d ' for the new $000,000 Wing11am Dis• 100 years ago, held a reunion at nesday afternoon. He had lived all 1 trict High School by John W. Hanna, i t11o. 'bouts of Mi, and Mrs. Sam his life in this vicinity excepting a 111. P. P. for H u'0n"Bruce. Wolfe, R. R. 2 West Monitton on Sat- feY year's In Owen Sound. I When completed the, 5011001, now wdaY, Arty 24t1n. There were 90 in He was a veteran ' of the Flrst under construction on a 14•acre ,attendance World Was% site, will consist of 18 classrooms, Race Results ; Besides this wife, who Was former- a gymnaaeium, ca8teria and rifle 4 and under, pant Elston, 13et)h, ly Margaret Garton of Whlbechureh, flange. It will serve portions of 10 8 and under; Roy Beneiman, John ors and four sisters; William, North' coiaa 'of 650 pupils, 8 and under, Verna Coulter. " Peter,' Goder1ch;- Al B ls; ' illi. Win 1 am's 76th an - n arson HORSE SHOE H: .S! Enter Now in the O'Keefe's Tri County Grand Championship -, Doubles Tourney FOR THE O'KEEFE TROPHY To Be Held In Connection with Grand Berad Rural Day 'Wednesday/ August 25 "A Special Play Day for Huron, Lampton and Middlesex" Entries for this outstanding doubles horseshoe tournament wIll be accepted from Players who live in eountiats of Lanbton, Middle- Hex and Huron, Applications must be received before Midnight,. Saturday, August 21. County champion will be chosen: by eliminati'o'n on the morning of Wednesday, August 25, and the Grand G4ram)ioa5- ship Pitchoff will be held in the afternoon. Send your entries now to: Di W. "Pat" Harrison, Secretary -Treasurer. Chamber of Commerce, GRAND BEND, Ontario. George Davidson, Joseph Masser Ball games were enjoyed by the and Gordon Workman. younger people during the afternoon 1 Burial was made in Brussels i _while the older folks enjoyed bingo i cemetery. and visiting. Friends and 1 Largest car load, Willard that a number of boys n have a Mrs. Richard t Oldest lady, been rolling stones into the rain nd the flume. are ,))) Oldest men Nelson Cardiff interfering with the I acquaintances were Bellie. present from Toronto, Owen Sound Califf, ' Ohutsworth,_ Tara, Ripley, White- 1 church, Goderi0h, St. Mary's, Mon- Brus• 1 crier, Pont Huron, Mich., and S Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and ', i CARD OF THANKS told this is operation of the mill and the boys are warned not to continue doing Mist CARD OF THANKS We thank all those who by word TNt PRtIErCNNIAN CHURCH iN CANADA MMdils MINN Drawls No Sunday School 11 a. m. 'Morning Worship United Charclil OR CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship — 11.1.6 a, in. "Our Burden hearer" • No Church Sdhool during Aug, . "Sing forth the honor of His Name: Make His- praise glorious." psalm •16:2. sets. Longest married couple Mrs. 'Elston Cardiff. Coming .farthest. Mrs.. Doucette Niagara Falls. Youngest child, Linda 7 months. and deed exPreSsed their sympathy I Russel Shine. provident. conduct- et the time of the death of Mrs. Isabelle. King, also for those who assisted in any way. your kindness was deeply appreciated. Wm. King and Family. Kenneth T wish to thank all my friends Doti ette, 1 for tiheir treats and cards while 1 I was .a patient in Wingham General • Hospital and after I came home. Kenneth Pollard. (,mars and.t CARD OF THANKS Aly sincere thanks is extended to all my friends and relatives who re- membered me with gifts and cards during my illness in Kitchener Hoar pital. Special thanks to Dr. Myers and the staff. Your tbwug81fu1neels 'tries deeply ap- preciated. Mrs. Rhea Cardiff, CARD OF THANKS I take this opportunity to thank my neighbours and friends for their ed a start business Period. Speeches 1 were mad" by Blstcn Cardiff and Albert Cardiff, also a sing•son„ en- joyed. Offer for 1965 were, President, Barry Bolger; Secretary, • Mrs. Harold Cardiff:- Lunch, Mrs. Wm. 1 Cardiff; Sports, Albert Cardiff. Mr. Easton Cardiff invited the Cardiff Clan bo' his home for the 1955 reunion to .be held last Saturday in July. Meeting clogdd by singing , "God be with you till we meet again. Guests were :present from Wal- ton, Dublin, Brussels, Ethel, Strat- ford, Milvenbon, (London, Niagara ^Falls, St. Mary's, Monkton, Atwood, Clinton, Hensali, Lishowel, many expsessions of sympathy and ! `I kindness extended to me at the time of my sudden bereavement. Also for cards, flowers and all -those 'who helo- t ed in any way. Special thanks to Rea: Alex Nimmo Of Wingbam, Mr. D. A. Ram, Brussels and the Wingham tiGeneral Hospital staff. t Maggie Rutledge. Church of England Parish .f trYn.h Rev. A. Norman Ellis, M. A. Sunday 8 Aug. Trinity 171I1 Bt. John's Church, Brussels 11 a. m. Morning Prayer Sunday School St. George's Walton 9.90 a. m, Morning Prayer Rt. David's, HonfrYn 2.80 p.m, Holy Communion Sunday School VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE , School Girl Special for August — Cold wawa, complete with cutting 1 and styling, $5.00. Mrs. Velma -Stephenson, ,.• - Phone 102xr4, GAPI THEATRE' -- ----- TOL 1 ISTOWEL 2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. • Thursday, Friday and Saturday August 6 - 6 - 7 • "ELEPHANT WALK" CARD OF THANKS I appreciated very much the visits, treats and cards from friends during my recent stay in St. Mary's. Hospi- tal. tal. I would like to express my eere thanks to Dr. Myers and attend- ing Drs. and nurses, 151190 who showed kindness to me while there and since my return home from Kitchener. MTS. Geo. Cariff, For Professional PIANO TUNING and Repairs Consult CLARE F. STONE Phone: E. Martin, 875 Brussels R•ER :F.t'NT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. * Thursday, Friday and SaturdaY "RIDE VAQUERO" CARD OF THANKS my sincere remembered my recent i was deeply T wish to express thanks to all those who me in any way during illness. Your kindness appreciated. Dorene McFarlane. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. William Blake announces the engagement of her daughter, Ver- onica Bridget, tP Flying Officer Guy Thomas Griffiths, son of Mr. and Ars. Thomas- Griffiths, of Montreal, Quebec. The marriage plane on Saturday, Sept. 4011•, at 10:30 a. m. in St. Ambrose Church, Brussels. 1111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111 LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Elizabeth Taylor Dana Andrews I Robert Taylor AVa Gardiner See a herd of stampeding elephants The thrills and action of men who Ithe like of which has never been fight for a place. in History. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday -* * * August 9-1'0-11 Two Shows Nightly Rain or. clear — first show at dusk FARMERS! Y When you have a new crop of WHEAT To Sell BE SURE AND CONTACT SEAFQRTH FAST, NEW .UNLOADING. FACILITIES JUST INSTALLED MK IN 102111 RE NM EMU MtI sn LS Phone 15 or 376 1111111111111111111111111111111 1 RIZ MIN At Victoria Park, Brussels [D, A Note: News and Cartoon at each 'I show. Sunday Midnight 'Only Aug. 1st "HANGOVER SQUARE" (Adult) George Sanders Llhda Darnell Laird Ortgar i Monday Only August 2 "GUN FURY" (Color) , Rock Hudson Donna Reed i 'rues. • Wed, Aug. 3 - 4 "BLOWING WILD" Gary Cooper Barbara Stanwick k Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "TAKE ME TO TOWN" August 10 - 11 - 12 "AGAINST ALL FLAGS" I Sterli g Hayden Anti In "FROM HERE ETERNITY" I'ShErrol • „•' r Roarin', Hip Swinging The story of a swashbuckling naval) he Rip hero who uses sword and fists to subdue the leader of a pirate band. TUESDAY FOTO-N1TL' OFFE'D THIS WEEK $140.00 I Monday Attendance Card 1NIght.I , NOTE -- Are you registered for FOTO•NITE7 It's Free, Over $46, 1 • 000.00 pald out- to date for Photo - grabs. 4 Sagga of Vermilion O'Toole, (Adult Entertainment) Winner of 8 Academy Awards the fury she had and the man she fooled. * B * Thursday, Friday and Saturday "SOUTH SEA WOMAN" Bert Lancaster Virglna Mayo i * * * Conning Soon -- 'THE AFFAIRS OF DOBIE GILLIS' • Parade to Start at 8.30 P. M. MASSED BANDS - i 0 PI t .1 "0 Canada" PALMERSTON PIPE BAND LUCKNOW PIPE BAND ARTHUR PIPE BAND BRUSSELS LIONS BOYS & GIRLS BAND LISTOWEL PIPE BAND MOUNT FOREST PIPE BAND BRUSSELS PIPE BAND F. W. Todd—M.C. Massed Pipers — God Save The Queer Admission 50c, Children under 12 Free Lunch Cati<Yntqa: Dance After in t e rys a a ace ails Bert Lancaster Deborah Kerr Alusic by The Sund owners 7 -piece rc e Frank Sinatra Montgomery Clift 1 Friday` L - AugUst 131 "CRIPPLE CREEK" ' 1 Karis. n Rooth George Montgomery j I. Under auspices of Brussels Leeson Pepe and . PROCEEDS TO BE USED FOR PURCHASE OF BAND_ EQUIPMENT,