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The Brussels Post, 1954-7-28, Page 4
Auction Sale FRIDAY, JULY 30th, 1994 at 1 P. M.' Farm, Farm Stock, Machinery ano Household Effeote , 8V Lot 11, Con. 14, McKlllerp Twp., 1 14 miles South of Walton and 3 3.4 Miles East FRIDAY, IDLY 30th, 1952 at 1 P. M. Farm -- $11 Lot 11, Coe 14. :McKillop Twp., ?41, .ere nrzu:• i,r less. i,artlt barn ,inn. Ontario, Solicitor for the Ex - 46 ^ 53 11,6 strt•ty frame lzmtse, Part' t,. of the said Estate, full Part - ear part- ially in ; iLstr d .tsht.1 s siding, hon t, n1 r.= of their claims, and after I house, i.a x `2e shingled siding, car ;,id date the Executor. Willl raised drilled d ti, 7 occas bush, distribute the assets oL I hydro. .,„+.. isr+ tat ;arrt3lled Estate/ amongst the Persons en- titled thereto, having regard only to, hen Oct, r_uinN of which notice shall lt,t 1t;er.. he>n received. NOTICE' TO CRCAITQRS in th++ Estate of JOHN GILB11RT t PI,,tR, late of the Village o[ Brae^ •o is, in the County of Biu0n, Gentle/- Malt entleLuau, deceased. Notice in hereby given that all per- :sots er^: ots laaviug claims against the Estate of the said deceased are to { send before the 2nd. day of August 1951. to A. 0. McElheran, Bank of �a••nareai Bid::.. Market Square. Lou' • through rt.,t Livestock •-- 6 Cows, miibinc. duo to :1itarrh.',AT1:D July 6, 1954, 1 Holstein HeiferCalf. 7 nr:,nth old. _ A. It 11x F.ih: ran, Soler; ar tor the 1 Hereford calf. 31's months old. r xrentor. 1 Sow with 11 Pius.. 2nd litter. I 1 Dog. trained healer. NOTICE 70 CRFrJITORS 211 Pullets. 11 nt ill Persons who have claims against 216 1pen 11 i7ealts old.' the Estate of Margaret Elizabeth Equipment — Hnitenbeek, late of the Village of i flew 2000 lb. 1. Sure Mtlldng Iranian, nearly new I Ethel in the County of Huron. yid- -arms r II• Cream lb.Separator. portable scales. eaow, deceased, who died on the Mb rt el.rye 260 rattarity brooder. day of July 1954, are hereby notified to El. rtrit, F+•ueer. new battery. to send to•the undersigned on or be - 3/ .ni.: e^at..ni: T,awn Mower, rubber tires, fore the 17th day of August, 1964, 1 full particulars, of their claims in 10 x 12 robins noose. j writing.Machinery — 1! Immediately after the said 17th Allis Chalmers R Traitor, used t yea I day of August, 1964, the estate will Rubber tired wagon. new reek and 1 be distributed among the parties gravel box entitled thereto having regard on15 M. H. 11 run Fertilizer drill, traetor to claims of which the Executors hitch. Si. H. Rake Flay Loader i shall then have notice. 2 furrow 15. H. horse plow. DATED at Brussels. Ontario this Dump Rake 20th day of July. 1954. Peter Hamilton Mower, trent/1r hitch. • M. H. Walking Plow. Household Effects — Messrs/. Crawford & HetheringtonBarrister and c., Brussels. Ontario. McLary 1 burner Relies/Ste. THE BRUSSEL$ ZOO Wednesday, July 28th, 1964 Roadjest it! Street -Test it! Hill -Test it! GET PROOF OF CHEVROLET ECONOMY Riverside Motors Mr. M. Wineberg is in Mount Sinai 1 Hospital, Toronto, where he is to n nd erg o an operation. * Miers Jessie Little arrived home Sunday from an enjoyable trip to the West coast. Enroute she attend- ed the Calgary stampede. * * rs Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, and Mr, and Mrs. MORRIS 1 Personale: Mr. and Mrs. Rusuell Solicitors for the Executors, * Rne, Brantfo>d, with lir. and lira ; prince=s Pat Conk Stove Quebec Heater Easy Washer, new motor. PEOPLE Wr. KNOW Raymond Drop Head Sewing Mach °l an r ar •, I with friends and ,grins 5, ' 'Vumern a mall articles mea II Ilea is in Walkerton hospital. HaPP, MT. and Sirs. L Heti of Ro too 1 sines/ Frost Weld Silo Fence, * * * Chester, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Thr el 'tilt:., harness and r.tC. Ills 11. Grewar has returned Adair and children of Mallon. Terms — h eek visit in Owen * ■ reserve bid. t04r. down sale. 1 s * e 1 Davis) celebrated their 50th. we - i B rs., Gordon t ., ,.. , . _ 'her aunts, r,,. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. McDowell and lira. Garside. I ,lir. and 1Trs. Humphry Fort 1 Donald Dennis. Clerk. y * * i e visiting at the home of ' Edgar Wightmian; Mrs. Ken David i and Karol Glencoe with Mr. - son, and Mrs. William VanCamp; Miss * * * Lois Grasby home after a week with Dining • ble. 6 nhairs. Tit al be table lire Robert Fergu€nn is visiting) relatives in Forrest; Miss Donna d h Lounge hospital hid bed ds in Ingersoll, t 30 tone mix, -.11 ac' we are sorry to report that lits. t 1 ding Jim Davis. were 12r. an * * Geo Davis i Berth Anderson of St. Thomas, with his Parents Mr. and Mrs, 'Jdarl l Anderson; Mr. and Mrs• Clayton Nrotter. Fort Frances, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Procter; 1Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holme:, are home after a six• weelc motor trip through )western Canada; Margaret Anne, Ross and John Wightman with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mather, Bluevale; "Mrs. Gordon Herd, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson. • from atseew Chattels Cash — Property subject to 1 Grund. dayof le 11r. and Mrs. A. HaPP (Nettie , Balance on completion. Mrs. flee. Finlay ,£ Leaside, I anniversary. July20th• i M G d Holland Prop 1T _ y dines , Toronto. sited on 'h t Perry, ar _...- --. Mr. and Mrs. )1. Oldfield arrived her father lir. T. L. McDonald lir. ^ me •_.nday from a mat and • , gad )the Lawler, daughter Janice I + _._ , ;_, ±-, li'awa- and sn^. Jeffrrcy. also spent a couple i . �f days r with �y 1 7dt Parent 2t Harriston ''1 M... T. Adams. Seaforth, Anderson, London, with her parents, Id and Mrs. John Anderson, �s 2I23 INTERMEDIATE SOFTBALL W. 0. A. A. 1irr father. 7 Paisley at r`in..*iit•.on a -h-3,:r c•init with Miss E. 5, 1 Best wishes are extended to x oto n Ret.,d;rs-. Monday eyenirg'. 9 H novel "t sects 4 resident of Brussels,, Mrs. Georga 9 HaneVOT at �arriston * ' Kerr. who celebrates her 90th.birth• s g9 r.6 fit Ealabig MIK./ E. P_adman. formerly of tar anniversary on Thursda.Y of this I 12 t0n at 'Clifford ?ear rt:1 .a taken an apartment t week. May this grand old lady eon- , 14 Bri alefee al:likadi'rer to 'own. We welcome her. I tinue to enjoy her present good � 14 _FaisIeg at P1arCIet4>}� * * health. 14 315, .11702.1trat RI T,,.c`t9 ['.. Mils ntd Mr:/. Askin. Brarebridge 16 47170o11 at ;°jnEerteg spent the les- few clays at the home � 16 ttvi% sa ,z#'etM of rreo a and :Sirs, Evans. • 1l piii€yrd its_-., is ` * * * ��„� ME .j Miss F. lrc•Saughtan receiv a$ BI gq :-d word g Hniferes Fit Zlez. ' that her uncle. Bert Brett. Strath - 23 ljti'i9tt0ii Ass B1`tYe s a_.toy, had passed away. I g3 Hanover ;it .111 aA ,ls • * * * I 43 Paisaley at Mt, rotegt _ Mrs. Perry Garside, London, who • 28 Pinkorsnir rtt. -T:Ass3tol4 is In very poor health, is with her 27 Mt E'oreat:.at P't3' er%r, sis*er. Mrs. 0. McDowell. 1 the Secretary re -bill 'inion, Krey, ;39 Clifferd at $iaar cion * * * � Elms and Wallace for fees for pupils Mr. and Mrs. Levis Frain., Mr .,.. i attending r No. 4 and No. 6. GREY Grey Twp. School Board Meeting Minutes were read and adopted on motion of Bolger and McFarlane. Motion cd Menlarlane and Bolger that By -Law No. 2 be passed. Motion of Conley and McFarlane ROME - Frain of Ctabri. Sask., Mr. and Mrs. 'tTotion of Conley an Me d Farlane n,.. Dor artificial Wanting:it lb Edwin :Martiin and Gwendolyn• c3=dt- that Secretary rend hill to Council beat tor all brinks, Dail iiCgt lit#,y}tsr• err at Niatra.ra Falls. I for interest In 1953 $114.16. 105 Cattle Breeding 4ssa^,1 9 bee * * *1Totion of Bolger and (1n1' -4y that Sween 7.30 and 15.00 s. M. Ss weak Mr. and Mrs. R. A."Bennett left , following bills be paid: 90.00 days and 7.90 and 920 a. m, exn St¢a^ Wednesday morning with Mr. and Ralph Pearson. bus trip 9i 00 Jays. Phone collect Faimerator Qi Mrs. A. Weeks or Kit.ehener, for a I Listowel Hydro motor trip to the Canadian West. S Lloyd Dorki. advance 125.00 * * * I on painting— »r Minton 342..... Misses Eva and Carrie McCiracken f sell F•ekmier. labour 41.25 motored to Tara and from there Port Pub. House. adv. 2.00 wtlI pro'e'sl with their friend', to Listowel Banner, adv. 2.60 Tohcrmery and Manitoulin Island. 1 J. l'ar1 Hemingway, Seo: Tress. FOR SALE — Hard,>ord and softwood slabs, *Inc cedar Cor kindling he. Stssenbon none d$54. C-36545 Brussels, Ont.' Steel reinforced cement sea of SEPTIC TANKS FOR SALE — tanks, 6iF• ft. by 3r/ Lt, 6 ft P t capacity of 450. Imperial gallons. , The design and construction of I these tanks has Seen approved by t ' thee, Huron and Bruce County Health 1 tincts, vVe deriver any distance apply to Albert Porter's Welding Service WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Your Memorial CraN1met Ire: .ThirtyFive Years, A1Ws7/ WIN THE BEST GRANITCS Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship. Pricey Most Reaeoaab1a bemotery Lettering a SPedsl4 R. A. SPOTTON Lucknow, Ont. Phone. 25a, Winghem, Ontario Bank Services smooth the way for Travellers .. , .R: I?!}:; s� P r � .gti• .:- ..,s"3"�•t- - r ..� s¢..r ,;x..r. "','..`: „�u',:.�w,B1 Travellers Cheques from a bank are convenient and On longer trips requiring .urger sums of money, safer than cash for day-to-day travel expenses. a Letter of Credit may suit your purpose better. 4"u: A bank handles foreign exchange transactions for business or travel in any part of the world. When you go on a business or pleasure trip, your local bank can help smooth the way. Money arrangements can readily be made in advance; valuables left with the bank for safekeeping; currency and similar questions straightened out before you leave. Whether you journey near or far, the bank helps you travel with an easy mind. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Case ©ol 4.---®'R*11@@%i Fauclidg WHAT A SHOCK- WEV6 BEEN WINED AND PINEPvia BIRTH -NOW WE'RE ON RANGE, we HUSTLE' FOR OURSELVES ) SURE MISS OUR BALANCED MEALS - I'M LOSING WEIGHT I WORK SO HARITO FIND SOMETHING TO EAT, I'M ALWAYS TiRED AND UNDERFED By Roe Farms Service Dept. YOU'D THiNK THE BOSS WOULD PROTECT HIS INVESTMENT IN US. TWO HUNDRED OF US' GIRLS MUST HAVE COST PLENTY COME ON OVER HERE, GIRLS, OUR BOSS BELIEVES IN KEEPING US &ROWING FAST ON ROE ViTAGROW SURE, HES SMART - wow IS THE TIME TO BUILD OUR BODIES FOR FALL EGG PRODUCTION YOU POOR GIRLS - SUNSHINE FRESH AiR AND GRASS ALONE CERTAINLY DOESN'T BUILD BONES, FEATHERS AND BONES THE BOSS SAYS "ALL THIS WONDERFUL ROE ViTAGROW (FOR THE GROWING PERIOD) COSTS ONLY A DOZEN FALL EGGS FROM EACH OF US. CHEAP INSURANCE, EH? III/etas lit 1 f Build your layers NOW 4h - ROE Vita -rote in either mash or pellet form asstHuron t'rnauce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT L+THEL F. HARRISON MC1hirpiEI*