HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-7-21, Page 2TABLE tr A friend of mine was saying, just the other day, "These 'ready - mix' calces are all very well— and a great help to women who ere too pressed for time to do real baking. But personally I Tike the kind you sometimes get et church socials or picnics -the kind that just make you go look - Ing for the woman who made it, to beg for the recipe," And there are plenty Of folks Of the same opinion. So here are three cakes that — well, I was almost going to say are guaran- teed to have your friends "beg- ging for the recipe." a * * WHITE WONDER CAKE ,1/2 c, shortening 11/4 e. sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 2114 c. sifted cake flour 21/4 tsp. baking powder. 'h tsp. salt 1c.milk 4 egg whites. .Cream shortening. Add sugar and vanilla; beat until fluffy, Elft flour, baking powder and salt. Add dry ingredients to cream- ed mixture alternately with milk. Blend until smooth after each addition. Beat egg whites until stiff enough to form peaks. Fold into batter. Pour batter into 2 well -greased -inch cake pans. Bake in moderate (375°) oven about 25 minutes. Cool. Put layers together with— Lemon Filling 3 tblsp. corn starch 1 e. sugar 3a tsp. salt 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1 c, cold water 1/4 e. lemon juice 1 tblsp. butter 1 tsp. grated Iemon rind Combine corn starch, sugar and salt. Stir together egg yolks, water, and lemon juice, Add to dry in- gredients. Cook until thick, stirring con- stantly. .Remove from heat; add butter and lemon rind. Cool. Spread over bottom cake layer; top with other layer. Frost with— Lemon Cream Frosting e. butter 22 c. confectioners' sugar 1 tblsp, cream 1 egg yolk 1 tblsp. lemon juice Few drops yellow coloring Cream butter . Blend in all other ingredients. Beat until smooth. (If mixture seems too Stiff to spread easily, add a few drops of hot water.) * Y k YELLOW ANGEL CAKE 6 eggs (about), separated (you need / e. yolks, 314 c. whites) ih c. cold water 11 c. sugar. ih. tsp. vanilla % tsp, orange extract 1 tsp. almond flavoring 11 c. sifted cake flour 114 tsp. salt ' 3/4 tsp, cream of tartar Beat egg yolks until very thick and lemon -colored. Add water. Beat until thick. Add sugar gradually, beating con- stantly—about 10 minutes with electric mixer at highest"speed. Fold in flavorings. Sift flour and salt together at least 3 times. Carefully fold into egg yolk mixture. Beat egg whites until foamy. Add cream of tartar Beat until stiff enough to form peaks. Fold Into batter. Pour into ungreased 10 -inch angel food pan. Bake in moderate (350°) oven about 1 hour. Invert and let cool in the pan about 1 hour. Frost with Seven -Minute Icing. * r * CHOCOLATE ANGEL FOOD CAKE 314 c. sifted cake flour Ye c, cocoa 1114 c. egg whites (10 to 12 eggs) 114 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cream of tartar 1114 c. sifted sugar 1 tsp. vanilla Sift flour and cocoa together 4 times. Add salt to egg whites. Beat until frothy. Add cream of tar- tar. Beat until stili enough to form peaks. Fold sugar int() whites, Ye cup at at time. Add vanilla, Fold flour mixture into whites, 2 tablespoons at a time. Pour batter into ungreased 10 - inch angel food pan. Bake in medium (375°) oven 1 hour. Invert pan and let cake cool in pan about 1 hour before tak- ing it out to be frosted. Remove any loose cake crumbs, so frost- ing will go on smoothly. Orange Frosting 1 pkg. (3 oz.) cream cheese 1 tblsp. orange juice 21 e. sifted confectioners' sugar ea tsp. grated orange rind. Blend cream cheese and orange juice. Add the sugar gradually, blending well. Add orange rind; blend again. Ever Smoke Moths Or Drink Beetles? What has three pairs of legs, does little walking; wears a fur coat, though it isn't winter; hes twelve eyes, but can't see farth- er than its nose? It's the cabbage grower's rea- son for gloom — the caterpillar. Despite its being endowed with she intricate eyes either side of its head, the insect can see no more than that part of the cab- bage leaf it is chewing, nor farth- er than the twig upon which it may be crawling; all else appears a blurred and misty background. No less astounding is the dis- cevery that certain insects can walk or fly around without much difficulty though they be minus their heads! Harold Bastin, in his fascinating, vividly illustrat- ed book, "Freaks and Marvels of Insect Life", explains that these wonderful "Look, Mum — No Head" goings-on are due to the extraordinary nervous system of the insect. While the brain is, of course, the centre of the nervous system, the rest of the body boasts a number of "nerve -knots" which function as minor brains. Thus, though it may have had its head knocked off by an enemy, the in- sect can still move, although its course would naturally be some- what erratic, How many of us have smoked moths or drunk beetles? How many of us haven't! Discussing the insects which are either friends or foes of mankind, Mr. Bastin reveals how tobacco mer- chants and manufacturers are finding it hard to keep the cater- pillar of the tobacco -moth away from cigars and cheroots, Simi- larly, imiIarly, the importers of coffee ber- ries are sorely tried by a cun- ning beetle whose presence does not affect the qualify or aroma of the coffee. "Hence," writes the author, "when buying old coffee one is likely to purchase also a quantity of ground -up beetles into the bargain!" An extremely entertaining work. (Howling Success — That's what 15 -month-old Lrsa Leong does best, according to judges of the New York Chinese community's 14th annual baby confesf. She's a little young to cry in her beeq, but lista is"well supplied with tearful "victory" cups, at any rate. Power cranes, picks, shovels and human muscle went into action recently to clear the way for the construction of the Canadian National Railways new 20 -storey hotel in Montreal. The busy scene above, left, shows the demolition of a temporary traffic bridge at the Central Station site, At right is a sketch of what the large hotel, with its more than 1,000 guest rooms, will look like when it is completed in 1957. Between the hotel and the International Aviation Building is a 28 -storey office building which the railway proposes to erect. The area is expected to develop through private capital into a magnificent shopping, theatre, office and apartment centre larger than New York's Rockefeller Center. Horsepower Power is the rate at ,, which energy is being spent, O+r' the rate at which work is being doh. Though it may be expressed In terms of horsepower, it bears 'no exact relation to animai::ahbr'se- power. What we term horse- power is so called because it originated from the results of experiments carried out with strong draft horses by James Watt more -than a century ago. He wished to find out the rate at which a horse, under average conditions, does it work, and he fixed this rate, as a round figure, at 550 foot-pounds of work a second, or 33,000 foot-pounds a minute—that is to say work equivalent to that needed to raise a weight of 550 pounds one foot high in one second. Watt took this as the value of one horsepower, although he realized that it was a higher rate of work than an average horse can maintain for a full day. Of course, a horse, if stirred by a whip, can exert a much greater effort, but only for a very short time. The expression horsepower is qualified in several ways. What is called "indicated horsepower" is the horsepower exerted on the piston of an engine. Some of this power is absorbed•in driv- ing the engine, and the balance that rem,ins for doing the work of driving machinery is known as actual power given out by the engine or motor. Electrical horsepower is the equivalent of mechanical horsepower; one elec- trical horsepower is equal to 748 watts, The watt was named for the great inventor who ex- perimented with horses. It is the amount of power brought by a current of one amprere flow- ing under a pressure of one volt, r, • The Speed Of Sound No.. Sound travels four and a half times more quickly in water than in air. Through steel it travels faster than through any other substance — about sixteen times more quickly than in in air. Perhaps you have noticed, too, that sound travels more quickly in warm air than it does in cold air, as temperatures also affects the rate. Sound does not travel at the same speed even through differ- ent kinds of gases. The lighter the gas, the faster the sound travels through it, if the pres- sure and the temperature of all. the gases are the same. If the air we breathe were hydrogen, instead of being a mixture of nit. rogen and oxygen, we should hear a clap of thunder much more quickly than we do On an average, sound takes about five seconds to travel one mile through air. if a storm is four miles away from us, we hear the thun- der about twenty seconds after we see the lightning. If the air were composed of hydrogen, we should hear the thunder about five seconds after the flash. In a thunderstorm it is some- times fun to figure out how far away the lightning is, For every five seconds that you can count from the moment you see the lightning flash, to the time you hear the thunder, you must add One toile to the distance between the lightning and you. Here are the speeds at which sound travels in different gases when the temperature is at zero degrees centigrade (32 degrees Fahrenheit), and when the pres- sure is the same as that of the atmosphere at normal times: hydrogen, 4,163 feet a second; air, 1,000 feet a second; oxygen, 1,041 feet a second; carbon diox- ide, 856 feet a second. Very few people are as bra minded as we think we are. "Waddle We Do Today?" — Paced by her mistress, Alice Olhau- sen, left, "Lillibeth" stops traffic on her daily Walk. The duck doesn't want to cause any "quack -ups," so she follows herrmis-, tress carefully, and avoids fowl play under the wheels oftruffle. Clipper Ships. In the days of wind and sails, the clippers were the fastest ves- sels afloat. Their hulls were long and sleek and rested low in the water, and their tall masts car ried tremendous spreads of can- vas. One, the Lightning, carried 13,000 square feet of sail. The clipper was designed for speed. In a way, the China ' tea trade was responsible for the design and building of the clippers. There was -such a great demand for tea in England and the United States that the first of each year's crop brought high prices. Naturally, the first cargo of each year's new crop brought the highest prices. The clippers reigned as queens of the sea for approximately twenty ' years after the launch- ing of the "first -the Helena in New York in 1841; Compared with later, clippers, she was small, being just 135 feet long with a 30 -foot, 6 -inch beam. Two years later, the Rainbow was built. She was larger and was followed by the Sea Witch, a ship 170 feet long, with a 34 - foot beam, displacing 890 tons. The 'Rainbow made the round trip from New York to Canton In less than six months. As time went on, these fast ships became larger and larger, until some were 314 feet long, with a 49 -foot beam. They were so fast that a number of sailing records were made and broken. The Sea Witch was the fastest ship afloat for three years, and once made a voyage around Cape Horn to California in 97 days. The Lightning, launched in 1853, crossed, the Atlantic from Boston to Liverpool in 14 days. During the trip she logged 436 miles in one day to set an ail -time record for any sailing ship for a day's run. In 1859, the Dreadnaught crossed from New York to Liver - poet in 13 days, 8 hours, Later, she sailed from New York to Queenstown, Ireland, in less than 10 days. The reign of the clipper ship was a brief one. It was doomed by steel and steam, As early as 1819, auxiliary steam engines had bean used -in wooden sailing ships, and the invention in 1856 of the Bessemer converter made steel abundant and cheap, Wood and canvas soon lost the race to steam•and steel, and the era of the clipper ship was over. WHAT is air conditioning? Nobody has, ever thought of a way to regulate the warmth or coldness, dryness ar humidity of air outdoors. The most we can do is to` find out what the weather is going to be like, and then prepare foe it. Indoors it is quite a different matter. By means of a process called air conditioning we can clean the air, giVe It just the right amount Of moisture (humidity), and keep it as warrior Or as coos as we like. Air Conditioning is used, not only in houses, offrees and public buildings, but also In busses, - railway cars, airplanes and ships; in mines 'thousands of feet be- neath the surface of the earth; and in 'places where perishable products are stored. It has a wide variety of uses in industry, where it helps to control and im- prove the quality of products that are being manufactured. Properly conditioned air is a great aid to the health and com- fort and endurance of people who work or live indoors or in enclosed places. • There are two general types of air-conditioning systems. For a large .place with many different rooms or spaces to be condi- tioned, there is the central station type, In this system all the apparatus is put in one room, such as a basement, and the con- ditioned air is carried through ducts, Or pipes, to all parts of the building. Then there is the unitary type. This can be used to condition the air in a singleroomor other en- closed space, such. as a bus. These units are very small and compact, so that they take up very little space: They are in- stalled with not much more trouble and expense. than a modern automatic refrigerator requires. Sometimes air conditioning is wanted for only two or three rooms and not for a whole'build- ing. Then the unitary type is installed in one room, and the conditioned air . is circulated through the others by pipes. , Winner — Actress Ruth Hampton won her 100th title when she was crowned "National Sports Car Queen," The shapely 23 - year -old won her" first title at the age of one, and has been going strong ever since. PLAIN HORSE SENSE 1ty tr (BOJM) VON 4411.4tS The proposal of the.l'resldent of the Manitoba Farmers' Union, I, Schulz, 'that the M. F.1.1, and the Manitoba Federation of ,tagricitltur and , Cooperation OS ,Agriguleture and Cooperation shall antalgantate and become One organization, giving up their prisserlt name, 'character or act of incorporation orany other present identity and re- organize. . }index the ii e m e `United Farinef•s of; •Mgnitoba,' may well ' open one of the most important chapters•' itt the bis- tory of Canada's fern move- ment. Right Approach. In his letter of Surto 10th`, 1954„ to. Mr, ,T, A. Weltpri, P�esl� dent' of M.1+.A,d., Mr, Shulz says. that "several years ago the majority • qt farmer's. did not know that we had.. .a farm or- ganization and diel }lot care, To arouse their curiosity' and wake them tip a new one had to be started. Now that the economic pinch is getting tighter and they need help, they are beginning to look around and they find two conflicting groups instead of One strong organization that could really do something or them." Mr. Schulz oilers amalgama- tion as his "own personal idea" not coming officially from the M.F.U. and says that the right approach would be to submit it to the membership of both or- ganizations or decision, The conditions and principles, as outlined by the M:F.IJ. Presi- dent provide for affiliation of the new 'organization with both, Canadian Federation of Agricul- ture and Interprovincial Farm Union Council. Grassroots Level To keep the weight of the or- ganizationat the ,grassroots level and give the rank and file of the members the opportunity to take ' part in the making of policies. Mr. Schulz upholds the union principle that "the or- ganization shall definitely be re- quired to maintain at all times local organized groups through which producers may join the organizations, which shall meet periodically to discuss general agricultural problems for the purpose of making proposals on policies." Voting delegates for conven- tions shall be members in good standing chosen and sponsored by local organizations. Accepted in Principle This proposal has been accept- ed in principle by the annual convention of the M.F.A.C. and committees have been appointed to discuss the methods and pro= 'cedure under which amalgama- tion is to be brought about, If and when accomplished, it will set a precedent for other prov- inces, eventually produce what has been so sadly lacking, an organization truly representative of the farmers of Canada, It will be imperative for far - OPTIMIST AND PESSIMIST A high-up German governtnent official was asked the other day to explain the difference between •man optimist and a pessimist in his own country. "The optimist," said the Ger- man, "is learning English. The pessimist is learning Russian. It's as simple as that." Which reminds us of the old Redskin who was asked for his comments on the present state of the 'world. They ran; "Big trouble is, all nations smoke peace pipe but nobody inhales," niers to watch that any new or- ganiegtion be based on direct individual membership end that voting power inannual' meet- ings and conventions be 'given to representatives duly elected by the local groups. The undemocratic principle of the Canadian Federation of Ag- riculture that "delegates entitled to vote at the annual meeting aze'the members Of the Board of Directors," should be done away with Most„ eueouregtng is the pro- posed„naiiae. of ''Vnited Farmers of Manitoba." Translated to On- taClb it, inighi t aekiri"tlie revival of"hhre Old: fighting'44it of LIFO, This eplumn ;..welcomes criti- clsrp, , coesti:uctive. ori destructive, grid spggestions, ,f.5es .or other- vilse. It will end avour, tp an- swer all qu`ddstion's XildiWs mall to BOb v'bn PilliPaWhitby, Ont. a Shepherd Bo'rGave Magnet its,fiame According to a tale of ancient Greece,, one. day a, shepherd boy of Crete,` tending his flocks in the hills, found himself held to the earth with what seemed , to be more than the usual force of gravity. He discovered that the iron nails in his shges and the iron tip of his shepherd's staff were being attracted by a pecul- iar mass ib the ground. To him the mass looked like rock. The lad's name was Magnes, and so it came about by association with this story that the:kind of.°`tock" he noticed was given a form of bus haute, "magnetite, • and any sma7i piece 'of ft. -was :called a maet,. Magnes could not know, as' we do today, that the "rock" he had chanced upon wag really a special •kind."of iron ore, which has the property of attracting other, iron to it — the property • 0i' magnetism lvlost of us are fmufliar with the little horseshoe -shaped mag- nets that will pickup iron filings or naffs. Even as far back as the sixth century B.C., Thales, the Green philosopher, knew that magnetite, called a lodestone in ancient times, would attract pieces of iron. Probably the most important and one of the first practical uses of magnetic iron was the compass needle. The Chinese are said to have discov- ered it as long ago as twenty-five centuries. Anyhow. it is certain that the compass needle was known, in very, early times and in widely separated countries. Early makers of compasses realized not only that the needle points to the north (in the North- ern Hemisphere) but that it dips and the dip increases as one goes farther north. William Gilbert (1540-1603), an English physician, suggested a reason for this be- havior, that the whole •eaten is itself a magnet. This theory, however, had to be discarded as trio simple. It did, 'not, for one thing, account for certain slight variations in direction to which the compass needle points. The real answer to the mysterious behavior of the magnetic' needle seems to lie in the fact that the sun affects the magnetic force of the earth. Variations of the mag. netic compass needle seem to keep pace with the eleven -year cycle of sunspot activity, in ad- dition to the daily- variation that appears to have something to do with the rising and setting of the sun. ISSUE 60 1954 Hands, Hands, Hands — They're only ceramic, but they form a clutching frame about the portrait of Mrs. Fred Richardson. Making detailed replicas of her friends' and relatives' hands is only one phase of her ceramic hobby. The hands are flcsh-toned and perfect to the tiniest scar,