HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-7-21, Page 1rl 000 g sat : l is • SI 111101. smith Post Publishing House TRE„ BRUSSELS POST $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. E:.s 149 Authorized as second class mail, toot Offloe Department, Otto' V* Wednesday, July 21st, 1954 PIPE' BAND TATTOO At Vietoria Park, Brussels on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11th Parade to Park at 8.30 P. M. Massed Bantle -100 Pipers "0 Canada" - Brussels,Lions Band Palmerston Pipe Band . Lucknow Pipe Band I Arthur Pipe Band .1 Brussels Lions Boys and Girls Band Listowel Pipe Band Mount Forest Pipe Band Brustets Pipe Band Massed Pipers FW. Todd M. C. "God Save The Queen" Admission 50c Childrenunder12 free DANCE AFTER In The Crystal Palace Ballroom Music by The Sundowners Proceeds To Be Used For Purchase Of Band Equipment ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs. Harvey Sohneton announce the engagement of their daughter, Leona. Margaret, to Mr. William James, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, The marriage to take place the latter part of August, LIBRARY CLOSED 'Nue Library will be closed from July 26th until August 9th, while Rhe librarian is on vacation. BORN Bernard - Iib Mr. and Mre, Thomas Bernard, on Tuesday'July 200., a4. Dr. Myers' Nursing Home - a daughter, FLOODLIGHT LADIES SOFTBALL GAME &TRATFORD POLICE KADETTES VS. BRUSSELS IN4ERMEDIATES MONDAY, JULY 26th At Victoria Park, Brussels At 8.30 P. M. Admission 25c ANGLICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC Brussels, Walton and Henfryn WEDNESDAY, JULY 28th At 2 p. m. In Seaforth Lions Park Please Bring Lunch Every One Welcome. • THE PRtsrv'v*RIAN CHURCH IN CANADA M.11411e Cleric Brunei* No Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship United Church OP CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane ' Church School - 10 Divine Worship - 11.15 a, m, Come and Worship. Church of England Pariah of Brumes Rev. A. Norman Ellis, M, A. July 251fh, Trinity VI et. John's Church, Brussels i.'1 a. m. Morning Prayer Sunday School St, George's Walton 9,30 a. m, Mowing Prayer St. David's, Henfryn 2.80 p. m, Evening Prayer Sunday School BRUSSELS JRS. DEFEAT KINCARDINE BY ONE RUN Bru.s:sels Jr, Girls, Softball Team teak on the Kincardine lake shore teaan •luea•e on ]Monday night at Vic taria Parlc, The game was not -particularly well played as both teams chalked up an number of errors.. But the. close snore made it interesting for the fans, The game ended in -a win ,for the local girls by a narrow margin of one run. The final •snore being 6.5, INTER. LADIES SOFTBALL CLUB DEFEAT MOUNT FOREST 13-5 Monday night the Brussels Ladies Club deflated Mount Forest 13-5 in a rather bad inning. for Mount Forest in which Brussels scored 9 runs in the first inning, Brussels Should now win 10 out of 12 games as they meet Harriston here Friday night in tale last game of the schedule. However fans don't be dissappointed as the highly rated :Stratford "Kadettea" play here Monday, ,Iuly 26th at 8.30. ' Rev, Mr, Blakeley of Kintyre and Wardsetille was in charge of the ser- vice -at Melville Church an Sunday , morning last, and preached fvom the text, "I am th, bread of life, t and. I am the water of life." Mr, , Blakeley said, in pant, These,, and other words .of Christ show man's , sheer dependence on God Man is a deependent creature. Christ aleo said, Without Me ye can do nothing; I am the vine, lye are the branches. Christ is indispensable in creation. All things 'were made by Him- Her; is also Indispensable in man's sal- i vation. Christ is our all in all, We are lost if we try to save ourselves i in our own way. By ourselves we are helplests and hope3ese'. Christ is , indispensable in mans being set free from sin, also in man's sanctificat- ion. Miss Margaret Perrle was soloist, and sang, 0 Lord most Holy, by C. Franck. MELVILLE CHFRCH ATTENTION LADIES - A telephone call brings your British Knit, representative right to your home. Quick and courteous service at all times plus quality goods. Mrs. Pearl Stevenson, Brus- sels Telephone 43r14. ARMYWORMS Out-breake of armyworm have been report in Shncoc, Bruce, Lalnbton ,nd now in Iluron County, Army- worms rmyworms :have appeared to -date in the Clinton, Seaforth, Lonrl;esboro, Blyth, Fordwlch and Belmoie areas in Huron County, Usually 'the insect le kept under oontrel by parasites and other nature al control factors. 'If present in large numbers and the food supply becomes scarce as it has in the re- cent dry -spell they ,migrate from pastures and bay fields to nearby fk.lds of oats, barley, corn and other crops. When mwtutf the Caterpillars are about 11/4 inches long and greenish .brown in colour with longitudinal stripes. They fend at night or in the late evening. During the day they usually lie in a partly curled under lumps of earth or other cover. They climb the plants to feed on leaves and frequently cut off the heads of• grain. The adult insect is a brownish gray moth with a single white spot in, the centre of each: front wing, Control Poison bran bait seems to be the most reliable method of coptrol, Bran 25 lbs, Paris Grelen 3m. or50% wettable DDT powder 11,i. Ib., Mol- asses 1 - 2 quarts, Water about 2/ gallons. The poison should be mixed thor- oughly with the bran by shovelling over on a. smooth dry concrete floor until all is green. Avoid breathing the dust by tying a moist handkerchief or other cloth over the nose and around the head. The _molasses should he stirred into the water and this then mixed :with the poisoned bran until it resembles damp sawdust, - crumbly but not sticky. if desired, the poison could be dissolbed in the water along with the molaeses. The amounts given above will prepare sufficient bait to treat one acre. Note . Where the 'armyworms are in spring grain or wheat, the bait should be broadcast in the evening by men, -moving across the"fields close enough together so that bait can be spread to give almost cam. 1 plate coverage of ground surface. If the armyworms are moving from • one field to another, plough a furrow with the straight edge toward the crop to be protected. Sprinkle a row ilii of the poisened bait on the floor of the furore As the poisoned beet dries 1 out, freshly prepared bait may have 11 to be added. Sprays or dust of DDT or aldrin imhy he applied at the rate of 2 lbs. of the aotual toxicant per acre but baits have usually proven more effetive and IeSs damage to the crap VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE We specialize in styling. cutting ,and cold waving, Open Monday to Saturday inclusive. School Girl Special for August - Cold wavy, canrlplete with cutting and styling, $5.00. Mrs, Velma Stephenson, Phone 102xr4, • CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE _ I 2 shows nightly 7.30 -•9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. being treated, results. ' WARNING The haft described above is very poisonous to live- stock, poul1..ry, and man. ,Thus the usual nrecautions.shonld be observed. if haft is left over after the infested field has been treated, spread it thinly over the already baited area. G. W. Montgomery, Agricultural Representative I Wednesday, Thursday and Friday July 21 . 22 . 23 1 We don't want your money we Just I wast your heart Is the messape of "THE KIDNAPPERS" The most human, lovable story told of two young boys who turned Kid- nappers. We recommend this picture very highly. Bring the en- tlre family. Regular prices. Saturday only July 24 It's Joel McCrea and Yvonne De - Carlo Ina fast moving aotlon story. "BORDER RIVER" Men. - Tues. July 26 • 27 A double bili that embraces every- thing for your movie pleasure "THE STORY OF THREE LOVES" . and "COME TWO" TUESDAY FOTO-NITE OFFER 71-1I5 WEEK $120.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Jury 28 - 29 - 20 Bab Hope at his funniest In "HERE COME THE GIRLS" PEOPLE W E KNOW * 0 * Norman and Mrs. Hoover are boll, Baying in Toronto. * e Miss. D. T, McLeod, Lucknow. spent Saturday at lihe;home of Wm, Moses. * Mrs. D. 13. McCallum, Blyth, is visiting Miss Beth Hoover this week, * * * Ii MISS Jean Cardiff and Miss Jean McFarlane are holidaying at the i lake this Week * * * Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barr, Toronto I have been visitors with her parents Mr, and Mrs,Robert Bird. * * * I Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Warwick and family of Owen Sound, have been visiting relatives here. • *- Miss Bessie. Moses spent 1aet week in Stratford, attending the Stretford 'Shaketspearian Festival, * * * Miss Hdlen Rantoul, nurse -in -train• ins at Galt hospital is visiting with hbr aunt Alts. Pipe and Mervyn and family. * * * Mr. and Mrs. H, Marsbmlll and Miss Jessie Elliott, Stratford, called on friends in Brussels on. Sunday afternoon. Mr. Mack Cameron, Wingham, who has the necessary qualifications to become an embalmer, has been en• gaged as an apprentice by D. A. Rann. * * * Mr, and Mrs. A. K. Zapfe, and Dr. and Mrs- D. B. McAdam, and little daughters, Marjorie and Kathie, are visitors at Riverside with Mrs. R. 7lhomeion. * * * Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Braddick, Vancouver, were visitors with her parents,Mr. end Mrs. E. Pollard, who returned to 13. C. with them for a vacation. 'l'hey also visited with her sister Mrs. M. Pipe. * * * Misses June and Audrey Haekwell. ' and Doris Johnston. Bill Martin and Robert Kennedy, members of the Lions Club Boys and Girls Band re. turned home Sunday night after a wee'k's tour with the London Boys and Girls Band under the dir- ection of A. C. Robinson. * * Wnr. Grant of the 12th con, of Grey had the misfortune to badly fracture his hip bone when the barn floor where he was repairing, the timbers gave way letting hire fall to the ground. We are sorry to say he is at present spending many weeksin t1re Wingham Hoa,pital. ' 1 CARD OF 'THANKS T wish to thank all the noigbbours on the 16th. con. of Grey and all others for their kindnesr, to me' i show. while I was a. patient in Seaeorth, -._ _ _ . Hospital and atter I canoe home. Thurs. - Frh July 22 ' - Victor Maturt Alexander Scourly For Professional PIANO TUNING and Repairs Consult • CLARE F. STONE Phone: E. Martin, 87x Brussels tiI$II��N1lI�liiuikl•llll'I LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LiSTOWEL, ONTARrO Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear - first show at dusk 1 INote: News and Cartoon at each 23 Larry Perdue "GLORY BRIGADE" TWO WALTON MEN KILLED IN CRASH Duncan L. McNichol, 41, and God• don Hall, 40, both of R. R. 1 Walton, died as the result of a crash late Monday night, between their light truck and a 20 ton tractor -trailer ear. Tying about 2,500 gallons of silk. Both men died during Monday night in Stratford General Hospital where they were rushed, after the accident -on No. 8 highway about a mile Oust of Mitchell. Gordon Rolland was a native of Grey township, who had lived most of his life in McKillop township: For the past three years he. had been farming in the 14th concess- ion of McKillop, near Walton. He was a veteran of army service in the Second World War and a member of the United Church. He was married six years ago to Jessie Phillips, of Blyth. He is survived by his wife; by one son, Delbert. three years olde by one brother, Robert in London. Funeral sFrvice will be held on Friday, Duncan L. McNichol, 41, farmed all his life in McKillop township. Born March 2, 1913, he was, a son of Mrs. James McNichol and the late Mr. McNichol, He was schooled at S. S. 9, MoKfl- Lop, and had been a member of Bethel United Church, McKillop, In 1940 he was married to the for- me'u Mabel Bosman of Turnberry township. '11hey have one daughter, Phyllis. eight years. His farm is on the 14th concession of McKillop. Surviving besides, his wilt, mo- ther and daughter, are five broth- ers: Andrew and Ross, McKillop township; Orval, Grey township; Lorne G., Stratford, and George of Condon, and one sister, Annie, of Grey township. Funeral service will be held from his late residenre, 14th con., Mc- Killop on Thursday afternoon, Inter- ment in Brussels Cemetery. Home Baking Sale and Tea in Brussels Public Library on Saturday Evening, July 24th at8p.m. Sponsored by the Evening Auxiliary of St. John's Church,, DANCE At the Crystal Palace Ballroom in Brussels_` WEDNESDAY, JULY 28th For your Dancing Pleasure, Hear "The Sundowners" "Best Dance Band In the Land" Under the Auspices of the I. 0. 0. F. and Rebekah Lodges for C. P. and T. Fund. Admission 50c - Lunch Counter Complete line of lawn mowers, garden tractors and dig -a -tiller are to be seen at Geo. E. Pollard's Machine Shop at Brussels We give service on these as well as sales. A large modern Lathe has been instalIed.. Custom machinery of all kinds built to, order. For Sale - - A number of good used chain saws at - reduced prices. For Sale - 1 used Wiscon V. 4, 21 horse motor, com pletely rebuilt, suitable for hay balers, combines, etc. REGENT THEA'T'RE I Sat. CALIFORNIA CONQFEST" 26 • Seafortb, Ont.( (Color) Cornet Wilde Teresa Wright * * * Thursday, Friday and Saturday • Tues, - Wed. July 27 - 28 "POWDER RIVER" ',CLEOPATRA,' Rory Calhoun Corinne Calvet Claudette Colbert Warren Wiliiam Every blistering emotion that ever blasted the West poured 1uto Poyder' River. * * * Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 'THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE' Errol Flynn Anthony Steal Robt, Louis Stevenson's celebrated Masterpiece of Gallantry, * * a Thursday, Friday and Saturday "SEMINOLE,' Rook Hudson Barbara Halo Thurs. - Fri. July 29 - 30 "FLAME OF CALCUTTA" (Colour) Denise Darcel Tattle Knowles Saturday • Only July 31 "BRQKEN ARROW" (Colour) James Stewart Debra Paget ALE SALE SALE PE RSON'S Annual Summer Sale - 10 DAYS ONLY 10 - JULY '22nd TO JULY 31st LADIES' SPECIALS 100 Pr. Ladies Dress Shoes Reg. $5.95 to 8.95 Sale $3.95 98 Pr. Ladies Dress Sandals and Sport Shoes Special Sale $2.95 150 Pr. Ladies Slippers ,Play Shoes and Dress Shoes Only $1.95 100 Pr. Children's and Misses' Shoes Special Sale Price $1.95 Ladies Nylons 51 Gauge, 15 Deniers, 1st. Grade Sale Price .98c Ladies Nylons "SECONDS" Only .69c 20% OFF ALL LADIES ARCH -SUPPORT SHOES AND HEEL -HUGGER AND MURRAY-SELBY HEALTH SPOT SHOES MEN'S 100 Pr. Men's Dress Oxfords Black and Brown Reg. $6.95 to $10.00 Sale $5.95 30 Pr. Men's Oxfords Special $2.8,5 40 Pr. Men's Work Boots 50 Sport Shirts and Dres6' Shirts 'Reg. $4.95 to $7.50 Men's T Shirts Reg. $2.95 "Extra Special" $5.95 Sale $3.35 Sale Price $1.98 10% OFF ALL MEN'S Rubber Boots and Rubbers and Dress Shoes and Scott -McHale Shoes 20% OFF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ON DISPLAY Dress Shirts Dress Socks Stetson Hats Sweaters Sport Shirts Sport Caps Jewellery Braces Belts Ties Work Socks T Shirts Bow Ties Ties HURRY ! HURRY ! Everything Guaranteed under reasonable care and wear. Brussels, Ont. Phone11,