HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-6-30, Page 17 • eslTh—r—*10rieed se sewed eleas Poet OM* Dol**1-1P0* -(14414r4 Wednesda,y, JUne 30th, 1954 . 444 Pest Publishing Houie WINS TWO GOLD MEDALS AT WATERLOO BAND FESTIVAL Robert Xellue(17, elder 00e. of Mr. and Mrs. R, W. Kennedy, wen top honors, in both claaees in -whit& be oolutfeted at the Waterloo Baud Feat. int Ow •Saterchay kelt. He woe as Warded the gold mead in the cads -tenor aaxephotte cease with 86 marks, and the under 20 tenor s.earrophene with 89, David KerieleslY WO 4th 1n a class; of 8, hat the alto sa.bone Under 16 with 84 marks, COME ONE C'OME ALL -- to the last Bern Dance at Tom teles farm 114 miles north of Brussels on Friday nite, July 2nd. Music laY Don. Robertson and the Ranch BoYs Dancing from le to 2 a. m. Lunch Booth. EverybedY Welcome. NOTICE The Memorial Service of the Illnut Ventre Cemetery iU be held eh ;$unday, July 4 at 8.00 P. m. Rev. J. A. Isaac of Monkton will be guest (speaker. DANCE JULY 28th Dance will be e4d ou Weth1eS- day, Tely 28th, at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, muleasuirices of 1.0,02. and Rebekah Lodges or C. P. and T. Fund. Lunoli Counter Admission 500. Music by "The SintdoWners." CHURCH THE UNITED 0 The Sacrament of the Lord% Supp- er -Was observed in the United Ohurch on Sunday, June 27. 'The minister's Semen erahle'et wee "The Waiting Christ" based on Rev. 2:29, "Behold I Stand st Slit door and knock; if any Man near My voice and open the door, I will conte in to him, / and sun •withelaini and he with Me." The anittera for the day wiae. "Jeslua Loving ered" by R. IL Peery, ' 1 CELEBRATES 90th BIRTHDAY Cards and many words of congest , ulations were sertended to Mr. John. Steies, who on June nth, quietly celebrated hie 901h bithday. Mr ; Steles is matte alert in every respect and lets keenly enjoyed all the 8w(i Voss and anedern inventions an they have taken place in the past 90 years, while not ersiciyiag the most robust health, Mr. Steles never leases in terest in ell the doings of lds nrany friends and neighbors. BRUSSELS TAX RATE REDUCED 4 MILLS At Monday night's meeting the HEARD OVER C. K. N. X. ANNUAL DECORATION ANC MEMORIAL SERVICE The annual Deeoration Service was held In Brussels cemetery on Sure day Wet. The service wee bed Joh:t- ie by Western Star and morning Star I. 0. b. F. Wages"; the Bruesels branch of the Canadian Legion and their Ladiee' Maxillary. - The march to the eemeteny was led by the Legion Pipe Band Whe seeplted the :nude ter the service. Guest speaker for the 'occasion was Rev, A. Lane id Bruseels United Church, Noble Grand, Tr,. A. Bennett -of Western Star lodge welcomed the people 90 the dervice. The chaeloin, Robert Fraser, eonducted the wor- ship, Names of the deceesed bro- thers were read by I-Iertley Fischer and names of flatten comrades bY the president ;of the Legion, Hall and Win, Newton, Mrs. H. Thomas, Noble Grand of Morning Star Lodge, teed Ole names of deceased brothersi 'and deters and 'Mrs. G. McDowell offered the tempPraYer. The members led by the band, marched back 80 village. Brussels Town Councilfixed the tax rate ,for 1964 as 58 mills, — a re- dnction of 4 mOlia on the 1953 levy. t of a •------• Tide dacrease Was ithe reed JUNIOR GIRLS surplus af 82,090,78 in the toe - N. X., Wingham, last ,Saturday Marla - SOFTBALL SCHEDULE ' ion of the village and a further ,sur • July 2 Brussels at Clifford Plus rat $602.1.7 in tbe operation of ing. Piano duot, Margaret and Sean , , Hillen, "Bright 814 a Button". Piano JulY 5 Winghani at Brussele ; the water works. • ;Salo, Bally Mitcheill, Molesworth, July 8 Brussels a Harriston, ' Taxes -are divided. as 101-1mrs: "Hark the Band." Piano solo, Ger- JinlY 14 Bruselels at Hanover , I comity 10 mills; village 15; public am Thomas, Bluetrale, "Dolly's July 16 Clifford at Brussels. . lobed, 16; Winglmm Maria Higli . Divam." Piano ,,,,i 0, ,stiaatt martin, jenn 1e, 19 Kincardine at 13reels. Sobeol, 5; water works, 6hydrant Brussel% "Up in The Air." Vocal ; ; Sub* 29 Brussels at Kincardine, rentals, 4; Winghara General Hos- . doh), Yvonne Connelly, Brussels, 'Aug. 4 Harriston at Brussels. - Pital 2; total 58. I "Galway Bay." Piano solo, Datagle-11 This le second at four redeem givenby the pupils of Mns. Louts D. Thompson, Registered Music Teacher, of Brus,eels heard over C. Ifs BUS TRIP TD KI •-••• The public ischool rate is one Thames, Bluevale, "March." Piano sole, Patricia Richards, Ethel, "Tar- NOARDINE mill higher this year; but the vil- • " V 1 ole• Gerald Thom- ' as Bluevale, "To Heave Ho." Piano —12th of JULY — Leaving Brussels at 10 A. M. Returning 6 P. M. ADULTS 61.00 School Children 400 Phone 48x r 4 or 11. BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB Boys and GIrIs BAND TATTOO In Victoria Park on WEDESDAY, JULY 21st For Professional PIANO TUNING1 CARD OF 69). and Repairs Consult lags rate is down two inills, the antella. eat Winghem High School rate dawn * two =file; and Sae water works solo, jean Hillen, "The Goblin's Fro- . lie" by Heller. Piano solo, Margie rate dawn one mill. Hastie, Gerrie. "The Happy Partner" Sehumann. Piano solo, Margaret :An agreement was made with Hillen, "Whistling Leaves," Phase the Huuron County roads deeart- solo, Faye Edgar, Gerrie, Little Bur- ment hard -top three village hiocke lesique" by Lamont. Pieno duet, with three inches of eel:halt. This is a continuation of a plan to Pro" Joyce and Mary Harman, Brussels, greesively improve the streets the "King's Tteview." beginning with those closest to the busiriesea section. Iteelee R. B. GOOSieu, presided for the meeting and all councillors were present. WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL EXAM. RESULTS i Grade IX (Brussels School) (Class I - 75% and over Claes II , 66 - 74; Class 60° 65: Pass 50 SOOOER NEWS --- Huron Football AstociatIon " IT'S YOUR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION If you think your Aseoelation% best Tell them so • If You'd have it lead the rest Help it grout When there's anything ,to do Let the fellowis emelt on yeu; 'You'll feel belly 'when its through NEW OFFICERS INSTALLEU AT LIONS MEETING The incoming officers of the Liam, Club Were installed Monday eight at the last supper meeting of the seas- on. Harvey joheston president, pre- sided. The usual Wetness, inoluded roll oall and minute% Lion W. F. Todd repotted en the work accom- 1 plieted at the park on the river Don't yeti 'Mow. bank; Pionic tablea, have been put If you're used to giving lamclas up, a barbecue grill Metalled and the Change your style bowling green's imeroved. Throw betuinete instead of rocks Lion Wilbur Turnbull, spoke bale- loor Let the other fellow roaet ly on the Lions convention held at Shun him as you would a ghost R n Que President Lion Harvey ;Mimston, Meet hie hammer with a begot thanked ;the members for their sue- : port and said that while the Lions ' had done nothing spectacular dur- ing the year they had done a good deal in ;crippled oldldren% work and And a 0111113 Wirers asstranfer from afar. Comes along Tell him who and what you ere Make it etrang Needn't flatter. never bluff , for the betterment of th_e_.,cainnn,.. uu- Tell the truth, for that% enough. ity, Iola the boneters — that's the stuff Lion R. B. COUSITIS, Zone Cheirmar,, You ean't go wrong. installed the new officers, Well there it is folks! Your Milne The new president Lion M. Old- field, spoke briefly. reolthall Alseloolation. While the main has scratched a few games Lion Cousins presented Lion H. each week brings es nearer to play- jahnelan with a past preeldent's pin. off time and rensernber the winner Mr. Johnston thanked the members for their gift. is not diecided until the lest whistle bloays. The welcome mat is out to Wilbur TurnbuSI, won the guessing w:tvzvnhetunw enntroibes,ndlersLonidsestbhcierosvaanrkd was served by ladies; of Melville Miura. Plug rut Londeisboro while nee Dir. actor Is helping out at Wingliarn. • New Officers — The niece Mareball Trophy hes creat- ed quite ve interest and a new mark will be eet up for cup cempetition. This year Dave Witliarns of Listove el claims that he' ie too old to play. well he sat out one game Nut Was dressed for the next. That satisfied look on Harry Bolger's face ts the result of pastaing out those new Core stitution Booke Don't get alarmed, the noise noise you hear down at Winthrop is only Ken, Bottles work- ing the Beaten: teams over. From Where -we sit it would seem peonliat that Seatorth has no soccer u1 urs. Are the boys. there se well tamed that they can't kick or is it a fact that no one will take over n team? Ethel has stepped into the breech to take over the Listowel team and Walton has done the seine with Brussels: We are about half way thronets the -schedule with 'Winthrop on tap. Centre Forward. CARD OF THANKS The Henderson family thank all those, who in nay wry, helped make the benefit dance held for Gael. Henderson a =gees. — David Petrie, Douglas reciated Your kindness was sincerely ap- This is to exprees the sincere ap• CLARE F. STONE I -re Family for kindness and sympathy gam 1 Class II — Shirdy Wax - 13 predation and thanks of the Murray Clake Phone: E. Mart'in' ETx EruBseis extended them en their bereaeemen t. TI412 PNIIISNYMINAN CHUMCN IN CANADA ilehrIlle CIMINO Brustrals No Sunday School - 1.1 e. m. Morning Worship Hey. Blakley, supply. Melville Male Cborus will sing, also Glen Plant, boy eoorano, United Church OF CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Church School - 10 a. no. Divine Worsthip --1.1.16 a, m. Come and Woltship. Church of England 11410.11 of Brussels Rev. A. Norran Ellis, M. A. (Sunday 4 Alb (Trinty 1V) St. John's Church, Brussels ANNIVIIDSAILY SERVICES 12 A. Morning Praler, Sunday School Preacher Rev. John Xerr heth sereice% I Sun Midnight 8 P. lel. Evening PraYeir • In way man Marlene. NOTICE — ; and all those who helped. any , , Tee merely pesseny Claes III — Dianne McNair, Stuart • Smith. , ----- 1 Pass — Jelrn Higgins, Seines ga , , cream an , ANNOUNCING — The opening of Val's Beauty i 1 , Shoppe, iocated directly above Brus•I ed.-... Export Packers, 11111aSela. I yea specialize in styling, cutting 1 1., and cold leaving. Open Monday to 1 Saturday inelustre. • Mrs. Velma Stephenson, 102er4_. Sociel to be held on Ally Sibs 00 the grounds of Union 'United Church Grey. Variety program. Berries, ice 16c. d cake 25e Admission • Ed r NOTICE Townsbip of Morris Prepaid Taxes 111111111111151111211111111911301111111611, II DRIVE-IN THEATRE - LISTOWEL, ONTARIO I LLASHMAR Township of Morris. 3% will be al- lowed on all 1964 Taxes for the TwP. at Morris which are received by the Treasurer Nelson Higgins by July 1st, Based on 80% of the 1953 taxes. Geo. Martin, Clerk. BORN McWIERTER — To Mr. and Mrs. jadc MeWhirter, of 13russele, at Dr. Iviyerls Nursing Home. the gift ot a daughter. Connie 83141115, on May alst, Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear — first show at dusk 44444 REGENT THEATRE Note: News and Cartoon at each Seaforth, Ont. show. CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATR 2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. President M. C. Oldfield est vice-pnes. Sten. Meehan and viceip;ree. Harold Thernas 3rd, vice-pree. Gordon Knight Directors Bob Walker. D, -Rune, Zack IVINDanald, Clifford Dunbar Secretary Edward Mettle Treasurer it. G. McBride Tailtwieter Jas. S. Arretrene Lion Tamer W. F. Todd $2,00 per year $2.50 U. DANCE At the Crystal Palace Ballroom in Brusseiti FRIDAY, JULY 9th For your Dancing Pleasure, Hear "The Sundowners" 'Best pantie Band In the Land" Thls being the first engagement for this 7-plece orchestra Ire this community — don't forget to hear them. Admission 50c — Lunch Counter' Under the Auspices of the East Huron Agricultural Society GARDEN BROS. MAMMOTH —3— RING CIRCUS FRIDAY and SATURDAY JULY 9 - 10 Two Shows Daily 3 P. M. - 8 P. M, In Goderich Memorial Arena One Admission — Sees Entire Show MATINEES EVENINGS — .75c .50D — $1,25 LIONS — CLOWNS — PONIES — ELEPHANTS — TRAPEZE ARTISTS IT'S THRILLING — DIFFERENT A G1ODERICH LIONS COMMUNITY PROJECT. fassamormsommit NOTICE Wanted immediately Salesman with car foi%local rural Watkins Dealership. No Investment. Training supplied. If you are Interested In business of your own with better than average earnings. ..Writos today for personal interview With field manager. E. C. HarveYs 21 Ontario Street, Stratford. MELVILLE CHURCH Oa Sunday morning last, Mr. Doug- las Black of Kitchener conducted tne service at Melville Church and swim from the text, "Thou are not far from the Kingaora of God," Christ wee not wrong in His judgment of the scribe. How far are we from the Kingdom? If we are aequainted witb the kingdom we are not far from it. 1 This scribe heard Christ preach and admired Hine He was sure that I Christ spoke the truth and he reeog• nieed and understood the truth. All 1 the many books written about Per- 1 sense relations refer to ChrOst'51 teadhings. And we recognize Jews' teaching to be the truth. It ie but / a step into the Kingdom. .511 185 bane to do is to accept Christ as Lord and 'blaster and do what be says. Graeme MacDonald was solo- , 1St and 'tang Mendelssohns, "0 ; Rest in tbe Lord." 10••••••••M....•11•001.1m. ..••••••••••••••••• Last showing Thursday Only July 1 "FLIGHT TO TANGIER" Joan Fontaine Jack Palermo Friday - Saturday July 2 - 3 An outstanding double 8111 highly recommended — James Stewart, June Allyson In a baseball film you ' asked to have back "THE STRATTON STORY" and 1 • NOTICE — A Memorial Service will be held ha. the Brandon Cemetery, Belgravia On Sunday, July 4th at 8 p. m. Rev. Brawn will deliver dos addrees. In ease of rain the service will be held in the United Church. Road Test It Street Test It Mil Test It PROVE TO YOURSELF THAT CHEVR•LET Gives you the best in Price! Economy! Performance! You have probably heard that the 1954 Chevrolet is the greatest car Chevrolet has ever built, but you cannot appreciate just how amazing it is until you have actually driven it! --until you have had your hands on the wheel, your foot on the ac- celeratorl That's when you really discover that Chevrolet perform- ance is second to none—at any price! That's why we invite you to take a "Prove to Yourself Drive," You see, we know that demonstration proves the 1954 Chevrolet gives you more car at less cost than any other auto- mobilei You and your wife come in soon, drive the '54 Chevrolet and discover for your- selves how Chevrolet outper- forms then: all. RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, Out. • • . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 1 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 A 4 ia • * i Howard Keel — Marjorie Main Thursday, Friday and Saturday "FAST dOMPANY vs -lb "CALL ME MADAM" Monday Tuesday July 5 - 6 ea 2 • "STRANGER WORE A GUN" Ethel Muting Donald O'Connor 2 g Thurs. - Fri. July 1 - 2 1 Randolph Scott Joe, watoon A smash hit on tht stage becomes A suspense drama " ERROR ON A TRAIN" and Sat. • Mos. 'July 8 - 5 'CRIUSIN' DOWN THE RIVER" . (Colour) Dlok Haymes Audrey Trotter St. David's, Henfryn 8.80 ]). Eveting Prayer Preacher Rev, John Kerr Sunday SohOol July 498 Only "LEAVE HEETt To HEAVEN" ' Gene tlerney Oornel Wilde s Tiles.. Wed. July 8 • 7 "LET'S DO IT AGAIN" 1 Jane Wyman Ray Midland the years top thin musical euceess. Esther William, Van Johnson in a Monday, Tuesday and Wedneaday fun packed musical ' "FAST COMPANY" "DUCHESS OF IDARD" Howard Keel Polly Sergen TUESDAY FOTO-MTE Reinance adventure and the sport OFFER THIS WEEK $400.00 1 of Kings. 2nd OFFER $50.00 la * * Monday Attendance Card Night. ThursdaY, Friday and Saturday ,,,,,,........,,.........„...............,.... "FARMER TAKES A WIVE" Wednesday - Thursday Duly 7 • 8 i Betty Grable Dale Robertson "THE TIT'FIELD THUNDSRSOLT" 1 * * is All aboard for an eyenIng% ride of Coming Soon — loVe and latighter. 1 A comedY riot "MA and PA KETTLE with a Star east of your favourite , • AT HOME' players - 1 Savings Through Safety Ontario Hydro has always recognized that safety devices alone do not eliminate acci- dents. A special Safety Depart- ment carries out a continuing, comprehensive, educational safety program and in addition periodically checks equipment and reviews the safety methods employed in the Commission's widely diversified day-to-day operations, The Marked reduc- lion in major and minor in- juries to Hydro personnel is a source of satisfaction and has materially assisted in maintain- ing the high standard of service associated with the name, "Hydro." ONTARIO HYDRO AT WORK FAHEIOU AND410111101', Information concerning Ontarlo Hydro tan bo obtolned Wetting to your Hydro Minos, 620 UniveiStly Aveme,Totesto. DO YOU KNOW? During 1953, fourteen Com, mloolon omployoca end tbroo of their vilyco were awarded mods% sea certificates for gliurUMnintag9ggil Amoclation and NotionniSato ty Council,