HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-6-23, Page 4'PRQPLEW,CKNOW * * tF 0 V, W. Melton of Eieatont4l spent tlt49 Weelt•02d Nitta Misa BeSsie Maces: Illus, B. Yoomau, Detroit is holiday - big with her sister Mrs. Nelstoa Cardiff, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Glazier, Strat- ford called on Mrs. Geo, Henderson ou. Saturday. * * * Almy, E. Kaaler • of tong Beach, California Is r Fitsllipg at the home of W. 0. King thisweak. * *• * Mrs. W. Rose returned recently til Brussels from Winnipeg and Arcola, Sask., Where she was visiting her sister. * Mr. and Mrs. artanam Scott ana son of Welland were week -and guests with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Scott, * a Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Tibbo of Til- bury end Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyce, and daughter Sandra, of Lorne Park were visitors over the week -end with Serres S. and Mrs. Armstrong. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE * * a Suns - 25 Winthrop at Listowel 28 Listowel at Lonsedboro 28 Holstein at Winthrop 28 Wingbam at Brussels 30 Londesborn at Wingham Suly Londc-sboro at Brusetls 5 Holstein at Brussels 7 Brussels at Wingham 9 Holst,-in at Wingham 9 Londe aboro at Listowel 14 Listowel at Wingham 15 Brussels at Winthrop 15 Londesboro at Holstein. ▪ 19 Wingham at Holstein LADIES INTERMEDIATE SOFTBALL W. 0. A. A. Jun, • - 2; Mt. Forest at Brussels 25 Clifford at Paisley 28 Harriston at Pinkerton 2$ Brgeael9 at Paisley 98 Clifford at Mit. Forest 29 Piakerto*, at Clifford 190 Paisley a F41110VeT July 1 - 38t. Forel at Harriston 2 paisley at !tassels 2 Pinkerton fle Hanover 5 Mt. Forest at Clifford Z alt. Foresj at Hanover h $ Raiejey- s,4 ghtkerton Zv,•>zazlad pt Brussels lif*Marover Harriston 12 Hanove ant Paisley 1a Barrietoi at Clifford - Braaselra *Hanover T4 l aisaQr'a Harriston E41135, pros. et Paisley 16 Clif2Or4 A Pinkerton 1G Harris00i at Mt. Forest 19 Clifford 'H Hanover Hanover b19 prnss9ls it Mt. Forest y 20 Hatrfetota Apt Paisley 25 Barristag 9t Brussels 28 Hanovet ani Clifford 2a PalsLq d16 Mt. Forest 26 Pinker55lt at Harriaton 27 Mt. Forest at Pinkerton 29 Clifford at Harriston FOR SALE - iSard..*ird and-ottwood slabs, uta, cedar for cradling Pae, St•ocuson Phone ger4 sesta -Oa eaao (trey Twp, Couneii Grey Township paunch bloating �, Wea held June 15th; Moved by aloward F. Mollnaught, •seconded by Was. E, Biellba tbat the minutely be adopted as read. Carried. MPved by HOWard a', MoNatigiht, 1 seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar that i the assessniout On Lot 34, Goa. 18 on Northwest Drain be allotted by acres as follows ; - 52 acres to E, Hood• • west half; 19 acres to L. Machan, east half. -.- Carried, Moved by Hugh Snaith, seconded , by Wm, E, Btehop +bloat Court of Revision be closed on Northwest Drain, - Carried. � :Altar' by Clifford R. Dunbar, • seconded by Wm. E. Bishop that tenders of Louis J. Looby be accept- ed o 1 Bridges at Lot 14 and Lots 15 and 16, Con, 14. Subject to approval l of Department of Highways. - Carried, Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar that we arce9t 1 tender of Frank Kirkby for the'. RCMP Wililamran Drain, at the sum of $1,660.00. - Carried. :Moved by laugh Smith, seconded I by Clifford R. Dunbar that Cranbrook and Molesworth Cemeteries be given a grant of 8100.00 each. - Carried, j Move1 by Clifford R. Dunbar,' seconded by Howard F, McNaught that Clerk instruct Engineer Howes to ezamine and report on lands'; and roads affected by enclosed petit -j ion. I - Carried Moved' by Howard F. McNaught, secnndcd by Hugh Smith that Count oil accept the applications of Fran. ci. Wheeler and Cliff. Noegy for as- sistance under The Tile Drainage Ant. - Carried. Moved by Hugh Smith. seconded by Howard F. McNaught that the Clerk be instructed to refund the giants on the Storey and fox Drains. - Carried. Morel by Clifford R. Dunbar, seconded by Wm. E. Bishop that we grant permission to ran McDonald to erect and operate a Stock -Car Racing Track on Lot 12, Con. 3. - Carried. Moved by Howard F. McNaught, seconded by Wm. E. Bishop that all approved accounts he paid. - Carried. Mos -1 by Clifford R. Dunbar, seconded by Howard F, McNaught feat we do adjourn to meet July 3rd or at the call of the Renve. - Carried. The following account. were paid: County of Huron. Hospitalization Canadian industries Ltd., warbicide R. J. Lovell Co.. supplies 8722.00 208.00 52.86 ' imperial 011 Ltd., stove oil 2.35 Stratford Beacon Herald, adv. Rrure-Witham Dr, 6.00 The Blyth Standard, adv. Brae -Williamson 2.10 Th. Rrnsaelc Post. print North- west Drain by-laws 18.00 E. N. Cardiff. prepare and serve I Northwest Drain by-laws Al1en JlrTaegar', levelling 2ToNair Drain 22.90 Sam Swenney, levelling air -Nair Drain 24.00 Fred Sinnlldon, Warble Fly Tan:cater 7.00 284.80 Geo . W..enbnre attend Assessor's meeting at Palmerston 10.00 Haab R. Smith. to Stratford re Maitland R. 9,20 IN ITS PRICE FIELD Road -Test it! Street -Test it! Hill -Test it! GET PROOF OF CHEVROLET ECONOMY *1‘.;.:-.2414.247a.a^sa2.KaY' Riverside Motors Brussels On:. C. it. Dunbar, to meeting at Londe0boro 3.69 C. E. Rowland, to meetieg at Listowel 1.68 Wm, C. Smith, repair Keifer Drain 11.60 C. M. Stevenson, sheep killed and injured 29.60 Geo. Wesenburg, Assessor, part salary 100.00 E. F. Cardiff, clerk's fees, Str^tyotork Drain 26.00 Melvin Hamilton, rent for dump 15.00 Molesworth Cemetery Board, grant 100.00 Cranbrook Cemetery Board, grant 100.90 Town of Listowel, Debenture payment Listowel High School 4,099.67 Elmer Armstrong, repair Agreement Drain - 4.00 John Armstrong, repair Agreement Drain 4.00 Alex Pearson, repair Agreement Drain 12.00 Wm. E. Bishop, tile for Agreement Drain 6.40 • Refund grant. Cox Dr. 788.87 Refund grant, Storey Dr. 675.08 Roads 4,174.22 Edythe M. $10,901.27 ! Cardiff, Clerk. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Your Memorial Craftsmen For Thirty Five Years, Always using THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario FOR SALE - Newlyweds can select from about 20 Livingroom Suites, 20 Bedroom, 12 Kitchen Subsea at the Schuett'a Mildmay Frunitnre Stores. Free de• livery. Low prices. J. F. Sohuett and Son, Mildmay. GREY TWP, SCHOOL B'0ARD MEETING Minutes were read and adopted on 1 motion of Bolger and Conley. Motion of Brown and McFarlane 1 that the Fire Insurance on.sohools be renewed with the Howick Mutual for the same amount. Motion of Conley and Bolger that j the schools be insured for weather 1 damage with the Out. Farmer's Co. for $2000. each. Motion of Brown and Bolger that Bert Johnston be rehired at same salary for transportation of pupils. 1 Motion of Conley and Bolger that I Mrs. Mary Iluet9aer be re -hired at No. 10 at $2,600 and Mrs. Edna Hoek- 1 well be rehired at No. 12 at $2900. Motion of Brown and McFarlane 1 that IOokmier measure roofs at No. 1 10 and No. 11 and secretary secure prices on 24 gauge aluminum roof -1 Ing. l Motion ofConley and Brown that the secretary adv. for tenders ".for Painting of class rooms and entran- ces at No. 5 and No, 11 and ewtrior at.S. S. No. 1. Tenders to be recety. ed .pati' June 21. s' Motion of McFarlane and Bolger that Sec., adrvt, for tenders for coal, Motion of Merarlaae and Bolger the following bill& be paid. Howick Mutual Fire Ins. $239.40 Cecil Eckmier, labour 42.75 ltlauna Hayden, hot lunch 1.98 Brussels Post, advt. 1.00 Jack Hood School Supplies 1,61 Stuart Lowe, Hot Lunch 22.84 D. N. SfoDonlald, re -pair 4.80 Listowel Banner 2.00 J. C. Hemingway, Sec.-Treas. NOTICE Wanted -10 young cattle to pasture alsb would let out about 20 acres of land for buckwheat on shares: R. J. Gathers Phone 25r12 WALTON The Jane meeting of the Walton W. M. S. and W. A. grata) was beld at the Gnome ,of -Mrs. Silas Jahnh ton on' Wednesday eventing, The president Mrs. Ronald Bennett opened the meeting with Hymn 480 after wallahs the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison and Psalm 731 pare read responsively. The Troias. Mrs. Frank Kirkby gave the fin- ancial report and the Sec, report was given by Mrs, Fern Patterson. During the business period final arrangements. were made for the Garden Party to be held on June 23rd. Mrs, Frank Kirkby gave an interesting topic on hymns and .their composers. The closing" hymn 286 wa.s followed with the Mivpah Benediction repeated in unison, Mrs. Donald McNall conducted sev- eral eweral contests after wfakth• lunch was served by Mrs. Johnston and the following ladies Mrs. Wm. Bonnett Mrs, Lloyd Porter, Miss Begsie Dav#akson and Mrs, Fiern Flatter. son.1 The July meeting `will p$ held at the home of Mrs. M. Thorned 011 Wedu11)9day afternoon, July 14th: Miss Barbara Patterson has been visiting friends in Toronto. JosepB Hae1r 'ell with •Iris sister, Mrs. limn)! Naylor, Roobe<ater, N, Y. Harry_ Bolger and eon James ;have been in London with Mr. Bolger's brother 'Toward Bolger, who Is quite i1I. TENDERS WANTED - Grey Twp, School Board will re- ceive tenders until June 21 for the supplying of about 45 tons of bit grade bard coal 30 the different schools iu the area, J. Carl Hemingway, See:-Treas.' Brussels, Ont. Phone 21r5. or AT DRfP hire years use" PNver`r only the new EMCU RarNL:F.laaortaucet --a• testep anojsrov an ti„plesa ..: .. rpt Ns T3 34 Just think of what that means to you! No more annoying drips ... no more wasteful leaks .. no drip stains to scour away... no more washers to change. What's more, Magic Action Fittings and Magic Line Accessories won an award from the National Industrial Design Council. for form, function, originality, good value and consumer acceptance. A matched set of Magic Action faucets for basin, bath, shower and kitchen sink will go a long way to make your bathroom look better ... and they cost no more than ordinary taps. Come in and see our full line of EMCO plumbing equipment. For Sale by C. & G. Kreuter Co. Brussels. Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED LONDON "*'"`.,°_ •-. "_'~°' •CANADA Dundas St., East By Roe Farms Service Dept POULTRY, HOGS AND DAIRY CATTLE ALL WILL'THRIVE ON ROE.; WITH THIS WHOLESOME FEED (FARM -PROMO WATCH YOUR PROFITS CROW . IF YOU WANT YOUR H065 TO BROW AND GROW -AND GROW -AND GROW I PEED THEM WITHAPROVENFEED-- KNOWN AS ROE IF YOU WANT YOUR MILK PRODUCERS TO MAINTAIN A 5itADY FLOW SIVE THEM WHAT ALLCATTLE THRIVE ON THAT'S THE FEED YOU KNOW AS ROE YOU CAN'T6ET EGGS UNLESS YOU BUILD THEM IN THE BIRDS MOST FIT TO LAY ROE WILL KEEP YOUR BIROS PRODUCING IN A MONEY-MAKIN6 WAY. LOOKIPILQI • 70 ���"'t'::I/f \v' 1ir1ff' ty MAKE ' ` r• YOUR � :\-- Ev-lisc 1 \ ./ ' ''si;";•11 ' F r � i � /'%'r 'S �/THE�E �/ / d�1!!! '"'� w.....12. JTW, �•'r-� 1\ (--- ,v" p p`C .�1 r ,. - Ind i �! ,':'i, r! _ / 7.-71:1;Z' Ir / !. rteMINeRAIb:-� / I / � �a 'Fp.,', i®II ``® ` F i ' 111�'e� J i� A J frit 1 + 1 Roe•vo LT ' - � � F� ) A- , / / _ T � / C/ = - y�- , ., t 1 �� cr �• _ �:clsP Fiuron" F'rpdac® BRUSSELS JOHN CONI` N HAM F. HARRISON d M NCRee ')'•P :."t 'edywai e / c*t r1 , �,� ,%•,�G '� ) f �7rf fir t y G 1 '�