HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-6-23, Page 1THE BR
Post Publishing House biuthortrAd irs second Glace Inst!, Peet Office DePartMewt, Otta'Ms
Wednesday, June 23rd, 1954
$2.90 per year - $2.50 U
Ward wNs reoeieved here today
(Wednesday) that B111 Su111van, •old-
er !son of Mr. herb, Sullivan was kill•;
ed this morning In a car crate, :in
NpYa 'Scotia. ,No particulars :are
available yet. ,tt
A surg}rtse party Svcs 'held at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Ales Steles,
R. R. 2, Brussels on June 19th, in
honour of their wedding, anniversary.
About fifty friends and relatives
gathered to conlvey their•congatulat-
tone and wish them many •more
ti>a7tpy yours o4 married life. In at-
tendance were the hest men and
maid ;of .honour of 25 years ago Mr.
and Mrs, Calvin Cameron, Oranbrook
and t4be flower girl Mie William
SOCCER NEWS -- between Stere And'Aarente.
Huron Football Association I Huron should feel proud to know
June 17th, 1854 tbet these boys are to be g1ve01 a
Wing! un met mei Football 'Club Chance to compete in 'this great
. at the Ethel Park on Thursday. ; game, with teams outside of their
own locale. The eaot that host of
Thio' Dntoh: boys from 1rJingSrarn • our boys are born in Huron and
thew that while they have next corn- ; violnLty :cud bbai the teams in }Tai n
Pieta command of the English tang:
wage but thee know what to t.o rim I ibhon and Toronto are mostly old
the bait, Ethel ,pat two prat Lewis country.'hoy' should add, a flavor to
the game. To draw a cor nmeetibu be-
nt nice ltaesing 'plays to take what
looked like a sure win. At the end wean Senior and Minor football - one
'team im •pantdoular is composed of
of the first half the scene was Ethel
2 Wingham 0. Starting the is -which , section and most of the unbar teaatts
Ethel had a .slack ten tnniutes which have 'some minor graduates, which
the adore m •team took advantage I speaks well for the coaching . the
'of •to ,soere 2 to actualize, Ethel
boys have recceived. The Ontario
'bon then tightened up but could
all 'boys Who started in the minor
Football Association and the Do -
•not connect. They ansa- trafused to minion Fcotita1l Association are. not
allow Wingham score. So the game' r.n,nintlful of the fact that
ended in a 2 all tie.
• teaoheng the boys this great game
. will assure us of future players
1 and have expressed this fact in a
Nrabe, Alitchell, formerly Iola Our Sher+atures article of a rec• concrete manner by granting $1000.
Nicholls•. ent iselute brings up the question 00. Last year for minor soccer pro-
Th!e , Mo have three inni ted) motion, also the Ontario Minor
.and son, Mrs. Charles (Winnifred) "Wilt about the. kids?" Well, Huron
League •wars not behind in taidng up Football Assoclatios- met once every
Maim, lira, Harry (Eileen) Manor the matter, in Fact they were some- romtith last year and ere doing the
*1 Th, of Listowel, Stewart MsJean Stela what in the forefront, About seven sante this year to get minor football
Of Brusiful and at ester Gin all over the province.' This
Beautiful gifts including a chest of Years ago, 'Ed. Richards of Ethel Poing
was insistent that something edtould' spealas well for the men on this
silver from the dtiter were •etre be done. He was concurred in this council, At present 15 Is.. com!polsed
seated to them, after Mrs. John ed by Ken Betties of Winthrop. The ' et tveo from Toronto, two from Ham -
Wilson called the happy honoured insistence of d9tese two mem resulted Ilton, cue form the Bay of (salute,
couple to thein chairs. The evening in the League appointing Ed: Vice- and one from Huron. A word to
was spent by playing Dards endd daze. Pres. fm charge of Minor Soccer with. you exdtleyers. IL you enjoyed the
ing. A bountiful lunch was served In the league Harry Bolger of Walton game .don't you think the boys 3n
at the close of the evening. - took on the added work of Minor your neighbourhood would do the 1 -`The lucky numbers for the three
Secretary. Ken .and Ed. working same? Then! if so, what are you gate prises were drawn by Rochelle
' together rounded up a five team going to do about 15? .
League 02 Suveniles.. Iih1s number of , A manes no bigger than the way
teams went am and down end moat- He treats his fellow men
Tito annual sports Gay of the Bros'
tiles Legion 'was lield lest Friday
evening and favoured with ldeal
weather drew a good attendance,
The Legion Pipe Banti led a par^
ade of floats and clowns, from the
C. N. It. !station through town to
the community park. The Main
James Henry Williamson
The death oceured of James
Henry Williamson oe Walton on
Saturday, in Stolt Memorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth, of a heart condition
Ile had been -11i for only ten days.
Born: in November, 1879, on lot 1&
Dent 17, are)" Itownsbip, bre was a
span of tate late James B. William-
son and Elizabeth Cardiff Willram-
son. 'He was married at Walters'
street reale gay with colored lights. to the former Maud Johnston, wfho
On' the arrival of the colorful per. d{ed Augurs 2, 1940, Mr. William•
ade at the park, the floats Wsre son was a member of the 'Unites
Judged by Oliftord Rowland. reeve Church of Canada. Surviving are
of Grey and Reeve, Bailie Parrott one son James T. on the home-
of Morris. ;stead; Mrs. Alvin (Kathleen E.)
D. A. Bann won first award for Stimore, 'MeKiliop, and two grand -
his float, "As We Grow Older," ! children, Aisne and Keith .William-
The patriotic float of the Ladies' son. 'Rev. M. 'Tylomas of Walton
Auxiliary to the Oanadian Legion United Church conducted the fun-
receiared second prize. eral service on Monday afternoon !
Third place went to group of Hill held at his late residence. Burial •
Billies- and St, John'e Mardi Boy was made in Brussels Cemetery.
Scouts and Cubs were fourth. Pallbearers were Alex Gulut'zen, '
Ann exciting, softball game between Henry Armstrong, -Andrew Mc -
Stone School and Belgrave kept the Nieohol, John Risme Clifford R3tch-
crowd interested early in the even- ie and Donald Buciiannan, Flower.
Ins, and resulted an Ll - 7 victory bearetis were Sitewarit Hiumptries..i
for Stone• School. Batteries were George Williamson, Rae Houston,
Higgins 'and Metihers for Stone Mark Hamilton, Kelland McVIttie, :
School, Wellwood and Dow and Ir- Nelson Reid.
win for Belgrave. 1
Allen Smith of Moncrretf was e-
lected president for the 1O55 Mac-
han re -union when the members
gathered far the ,annual get-together
in Lions Park, Mitchell Others in
charge will be secretary, Mrs. ,
Douglas Baillie, R. R. 1, Mitchell;
Mr, and Mrs.,. Stanley Machan and
Mr. end Mrs, Ralph Machan. The
date and time of the reunion are
left with the committee.
This year's errfangements were .
the responsibility of Mr. and Mrs..
Valiance Inglis, Atwood; Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Wood, Mitchell; Mr. •;
and Mrs. Clifford Machan, Sarnia
and Mr. end Mrs. Howard Machan, t
The children ran the lollowing
races, mixed six and under, Bob- i
by Baillie, Beth Illmen, June Wil- '
bee! girls 6-8, Bobby Bernie, Shar
on Wood, Beth Inman; ! boys 6 - 8, '
Glenn Madhan; girls 8 - 19, Linda ,
Dunn, Sandy Baillie, Sharon Wood;
boys 8 - 10, Charles Inman, Bruce
Maclean. Glenn Meehan; girls 10 - 14,
Bingo, fish Pond and ether games
were enjoyed by the crowd until
midnight, when there was' a splend- f
id dis'nlay of fireworks•
The work of the Ontario Temper;
anoe Federation was presented by
the thiniater at the morning service
Sunday, June 20. Mr. Lane refere-
ed to the Federation es a spear
!read of the churches in the work of
cultivating end maintaining sobrie-
ty in the populace, -
The anthem for the day was,
'For God So Loved the World" by
Hall and Hewitt. The male quart-
attic — Messes. T. Pierce. S. W1tee1• fcatbalLs they will not be around ' He 'treats his feliotw men,
er, T. Straoban, and L. Wheeler, kicking up mischief some place wh- ; Signed: Centre Forward.
sang the quartette, "Tete Love that, ere they should not be. In the mean -
Seeks," by T. C. Clark. time Ed. did not forget the boys, . NOTICE —
while he is busy keeping the Seniors 1 Social to be held on Jnly 8th, 00
in line. Tim years ago Chatham
the grounds of !Union United Church
iseued a oltellenge din Huron to fight Grey. Variety program. Berries, ice
it out for the Western Ontario Chant•
cream and cake 25c. Admission
pion. Ken and Ed. got their heads Y,sse ,
and a team together, and journed
to 'Chatham. Besides having a good
time they beat the Chatham boys
two 'games' straight. Last year honk-
ing.for further field to conquer they
went after Toronto and Hamilton
41 without too much auocess. Only one
game was arranged and that with
Scarboro, who journeyed to Brussels,
to beat the Huron boys in the last
few minutes of the game. However
this Is another year. junior, Juivenile
and Bantam teams from Huron are to
' he entered in the all ;Ontario comp-
etition. Ed. is now on the Ontario
Minor Soccer Council .and speirda;t
considerable of his, tithe commuting
Wineberg, with, prizes Gro
Thos. Pletoh, ,pair a blankets;
Leonard Rooney, Blyth, tricycle;and
ins to Mrs:
ly down. It would apneer ,that the This standard hes his measure Harvey Jeeklin, 1001b. bag of sugar.
Juveniles had disappeared, How• 1 Since time itself began 1 _
ever, Ken who is in charge naw' He's measured not by ties or cfeeds MELVILLE CHURCH
report;, about fifty youngsters 16 i.
High sounding Who
this be 1 On Sunday morning last, Mr,
years and younger, to be out there Nor by the gold that's put aside 1 David Savage, lay preacher of Lis
kinking. So it looks as if there would ! Nor by bis eanctity 1 towel, again conducted the service,
be plenty of 'home brew football tea ! These are Ms measures ever Be spoke of the many issues
ent around for awhile. Any way you 1 .To serve him when they oan
look at it, While file kids ere kicking
in re-
• ligion and the rising menaces o
For` man's no better than the way ! Communism. We should mow
June 25 Hanover at Brussels
July 2 Brussels at Clifford
July 5 Wingb111i at Brussels
July 8 Brussels at Harriston
Ally 14 Brussels at Hanover
July 16 Clifford at B'ruseels.
July 19 Kincardine at Brussels.
July 29,Brussels at Kincardine.
Aug. 4 Harriston a Brussels.
I For Professlonal
and Repairs
Phones E. Martin, 87x Brussels
Met taNCInf 1"n*ltlAN
Matv1N• CU.rs
Rev. Glen Camapbdll,
10 s. m. Sunday School
11 0. m. Morning Worship
United Church
Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane
Divine Worship — 11.15 a, m.
'Ile Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper.
Church School - 10 a. m,
This •do in reutemubranee
of iMe. - Jeeti9.
Church of England
Parish of Crustal*
Rev. A. Norran Ellie, M. A.
Trinity 11 — June • 27
St John's Churoht Brunneh
11 0, m• Holy Communion
Sunday School -
8t. David's, Henfryn
2.00 p. m, Evening Prayear •
gitnday School
St. George'd Walton —
9.90 a. 01. Morning Prayer
Two Shows Nightly
Rain' or clear — first show at dusk
Note: News and Cartoon"at each
Thurs.. Fri.- June 24 - 26.
Tyronne Power Maureen O'Hara
where we stand in regard >ur
beliefs end our church. Mrs. Har-
old Smalldon was guest soloist
and sang "How lovely are Thy
dwellings" by 14111e. The choir
i rendered the anthem Evening and
Hornig, by Stir George Oakeley.
The regular organist was assisted
( by Mils Barbara Allen, who play
ed the music for the prelude and
CARD OF THANKS offering.
I,wauld like to take this opponUuan E1 C. K. N. X. BROADCAST
ty to thank all who visited while I
i A second recital by the pupils of
in the Hospital, also those who seat
M,s, Mrs - Louts D. Thompson, R. M. T.,,
cards or treats, or remembered me in
WIT watt. It was, all very much
appreciated. "
Janet C. Robertson.
Sat. • Mon. June 26 - 28
Robert Cummings Terry Moore
Township of Morris Prepaid Taxes
Township of Morris. 3% will be al-
bLowed on all 1954 Taxes for the TvrP-
of Morris which are received by the
Treasurer Nelson Higgins by July
lst, Based on 80% of the 1953 taxes.
Geo. Martin, Clerk.
COME ONE COME ALL — to the last Barn Dance at Tom
Pletch'i farm 1.% miles. north of
Brussels on Friday Site, July 2nd.
Music by Don, Robertison and the
Ranch Boys featuring songs by
Tues. Well. June' 29 - 30
Gone Barry ... Ann Robinson
will be heard on ,Saturday morning,
lune 26511, at 11.15, the laiddi e
Studio Hour.
The Memorial Service of the Elms sapper was enjoyed.
Linda Dunn, Faye Baillie, Wilma i
' Meehan; boys 10 - 14, Bob Machan. 1
I Lester Meehan, James Bintan; ;three- i
legged race, Muriel Inglis and 'Faye I
Baillie, June Meehan and Wilma j
Machan, Erich Haller and Paul Ill- 1
1 man; ballroom race, David Inman, 1
l Margaret Machan.
The balance of the afternoon was i
spent playing ball, bingo, and co- I
tests for the older folk. A Picnic
Centre Cemetery will be held on !
Sunday, July 4 at 8.00 p. In. •Rev. J. A_
Isaacof .Monkton will be guest
CRAN'U O'1' 1
Rev. R. G. Boggs, Molesworth, 1
1 was 4he minister on Sunday morn-
ing in Knox Presbyterian Church,
1 when the Sacrament of the Lord's IAna.'f
THEATRE 1 Supper was held.
• 2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p. m. I On Sunday next, June 27, A
Matinee Saturday 2 p• mi_r vsrsary ServfOeS are being held at
We m.
Wednesday, Thursday June 23 - 24 11 a. m, and 7.30 P._, with the
money in yourpocket
time to see the sweetest loVe guest minister Rev'. J. R, McDonald, `
Supper served from 5.30 to 8
Wingham Hotshots and other talent.
Admission- Adults 75c -Children 40c
Anniversary Services
Knox Presbyterian Church
11 A, M. and 7.30 P. M.
Rev. J. R. MacDonald B, A.
Of Ashfield and Ripley will conduct the services.
Special music by the choir.
At the Crystal Palace Ballroom in Brusselit'
For your Dancing Pleasure, Hear
"The Sundowners"
"Best Dance Band in the Land"
This being the first engagement for this 7•plece orchestra In
this community — don't forget to hear them.
Admission 50c — Lunch Counter
Under the Auspices of the
East Huron Agricultural Society
All accounts with Dr. Connell and Dr. Corrin
which patnersship terminated June 30th, 1953,
are now due and payable. Accounts unpaid us'
July 31, 1954, will be placed in the hands of our
Daisy M. Connell.
B. N. Corrin.
From Your Gate To The Consumers Plate
Is Marketing Problem
From Your Fields To The Gate
Is A Producing Problem
You Do It The Easy and Profitable Way.
See Us Today
Ethel, Ont.. Phone 86r5
story ever told
Clark Johnson during intermission. I "THE GLENN n„�r
Dancing from 10 to 2 a. in. Lunch) Star Cast headed by James Stewart, . cause ors. ft aas. Ritchie, London, anent June Allyson.
Booth, Everybody Welcome.
Special prices — Aduts 760 —Stu- � several days last week with that l
dente 50c — Children 25c Tax parents, Mr. and Mils. Allen Canter. I
ANNOUNCING — 1• Included1 on. 1
She opening of Van Beauty 1 I her, and Mrs, Allister Bird, and j
Shoppe, located directly above Boris 1 Friday, Saturday June 25 - 26 . Faye Engel accompanied Mr, and 1
eels Export Packers, Brassels. I "THE LONE HAND" j Mrs. Stanley Campbell end Rose on I
paps specialize In styling, cutting Featuring Joel CcCrea, Barbara Hale , a ttrip tb Toronto .on Sun�d!ay.
mrd cold waving. Open Monday to Even his own son came to fear him— !'lite C6anbroolc Wiomenis bait -
inclusive. he rode alone and fought alone. 1 ute are sponsoring a bus trip to Lon- 1
Mrs. Velma Stephenson,
Phone 102xr4.
A deal with us is
Ripley, conducting, blit services. Iry
There will be no 'Sunday School oe•
Thurs. • Frl, Juty 1 :`2
Randolph Scott Joan Weloon
Sat, • Met, July 3;- 6
Dlek Haymes 'Audrey Trotter
Seaford); Ont,
Friday and Saturday
John Wayne . Donna Reed
It's the Quiet Man bank again in hid'
most laughable plot`ure. '
Monday, Tuesday end Wednesday
Marjorie Main Percy Kitlbrtde
Me and Pa ate bask on the fern(
nitkinp It into n laugh peeked
don on Thursday, JN14e 24, with Mr.
Monday, Tuesday June 28 - 29 i Adrian TlicTaugart as ohauffer.
James Mason, Rildegarde Neff in
Sensational story of Communist j
Berlin with James Mason currently
appearing at the Stratford Festival,
2nd OFFER $50.00
Monday Attendance Cara Night,
Wednesday, Thursday June 30' -
July 1
A brilliant Picture of Political In -
tripe full or suspense and dramatic
Joan Fontaine Jack Potence
THOMPSON — In loving mentbry of
a dear husband and father, Elwin
Victor Thom'R§on who pasted
away iso suddenly two years ago
June 24, 1952.
Sheltered by the !Lack of Ages,
Arnc3ced on that golden shore
In the lavin4 arms of Jesus,
Beet, in. peace, dear E1'vdm 9oreve'
Lobingly remembered by Ms' wife
RudOh, daughter Shirley and son lien
A real collector's {tem, this! View
ing tiro fifty -cent Canadian textile
postage Sterne are (1-r) announcer L.
Palet, Jane Hutton, young vice
:preldenit, and the C1BO SWIM Oltlb's
( president, Doug Patrick, The CIBC
1 Stettin 011th, s Tranu•Oaat:tda net.
netitand Danny
'work feature, is the largest cagle
zation of it's kind ill tIto world ow
it's many members include leapt '
philatell$rts. On tit* VoOk27 gap*
stamp news is glvou3elw is'sug8 Os*
ditianeised, question . treat nieall it
ansaverea'ed, 'and prominent neetlgeot
Iitlteare intorvieOed. 't"4titttt