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The Brussels Post, 1954-6-9, Page 4
AUCTION BALE HoueehOld Goods for Mr, and Mr. Gordon Miller, Tarriherry $t, North, Brussels SATURDAY, JUNE 12th Seginning at 1 P. M. 1 Harr/stein Cook Stove, Princess Rose with. reservOir. Square Dinhig Room Table 3 MMus Room Clmirs Buffet Rooker Bow Beek Arra Ohair Odd Table with removabile Provelain TOP Bridge Lamp and 'glade Clare ,Towel Qua:,leo Heater (me di m size). Yo' wa.-, Stand with yellow cotton skirt anti Mre. turtesShortreed oz Walton, .111.11111" P.11 111" Son, *vita of IntalCre and velem 1.171,0a Hard1O—Strath Of interest was the Marriage at brocadeerbodioe La floOr-lengEt. St. Peter's March, ou June $3413. or The groornsugan was Stewart Bata, Elievat Motto dangliter of MM. Wrath of Seatonfh, Oaten Glanville, brother !end the late Dr, Jean, StiliVI4, Tor- of the groom, and ROM Alerauder i onto, 'to Raul Francis Hardie, son were slaters. M 'of r. end Mrs. George Hardie, ToA r* \ reeleptiOn 101/Owed the Wedding \ onto, ROY. P- Giggle, ocasia of tha , at the New American. Hotel tu Dim', bride, officiated. The bride is ael Eels with forty Volt in attendanc0, ' twice of Stella and Will St ---------__ rath, Grey 1 . Township' I ... ' REPORT OF UNION . - -'- r'§iii I i W. M. S. AND W. A. Smith - Shortreed I "Suggestions for Player" was the I in a quiet. Wedding ceremony m , theme -for the Julie mm eeting of C , Melville Presbyterian Church, on , ion W. M. S. and W. A, meeting I, Saturday, June 5, Louise Margaret welch was nod at the home of Mrs. 2 Dinette hairs Shortreed, ewer daughter of Mr. '; L. lIleKaY, The leader, mre. Harald 2 — 34 Beds 2 — 3-4 Springs . .t Ontario, became the bridrneunMns Eyi 1111}14 prayed e of Mr. ; 2-2.4 "NTattresses William Ernest Smith, eon of Mr. and , for the. I h hymn 153 to oPen the missionary of prayer, aud Snell Pedelde Table (white enamel) 1 Mrs. Jobe Smith of A.rthur, Ontario. Mrs William Bremner Por the Assam. Plye reel Wardrobe (blue) 2 I the officia•tiag minister. TblY,he bride ; 2 Donr., 2 Dra•vaer Storage Chest i Rev, D. Glom Campbell of Vire , te, The roll w.as vemwered with a entile. Crain Cradle i Presbyterian Muth, Sealottb, was , Bible verse containing the word r.'llv, c.,-,• Saw. Lawn Movrer I was gowned in white nylon. net . "rather." In place of the study heaps Large Oblong Table over white taffeta, fashioned with ! --- -- ' I tor thts month Mrs John Iiird ohose Lower Section of Kitchen Cabinet . ,,,,,.. 2 . ee _tucked i a chapter from a missionary book on , '•c•t vl ve% bodice and Ting. book until the new Study book 06: -.thee bouffant skirt. A tiny nylon bolero I I this, China. and it was decided to use Trattpt, Tx r Table i and king gloves of nylon net with 1 Violin and case i lily pointe over the hands corn- 1 is ready in the fall. Table Seer and ,. t1, , pletod her costume. Her flovrers Ichl--5 ine'ethlg bl°Eied with hymn 861 1amd the benedietion. Mayiag Washing amain° I were deep red r0.905 and lily -of -the- i i Mrs. Leslie Lake presided ?Or the 'alttendant wes her I Also large quantity of Garden Tools 1 valley • Her only W. Quantity of New 7" Stove Pipes 1 sister. Mies Joan Shortsieed, wile • A Plane were diecuiesd for the strawberry and icocream social ' wore a dress of blue lon nynet over ! Terms Cash • which is to held at the church on blue !taffeta, styled similarly Um L. Rowland, Auctioneer. I • ' R. Johnson, Clerk Monday July 5, There is to be a ball de ! boquet of pink roses. Mr. cecon• i game' followed by a program, The ' I that of the briShe carried a 1 program conveners are Mre. Ralph ard Smith was groomsman for bis 1 Meehan, Mrs. Elston Speiran, and brother. The reception took Idaho i 1NerTim Dilworth The food conven• AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture and Kitchen Utensils •At Alexander St. Brussels, opposite Brussels Public School on SATURDAY. JUNE 19th At 1 o'clock P. M. 3 Bed Room Suits 1 Extra Dresser 2 Bed Room Chairs 3 Living Room Olueire Living Boom Table Dining Room Suite, 1 Rocker Entre "Writing Desk Wilton Rug 9 x 12 Hoover Vancum Cleaner vrith attachments Kitchen Table Extension Table extra long Leather Cathch. Porch Couch Raymond Sewing Machine 2 Rockers, Electric Washer Beery Duty Electric Plate Prigidare, 2 Fernery's 3 Floe rMats, 2 Hall Mirrors Radio Wheel Barrow, Vice Step -ladders, Picture, 'Mirrors, Lawn Mower. Full line If Kitchen Utensils. Terms Cash J. Bowrnao, Prop. -...efarold :se:" son, Auctioneer. Us case of ' d weather Sale held Arena. ..c'"eeoperte Fc late — A the sale Dan Mc - the 1*..storey gc-as: which be purchased .%.4; Li. Seetrecart for Sale. This ''freorele. bard-wled nears, modern 147% cold and hot sof water and water. wood sized. sun porch tina edrage in ;mod lunation. 10% d011 the day er the sale. Brussels Lel* ANNUAL SPORTS DAY Victoria Park, Brussels GIG FRIDAY, JUNE 18th Parade, Bands, Games, Dance and Fireworks The date again June 18. FOR SALE — Hardword and softwood slabs. Woo 1 cedar far Jas. Stsvention Phone $4 In the church parlor, where the I Young Women/e Guild of the church I r seved the wedding dinner. The bride's mother, wearing a dress of •navy bine and pink and white ac- cessorite and a eorsage of pink car- nations was rassisted in reeeiying by the bridegroom's mother, also wearing a coetarne of navy with white accessories and a corsage of pink !eareations. For a honeymoon to the west coast; the bride wore a deess of white linen with a white ebortie coat with white and red aeceesories. On their return. they will live in Wineharn. Glanville - Clark In a setting of tall baskets of lilacs at Melville Presbyterian Church, Bruseels. Rev. Jahn B. Fox, of Hensel], performed the marriage s. • ers are Mrs. Mac McIntosh, Mes. Harold Keys, Mrs. Glen Bothwell and Mrs, Hannan Whitfield land Itre. Percy Ward is to buy the strawberries and ice-cream .arad a cup of tea is to veil for 250. Each lade is to bring a calee, a pie and donate the, money for a box ot berriee. The gate -keep - fee are Tom Ward and Gordon Speiran who, are to charge 15c ad- mission. The meeting was closed with( the, Alizeah benedletion. Mrs, Leslie. Lake 1 conducted n mue50sl eontest which 1 was won by MTG. MEM Rathwell. Mrs, Ralph Meehan and Mrs. MAC- Melatoeh. Mrg. Wm. Stratyclhulc, and Mrs. Clair Barlow assisted the bosdess ,servin.a lunch. The next menthe will be held at the home of Mrs. Tempe Bremner. ceremony Saturday, May 29, unit- iug Gloria Mae Clark. daughter of Mr. and Mas. Alex Clark, Brus- Mrs. Leslie Wightman, Guest eels, and Mr. Meryl Wilbert Glan- Speaker for W. M. S. • vile,. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mrs. Quest Dobson was hootese for Glanville. of Sta2ta Mr, LCerls D. the jinni meeting of the W.. M. S. Thompson played the wedding 111115 - and W. A. of Ethel United Ohuroh, le Shella Porter. of IlrusFigiS. was with .16 'members and 16 visitors. I the eoloist. singing the Lord's Praye- Mrs. Ames opened the meting with sr and 'Becauge" at the signing ! suggestions for prayer, Hymn No. 1. of the register. was, sung followed by a solo by Mrs. Given in marriage by her father, Godden, In the absence Of the Pres., I the bride wore a floor -length gown tht. vioc.pres„. „era, "`' of lace and nylon tulle over satin. manaies took charge cfm.the bu7ievs The lace bodice featured a high sessiom, ..Minutes 'ef last meeting neckline with peter -pan collir and grad and approvtd. Ron call was tette tappering sleeves. The skirt 1 amwered by a Terse with the word was dotted with pearls and geed "praise". Offering. Mrs. Joe Beareon embroldere. with irridescene se- - gave a financial report of the recent reties. A. headdress of lace with slides. Apron and Baking Sale. Mar - ETHEL THE II 1353E13 411.. rosy NO, IN A SERIES , .. YOUR HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS 1/44 YOUR HYDRO Safeguards ntario's Airlanes „reefer -- Today. . . tonight, airplanes wing their way along the =lanes of Ontario, guided surely on their course by beams of electrical waves. A dependable supply of low-cost electric power has been a major factor in making air transporta- tion in Ontario, safe and. economiCally sound. Electricity supplied by Ontario Hydro powers all major installations in the Province's airports. It operates the transmitters that bring last-minute weather reports, the radar and direction finding equipment that enables the crew to "see ina the dark", stnd the modern, airport signal and guide hghting that has helped to reduce hazards to a minimum. It is another example of . . ONTARIO HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS Information concerning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by writing to your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. .e•••...ee - • VVALTON The. W. A, of Walton United Church melt qn Thursday attettlioo11 ie. the church basemout. Mrs. Love Preetding, opened the meeting with the W. A. Theme Song, followed by the Mary Stevrart Sarin - tare reading I Gotsa. 2 - 4, Mark 121h chapter 38 - 44 verses ymn, H 374 read and approved also thank you ed Is Mask you 1 read and ,cupproy a o Wits. Treas. report was given by Mrs. A. Coutes. Business, =eyed by Mrs. H. Jolmston, seconded by Mrs. Coulee that a card of thanks be sent to Mrs. Blair. Final errangemesett for Garden Party were made for June 23rd. Moved by Mrs. McMichael seconded by Mrs. Martin an invite - ten ,be extended to the C. G. I. T ' girls to be head in Walton in Sal:Rem ' her. Closing Hymn 148. The Meet- ing closed with hymn. William Bolton, Rochester, N. Y., with friends here; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Elliott, Moorefield, with Mrs. M. Humphries; MT. and MrS. C. Weir with Mende in Stratford;' Wm. Grainger and Peter McDonald in 'reroute; Arthur McCall has our ' chased a lot on Mill St., from Walter Broadfoot. and intends to build a home there this summer. rliinAstrinAs held her ed by Aire Cleaver, seconded by Mrs. `77ert1r r; IL and tale carried Percy Stephenson that we purchase weite. Bible erested with red roses ;Annual report. Clarried. The July e. lily of 11111 valley. meeting to raid at Mrs. Patterson'. The bridal attendants earrled Hymn 1e4 Was sung. As this, was • nr-Arrays Of lily of the valley, mar- 1 the, Agseelated Helpers meetleg the eigeus and fillips. Marion Glan- 1 guest speaker was Mrs. Leslie vinesister ef the nr,n1111. 1031 maid 1 Wiehirnan of Wawanosh. She gave .10 boner. and for her enwn slie a very splendid talk on "AsPeets of those a vt1Iow nylon tulle over 1 i the Christian Life" and left the ti freer in fleor-lenell . with n bye ', lade s with much food for thought. reeled bodice, Mies Derma Glee I mi. ine,8in0 was follnwed by a %lee and Mise Dorethy Sullivall glaert meeting of the W. A. and a were bridesmaids and they Clitise eontest. ranch was gerved and 0 eleial time enjoyed WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Tour Memorial Craftsmen For Thirty -Five Years, Always using THE BEST GRANITES Along With „ Expert Designing and Workmanship. Pricee Meet Readonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone 258, WInghom, Ontario THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE , "Anything the school can do to contribute to social eseerneaet will help to offset adolescent r ' This is one of the many profound , truths found in "A Teacher's Manuel ^for Alcohol Edueation", authorized ter use in Grades 10 and 11 of Ontario High Schools Give the pupils opperrtunitioi to feel impor- • tant. Satisfy their gregariOlk stiriets by promoting social affairs. Above all teach them social and recreational skills like dancing and co-educational games so that they will not need an alcoholic crutch to become socially acceptable. A good omen for the •tante of Canada, is the way in which ALL school ohil • ren are being taught recreational skills and the art of playing togeth- er. Another hopeful sign is tht large •number of recreational centr- es syringing up all over the colantry Petering to all ages and both sexes. with leadera trained in physwa wation, recreation and the social sciences — tebeh Peolpe to he sociable without resort to alcoholic beveriages." The final statement in this excellent martial is a prophcel. "'When Ibis movement reaches full Proportions present day drinking Places. will look as out date as tbe nM twohirmod saleon, and liquor will have ne plac'9 in octal conformity." - — Advt. • PEOPLE WE rovnut Mise Janet Roberson is in Wing - ham Hospital with a, broken arm, Mies Robertson- fell in her room on Monday and ex -ray revealed the break,' Mr. and Airs. 3, E. Brewer at- tended the Coal Moller'e Convention nit Niagara Palle laet week. V•Inird. tt: • - Bo you still- hold allY War Sarillr Certificato. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES HAVE NOW MATURED and should be presented for payment. IF YOU STILL HOLD WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES, HERE'S WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: I. Endorse your Certificates in The space provided on the bock and indicate your present address. 2. Make a record of the serial number of the Certificates and keep the record. 3. MOH Certificates in a sealed envelope to: The Registrar, War Savings Certificates, 350 King Edward Ave. Ottawa, Canada, No $temp 11 neVistary. He registration Is 0000suoy. Following the receipt of your Certificates a cheque will be mailed to you at the bddress you indicate. (IF YOU PREFER, YOUR BANK CAN ARRANGE RE- DEMPTIoN OF YOUR WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES FOR A SMALL SERVICE CHARGE) WSC-1 REV tAcg HGglls@fti F©rodd@ WHAT A SHOCK- WeVE PEEN WINED AND DINED SINCE BIRTH -NOW WE'RE ON RANGE, WE 'HUSTLE' FOR OURSELVES I SURE MISS OUR BALANCED AIMS-) l'M LOSMI&welotir / WORK SO HARP 70 FIND' SOMETHING TO EAT, I'M ALWAYS TIRED AND UNDERFED YOUR THINK THE sOS WOULD PROTECT HIS INVESTMENT IN US . TWO HUNDRED OF US' GIRLS MUS7' HAVE COST PLENTY COME ON OV HERE, GIRLS, OUR BOSS BELIEVES /N KEEPING US GROWING FAST ON Roe VITAGROW By Roe Farms Service Dept. . SURE, HES SMART -Z' YOU POOR GIRLS - ,VOW IS THE TIME SUNSHINE, FRESH 'TO BUILD OUR BODIES AIR AND GRASS FOR PALL EGG PRODUCTION AOSENC, TERSTUA /I INPLY BONES, FEATHERS AND BODIES THE BOSS-SAYS'ALL THIS WONDERFUL ROE VITAGROW (POR THE GROWING PERIOD)cosrs ONLY A DOZEIV FALL EGGS FROM EACH OF US, CHEAP INSURANCE, Build your lam OW Oh ROE Vita, -944w in either mash or pellet form 4.1.4 /Or i'idirHuron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL .s. E HARRISON moNcRtvp