HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-6-9, Page 1TH 'post Pnblilslaing House oufce Department, Ottawa Wean clay one A.'nthortved az second'phlox man, Pas ANNOUNCING FOOTBALL NOTES -- tweeted then the amateur ehauld LOCAL GIRDS$OFTBALL TRAM t Pro end play a& auoh. Phe BE ORD 1716 Tate P � leen sl t air sly above Bras lar scheduled r i gat away to a geed sLav+t by stepping then et ;Weir chance to pa t cipate x eels Export Packers, Brussels Vora speelalize in aa.td cold waving. ^Pea styling, ^�^^ the tgh Wingham the defending d so that more could get in ba gto , AT CLIFF opening of Val's Beauty itiehrop. June 7 -- whnghanl ntoa oe 1 evert fez' fun Players Would The Brussels .Girls' Softball Team ShppPe, located ec y wee. . thro7? in the regular c�ttg . cutting game. It would seen by the score, and the sport Nould be spread a- the Clifford Girls in a ten tuning to 11 can x Saturday inclusive. M Velma Stephenson` as t round e b 1745, on Monday night rOh,anvpions are going to have a lot these games, In ctSti$ P'ete.Puri a at Clifford.. Both teems were a. bit of comPAti,tion from this team• The Llghit of rare oanaltieur shine's like a rosily ,awing to pups' weather coo- lers. on- e , I first game in Winghasn was a 4 - 0 t Phone 102x54. I ,score for Wiwlttrol,. Lass .night's j game saw the score 'Whittled down S t° a 1 - 0 score for the defending For Professlonel PIANO TUNING champs. Lewis of Winch:am is very , and Repairsoptimistic about hie team"s pros• Consult phots, CLARE F. STONE Walton June 7 -- met * * Listowel Phone; E. Martin, 87x Brussels t Walton in a scheduled• fixture on I Walton grounds. Both teams Played NOTICE rt, Walton scared about Township of Morris Prepaid Taxes a man sho ball. way rt the first period, and Township of Morris, 8% will be al- • then again about ten minutes later. lowed on all 1954 Taxes for five TWO. I It would appear rtes had run out Tasure Nela are received by thea of goals right then, es they did not Treasurer N0 High e1 by xes. more again, during +thee game• LIS. 1st, Based an 80% of the 1053 taxes. + tome rusbed one in, heldre the end of the first half, to make it tn:e lesion of Normandy — Some less r• 2 - 1 at half time. The boys played ion. bas. been fortunate in its pasts followed by prayer. Mrs. Lane pre• strenuous football, each side trying presidents and caution members. sided over the buslneeis period. Miss . ona a initervening fen years dis- CARD OF THANKS These men, who in instances, F. Buchanan read 16140 minutes o1 tate : close were the burden of the address. I would like to thank everyone who eery hard. However Listowel Put ane ex Players, 7iave always stood for last meeting and the ereastner's reel MIs, J. orlon= of . Edmonton, sent me cards and Leiters. on Past McDonald, to tie the score , the Policy of "All for One and One port by Mos. R. 7. McLauohlin. .The 1 Alberta chug the solo, "T come to Your kindness will always be re. 2 • 2. It was noted with no little „ roll call was answered by a terse 1 Thee" by Caro Romo. ' The anthem, for Ali. The Trophies all been Membered. t e wide ens by slue, moved, thait•'the . oontatuimg the name ,ef a fl ere:I "sweeter' as 'tale gars go by,,, was Marie Turnbull. President of the league, Ed, Richards donated by ;ex -players and council members. Our oldest Trolly the Letters of thamks were read and i sung by Stlre •dhoir. played in Mee e- net for tbe visitors "Stephenson Cup" was presented for six tails reported 'by the visiting Flower Sunday, June 13. This Was due to Otis Pact of aoalb , 1 _ MONCRIEFF- GARDEN PARTY t senior oomDeltLtion, b9 our good oo j,nittee. Mrs Dent., fns temper - THURSDAY, JUNE 17th age of Players. Pt would seem that t friend Leo, "nrew, living in Sepdorbh. amts secretary asked that some sat GREY TOWNSHIP BOY Supper served 6 • 8 these teams are evenly matched, as Leo was a spear head. in 1882 ion be taken regarding the sale of I WINS HONORS t Followed by Varltty Program the first game Played in Ethel, era= days and can always be relied upon beer and wine in grocery stores. A t Harold Knight, a first-year student Admission 750 and 40o ed in a score of 1 - 0 against Llstow- to back good clean sport The splendid •report of site Sectional i in Dlectrical Engineering at T'ornn- el. W aLolt Orminor Trophymeeting a en o was len L° IIniv n_ y n =tinge the mu Mrs T. S ban and Mrs. M. passed with honours an * * r gathered to dors ear- d the Bootie Scholar- At mmmmitieis. We stave u Mr . R. B. Covedns was i award is given + At thi r time; of mass Sports, and `• Motors to thank for this Cup• Our enjoyed. Miss C. Kingston amt Mrs, 1 student who, in the annual exautin- the Straggle to get a. winning team, I latest Trophy was Presented for L. Nichol will ibrare cliarge of the actions of the First Year, enrolled in 2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. m. interOlettiate competition by auv` I Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. money has made amateurs into sham i Mar lioly meeting, when the roll call will t any one of the six engineering 00115 - Hold —" atom. Thle days of Pta9tng Lor l Present VteePresidemt Barry 11* a verse cantainhsg tbe -word pr= see obtains the highest aggregate Friday - Saturday June 11 y2 fun has becomed aomm•erctalizea shall of Walton. This, goes to satow, aces. The meeting closed with a j perccemtage of marks in those sub - Hold Eberything 1 l They're back beyond reason. In the old days, a I, we still have that gond Gleam type of hymen and the Mizpah benediction. everything he had, I DlaYer e7leIcutive in the league 50, 1 jects whi0h are seamen to the First In In the funniest plcure and their first • bail player gave everyt Lunch was served by the Associate . leear curricula of those courses. M Technicolor for the fun of Now it i Totia9, this I our hats are off to a Rport in this Aelpers, d it is Kow much area dint keen, it. bands out of Mart) Knight of Grey TownshlA t o • bettNr the Player, the more money j 1mateur Sport. 3 Monday - Tuesday June 14 - 15 . Signed: Centre Forward. The regular montivlp meetiuig of and ..good:=., sae demanded. From a � * 2 Features 2 - Purely 'Professional angle this, is , * * the Friendship Circle was held on "TERESA" starring Pler Angell aeonable but when tt creeps and i FOOTBALL SCHEDULE VJedmesday evening, June 2 at the i A human almose leaps, 7 beacon. It is "Iluroi Football Aa- ditions for ball Proott08. 1bts Friday sedation". 'Phis league is obi the girls meet the tlatst bard. hItttng The Brusselr, Lione Club have put primed of sport 'for fan players. No Hanover team at Victoria Park mauler too weal gree' in good sleeve, player is impotited and uone paid. the lights, So be out and tu7 Port the There will be free bowling for those team in 'the opening game here in the i'ntea•es.ted. Jitneys ere being plau- TO BROADCAST OVER C. K. N. X. The first of tour piano resile tiff Mils of Mrs. Louis D. Thompson will be heard over C. IC N. IL, Wing haat on Saturday morning et 111-16• BRUSSELS GREENS OPEN FOR BOWLING The mileage that a player. cau travel to play for a team, is definitely re- In,`�ermedlste W. 0. A. A. series, ned for Friday nights, atrieted, and has been: for years. Plans are under way to complete This league bas been in operation the. grounds for a picnic Park. Show as 'far back as the oldest memorY, UNITED CHURCH ASSOCIATE. the Lions you appreeia�tr. their and bas always catered to home HEPERS AND W. M. S. MEETING work by earning out these warm breves. Thie league in common with evenings, other sporte has had 1•te, +up's and The annual meeting o'f the; Mao- Ladies are epeelaBY invited, downs with diffegenetee of opinions elate Helpers of the United Church THE UNITED CHURCH but it bas alwalys operated in a dem" ` met with the W. M. S, on Tuesday actinide way, Each Club has a afternoon, Junel, in' the schoolroom f . Go Sunday, ,Tune 6, :the Woman's representative on the Executive of theee church, under the 1e dersihi5 1 Auxiliary" of the Canadian Legion Council, The President has no of Mrs. A. Armstrong. The meeting attended worship in the United vote but exerts an itvfluemee on the opened by singingltymn15, the Scrip; Church, The sermon was reminisc- Ung• Huron Football Astsociat- tura reading by Mrs. W. Cardiff ent of D -Day, June 6, 1944, the in - Geo, Martin, Clerk. f the schedule of gam was presented, for ti held in S f rth given sit has received word that es, and attend, if You en}oy 900085. compsttt,tto" multitude by tray d also CAPITOL, LISTOVEL he has P * 0f Yautuy«e5te s g Dennis. 4 Pleasing solo entLtled God, been awards lolls co �' Oe1J fs 7 Ove by s � ship. This to Nhe THEATRE a e trap Harold is a son of Mr, and Mrs. Cor- n and Lewis In has Passe " Ifo pay 201 --- _ .. • ._- ----_._..__ -- don n "MONEY FROM HOME"can I get an f It formyself" The ether PeoPtr'e markets,FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB Boys and Girls BAND TATTOO In Victoria Park on WEDESDAY, JULY 2jst re interest story you can't for- le,a s into -'the simon-plu'es, , -one 10 —Brussels at LOndesbOra pan5ouage with a good attendance getd the Point of At od et Holstein Present. "PAGAN LOVE SONG"n. The local an 'or 11 ow — pluA It ties passed beton I wo r reatso d ordinary play -1 Listowel at Winthrop The vesting opened with the; TUESDAY FOTO-NITS er Is 1ya'sed up for an imitart, who 1 14 Atwood at Brussels theme, 'Bless be the tie ,that binds or 14 Winthropat Londesboro followed by the Lord's Prayer• The I Technicolor Musical can grandstand •and pot Mb 1 to pay oat 1 14 Holstein at Listowel minutes of the lash meeting were Monday Attendange Card t• .more for other riayers. Thej 17 Wingham at Listowel read and adapted.. This was follow- Note: First show 7 P. M. paying public has turned out in. the I 21 Wingham at Londeeboro ed by the Treats. report. Roll call t Pas to see their local teams. play, ` 21 Winthrop at Brussels was answered by naming a favourite OFFER THIS WEEK $200.00 did not lame' ) 23 Atwood Alt Wingham y and found out they flower. General busiatess was them Wednesday - Thursda June 16- 17 24 Brussels et Holstein discussed. The scripture was read i Bob Hope at his funniest ; halt the players and in sone mister• I "CASANOVA'S BIG NIGHT" CO, not even one on the team. In 25 Winthrop at Li*ttawel by Mrs. J. Bridge and Mrs. L, John- Girls -Romance - Fun and Songs Pro. Sports this has no beaming on 28 Listowel at L0nsedboro ,Stan; led in Prayer. A delightful piano I Uta support the team receives. In Sg Holstein at 'Winthrop duet wets rendered by Misses Agnes 28 Wtngham at Brmseels • Lane end Jana Rama. A chapter of the study book was given by Mrs. M. Denials continuing • the study of the spread of the Christian Church in ; China and Japan. An inbl3rumentel number by Mrs. • Sarah Stepheneon was, enjoyed ver9 I much. A hymn was sung and the meeting closed with benedictian.1 A *hart game was .played and lunch II` was served by bhe hostesses, Mrs. 1 L. Johnston, Mrs. D. McAnter and i "Eloise- Him, Praise Him, Lord of local sort it is becoming mane ap- Lords and King of 8fnlge" ' Parent that the pa(blic is ceasing to 30- Londea'boro at Wingha^ support the so called amateur games,, July 3—Lomdesbaro at Jar usatls therefore, it is y0nr scribe's humble 5 Holstein at Brussels olti(nion, • tb*0 there should be a; 7 Brussels at Wing6tam sharp division - between Pro. and i 9 Holstein at Wingham Amateur. 11 Pay is expected or de 9 Londeuboro at Listowel 14 Listowel at Wintghaan i���l��������1•��r��O 15 Brussels at Winthrop A I DRIVE-IN THEATRE L L A S H M AR 15 Landesbaro atHolstein 13 Wisgbam at Holstein The FRIIIIIO YNAtAN CHURCH IN CANADA rNuDl• awry+ ii rusols Rev. Glen Ca1T1en, Modtsrarber. 10 a. en. Sunday School 11 5.30. Morning WorshiP Mr. David Savage. United Church OF CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Winship — 11,16 a, In. Flower Sunday and Children's Sunday CShurch School — 10.45 a. m. Churchof England Pariah of Dronel• Teioity Sunday St. John's Church, Brussels 11 a. m, Morning Prayer Sunday School St. David's, Henfryn 3.80 p•01, Confirmation by the Lord Bishop of 1Tur00, D.D. Sunday School .St. George's' Walton 8.90 In..Morning Prayer LISTOWEL, ONTARrO • CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks is extended to 1 bared all those who so kindly remembered nee with treats, cards and letters said those a, hile I W in Victoria HOspftitO London. y ur lthougliteu1nes8 were appreciated. Bruce Edgar. Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear — first show at dusk Note: News and Cartoon at each show. Thurs. • Fri. June 10 • 11 "FORT ALGIERS" Yvonne Decade Carlos Thompson Sat. - Mon. REGENT THEATRE', Seaf arth, Ont. Thursday, Friday and StlturdaY CLINTON LEGION "SPRINGFIELD RIFLES • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Alex Steles R. R. 2, I Brussels, wish to announce the en- , gagement of their second eldest daughter, Eileen Elizabeth, to Mr. Jonathan Ernest Harty Mann, List- 1 owel, ()Wealdo, sou of Mr, Clinton Mann and the tate :firs. Mann; the, marriage to take Plaids sat June. Mee D. T& -Whiner. • June 12 - 14 Gary Cooper Phyllis Thaxter "FIRST TiM+E" I Ore storp of the Introduction of the Robert Cummings Babara Dale Springfield Rifle to the Union Army In the -days of the Civil War.. I I Tues. - We * * d. June 16-16 Rev. A. Norran EIIis, M. A. , " HELLGATE" (Adult) Sterling Hayden JJoan Leslie I' • June 17 - 18 ) Th •Fri, thrcbblag'With Raw -Emotions. w "pARL►NG HOW COULD YOU" * * elJoan Fontaine John Lund Thursday, Friday and Saturday , r _ "HALF A 14 EW" Sat. • Mon. June 19 . 21 Red Skelton Joan Hagen "MAN BEHIND THE GUN" I * * le (Colour) GOMINP SOON -- I Randolph Scott Petrioe Wynard "GLEN MILLER STORY" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "PICK-UP ON SOUTH STREET" Richard Widmark Jean Peters A Gun Blazing Drama of brute pass. ion and hit and kiss romance BINGO Legitn Memnnorial Hall Kirk Street THURSDAY, JUNE 17 At 9.00 P. M. Sharp 15 Games ftr $1.00 $10.00 a Game 3 Special Games Share the wealth Jackpot of $66 on 66 numbers to apply on all Special Games If Jackpot has not been won during $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. USSELSPOST GARDEN PART' to be herd Friday evening, June 11th Brussels United Church Cold meat supper served frem 5.30 until 8 o'clock Program of Music Festival Winners and other talent. Admission — Adults 75c, Children 40c CRANBROOK GARDEN PARTY TUESDAY, - JUNE 15th With Supper Served From 6 to 8 Followed by A Comedy 3 -act Play "Aaron Slick From Punkin Crick" Presented by Linwood I. 0. 0. F. Admission — 85c and 40c GARDEN PARTY FRIDAY, JUNE 25th ON THE GROUNDS OF ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Supper served from 5.30 to 8 Wingham Hotshots and other talent. GARDEN PARTY to be held on Wednesday evening, June 23rd. Walton United Church Supper served from 5 to 8 o'clock A Variety Program will follow. Admission — Adults 75c, Children 40c The Annual Flower Service Will be held in the Brussels United Church SUNDAY, JUNE 13th At 11.15 A. M. Theme: "BRIDGE OF TIME" portrayed in a beautiful setting of flowers. Also — Special Music. BRUSSELS LEGION nnual Sports Day FRIDAY, JUNE 18 Park,ruse s Victoria $50.00 in prize Parade of Floats : oo -15.00 C. N. R. Station to Park at 7 p.1n. Led by Legion Pipe, Md SOFT -BALL GAME Belgrave Vs. Stone School money - 10.Q�'' Bi ,11g ► and 4th{ --'Sr Games Monster Fig.®, orbs Display Il P.111. •r A Dance ,, Town 11' 11 11. O-1'�� ` Ac ' Special Games, an extra special I George Smyth Orchestra ---Admission 500 _.._. game will be held,•sc the Jackpot Must Go. 1 "zS All prcoeeds for Building Fund 1 New P. A. System installed. Check Room and plefreshmnt Booth.) Three Lnigr Gate Prizes - Value Admission to Park SOcts.