HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-6-2, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST HOW TO MAKE summer meals Goop FOR THE FFAMiLY EASY ON THE KOOK Hut weather meals are usually light, cool and quickly prepared. That's fine, as long as they're nourishing! Serve your family plenty of dairy foods—milk, cheese, ice cream and so on. They are an abundant and inexpensive source of protein that builds and repairs body tissue; calcium, the tooth and bone builder; Vitamin A; and thiamine for healthy nerves, SANDWICH - Butter enriched bread, and sandwich in your choice of Canadian cheddar cheese or creamy cheese fillings, SALAD Cool cottage cheese, Bight wish all fruit or vegetable combinations. DESSERT Watch your dealer's freezer for new flavours and old favourites. Ice cream is good, and goodjor you. DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU a division of Dairy Farmers of Canada 409 HURON ST. — TORONTO Rwipe booklets: For Marie Fraser's tasty, tested dairy food) recipes, write: Dairy Foods Service Bureau THE BRUSSELS CREAMERY Upper right: Central Ports Distribution warehouse. Contra, Final Assembly Plant Foreground Body Assembly Plant ,.n,iet r... t at the site of the targe'al automobile r i:: (.'al:ad.t. General Motors' • new assembly pt tt:•:: ir, -attar tl,hawa. The factories tshown aizove) to he effiei- py ,- ? •: 1 tot- Tali. will rruducn all GM passenger cars built in ( .r r t pr.wlnc 1-n tat 1r. tern asearetbly planes, which nencf tl:: .'6, will raise GM capacity by more than is 135,1 vehicles a day. Insert at upper. left shows infra- red 1.,ir.t dryi no. oven, new insi'tnllartion tbatabakes paint from in- stil ru: to I rul re tough hiw1s-_.rine: finish. The Oshawa develop - mea: is rue unit of n General Motors expanston program that has sari loft mLlimt dollar: invested arrow. Canada over the pant four year:. 0 ENJOY RUNNING WATER as you pay for it on the budget plan! KITCHEN—running water cuts diishe pare done tnha fdihand o iiia. lento f oily hom hto prated your family s health and odd to your comfort. BARNS—So muds easier la. wafer the tock and so much Melia preterites against fire. 11.54 Empire Egress Mfg. Ga. Limited MOON CANADA Why lug water by hand any longer? Install a Duro. Pumping System now and enjoy running water as you pay for it. Save time, save labottfj cut operatiag,costs. AS LOW AS 10% DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your corni plete water system, -pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings and the cost of installation. You can have the whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the cosi of labour and material worked out on the EMICO Budget Plan, Then consider how much work it can save you, the extra leisure you can enjoy by installing your water system right away, Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay 4.4.11141111(Mat • CLASS1FIED ADS, WANTED -- Work, Work, apply no T. II. acini l'u1, care of Ben Mannings, Clinton, Cut, FOR SALE Teddy Waxntui's bicycle, .used one summer. in .excellent condition. apply to Mrs. C. Waaxnlau Phone 107x FOR SALE — A Wooden stave Silo 14 x 20 with hoops. Built out of 1?',," x 6"" cedar planks. Put Up four years ago. apply to Clem Stetfler, Phone 75013. MOVING SALE — To facilitatemoving to our new location we are offering our coin Mete stock of Appiiauees and Paints at•Redueed Prices until June 126th. Joh»son Electric and Paint FOR SALE — Bray Hatebery has a wide choice df chicks. Mixed. Pullets Day old and started. For prompt ship- ment. Broilers for July -August should be ordered now. Ask us for new prices. Agents Wm, G, Bray, Ethel; ;Mrs, R. Barrett, R. R. 5 Brussels. FOR SALE.— Sand or gravel by the yard, cue, tom 'work, gravel ,for 'cement fill, and crush or dirt, apply to Elwood Coghlin, Phone 77W. Altwnod, Ont. FOR SALE — Two Implement tires 7.50 x 20 new. Certified Katandin Seed Potatoes $1.85 pier bag. We would be pleased to supply your require- ments in fertilizer and Funks G. Hybred Seed Corn. Stan. Alexander, Ethel, Phone • 35r13 NOTICE — Fbrartirietal insemination at its best for all breeds, .call the Water- loi Cattle Breeding Association ase. tw.een 7.30 and 10.00 a, m. on weak days and 7.30 and 9.30 a. m. on Sas[ days. Phone collect Palmerstorr rr or Minton 262..... For Sale by --- C. & G. Krauter Co. Brussels. Ont. ATTENTION FARMIIRS — DEADSTOCK removed from your barn ,promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect : Brusiels 85012 or Elmira 564, GORDON YOUNG LIMITED LIVESTOCK WANTED — Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service — phone "STONES" collect Ingersoll 31 Or Brussels 72. NOTICE — Painting, Paperhanging, Interior and Exterior Decorating. See Our 1954 Wallaeaper Designs. Walter Pratt, R. R. 1 Walton, Phone 985r4 Seaforth; Picone 48r9 Brussels GIFTS THAT I:A01 Ase you thiatklug ot first Graduate this: year? Let your Jeweller guide you in the right dfreotian toward the perfect gift, a Diamond, or Stone, or Initial Bing. A watch, en Electric BOOT, g Fitted Case, a Bedroom or Dealt Clock, or Travel Clock, Jewellery etc. For Father's Day: We have the ultimate in pleasing gifte. Gifts Specially Wrapped For Special Occasions. Come in and see otter large array of aha finest merchandise in Huron. Prices to 'suit everyone. LEACH'S .JEWELLERY STORE BRUSSELS ONTARIO I! PHONE 91 MQCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — Complete Parts and Service. Antitior- !zed Dealers. McCulloch Saw Sales— 377 Huron Street Strartford, Ont, HELP WANTED MALE — Arls pots satisfied with your present income and chances tor advance meats? If not, investigate the money making possibilities and secure future offered by a Rural Watkins .Dealership. Sell. nationally advertised products - necessities for both home and farm. No investment. Free training, If you are between 25 and 55 and have or can obtain a car. write immediately for full de tails without obligation to Dept. O -B-4. The Jr R. Watkins Company 350 St. Rooh Street, Montreal. FOR SALE' - 3 Grass Farms, 2 - 64 acres terms and 1 • 100 acres. 109 acre farm red brick hones, hydro, bank barn, bush, priced at $5800.00. 80 -acre farm' stone house' furnace. bank barn, 50 acres bush, priced at $4800.00. Brick house, hydro, in village near store and church, priced at 2000,04 J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels. Ont, Phone 84. THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE A large city in the States recently 1 carried out a big "Teen Age Round- 1 up". Nearly 1000 adolescents were arrested by the polite. They were found in poolrooms. all-night rest- aurants. tap -rooms and on street eorners. For some awoke these jnyeniles had :terrorized the cit,' tvs• ing guns, knives. switchblades and other aggressive weapons. In Lind- say, Ontario. last November, there was held in the Armouries one Sat- urday night, a "round -up" of 500 Young people. This roundup, a; dis- trict affair, some coming from as far away as, Oshawa and Peterboro, was a voluntary rally of youth invit- ed to a unique Temperance Conclave by a local committee. It was span - eared by the clergy and Laymen of the Protestant Churches. They were interested in doing something con- structive to defeat juvenile delin- quency. The young people were greatly impreseed with this new type of temperance meeting. Three other centres halve held sdmilar fionelavee. Lest year more than 1350 youth in Ontario met thusunder the adspices .of the Ohtireihes and Y. P. orgamizat- lons. The Ontario Temperance Fed - oration, whence the ides originated, has many requests from different rem:tree tit launch the project in their area. We in Huron County have taken stege to stage a Oonelave here in the near future. - Advt, Wednesday, 1N o Sad, 494 . rwyw,-.m....m*s4, fivesr.:...aswe wessiereers....,,..rent USED CARS 1 1953 Chev. Special Standard 1-1955 Chev, Deluxe Coach 1-1951 Chev, Sedan, Sunvisor. Radio and Heater The above Cars are Reconditioned and Guaranteed. 1948 Austin Sedan USED TRUCKS 1953 Chev, 1/2 Ton Pickup 1949 Chev. f2 Ton Pick-up 1951 Ford 3 Ton, Short Wheel Base 1941 Chev, 1/2 Ton Pick-up 1940 Ford %2 Ton Pick-up 1941 Fargo 1 ton Panel SIVE SIDE MOTORS Chevrolet arid Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil NEW CHEV. CARS AND TRUCKS For IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — Beatty pressure: system in good repair also an electric washing machine: Chas. Davis Phone 30s ASIA'S ROLE IN JAPAN'S PROSPERITY Japan has retained the highest standard of living in all Asia. Now she must make friends of former enemies if she is to go on enjonring this prosperity. "Japan Needs Asia", a compre- hensive interesting analysis of the Far East situation, written by cor- respondent Walter Brugge is pub - MODERNIZE YOUR HOUK WITH A BEAUTIFUL 5 FT. STEW RECESSED WHITE BATHTU9 578.75 Blue, green, coral. yellovii 565.75 Delivered We carry a complete line ot pUemS ing and heating supplier's. Write OUk mail order Dept. BP for free OM trated catalogue. S. P. JOHNSON PLUMBING • SUPPLIES tithed is this week's Star Weekly. Streetsville Phone 352 - 8 Open Wednesday and Friday ma. It explains the urgent need for an lasstill 9.30 and all daymi expanded foreign trade on the part You can DEPEND ON JOHNSON&. of Japan. NOTICE More farmers are switching to the Surge Milker because: it's sate, I1:'a fast, it's durable, it's quickly and easily scrubbed clean. Contact Lovell McGuire, Plaine Wingham 593 — Your Surge Dealer. VAGUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED For the best in cleaning efllcSeaar see the New Filter Queer. Eagles. Oleaning and Health -Unit. Tor a complete demonstration Phone Brea eels 17r19 Evenings. Also complete repair service for all makes or Vacuum Cleaners. All work guar` anteed. Reasonable Bates. Phone 14:t 19 Hervenings or write Don, Fraser. R. R. 2 Blyth. SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Have your Septic rants and CMS. pools cleaned the sanjtary wap now to avoid trouble. Irvine Corton, Phone 264. Milverton, Ont. FOR SALE — Newlyweds van select from about 20 Livingroom Suites, 20 Bedroom, 12 Kitchen Suites at the Schuett's Mildmay Frnniture Stores. Free de- livery. Low prices. J. P, Schttett and Son, Mildmay. IF' INTERESTEi7 — We have .a New Power Lawn Mow - e rtor sale at $69.00. Lawn Swing for -the play ground. A rubber tired wagon, less tires, A Power Mower for Tractor, Plastics and unbrea'. able dinner sets. 1 Free ticket on a Television Set with each $20. puss abase, after May 6111. Bea Wesertburg, Brussels. FOR SALE — "Started Pullets" Sussex - Red, Red and Sussex, Red and Rook -- available at any age, Some now on range, 'Free delivery on any numb- er, ' call and ask about them. We also have started capons, Our prices are right. Wm. Henderson, "Started Chicks" Phone 683 J, Seaforth. EUSINFSS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN anal SLIRGr.orm WARM St., Mom t Breaseta, DR. R. W. STEPHENS Deaahaate Univers.* d Toronto � I I 'CiA1'0 and SURGEON HURON FARM SUPPLIES Oliver Sales and Service Telephone 4 Biyth The following for sale — 1—Rebuilt Stratford Decker Separ- ator on rubber, alas 32 x 50 with new crater knife. ' 1-11sed Oliver 88 Tractor. 1--U:sed Oliver 60 Tractor 1—Used 201 Massy -Harris Tractor 1-11sed Casa One-way Disc. New and used Fleury Bissell Tnapla meats. A full line of repairs always on hand. weirs Om. Chas. T. Davidson , BERMANCE VCR ALL MEM'F "; '1 Astossoddie stead Piro lainerame q aa",,' t &vat for Gwent West Wm knoracone Co. a =1 Remo Office 94 m , 1 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrid Eyes Examined. Warms MIA si Mom o�ta 791 Seaffc�. rlb «o. — `moi & HOURS: f3 - 05, Wed. S$2.30, ,Sat. 3 a.r*. * p Oar G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Opto s -,,arid. Petrick St., WINCHA At Kincardine b1ffir s Dome rlf weedsrp Phare. Wink= 77E1 A 5.l car , Evenings by Appointment. J. A. Monagahan, R. 0. Optometrist* -- y'. SpettgEsingia Eye ExenIination and mutt of Moak Office }.a die Boihilior Eimer SAE a.a. to MOO pm. iteRyt Cooed Weitiontallitfork Opers asavy Toresday and Semi* EvessingYAM le Caw sisenings by appobstneest Pismo RAIL D. A. Rann . Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE laeao rel Director and Exelardasert PROM ar SS — sauna* Harvey W. Stephenson itserssontetive For Son ]lie Aerometers OW Canada Haat& and Acciderre Cro Comallty General himerame Co. Pismo43x Alsostotte -•- raga Walker Funera Home Day or Night tie Extra, Margo ion* of Par s aI MOW Elcomed Ilissatrall Monter an Boom11%veaty Dtw Hosar Aunablidart0 SWOONxi Manisa' Plower &dimly* R. S. Hetherington, K.47.. ININGRAMors l . Seeiieltrtiny tell dM' :e m EMU mom