HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-6-2, Page 1:! THE t'Polit Publishing House •TiCE • Mho garbage will be oollected on , 71thatisday night, until furthet make. „ 1 A. Higgins. IlAkE SALE Si lady directors of Malt Mite ...:::Stia•lcultur•e Society are herdingan lifizening Bake Sale on iltruelleth, let 1 14" o'elock in the LieneZY, Satildrized alt eeMend class rata% Port Office DePertaaelat: ClItta'Ws Wednesday, June 2nd, 1954 I WILLIAM :24/LICH PI -AN MAY HAVE TO LETS BE REALISTIC • ,A5 -6.4T NSW:INDUST-SY ORRIS Te117. PIONEER BE ABANDONS!) ttturhli gathered at the home of Mrs. The Wen to have Will •Sholming Oleb, have been 1•It.,tel)Peare that many Peeple seen a sponsored by the Firtisedis Post, de- "to tlat It on as m -4101-teler ecilliinery' for the 'operation ef Chamber of Correerite, eueh as TOfficere, Dearierittees, 'etc. then the "InaChine •sittedcl eutaragthealier feet- ilan and Ming to 'illeition all the 'asplealtIone and hopee ef the collect- ineMbersbip. MelO ichike the nly Mew car,StIanding at die front door d I laces, .but lacking a te etimulete btrine(M. in/ the toyen, •-tilay have ` to'be abandonedd 'bedtimes df lack or co-oVerailoll 1:177 a aufliciene number edetbe merchamits, 'If ,eaeright instereleted'enearchaute con- tact Itelmraetlielltelyihe plan mai Yet be-ereitied et, r- BREAD WAR MELVILLE CHURCH CHOIR A bread Prim wer 'bronght the N . price of sliced bread itorM, tri'BrUs• Reyercirae epecaveLecT , Koh: from 19c to Se per lei1,6't for t • ` lemal baaroppea abe, price, el r leer loat to compete „solo amtpaufoo. t . FoiloWing the mei practice Id?. X Thennpscrn announced Mat this 1 .svould be ' ti d kat practice until BARN DANCE •September. • Plan to attend theTrance to be held i i Miss Louise' Shortreed, a falthftil elit Thursday, June 10,th, at -1omm7 , 1 menfber of the .cholr for seiverrel Pleitch's new barn on the 41.11 con- i''' yearns. whose marriage is to take • -cession of 1Vlorris Town-lig% '0. lune ' place thortlY, was made the reap -l- ead a' quarter 1-1131tb (1't Bra9581s. 1 - ent'of le hammered aluminum, Sand- ' Music by Ddu Reheeson and the wielt tray. Mrs: D. C. Matheson ex- . Relict Bays. Lam& Beatit'Evetybody 'Pressed to the beide-to-be, the geed .-welcome. ''' !wishes ot the Moir and MrS. L. D. / t 'T Theeralson presented tht gilt. Miss' VT Sb.Calreed 'thanked the groan far *ANNOUNCING - '''.'her -gift. -Assisted by Mrs. J. S. " The Miming of -Val's "BetratT .! Wilton - and -MTS:"Vh0111PS011, MTB, ape, located directly abare"Brns ;:' Brans -screed' lunch and Via6 at,. • ietas Export Packers,`BrusselLe. i'carded a vote of thanks. a • Mere specialize In Styling, emitting , aged cold waving- Opra e'Monday - to . ,. MRS. a.. tR,ELAND, HEADS - Saturday inclusive. ' I. WOMEN-TEACHEIRS , Mrs. Velma Stee(healgon, ' 1 Phone t6'84.VI The 'Brussels unit of the Women Tetechers-Tederation met for their ---__i! , a.nenal meeting oirWednesday in the -TENDERS WANTED- t.i 1 basement of Melville.. Presbyterian Mural -whth ere e. Young Women's -Tenders for the contract of 'build= Guild served a•dinner. Preparations ebfg two cement culverts, .14' by,41)...1 were made -for monthly meetings to --' bind 8 feet by 40 feet, n, 1 .1II°11.54i: ) he the escond Wednesdam y of tb e on. "....iloWnshiP will be reettivall MI 111141-1 5. 1 th, in tbe homes, ctr.sehools of eeveral 11. In., SUMO 1.1., 1954, Work is to be. e of me members and eprogram nom- 0amPleaed bY Setaml)el' 15, 1-554'*i mittee teas •named: • Miss Isabel *Tor further particulars -contact -the i Speir, Mrs, Jamee Ireland, Miss akerY nd Canada Bread. The I "rere'eheir of Ifeltaille PresbyteTian 'arras wlhhthe'OUt. '1Georgei Evans on Thursday night. • 1, 1 'Road Superin.tendent, Iran Marten Jessie Little,' Mrs. Willie/1a Campbell A certified obeene -for teca per', land Miss 1:torgen•Long. -One -of the contract Irrice nreert The ,afficees for the year are, Plan to attend the final dinner rrea y go p *very lnyf.ortwnt Itom-a tank-rull of gasciline Itoprorlde the necessary mediae -mower wiltiont the gasoline the automobile is a pretty ueelese • means, of tranelentlition. The -plaintive =meat, heard le -rnemy circles, goes something' like 'this, 'We formea.a Chamber some time - ago but we have not seoured one 'new'induetry, 'although our Com- mittee has worked bard and hes 'followed several' tniteresting leads." The inteontleut point 'appears to 'have ' been Missed 'entirely. • Tim expanding economy -- more taxes arld- any worthevrele projects carried 'ant by-a'Board ee"Chamber is a step fn the tight 'direetion. The major .accompliehmentS, seek as the acqui- •eitiondf s nevellidnetry will event- .ully-follow,"Ip *he town or vilTage Wheel is -ircupeceing its physical as- sets arid thus enhancing its value as -an -abtiractiv.e "lite. These Include -vacant -agricultural land, unexploited tcntrist 'faellilies and "'valuable natural resources. Any success -Which may be obtain - 'in -this regard- will result in au expanding ceremony - mare taxes .will." -be mid, more peoPle employed anti attire dollars will jingle in the cash -registers of comanunity business men. "Let us re -align OMIT collective thinking and .then, with the cus- tomary vigour pronete e011101e1The Whitt earn be enjoyed above it great many others. 'This isthe enreet way to attleaq, elleeeiSs. iecoomPany each tender. 'Lowest or president. IVers. learte,s• Ireland; vice- Meeting of the -Chamber of Com. ;any tender not neceeearily accepted. .Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. President, Idles Marjone MoDon- merce, Monday, lune /let, 1954 In aid; secretarsetrecteurer,-Miss Ise:. the basement of •litelaille•PresbYter- . bel Speir. Following the *business Ian Oluneh. Dinner tiekete, are avail- ' eession, Misses -Isabel Spar and Do- able from any member of your local 'LIBRARY NOTES - ereen Long gave an interesting ac- Chamber at11.25. -You will. hear Mr, s . account of thelreilester vacation trip During the months of Tune, uly eield. August the Library win .he open -to Bermuda by air. Many - of the • Points of interst y MA Tuesdays and Saturda.yte cep- e.etich .they had I ,ebots which they tad -taken. ^ lid -the -Mae hours. visited were illustrated • by Aural) -MONORFEFF GARDEN PANTY -THURSDAY, JUNE 17th -Supper served 6 • 8 Fellowed.by Varitty Program eltdmisel.on 95e and 40e T141 PAIDDIrreDRIAN CIM.MtCH IN CANADA ,Oberils • Wow% le it. lc Randal 2.0.001 11 a. m. Meaning Weir -MAP • Mr. Harold Dr OVA Aant United Cliurch 011 CANADA Minister, Rev.- Andrew Lane Church Scheel - 10 a. 01. - Divine 'Worship -- iais a„ras, Pleaele gOte Change of Tinto Churchol England Pariah of illruesol, Rev. A. Noreen Elils, M. A. Sunda*, June Oth • WHITSIZT DA.Y St. John's Chureh, Brussels 11 el,"711. HOW Cantreltion SundaY Scheel Bt. Dated's; Henfryn 2,80 p, nt, Holy Communion a•VIrst Time l CIOMINP SOON sutday School Robert Cummings Babses Dais "PlOK.UP b14 SOUTH STREET" i ' CARD OF HM'KS -Mrs, Bert Consine ot -Woodbridge -extends her sincere thanks -to .her: magrBruseele friends mho -Bo 'kindly 'remembered her with cardand 71 letters :during her meat Mums. 'Yaw -thoughtfulness lees einoerely , APPrecisited. LLASHMAR DRIVE:1N THEATRE 1 ,LISTOWEI., ONTARIO .•••••• Two Shoran Nightly 1 Rain or clear -- fined show at. dusk Note: Newe and Cartoon at each - show. J. T. A. 'Wilson, assistant Ontario Manager, who will speak on -Chamber af Commerce proJeces ea -they apply to communities mob -as should be aellitethile. NESID-ENT 95 YEARS 01-P Keltesels Good. • • pieneer readmit of the third ling of 'Merits Teceinship celebrated BPW "birthday. *rThe occasion was marked with a birthday cake and a get logeliher,of his relatives. Born ed Dailingten. he came with his par ale' to 'Molets, when he WAS two. .antang Ws' intereeting eat) erienees are 'those 58 the'tarn raising daps and Om -woe' bees which are now praetically extinct. 'Sreich resides with his eangther, Mrs. -Mildred Stewart, on the 'ham eartedd MUSIC 'FESTIVAL AT 'BEM -RAVE -ENDS Belgrave Mule Festival wound uT ISa twoelay inimical session in the Winglatm- town hall on Friday night, A peeked hall heard several outetand Ing olesees-and a rePeat performance of finalists from previous eeS61011a. AMUIlleater for :the entire festival teats Gaerield- Bender, of Kitchener FleaVieret entries on the final dal wereln:the-eiles Sole nine years and Under, vIbiSit attracted 313 entries, girls -solo -11 -years and under, 39 ciente:Stales -end* in the rhythm band 19 groups. Reaults:LIsted Follaging -were final results: solo,1-years.-and under, Karen Aniteee n,-87.; lune -Tierce, 86; Tean Shaotreed 15; girl's solo, 11 years end ezeder.leate-Jelinsten. 8'I; Susan Wigtignan., 86; etran-therrie 85; boy's solo, 11 yeam and under, William Ander-eon, 84; -Jahn McDowell, 83. Bob 13ylsma, 22; girl's solo, 14 years and under, -illa -Griffiths, 87; Marie Johnston, 86; Darlene Pierce, 86; Margaret DalrymPle, '83; boy's solo 14 years and under, Bill Thompson, 86; Ronald Snell, 55;*Berkley Spiegel berg, 54. Rhythym band. -C.T;S:S. 12, Morris, 86; O.S.S. '7, East Wainash, 35; two-part .chorus, S.S. 5 Morris, 85; 17.S.S. 11, East Wawnosh, 84; Ti.S.S. 7, Vast Wawanosh, 85; S.S. 11 Morris, 84; unison chorus under 20, S.S. 12, Morris, 855; S,,S.-7, Morris. 83; S.S. 13, East Wow -nosh, 82; double trio, U.S.& -7, East-Wasvanosh, 86 C.S.S. 7, Peet Wawancteb, 65; Waveamosit, 19. PIGS MISSING FROM. !FARM OF FRANK CARIMP-F, .GREef Frank Cardiff, a farmer on the -16th .,conce,ssion of Grey townshap loot %We ,or eIx c1iunk-Piga, during the tether ,part et last week- Mr. Cardiff •ctione .to the barn to do his morning .chores. On entering the stable he ,discovered the swine were not 50 the .peu. On investigating ma, I thoroughly, he came to the coleus ion -the 'pigs had been stolen during the night. Police are investigattina the eupposod theft. Mr. Cardiff has teen staying with his brother, Clif- ford, since he had an accident seam ew weeks ego, and VMS 11a •"111S Tiles, • Wed. Juno 1 . 2 "AFFAIRS IN TRINIDAD" Rita Hayworth Glenn Ford There, - Fri. June 3 - 4 MELVILLE CHURH C MT. Harold Neable of idolesevorth was again in charge of the service sit Melville Church on Sunday morning. He took for lids se,eatan. subject -the familiar parable of the vineyard and MEETING OF 0. R. M. the wicked husbanditnen. Mr. Neable stated the New Testament is like a picture gallery. Pictures of the farmer, the fishermen. Pictures of the flowers, the birds, the trees, passe vividly before our eyes. Mr, Neable gave a lucid and instructive 'interpretation of She parable of the wineyard. The choid rendered the anthem "0 'Paste and Sas py • Brtesl Prescott sang. the tenor solo "NeareT My God Thee" by Lewis Carey. S POST $2.00 per year .$2.50 U. S',; tL LADIES INTERMEDIATE SOFTBALL W. t). A. A. Jure '1 - 1irip,e1, al Core 11 Believer at Brussels, 10 Bruesels at Pinkerton 17 Clifford at Brueeels 18 Pinkerton al Paisley 18 leanove, at Mt. Pared 51 Ballaver it Pinkerton 21 Teruseeie itt feerristop • 21 Paisley et Clifford 23 Pluterton at Mt. Foreel 25 Hareleton at Hanover 25 Mt. Forest et Brussels Clifford art Paisley e8 Harriston at Pinkerton 28 Brumes at Paisley 28 Clifford at Wit. Forast 29 Pinkerton itt Clifford 50 Paieley at Hanover lily 1 - Mt. Foreet at Harritou / Paieley -st Bruenels 2 Pinkerton at Hanover 5 Mt. Forest at Clief-rel 7 an, Feeeee at 1-1--e-ea 7 Paisley at Pinkerton '9 Pinkerton at Breeeele 9 Hanover et Sarriston 12 Fraeterer at Paisteee 12 Harrieton at Clifford 14 Brussel'. ni Hanover 14 Paisley at HarrIston 14 Mt. 'Forest at Paisley 1Z Clifford at Pinkerton 16 Harrieton at Mt. Forest 19 Clifford at 'Hanover 19 Brussels at 'Mt. 'Fo-rest 20 Ilarriston at Paisley 23 Bernstein at Brussels 23 Plamoyer at Clifford 2$ Paisley at Mt. Forest 26 Pinkerton at H = arriet 27 Mt. Forest - at. Pinkerton 29 -Clifford at Harrlston 1 GARDEN PARTY o be held Tuesday Evening, June 11th Brussels United Church ,Ccele meat supper served from 5.30 until 8 e'clock Program of Music Festival Winners -and other talent. Admission - Adults 750, Children 40e I , CRANtROOK GARDEN PARTY 'TUESDAY, , JUNE 15th With Supper Served From 6 to 8 "Fellowed by A Comedy 3 -act Play "Aaron Slick From Punkin Crick" Presented by Linwood I. 0. 0. F. Admission - 85c and 40o -I • THE 'UNITED CHURCH On Sunday. May 29511, the mem. he,rs of the Western Star I. 0. 0. P.. •.; and Rebekah 'Lodge worshipped in a ; body with the congregation. They were welcomed by the minisitier Rer. A. Lame en behalf of 'he of- licials of the aturrit. The sermon was based on Acts 29, 'We must obey Ged. rather than 1 men." The minister Poinled out " the imports/ace of life in the Ina 1 Perative mood. This, insures a sat isfying emelt es Jesus lev,ed. "I -! most be about 111Y lut.ineas" was His etandard, A double trio. "HaTe Thine Own , Way" (G. C. Stebbins) was sung by t; the MisSen Joyce and Joan Thomas. ; Elizabeth 'Myers. Mary Beth Jewel, 1 Linda, Tmeson and Agnes Lane, A 1 full choir rendered the anthem "Th7 word in My Heart" (E. Sane Lorenz), non••••••....-- •when the toga (11ml:eared. CAPITOL LISTOWEL - THEATRE REGENT THEATRE Seakortli, Ont. I, , • * * * 1 i Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1 "Abbott and Costello Go, toMarc" 1 1 Costello Monday • Tuesday June 7 - 4 2 shows nightly 9.30 - 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Friday - Saturday June -4 - Jeff Chandler and Suzan Ball In a stirring sea story "YANKEE BUCCANEER" SOUND OFF" 1 Bud Abbott Lou os Anil. Jarees 1 Abbott - Costello, are at It again only "THOSE REDHEADS Mlekoy Rooney Sat • Moe. JUne 5 • 7. space te make this a very good ; starring Rhonda Fleming - Gene this time they carry on In outer ; FROM SEATTLE" BRUSSELS 4-H SWINE CLUB Th 're redheads, they're .The. May meeting or the Brtiesels T. A. 'Phe first meeting in the mummer I of the Huron Countybranchthe Ontario Registered Music Teacleers 1 Association was held this week at the Convent at Searketh. Mr. and 1; Mrs G' D. Atkinson of Toronto I were the special sneakers. Mrs. 1 Atkinson gave an address on music 1 for the preeselveal child, ander the throe headings, music appreciation, rhythm and actual piano work. Mrs. Atkinson gated that every child hoe natural love of music. Mr. Atkinson hie address dealth with a lot of detail in connection withtechnique, technique, tench and interpretation In piano playing. Mr. Atkinson pun- ctuated hi s eddress, with many hum - arms stance in his exp erten cea 031 an examiner. A question forum was held et the close of the addresees. Coffee and rake was served ..by the 1, Sisters. Mrs. .7. G. MciDeugal of I Myth. presided .0,70T the meeting, 1 and eee.-treasurer L. D. Thom/ten I, • of Brussels moved et vote of thanks t" sneaker. Id The .Annual Flower Service Will be held in the Brussels United Church SUNDAY, JUNE 13th At 11.15 A. M. Theme: "13.13100.E OF TIME" portrayed in a beautiful setting of flowers. Also - Special Music. HARNESS RACES At Seaforth WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th At 1.30 P. M. (D.S.T.) Admission - Adults 51.00 - Students 50c Grandstand and Cars Free. Draw for Baby Beef or 5125.00 Cash. Seaforth Agricultural Society Driving Club. "CATTLE TOWN" •comedy. Dennis Morgan Rita Morelia 1 "BEAT THE DEVIL" (Adult) Humphrey Bogart Jettillfer Jones Thurs. - Frl "FORT ALGIERS,' June 10 • 11 Wattle Deearlo Cargos Thompsonl * * IVIonday, Tuesday and Wednesday Mei Ferrier "LILT The whole world Is going to fall in love with In a gay story of life and love awith a roving carnival in Europe. e, Thursday, Friday and Saturday "SPRINGFIELD RIFLES • Ger- Cooper Phyllis Thaxter sisters and they're coming straight 4.18 Steine Milt was held on May , from Seattle Into your hearts. A , 27th at the fsrtn or Mr, Tilll Turnbull. 1 t dramatic musical full of fun and The 'militia,* of the ialdt Meeting I wan read and adoplecl, seconded I-17 1 humour TUESDAY FOTO.NITE Ross Smith, Eight members answer, 1 eal the roll call. The preeident OFFER THIS west( $190,00 'Renahl Smith turned the meeting 11 Monday Attendance' Card Night.. ; (Mar in Tell Turnbell the club lead. I; or. Then Indeed two claesee of solve. ', Wed. - Thurs. JUlte 9 • 10' 1 mere remelt -ens lit one cleat, I Robert Taylor . Aim Blyth in I Thee, Smith moved vote at thnikgil, ! I "ALL THE BROTHERS 1 to Mr. Ternleill, WERE VALIANT" , Tfus Ith 0,011; 7 riciimod cm intron 1 .';"-W-co-432A1 t Mon Jane 12 14 , Laden vette rugged excitement encP; Roee Marie Rolver. vaeorulad Iry stirring action. I Benne Smith. 1 TOR AN DIEXPEA1$145,ENJOYABLETRIR • PUN YOUR /954 11(21/DAY NOW SEE MOS OF OINARIDYCY/YEAteVasavaffair.4 Da THE FAMOUS NATIONAL Wt'/.IE-'0/AL ANO OTHER cl6/1-,IA/CAM41)A:s CAPigitea7X MI CAN Pi4Y On/ A DIFFERENT 601F COURSE EVERY DAY...7Na9 ARE MORE 774431200 FINE COURSES in/ Q//'TAR/D. [WAR* YOUR ra/P POR FAANY PlavICS ArceNVEVEMZY toaArOD ROAPPDS. rAstes. 'A:1dr: formark,„ ohow 00.4). ToZoma,s,20%;;:c.7g,,,ar hteetty. R:p.rtm.0.701,42B4117 information about Ontario.Mail it today! I;)EigiS6/uAo lioness, invites you to nee thia coupon for fits. ' ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL & HON. 5. P. tcm, o.C., MINISTER PLIILMICITY