HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-5-12, Page 6Save Dollars by Moth Protection Save many dollars by protecting clothes, rugs, upholstery, woolen blankets and c., from Moth damage. Dlchioric(de Crystals 1 Ib. Tin '75c Elkays Moth Control and Liquid Spray 86o Good Hand Sprayers 45c and 75c Fly - tax 69c Insect Repellant, Bomb Spray 98c Nathaleln Flakes Elkay's Meth Fume Crystals Moth Balls D -Tee Moth Killer Crystals 1 Ib. Tin 590 Gum Camphor 011 Cedar Woods Moth Bleckets 15c and 25c 1 ib. Tin 63c" Fine Selection, Colorful Patterns of Sunwartby Wall Papers House Cleaning Supplies Linseed Soap Elkay's Glass Cleaner 35c Air Wick Phenol Disinfectant Dolly Cream For Curtains 690 1 26c i 4-Sguare Furniture Polish .,., 4 -Square Floor Wax Ht,usehold ".,. Liquid Ammonia Universal Cleanser (Takes out* Grease Spots Rit All Purpose Dye ' SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store Phone 62 Brussels 69c 690 350 .- ,,,.,,.,... THE BRUSSELS 1!O$T IIIBBBI�1111SBMBIMMRtiUUMBDBSBIBRB■rlIIIMIUt 'Phone WOOD'S Tip Top 24 Tailors 1 McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHELLURRICa:TION, SHELL HOWIEHOLD AND SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TiRES Farb and Aaseeertes. Austin Sales and Service ®amrseteed ropalra to all ;uakam pan and tresses PHONE 77r8 -BRUSSELS, •111. i'. Prom Your. Gate To The Consumers Plate Is Marketing Problem From Your Fields To The Gate Is A Producing Problem with ^ . J. I CASE MACHINERY You Do It The Easy and Profitable Way. See Us Today ED. RICHARDS & SON • fl. Ethel, Ont.. Phone 86r5 A deal with us is money in your pocket BRUSSELS MOTORS a>zz:.;. HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST CAR DEALER 1953 Chev. Bel Air Sedan 1953 Chev. Sedan 1963 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 1962 Chev. Sedan 1952 Chev. Sedan 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1950 Chev. Coach 1949 Dodge Sedan 1949 Chev. Sedan! 1946 Pontiac 5 ?assentor Coupe 1947 Ford 8 Paasenper Coupe • ^* (1 r ,",1 Ii t6.ie ,, C'hov. half -ton �1cii-up Aft7Mp.'Choy. g tog Steak + 10.1.8 Dodge Stake yoUf RRIE$PJ-V CITIES SERVICE DEALER Pi Si10!! TiwifD 1erv1a4 000 781 „. Pruasele. Ort. • `^-rf Drab Itolfheall Elki villa OIL SWAP& GOOD VALUES HERE Children's Cotton Dresses at Reasonable Prices Also Better Dresses for the young lady. Ladies Nylon •' Dresses $6.95 up SPECIAL FOR THE WEEK Unbleachec9 4good quality Sheeting VeryoSpecial $1.10 yard The Tip ': Top Tailors Special representative will be at our store with a Select Showing of Fabrics and < .$tylings on Friday, May 21st. feuz ImmumII inminamBI<fmmoo ■UIII SPRING SPECIALS AT OLDFI,.D HARDWARE ..r 2 Element,,3"bleat Hot Plates $5.95 Reg. $9.95 Nickel Plated` Tea Kettles $3.95 Reg. $5.95 Deluxe Teak" -Kettles $4.50 Reg. $6.50. Also in Stock Power and Hand Lawn Mowers See us for your Car Radio. You will be surprised at what we can save you. If its Hardware — if we haven't go it — we'll get it for you. Telephone 68 FOR Benjamin YEARS oore paints - This is the name and the trade mark which stand for the very best In Paint Quality, Paint Value and Color Selection. When you buy 'BBnjumi'n Moore products, you buy the latest in paint ,research plus 70 years of paint manu- facturing expeshnee.. 'For real painting satisfaction — true decorating.suecess — make your next paint purchase Benjamin Moore's. OUTSTANDING EXTERIOR PRODUCTS FOR GREATEST SATISFACTION In • all round performance — hiding, ease of application, ap- pearance, and long life — you'll find Moore's House Paint the very best. It is truly a "satis- faction" paint. TOP VALUE Gallon $7.25 Quart $2.10 NON -FADING TRIM COLORS Moore's Decorative Trim Colors is a very durable high gloss finish for all sorts of exterior surfaces. Use it 'on exterior trim — shutters — 'canoes. Bright colors which wfil not fade. TOP. VALUE Gallon $9.65 Quart $2.75 GREGG'S HARDWARE Shone 17 Brawls, Ont. Wednesday, MVley 1201, 1964 IN MEMORIAM. Ploy srd -- in loving memory oY a dean" tether, John Howard, who passed .say ane year ago, May18, 1958, — If we Could op.eak with you .today, Joke 'with: you in the same old way, Hear your voice and see your smile, Then lite would really be worth- while, We watched you .passing, we heard ygu sigh, All we could do was,inat stand hi, When the time came we petered' For you never desarvea tvliat roti .waq't Through, Looting backward with memories Upon. t1ie„path' Sou trod We'bles4" the years we had with you,. And •leave the rest to God, • Lovingly •rementliened, by daughters and son-in-law" his CROP REPORT By H, R. baker May 8th, 196.4 Walther remains cold _ and wet and 'seeding varies throughout the County, some being dompleted, others not started, Fall wheat looks excepltaanally good and palsiture growth is surprising, considering the cold weather. Quite a ninfmber of cattle are out on pasture. Pros• pecte for a hey Crap are very good. Fruit growers are quite busy with their spray program. SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. BOX 98 STRATFORD, ONT. The Versatile Dependable FUEL FOR HOME AND INDUSTRY RANGES, HOT WATER TANKS, REFRIGERATORS, ETC. ALF. J. SCHMIDT Rep retie ntative PHONE STRATFORD 4174 or 3260 Res. 3051R WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Your Memorial Craftsmen For Thirty -Five Years, Always uain'g THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship. . Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone 266, Wingham, Ontario WOOL JACKSON HOMES LTD., — SEAFORTH — is collecting wool for grading and sale oh the co-operative 'plea. SHIP- PERS may obtain sacks and twine free of charge from the above er their Licensed .Operators CANADIAN 0O -OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. HURON FARM SUPPLIES Oliver Sales and 8ervlcek Telephone 4 Blyth The following for sale — 1—Rebuilt Stratford Decker Degan &tor on rubber, else 82 x 60 with reed cutter knife. 1—Used Oliver 88 Tractor. 1—Used Oliver 60 Tractor 1—Used 201 Massy -Harris Tractor 1—Used Case One-way Dlsc. New and used Fleury Bissell Imtge. matte. A full line of repairs always on hand. 1 . .$fain 1 NW CRAW sePPLENENI 15 nib Tait ens _sewsvela Julys Imp la oc. Pum 11R Mg a{At praise. 0sstAsk es sAset Brussels Creamery PHONE, 12 SIRUSSEI.S • Notice to Coal Consumers The New Reduced Spring Price on Anthracite Coal has been announced, effective the 1st of May. We have both Blue and Black, Nut and Stove Coat•on hand Now at the New'i.ow Price. Order at once and take full advantage of this Great Saving, Brussels Coal Yard J, E, Brewer PHONE $6x2 BRUSSELS, ONT. Reverend W. - J. Gallagher is ilhe Gefneral Secretary of the Oanadian Council of churches and of the Can- adian Committee of. the World Conn Cil of Churches. He has been as. &Delated with the radio series, "World Ohuroh Ne,A," sine its in- ception in Novexnber. 1944. "Wo;}d _ Church News" brings Canadian list- eners a comprehensive report on Christian activities throughout the world. COAL Order next winter's supply of quality Coal, Now. The new low prlcee are In effect so act quickly and get your bin filled cheaper. We have a variety of choice fuels to choose from Blue Coal, Lehigo Antsracite, Patsy Stoker,Rosedale Hard Lump Alberta, and Hamco Coke..,,, "Our Coal Makes Warm Friends" Robert L, 'Cunningham PHONE 86r12• ETHEL, ONT. GREY TWP, MUSIC FESTIVAL HELD AT CRANBROOK, Grey township Music Festival was held in the Craubrook Community Hall on Friday, with pupils from 12 schools taking part in competitions at morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. Adjudicators were Mrs. Elaine ]McDowell, Belgrave and Miss. Law of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, Miss Jean Oem. pbell of Listowel is music super visor for township Schools. Finalists from the morning and afternoon c1ae;Sgs. and double trios were heard in the ev'eninp, when J. H. ISinkead, inspector of public spools for Noaitth Huron, was chair- man, Mr, McLean and Mr. Confer, members of 'Gaal' Township Area School Board, spoke afternoon and evening. In. her remarks Miss Law said that "When we study music we are in bone with the universe,' and also pointed out that a study of music gives ug a different attitude towlard life. Schools taking .part, and their ,teaceons were; Union Shool, Mrs. M. HneUbes- S. S. 8. Miss Joyce Glanville; S. S. 6, Mrs. Sweeney; S.S. 6, Mies M. Hayden; S. S. 4, Mrs. Ethel Bremner; 5, G. 3, Mrs. A. Smiths; S. S.13, Mrs. Edna Hack - well; S. S. 1, Miss Doreen. Long; Motrorieff, Mrs. D. Dilworth; Cr"an- brook, Mr. 13. Mltwlthr;Bthel, Mrs,, J. Sparling; Molesworth, Mrs. Irene Campbell. Results , Results of the evening consDeiti- ions follow; Clans 3, girls eight and nine, "But. terflies" Sheryl H rrieon; Bran. da Houston and Geraldine, MOTag- Fart (tied); Eleanor Hardy; Bar- bara 11McKay and At= Cardiff (tied). •Class 4, boys eighit and •nine, "The Prince" — Bobby Houstott;i-"Allan Simpson` and Donnie Chamberlain (tied); Edwin-Erault'er; •" Donald MoMitrChy and Keith 'Ward (tied). Mies 5 boys 10 and dL "The! Polk Dunce"-•-MtOhaol Boggs: Tont Mit- ohell: Garry Meanie and Mnrraly M- ooch (tied); Hon Stet*, Cines 6, girls 10 and 11, - "Ars 1 Won't By MY Little Pigsty" Mar- ilyn Jaltnston; .Marianne Miehel; Wilma Maclinn; Elizabeth Martin, Shirley Baker, and 1Catihryn Simp- son (tied). Cla h 1, girls six and seven, "The Robin" — Sandra Michel' Carol Simpson; Marion 1lllttchell; Anti Campbell, Lois Whitfield, and Beth MacMurchy (tied). Class 2, boys six and seven, "The Pony" — Douglas MacDonald; Dan- ny Pearson; Douglas Pearson: Wayne Williamson rind Larry Ward (tied). Class' 7, boy 12 and over, "The Cavalier" —Clifton McDonald; Han• mon Bnoadtragen; Jack Swift; Ger- ald Hayden, Barry Hoegy\and Leon- ard eonand Jeeklin (tied). Class 8, changing voices, "The Ash. Grove" — 'Rodney Goddard; Charles McKay, Bruce. Hayden and Gordon —Moore (tied); Michael Gulutzen, and Peter Hemingway (tied)" Class 12, junior duet, "Merrily "The Cuckoo"— Bobby and Brenda Houston; Tom and Betty Mitchell;' Jeanine Berrie and Marlon Hoover. Class. 9, .girls 12 and over, "The Sandman" — Joanne Deltner and. Margaret Keillor (tied); Jean Car. dirt; Joan:MeParlene; Fern Brown. Donna Smith, and 3eanne Perris (tied). Class 10, boys open, "Old Dog, Tray" --Barry Hoegy;Me!vin Rock;' Torn Mitchell; Harbin Brodhaget and Jack Swift (tied). Gliosis 111, duet, "The. Shepherd',- Jean McFarlane and Jean Caritt; Josotte Delberque and Barry Del. berque. f Class 15, two -hart, dhotluie, smart schools, s+1}ha Melodious ,Risers smiNt" — S. S. 3. 81, Union Soltool, 80; S, S. 4, 70; S.S. 8, 78;, i3,5. 8, 76; 5, S. 5,, 76. oasis 16, •tiwo•iiart chastise, large. ,schools, 'Lovely Meladowa" — 9.0. 12, 01; Moncrieft, 80; S', S. 1, 79;" Ethel, 78;U. S, 9.4, 77 •(:!lasts 17, double trio, inial steiools, Evening Hymn"-- S. S. 3, 85;'S, S; .4, 84, • (Cris 18, double trio, large seltoole,"Little , Lamb" x— 9. 9. 82, 84; Moherieff, 0'i, Close 18, ,unison chorus Mott schools, "The J`o'lly Miller" — S.S. 8, 81; 8:5. 4, 80; 9.9, 8, 80; 9,5, 6, 79; Un1o21, 79, Class 14, Volum (Thorne, large aohools, "Come, Loyal Hearts" --• 5, S. 12, 88; llioncrteF1, 861 Ethel, 85.