The Brussels Post, 1954-5-12, Page 5to Calvet SPORTS COLUMN
!a''il'hirt •
y to years ago this Week at the
New Teri; Polo grounds, a young plan
weerl*Ig the allow garb of the Boston
Red SOX stepped up to the plate, casually
bit a -]tome-run into the upper tier of
dints, and trotted around the base -paths
to a polite shattering of applause,
hurUlin The big young man who sent the ball
g into the upper tier Of seats for his first home -run
in the miler leagues was Gorge Berman Ruth, the "Babe,"
as he later became affectionately known .to Illiilions,
Babe. Reath had moved up to the major leagues from the
Baltimore club of the International, where his southpaw pitch-
ing had attracted attention, It was the third inning of a gaffe
runless, up to that point, that this young 1'pokies stepped up to
face the veteran right-hander of the Yankees, ,Tacit, Warhol),
Perhaps WarhOp held the youngster in light esteem. At any.
rate, Wav'hep pitched a ball that was a little too good, and away
it streaked, into the far reaches of the distant stands, a tre-
mendous drive,
It was the first of 714 home -runs' in major league play,
and Babe Ruth changed the course Of baseball from the careful
plaa single run to the "big inning,",,hen the sluggers
suddenly gang up on a weakening pitcher, and hammer home-
runs in droves,
hich oain hrecords,,wh ch oettheeternleditf the brawny
Babe. When the Black Sox scandal broke, and in 1929 it
became known that the Chicago American League team had
conspired .to "throw" a world's series, the sports world was
stunned, and baseball trembled to its foundations.
It was undoubtedly a crisis. Baseball. was at the forks of
the, road, facing the possibility of public ostracism and dis-
Then along came Ruth. His big black bat started to pound
out home -runs at prodigious pace. Sold to the Yankees that
year, he hammered Out 54 home -runs, batted .376.
The next year, he hit 59 home -runs, and the scurrilous"
Sox were forgotten amid the thunder of Ruth's big bat, that
carried on for another 14 seasons and saved baseball from
disaster. That was Babe Ruth's greatest feat of . all.
"Your comments and suggestions for this column will
be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, coo William W.
Rees, Calvert Ontario Sales Manager, 131 Yonge
Street, Toronto."
There are almost two and one
pelf billion people in the world.
Z,vo-thirds of them live on the
verge of starvation and about
the same percentage are illiter-
ate, These 1,600,000,000 people
are unindustrialized and in most
eases are colonials.
The fruits of their labour
Sow inexorably to other coun-
tries and they get only one-
tdxth of the world's income.
The greater part of the hu-
man race live in want, disease,
ignorance and economic slavery.
Canadians are Lucky
Canadian farmers are com-
plaining about lost markets and
Nipping prices for their prod -
• Canadian workers are worried
about the prospect of having to
'maintain their families on un-
employment insurance which
*Mounts to a thousand dollars
per; year.
Yet India, with three or four
hundred million people, has a
per capita income of about
thirty dollars.
How lucky we in Canada are,
Was brought home by a message
in 'today's mail.
Misery. hi Korea
CARE, the non sectarian and
Aon -profit welfare organization
operating in forty countries, in
a special letter appeals for help
/or the hungry and depressed'
people of Korea. °
How badly attention is need-
e4d is shown by, a report of Dr.
Joy, seventy -year old ex -clergy -
mum and noted ledturer and
writer, who handles CARE'S ac-.
tivities in South 11orea:
"There are undoubtedly 1,500,-
000 cases of active TB In South
Korea, about 7 per cent of the
population. Half of these are in
urgent need of hospitalization
and isolation, the majority chil-
dren and young people."
"In all Korea only 2,155 hos-
pital beds are available for these
people and in Pusan not a sin-
gle one. So a number of chil-
dren are being treated as ambu-
latory cases in the general hos-
pitals and clinic, though hun-
dreds of children are dying
every month who could be saved
it they had only three things:
food, a hospital bed and drugs."
"Hundreds of these sick chil-
dren are living in conditions of
squalor and miser, crowded in
with and infecting healthy chil-
dren in the same families and
suffering from cold, malnutri-
tion and lack of medical care."
Hundreds are Dying
"They are dying in overcrowd-
ed refugee camps where ds
many as 140 people are living
in a tent about 50'x110', where
there is no light, even in the,
middle of the day,;and no fresh
air. They are living in 'shacks
made of cardboard and beer
cans; in station waiting rooms
on the concrete floor; under
bridge's over foul-smelling'
streams and in wretched hovels
made of straw matting." Help!
There is nothing to add to
these words. People are starv-
ing, children are dying. Can we
help? Will we help? In case
anybody Wants to, here is
CARE'S -Canadian a d d r east
CARE,' 73 Albert Street, Ottawa,
Prayer For Preparation ,.- Viet Nam Army Chief -of -Staff Gen.
Nguyen Van Hinh, left, offers a ritual prayer on the "Altar of
Fathorland," during the ceremonies marking' the first annlvertary
of die Viet Nam Officers' Academy', di Quart Tri, ,Indo -Chiba.
At riyhi, cadets fire a salute, after taking- an oath of fidelity to
Bao Dal, Emperor of their embattled country.
Cauliflower Portraits
and Profiles
I will remember him as 1
almost always saw hitt, standing
in a neutral corner of a ring,
Cooking. with sleepy-eyed indif-
ference at a prostrate foe. He
was the fightingest champion in
ring history, For no one ever
held the heavyweight t 1 t le
longer, defended it more often or
wore the crown with more regal
and dignified bearing than Joe
Louis writes Bill Stern.
lie defended his title more
often than all the other heavy -
w e i g h t champions combined.
Twenty-five tithes he staked his
coveted laurels against all coal-
ers, white or black, It was un-
precedented. Eleven years, he re-
mained champion a record in
ring history.
Son of a cotton picker, born
in wretched poverty in an Ala-
bama shack, Joe Louis earned a
fortune of seven million dollars.
It speaks well for democracy
that such a story as that of Joe
Louis could have happened in
America. '
When Jack Johnson, first.
Negro to win the heavyweight
championship, hounded by the
law and deserted by his own
people, finally passed into de-
feat, the boxing world heaved a
deep sigh of relief, When Joe
Louis, the second Negro to hold
the heavyweight championship of
the world retired undefeated,.
the boxing world heaved a deep
sigh of regret. This unlettered
pugilist . who became king of ail
fighters k'as the greatest influ-
ence for good, boxing ever has
had No pugilist was ever more
universally loved, respected and -
honored than Joe Louis. In the
ring, he fought
Gotta Comb? — This pelican at
the London, England, zoo has
a big "bill," and: apparently
can't afford a comb to keep his
unrtily hairdo in place.
Island' Where
Giants Grow
The celebrated French scien-
tist, Dr. Jules Craveur, has been
to the island of Martinique, in
the West Indies, to study a phe-
nomenon that has .the whole
'scientific world guessing, The
400 -square -mile island possesses
properties which, make organ-
When, for example, a 64 -year-
old man starts growing at the
rate of one and a quarter inches
a year, there is either some=
thing, wrong with his glands or
the mode of his living must be
Dr, Craveur's assistant, Dr.
Albert Rounan, who has been
helping him to unravel the mys-
tery, has himself grown two
inches in two years of residence
on lila island. At an' age of 57
that is not only uncommon, but
quite fantastic.
Mineralogists, geologists and
radiologists have now all pool-
ed their knowledge and resour-
ces to find the cause of the
They have at last found out,
after the most intensive studies
and research .work, that the
cause appears to be in the min-
eral deposits of Mont Pelee,
These emit a radiation that
somehow affects the glands con-
trolling growth, The radiation
appears to have been effective
only since 1948, andaffects not
Only humans but animals and
plants too, -
Dr. Craveur discovered that
the minerals emitting the rays
were there before 1948, but it
seems that the radiation's effects
only became noticeable then.
While humans can, at the very
utmost, put on another three
inches, cats Can "add• as much as
five to slit inches to their sta.
ture, ,dogs about 'four:'
Terrifying is the growth of
ants, beetles, tortoises, lizards
and insects, . and Dr. Craveur
say's that if theirrate' of growth
continues et the presentpace,
they will soon bear little; re-
ttefttblealee to speeles Of their
kind I other countries,
11 the radiation cofltirfueg 10
itt o!ite the growth glands .for .la
cher tlryy', the fatuous aolentde
itreta is that Marti lige Win
become tt ]and with 1'titessur.,
like creature*
Light-footed Ballet — Ballerina Alicia Mgrkova :weigh; in at
Royal Albert Hall in London, England, at a "heavy" 104 pounds,
The light-footed lightweight was recently refused permission to
dance at Liverpool concert hall, for fear vibration from her
dancing would damage delicate stage machinery.
Little Joe Jacobs
Joe Jacobs" is gone now, but
the picturesque character of the
little alai" With the big cigar still
lives in the hearts of the men
who frequent Cauliflower Alley.
And for all the laughs and jokes
and the shrewd gags he pulled
in his lifetime, there is still a
lot of solid substance in Yussel
Jacobs' career as manager of
prize fighters.
Little 'Joe was as quick-witted,
as bold and imaginative as any
man ever connected with the
ring, No one will forget his
weird but -enduring phrases, "We
wuz robbed!" and "I shudda
stood in bed," And the stories
told about , the wonderful little
guy are enduring proof of his
Alter Mike McTigue won the
championship from Battling Siki
in Dublin on St. Patrick's Day,
Joe Jacobs did a, complete switch
and put McTigue on a spot
similar to the one Siki had stood
on. He that bold Michael to
Columbia, Georgia, to fight the
pride of the South, Young Strib-
ling. However, Yussel took one
small precaution. brought along
his own referee.
The bout was a very close one,
and McTigue Was awarded the
decision, After the fight, a big
mob of local fans let their
emotions get the better of their
sportsmanship to the extent of
surrounding the hotel in whish
Jacobs and McTigue were stay-
ing. The cry went up. to hang
the little manager for having
stolen the decision from the
rightful winner, Stribling.
The little guy with the big
cigar didn't scare so easily,
Calmly, he faced the howling
mob, took the cigar from his
mouth and, shouted, "All right,
you guys! Go ahead and hang,
me, if you wanna, I can't. Stop
you. But lemme tell' you, I
guarantee that if you hang me,
there will ' be some guys down
here from N'Yawk that will blow
this here whole dump right off
the mapl"
Jt et Outdoerst -- Tort Payden
tint been chosen to reign as
f't'Otodoor Fon Queen of 1054;"
at an amusement park. She'll
turn every head on the Portia
wheel, and visitors won't hove
to enter the "Hall of Mirrors" to
be do/tied,
Actually, there ivas probably
no one outside his own family
who gave a hoot whether Joe
was .strung up or not. Neverthe-
less, the threat of reprisal ,was
enough to scare the crowd off
for a while, long enough to give
manager and fighter the chance
to escape with whole skins and
the precious light heavyweight
On another occasion, little Joe
wandered down to Madame Bey's
training . camp to watch his
featherweight champion, Andre
Routis, go through his paces.
There he caught sight of an
unknown. German heavyweight
in training. One look was enough.
Joe took over the management
of the unknown and began to
sing his praises. "Ferias," he said
confidently, "I got a heavyweight
who looks like Dempsey, so help
ale, weaves and bobs like Demp-
sey, he is Dempsey! Or maybe
his twin yet. He'll win the title
for sure!"
And will it he did, thanks to
Joe Jacobs' quick mind, For the
unknown German was flat on his
back, grovelling in the resin and
groaning with pain, when the
fast -thinking little man with the
cigar leaped up screaming,
"Foul! My fighter was fouled!"
The referee who had not seen a
low blow finally awarded the
title to the recumbent fighter on
the say-so of one of the judges
who claimed to have seen it,
Actually, on one but the Jacobs
had seen the foul deed per-
petrated. Fast thinking gave Joe
a champion in 'Max Schmeling,
first man In heavyweight history
to win a title. in a relaxed posi-
tion on the canvas.
Late r, the little character
found himself an overstuffed
bouncer by the name of Tony
Galento. ;Thisboisterous clown
almost brought Joe another
championship with a single blow
landed on the face of Joe Louis.
Unfortunately f o r Jacobs, Joe
did not stay down. When he did
get up, what he -did to Two -Ton
Tony was pure murder.
A lot of guys in the boxing
game did a quick gulp when Joe
Jacobs suddenly passed away.
They remembered his record as
manager. F k v e champions did
J o e handle: Frankie Genaro,
Routis, kinf of the feathers; Jack
cutis, king of the feathers; Jack
Delaney and Mike McTigue,
light -heavyweight title -holders;
and Max Schoneling, heavyweight
champion. A grand record for a
grand little guy!
Germans Making
Cultured 'Pearls
Only 2,500 out of 50,000 pearl -
mussels in Europe survived the
war. Their home was periodical-
ly looted and continuously ne-
glected, and only now are things
beginning to be put in order
For many centuries pearl -mus-
sels were fished from the .Danube
whereit, passes through the
rocky mountains of .Bolfernie. In
1;923 a'Crien`na schoolmaster, hav-
ing heard 01 Japanese success
with obltur'ed'peai'is from oysters,
joined forces with a German pro-
fessor al physiology in establish-
ing a cultured»pearl factory near
Wash Your Lungs!
Wilgus, and affective method to rid
yourself of common colds, smoker's
cough and catarrh. Sand 30,90 to,
ISSUE 20 -- Mk
The datyand for Twaddle ',turkey 0)0ults
is tremendous, More and 10000 *remora
tan us we have some of the beet turkeys
they have aver rained. We have $road
"nestled Brogan, Beltsville white, white
Reiland, Nebraskan. SUIT. aims open
dates. If you have uay.r tried the
NObraekpn, bus' soma tale Your. Whits
feathered with black spate, no dark 0110
Mechem, no ler" trouble on wire, Im
ported Stock. Catalogue.
TwEDnI,E CHICTc HATc000ntt15s LTD.
NAT Tien, chicks now to caoh h1 on+anod
market.. Pant Browing, early matm',ng
for egg or0duut100 or Soy the table, We
have the breed for the market. Day51,1
'darted, ;taxed, pnllete, Atilt for ', em -
piste llat, Bray hatchery. 120 Jobn
FPO have dual i uri sale heavy breed, pu1�
lets as low In prtae as you lean buy them
Anywhere and with R.0,P, breeding .bock
or them. but we know that any of cur
Special Egg Breed& will lay 10 le 0039
more ogge, and eat Mee feed. So if the
Prat aoet L less, encu 10a Dar pullet lees
they arc dear It we gave them eo You
Mr nothing. We .aye one boot breed
for broilers Nloholn' New Hampshlros.
Alga turkey vaults, older pullets. Free
BADE you anything n000, dyeing or
cleating? Write to us for lnformatIte,
Deparrttmentali, CParker a Dye Wor rks ULim..
Ited, 791 Tongs St„ Toronto.
REN1'REW Separator Parte, parts for
all makes, Bowls rebatanaed, regaled,
Sleetrio attachments, Hideo Separator
Service. H111oddle,
UNRESERVED di'pereal auction 00,1,-
1,0,0 Aberdeen -Angus (Mtge, Taborets -
Mete and Brudollosie accredited, Resla-
terve English Largo White Yorkshire
Swhte. Wednesday, dune 9th, write
for CeSalogue, Malcolm McGregor, Bran.
don, Manitoba,
SPRING APECIAD -- At Factory. Prices.
Exterior Paiute, Floor Enamels (any
colour) 14.10 gal 11,03 at. Enamels
(any colour) 14,36' gal. 51.00 at, Alu-
el0gl�`0atSpnEnaml55ga01.7a. Plata nY
shade) 54.10 gal. 11.45 qt, Aluminum
with asphalt base for burn roofs 12.70
gal, Barn Paints Jany colour) *8.00 001,
Order now from Enorott Salem, 118 ala-
te0nrh. Street, Apt. No. 3. Now Toronto,
Ontario .. Sonttal rates on request for
Contractors and Donlon .` Charges
annuli' to n„aent Rmlway centre,
PLATO/TING Eggs — Toulouse and Emb-
den 0oo,0 egg., 65 cents etch, anxed
Duck eggs, 13 conte each. Beautiful
long collared Collie male pups, tans
months.. friendly with children; from 910.
--- Excellent -he'11 stock, Meese Ponitrr
Farm, 10,51, 1, nranchton, Ontario.
26-1,OO1, Fountain. Counter ata full re-
turn end; one California atop, twelve
stools leather covered, one bobtail with
two Soda Draft arm., two Water 'Draft
arms. one C0mprenfr, one new earbOn-
tor, one cocoa Cola Disponee", one
Steam Tulle, Cold Salad Table, Grill
fo0r-rale leo Cream Cabinet, five eat.
Booth. leather covered, Gla.ewnre. Sil-
verware, all aedeaeorloa, Everything
complete. To Da Harold'l s Drug Store. 3114 na Yange Son treet.
Toronto, 21Afalr 1146,
ISAYTAG, ?Miro, Pregaint Appliance
store doing 0:1,000 yearly, Northern Now
'Mexico town of 7,600, 54.600 5ln.
at k I1ASHFINDER, Wiehlta, Kansas.
011.1..137111 Shaven! "011verking" slag -
Prim in 10 second.. Better, smoother, and
more shave. per blade. Send 11,00 duly,
Tor Box 1110D, Pasadena 3, California.
With new insulated ewer drive posts.
Write. Box .219. Oshawa Ont,
335 Elain, Ottawa.
$1.25 Expremt Prepaid
• FrL1(NES •
One women type another, Take 8010:10,
h'E3t INEn" to help ullovinte 50000, dth
tree, and nervous fatales aeeoofntatl With
monthly sorbin.
*0.00 Postpaid lu plain 00005er
BANISH the torment of dry moms radio
and weeping akin . trnub1Os, Poet's
Eaxema Salvo 0111 not disappoint you.
Itching, ending, burning eczema acne,
ringworm. Dlmpleband foot cezoma. will
respond readily to the etalnleee odorleae
ointment roicardlase of hew stubborn or
beveie.,, they seem.
Solt Pest Thee en Receipt of Ogden
880 queen at. E., corner of Logan
Passau, on the Austr'o•German
Up to 1935 about 200 mussels
were "inoculated" every year,
and when the enterprise was
auctioned the stock was 50,000
mussels, of which 80 yielded
pearls of the very finest grade.
In 1949, Professor Hans Gross,
of nearby Schaerdilhg, undertook
to revive Europe's only pearl -
culture plant, At the moment
things are still in the experi-
mental stage, but in about ten
years the undertaking may be
praying extremely lucrative.
There is no difference between
the pelirls produced by the river
pearl -mussel and those produced
by the sea pearl -mussel. The
system of "inoculation," exploit-
ed so successfully by the Japan-
ese, produces pearls as line as the
real variety, and does away with
the practice of inserting an arti-
ficial irritant into the living oys-
ter or mussel.
. German and Austrian cultured
pearls may well be competing in
a few years with those from
54*, 3434 SPECIAL li$u
Per scalp, hair, akin Soften, sombre,'
pr010010 gild betas Satisfaction Saar-
mateed, Stoney order, or (7.0.0. memo*
(01100t, PEND CPP WWII AN 010510:0.
In stock, roluplel0 lino Dr, Brady.*.
Nom mad N1411 Medicines from 1,05
Angeles, California, Poco solve list so
request. ward's Emig Wore, 78* at.
Catherine west, Montreal 0.
et'INtttTVN ['ME!: PON
JOIN CANADA'S 1.1r,An1N0 800002.
Great O55Ortunin Learn
Plpasapt, dignified profession, good wages,
Thousand* of eueceearul marvel grad9atee
America's Or,ateet Syeten)
Illustrated Catalogue Prop
Write or Ca11
MARRPIL frau DRri$SINQ sQF1004a
868 Blear St. W., Termite.
44 .Bing 81„ Hamilton.
1 Rideau St„ Ottawa,
LADIES make extra money gulling Clone -
chalk'* Metal orange Pot Cleaner to your
friends. Thome mlraole houuohold eloan-
lsg aids gall on eight. There's noth1pg
quite ale good as time tried Oottechnik'a
Metal a ortgo to clone and brighten u9.
pate a06 Pane, floors, woodwork, Wee,
000000edn, and enamelware. Write today
for our liberal profit making plan, W.
H MfUalan a Sone, Dept, 110 948
Collage at,, Toronto, Ont.
GROCERY, Market, Service Station and
Homo In Texas doing 92,000 monthly.
Baorlaco price 110,000, 1 cash, 01ASH.
PP''INDER. Wichita, Ramses.
PHOTO Greeting Card.. xmoe and all
William Martin.
P.O.P Boxot "04 a Canal
Street Station, Nov York '19, -Now York,
PREF catalogue of the latest in Magic
for .rage, parlor and home. Write today.
wile. Maglo,. 3 Scarborough-no00, Tor-
onto. Ontario.
GLADIOLUS — Plant strena young high
orowped maxed gladiolus bulbo 1" to 11".
all bulbs lnepocted and treated ready for
Minting, 100-71.80. Hugh Kolb, Port
Elgin, Ont.
PERENNIALS sturdy plants, Respber.
Nee. Viking, Latham. Prices on inquest, '
Rylands Gardens, Edgew,u'o Drive, St.
Thomas, Ontario.
AN OFFS* to every Inventor -List 01 in -
wagon. and full information mint tree.
The Ramsay Co., Reglstored Patent At.
torne7*, 979 Banc Street, Ottawa,
rant Attorneys. Eeabliehed I390. 800 UM -
vanity Ave.. Tatung,, Patents all trout
91,00 TRLLI. offer, Twenty-fivo deluxe
personal requirements, Latent Catalogue
lnoluded, The Medico Agency, Bon 194
Terminal A. TOroatm, Ontario. •
\1'ORRYING3 Want Nemu.? Work?
Anything, No gelling, AOtonnding • Se-
er01,. Guaranteed, 1t 11 11.00 to: I3ox
SU13, liingwood, Salem, Oregon,
WORRIED? World•Condltlone7 Person.
al Problems? Perhaps we can offer Con -
isolation (Holy-Rlble•Ueod), which may
brighten your future. 02.05 nor Quango*
(currency accepted). "Herb", 1019 Map
000.ton, Rothman City 27, Missouri.
WANTED to buy, Mudrrat skins, hlohoat
erten.. Byron Wilson. 45 Shnonde Street.
Saint John, N.B.
You calf qo
If you feel
These days most people work under
pregame, worry more, sleep loss. This
strain on body and brain makes physical
fitness easier to lone—harder to regain.
Today's tense living, lowered residence,
overwork, worry—any of these may affect
normal kidney action. When kidneys get
out of order, excess acids and waxiest
remain in the system. Then backache,
disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy.
headed feeling often follow. That's 1hei
time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd'.
stimulate the kidneys to normal action.
Then you incl better—sleep feeder—work
better. Ask for Dodd'a Kidney Pills at
any drug counter. 30
If lifo'& not worth living
(0 nnay be your livor*
SLY a land it takes up to two pion, of aver
bile a day to keep your digostive treat to 4090
shaper Tl your aver bile ie on floMng frosty
/Sorbed may. an digo,l ... got bloat. n
your stomnoh .. , you fool constippated and
all the tun and sparkle go outof lap, That'.
whoa you need mad Rooth, Clothed Utile
Libor PW', The.. !moon vegetable pills help
otim0lale the flow' of liver bio. Soon your
0500,1ton .torte functioning proporly And you
foo 01st happy days aro hero ngtlni Don't
row (Any sunk Always keep Corte," Little
Liver Paan on bond.17 at vans denoots5
Pr'pteut Tour BOOKS and CASU from
ETRE and T1CI1SYIDS, We Imo n elan
One at solo, or Cabinet. for any aux,
twee. Malt Ire 01. write for °rim ate. to
Dont. {v..
h,t1 Profit 'St ID.. 'entente
,, Uuttlhltdlrtl°14366