HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-5-12, Page 4TUE BRUSSELS' MST • l find. a a ht t a constant onstant termniehansolee planning help oon ao Your ambitionsYur savings a account Passbo.ells yon, too , that your Money is safe • dm -Ws iltexet regulrly;is easily accessible. Start saving today atotnears there ate -Mote than 650 to aero e you: Brussels Branch — F. W. Todd Manager CLEARING AUCTION SALE ,f Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 27, Con. 6, Morris Twp. V south and 1 mile west of Brussels on THURSDAY, MAY 20th at P.M. Cattle — 1 Durham row with calf at foot. 5. 1Iertford Cow, with calf at foot 23 ZS*e.r.v,•a Her::ford Heifers approximately 625 lbs. 1--2 yr. ofd II r Bard Steer, 1000 lbs. lechinery -SSirT+ p-lisZ trart,r standard. fully lnil,ped (tike new). 2arrow ace bottom International plow bo tractor disc 16 plate, 18 inch plate e tractor manure spreader, new AnDorn,irk-Deering bay loader drophead g. motion diamond harrows abler tired farm wagon, "ffrdAms. boa $ flat hay rank (new) Forums, wheel harrow, t'i'•ng mill, 2000 ib, scales r3national cream separator Vaal harness and collars, Q;eleay house 10 x 10, 2 arch shelters Unmber of Cedar posts Quantity of lumber, scantling and plank, forks. shovels, chains and number or other articles. Hay and Grain — 200 lbs. of mixed grain &*o ton of mixed fray Poultry -- ' hyhrr d hens. heavy breed 2 dunks and a drake Quantity of Household Effects No reserve as farm Is sold Terms Cash Frank Nichol, Prop, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer GOSPEL GLEANINGS AUCTION SALE • "And chose him five smooth Of Household Furniture and stones out of the brook." (1 Sash, Kitchen Utensils 17;40). The thrilling' story of At Alexander St.. Brussels, opposite David bringing victory to Israel by Brussels Public School on slaying Goliath is a picture of Christ bringing redemption to the world by the destrnotion of Satan. Little Daiid with his pebbles was despised by friends and enemies a- like: but his trust in God was worth more than all their boasted weapons rinze Rnont Mill' - and strength, To -day, the preaoh- Dining Room Suite. 1 Rocker Extra ing of rndemptton only thrnugb tee sacrificial death of Christ is ridi- culed by the world; but it is still the only power of God unto Sal- vation (See Prom 1:Ir; ). (I Cor. 1:18). God stili looks for Davids wlo will *rust only in Him — men emptied of self and filled with His Spirit, { Those fire ordinary. unattsartive pebbles may he taken as a picture of fir, things. despised by the world which the Kinner can choose from 1 SATURDAY. JUNE 19th At 1 o'clock P. M. •' 11.,41 Rooni Suits 1 Extra Dresser , Bed Ror,ni C•hait' Living R,.r to Chair 'Writing Desk Wilton Ru.g 0 x 12 Aoav,-r Vane= C , -aver wlth ataehments Aitt•ltrn '[`able EN -1,n -ion Table extra Iong 1,e^.fhor Cnrieh, Porch Couch Raymond St wing :t5achine 2 Rockers, Electric usher 'gravy Duty Electric Plate Fri obi re. 2 Pernerys Floe r\Iita. 2 Hall Mirrors Radio wheel Harrow, Cita Step -ladders, Pintur', Mirrors, Lawn Mower. Full line of Kitchen "Utensils. Terms Cash R. J. Bowman, Prop. ....Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. in case of bad weather Sale held in Arena. DETROIT'S SOLUTION TO MARRIAGE PROBLEMS Divorce is very much a second solution to marriage problem. An- gela Burke, f atom writer for Star Wt. 1tly, bus reported her `interview with Dr. Katharine Greene. marriage coaiLe [lar for 'Wayne Marriage Coun- selling in Deroit, in this week's Star WeeltlY• The clinical findings of this cant - standing Deroit marriage council arc, worth while reading. the brook of God's mercy; and by which he may slay his Goliath. and • obtain salvation from the penalty of stn. (1) Believe you are a sinner. "For all have sinned. and come short of , the glory of God.' (Rom. 3:28). i (2) Believe you cannot save your- I self. "By the works of the law ; You'll discover a world of difference in a Wednesday, 1ST MILE ge Seats aree il croft and restful and chair-higlt so you command a Geller view of the' ad dowfl in front,. Notice the extra headroom endo legroom, too. - fake a 0-MILEat TRIAL and see l • 2ND MILE Try it for handiina ease. Sig brakes with rivetless Cyclebond linings snake stopping easy. High steering gear ratio, makes turning easier. And Dodge Tull Power Steering" gives safe control with finger-tip Pres- sure. These are advantages to remember particularly during : May, which is Safety Month. ) Pick the road ... pick the time ... then slip behind the wheel of a brilliant new Dodge for 5 miles of fun and facts. You'll find driving Dodge an eye -Open- ing experience -- one that might save you plenty when it comes time to buy a new car. So put the dependable Dodge to the test, mile by mile , , , and see the differ- ence. A 'phone call to your Dodge - De Soto dealer will bring a Dodge to your doorstep. Def ore you buy anywhere, ask your Dodge -De Soto dealer what extra value he con offer on a dooendabte new or used car. 3RD MILE Check its "big -carr. ride over bumps you usually avoid.You'li smooth and sure-tfooe ted Dodge ell road thanke to Orlflow shock absorbers, easy -action springs and lower centre of gravity, iTO 4TH MILE Test Dodge power on bills or on the open highway, Enjoy. its quick, Kim getaway. There's plenty of reserve power to hurry you safely out of tight spots. And Dodge provides this zip without requiring premium gasoline. 5TH MILE Ask about the extras you get ab no extra cost. Things like luxu- rious upholstery fabrics with vinyl trim ... electric wind- shield wipers ... oil -bath air cleaner. Then check the price, and see why the Dependable Dodge is your best buy, •Jbra at, moderate Gorr. �LLIOTT ETHEL Mrs. Andrew Bremner was hostess.. for the May meeting of the W. M. 8, and W. A. of Ethel United Church, There were 20 members and 7 visi- tors present. Mrs. Ames opened the ; meeting with ,the call to worasnii3. • After which Hymn 350 w,as sung. Mrs. Joe Pearson gave the scripture reading followed by Hymn 854. (any good deeds) Shall no flesh be ; Meditation and prayer. Mrs. Cecil iusttfied ," (Otal.2:'1,6)• _ Bateman had charge of the study (3i Believe Christ died for Yon•' period. 1t was the report of the "(Itirl5t died for cmc sing" (1 Dor. i convention in Wellington- She was 10:3) "Who His own self bore our assisted by Mrs. ,'Quest Dobson, sins in His own Body on the tree." , Mrs, Jas. Pearson and Airs. 1tcTag- t 1 Peter 2:241 - gart. The President then took rot Believe ,that only Christ can •urge of the businetss period. Roll rave ynu. "Neither is there salvat• • call which was answered by a verse inn in any other; for there is 'one ' with the word "Faith" in it. Minn - other name under heaves given a- les of last meeting read and an- mons mere. whereby we must be sav- i pravecl. Offering. It was decided d." (Ants 4:12) 1 to have Mr. and Mrs. 'Chester Little (5) ]circus on, or trust in, Christ of Atwood, dhow pictures w'hicG sloop for 0orgiv2tress. "Believe on they took et the "Coronation", and the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou i it was left with the committee to al," shalt be saved." (Acts 10:31) The Cse etdagib Made in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Casada Limited. TOR S LES -BRUSSELS range date. Miss Elia. Pearson and dent for the ministry and will be go -graduate course of Canadian School Mrs. Percy 'Stephenson gave report of Presbyterial which was held in SeaforGA. During the meeting "Life Membership Certificates" were pre- sented to Miss Mayne itansuld and Elia Pearson. Airs. Geo. 'Taxies spoke of the splendid service they had given to the society and Airs. Cleaner made the presentation, Al- though taken by surprise Miss Han• suld and Miss Pearson thanked the ladies for the honor bestowed upon them. , One thank you card was read and Mrs. de Dodder thanked the ladies for box received while ill. It was decided to have the meeting in the evening for the stammer months, The lune meeting wit( be held at the home of 'Mrs. Quest Dobson at 8 p. m. The meeting closed with the benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess, trune for the summer of Embalming o . ing West p months. Mr. and Mrs. Jim 13rodie,Toronto. There will be ne anteroom service and hir. and Mrs. Hockridge,Sarnid at Ethel United Church and church sBend Mother's Davy with Mrs. 0. school will meet at 11 a, m, Walloon. Friends from out of town who at' PEOPLEyt7� K'11061/ : tended the funeral of the lata Mt'if. YS , Russell Gerrie were Mr, and Mrrt, Robert •ifagdhaw, Mr. and Ma's. A brose Bagshaw, Mrs. Alfred Arnold, Mrs. Clifford 'Lemon, Mrs. Harold Brown, Mrs, Arthur Bayne, Mr& ifarold Currie all of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs, John Mernagha5 an$ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sturdy of GDderiah, Air. and Airs. George Galbraith of Corrie visited with Reg. and Carson Watsons. Mr, and Mrs. Atte Coleman sailed for England this witek to visit relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Honing Roy of Detroit spent the week -end with relatives in the district. Panic and Mrs. Mitchell and Airs. Somers spent Sunday In Chatham ' with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Watson. . ' Mr, and Mrs. Archin Holmes, Dale Mr. Brock Vodden of Blyth will and Susan, spent Sunday with 14ir, { be guest speaker for a special meet- 1 and Mrs. Dart Somers. ing of the. W. M. S. to be held on Mr. D. A. Ran' has returned from ' May 13th ad 8 p. m. Brock is a stn- Toronto where he attended the p#tat YOU WERE RI6MT ABOUT ROE VITAFOODe 'BOG: IT SURE GOT MY BIRDS AWAY XI A FAST START. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THESE CHICKS-- AND '111EY'RE ONLY SEVEN WEEKS D ..:.,.... , THERE$ NO FEAR OFTNAt HILL. MUST MIX YOUR PRESENTr, ROE vtTAFOOC WiTH ROE VITA6ROW THE FIRM' ' WEEK, TM� REDLINEOf, 15 THERE ANYTHIN6 ELSE I SHOULD WATCH -..R DOG? li1R,AND - JUST ASIMFORTNfrASFEED. THE UTTER DRY TO DOT111A, A UTTLE HEAT k1.HEM6ARI, Ai WMao KEEPTME IRTERWE1L snow UP. MM i UNDERTtE BiiOODEIMIE *KOMI SIT 11 iR NSW', AND iF Ro ATa L1ML NUI FOR SALE 80 Bedroom Suites at Discount Prices at the Mildmay Furniture Store. Spring flied mattre ise7 $18.93, Over a dozen ePRACINg chrome suites 374.00 etc. Sohnett a Sons, Ferniture Store. Mridmevr. By Roe WHAT ABOUT VENTILATION DOE:? CHICIG NEED PLENTY OF FRESH AIR, OUT BE SURE TO AVIOID DRAFTS WATCH THE WEATHER 80 TMA( THE OPEMMi66ME CW6ED MORE ON OCTREMELY WNIDI'OR COLO DiDEI, AMO ON IMlIOM` BIN NY DA THE vim 4 AIR fir.- l•r II4V!gin (,,._OE S Farms Service Dept PROi!Ct) URCHICKiNVESMENT go Aka /0 exon" ,hr +Pio 6AOIr bast E (iron Produce SRUtS0LS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL' F. HARRISON MONCRIFFI