HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-5-12, Page 1'Post Publishing House ".1 11-11 BEFORE YOU BUY" , THE BRUSSELS POST $2.00 per year $2.50 Lia Authorized as wooed elites mall, Poet Office Department, pttaws, .01 Wednesday, May 12th., 1954 am nowqualified Beauty Counsel• or and am tr,aiaed to give a personal - eldfl analysis, For appoinelnen.t ,phone' 86x12, Mrs. Olive Cunningham, ,Ethel, Ont. cs" 'Tea and Bake Sale The Evening Magian -of St, '-John's Church will ho10 a we and "Bake Sole on Saturday, Only ee4th. ''Seep this date in mind. "-ENGAGEMENT ANNO`17NtEM'ENT lir. and Mrs. A., J. GoWtng, Calgary. .' lb ta, ennouuae'the engagement of " iiheir daughter, Delores ,Evelyn to 'Charles A, Workman of'Oalgaly son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Workman Brussels, Ontario. 'The marriage to take place art Calgary Central 'Usti• ed Church, May 22 at '5 ex. en. i O PREACH AT ETHEL AND CRANBROOIC 'CHURCH , Retell- G. Boggs ,of Moleswartk 'has been appointed 'interim moder- -altor for the congregation of 'Oran brook and Ethel Pi•esbyeterlan ' Church and will conduct the servief at Ethel and Cran".broo'k this 'Sundae. May 16th. " ^WILLING WORKERS Grades V and VI, BrusselsPltbiic t!gchool are raising stoney 'tor a -trill to Toronto to seed the museum, •etc. -They respecUlully solicit Tour 'bust, •tees for the following -mowing tgaWns, washing cars, idling 'wool,' 'picking up stones, helping to plant egardems, baby sitting, cleaning Win- ,dews, etc. Gall Wayne 5ohnson, •,convenor of Committee, Phone No. :34r.4, WALTON SISTERS WIN HUR'ON'000NTY SCHOLARSHIP Audrey and June Yeacmvell, daughh- tors of Mr, and Mrs. W. I•Iaekwell, Wa1hil1, Were winners of the Huron County $25 Educational Seholarelrl-p 'Which is awarded the comnetitor.i with' the highest maples in the bturse and woodwind classes, at the Huron Cnunity Music Festival, 'Phe 'gins 'won' it jointly with 86 marks in the •cornet duet open close. Other meenhrens of elle Bra sets 'Tions Boys and Girls Band 'under I etlre'direction of A. C• Robinson, who "was warmly ,inlaised for his wonder- t ful work with 'tote young muluSte-' ' fen's made an excellent 'drawing 'in various classes as follows: Cornet Solo - 10 and under, Neil "Turnbull 81; Tom Modutdheon 79; 'Kenneth Pollard 78. Coronet solo, 12 and under, Reid 'Hackwell 79; Kathleen McCutcheon 79; Yvonne Pollard 7'S. Cornet solo, 14 and under, Audrey Harictvehl 84; Marion Heniingway 83. Alto horn, 16 and under, 'Kathleen MCCutoheon 80. Euphonium solo, 18 anti • under, Donlyn Hiemingway 80, Clarinet solo, 18 and under,: 'Richard M-Oettleiheon 80; Margaret Lily McCateheon 78. 'Clarinet solo, open, Robert Ken- nedy 83. Clarinet duet, 15 and under, Dick -and Magarrdt MoCutcheon 31, Cornet duet, opera, Audrey and , %Mee Hackwell 86. '"Comet trio 17 and under, Audrey, 'June and Reid Hackwell 85. • Brass quartette,Ricltard, Margaret, 'Kathleen, Tom McCultob:eoa 79. 'Tenor saxophone, 20 years and, • under, Robert Kennedy 84. I Mrs, Russel 0urrte The deatb occurred in Winghant, 'General Hospital early Benldel morning, May 2nd of Amee Viola McCrncleeai beloved wife of nursed Currie of the 4t1i, line ,of ,Morris after, a sheet illneeS. Mrs, Currie Nae born in Brussels in 1896 the daughter '03 Mrs, Ilio(•; Craldken of Edmonton 'and the "lee Fred MGCrackem. Sire wins, a member of the United Church and a valued member 'of the W, A, and also a worker in the. .Home Helpers in connection with tire W. M. S. She leaves to mourn bebrides 'bee luusband, a daughter, ` Mns. Allan (Elizabeth) McCall of Walton and a son Donald of Brussels and four grandchildren, also her smother and Sieber Margaret oR 'Edmonton, 'Alta, and brother Jack of Devon, Alta, ' Funeral services were heli] Tues- day afternoon, May 4th at the D. A. Raun Funeral lionise evillle Rev. A. Lane officiating. The beautiful, large floral offer- ings showed In a ,email .wiryo the esteem in which she was 'held' by relatives, neighbours and t eends 01 the, community. Soft piano musie was played 'by Mrs, Martin as the friends lined past the casket. The pall -bearers were -Messrs. Ward Sellers, Wm, Henderson, 7a&lt I Lowe, Rtossle Duncan, Joe Brewer ' Friends• attended from Harntlton, and Franorls Duncan. Goderich and. Walton. Tnterment In Brussels cemetery, BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERT ON MAY 21st Alto sexophene, 16 years and under The Btmsseuts ,NOTICE TO 1.0.0.F• MEMBERS j ;David Kennedy 81. 'Phe members of the Western Star &edge, No. 149, I.O,O.5'., -are •re• quested to attend Initiatory Degree on-Tenusday night, May 20th ,at ^ .8.80 ,AN1tQUNCING - Tee opening of Val's Beauty Ohoppe, located directly above Bmus- :aels ,Export Packers, Brussels. ;Pel's ,specialize in styling, cutting and ',cold waving. Open Monday to ;13aturday. inclusive. - I'ifts. Velma Stephenson, Phone 102x'4. 13ARN -DANCE II -BRUSS5LS 4-H FORESTRY ! 'CLUB MEETING 'The May meeting of the Brussels 4-11 Forestry Club was held Thurs.; -day, May Gth at 8.30 in the Gerrie ; Township hall, H. 11, DeVrien, Asst.' 'Zone Forester conducted the meet- I ing by Showing elides on- tree re- , Porostation and wood-ot thinning. I Harvey 'Johnston, club leader, took membees names for club signs, ,crests, and pins. 'The -twig collection was handed in lby members fes inspection. ITdhe •meeting was then concluded. Public School will WINS TROPHY AT 'WO'ODSTOCK MUSIC FESTIVAL noblest Kennedy, elder son of Roy 605 Mrs• .Kennedy, Brussels, was predented with "'rtre Marie Thornton ',eroplhy" at the Oxford County -Festtval of Music et Weedetook. As winner of the open clarinet 'class, with 8$ marks, he Was eligible '110 complete with eight other first 'place winners in 'woodwind olasees 1 'tot "Thee Marie Thornton. TnoPIO" , for woodwinds. Robert won the tro• pity when .the adjucator awarded him 95 marks. present their annual concert in the' Town Hall en Friday, Inlay 21st, at 8,15 sharp The program,uuder the direction of Mrs. Hamilton will consist of an f Operetta entitled "015 Bing Cole" Presented by pupils of Grades 1 - 4 1, and 'a Cantata, "The Nutcracker Suite," by pupils of Grades 5 - 8. Musical numbees will be glmeta be• tween acts. Admission tor adults 35c. Public Soiled Children Free. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks '1Or all kindness Shown me 'during my stay in Wingham Were Plan •to•attemd the dance to be held j +1151, on Friday -night, May Slst, art, Tommy iplc•+GAi's -new barn on the 4th eon- ,cose8ot of 'Morris township, a mile and a .granter north ..of Brussels. ldusie by Don : Robertson and Ranieh t $0.75. ieunah Booth, Everybody Welcoxn4 L_ TMt PIRSONEYOUNAIN MOOCH IN CANADA MMrNla.gssr'sa Meals YMhbr, Nay. W. J4. T. Polios 1S a. m. 13ukMs4 fleO sI 11 a. an. MMr0Ta6iSg \WSteehiP • United Church \ OP CANADA ,4 Mlni4ier, Rev. Andrew -.ane . Divine Worship -11 o'clock "God in ,Spring' Church Se)lool - 12 o'okock "Praise Ye. tkae Toad: f&r it is good to sing praises to our God," •• Ehurchof England Parish el Onriela Rev. A. Norran Ellis, M. A. 4th Sunday After Baster May Het, 1954 St. John's Church, Brussels 11 t. m. Morning Prayer • Sunday School St. David's, Henfryn 2.30 p, m, Evening Prayer Sunday School CVRD OF THANKS We lake ^the opportunity at this time • to 'thank ' neighbours apt friends for -their many ezpeessions of symlp'althy :and kindness extended ,to us at the .time of our sudden bereavement ,of wife and mother. ' Also for 'card,, ;flowers and other tributes given us at this, time. Your thoughtfulness eras deelply appreci• sited and will long 'be reniembsred, Russel CerrIe rand Family. iIIUU�in■nIIUIU � LLAS}H'MAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE -LISTOWEL, ONTM8IO Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear - first show et dusk Note:, News and Cartoon at each, , show. Thursday, Friday May 18 .94 "CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH AND POCAHONTAS" (color) Saturday, Monday May 15 • 17 "CAPTAIN PIRATE" (color) Lodie Hayward Patricia Medina Tuesday - Wednesday May 18 - 19 "STORM WARNING" (adult) Ginger Rogers Doris Day Ronald Regan Thur.• Fri. • Sat. May 20.21 • 22 1 (double feature for 3 days) "HEIDI" Elabeth Sigmund Henriek Gretier "WHITE MANE" Alain Emery Bill Moses (APPLICATIONS WANTED - Applications will be recietved Lor Inspector of Risks for Howiek Farmers' -" Miutual Fire Insurance Company, Wroxeter. Duties to eom- menee July 1st, 1954. Requirements - qualified ,eleetr1c an , a fair' knave ledge of term conditions and veluat• ions. 'For further ,particulars please apply in person to :head office, Wroxeter. J. I.1• Wylie, Sec, -Tress. • CAPITOL- Lisgrown FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE The regular monthly meeting of the Frirmdehip Oirclei took place on Wedm clay, May 5th ',ill the Churcb parlor. The meeting opened with the theme "Blest be the tie that binds." The minutes of the '1ast,i metering were read and adopted , and the treasuers report given. Boll call was answered by naming a 1041 her from the Bible... The soriOure was read by Muss S. Meehan and Miss. P. Baker led in. prayer, Plans '. were then completed for a Molther's 1 Day tea to be held to the Library I. en Seetteday evening, May 8th. Following the disc'ulslSion an out -1 line of the work of elle W. M. S. across Canada, and abroad was given by Mrs. Tea'Mson of Sslallortb. Hymn I was sung and ,Miss M Perrie render- e ed a very delightful piano solo. A chapter from the study book was given by Mrs. C. Hemingway and Mrs. Lane dealing with the spread of the Gospel in' China.. The meting closed with a hymn and benediction. A short contest followed and lunch was served 'be' • the hostesses Mrs. L. Wheeler and "Mrs. I. Campbell. -UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The W. M. S. of the L'nibed Church •melt Tuelsday, May 4 in the cherodt parlor, with It splendid .attendance. 'The meeting was presided over by 1st Vice-president, Mrs. L, Nicdtol, who opened the meeting with hymn "394, followed by Scripture reading by Mrs. H. Thomas. The Sec, and 'Tress. reports were read and adopt - Ied. The roll call was responded to by naming a mother" nentioned 1n I 'the Bible. It was announced that i •the June meeting would be in charge -of the Associate Helpers with. Mr's, A. Armstrong and Mrs, W. Cardiff es ieadem,s A pleasing solo by Mrs. D. Lewiston• wais enjoyefl. Highlight of the afternoon was an address by Mrs. -W. H. T: Felten, who took as tier subject. "The. work of the Holy 'Spirit in the Church", she said, 'that we need to have a sense of our -work, tbab we web may real- ize our 'opportunities and ,the Priv- ilege of doing our share. The meeker was thanked by Mrs. S. Davison far .her splendid address. Hymn 441 -was snug and the meeting closed with •prhtyer, atter which re. treshements were served and a social holt hour orals enjoyed. Friday, Saturday , May 14 - 15 "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO" starring William Holden and Slew nor Parker. Danger asd excitment fir thls thrilling story of the Indian raid on Fort Bravo. - Sunday mldhlght and Monday May 29 - 24 "RAINBOW ROUND MY SHOULDER" (Color) Monday, Tuesday May 17 • 18 For your repeat enjoyineht Gregory Peck, Thomas Mitchell In "THE KEYS OF THE KINGDM" TUESDAY. FOTO-KITE OFFER THIS WEEK 41f).Q0 Monday Attendance Card Night. Wednesday, 'Thursday, Friday Mayi9.so-211 "EASY TO LOVE" With Esther Williams, Van Johnston, Fratikle Laino Charlotte Austin; MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE AT MELVILLE CHURCH On Bun'day metering int Melt 1115 hureit ,the annexe Mother's Day see, vice was held. The Sunday School attended this Service in a body, and the theme of 'the program was Christ, the Lord 08 our Homes. Rev, Mr. Fulton' gate a very inatreetive ad- dress melee subjedt of hhe Ohristian home. He also relterred to his short but pleasant 'pastorate at Melville Chute:h. 'A baptismal serviee was also held, tine ,children of Mr. and Mrs, 'George Mott. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Strph. enson, 'Iver. and Mts. Gordon Kreuter receiving the ordinance of baptism Music for the service consisted of a Male Chores, "Mother of Mine" and a uniecn anthem, "Crusaders for Christ" by the choir. THE UNITED CHURCH Mother's Day was observed in the ' 'United Church on Sunday, May, 9, Sermon end song were fittod to the theme, "Opening .our Homes .to God." The rite of baptism was adminis• tered to - Oharlbs Murray, son o Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie Cousins; Will. 'lam Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hemingway; Peluline Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCntcheon; Cheryl Lynne, daughter of Mr, and . Mrs. Frank. McCutclheon; Daphne Dolores, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McWihirter; Donna Gladys daughter of Mr. and Mrs .Gordon Workman; Gregory Van and Linda Beverly, .children of Mr. and Mrs. llldward A. Wilson. The anthem for .the day was, "My Mather'e' Prayers ,Itare Followed Me." by De Armond and Ackley. Mrs• Dean Davison sang the solo,. "My Motlher". Mr. ,R. B. Cousins, assistant superintendent of the Church Sch- ool chool directed the service. BLUEVALE RESIDENTS BUILD LIBRARY A, community spirit was shown in this village as volunteer workers erected their first library btttdldtng The library will be officially opened I( shortly when Angus. Mowat. direct- or irecto• of libraries for ,theprovince and a former Bluevale resident, Louis Blake Duff will be on hand. Plans fear the present 18 feet by 24 fret building got under way last 1 fall •when the board decided to un- dertake tire- project. Committee board members and ethers have co-operated thleough•; out. Money bas been receeeed on 1 a voliumtary basis with contribut-I tons corning in from Toronto, Cal- 1 gary, Ottawp. Montreal, London, Detroit, and Wingbens. These dons - tions , were, imm natives of Blue- I Vale or friends. Much of the praise goes to Miss I Ruby Duff who has, been respon- sible for raising 5300. Miss Duff States there Thos be,eln no drive for CARD OF THANKS funds in ,the community. I would like Ito thank all my kind Bluevale Women's Institute eon. neighbors anti friends for their kind- tri'bauted $100. nese to me at the time of MY acct Contributing greatly to the build- I frig progaient wets the Rev. R. A Brook who did much of the ear i peniter work. Bluevale has had a would like to Ut note of ` lfhanlae to ea.clh one, But I can only the.ldtelien of the community hall I say I appreciate all very mob end The ,presenit librarian is Mrs. Thamtt you all. • Herm, Elliott, seoretery-treasurer Jennie Budd, THEATRE _ dent. For all the beautiful Valen- t shows nightly 7.509 Jg p. m. thtes and Laster oards and the host Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. of kind letters and cards I received, I won e. wr e a library Esther sings Van makes love - Tony sings In this gorgeous fun 6111.1 ed Muaocal filmed In the famous Oppress Gardena of Florida, Adpenoe Nutlet - Coming 'One Full Week May 24.29 "MA AND PA KETTLE AT HOME" for aevan years located in REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. • • • Thursday, Friday and Saturday "REDHEAD FROM WYOMING Maureen O'Hara - Alex Nichol She had a weapon for every kind of Man a loaded gun, a ready kiss • • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "SCANDAL AT SCOURIB" Greer Gerson Walter Pidgeon Together again in a new and wonderful picture * • • Thursday, Friday and Saturday "CAPTAIN PIRATE" Louis Hayward Patrlcla Medina * * 1 COMINP SOON - "TITANIC" 0f the board and the chairman is Ciovne Higgins, WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL NEWS . The Easton reports 'of the. Wing. District 77igh School have been given out to eke pais, to take home. Parenitls should feel free to bring these reports for conisetibatloin . With the PrieCipal and the teachers/ re• gardlng the pupils' progress. On Thursday May 18th,, the Grade 1 IX pupils ,of the Wingbam Hig11 Soltool District will visit tine Ontario Agriculteral Clellego, 'Trenseortaition will be provided by the sobool busts, and the College will have a -s, their 1 guests hays and girls from many of i nt 1 Ole 'Western Ontario schools, The 1 Agricnitnral College leas an Open Day i e1511 year to acquaint school boys 1 'and girls with the educational op- t11orteillties offered. 1 i Complete line of lawn mowers, garde tractors and dig -a -tiller are t� be seen at Geo. E. Pollard's Machine Shop at Brussels We give service on these as well as sales. A large modern Lathe has been installed.. Custom machinery of all kinds built to order. For Sale - A number of good used chain saws at reduced prices. For Sale - 1 used Wiscon V. 4, 21 horse motor, coir- pletrely rebuilt, suitable for hay balers, Combines, etc. � NEW rvIAP AF, REAL ECONOMY -With every purchase amounting to 87.00, including a selection of CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS we'll give you entirely FREE any one piece of Wm. Rogers DuBarry Silverplate HERE A55 SOME SUGGESTIONS OF Quix Soap Powder, Bye Detergent, Maple Leaf Soap, and Flake$,' Maple Leaf Beauty Soap, Maple Leaf Canned Hams, Maple Leaf or York Mincemeat, Kilk or Kant, Chum Pet Foods, York Caaclss§ Vegetables, York Canned Fruits, York Canned Stews, York Doo- med Meats, York Pickles or Olives, York Peanut Butter, Voile Frozen Foods, York Frozen Fish, Maple Leaf Bacon, Maple Legg Bacon, Maple Leaf Sausage or Welners, Maple Leaf Cooked Meats, Maple Leaf Fiesta Meats, Maple Leaf Cheese, Maple Leaf Carse ile Eggs, Maple Leaf Tenderflake Lard, New Domestic Shorten8S Margene Margarine. For further particulars Inquire at RUTLEDGE'S GROCERY PHONE WE DELIVER Acclaimed DETROIT..//,,' S ,s1.,. . • One of .the country's most poplarHok! TULLER ... featuring convenience, comfort, 'quality! A cosmopolitan atmosphere in home -like oiling. In the center of all downtown activities. Newly decorated. . Ultra modern, comfortable guest rooms . . excellent food at moderate price* in our modem coffee shop and cafeteria, Radi( ,,nd Television in room. Mr Goeditioned rooms in season. FACING GRAND CiRCUS PARK DETROIT ,MICHIGAN Harry E. Paulsen General Manager WifN from 4_9` GARAGE at FAilK1bG .+dGdi1Y