HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-5-5, Page 4'eer One of the coo y's most popular liotel 1-111-4E11. ..• featuring convenience, comfort, quality! A cosmopolitan atmosphere in Ihome-like setting. In the center of all downteeen activities. Newly decorated. Ultra modern, comfortable guest rooms .. , excellent food at moderate prlees in Our modem coffee Atop and cafeteria. Radio and Television in room,. Air Conditioned rat 11148 in season. FACING E.ARAND WOVE PAM RJ t'MICH IGAN Harry E. Paulsen Genera Mamager BOO BOOMS WiTH BATH from $35° GARAGE and PARKING LOT Kenneth Sraith, 'Neer ee-rtneeete \ end Mr, and Mi. Robert Grateby, \ 4 Brueteele, With David Ales), .eteelrei 1-4074 Anelerson, Toorentee with his Parente. Mr. autl 1VIee, SOO , Anderson; Ken endereon, St. i 1 Thomas., with hie Paireette, Me. and \Mrs. letee AndeetsOn; Mr, and Mee. Thomas Smith and Idissi Irene Smith wite ein elle Mrs. Clete i VettC'entP and I 'amIlT, Re I 4 I Braettels; hlr. and ears. Geerge , ilierelersoe, Brueefield, with Rev. and , Mrs. Chalets D. Cox; Mr. eaul elle. 1 i Neil Montgomery, Jack and Jill, i 1 Aisle Crete, with frlevels here; Mrs. , t Sche Cordon and R. C. McGee/an ; i With Mr. and 'Mrs, C. R. Coultee. 1 i— ----_—.-,---- 1 1 HURON DEANERY CHAPTER OF 1 43ROTHRRHOODOF ANGLICAN CHURCHMEN MET IN ELYTH i I i Myth, Aerll 2e, 1954. I I ThI e eisrlue, mating of the Huron 1I <, Deanery Chapter of the Brotherhood 1 • of Anglican churchmen was held , i in eibe Memorial Han, Birbb, with. 1 i members present from Whigectra, I, ii Blyth. 13eneeels, Auburn, tGostemete 1 • Clinton. Seetorth and Exeter. 1 Following dinner, the President , Mr. W, V. Ttoy, of Clinton, gave a • reeort of Um recent•Diocesan annual CRANBROOK.sta.., johaeton and Mrs. tan Wilbee. meeting in Windsior which he at , Mrs, James Clark was et the White tended along with Mr. G. W. Dowker, ' 'The Mi5$1.011, Band met on Fretted Elephant table. The long table in of Goderich. Mr. Tteey etressed the . ;leder school la the lya,semeet of the i tete centre a the roam etas lovely . grOwtb of tbe Beettherhood througb- ....dfrurele leliss Alice J. FOTTeSt was 1 with a white table dolt, yellow and ' out the Church in Canada and the aid this organization will bring to I „swell.; e,,,,Leted by ara, Litord 1 green decorations and large bouquets ' eiLfiethel and Mrs. Ross Knight i teble were Mrs. M. Thomas and Mrs. Mr Roy theroduced Mr, Fred W. Halls, of Lond,on, President a Fine i a Daffodils). At ..eaoli. end of the , .the Ohureb. In years to cme. o Mrs. Stuart eieerair is a Patient i ' Fern Batters= pouring tea.. Among . Yea Lielowel Hoseital, where she ., tae a-ssisting with the tea were PII.PDP.S. Ltd., the newly appointed i ale lier mother, ''''' :viva,. W. A. ,. Mrse Herb Trevis, Mrs. Ethel Back- Diocesan secretary, who held the = i well, Mrs. Waltee Broadfoot, /sues ' interest of the group with a MI -hely enneerwent an appendectomy last I, Teeenliams, Valetta, epent veveral • 1 Besele ethe home eon -in-law Davidson, Mrs. Robt. Krkby, ' mesetage in regard to Christian 11- Ma 1 Lleiye t of her EllaMarehall and Mrs. Douglas lag la modern hoginess, Rev. N. l li EnMe Treasurer for the afternoon ' Knox. 'of Trivett Memorial Chureh,1 Mies ry MaeDonald, Toronto, -cleated at her home 11,re. esr. an • ermd David, were week -week vieitore . to $145.00. eweile Mr. Martiree grrtudf Ale r. Mr. 1 .'.:;.1..erma_ Cameron. I 1, Jim Martin, Margaret i ported .that the proeeeds amounted dealing with a recent toure ofgrEncmig- ems Mrs. Frank ICirkby Nell° re, Exeter also .addreesed th I lish Oeclr theale Irthich peeved -very ' 1 intereeting. ; Aftcr a short businem ess eeting. 'dr and Mre. Wee. MeEneltern, i the eleetMn a officers tor the year I kerwlt, vieited with Mr. 4.nd Mrs. P. tC!'r THE VOICE 01 TEMPERANCE 4-4. r5 resulted al, follows; eleesicer. 'Miss E. M. eteies ltes reeently had eteedie instalb:d on her farm east of • Ties, village. 11,741.A !...TOTc, 110,51.-PrE.%.. IV V. Roy- Clinton A friend of mine walking aloug a 't President Dr. W. J. McCabe, Sea - forth eve street, saw a man driving a team 11.4vr,0:4 hiteled to a wagon loaded It Vice -Pres..... H. Fuller, Wingham -'v. He 2nd Teee-Pres..... 0. le. Dowker, God - with rite products of a hailed the teamster and asked him if lie Icnew vihat le: was hauling. My friend then proceeded to answer Me tbere 'The Walton NV. e.. eroup held a , 'we question thus; You have mere' succeesfel betaar aud tea in Tolle d homes, hungry children, beat- chool tome' of Duffs Dated +nt and bruieed wives and mothers, eerreartel on WLdnesday afternoon, itereelese wanderers, human dere- h..." ' . The teamster was so impress- -Newt 28th. Organ music by Mrs. th Brevn wn, ,,,nityred tee ed at he mace up his job and sought lieges assembled Receiving the different employment. NehU at do YO 5! e, in the tromendous loads of liquor :teeter who attended were Mrs. 31. , faliomning poduiratheigtrharawabyiess??Apfoerr-- telelatiti1117.0. ..,Steteovsa Maeastraaenttd thReerevrsidrerthaorfiltlarss.oRoilena: , rP..IS the bazaar and vrelcomed the bepe. But they return etith other r troubles when the effect wears dieeple expressizg apereciation o eff. Burned bomes and children while eteMes. A short pregram followed 14 Or) oft, n. Friendship:, broken? len, work done in the church by the renene, level? Sometimes even °nee WM. Rev. M. Thomac teeing as chair- , Often forever, for under the influence tsiente '0 Canada" eras sung, atter WE'RE LOSING OUR f Bowing promare. was who bo come wards of the LATIN AMERICAN TOUCH men know not what they do. Hungry id ereemunity? Whet do you see? Let -..trattefej Solo, Mrs. joeepb. Smith, erl • Secretary H., G. Bridle, Clinton Directors .... 0. Atkinson, Exeter, F. Clark, Auburn; R. J. McBride, Brussels., plus one representat- ive each to be appointed trom Bayfield and Gorrie irarishes. Rev. Dr, IC. R Taylor of Goderich thanked the retiring offieers. Rev. N. Ellis of Brussels invited the I firotherhend to his parish for the fall meeting, white' offer was en- eePted. Mr. Roy thanked the mem hers for their suPport throughout the past year and the meeting was ailjourned. etgfeleil the o chi ren o alittloyed. Reading, Mrs. Ruseel Bar- monetriott accompanied by mrs. ne do siome thinking for ourselves rind eee the Liquor traffic in its thte. MeTaggart; Reading, Mes. Alexi trite light. — AcIrt, Talecten., IVionerieff; Piano Solos, Mies - Menne, Smith, solo, Miss M. John- t Sent, accompanied by Mrs. Harvey., Mmatem; Piano Solo, Mrs. Wilmer 0411111; Solo, Mrs, Harold Smalldon, I eitcoomeanied by Mrs. Outhill; Read - Tee% IVIrs. Clifford Ritehle. At the t 7=e -et' ed goods table Were Mrs. E. Dale, '''..P..tes• D. Blair and Mrs). George Mo -1 egret= while the heene-raade candy ewes in Charge of Mrs, 'Nelson Marks , 'Wad Mrs. Fra.nlc Kirkby. In charge of I Vim Thee, table of aprons and fancy teezitielee were elm Peter McDonald BELGRAVE Pereenals: Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey, Trenton and Mies Margaret • Curtis, Blur:wale, with Mr. and MTS. Harold Proeb r; Mr. and Mrs. G. Vanderburg, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. C. It. Coultes and other relat- ives. Mr, aud Mrs Jack Arataro ng, I t" eal Miss Ante r,, -.,,,,r,, -.,,,,and 'Ners. Frank Walterst, Mrs. Ernie I" Mary Elizabeth, Zitervezia, efre Wm. P,ennett, Mrs, Deana Jean and If we are not caretul we may lose r-od cretomer;' South Artlellea 1.5 in the millet of a "back to barter" and "trade with Russia" movement. The pre-war days of three -cornered trade are gone and Latin America want a to sell as well as buy from foreign eountriest Why is Rusela getting a major footheld in the Latin American mark- et? Haw can we prevent it? Feature writer Ross Harknese, who s Nethareturned front a two month tour of the South Ameritan continent writes his 2nd article of a series in thie weekStar Weekly. It's entitled "Why They're Trading with Russia." IIis personal observations are very informative, ( 'On tho3® gh@ HGQll sigftd Fao WHAT A SHOCK- WgliiE PEEN WINED AND DINED SINCE 8113TH- NOW WE'RE ON RANGE, WE 'HUSTLE FOR OURSELVES I SURE MISS OUR PALANCED MEAL - PM LOSING WEIGHT I WORK SO HARDWO FIND* SOMETHING TO EAT, IM ALWAYS TIRED AND UNDERFED hy Pay More? 01 YOU'D THINK THE BOSS WOULD pporEcr HIS INVESTMENT IN US. TWO HUNDRED OF US GIRLS MUST HAVE COST PLENTY A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE illustrated: Chevrolet Two -Door Sedan —"ISO" S YO.0 CAN HAVE ALL THESE WONDERFUL FEATURES IN '54 vOlAbk' Fisher Body BeGUty — Outside and In This is the new -car look Canada likes best. Longer, lower, smoother lines. Colorful new Interiors with durable new fabrics. Chevrolet gives you Fisher Body beauty and quality outside and int Highest Compression Valve -in -Head Engines Chevrolet gives you the new kind of power that pays off in finer performance on less gasoline. The compression ratio of Chevrolet's great overheacf valve engines is the highest of any low-priced car I A Smooth "Flat" Ride Like the Biggest Cars Engineers call it a "fiat" ride'-- solid, steady, road - hugging. It makes driving easier, riding more com- fortable. And it comes from advanced engineering including Chevrolet's famous Unitized Knee-Actiord Bigger Brakes fqr Easier, Smoother Stops Chevrolet brakes are a full 11" in diameter— as large as those of many far more costly cars. This extra size provides greater braking power and makes stopping easier and safer for you. owe-oar:Z:4, Highest Valve -in -Head Horsepower in the Low - Priced Field. Two great valve -in -head ehgines— the "Blue -Flame 125" in Powerglide-equipped models and the "Blue -Flame 115" with standard transmission. They're unsurpassed in the low-priced field for all 'round performance ond economy, All the Latest Automatic,Power Controls Chevrolet's the fest low-priced car to offer the extra -cost options of Power Steering, Power Brakes .0.1•1.1,11••••••101•92101•••••••••••••••=11111.1 ion Powerglide models) and Automatic Front Model far Model ee• Window and Seat Controls (on Bel Air and "Two - Ten" models). Feature for Feature. -Price for Price: Zippy, Thrifty Powerglide Automatic Trans- mission. Powerglide's ahead of other automatic transmissions in the low -price field in more ways than onel It's the first one in the field, and it's been improved and advanced beyond all others. Optional at extra cost. INSIST ON A TRUE COMPARISON IS CANADA'S WEST COME ON OVER HERE, GIRLS, OUR BOSS BELIEVES IN KEEPING US &ROWING FAST ON ROE VITAGROW SURE, I -IES SMART - OW IS THE Time TO BUILD OUR MO FOR FALL EG6 PIRVPUCTION er YOU POOR GIRLS - SUNSHINE, PResm AIR AND GRASS ALONE CERTAINLY DOESN'T BUILD BONES, FEATHERS AND sopes RICED CAR els, By Roe Farms Service Dept. THE BOSS SAYS "ALL THIS WONDERFUL ROE VITAGROW (FOR THE &ROWING PERIOD) cosrs ONLY A DOZEN FALL EGGS FROM EACH OF US. CHEAP INSURANCE,' EH? Build your layers NOW 011 ROE Vitatroge in either mash or pellet form Ifr 17"4 if Of alt ;x (// #1 !.1 5 , rt645, I.- Wk. ct fiiniu-ron 'Produce e BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT . ETHEL E HARRISON MONeRIVFP