HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-5-5, Page 1Post Publishing House THE RUSSELS POS $2.00 per year - $2.50 &LAIL A,uutortzed as second close mall, Post Office Delte rMea , Ottawea Wednesday, May 5th 9 54 MOTHER'S DAY BAKE SALE AND TEA in Brussels Public Library on SATURDAY EVE., MAY 8th At8P.M. Under auspices of the Friendship Circle of Brussels United Church. ANNOUNCING — The opening of Yal's Beasts Sheol/Pe, located directly above Brus- sels Export Packers, Brussels. Tai's specialize in styling, cutting and cold waving, Open Monday to Balttu'day inclusive. Mrs, Velma Stephenson, Phone 102xr4. AMU MELVILL•E CHURCH Mrs. Russel Currie '1 rile death of him. Russel Currie jin 1Viiug'iram ,General Heanital ow cured early Sunday morning follow- ed a severe stroke suffered over a week age. Formely Viola Amee McCracken; She, was a daughter of I Mrs, Frederica McCracken and the i ,Mrs, Frederick McCracken and the• born in Brussels, Following der Imarriage to Russel Currie, fJhe re aided on con. 4, Morris township. IStrevdving besides her husband are McCall, Walton; one son Donald, of Brussels; her mother, Mrs. Fred- erick McCracken, Edmonibn, one 1 On Sunday evening, a Masonic ei„ bee, Margaret, also of Edmoniton, Servide was held at Melville Church; end 'a brother, John, of Devon, Alta, when Masonic lodges from Wingham, ! She WAS a member of Brussels pBlyth, Londesboro and St. John's ted Church. The' remains rested. at lodge Brussels, paimaled to the .the D. A. Rahn funeral home, Alfred church for divine service. Rev, W. St, Brussels-, where service was con- ir, T. Fulton was • in charge ducted on Tuesday afternoon at 2,00 of the bervdce, and ,stated there was o'clock. Rev, Andrew Lane of Brus- -• — — y only one theme bre could spitadt on, ; sels United Church -officiated. Burial and that was the Cross or Jesus was made in Brussels cemetery. Christ, The Gospel writers treat' this subject of the cross with great; restraint. Only those who loved THE UNITED CHURCH Jesus could identify themselbesi t with Him at that time. Priests, rul- In the United Church on Sunday, ens, and the church bad sought to May 2nd the worship theme was, destroy Him, but Jesus was not "Positive Living" based on Romans driven to his death. COn1 tendon 12:21, "Do not lett evil get bhe belt - leas emblazoned a halo of beauty or of you: get the better of evil round bhe Cross, "Let him come her doing good.' thse an d ill bet Tit anthem"Oh It is W"onder- WILLING WORKERS Geadem V end VI, Brussels Public School are raising money for a trip to Toronto to see the museum, etc. They reapect•Otilly solicit your bush was for the following --mowing Lawns, washing cars, piling wood. picking up stones, helping to plant gardens; baby sitting, cleaning,win- dows, etc, Call Wayne Johnson, IOonirenor of Committee, Phone No, 84r4. :NOTICE TO 1.0.0.P: MEMBERS The members, of the Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I.O.0.F„ are re. quested to attend Initiatory Degree on Thursday night; May 20th at' 8.30 D. m, down from a erowswe , ( Neve. Those and other amending 4iu0"" by Charles Gabriel, was sung • words were a great teniptati'on to by the choir. The alto and tenor duet • t He could at and would }axes b Miss Leila Miller and Christ bu Was not save Himself. We can. never Mr. Lloyd Wheeler. hope 'to understand that cry, "My God my God, why leash thou forsaakeh me." When Jesus cried, "it is fin - HURON COUNTY AiD FOR ished," the world of darkness must' BLIND FUND Huron County Health Octave trembled to its foundation- By i his death, a saving, cleansing pew=' • Unit I er had gone ,out into the world. 1 IMMUNIZATION, Special music was rendered by the choir. A mixed gtirtdbte, "God so ' CLINIC 4' loved the world" (Stainer) was sung "The first in a series of immuni• ' by Mary Lou McFarlane, Barbara zation clinics for Brussels and dis• ' Alien, Donnie Edgar and Graeme Mc- I - trict will be held in the Brussels ! rancid. Guest soloist was Margaret Public School, Friday, May 7th, 1951, I Perris who sang, , "The King of 1.30 p- m.. ' Lova my Shepherd .is" (Gonad). The 'second and third dates of 'j The choir sang the anthem "What this/ series have been set for May are These", by Stainer. 28th, and June 18th. i , Children 4 months of age to school BARN DANCE age may be brought to these clinics to receive initial immunization or - Pian to attend ,011e dance to be held reinforcing inoculations for 'nether. on Friday night, May 21st, at Tommy ia, Whooping .Cough, Tetanus, and •Pletoh's new barn on the 4th con - Smallpox." cession of Morris township, e. mile DANCE In Brussels Town Hall on THURSDAY, MAY 6th To music of Don 'Robertson and Ranch Boys Admis'slon 76c' Lunch Booth Sponsored by the L. 0. L. THE PRlSIrretRUAN CHURCH IN CANADA Meters CMor a Brussels Minster, Rev. W. 14. T. Fulton 18 e. m. Sunday Bohooi 11 a. m. Mother's Day Service United C hurcie or CANADA. Minister, 'Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship -11 o'clock blathers Day Service Sacrament of Baptism Charoh School will meet at 11 o'clock for worship with the congregation, "Suffer the. little' crildren to come unto Me." jeans. Church of England Parish of ■rusueiI Rev. A. Norran Ellis, M. A. 3rd Sunday Anter Dieter May 9t0t, 1954 St. Johh's Church, BrUssels 11 t. m. Morning Prayer Sunday School 8t. David's, Henfryn 2,90 • p,. m. Evening Prayer Sunday School and a quarter north of BruaSels. Music by Don Robertson and Ranch Boys. Lunch Booth. Everybody Welcome% CARD OF THANKS - We would like at this -time to thank the neighbors and Mends for .the many kindnesses and express- ions of sympathy eitbwn cis during our sad bereavement. Such thought- fulness will long be remembered. Mrs. H, Manning and family. iiiii11i•i•1111111111i LLASHMAR- DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARI'0 BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING April 30th, 1054 A. meeting of the Municipal Ooun- ell of the Village er Brussels W58 held on the above date''. All 'mem beats of Coeuell were present, 1 The minutes or the meeting of March 29 were road and adapted on motion of A. McTaggerI, seconded i by C. L. Workman, • The toltowing accounts were 943'proved for payment on motion of Vanderwoude • Gemmel I3a.Sltets of daffodils, narcissi, and other spring flowers decorated thear home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Genie when their daughter Donna Merle . became the bride of Mr. William n Vondewaude or Wiugham o avturday at 3.00 o'elock. The bride- groom is the son: of Mr. and Mrs. Jan "Vanderwoude of holland, Rev. W. H, T. Fulton al Melville Presbyteries ,Church conducted the eeremony and wedding music wigs played by , •ty, 1 Mies Jean Tette Gemmel sister of the bride. She also ai000mpanied the soleiret, Miss, Karen Buschlen of % Londe who slang "Because." Given in marriage by her father the bride , wore an attractive navy eosiluMe trimmed with white, wilth pink ac- ' s ' reesories and corsage of pink roses. I Miss Entine Wacker of Wingham ! ,was bridesmaid and also wore dress of navy with Pink accents I. and a corsage of pink roses. The beset -meet was Mr. Ciaremee Hen- , ! ning, Wingha'm. Po11owing the 1 ceremony, a reception was held at 19,201 the Cenadien Legion Hall where 1.10 r the bride's mother received wear. ing a dress of navy crepe with 1.3b' a corsage of their roses. Upon eir Dam1 om a wedding trip t0 Nia- 35A gale Falls they will make: their 6.20 home in Wingham. Fox travelling the bride wore a navy dress with a topcoat of grey wool. J, H. Stretton, seconded by R Bennett. C. Shaw, salary 147.92 C. T, Davidson, tidelity bonds 80.00'; 1S, Cow'ohesme, street cleating 14,46 W. Ellacobt, street cleaning 11,05 L. Gaynor, street cleaning 7.85 N. Lamont, street cleaning 9 7.65 Br -tussle Hardware, Fire Dept ladder and supplies 76,24 Gerald Gibson, Fire' Dept, 8.55 13, M. and Gray Telephone 1954 rental 28.00 Brussels Hydro, 1953 Tolls 2.25 Elliott Motor Sales, gas and repairs Fire truck J. C. Adams, salt, street C. and G. Keenber, pipe and labor A. Higgins, heiuling ashes and brash J' H Stret"ten, repairs at hall Donegan's haulage, snow removal Pearson, Edwards and Co„ ' 1953 audit Campbell, salary Postmaster, unemployment t Insurance • 4.101 It was moved by J. H. Stratton and seconded by' C. L. Workman, that :the Village of Brussels make a grant of $300.00 oto the East Munn AgricultUne Society- for the year 1954. — Carried. It was moved by C. L. Workman, seconded by A. McTaggart, that per- mission be granted to Sterling Fuels, London, Out, to erect Ouel oil storage tanks for Joseph Brewer in the Village cif Brussels, on pro- pertty considered suitable by the Municipal Council. — Carried. It was moved by' A. Mc$raggart, seconded by C. L. Workman, that By - Law No. 3, 1954 as introduced be read e, first and second time. — Carried. It was shoved by J. H. Stretton, seconded by R: A. Bennett, that By - Law No. 3, 1954 as read a 01000 and second time, be read a third time • and passed and the Corporation seal be attached. Home teaching of the blind -- by the blind — is underway in Huron County dhts week, one of many ser vices provided by The Canadian National Institute for the Blind from • 'the $5,400 raised in the county cant f paign for funds last fall. • Miss Susan Miller, member of ,,CNIB s home teaching staff, has been helping a blind, deaf brother and slater at Dungannon, a lady on a 1 farm north of Goderioh, and a boy al Seaforth. The Seaforth boy is receiving pre-' school training in preparation tot i his formal education.. Miss Miller, who is almost eon• pletely° blind herself, ds attached to 1. the St. Catharines CNIB office, She 1, is spending 'two weeks in Huron 1 County on this visit, teaching braille, handicrafts and other skills to county blind. Huron County gave $5,400 to ON , IB's .operating fund campaign early lest fall, 31.500 from a County Coun- ell grant, $3,900 from public sub- 1, scription, Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear — first show at elusk Note: News and Cartoon at each NOTICE — Garden Party on Friday, June 25th, under the auspices of Hen0ign Walton and Brussels Anglican Church. Watch for further particulars. CAPITOL' LISTOWEL THEATRE _ 2 shows nightly 7.30 —. 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Last time showing Thursday, May 6 NOTICE show. j Alan, Ladd, Jean Arthur and Van The W. A. of Brussels United (1 ,Heflin in the movie madterpFece Church Garden Pasty will be held Thursday Friday May e • 7 i "SHANE" June t1th. Seen this date open, "BEACHHEAD" (Color)A Road attraction with special Tony Curtis -Mary Murphy 63.00 950,00 ; MINISTER EARNS 85.001 FURTHER DEGREE (Mount Forest Confederate) 'Dhe Rev. R. G. Hazlewood, B. A. has earned the prized degree of Baohelor of Divinity (B. D. which was conferred on him on Wednesday of this week in Convoo'ation. Hall, Toronto, at the convocation of Vic- toria University. For the past four years, while per- forming arduous pas -tonal duties, Mr, Hazelwood studied for the degree and worked oil a, thesis . This thesis, which involved intensive research, was entitled "'The Formation of the Methodist Church in Upper Canada." His many friends jein in congratn laiiens on this well -merited honor. Mr. Hazelwood was a former min- ister of Duff's United Church, Wal- ton and his many friends in this district extend their congratulations 011 Iris echievemet. — Carried. It was moved by R. A. Bennett, seconded by J. H. Stratton, that the Clerk -Treasurer be authorized to cash Dominion of Canada Bonds held by the Village and which have been called for payment on June 1, 1954, and proceeds be deposited in the General account in Bask. — Carried Business of the meeting being con- cluded, the Council adjourned on motion of A. McTaggart, seconded by C. L. Workman. Brussels Legion ANNUAL SPORTS DAY Victoria Park, Brussels on FRIDAY, JUNE 18th parade, Bands, Games, -Dance and Fireworks The date again June 18. it !prices. 1 1 Friday, Saturday May 7 • 8 Saturday • Monday MAY 8. 10 • The two funsiest men in the movies I, "HANGMAPI'8 KNOT" (Color) ,Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis in the , � Randolph Scott Donna Reed zaniest, breeziest comedy of the year- " T slay May 11 (Special) e "THE CADDY" "ALL ASHORE", (Color) I Bring the kiddies they'll love It. , Mickey Rooney Diok Hayman Peggy Ryan. Monday, Tuesday May 10 - 11 , • "SOUTH SEA WOMAN" i Bert Lahoaster — Kirginie Mayo Wtdnesday May 12 i "MALE WAR BRIDE" (adult) TUESDAY FOTO-NITS I Cary Grant Ann Sheridan OFFER THIS WEEK $150.00 ' il4onday Attendance Card blight. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Thursday, Friday and Saturday "LAST OF THE COMANCHE', Broderlok Crawford Barbara Hale Ten men and a girl against the —+- Comanche Devils • Thursday, Friday May 18 - 14 "CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH AND POCAHONTAS" (color) Wednesday, Thursday May 12 - 13 Richard Wlidmark, Carleton Carpen- tier in "TAKE THE HIGH GROUND" Saturday, Monday May 16 - 17 Nut Ask at the Box Office foe t"CAPTAIN PiRATE" (color)- yotir-Monthly Theatre Progrdni, Lod% .Heyward Patricia Medina Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ASSIGNMENT PARIS" Also Dana Andrews Marta Toron i "THE FiRST TIME" ..obert Cummings Barbara Hale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday "REDHEAD FROM WYOMING Maureen O'Hara - Alex Nichol * * * COMiNP SOON -- "S NDAL AT SCOUR " poritrims TREATYOUR FAMILY TOANONWAR/O NOWAY MIS YEAR, YOUR CHILDREN W/LL SEEPO/NTS Of /MEREST RICH INH/STORY, .. COME TD KNOW OA/TAR/O•. 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CECILE, O.C., MINISTER PUBLICLT') Two Great World -Wide 0 ganizations Unite .4:411 Massey -Harris, pioneer in the farm implement industry, pioneer in power farming. equipment and world -leader in the self-propelled combine, now becomesrealer than ever by the acquisition of Ferguson—pioneer in the application of hydraulleS and the mounting of implements to make tractor and implement an integraatl ymt--known universally as the Ferguson System, whichohas been much imitated: but never duplicated. From the pooling of engineering ski ls, the more advantageous use of manufactur- ing anufactu r'ing facilities and efficiency that can be effected 'under a single management, '1e new organization of Massey-Harris-Fenon goes forward to make a greater contribution than ever by developing new and more efficient machines to make farming easier and more profitable. MASSEY-HARRISSFERGU ON LIMITED Makers of high quality farm implements since 1847 tw el Si,* e