The Brussels Post, 1954-4-7, Page 1'Post Publishing House BRUSSELS Authorized as, second dame mail, Poet Office Delfertment, Wednesday, April 7th, 1954 le.ANGE TO BE HELD HERE ON APRIL 20th 4. modern Mel old time aance wlli •'be held in Brussels 'Town no en Tuesday evening, ANSI 20th, um oder thee auePiees of local Fire Bra gad.e. The Kansas Fare:tee and the • Noll asters will furnish the raved° or your dimming irem 10 Ivan 1. AA" ntleeion is on a0c. Dress as gou Pluto's, prints and jeans warmed. 'The Kansas Farmer and Ida en •tertainers, Bruesels (Dance ' only) s'lleeeday •evening, April 5th, --Searforth, Concert and Dance, Wed.. •eyeining, April 21st. Caanfbrook, Corteert and Stance, 'Fridey evening, April 30illla CARD OF THANKS Bea, Riley wastes to ainceely thank hia numereuis friends for lama malty emeressions of kindnes; esehtle he was in the WIngharn Hos- leital. CARD OF THANKS wieh to take this .opportunity to thank all my friends!. who sent me .oards and letters While I was in the ' hospital, and since I've returned home. 'Florence Cardiff, ^ • - CARD OF THANKS I wish 'to express my sincere thanks to the eteafo Winghem Hospitsa for 'their kindness clueing my stay there and to my friends and -teighboues for flowersafruit, under, cards, letters and visits. they were all much appreciated. Mrs, Jam Riley. CARD OF THANKS MISS M. RYAN GIVEN FAREWELL PRESENTS My sincere tbanks is extended to all ;those ..who reuse -mimed me with letters and cards while I was in ; Windham Hospital, Special thanks ' to tbe ladies a the Womeres Auxin- ; ett7 to the Canadian Legion for the lovely treats and cards sent by the comrades. Your kindness will long be remembered. Mrs. John Rowland, Brussels Legion ANNUAL SPORTS DAY ViCtoria Park, Brussels on FRIDAY, JUNE 18th Parade, Elands, Games, Dance and Fireworks The date again June 18. Mies Mecham Ryan was. the guest Of honor recently at a party given 'by a group of her friends at the home of alre, Wifl1aen 1VIoNair. Miss 'Ryan IMO given a corsage and a ieCe. of luggage " lYterni litronsoe malting the presentation. On Sunday last, Mies Ityan Tecate -1 ad a 'hyranary and matched set of nartings ;and pin, from the enein• 'bens of the oboir of Brussels Unit ed 'Church, of which she has been a faithful member. Misses Joan and Joyce Thomas and Mtea 'Shirley Stepheateon made the grimentat ons. Trellowtemployere of the gaff of the local branchof the Canadian Piallk la Commerce, where she has worked for the put four years, gathered in She office of W. 1' Todd, Who expiessel to Mies Ryan, their whiles for good fortune and happiness, presenting her with an aluminum 'tray. Miss Ryan left hist Friday to make WOMEN'S SECTION OF 'BRUSSELS FALL FAIR PRIZE 'LIST REVISED FOR 1954 F.eillowing a request by the leen "abettors of the Oast Iluron Alai* cultural Society ,that the women ot • the community take complete charge i of the women's division of .the Fall Fair. Mrs. Dart Cadman called a nreeting 'ha •the Library last Weariesday night, Representatives; ef church gentles, Weakens Xnt1o ute breeches. and womeres lodgee' were present from Walton, 'brook, Ethel, Ittonctieff, land Brus- eels. and hopes for ;the meet eue- .cessful Fair in 'history were voiced. Last year's tine show placed Brus- sels Fair as the third beat in the county. Mae. Kenneth Shurrie and Mrs. Douglas Hemingway, who bed at- tended tbe district enamel meeting of the Huron and ,Perth Agricul- teral Societies es Londeebore gave 'accounts of the meeting and the pointers given for Inorrovin.g Fair eribibifs. Some suggestions were to insist on • imitorm- jars for frutt: have a minature set of steps built for displaying fruit; contaot teach- ers now to got ttheir competitions lined up; Neve teachers pick best work to be eent In to be judged and not send all work in; he clear as to directions isi prize list; pro- vide amPle: room for art and an- tique's, try not to Include Jellied ealads itt splays. Many of the at/calkers, it wais reported, grassed changing the Judges, from year to year Elle a distinot advantage. In a systematic review of the prize list, several additions were made to make the competition more interesting, and sevenal items were deleted. . Directors ot vidatal classes mentioned improve- ment& they would like in tbeir own departments. Tbe term "Domestic -Manufactures," wos .obanged to "Home DePertment." The Women's Institue display has been replaced by ft group dise Play sponsored by the agricultural eoeiety. Tt will con's -pt of six ertirles — nne parcel, gift wrapped tan empty carton), and five hand- made Christmas gifts for a family of five. This Ls open to any grout) ofehurcli. lodge, or Institute, and four prizes of $5,00, $4,00, $8.00 and $2.00 will be offered. Anotbet,. new class, for New Can- adians, will comprise a luncheon elotb, chlidren's dregs.. and pillow slips. Election of officers resulted as follows: prestaest, Mrs. Earl Clad - more; vice-president, Mrs. William S. Turnbull; secretary - treasurer, Miss Douglas; Hemingway; direct- or:, Mrs. Samos Pesten, Mrs, R. W. Stephens, Mrs. Kenneth Shur- rie, Mrs. Richard Elliott. A discussion regarding means ;of raising money resulted in a decis- ion to ,bold baking sale and .tea, the date to be set latter. NOTICE — The annual meeting of, the) Huros iss County Tuberculosis Association will be held in the Town; Hall in Olhatton on Tuesde1y, April letb, at 8 P. M. D. W. C. Sharpe of the Beck Mem- Orial Sanatorium will be the speaker. £11 who are interested are invited to attend. • Pt 3, Snow. Pres, ter hrometh Nigaaa Falls where she e ha's secured a position. MELVILLE CHURCH On Sunday morning at. the Propels (story Service, Rev. W. H. T, Fulton preached on the Lords Supper. "De this in; remembrance of Me" • is a I commend from Christ. This feast , was or mate i Egypt, itt re. membrane of a mighty deliverance_ Now it is the symbol of a still mtglet- ier deliverance, 'This feast whict the Lord instituted was for His friends. Those asap are not Christ's • friends have no ;Part in it Whatever. their faults the disciples (except , Judas) were brave and loyal friends of Jams, This memorial was a mem-1 oriel .of Chrisses death. Christ wanted ' to be remembered as He hung on the CMS.% Had Christ so Nrished, nothing could have kept Him on the cross, It But it was not the nails. that kept 1, Him on the tree, it was His love for us. He died, the just. for the Unjust. that we entgla-be free from the law of tin and death. The an- them was "0 for a closer walk with God", .by Foster, the solo parts sung by Win King Jr. Brian Prescott was guest soloist and sang. "0 Loving leather" by Del Diego. DANCE In Walton Community Hall on WEDNESDAY. APRIL 14th Music by Wlibee's Orchestra TEACHER WANTED — Protestant teacher for S. S. No. 9, McKillop Tem.. Modern sabool. En' re4ment 12 pupils. Duties to Com mence Septeraber. Applications received until April 20th. Apply :hating qualifications and salary extpeoted, to Wm. J. Dennis' see. eatai----- Treas., Walton, Ont, ts"". "—IL" "t".1 THC PitleirretitiAN 1 CHURCH IN CANADA Meng% Myren Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton .18 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship, t United Church OF CANADA fltinistee, Rev. AmireW Lane Divine Woeehip o'clock Palm Sunday Church School — 12 o'clock. 1./.1•444,44.111, 4,14 • .1e4=1001 Church of England Parish of 'mauls Re% A. Neaanan KIR% M. A. go,nu Sunday April llth 111. John's, Brussels 11 u. at. Morning Prater Sunday 13.0110°1 Devidle, Henfryn 2.80 p. ra. Beetling Service Sundae Meta 5.30 p. ni, Evening Prayer St, GeOrgeS Welton — 'tile P. tit. Beetling Prayer 4.• • emamonscsolDessmosseamans XMOWAVOIVONIROW I THEM L1STOW_EL CAPITOL 2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Miss Margaret Knox Services were held from the 13. A. Rann funeral home for Mes, Mao I gore& Knox, 02, who died in Wind' limn General Hospital, Mies Knox , WEIIS the lash member of her family and had lived her entire lite on i their farm south of Wroxeter. She THREE BRUSSELS BUSINESS PLACES BROKEN INTO Two garages. Brussels Motors and leivenekle Motors. and Bast Huron Produce riMporSunt were broken into sometime Monday night, er the early Iowan of Tuesday treereing. $100 MULE stolen from Brassele Motors, a few dollars in. change; and possibly cig- ,a,rettes. taken from Brussels Motors and nothing from East Huron Pro- duce no tar as could be ascertained. Entry was gained Brussels Motors by etnhalitng a pane in the Large door at the eoatb gide of the building and unellind ,in snapping the oatch so the door clonal be lifted East Huron Produce was broken in. to at the back of the building but they could only get as far as Om large door to the egg-roem, They had access .only to eeed. etc. that is stored there, but 11 improbable that any of this was, fallen al- though. MIS impossible to cheek, but it looked as if they were mita trying to obtain moneY. • At Riverside Motors one pane or glees was broken out of the second windew of Me south . eiad of the building. • From this point the cull,- rit oould be traoed, by oil and greasS, marks from shoes, to tbe front office and the till. It is deduced from the fact that only one pane of glass was broken, making a eomparativeS,y small open ing through which the thief entered, add the size of the fooeprints, clean ly outlined in. grease and oil, that the culprit was of .srnall stature. et eanealso .assiumed, from the fact that the tracts led directly from the point of entry through the building wibbout hesitation in the dark, dir- eetla to the front office and the oash register, that the guilty person was! someone familiar britt the building. Consitable.Lowis of Wing -ham, officer , inerestigethig, believes finger-prints were left on a piece of glaes. As near as could be learned at this II; time only one person is implicated in the robberies: The Ettet Huron Produce was robb ! ed of over $500 just over a week age ' on Set., March 27th •and this the!, third time that Brussels Motors has been broken Otto the past few years. A Friday, Saturday prII 9 - 10 was the only daughter of the late Be prepared for the comedy riot of Sohn Knox and Christina Cowan 1 of the year Knox, She was a member of the "MR. SCOUTMASTER" Gerrie Presbyterian. Chumoh. Ire starring Clifton Webh and George terment was in Wroxeter cemetery, 1 (Foghorn) Winslow HERE — Cubs' and Scouts — Any 1 REGENT T1-1EATRE tub or scout aStendIng Friday ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Robert Geminell wisb to artmounce the engagement of their eldest daughter Donna Marie to 1VIr. William Vanderwoude son of Mr, and Mrs. San Vanderwoude, Emmett eroord, Holland. Wedding to take place early in May. night with either parent will re- Seaforth, Ont. 1 celve a bot of POPCORN FREE. Thursday, Friday and Saturday MODERN LATHE INSTALLED Pollard's Chain Saws, Sales and Service, have installed a modern precision quick changing lathe, one of tate largest in this district. Their shop 0 new in a position to give more ,complete, efficient service, to tbe public. With this nest lathe bhe' are naw able to take care of heavy equipment jobs and precision work, If you axe in need of Slaving such work done POltard's is the Place to have it done quickly and effiolently. ,voo $2.00 per year .$2.50 L4 4* oiSta 416V. W. H. T. FULTON LEAVING FOR 13. C: We learn that a mineter /rem our own town. the 'Rev, Wm, H, T, Pullen of Melville Presbyterian Church, who mane to Canada from Ireland three years ego. is being sent to 13. C. to bolt after Presby- terian Interests in Kitimat and in the Kitimat dist-riot. Kitimat 450 miles north of Vancouver the most spectacular development of natural revouAles is taking place. The Kitimat Project, undertaken Iiy tbe Aluminum Company of rule, "Aim", is by far the great- est ever undeotaken by Primate en- terprise anywbere in the world. The ultimate feet will probably be in excess of $550.000.000. Hemet is but one of many pro. Jeets being Pushed forward at the present -time III B. C. To date it le the "big Aim" of the Province, costing as it will, more than two aud 0110 half times as much its the ,firet transoontinental railway less than sixty yearn ago. Inspired by Kitimat many other inehotries are pushing forward at a breath taktng speed. Lumbering, mining, pap and paper manufacture. oil and gas are being expanded as never before. With all this development come the people. to quote Perrier W. A. Bennett "The post war move- ment to the Pacific ,slope is the greatest migration of people in history and I believe it has only begun. Kitiraat, where a couple of years ago the great pine trees grew in n few years will be a city of 00,000 people. All this lightning* fast develops', ment presents the churches with a sepia problem • MELVILLE C-ITJRCH'LADIES' AID 31elville Presbyterian Church Ladies' Aid Society met at the home of Mrs'. Sohn A. Work on Monday night with Mrs. H. B. .Allen in charge of the meeting. ConeiderabIe discus- SR1031 took place concerning a new floor covering for tthe church par- lor; and a good quality of inlaid linoleum was recommended, A com- mtttee at threewas named to meet the managers and decide on the quantity required. A new heater and chains were also mentioned as necessities, end cots will be in. vestigated. MES: Allen, who is' sharing the preeideney with two other mem- bers, thanked the women for their co-operation and handed her office over to Miss Beetle Moses, who will preside during ithe next tour raorattha At the close et the businees, Misses. Sean Cardiff and Jean Mc- Farlane sung a duet, accompanied by Mrs, Harold Cardiff; and Mrs. W. C. Herr conduoted a musical contest. Mins. William Little moved a vote of thanks th the hostess, who was e.estated in serving lunol, by Mos. Nelson Cardiff, Mrs. Rob. ant Scott, and Mrs, D. C. Matheson. MELVILLE CHURCH W. M. S. Mrs. W, H. T. Fulton gave the Easter message at the regular meet- • ing of the Women's. MbsionarY Soc- iety of Melville Presbyterian Chu,role The meeting 'was held at the manse and Mat. Fulton was in charge 01 the meeting. ?,Tisa N. Jardine read the seripture lesson and Mrs. W. - W. Smith led in prayer. Eight calls on Milk families were eeperted. The roll oral reeponst; was an Easter thotight. Miss. Bessie Moses gave a aura- , many of lettere from Rev. Gordon ; Eger and Rev, Clarence Wood5 mis. sionarles of the Intl field in India I in lair Meter message. Mrs, Ful- ton taktng as her texa "He is net here for He 0 Mean." mentioned the -crass, the empty zeptachre. and the upper rooms- ar, tbe throe sym- , bole that demonstrate Obrieh's love for the world Ile dame to save. It Monday, Tuesday April 12. • 13 "MISSISSIPPI GAMBLER" "SANGAREE" ; Tyrone Power Piper Laurie A thrilling story drama In Tech. I Tyrone Power as the kingpin of the 1 illoolor relating the adventures dur- Riverboats. Lucky at the turn of a ! card, tuilUekY Love. Ing the Seuth's Meat violent era. With Fernamdo Lamas — Arlene TUESDAY FOTO.NITE • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 'THE JUGGLER" Kirk Douglas Pifer thls week esti on the same bill OFVtFt 8120.00 1 "THE 49th MAN" I'Vionday Attehdance Card Night. John Ireland Richard Denning 44.44•44•44.444•4444 Wednesday, Thursday April 14 -15 • Thursday, Friday and Saturday Ale* Guinness, Jack Hawkins In "CITY 'BENEATH THE SEA" "THE MALTA STORY" 1 Robert Ryan Dramatic story of the heroic defence of Matta. This thrilling story wt." COMING SOON -4 thrill you as never before. RUMMAGE SALE An the Canadian Legion Hall, Brussels, on Saturday', Aprll 1954, from 1 P. M. till 5 P. M., sponsored by the Legion Pipe BAWL Anyone 'wishing to donate.any article of clothing, furnitere, baking' etc., please leave them at Krauter's Plumbing Shop or Elliott?* . • Garage. Any clothing we should like to have In by Wed., April 14th, 1900. • Clean out your attic or cellar. If you can't use it, someone else can. EASTER BAKE SALE AND TEA White Elephant and Variety Booth In the Brussels Public Library SATURDAY, APRIL 10th at 3 p. m. Under Auspices of W. A. Brussels United Church TASTYCPISP SWEET MIXED PICKLES 412taESEelliP REAL ECONOMY With every purchase amounting to 57.00, including a selection of CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS we'll give you entirely FREE any one piece of Wm. Rogers DnBarry Silverplate HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS OF Quix Soap Powder, Bye Detergent, Maple Leaf Soap, and Flaketres Maple Leaf Beauty Soap, Maple Leaf Canned Hams, Maple Least or York Mincemeat, Kilk or Kam, Chum Pet Foods, York Cannel:a Vegetables, York Canned Fruits, York Canned Stews, York Can- ned Meats, York Pickles or Olives, York Peanut Butter, YEAS, Frozen Foods, York Frozen Fish, Maple Leaf Bacon, Maple Leat• Bacon, Maple Leaf Sausage or Weiners, Maple Leaf Cooked Meat. Maple Leaf Fiesta Meats, Maple Leaf Cheese, Maple Leaf cart= Eggs, Maple leaf Tenderflake Lard, New Domestic Shortenings.. Margene Margarine. aseaseeesesse For further particulars inquire at RUTLEDGE'S GROCERY WE DELIVER Maio Powers "GRAM WIF5" vres An anneal for every Christian te approaolt tiro Easter season with et firm decision to servo /Tim to the t1slt of hie pdtver. A hymn and prayer bronatt the wafter to n Mosta , PHONE T, HYDRO DO Ytill KNOW/ Ontario Hydro serves an area greater in size than Great Britain, France,Rtil- land, Denmark, Switzerland, slum, Greece and Albania combined. .se The lineman is a key man on the Hydro team, installing new lines and maintaining exist- ing lines. In summer's heat or winter's cold he often works on live -lines to assure that in all kinds of weather, Ontario's farms, homes and industries, stores, office build- ings, hospitals and other vital services, will have the low-cost power 'on which they depend to such a great extent, The line crows are trained at Hydro's own Linemen's School they arc among the over 4Q0 trades and skills of Hydro's team of 19,619 employees . . . working for YOU. liYDRO AT WORK DR Y011 AND YO t- Informallen Meaning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by writing your + Hydro Chairman, 520 University Avenue, 'Toronto, -.44444 .14 • 4