HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-3-31, Page 5• CS ` 1pstlek esti. ,atzfi epresenbik for a 7,11 Item )r11, PLIES irvlee :kw PO with Els! - 44: 3:pyactof [Et.* ;sell T4)1114 (atm oci, • "71 TiE BROWS POST Delivered by Carrier 30c a week Mailed to Any Address 3 month 81.25 3 months 3.50 0 months 6,50 1 year 22,00 your home. MORRIS News a , gob,. Club was held in the The final inteting Of the 14134 CliaMiley Sehool opt Ft 140Y Wens lug, Prizes Wtre won by jeattle Mason, Jack IVIason, Julie Mason, ,and ,George 'Daytor. A lanai waa Served - Personals; Mr, and Mrs. Mid. ,Goderich, Cpl. and MrS, Iieith Worrell, Godtriell Mr and Mrs, Ted Hunkbag and Keith An - demon, St, Thomas. with Mr, and Mrs, Earl Anderson; Albot,,Steen,. Croat, Sask., with Mr, and Min Meson Robinson; Jerry Higgins is going with. Mr. Steen to work on the tatter's farm; Miss Amy Smith with. Mr. and Mrs. Clara VanCaMP, Farmer needs The business of farming makes necessary to keep informed about )rices prevailing on Live Stock, :train and Produce Markets. You get this news in The Toronto Daily Star every day, together with news and quotations from all Stock Exchanges, Political News, Spolts News and news of World Happen- inv. And the latest news pictures. And for women , , Fashion News . Patterns for Home Dressmaking Cooking Recipes and Menus . News of Radio . . . Television Movies and New Books,' It's a big, bright newspaper that has features to Interest every mem- ber of your family, Order The Daily Star delivered OD Address Circulation Dept., Daily Star 80 King St. W., Toronto 474e, Lamm STAR BABY CHICKS AN D STARTED PULLETS SIX BREEDS SUSSEX SUSSEX XRED CROSS RED X SUSSEX CROSS RED X. ROCK CROSS ROCK X LEGHORN CROSS RHODE ISLAND RED We have a few started Pullets on Rand, "and will take orders COVENEY'S HATCHERY Mitchell, Ont. P. 0. BOX 57 Ser Started Pullets for Future Delivery. PHONE 132 R, 1,, 4 Brusselsand Mrs. George Peacock, Lambeth, with J. M. Coutes; Mr, and Mra. Ken- neth Davidson and taanily Gleno, 1 ;vital, Mr, and Mrs, William Van ' Copp; Mr. and Mrs, Stewart I Procter, ,Rubb. ,and •George at the' lhome of Mr, and Mrs, Ross Procter ' on Saturday to meet Mr, and Mrs. Procter's dal•ghbeT, Mrs, ellairletit Thomas and son Bob, Winnipeg, who had flown to Melton on Fri- day evening; jameis A,ruderson, 0, A. 0., Guelph with his- Parents, .111T. and Mrs. Earl Anderson; Mr,s Roward Wilkinson and Miss Annie Baker with Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Wilk- Godericih; Mr. and Mrs. Rod 'McLeod and famsy, London, with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Higgins; Mas. Williaan Budges, Harry and Tonunty, amid Mrs. Robert Higgins with Wr, end Mrs. Stanley Halli- day, London. FOR SALE — A dark red registered Shorthorn bull, show type, herd fully accredited. Mark Hamilton, Walton Phone Brussels 48r26, SEWAGE DISPOSAL"— Have your Septic tanks and cess - Pools cleaned the sanitary way now to ovoid trouble. Irvine Corton, Phone 254. Milverton, Ont. • • MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WITH A BEAUTIFUL 5 FT. STEEU RECESSED WHITE BATHTUB 878.75 Blue, green, coral. yellow 865.75 Delivered We carry a complete line of plumb- ing and ,heating supplies. Write our mail order Dept, BP for free illus- trated catalogue. S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING- SUF'PLIES Streetsville Phone 352 - 3 Open Wednesday and Friday even- ings till 9,90 and all day Saturday You can DEPEND ON JOHNSONS. CLASSIFIED ADS. ATTENTION FARMERS — DitADSTOCK removed from YOUr Non promptly for sanitary diSpOSall Telephone Collect : Bridals 35r12 or Elmira 664, GORDON YOUNG LIMITED FOR SALE -- Quantity olf Abegweit Stied Das. Jateir Knieht. Fon am -a 2 cowsready to oalt. Geo. Cardiff Phone 43111 FOR SALE Hereford bull calf, .1.1 mouths old. Clarence Martin Phone 174'23 FOR SALE — Baled Hay, W. J. Perri° ?Ilene 68 or 750.0 FOR SALE — lionise and Lot, Mill St, apply to Mrs. P. Meson brick siding, Phone 884 FOR SALE — Sweet Clover, Alfalfa, and Red Clover, cheap, apply to Keefer Bros. Phone 34r7. WANTED —. Girl's second hand bicycle, in good condition, for a girl 9 yrs, old. Mrs Glen Smith Phone 36r13 FOR SALE — Large quantity of Seed Oats, Beaver variety, best oats yet, average rue 100 bus. Price 61.10 per bus Oeo. Metrele Phone 55r14 FOR SALE — ISO sap buckets and spilea, may be seen on Frank Cardiff's farm Lot 2, °on. 15, Grey or apply to W. Broad - foot, Walton, Phone 19r16. CUSTOM WORK — Bulldozing, Chain Sawing end Blasting clone at reasonable prices. contact Mel. Jermyn Phone 53r12, Brussels. SLIPCOVERS — Made to order for Chesterfield, Choirs and Conchae, oall Mrs, Harold BlIIcdt, Bluevale, phone 1 Winghama 709w4. Prices very reasonable, MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — Complete Parts and Service. Author- ized bealera. McCulloch Saw Salsa - 3'77 Huron Street Stratford, Ont. W1NGHA14 IWEVIORIAL ST -WP` Always a larve Ituttec in et semie. Orsn'tss to Chess hem AR modern maableary. ertename Pew Cemetery 1••••fillin 11 espesisiap Artistic M6ftleAlate at very reasonable erleec. R. k SPOTTON Phone 256 — Whigana, Thc s___4111MS•1•138•1••••••••••••••••11REHINII• 11.1 NO. IN A SERIES ... YOUR HYDRO YOUR HYDRO. • • Helps to protect',ve Your eyes • AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS FROM CHILDHOOD ON • '/. In Ontario's schoolrooms the eyes of future citizens are being freed from strain their vision kept unimpaired . . . through the application of scientifically correct lighting:. made possible through electricity. At home and at work also, through. electricity, lighting is making work easier and keeping eyes young longer. Yet this power, supplied by Ontario Hydro that does so much, costs so little. For benefits per dollar it is your best buy in better living. ONTARIO HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS Information concerning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by writing to your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. .1%••••••••••rnm.m.01•••••••••••••, a** NOTICE -- Painting, Paperhanging, Iabarka. and Exterior Decorating, See Oar 1954 Wallpeaper Designs. Walter Pratt, R, R. 1 Walton, Phone 035r4 Seaforth; Phone 4841 Brussels. LIVESTOCK WANTED — Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service — phone , "STONES" collect Ingersoll 21 or f Brussels 72. NOTICE — More farmers are switobtog to the Surge Milker because; it's safe, it's fast, it's durable, It's quickly and easily scrubbed " clean. Contact Lovell McGuire, Phone Winghara 593 — Your Surge Dealer. NOTICE — For minimal insemination at its beet tor all breeds, call the Water - lot Cattle Breeding Association be- tween 7.80 and 10.00 a. m. on week days and 7.80 and 9.80 a. in. on Sex - S ays. Phone collect Palmerston or Chalon841.... HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT — A two-storey brick house on Al- bert st., in Brussels with hardwood floors, built in cupboards and a four piece bath. Reasonable terms can be arranged on sale. apply to Elmer 'linseed. W. G. LEACH JEWELLER — Now is your chance to build up your set O silverware in 1847 Rogers Bros, until April 17th. only. We can take your order for any pieces listed in the following Patterns, Ambassa- dor. Anniversary. Ancestral, Argosy, Legacy, Silhouette, Her Majesty, Marquise, Sylvia and Lovelace. ..„ W. G. Leaoh—Jeweller—Brussels FOR SALE — Want big ;go., early for big markets? Bray has the chicks. Breeds and crosses aimed for these markets, like Leghorns, R. I. Reds, R. I. Leg.. 341n. x Les And many others. Pullets, mixed, started. Ask us for complete list interesting breeds, crosses. Canadian Approved, Agent Wm. G. Bray, Ethel; Mrs:R. Barrstt, R. R. 5 Brussels. FOR SALE — 3 Grass Farms, 2 - 64 acres farms and 1 - 100 acres. 109 acre farm red brick house, hydro, bank barn, bush, Priced at $6800.00. 80 -acre farm' stone house' furnace. bank barn, 50 acres hush, priced at 64800.00. Brick house, hydro, in village near store and church, priced at 2000.00 J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont, Phone 84. FOR SALE — 200 acre highway farm with good buildbags, hydro, water, 35 acres bush, must be sold. 100 acres highway farm with very fine modern buildings, hydro, water, good soil, be sure and see this farm, terms. 75 acres, 5 acres bush, balance good workable land, good buildings, hydro, on good road, close to school and highway, Dwellings in Blyth, Dungannon and Wingham. Farm listings wanted. Cecil Wheeler (Realtor). Phone 88 Blyth, Ont. VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED For the best in cleaning efficiency see the New Filter Queen Bagisan Cleaning and Health Unit. For a complete demonstration Phone Brae sele 17r19 Evenings. Also complete repair service for all makes ot Vacuum Cleaners. All work goer - waked. Reasonable Rates. Phone Fre 19 Itlevenings or write D. Frosts. R. R. 2 Blyth, HELP WANTED MALE — Are Yon satisfied with your present income and &emcee for advance- ment? It not, investigate the money- making possibilities and secure future offered by a rural Watkins Dealership. Sell nationally after, tined products — necessities for both home and farm. No investment. Free training. If you are between ES out 55 and have or can, obtain a car, write immediately for fall details without obligation to Dept 0434. The J. R. Watkins Company, 550 St. Rooti St,, montrerd. WetineRd.IY, M SIa.?, USED CARS 1953 ChevroletSedan 1953 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan Heater and Sun Visor 1952 Pontiac. Sedan; Heater and Sun Visor 1949 Van Guard Sedan 1946 Plymouth Sedan 1940 Plymouth Sedan 1946 Ford Coach 1939 Mercury Sedan 1937 Ford Sedan with Radio 1935 Ford • USED TRUCKS '7 1953 Chev. 1/2 Ton Pick-up 1941 Chev. 1/2 Ton Pick-up 1940 Ford 1/2 Ton Pick-up 1941 Fargo 1 ton Panel 1944 Dodge 2 ton Dump 1951 Ford 3 ton NEW CHEV. CARS AND TRUCKS For IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MITERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, OM. '-72 imaimmomoummamonamarals........11 Dealers for I. E. L. Distributors for •.,4 71 Disston and Clinton -• Custom Work, Welding and Machine Midi Work of all kinds. Swarthers, Sanders and Blowers , A Speciality • -Y Many other machines custom built'. POLLARD'S CHAIN SAWS 7:1 Sales and Service Sales is one thing — but we follow up wail service and repairs. Phone 64 or 56r13 Brussel; BUSINFSS CARDS. C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SUR t, Winasa St, Pima 4. Smoak GIL DR. R. W. STEPHENS Gnw, thgversas Tataatba 111MCIAN and SIURGEOPI Brtaesals, 4 r tt.r. Chas. T. Davidson I, i - a,RA= - ;,t, Au. man — aottoomille me itrat lioranitft ' c ' ' t Aosta , Grad West Itikt hawasokao Cs. ''' 94)111. ' herillest end Sollarion Lem s Onkel 94 rAtt=Par,.. Broosols„ Ow. """••1•41 , JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, _Th....,OPtametrible HOURSz 0- 6, Wed. 9.12.311, Sat, 9 a.m. la PPM. ' Moto 791 Seafortb tam Eras Examined. Muses Ma ON* G. ALAN WILLIAMS, 4, witontetr011, ,,,$) Patrick St., WINGHADS At Kiontestrilma Mee Emmy --7A nave %sews 770 4 5, l'al,1 Sveatoas by .appo -1,104•3=1602•=11101, J. A. Monagahan, R. 0. Optom, . usrowlet. la Eye esstakrilnattes Pittiast yitbamt (Mao Ltatorterat Ohmic Boilltodg ct et.tot. to :010 Lassead Wohoolitilop wow Temoday asel Satartivr want .t Mar amino try sippoirstscont nom art asg•"---- ••2•4••••••• O. A. Reim & Co. ••••emokini.Usafirat•sammaimakemsffin *eV* 7 puma AND ANSUILANCS cl!cp. tionissict Newel Minter out Weak `Or ;7 ep..644•01K4406.1.• niant .7? -1!'1 cc Harvey W. Stepheas Kamsoatativa For San LW Asotaratalo Caatt, Heat ie klaraid p Casualty, Gerrard tromarasee esa, IiiMMZUMNOW Walker Funeral Hon*e Dag or Meat Caltirin*it 1E8 Ha Extra Mega feria rimort54 11110111.1107 tiagazad Pbtatstal 131ree1ate s110441911k -15forl Watley*** Now ittaaSadattoo StarAindi Actrrinvi Mae PJars ..=•esCOMININeeterelffeeninenne. R. Hetherington, K. Co wpm= dea asensieS *T L* twatety mod Salluracy, a 'Say — olvociik Masse MR —ss 9tostomote t 115.